#a symbol of the joy he takes doing what he does :D
wraithsoutlaws · 1 year
Honestly I'd like to ask you about the thought behind all of Dagger's design cus it's so fuckin' sick and your art is sick (I'd buy an art book of Ur art) I'm like actually slightly ignoring the ask prompt thing u reblogged so I hope you don't mind but do Dagger's tattoos have any meaning? They're all very cool and I'm going to stop talking now before I ramble about how sick (positive) your art is
aaaaaAh omg i don't mind at all this made me so happy :') thank you so much i'm!! really flattered and happy you like 'em!! there is some meaning behind some of them, and some of them are just a little silly. i've also been in the process of actually trying to fully finalize them (they've sort of been ~up in the air~ for a long time/subject to change)
his most important tattoo is the heart/snake/dagger on his torso:
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i've messed with the look of it a lot. originally the dagger went straight up his torso, but i think the angled placement works a little better. the right side is still a WIP, but it's probably more in line with what i want (partially because he's /also/ supposed to have a really big "M" shaped scar that covers his torso as well, and i think it looks really messy with all these elements running vertical on him which is why it hardly makes it into my art). ANYWAY, this one is meant to signify his self-transformation into the "Dagger" persona. the heart in the middle is representative of his humanity, or who he once was as a child. the snake is who he grew into and what generally harbors a lot of his self-hatred and guilt (which is sort of another post worth of Lore so I won't go there rn), and the knife represents who he makes himself, choosing to kill the other parts of who he is and severing himself from the past (including that humanity and guilt). It's his self-made rebirth, no longer beholden to the cycles and feelings of the person he used to be. the "unkillable" beneath the handle is a newer addition, but it's just edgelord enough that i know he'd have it. in a sense, he's killed himself already and now nobody else gets the pleasure of doing so.
now the rest of his tattoos are just kinda stupid and that's why i love them.
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the "FVCK" tattoo on his left arm was the first one he got and he gave it to himself stick-n-poke style when he was 16.
the abomination on the right hasn't made it into artwork yet because i'm constantly changing my mind of where i want it. most likely it's on his left shoulder blade and it's pretty self-explanatory. the man loves cigarettes. he got this one in his late teens when he was riding with a group of smugglers between texas and mexico, drunk in front of a campfire, and of course, smoking. (it's worth mentioning that i haven't gotten tattoo mods for him, and though he keeps a big portion of the vanilla tattoos on the front, none of the back piece is canon for him.)
he has a rat king on his thigh (also self-explanatory), as well as cockroach's little rat prints running up the side of his leg.
the last Definite tattoo he has is a small scorpion on his back (as reference to the scorpion and the frog. dagger's in a constant cycle of self-destruction. he's both the scorpion and the frog).
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sass-squat · 1 year
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Part 7 of the Linked Universe Winged Au (LUWAU)! After many requests and a very long wait we've got our boy, Hyrule!
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As per tradition here at Sass-Squat enterprises we have to start off with a little bird fact, so did you know that Henslow's Sparrows have the simplest and shortest song of any North American songbird? Their song is often described as a "feeble hiccup," and while they sing primarily sing at dawn and dusk, they are well known for sometimes singing all night long!
Anyways, I thought this was an interesting little fact because Hyrule oftentimes refers to himself as nothing more than a, "humble traveler" so I believe him having a simple "feeble hiccup" of a song matches that same energy.
However, Hyrule is heavily based off of a Henslow's Sparrow in my Winged Au for a multitude of other reasons aside from just his song. Hyrule is a such a sweet, simple guy, so I felt that it was right to assign him a bird that matches his down to earth nature, and a Henslow's Sparrow seemed the right fit in both appearance and behavior.
An example of their behaviors matching his own is the fact that Henslow's Sparrows take flight only with great reluctance, preferring to flee from threats by simply running through the grass. Before joining the chain, Hyrule was alone for the vast majority of his life both canonically and in this headcanon. As a result of this, he never really had anyone teach him how to properly preen or take care of his wings so they fell into a pretty disastrous state. This damage to his wings and flight capability didn't really bother him too much though, because much like a Henslow's Sparrow, he generally preferred walking as it was a safer, less conspicuous option of travel when he had monsters constantly hunting him down. The chain have all since helped him with his preening habits however, and he is doing much better but he still generally prefers walking over flying.
Another example of similar behaviors is that sparrows are oftentimes symbolic of productivity, cooperation, teamwork, and finding joy in the little things of life. Additionally, their spirits are said to be great at problem-solving and are capable of thriving in difficult environments. If that doesn't describe Hyrule then I genuinely don't know what does. He may not be as fast or strong as the other members of the chain, but he is very hardworking and he has a strong sense of determination and perseverance that really makes him shine in difficult situations.
Anyways! I could continue and go on for hours, but that's got to be all for now folks! Thank you all again for your kind words and comments! They always make me laugh and never fail to make my day. As always, feel free to ask any questions or simply leave requests for who or what you would like to see next and I will try my best to get to them all as soon as possible! Thank you all again!
P.S. I wanted to personally let @miadancer24 that I finally drew her boy! I promise I've seen your comments friend! :D I'm sorry it took so long to finish him!
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my-name-is-apollo · 9 months
'Ello :D
I saw a few days ago that you mentioned something about complicated Cassandra & Apollo? I was wondering if you could expand on it 👀 Complicated CassandraApollo sounds interesting
I would like to direct you to this post because it summarises a lot of my feelings on them!
Besides that, I'd like to talk about the way one of my favorite scenes, Cassandra ripping apart her prophetic insignia during her final moments, is written in two different plays:
Farewell, ye garlands of that god most dear to me! farewell, ye mystic symbols! I here resign your feasts, my joy in days gone by. Go, I tear ye from my body, that, while yet mine honour is intact, I may give them to the rushing winds to waft to thee, my prince of prophecy
- Euripides', Trojan Women (trans. Edward Philip Coleridge)
Why then do I bear these mockeries of myself, this wand, these prophetic chaplets on my neck?
(Breaking her wand, she throws it and the other insignia of her prophetic office upon the ground, and tramples them underfoot)
You at least I will destroy before I die myself. To destruction with you! And fallen there, thus do I repay you. Enrich with doom some other in my place. Look, Apollo himself is stripping me of my prophetic garb — he that saw me mocked to bitter scorn, even in this bravery, by friends turned foes, with one accord, in vain — but, like some vagrant mountebank, called "beggar," "wretch," "starveling," I bore it all. And now the prophet, having undone me, his prophetess, has brought me to this lethal pass.
- Aeschylus, Agamemnon (trans. by Herbert Weir Smyth)
You can see the difference in how Cassandra feels towards Apollo. In the Trojan woman, there's still some fondness she directs towards her god. She calls him the god who is the dearest to her. She wants to take off the symbols of Apollo she dons on her body and give it back to Apollo while her honor is yet intact. It's a way for her to not let her god get dishonored in that helpless situation.
Where as in the Agamemnon, Cassandra sounds more bitter, there's no hint of fondness here. She tears away her prophetic symbols and tramples them because she wants to destroy them. She also blames her act of destroying them on Apollo. Apollo is the ultimate destroyer for her and his symbols are bringers of doom, as she says elsewhere in the play:
CASSANDRA: Apollo, Apollo! God of the Ways, my destroyer! For you have destroyed me — and utterly — this second time.
- Aeschylus, Agamemnon (trans. by Herbert Weir Smyth)
While the two plays portray Cassandra with feelings that are to some extent contrasting (but both founded on desperation), when I think about Cassandra I think like she can feel all those emotions - fondness, bitterness, scorn - almost simultaneously. Because this is her god whom she worships and has dedicated her life for. She has felt his wrath and she has also felt his divine inspiration. She scorned his advances in the past but she still gives him her body to possess his spirit. She couldn't save Troy, she couldn't save herself. But the very last vision Apollo shows her is that of her death being avenged, and that seemed like a miniscule relief for her in the last moments of her life.
Apollo also seems to takes it upon himself to orchestrate that revenge. He could have had other reasons to do that - but to avenge Cassandra's death could also very well have been one of them. We don't really get to see what Apollo thinks of Cassandra. In versions where Cassandra breaks her promise (Aeschylus' Agamemnon and Scholiast on Lycophron's Alexandra) we can definitely assume that he is betrayed by her and is angry with her, understandably so. The scholiast on Lycophron's Alexandra says that Apollo first tried to take back the gift, but when he couldn't he placed a curse to make his gift useless. So it does show that he intended to go easy on her, but it simply wasn't an option. Things are relatively simple here. But there are versions where Cassandra gets her prophetic powers without any direct deal with Apollo, yet the outcome is the same. She rejects him and gets cursed.
Now here the question arises - if satisfying his lust was truly his only objective, why did Apollo curse her instead of just, you know, having his way with her - which wouldn't be unusual for a god? It could be that he simply didn't want (which we see in the case of Sibyl of Cumae). But sometimes I like to think it's more than just that:
Maybe he did it because he knew it would be dangerous to let Cassandra have this power. He was worried that he had blessed her too much, that she had learnt so much that she could intervene with the destiny in her attempts to save Troy. And look at how that turned out for another seer Laocoon - not cursed by Apollo but killed by Athena for warning the Trojans about the Trojan horse. Maybe Apollo didn't want any other god to punish Cassandra like that. She is his beloved priestess, and if at all she has to be punished and damned, he wants to do it himself.
Or maybe (and this is my favourite thought to entertain about them) this was a way for Apollo to deal with his own helplessness about Troy. Because when you think about it, Apollo is not very different than Cassandra in the sense that he is also able to foresee the destruction of Troy, his beloved city with his beloved people, but he won't be able to save them. He is not cursed, he doesn't let out frenzied cries like Cassandra, but he is obliged to abide by the Fates, and has learnt to suffer with his emotions silently. Maybe he desired for someone to join him in this madness. It would torment them but at least he wouldn't feel alone. And he chose Cassandra because she was probably the most beloved to him, and familiar with her virtue, he probably knew she would give him a reason to curse her by rejecting him. He also probably knew that in spite of how unfair he would be towards her, she would still love him and stay devoted to him.
I know my thoughts are probably very unpopular, but I like to think that the bond between them was unbreakable, but definitely very strained. I don't know if co-dependent would be the right word to use for a deity and his doomed priestess (probably not), but I hope you get the idea.
