#his dumbass smile
ijustthrewawaymyshot · 2 months
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nightgoodomens · 10 months
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David starting to smile as Michael talks about him
Michael starting to smile as David inches closer
The effect they have on each other, no wonder Crowley and Aziraphale are a joy to watch.
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momowoah · 18 days
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I'm still here btw
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ziggysgender · 10 months
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why are you as a man wearing a slutty slutty raincoat
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buckevantommy · 14 days
not enough dumbass buck (affectionate) in buck/tommy fics
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kaleenjoyer · 1 year
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THANK YOU SO MUCH AWE (heres a dumb little sketch of him cause i love him)
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ajbullet · 1 year
Still not 100% sure when exactly Lockwood fell for Lucy (though I know it was sometime in the first episode) but I do know for sure that this is when I fell for him
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(Gif set from midnightisquiet’s Tumblr page)
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christiangeistdorfer · 6 months
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HENRI TOIVONEN and JUHA PIIRONEN making up for the lack of champagne at the 1984 RALLYE CRITÉRIUM ALPIN
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orpheusilver · 2 months
goddddddd episode xviii is everything. when the guy who cant stand what hes become almost changes for the better but gets driven back further into darkness by the same horrors that ruined him in the first place. when the guy who avoids vulnerability by keeping a distance from people gets too invested in being needed and accidentally makes himself more vulnerable than ever. when nothing will be the way it was ever again.
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sparksetfire · 4 months
the more i watch the boxing match in 4.06 the more i notice how bonnie essentially ignores aberama during the celebration. aberama's out here running going batshit across the canvas going i love my wonderful son!! let's fucking go!! and keeps trying to carry him and hold his hand and celebrate with him.. and bonnie doesn't even look at him. the ref is the first to hold bonnie's hand up and then aberama swoops in to grab him, receiving zero acknowledgement and then trying to hold onto bonnie's arm as a bunch of other men lift him up into the air. it's so silently tragic to me.
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masterbaiting · 1 year
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the thick of it, 2x01 / 4x07
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wraithsoutlaws · 1 year
Honestly I'd like to ask you about the thought behind all of Dagger's design cus it's so fuckin' sick and your art is sick (I'd buy an art book of Ur art) I'm like actually slightly ignoring the ask prompt thing u reblogged so I hope you don't mind but do Dagger's tattoos have any meaning? They're all very cool and I'm going to stop talking now before I ramble about how sick (positive) your art is
aaaaaAh omg i don't mind at all this made me so happy :') thank you so much i'm!! really flattered and happy you like 'em!! there is some meaning behind some of them, and some of them are just a little silly. i've also been in the process of actually trying to fully finalize them (they've sort of been ~up in the air~ for a long time/subject to change)
his most important tattoo is the heart/snake/dagger on his torso:
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i've messed with the look of it a lot. originally the dagger went straight up his torso, but i think the angled placement works a little better. the right side is still a WIP, but it's probably more in line with what i want (partially because he's /also/ supposed to have a really big "M" shaped scar that covers his torso as well, and i think it looks really messy with all these elements running vertical on him which is why it hardly makes it into my art). ANYWAY, this one is meant to signify his self-transformation into the "Dagger" persona. the heart in the middle is representative of his humanity, or who he once was as a child. the snake is who he grew into and what generally harbors a lot of his self-hatred and guilt (which is sort of another post worth of Lore so I won't go there rn), and the knife represents who he makes himself, choosing to kill the other parts of who he is and severing himself from the past (including that humanity and guilt). It's his self-made rebirth, no longer beholden to the cycles and feelings of the person he used to be. the "unkillable" beneath the handle is a newer addition, but it's just edgelord enough that i know he'd have it. in a sense, he's killed himself already and now nobody else gets the pleasure of doing so.
now the rest of his tattoos are just kinda stupid and that's why i love them.
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the "FVCK" tattoo on his left arm was the first one he got and he gave it to himself stick-n-poke style when he was 16.
the abomination on the right hasn't made it into artwork yet because i'm constantly changing my mind of where i want it. most likely it's on his left shoulder blade and it's pretty self-explanatory. the man loves cigarettes. he got this one in his late teens when he was riding with a group of smugglers between texas and mexico, drunk in front of a campfire, and of course, smoking. (it's worth mentioning that i haven't gotten tattoo mods for him, and though he keeps a big portion of the vanilla tattoos on the front, none of the back piece is canon for him.)
he has a rat king on his thigh (also self-explanatory), as well as cockroach's little rat prints running up the side of his leg.
the last Definite tattoo he has is a small scorpion on his back (as reference to the scorpion and the frog. dagger's in a constant cycle of self-destruction. he's both the scorpion and the frog).
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casperghosty · 1 year
look at his dumb smile he is so adorable
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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why does she look at him like that though
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the-nysh · 2 years
Garou’s dumb face is the light of my life.............;o; Flipping to every page was a new goldmine~
He’s kept the scar, and the wolf hair (no haircut), and the Bang-outfit.....and oooooohhhhh my god all this wholesome reconciliation content with Bang is never what the wc provided but it’s exactly what I needed to see. ;o;
Look at them just casually chilling there in shades~
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They included the post-arc waterfall scene with Bang!!! AHHHHH!!!
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YOUUU!!!! YOUR!! DUMB!! FACE!!! ;A; <333
And catching up with Tareo! Who play-emulates Garou’s stance as a hero. ;A;
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Aaaa the pride, the fondness! Tareo finally saying Garou’s name! And Garou’s smile!!! ;o; ALL THIS PERFECT WISH FULFILLMENT! Just aaaaahh~ I’m so glad the manga did not leave us hanging on his story! To think I could finally see Garou so open and happy (and NOT ALONE - even Bang gets to happily be with his boy!!!) after everything. ;o; He’s such a cute dork. (Edit: even Murata pointed out the bookend callback~) That’s so priceless. :’3
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bi-demon-ium · 1 year
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this is the man that had the audacity to be like [dainty offended gasp] evil? moi?? sir have you seen yourself
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