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Nova’s Thoughts - Dracula Daily - August 19
In which there is joy at least and Renfield goes for a little run…
“Joy, joy, joy! although not all joy.” I love how she’s so happy, yet so practical. Like, “yay, everything’s great! Well, technically that’s incorrect…” ugh I love her so much
She’s going to see Jonathan at last!! These two crazy kids are going to reunite. Good for them <333
Love Mr. Hawkins playing wingman with “marriage now, maybe? 👀” I know there’s a more serious reason he’s suggesting this (for instance if Jonathan doesn’t get better…), but I still want to believe it’s in part because Mr. Hawkins just wants them to get married lol
“I have cried over the good Sister's letter till I can feel it wet against my bosom, where it lies. It is of Jonathan, and must be next my heart, for he is in my heart.” Awww Mina 😭😭 and also, *iconic* line right there.
I know she must be so worried for how he’s doing, especially after caring for her other favorite person Lucy and feeling rather helpless in that situation :((( you got this girl!
The letter he touched will comfort her 😭😭😭 could this get anymore sweet???
Now on to another edition of Seward’s podcast (which, FYI, does contain ableist language I won’t be quoting)…
Imagine one of your patients starts sniffing the ground like a dog and you try to talk to him, and his response is just “nah, I don’t want to talk to you, pleb.” Renfield becomes more iconic by the day.
Oooo I like what Seward’s putting down here with the religion distinction: to him, God cares about everyone, but Renfield’s god (or, Renfield, if Seward’s prediction comes true) doesn’t care about anyone except those they deem important.
^^ ok I wrote this really early in the morning before reading anyone’s takes on it and now, having read some takes on this, I see that taking into account Seward’s surly attitude, this is not the objective, rational opinion I thought it was. I still want to include my OG viewpoint because I do think it’s cool to get Seward’s views on religion if that’s actually what he believes, but I do see what everyone else means when they say he’s actually being pouty about Renfield not paying attention to him, and thinking of himself as an “eagle” in this scenario….Seward, buddy, get over yourself please 🙄
I’m just imagining Seward pretending not to watch Renfield while reading a book or something but all the time staring at him like 👁️👄👁️…somehow, I think Renfield probably noticed you doing that. Just saying.
Seward’s like “you don’t love spiders anymore? :(“ Renfield: *extremely cryptic reply, which equates to “I only cared about the spiders because Dracula wasn’t here yet”* :p
Seward thinking of Lucy again :((( yeah never a good idea to mix your — um, “sleeping chemical” (which, by the way, such a nerd move to list the entire chemical symbol and I love him for doing it) — with depressing thoughts of Lucy. I’m actually proud of him for sticking to his convictions on this one!
…and it pays off! Renfield’s on the run!
I’m picturing Seward having to get out of the window (with help) and it is a very funny image. 10/10 on Renfield for making Seward feel the need to do that 👏👏👏
Hey, Seward, maybe focus less on the “Renfield’s a beggar for wanting a reward from his ‘master’” thing and more on who he was talking to…it might save us some headaches in the long run. Oh? You’ve already taken him back to the asylum? Great, love that. /s
“So I took the hint, and came too.” ……………📸🤨 (I know that’s not what he means but it is funny nonetheless :D)
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A rough chapter 2 for my little personal writing project. Chapter 1 can be found in my pinned post.
This is just me trying to get ideas unstuck from my head, so nothing too polished, but I know there’s some people here into dominate monster men so may as well put this here instead of just rotting in my notes
Wild power imbalance, D/s, spanking, and honestly several other things
The Dragon King does not take lightly to his newest treasure not accepting her place.
Unknown hours passed by as you rested and the sun was starting to set when you finally awoke.
You were alone still in his bed chamber, entirely undisturbed and still warmly tucked under the blankets, but you noticed a box sitting on the nightstand next to the bed with a small note.
‘You will put this on for when I return for you’ was written in a tidy cursive on the note.
The box was ornately detailed, gold pressed into the etchings on it and jewels inlaid all over. You opened it up to find an embossed leather strip, studded with gems and delicate carvings reminiscent of scales and what looked like a dragon’s head in profile. It was lined with soft fabric and as you removed it from from the box you noticed a small lock nestled in the bottom.
Looking at the piece you realized you knew what it was. ‘A collar for a pet’ you thought to yourself. The ends each finished with a metal ring, clearly intended to have the small lock threaded through it.
You ran your fingers over it, it was lovely, but also a symbol of your captivity here and a clear message from the king about your status.
“Ah, you’re awake” came a voice from the doorway. He was dressed casually this time, simple black pants and a black shirt with the top few buttons undone, even his crown was removed.
You had not even heard him enter the room, despite his great size he moved surprisingly quietly and light on his feet as he closed the distance to sit on the bed next to you.
“And I see you’ve found my gift. It will not be your final one, but something for you to wear in the mean time”. His words were gentle and matter of fact, much like all his actions so far, not that you trusted that he would stay like that. There were to many stories of his temper for you to believe this was how he always was.
“It’s a collar” you said, somewhat uneasy.
“Yes, it is. A pretty collar for a pretty pet. Is that a problem?” the tone of his voice told you that it was not actually a question.
“I did not realize how literally you meant it when you called me that”.
His laugh was a deep rumble in his chest, “Oh quite. While you are my newest treasure, you are much too lovely to just be hoarded away. No, your place will be obediently at my side or anywhere else I decide, and this is just a lovely token to reinforce that”.
Truly nothing more than a pet to him. Not that your life before had been anything special, but you had your home and freedom at least.
“Now, I had been hoping to return and find you collared and waiting for me, but I do suppose I will find joy in collaring you myself. Sit up”.
You shrank down in the bed, your mind free from the haze of the wine and resistant to be being claimed like a animal.
“I will ask nicely one last time as this is all new to you, but do not test my patience. Now once again. Sit. Up” his voice dropped into a snarl this time.
Still you resisted him, more frozen out of fear though than in defiance.
Swiftly he grabbed your arm and yanked you upright before depositing you face down across his lap, brushing the cloak aside and the cool air in the room shocked your skin.
“I find no pleasure in this, and I do not wish to harm you if you can believe that, but you will learn to obey one way or another”.
His hand came down on your bare backside, striking you fairly hard and causing you to let out a yelp. Then a second time he struck you, making you cry out again.
“Shhh,” he murmured, “That is all, little one. Two strikes for two acts of disobedience. Now you will let me collar you and you will thank me for the lesson and for the gift. Do you understand?”
You nod weakly, your backside stinging.
“Answer me with your words, and remember your manners when addressing me”.
“Yes, my king”.
“That’s a good girl. I hope you will not need me to repeat this lesson for you” he said.
You felt his hands brush your hair aside and slip the collar around your neck before the soft click of the lock told you that it was done.
“And now what do you have to say to me?”
“Thank you for this lesson and for the lovely gift” you answer weakly. Between the cold of the room and the pain from being struck you were shaking, and still draped across his lap you knew he must certainly notice.
“You are most welcome my little song bird. It is the first gift of many I have for you. I want you to be adorned with precious stones and metals, clothed in beautiful silks that show off your delicate form because as my little pet you are a reflection of myself. You will be taken care of just as any of my other treasures and I will make sure you want for nothing. I do truly want your life here to be happy, this is your home and you should enjoy it. Just say the word and you will have anything your heart has ever desired, as long as you obey me. Do you understand?”
“Yes, my king”.
“Now, let us move on from this topic, I do not wish for you to submit to me out of fear of punishment. Rather out of adoration and a desire to please. It would please me to have you at my feet, your head on my knee while I attend to my duties as king and to see you looking up at me full of adoration and love, as such I want you to view our bond as a positive thing: I will protect you and provide for you, and you will submit completely to my will at all times.”
“If I tell you to climb on my lap and grind on me while I sit on the throne and welcome guests you will without question or hesitation. If I tell you to bend over and present yourself to me so that I may take you as I please, you happily will. If I tell you to suck my cock you will drop to your knees that moment and suck me until I fill your belly with my cum and you will thank me. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, my king”.
“Good. Now I wish for you to join me in a bath, you need a good washing after your long journey and I could use some time to relax, but first” he gently lifted you into his arms and pulled you tight to his chest, kissing the top of your head softly once he got you situated, “I will relight the fireplace and draw the bath while you wait here. Having you shivering in the cold will do neither of us any good, especially as despite your little act of defiance you did learn quickly to submit to me”.
Before you registered what he meant, he had quickly tucked you back under the covers of the bed and had moved to busy himself with the fireplace.
You watched him in fascination, he was much quicker and more graceful than a human in his movements, even his footfalls were nearly silent despite his size.
In a language you did not understand, he whispered something as he knelt by the fireplace and a shower of sparks emerged from his fingertips, igniting the logs near instantly in a way that a flint and steel would not have been able to.
Magic. With everything else swirling about in your mind the fact that dragons were highly capable of magic had slipped it.
“It will be a bit before the room is warm” he called as he made his way to the bath, “but I trust you’ll be fine in a warm bath until then”.
The sound of running water emanated from the bathroom as the tub filled and several long minutes went by before the king emerged from the room.
“Come here, little one” he scooped you up unceremoniously into his arms, holding you tightly to his chest as he carried you to the bath before depositing you by the tub in the next room.
“Remove the cloak, I grow tired of seeing you wrapped in that ratty thing, it does not become you”.
Obediently you did as you were commanded, slipping the cloak from your shoulders and allowing it to fall to the ground. Once more you were laid bare before him, only it was much worse this time.
In the throne room you were gripped with shock and fear, but the whole process was detached as he inspected you before. This time however he looked over you with great desire, and especially after outlining his expectations for you felt greatly uncomfortable with his searing gaze upon you.
“Undress me” he commanded.
Your hands shook as you reached for the buttons on his shirt, clumsily undoing them until you were able to slip the shirt from his shoulders. He stood before you, lean and well muscled in the candlelight of the room, an otherwise handsome form were it not for his unsettling nature. Scars adorned his chest and arms, something you did not expect to see.
“Continue” his voice interrupted where you had started to become lost in thought.
Your hands returned to him, this time to undo the ties of his pants. You fumbled with the knot and you could hear the same deep, rumbling laugh as before.
“Oh my little pet, how you shake so. Best get used to this” he pressed another kiss to the top of your head.
With some difficulty you finally manage to untie the knot, his pants hung loosely at his hips, revealing a small patch of soft dark hair that trailed down from his navel. You tugged at the edges of his pants, pulling them down past his hips and surprised to find to find a lack of undergarments.
Clearly he sensed your surprise, not that you were particularly good at hiding it. “I do not like clothing, even in this form, let alone superfluous pieces that aren’t even seen. Now continue, unless something has caught your eye”.
Quickly you turned your attention back to removing his pants, trying to ignore his semi erect shaft that was now in your face as you kneeled to fully remove them. The tiled floor was freezing against you bare skin, but you continued on just to get past everything. Once you reached his ankles he lifted a foot, allowing you to slip them off of him one foot at a time, his shoes already removed sometime earlier while he was running the bath.
There he stood, in all his terrible glory. Scars peppered his smooth skin, nearly hairless save for the trail down his navel to his groin and a light dusting of hair on his chest, arms, and legs. He loomed over you, standing roughly two feet taller than you, but feeling especially large as you knelt before him.
“Look up at me” he commanded.
With difficulty you looked up and met his gaze, save for his smirk his expression was unreadable, his eyes betraying nothing.
“So lovely to see you in your place at my feet” he reached down to ruffle your hair. From an outside perspective it might have almost looked affectionate they way he patted you head, but you heard it in his voice, a condescending tone meant to keep you in line.
Wordlessly he reached down and hooked his arms under yours and lifted back into his arms yet again. There was no affection in his actions, just a show of strength of how easy it would be to toss you around should he choose to.
Still, it almost felt nice in a way. Your heart was racing, threatening to beat out of your chest and you were certain he must notice too. But you felt the warmth of his chest against your bare skin, the strength of his arms wrapped around you as he carried you to the tub. Were he anyone else it would have been an intimate moment, your heart racing in excitement instead of fear and anticipation.
Slowly he lowered both of you into the warm waters of the bath, welcome relief from the cool and tile of the rest of the room. He leaned back against the side of the tub and kept you pulled tightly against his chest as you sat on his lap, with his eyes now closed he could have almost be mistaken as human, almost.
“See? Isn’t this nice, my little pet?” he broke the silence.
“Yes, my king”.
“And look, so many nice soaps and oils for your hair and body. Quite nice. Have you known this luxury before?”
“No, my king”.
“Then let me show you” he reached for a bar of soap and after wetting it he ran it along your shoulders and collarbones. It smelled wonderful, strongly of lavender and warm wood. His touch was surprisingly gentle as he worked the soap into skin.
“You do not need to shake so, I have no intention of harming you” he whispered in your ear, but your rear still stung and did not impart much of a feeling of trust in him.
“And for gods’ sake, do not curl up and hide yourself from me” he shifted you roughly in his lap, changing you from sitting sideways curled in his lap just as he carried you to instead turning you so your back reclined against his chest and pressing your thighs down to make you stretch your legs out in front of you.
Now sitting like this you felt his cock press against your backside, very much fully erect this time. From the eyeful you got while undressing him he was already an impressive size when only partially hard, what you were feeling now was significantly more.
With gentle motions he continued to wash whatever of you was above the water, spending an agonizing amount of time on your breasts. He soaped up both of your breasts and quickly moved from washing them to playing with them, alternating squeezing them playing with your nipples, rolling and pinching them between his fingers.
A soft sigh escaped your lips, entirely unintentionally. You did not desire his touch on you, but your body reacted all the same.
“Just let go, little one. Enjoy it, want it” came his voice in a soft whisper in your ear.
You hated how wonderful his hands felt on your skin, how he knew just what to do to elicit more sounds from you.
“There you go, just relax. Be clay in my hands so that I may reshape you into the picture of perfection” his hand drifted lower, tracing circles along your stomach before slipping between your thighs.
You shot up in alarm, splashing water everywhere with your frantic movements, and attempting to climb out of his lap.
His grip on you tightened, clearly he had no intention of letting you leave this position. “Sit. Down.” He snarled in your ear. “You were doing so well letting me play with you like that. I thought you were starting to understand”.
You hugged your legs up to your chest, attempting to shield yourself from his gaze and his touch. Not wanting him to continue and also fearing what he would do next.
“Do not cower like that!” His volume rose, doing nothing to calm your nerves, “I am not a patient man, but I will not force myself on you like a common brute. I wish to explore and feel you, but I will refrain from more than that until you are willing”.
Some of the fear receded, you were still wary of his touch but at least were not in an immediate danger it seemed.
“This attempt at bonding is over. I will wash you so to ensure you are up to my standards. You will stand and allow my touch on all of you so that I may get this done quickly and throughly”.
All of the gentleness was gone from his touch as he wrenched you up by the arm to make you stand. He worked quickly, a slight snarl on his lips the whole time. When he slipped a hand between your thighs this time you did not dare move, though his movements were detached and quick, only scrubbing you down.
“Dry yourself off and wait for me in my bed” he barked at you once he was satisfied with his work. “As you ruined my attempt to relax with you, I will finish this bath without you. I will deal with you once I have calmed down and we will discuss your behavior. Do I make myself clear”.
“Yes, my king”.
“Good. Now hurry along out of my sight before I change my mind. Leave the door open on your way out”.
Quickly you scurried out of the bathroom, drying yourself only enough to not slip on the tile and made your way to the warmth of the fireplace to finished drying off before climbing back under the covers of his bed. You were not about to learn what may happen if you were not waiting where he expected you.
It was not long before you heard the sounds of movement from the bathroom, the sloshing of water and grunting. Even from you spot tucked under the covers you could hear his ragged breathing and moans. You had assumed that he wanted the door left open to keep an eye on you, though now you understood it was because he wanted you to be privy to his little show.
There was clear line of sight from the bed to the tub. You could see his face, his eyes squeezed closed and his head tipped back, his hand moving rhythmically under the surface of the water. He was panting hard, chest heaving and his moans descending into growls, clearly getting close.
“I know you’ve been watching me” he called out.
A flush of red overtook you face, you quickly rolled over and yanked the blankets over your head.
“Shy little thing, why don’t you roll back over and keep watching? It seemed like you may have even been enjoying it”.
Enjoying it was not the correct words, but you had been almost fascinated seeing him in what was a nearly human moment.
“You’re still in trouble from earlier, but I can be convinced to forgive you this time if you’ll roll back over for me”.
The pros and cons rolled through your mind. Avoiding his ire was high on your priority list as you did not think your raw backside could handle another spanking, but the thought of facing him while he stroked himself was too much to bear.
“Make your choice, I’m not going to wait around for you” he sounded so close.
You shoved down your embarrassment and rolled back to face him, only this time he was watching you back. His eyes were only barely open but even from across the room you were again reminded that no matter how human he may look at a distance, he most certainly was not.
“Good girl” his voice was a ragged moan, his breath coming much faster. “You got me so hard, your hands on me when you undressed me, sitting in my lap and letting me feel you, and now I’m thinking about how good it would have felt if you would have let me continue earlier. I would have taken my time to warm you up, make sure you could handle me, then lower you down on my cock and taken you so slowly- fuck”
he hissed, “Now that I crave you so much I cannot guarantee I will be able to hold back when I do have you”.
A string of harsh Draconic fell from his lips, common tongue entirely leaving his mind.
More of his mask was slipping, his inhumanity ever more noticeable and it sent a chill down your spine.
His whole body lurched at his release, a growl leaving his mouth like you had never heard before. “Fuck” he panted, “For your sake, you’d better come around to me sooner rather than later, because the longer I have to wait for you the much less gentle I’m going to be”.
Water and more dripped down him as he emerged from bath, his breath still heaving, though he only chose to towel dry himself despite the mess.
“I see you kept the damned cloak off at least” he said as he gestured to the discarded cloak you had left in the bathroom in a hurry. “A good choice my pet. You’re such a lovely sight collared and tucked into my bed, such a wonderful thought knowing your waiting naked for me”.
In a few long strides he was there with you laying in bed.
“Let me see you” he said as he peeled the blanket off of you. “An incredible sight, laid bare before me except for this” he tugged on the lock of your collar.
“But I need you closer, come here” in another show of strength he pulled you on top of him as he laid on his back. “Now isn’t that better? The intimacy of skin on skin”.
For the first time you saw a true softness in his expression, a gentleness in his smile and behind his eyes.
“Isn’t this better? To be held and treasured? I will give you everything you could desire, treasure and protect you, as long as you submit to me. I promise you will have a happy life at my side, much better than anything ever possible before, as long as you obey me without question”.
You had not said a single word since he dismissed you from the bath, every possible word caught in your throat, your mind racing and unable to form a sentence.
“Does that not sound pleasant? So simple. To be a pampered pet on my lap, no worries of your own ever again. All I require is your obedience and for you to desire me. Surely that is not such a high price for what I’m promising you?”
A life free of struggle, free of worry, living in luxury known only to royals, and it would only cost your free will and dignity you mused. Though what was the alternative? The dragon king was not a man who was know to just let his possessions go, your options were either to warm his bed and sit at his feet, or find out what happened to treasure that did not fit into his hoard.
With you face against his chest you noticed a scent, under the smell of the soaps there was something else: his scent. He smelled like wildfire and musk, a pleasant and warm smell. In your first decisive move you buried you face into his neck and snuggled more into his arms.
“Oh, my pet?” surprise tinged his voice, “Does this mean you’ve accepted your place with me?”
Your words were stuck in your throat, you did not want to truly submit to him or anyone else, but you knew any choice here was merely an illusion. “Yes, my king” your words barely a whisper on his neck.
He clutched you to him tighter, “I did not expect for you to accept it so readily. Such a smart little thing to understand how good this will be for you” he turned to kiss your forehead, “Though I wish you made this decision earlier, I have nothing left to give to you right now. But tomorrow morning, I promise to be gentle. Your sudden change of heart brings me such joy, how could I possibly be rough with you after the great gift of your acceptance that you’ve given me. I will make sure you know such pleasure that after you will crave me. Maybe I will even stay with you in my chambers all day so that you may experience all the ways I desire to have you”.
“If you so desire, my king” your voice still quiet against his neck.
“Kiss my neck, I wish to feel your lips on me”.
Wordlessly you complied, trailing soft kissed from his shoulder up to his ear. It was so much easier to follow his commands now that you resigned yourself to him.
“Good girl. Tonight I hope you rest easy in my arms. You must be tired still from traveling here and everything today. Tomorrow we will start settling you into your place here, but tonight I just want you to rest well”.
You felt him raise an arm and mutter a few words in Draconic, which caused the fire to flicker out, plunging you both into darkness. He shifted under you, pulling the blanket over you both.
“Good night my pet, may you find comfort and safety in my arms and in submission to me”.
“Good night, my king”.
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deldeldel90 · 8 months
hey what do you think of cpc characters as flowers,, maybe plaid family specifically. the sunflower post had me thinking
!!!!!!!!! CPC as flowers!!!!!!! YES. yes yes yes. oh my gosh. CPC as flowers >>>
gonna do the plaid family rn :D
FIRST;;; Lance!! the ultimate middle child, my boy
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I feel like Chicory would really represent him well!
it's a wildflower (which I think fits him) and it belongs to the Sunflower family. it's name, according to a Trusty Google Search, means, "The German word for chicory means “The Blue Lookout at the Wayside.”
It's a cool season veggie and prefers a sunny location (Lance being a Sunshine boy my beloved). the nicknames for Chicory are, "Chicory is also called blue daisy, blue sailor, wild bachelor's button, blue or Italian dandelion, or even coffeeweed" (all of which I think kinda fit Lance)
"Chicory has also been used to symbolize the force of perseverance in martyrdom, as seen on the St Augustine's altar from 1487" - some study from 2009
NEXT:: Isolde!! :D
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carnations!! specifically red carnations!! these symbolize deep love and affection, and the ruffles at the end of the petals really remind me of her.
There's also this little bit of info, "The color was thought to resemble human flesh and carnation flower meaning took on the idea of the incarnation, God being made flesh." WHICH. I think is pretty baller NGL.
Next: Blaine!!
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I picked this because 1. It does resemble a carnation, which I felt was a nice detail :D (esp since he resembles his mother the most!!) and 2. red roses are known for a lot of things, like love and passion and stuff, AND red roses are often associated with throwing them at the end of plays and movies, which I find fits him!!!
"The red rose whispers of passion, And the white rose breathes of love; O, the red rose is a falcon, And the white rose is a dove." - some poem that makes me go a little Cray. and there's also this: "It's the rose of romance and deep feelings, but can also relay desire, beauty, victory, harmony, joy, luck, pride, martyrdom, [according to McCord Jones.]"
They thrive off direct sunlight and take a while to grow :D pretty high maintenance flowers yk :D PLUS!!!! they're super pretty and soft-looking, but they have thorns!!
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A Green Jewel Coneflower :D okay I was mildly tempted to just put a sunflower BUTTT you know. So I picked this!!!
a Green Jewel Coneflower can pretty much grow anywhere (and it grows pretty tall too!!), and they actually like a little bit of shade!
Sources say this: "Today, the Orange Coneflower is a symbol of enthusiasm and vitality. Its bold hue radiates excitement, making it a perfect emblem for those eager to make a statement. It's not just a pretty face; it's a nod to resilience, attracting pollinators and feeding birds, while standing strong against deer and drought." Which I think really suits him!!
Leland..... bro would be like poison or something. Actually, maybe he'd be like a Petunia- "A flower that is not very common, Petunias display feelings of deep resentment and anger." It's not a poisonous flower but I feel like the negative meaning of it fits him :D
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Lloyd Hansen - NSFW Alphabet
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A = Aftercare 
I don’t think it’s any secret that Lloyd Hansen is not a big aftercare kind of guy. When he’s done fucking you, he doesn’t really stick around to make sure you’re alright. If he’s particularly rough with you he’ll hold you in his arms, shushing you quietly as he strokes your hair. However more often than not the most aftercare you’ll get is a wet washcloth to clean his cum off of you and a pat on the head. 
B = Body Part
His favorite body part on you is your ass. Lloyd Hansen is most definitely an ass man. He loves to watch you walk away, admiring the way your butt sways. It brings him such joy to smack your ass whenever you walk past him. He loves to get his hands on your ass any way that he can. Whether it be absent mindedly smacking it as you lay over his lap while he works or spreading open your cheeks to finger your tight puckered hole, he loves to play with your ass. 
Lloyd’s favorite body part on himself is his biceps. He loves how much stronger he is than you. He can manhandle you however he likes and you don’t have a prayer to stop him. His large biceps are a perfect symbol of that strength and power. One of his favorite things is fucking you from behind while he wraps his bicep around your throat, choking you until you’re only moments from passing out. 
C = Cum 
Lloyd likes his cum deep inside of your holes. He loves the power that it gives him to fill you to the brim. When he’s pounding his cock down your throat, he loves the feeling of unloading his cum straight down into your belly. It turns him on like nothing else to fuck his seed deep into your sweet little womb while you clench around him. And of course how could he resist pumping his hot load into your impossibly tight little asshole after fucking you completely raw. He adores it.
D = Dirty Secret 
His dirty secret is that he often masturbates to you without your knowledge. When you’re showering he’ll peek in through the door and watch your soapy naked form through the curtain, jerking his dick to the sight of you. If you’re in the bedroom, laying on the bed with your ass in the air he’ll take advantage of the view and squeeze out a quick orgasm. His favorite is when you think you’re home alone so you decide to touch yourself. He’ll settle in at the door, pulling his cock out and stroking himself to the gorgeous view of you with your legs spread nice and wide, fingers playing with your sweet little clit.  
E = Experience 
He has a decent amount of experience. Most of his experience was during college. He was a bit of a playboy back in the day and wasn’t afraid to fuck anything that moved. As he got older he mellowed out and decided to focus more on his work. However, don’t think that means he doesn’t still fuck. He gets some pretty decent action and the man knows what he’s doing. His meticulous nature and his attention to detail make him a cruel yet experienced lover. 
F = Favorite Position 
His favorite position is fucking you from behind. There’s so many fun options when he’s fucking you doggystyle. He can grab a handful of your hair and pull you back onto his cock. He can press your body flush against his and choke you with his large bicep. He can smack your pretty ass until you’re raw and red and begging him to stop. He can even watch his spit dribble down onto your puckered little asshole before plunging two fingers in and fucking your hole. 
G = Goofy 
Lloyd has a very twisted sense of humor in the bedroom. He does find things funny and he’s not afraid to let out a hearty laugh even as he’s pounding your sweet cunt. However, the things that he finds funny you don’t necessarily find very funny. Like when he’s torturing you with a vibrator on your clit, giving you orgasm after painful orgasm. Or when he’s smacking your ass with a paddle, causing you to squeal and cry. These are the types of things that give him a good laugh. Seeing your tears and hearing your pleas always gives him a chuckle. He also gets a kick out of when things go wrong. Like if you accidentally bump your head or if you get twisted up in a weird position. He never seems to take himself too seriously. This mindset transfers over to the bedroom as well. So he can be a bit goofy. 
H = Hair 
He is incredibly clean and meticulous. That is shown in the way he keeps himself groomed as well. Not a single hair is out of place. He’s almost completely smooth, well trimmed and precise.  
I = Intimacy 
To Lloyd sex isn’t something that has to be intimate. There isn’t really much of a romance aspect about it for him. If it’s with someone he really cares about I think he’d be a little more tender but he’s still looking to get what he needs. And usually what he needs is a good hard fuck. Sex isn’t as meaningful to him and he doesn’t need a strong emotional connection in order to fuck. So long as his needs are being met, he doesn’t necessarily care who it’s with. So there isn’t a ton of intimacy when it comes to sex with Lloyd. However, if he does care about you he’ll find small ways to make sure you know he cares while he’s absolutely railing you within an inch of your life. 
J = Jack-Off
He definitely jacks off. He doesn’t have the time or patience to deal with constant horniness so he’ll find a quiet place and jerk his cock when he needs. He’s not in the habit of denying himself, especially when it comes to things that bring him pleasure. So whenever he wants to get off he gets off. Of course if he’s able to get off with you, he’s much happier. But he doesn’t mind getting himself off. 
K = Kinks 
Okay, I feel very strongly about this one. Lloyd Hansen has three big kinks. First off, he has an innocence kink. He loves the idea of absolutely corrupting someone who is inexperienced and innocent. He wants to take you from a shy little virgin to his own personal little slut. His second big kink is pet play. I’m sorry but this man adores the way you look on your hands and knees with a pair of bunny ears on with a fluffy little cotton tail butt plug in your ass. Or a puppy tail with sweet little floppy ears on. He just loves turning you into his personal pet. His third biggest kink is public play. Lloyd absolutely loves showing off what he has. He wants everyone around him to be jealous because he’s got the best, most precious babygirl there is. His favorite is when he’s got you in his lap while he works, fingerfucking you while his men try not to watch as they’re working. 
L = Location
This man will fuck you anywhere, anytime. If he needs you, there��s nothing more to it. He has to have you right then and there. Lloyd loves public play so he’s not afraid to fuck you just about anywhere when the mood strikes him. He doesn’t like to limit himself to the bedroom. He wants to show you off and let everyone know how fucking lucky he is. So location does not matter to him.
M = Motivation
What really gets Lloyd going is seeing the power he has over you. To give you so many orgasms that you can’t help but shake and you’re a whimpering mess. To pound you with his fat cock so hard that you’re seeing stars and you can’t stop the tears from streaming down your eyes. To choke you with his bicep until you’re nearly passing out. This translates outside of the bedroom as well. Whenever he gives you a command and you obey without a second thought. Whenever he leans into your ear and whispers something filthy while you’re out at a nice dinner. It gets him hard every time to see the power he holds over your life. To see that your mind, body, and soul belong to him. 
N = No 
There aren’t a lot of things that are off limits for Lloyd. He’s not really into feet. That’s something that has never interested him so he doesn’t like to do anything with feet. He also doesn’t like bodyshaming. He will call you all manner of nasty filthy names that will have you blushing for days but he will never say anything about your body. He doesn’t ever want you to think that he doesn’t completely and utterly desire you. He adores your body no matter what you look like. He thinks you’re the most beautiful woman he’s ever laid eyes on. As cruel as he can be, he doesn’t ever want you to think that he finds you unattractive. He adores your body. 
O = Oral 
When it comes to receiving he is just as rough with you as he always is. He loves to face fuck you, shoving his dick down your throat until you can’t breathe. He’ll take a firm hold of your hair or your neck and push you all the way down until you’re gagging and spluttering on him, spit dripping down your chin and onto your tits. It’s just one more way that he can establish his hold over your mind and body.
When it comes to giving he loves to use it as a way to torture you. He’ll eat you out for hours, making you cum over and over and over again. He wants to see you come undone for him so many times that you can’t hardly take any more. On the opposite end of the spectrum it also makes him laugh when he’ll bring you to the edge with his mouth again and again while constantly denying you your orgasm. Anytime he eats you out, it’s for his pleasure more than yours. 
P = Pace
His favorite way to fuck you is hard and deep. Not necessarily fast although he can rut his hips into you at a brutal pace. However, he tends to be more fond of taking his time with you. That doesn’t mean he’ll fuck you super slowly. It just means that he’ll pound you as hard and as deep as he can so that you feel him bruising your cervix. If he has to go a little slower to achieve the desired effect he’ll do so. He isn’t afraid to pick the pace up either and fuck you extra fast so you’re getting the complete fullness of his cock stretching you out.
Q = Quickie
Honestly, Lloyd does love a quickie. There is something to be said about spending hours doing anything and everything he wants to you but it’s also fun to fuck you fast and send you back to your day. He’ll pull you into his lap while he’s working and sink his cock into you for a few minutes before giving your ass a little smack as he dismisses you. Or finding you in your room to have you suck his cock until he busts down your throat and then returning to work without another word. 
R = Risk 
He loves to take risks. It’s honestly half the fun to him. If you want to try something new with him, he’ll always say yes. He’s totally game to experiment with you anytime. He likes seeing the things that excite you and the thrill of taking risks turns him on immensely. 
S = Stamina
He doesn’t usually last for a super long time per round, maybe 45 minutes or less. However he’s got a really quick reboot time so he can go multiple rounds in a night without getting tired. So he can pump all of your holes full of cum in one night of fucking.  
T =  Toys 
Lloyd doesn’t mind toys. However if toys enter the equation he wants to be the one using them. He doesn’t like you using them on yourself. He’s extremely possessive and he wants every orgasm you have to belong to him. He doesn’t like to share, even with inanimate objects. However he doesn’t mind to use toys on you. He likes the reaction you have to them and he can do a lot of fun and devious things with them. Seeing how much you can take is the fun part to him.
U = Unfair
Oh my GOD Lloyd is the world’s biggest tease. He is such a cruel man and that translates in the way that he teases you. He’ll abuse and use all of your holes to his heart’s content, only making you cum when it pleases him. Sometimes that means giving you so many orgasms that you can’t hardly take it. Sometimes that means denying you until you’re shaking and begging him to let you cum. It just depends on the mood that he’s in. However you can always count on the fact that he’s going to tease you no matter what.  
V = Volume
I don’t think it’s any secret that Lloyd likes to hear himself talk. That is not any different in the bedroom. He loves the sound of his own voice almost as much as he loves the sounds that you make. He also knows that it drives you crazy when he grunts and groans any manner of filthy things while he’s driving into your soaking wet cunt. So yeah, he’s definitely not afraid to make noise in the bedroom. 
W = Wild Card
Lloyd is so possessive over you it’s kind of scary sometimes. He wants to own you mind, body, and soul. If another man so much as looks in your direction he won’t hesitate to blow their brains out. He likes to know that you are his and only his at all times. If another man touches you, you’re in for a long night. He’ll need to take his time making sure that he has thoroughly reclaimed you. 
X = X-Ray 
Lloyd is longer than he is thick. He’s still decently girthy but his length is much more impressive. He’s a good nine and a half to ten inches. His cock is straight without any curve to it. 
Y = Yearning
His sex drive is really high. He doesn’t believe in denying himself so when he’s turned on he’ll find you for a quick fuck. He is able to control himself enough to get work done but half the time he’ll fuck you while he’s working just to relieve himself. He’s not a man that has strong self control so he gives in to his urges almost always.  
He doesn’t fall asleep very easily pretty much ever. Even if he’s exhausted from a long night of fucking, he doesn’t have an easy time falling asleep. It’s convenient whenever you fuck during the day so he can go right back to work when he’s done with you. However at night it’s more of a pain in the ass when he wants to pass out with you and he just can’t make himself go to sleep. When he does fall asleep though he’s a really heavy sleeper. Pray you never need to wake him up in the middle of the night because honestly, good luck. 
Tags: @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​ @readsalot73​ @sheerfreesia007​ @evansbby​ @onsunnyside​ @runa-falls​ @babyboibucky​ @junipermuses​ @bonky-n-steeb​ @caps-shield1918​ @sstan-hoe​ @venusstorm​ @hansensgirl​ @ozarkthedog​ @wildestdreamsblog​ @charnelhouse​ @angrythingstarlight​​​ @balenciagabucky​
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csolarstorm · 11 months
Thoughts on Loki, Episode 2-5: Science/Fiction
Can these characters just cool it with the dying metaphors for one second? First we get pruning, which sends people to the end of time, which is basically purgatory. Mobius gets pruned, Loki gets pruned. Sylvie feels left out so she prunes herself.
Now that pruning is old, spaghetti-fying takes its spot this season as the new way to not really die at least not permanently. Not only does p-p-poor Mr. Victor Timely "die" heroically, we can assume everyone else got spaghetti-fied in the explosion of the Temporal Loom. And then when Loki gets the gang back together in Ep. 5, they get noodle-d all over again! Not to mention the poor record store guy, whose first reaction to the incomprensible failure of spactime was to warn and/or protect Sylvie. Aw, what a guy.
I have to confess I still don't understand the Temporal Loom. It's taking raw time and weaving it into timelines, and without it...time falls apart? Without it, time is "raw" and organized time doesn't exist? Okay, then how did the universe work BEFORE the Temporal Loom? Does every universe have a TVA and a Temporal Loom literally creating their timeline? Why does the fabric of spacetime literally depend on Kang? That doesn't seem right.
It would make more sense if "raw" time is still something people can live in, and the Loom was just organizing "raw" time for He Who Remains' timeline. But after Episode 5, it's pretty clear that the literal fate of the multiverse depends on the Temporal Loom working, and I find that a bit ridiculous. Hopefully I'm missing something.
I have a theory about Loki's time jumping. We see him meeting himself at different points in time several times in the show. He really seems fractured, scattered throughout time. What if this is what it's like to be spaghetti? Maybe each of these Lokis are a single noodle of the Loki scattered through time, and each noodles looks like a snapshot of Loki, until they glitch and twist and collapse on themselves, snapping to other times like a noodle attached to another end.
Does this theory affect anything? Absolutely not.
In the next episode, Loki, the fledgling God of Stories, will attempt to rewrite the Temporal Loom explosion so they can save the TVA and all time, always, because apparently the multiverse needs the TVA to function. As he keeps trying, we are sure to see more explosions and more spaghetti before he figures it out. And that leads me to my point:
Dying and being reborn with new knowledge is such an integral theme to Loki. This new Loki is a symbolic reincarnation of the Loki that that Thanos killed. He made friends, learned humility, fell in love, seriously considered questions about the greater good, and then acknowledged his power and responsibility as a voice in the reform of the TVA.
Whenever he experiences metaphorical "death", he learns information that changes his entire paradigm. When he's pruned in the first season, he goes through his own little Divine Comedy. He learns perspective about himself from spending time with his variants. He learns about Alioth, a pivotal piece of the multiversal war. And he meets He Who Remains, who changes his entire perspective on existence.
In Season 2, Loki's rebirth after the explosion of the Temporal Loom shows him his friends and their backstories, what gives them joy and why he wants to save the TVA so badly. With this new understanding of what he really wants, he is able to control his time jumping, as if he's been reborn onto a higher plane.
The fall streaming schedule this year has been a gold mine. There was Gen V, Loki, Rick and Morty (ironically the spaghetti episode is coming up...or is it on purpose...) and now even the return of Invincible. Loki has come really close to the quality of last season, and it does a good job of doing something really different and yet thematically the same to keep a coherent and gripping show.
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forgetsrotation · 1 year
6.4 Tataru's Grand Endeavor
FULL SPOILERS, INCLUDING IMAGES!! A complete live blog of my progressions through the quest.
Proceed at your own risk. I won't cypher it with rot13 since it's behind a read more. Hopefully no one gets spoiled unintentionally. ;v;
A miqo picture so the other image doesn't pop up and spoil ppl lol
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I'm come down, relatively, from the thrill of it all. Two separate quests... no follow quest, which would have been disappointing if uhhh not for EVERYTHING ELSE THAT WAS GREAT!!! I am so pleased and I'm not just saying that because of what we got at the end of it all. :)
However. I cannot believe--
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OK. Henceforth will be my live blog reactions bc that's fun to chronicle! I hope you can derive some joy from it too. Fair warning, I curse a lot out of excitement. Gibberish. It's pure joy. You will NOT understand this if you haven't played the new quest yet LOL
Up at 5AM for these two… like a long nap after going to bed at 12:30AM lol. Waiting for patch to dl! It seems to have finished early, but I am in no rush!! My recording software is set up. :)
MILITARY EQUIPMENT??? Gaius’s “brother-in-arms”…
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I’m gonna frow up
me being able to crime tools gpose him wherever I want (still takes the time to gpose)
they are married
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He really has changed!!
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AVILINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH
Other business = see his husband, but Gaius is very shy
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Aww I love when he kneels to talk to children
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NOT THE CLOUD DECK !!! gpose time……….
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HOLY SHITTTT U;MDFJDJ I’M LOSING MY MINDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD (post blogging: it was a fake out. it's ok tho lol)
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Miqo can drive better than Gaius :)
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support from the rear, huh……………………….
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Nero is mad at the bottom accusations.
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me constantly checking for allie. Severa is no where to be found… neither is vald...
checking all the npcs for flavor text… one lady moves around now!
Aw baby you know Makoh’to will help you anytime, anywhere!!
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hehehe she sure does!!
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just know my face has been like :D this whole time
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Aw… Miqo is good at soothing children so it’s ok!!
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I am crying
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waiting for the sun to rise so I can take better gposes… simmering in this feeling……….. letting it wash over me………… I’m guessing we will not get this portrait as our reward but I am so happy it happened all the same. Family picture real………………………………………………..
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THEY????????? DID THEY GIVE IT TO ME????????????falskdfjl;kasjdfkl;jasdlfkjasdf
I am in disbelief……………..
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Allie's overlooking the sea...
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FINALLY SEV AND VALD!! They even have new flavor text!
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i am so happy........t his is more than i could have dreamed
feel free to talk to me about this on twt in dms! i don't have much to say except keyboard smash.
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theladyregret · 1 year
D&D Character: Caerrak
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Just felt like putting together a little thing for the characters I’m currently in a homebrew campaign with. This is my primary.
Homebrew element of note here that I can actually mention are his age because elves and half-elves age differently from normal D&D here. Half-elves reach physical and mental maturity in equivalent years to their mother race. So a half-elf with a human mother reaches maturity at human rates but half-elves with an elven mother do so like an elf though their total longevity remains the same regardless. 
Aside Note: The DMs preference in play-style that PCs are “people of extraordinary talent” so players are allowed to either be a jack-of-all-trades type (average or above average in all stats but nothing 18 or higher) or a master-of-one type (allowing one stat to be 18-20 at the sacrifice of another stat).
Appearance: Caerrak is a young male half elf. He stands at 5′ 8″ with a lithe build. He has shiny deep black hair that gains a subtle iridescence very much akin to crow feathers in direct light. It has a very fine silky texture and always has an untamed quality that gives it a permanently messy appearance. His eyes look like they belong on a bird instead of a man in the shape of the iris and pupil. They are also heterochromatic, with one eye being a bright robins egg blue and the other a deep black. His pointed ears are pierced several times each though he doesn’t often have the patience to wear jewelry in all of them. Caerrak wears a lot of clothing dyed in various colors of blue under a long jerkin made of animal hide dyed almost black. Long black feathers have been sewn into the jerkin around the shoulders and across the back.
Backstory: Caerrak was marked at birth as being god blessed because of the appearance of his eyes, a feature that had long been a symbol of favor from his home regions patron deity. Despite being told this his entire life Caerrak lived most of his life showing none of the supposed abilities those around him claimed he should have. As a child he would argue this fact but was so often ignored that he eventually gave up and simply learned to fake it. He began learning various ways to fake the miracles he was meant to perform, learning to throw his voice, mimic sounds, and perform various sleight of hand tricks. In addition he became very proficient at telling fortunes through the use of cards and using basic alchemy to cure various ills. Both real and perceived (or suggested).
Then...one day...it all changed. Magic he had formerly faked became real spells and he could lay out his cards and actually understand them, and what they told him was the truth...and it wasn’t good.
Personality: Caerrak is very kind at heart, and while he can lie, con, and steal without batting an eyelash...he does his best not to harm those who seem undeserving. On the flip side...he absolutely can’t stand those who choose to be hateful or cruel without reason as well as general rudeness. He particularly loves cheating those who meet these criteria...even if the end result doesn’t lead to much gain. He can be a bit greedy and has a hard time turning down opportunities that could lead to making himself money...though he will just as eagerly spend or give that money away. His joy seems to be in the making or taking of it...and not so much the need for it in general. He is prone to making decisions on a whim and rarely takes into account possible consequences, even in dangerous circumstances.
A fun extra: These are Caerrak’s dice sets and some cards from his tarot deck which doubles as his divine focus. The clear dice have UV activated glowing sparkles and the darker set are blue galaxy dice.
Portrait Art Credit: Myself <3
Custom Character Sheet Credit: Liath
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blorbologist · 2 years
NOT COVID! 7, 11, 24, 26, 30, 36, 48, 49! may they ward off the sickness
OHGOD, buckling up! AAaAA
7. Any worldbuilding you’re particularly proud of?
I’ve got snippets of lore for Yasha’s tribe scattered throughout my ‘Yasha and friends featuring flower symbolism and such’ fic - I’ll need to read her comic before writing any more, but the tidbits of weird Ashley has given us paired with the environment we’d briefly seen are so much fun to work with and expand upon.
(I. Also have a fuckton of cool battle cats lore. Because it’s fun dunking on these lame authors and making shit Make Sense and Be Interesting and Fatal eggs me on.)
11. Are you partial to a certain character/pairing or are you more equal-opportunity? If you are partial to any character/pairing, why do you think that is?
Definitely not equal-opportunity - I have a few notable favs, a fair few ‘eh I could swing that’ and a lot of no-gos. I think my favs do share some common elements, though: a little bit of broken people, with shards poking out their hearts, and a lot of devotion regardless of this, of the ugliness, of the blood. I also love the potential for things to be monstrous underneath, or to turn terrible should something happen, a fall from grace, corruption. 
24. Are there any easter eggs in [insert fic], and if so, what are they?
NTRKJHTR UHHH for any fic? (ok that’s My Bad for not including a specific fic when I sent you the ask vjvjvjvjvj) In One for sorrow, at one point I describe Vax descending the stairs like my brother does. Which is a stupidly loud ba-dunk ba-dunk ba-dunk letting his weight crash into the next step that’s absolutely out of character for a rogue but it matters to Me and Vax can be obvious when he wants to be.
26. Would you rather write a fic that had no dialogue or one that was only dialogue?
See my gut instinct is to say ‘no dialogue’ which should be a sign that ‘only dialogue’ would be a good challenge, so! Let’s go with that :D
30. Have you ever written something that was out of your comfort zone? If so, what was it, and how did it affect your approach to writing fic thereafter?
Yes! Recently! Baby’s first smut fic! My close buds can tell you I Agonized over it for a few days, I was so nervous I’d write it Wrong or Stupid. It’s got a lil vulnerability, bc you automatically assume the author’s into whatever they’re writing, right? And because it wasn’t a completely healthy sex scene either… I was Terrified. But! I survived, people were happy with it, I am happy with it, and now I can confidently say I can write The Horny and will write More Horny in the future!
36. Do you visualize what you read/write?
Oh yes, constantly fkgnkrtgn
48. What’s the last fic you read? Do you recommend it?
Dispelling the shadows by @pagerunner-j! I absolutely recommend it - Vex and Percy perhaps omitted a little too much about the castle’s past, which means things go sour when Vesper starts seeing things. Love the characterization of the de Rolo brood, the real family dynamics and conflicts, just! Good vibes! Also completely fucking terrifying at one point, I was expecting a sad little ghost hunt, not that! 
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Two for joy! The irony is that I wrote this In my writing doc so I can just scroll up to grab a lil snippet:
“I’m sorry.” Kynan laughs - it’s an abused sound, the whine of a kicked dog. “Not too sure if I should take that as ‘sorry for the shitty dad’ or ‘sorry he’s dead’.” A beat. “Not even sure if I’m - I always wanted him to be dead. I thought - I thought if ever he took a hand to me, again, I could blow it clean off with these.” He waves the pistol around. Vex sees fingers flying. Hears a young man scream. The one on the other end of the gun, not the one firing. Kynan seems to spy the look through his tears and holsters the thing. “Now I’m - I’m sad he might be gone.” The cry of a gull does not startle him. “Is that fucked up?”
(Send me an ask!)
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exploringislamjourney · 8 months
More Alleged Contradictions: #8
Does Allah have body parts?
a. No (42:11)
b. Yes, he has a face (55:27)
c. Yes, he has eyes (20:39)
d. Yes, he has hands (5:64, 38:74-75, 39:67)
e. Yes, he has legs/shin (68:42)
f. Yes, he has a bottom to sit on (69:17)
g. Yes, he has sexual reproductive organs (implied) (6:101)
42:11: He is the Originator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you spouses from among yourselves, and made mates for cattle as well---multiplying you both. There is nothing like Him, for He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
55:27: Only your Lord Himself, full of Majesty and Honour, will remain forever.
20:39: 'Put him into a chest, then put it into the river. The river will wash it ashore, and he will be taken by Pharoah, an enemy of Mine and his.' And I blessed you with loveability from Me O Moses so that you would be brought up under My watchful Eye.
5:64: Some among the Jews said, "God is tight-fisted." May their fists be tied and they be condemned for what they said. Rather, He is open-handed, giving freely as He pleases. That which has been revealed to your O Prophet from your Lord will only cause many of them to increase in wickedness and disbelief. We have stirred among them hostility and hatred until the Day of Judgment. Whenever they kindle the fire of war, God puts it out. And they strive to spread corruption in the land. And God does not like corruptors.
38:74-75: "...but not Iblis, who acted arrogantly, becoming unfaithful. God asked, "O Iblis! What prevented you from prostrating to what I created with My Own Hands? Did you just become proud? Or have you always been arrogant?"
39:67: They have not shown God His proper reverence---when on the Day of Judgment the whole earth will be in His Grip, and the heavens will be rolled up in His Right Hand. Glorified and Exalted is He above what they associate with Him!
68:42: Beware of the Day the Shin of God will be bared, and the wicked will be asked to prostrate, but they will not be able to do so...
69:17: ...with the angels on its sides. On that Day eight mighty angels will bear the Throne of your Lord above them.
6:101: He is the Originator of the heavens and earth. how could He have children when He has no mate? He created all things and has perfect knowledge of everything.
Footnote(s) for 55:27:
"1140: lit., your Lord's face.
1141: Death is listed as one of God's favours since it puts an end to tyrants, ends the suffering of the oppressed, makes all people equal, ushers in judgment and the enforcement of justice, and leads the believers to eternal joy and peace in Paradise."
Footnote(s) for 20:39:
"586: In other words, God made Moses a likeable person so Pharoah and his wife would agree to keep him."
Footnote(s) for 5:64:
"250: lit., God's Hand is tied up with greed."
Footnote(s) for 38:74-75:
"943: See footnote for 2:34 (explains Iblis as a jinn)
944: The command to bow down was a test of obedience. Satan arrogantly refused to comply because he believed he was superior to Adam."
Footnote(s) for 68:42:
"1214: Like the Face and the Hand, the Shin is believed by many to be one of the qualities of God, in a way befitting His Majesty and Greatness. Since baring the shin in the Arab culture is associated with the heat of battle, some interpret the verse metaphorically, so the meaning would be: 'Beware of the Day when horror sets in.'"
I'm going to have to go through this collection verse by verse.
42:11 mentions nothing about the lack or presence of a physical body for God, at least outright. This verse could imply a difference in the composition of God's essence? I thought this just referred to Him being the only force that could create, plan, and maintain.
55:27 refers to God's Face. When a body part has a capital letter, I take it as referring to God, and being the next best way to relay his Nature, by using an example we're familiar with. The symbolic Face refers to God's presence.
20:39, in mentioning Eyes, is also likely referring to the attention of God, instead of physical eyes.
The verses about hands made me audibly sigh. Even as a Christian, I assumed His Hands were symbolic, and that God wasn't some physical giant with huge hands. Not to mention, turns of phrase and uses of creative expression pop up a lot in the Quran.
5:64 refers to greed, illustrated as tightened hands.
38:74-75 refers to the symbolic Hands to describe the ability to create. 39:67 seems to assert the role of God on the Day of Judgment, especially in specifying the Right Hand. To my understanding, holding something in one's right hand implies ownership/possession. Basically, saying that the world is God's, and it cannot escape His Judgment.
68:42 is the symbolic Shin, communicating the horror of the Day of Judgment.
When I saw there was a "rear end" verse provided as a contradiction, I had a feeling that the words "Throne" was going to be sued. I was right. "Throne" does not mean "throne," but rather is a reference to God's high and holy station above all things.
I feel like bringing in 6:101 leads into a "gotcha!" moment for someone criticizing/analyzing the Quran. From what I've read and understand, this is the result of taking this verse out of context. The section that this verse is a part of is more of a, "Why would He?". Angels and jinn, as well as Jesus, have been attributed to God as His children. he has no need for genitals to reproduce, because He is not human. He has power to create that supersedes our physical methods.
The long and short of it, is that I see no contradiction here, although someone really tried to create one.
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madchild-dennis · 2 years
Episode 5
Awww yea that would be a BIG family with cousins and more for Archie.
Vancouver Island is beautiful.
Awww look at his lil face
Isn't it cold. Bruh whyyyyyy. I can't with...it such a Canadian thing, actually. I just never tried it...yet.
Bruh, that was a good plan.
Yea, that makes sense...sigh
Wowww, sigh.
That MEANS he definitely a conscious player in those LEAKS. SMH!!!
Dah!!! Yes put it on INSTAGRAM!!! It's modern, you old...people.
Sigh, they definitely didn't want her at that round table. SMH
Bruh, sigh.
Lol, I can definitely can picture it. William standing all red and angry. Shouting at H.
It was a LIE!!! So...🧐🧐🧐
Sigh...yes misogyny AT ITS BEST.
You know what calling it Megxit make her more known. Who isn't the "royal blood". Now that it's Harry's plan. Ha for THEM!!!
What!!! Bruh.
Yea, I've seen so many of them a d they seemed like middle aged housewife looking accounts.
What!!! Sigh!!!
Bruh, it's real. IT'S HER REAL LIFE!!! I feel you. Sigh
True it's Symbol Annihilation.
Yea the threat is REAL...but God is BIGGER!!!
Bruh H is RIGHT: "In order for change to happen, sometimes a lot of pain has to come to the surface."
Yea, that's what always happens.
True, they blame so they can not take ANY accountability.
Oh yea I remember them. And that's when I saw COLOUR!!! I LOVE IT!!! Yea, such JOY seeing it.
NO we didn't hate you both AT ALL!!!
Your leaving was MISSED...but NECESSARY!!! We prefer COLOUR, HAPPINESS, YOUR LIFE, JOY, LOVE and your authenticity.
Yea I could sense the cold despite just seeing the headlines. I had WORK. I wasn't monitoring NOT ONE SHIT. I had my bills to pay. But the news and radio or Google recommendation kept me updated.
True, a great sacrifice.
Wait she didn't go back with Harry on that flight?
You're GOOD ENOUGH MEG 😭😭😭😭😭, you ARE!!!!😭
KMT, the damn commonwealth. Because of that...maybe it's an example of what and how they deal with the Commonwealth. They treated a family who looked like the majority of the commonwealth how they actually treat the commonwealth. It makes them look good when it's necessary but does NOT actually care about it. Especially when it asks of them to care. How many commonwealth countries can go to England visa-free to just VISIT? I bet the dark-skinned countries aren't on that list. Much less go to study with ease. It's only a pretty decoration to make them relevant and a lil photo-op and charity but not fundamental CARE!!!
I remember that. Behind FENCES and the Jamaicans taking it like they are some God and they must be behind FENCES... Sigh
Watch Jamaicans and Jamaica YESSSS!!!
Wow I didn't realize the cry from Jamaicans for reparations were actually LOUD. I was too focused on my problems. Running from my FATHER and shit.
There was a canceled Tour
Yesssss Jamaica
Is like God gave them a CHANCE over and over and OVER again. A chance with Diana and they say NO. A chance now with Meghan and STILL fought it. They CHOSE HATE!!! They CHOSE GREED!!! They felt they MUST have it ALLL. I had NO plan for THE nor A throne. So if ONLY they dropped hate and institutionalised hate via racism. They wouldn't have to deal with this motherfucker, ME, who is ready to fuck shit up with God. 😊
I have NO ounce of care for them. Right now in that WHOLE family I am ONLY WITH MEGHAN AND HARRY!!!
I'm SERIOUS. You can't be so evil and WICKED. THE WHOLE family is RESPONSIBLE. You sat and do NOTHING is the same agreeing with whatever happens. If you not against the problem or apart of the solution, then you're part of the problem!! And that's THAT!!!
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rabbitcruiser · 2 years
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World Smile Day
Bring smiles to the faces of others through acts of kindness, community work, and of course offering your own lovely smile to brighten anyone’s day. 
Sometimes all it takes to make the day better is a smile, whether it’s one someone gives to you, or one you share with another. Little acts of kindness can bring a shining smile to someone who has otherwise had a terrible day, and it can change everything that follows.
Whether it’s just a simple compliment, a cheery hello, or a gift of something small to help brighten their day, World Smile Day encourages you to take action to bring a few more smiles into the world.
Learn about World Smile Day
World Smile Day is the perfect day to make others smile while also ensuring you have a smile on your face as well. There are a lot of events that go on around the globe on World Smile Day, all of which have been designed to make people feel happier and to share great moments with others. We see associations, organizations, people, and schools get involved, with many different activities going on that can make a person smile. This includes sending lovely messages to people and giving food to those who need it.
Interesting information and facts about World Smile Day and smiling itself…
Let’s take a look at some interesting and surprising facts about World Smile Day. For example, did you know that 470 iterations of the smileys were made for Internet emoticons in 1999? That’s a lot of smiley faces, isn’t it?
Not only does the smiley face bring a lot of joy to people, but it’s making a lot of money too! Well, we suppose money makes people smile as well, right? We are sure that the guys in London, England, are smiling when they look at how much money the Smiley Company office is bringing in. After all, it is worth over $55 million per annum!
Did you also know that happiness is biological? When you smile, endorphins are created. These are neurotransmitters that cause feelings of pleasure. And, do you know why the color yellow was used for the smiley face? Well, this one you might be able to guess! Yellow is the symbol of cheerfulness, so what better color for a smiley face?
History of World Smile Day
It was a simple thing, a circle with a few dots and an upturned curve, but put together Harvey Ball created one of the most iconic symbols the world had ever seen, and it would quickly come to infect everything from graffiti to modern day emoji’s.
We are, of course, talking about the smiley face, arguably the first emoji to enter the world. Harvey would later express concern that the sheer commercialization of his little symbol would strip it of its original intent and meaning.
It was out of this concern that he created World Smile Day, a day devoted to the spreading of simple joy and love to everyone, regardless of race, gender, or geographic location.
Harvey sadly passed from this world in 2001, but the foundation he helped create, the Harvey Ball World Smile Foundation, has carried forth his message of simple peace and love as the sponsor of World Smile Day every year.
Whether you’re simply expressing a bit of silliness or doing a small act of kindness to help someone smile, World Smile Day is your opportunity to help brighten the world and make the world a better place through the simple power of the smile.
How to celebrate World Smile Day
It all starts with keeping your eyes and heart open to the people around you, and recognizing when someone nearby could use a momentary lift to their day.
Everyone can make a difference on World Smile Day, just by being caring and compassionate and helping those around them have the best day they can have. Those who are truly ambitious can check out the World Smile Day website and look into becoming a World Smile Day ambassador.
World Smile Day Ambassador’s go the extra mile in setting up events at local businesses, schools, parks, even online to help spread the simple joy of a smile to the world.
There are a number of different things that you can do on World Smile Day to make a difference. There are a lot of great suggestions online. This includes delivering smile certificates to people, sending smile cards, giving meals to the homeless, hospital events, visiting nursing homes, balloon releases with World Smile Day messages, and much more! You can do things that make your loved ones smile, as well as the wider community too. It does not always need to be something big and grand either. There are plenty of small things that we can all do to make people feel happier.
It is also important to remember that you should be smiling on World Smile Day! We often tend to forget about ourselves because we are so busy thinking about other people. What makes you happy? What is going to make you smile? A lot of people smile when they are helping others, so it is one big circle of happiness! Of course, there are plenty of other things that could make you smile as well. You may simply want to have an hour to yourself so you can watch your favorite film or television program, for example.
Whatever you do decide to do on World Smile Day, there is one important ingredient: a smile!
World Smile Day FAQs
Are smiles contagious?
Many studies show that smiling is probably contagious in that the brain releases happy hormones, which makes the recipient of a smile want to smile back.
Is smiling good for you?
Emphatically yes! Smiling releases good hormones, helps with work productivity, promotes healthy relationships, relieves stress and may even help people live longer.
Do smiles cause wrinkles?
Wrinkles shouldn’t be blamed on smiling as they can be caused just as much by frowning, due to diminishing elasticity in the skin.
When do babies smile?
Newborns may smile in their sleep, but babies are typically between 6-8 weeks when they first begin with social smiles.
Who invented the smiley face emoticon?
Harvey Ross Ball was hired to create the iconic yellow smiley face in 1963. It took him 10 minutes and he was paid $45 for his work.
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keerishima · 3 years
HELLO! I saw you were a new blog that needed requests and I was wondering if you could write head-canons for todoroki, bakugou, and kiri (separately) with a s/o that has a witchcraft quirk? TY
well hi! thank you for the request, it was so cool to write! now i’m assuming you mean like a quirk that works like potions and herbs/crystals and spirit summoning and spells which is the road i’m taking i hope that’s okay?
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now this boy is
when he first saw the mist swirling around your fingers as you fought the robots in the UA exam, a shock went through his body
what was that? 
okay he didn’t mean to stare- considering he was in the middle of an exam- but the way you moved and the glints of a crystals around your body was just so cool
time passed and he got closer to you, during the dorm competition your room was the only room he wanted to see and boy did he love it
the green ivy and plants in your room, the pots and white smoke curling from diffusers and shelves full of powder and inks organised in a neat row
your room felt like a whole new world- like magic
literally after everyone had left he was still in your room looking around like a meerkat assessing it’s surroundings
fast forward; you guys are dating and he was VERY curious as to how your quirk worked, and you explained how your spells and energy came from the crystals and jewels
each crystal gave you a different energy, which converted to your power!
kirishima literally watched in awe as you pointed at all the different coloured gems and jewels and the symbols on your walls
he even asked to touch some of them and asked where you got them
he also asked to see them in battle, and asked if you had any similar to his own quirk!
the both of you engaged in LOTS of different mock battles, which almost always ended up in a play fight rather than real training- just because he ends up enjoying watching you use your quirk too much to actually focus
once you two had engaged in a long, breathless make out session against one of the walls- what can I say? you wanted to see what it felt like to kiss kirishima in his red riot form and have him melt back to normal under your touch
yeahh...it was a bad idea to do that in the school gym, where half of class 1-B caught you two mushed together against a wall
back to the hc!
he asks SO many questions
sometimes just sits on your bed for ages and asks one after the other after the other, to the point where aizawa has to come and send him back to his side of the dorm
let me tell you now: if you are 1) planning to get anything or 2) NEED anything, don’t let him find out
you once let it slip that you were considering getting pouches to carry these crystals, and the sweet, sweet boy went out and bought BUCKETS of bags
yes buckets because he didn’t know if your crystals would be affected by material or size of the bag or- god forbid what if it did and he ruined your quirk in battle?! 
he’d never forgive himself.
like literally he’d be on his knees ready for punishment of how you saw fit because of his mistake
what can i say? the boys dramatic
but its endearing :,)
it ended up being the cutest date of you cuddled up on his bed wrapped in his blankets like you were drowning in them,
whilst he sat on the floor, presenting each little bag and pouch to you, all teleshopping style.
‘and THIS 🤩 gorgeous article comes with not just 1😱! not just 2 😱! but THREE 🤯🥵🥳🥳 buttons to clip close to ensure a tight, secure hold of your 😏 special package’
yeah he made a sleazy face
yeah you threw a plushy at him
all of them were bought with your costume in mind and how could you not keep some of the bags? with kirishima watching you with the biggest eyes and slightly-pouting-lips-but-he-would-never-admit-it there was no way you didn’t keep the most useful ones
you asked him to return the extra bags so he wouldn’t have wasted his money, whilst you repaid his kindness with lots and lots of kisses and cuddles
;) or more depending on how you want it
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todoroki is uhh...
emotionally constipated
but thats not his fault
sometimes it comes off that he’s not interested in your quirk in a general sense, but it’s only because he doesn’t know how to ask without seeming pushy
he gets shy (but doesn’t show it) but with time that decreases to a sort of dry affection
i’m not saying he’s a dry boyfriend but he definitely isn't as spritely as someone like Denki might be
the way you’d see that he wanted to know more was if he asked you to come and fight with him, train with him and study
this is where he asked about your quirk
he didn’t ask to the extent of kirishima, who said everything that came to mind, he asked precise questions that gave him all the information he was desperate to know because you are so cool it makes his heart burn needed
and he also knew you would add more information as you explained, which he loved because he loved hearing you talk so passionately
this time your quirk allowed you to control people to an extent, depending on different plants and herbs you used
the plants each had a special line, muttered as you dropped the herbs anywhere on your opponent for it to activate
best believe todoroki asked for one to knock endeavour out, literally out of nowhere💀
once, one night you had been laying on your bed, and todoroki had popped over to see you. it was still quite early on in your relationship so you weren’t expecting him to cuddle up beside you and tuck into your smaller body, chin hooked onto your shoulder whilst his eyes bore into yours from below todoroki loves eye contact
‘Do your plants have meanings?’
that’s it, that’s all he softly whispered in your ear
‘What do you mean?’ You whispered back
‘Like...like roses mean love...do your herbs have a meaning linked to what they do?’
okay now he was blushing, very gently because he didn’t want to annoy you, or ask you a question you’d never thought of and make you feel silly or insecure about his quirk
YOU on the other hand were smothering a dopey grin. you knew your boyfriend and his boundaries, and you knew that him asking you in such an intimate setting meant he was trying hard for you
you also knew that he’d just given you free reign to ramble however you saw fit
so you explained, how each herb did this, how if you mixed them they did that, if you made a liquid infused with them it helped with your application in battle and so much more
todoroki listened silently, but his eyes were gleaming
literally glowing in the darkness- I mean was that even possible? it had to have been considering how todoroki looked at you that night
after you were done, he replied with a similar thing about his own quirk, and both of you had a long long chat that went from quirks, to schooling, to life, to aliens and more
todoroki had the weirdest humour, he never knew he was being funny until your quiet giggles morphed into full blown laughter- and caused a knock from the next room over because you were being too loud
he would let out his own little chuckles and smirks, seeing you enjoy his company so much
it was a while after that day when something new happened
you’d sent him a message, whilst he was sitting right next to you, and your contact name flashed on his screen suddenly, catching your eye
‘my calendula’
you looked at todoroki
todoroki looked at you
you both blinked
‘calendula?’ you asked
‘yes’ todoroki replied
‘why calendula?’
‘because,’ todoroki blushed deeply, eyes flickering away from yours
‘because you said calendula means joy...you’re my joy. arent you?’
and god help anyone who tries to say you aren’t todoroki’s joy
because you would literally throw them to the ground
your heart soared at how todoroki loved you and your quirk so much
even though it wasn’t blatantly obvious, it was the little things he did for you 😍
he originally going to call you his basil until Bakugou came round behind him asking him if he was writing the dorms grocery list. safe to say that plan was aborted immediately :D
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sorry I just
bakugo amuses me, he really does he’s so entertaining
okay sorry back to the headcanon
I headcanon you’re REALLY strong
like STUPID strong
Remember bakugos reactions to all the students quirks and he was like ‘shit I cant beat them 😨’
And his reaction to todoroki? yeah he’d literally see you use your quirk and just
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no I’m joking
but I feel like as your s/o he’d be super obsessed with your quirk
he’d always want to train with you, he’d see it as an amazing part of you that he wants to help hone so you can be the best of the best
not better than him obviously but the best anyway
not that he’d SHOW all of this awe and pride to you, it’s normally delivered in a bunch of bakugo sentences:
‘oi your form is shit. do this instead.’
that means he’s realised a new way you can throw this punch, with much more force
‘tch, go train. you need the training.’
he wants to train with you. again.
‘....finally. took you long enough to learn that.’
you’ve just done something successfully and he’s trying so hard not to blush at how well you did it.
here your power is more destructive
you can create sigils using a your finger in the air and they create attack power
this with bakugos quirk makes a formidable duo, and if he doesn’t get partnered with you he will most likely throw a fit
but not a long fit more of a like ‘oi why is she over there we work better together’
but he realises as heroes you need to work well with anyone you meet, so he’s not too fussy
because of the fact that you draw the sigils, you have a habit of tracing out patterns and new symbols and any sort of designs subconsciously
this is done normally on any part of your skin, with a pen
bakugo being old man bakugo 🙄 got mad at you
he told you off for almost giving yourself ink poisoning and ruining your hand and making it all dirty drama queen
but throughout all of this bakugo had been clutching your hand, and best believe he wasn’t letting go
he used the hand he was holding to pull you along and sit comfortably, dropping his own palm into your lap and mumbling something that kind of, sort of, might have been along the lines of ‘use my arm dumbass’
now you had bakugos arm to scribble on to your hearts content.
you used this when you were stressed, worried that your nerves were causing you to forget things or simply because you wanted to hold bakugo close
in fact, bakugo himself had adopted this habit, and you’ll notice I said arm instead of hand
bakugo got nervous around you, and therefore sweaty, which therefore lead to tiny little explosions in his palms when you were near
but this habit had started to make him feel comfortable with his hands around you, it made him trust himself more
he knew his power was strong and he didn’t want to hurt you, your quirk was something that helped him with that
and he wouldn’t tell you that but he was grateful. VERY grateful
he once asked why you used pen, and not your finger on your skin considering the pen ink is toxic
you answered very quickly, by pulling out a sheet of people and sliding your finger across the surface in a sigil shape
promptly the paper burnt into a cinder :)
and bakugo never asked again
and that is the end! I hope you liked it and I did the idea of Witchcraft justice 😅 please do send some more requests!
god I loved this so much they’re all so cute :,) thank you for this request!!
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shreddedparchment · 4 years
A Wife for Thor Pt.12
Queen of New Asgard
Pairing: King!Thor x Reader          Word Count: 9,737
Warnings: fluff, cute babies, talks of pregnancy, angst, Avengers shenanigans, talks of sex
A/N: So this one is a bit longer than the rest, I really wanted to make sure that this one was a lengthy treat. I didn’t want to split the chapter into two between getting to the Avengers and then actually meeting them and spending tie with them. I wanted to keep it together. I hope you all like it! I had a lot of fun with it, and mostly, I just really love Thor. I want him for myself. If you happen to reblog, thanks so much for helping me spread my work! xoxo
Please DO NOT repost my stories on other sites or blogs!
REBLOGS are always welcome!
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To say you’re a mess would be an understatement.
At least having Thor by your side gives you a small sense of stability, but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re about to meet the Avengers.
Earth’s mightiest heroes.
People so famous that everyone knows their name. Even people in remote parts of the world know they exist.
The sensation of being pulled and gliding through the air in Thor’s arms as the Bifrost glow surrounds you both in your transport is nothing compared to the rolling of your stomach at the thought of saying or doing something stupid in front of Thor’s friends and comrades.
You hold him tighter, loving the way he feels in full armor. Only because it really drives home the fact that he could protect you from anything as opposed to being comfortable.
You’re dressed more simply though not at all casual. The outfit you’re wearing was shoved into your bag with two others in case of official events that might crop up during your honeymoon.
Because dinner with Thor’s teammates is supposed to be a relaxed event, you chose the most unimpressive of the three.
The bodice consists of a one-piece made of leather. Armor would be more accurate in describing it. Though bits of it have been dyed a dark yet also soft gray-purple, others, like the right breast piece and the strip that wraps down around your left side are a natural brown. Textured with a ridged design to compliment the thinner more boned design of the gray-purple section.
Around your waist and laced at the back is another a-symmetrical piece of that natural brown leather, but along the base of it is sewn a long flowing skirt made of a cotton voile base in navy and a sheer silk light blue making the effect of it together like shifting water.
The skirt is left open slightly on the right. If anyone pays really close attention, they’ll see the top of your thigh in the sway. Generally, the dress is appropriate and since this will technically be your first public outing with Thor, it was important you look the part.
Neither of you is wearing a crown. Not necessary really, if it isn’t an official ceremony or event, but you are wearing the large golden pin that Thor had made for you to put on the left breast of your sleeveless gown.
It’s the same interlaced arches that are on your swords with a crown that looks just like your wedding crown at the center where the arches connect.
It shines bright, brand new as it is, and is a symbol of your new status in the world.
A human Queen of Asgard.
It’s safe to say that your name is known from one corner of the Earth to the other which you only just realized when you were doing some research on the time it takes for a body to decompose in a demi-damp environment occasionally exposed to heat. You’d stumbled across a tabloid page with the headline How the New Queen of Asgard Bewitched the God of Thunder.
You hadn’t bothered to read the article because it was clear exactly what kind of reporting they were doing from the picture of you, which someone had pulled from the website of your old school, sitting on Thor’s chest with a photoshopped smirk and glowing red eyes.
There were a few others you read, most of them nice and from official news sources. All of them detailing your tragic childhood and your ascension to wealth. Then your birth ancestry was exposed making you a top candidate for Queen of the Asgardians and in one article for the New York Times, you recognized the pictures of your wedding as you and Thor stared at each other in all of your enamored glory.
Anyone with eyes can see that you love him and in those pictures, you can admit that it helps you feel a bit more secure in Thor’s love to see that he’s looking at you the exact same way. How can he look at you like that and not love you? Or at least be really fond of you?
As the air gets colder, mushy gray snow lining the streets below you, Thor’s body pulls up, preparing to stand as his speed slows.
You feel him step onto the pavement before you do, then slowly he lowers you, large hands so careful with you that you can’t help but look for his eye to see what he might be feeling.
His eyes are not on you though. They’re on the crowd that’s slowly begun to gather.
They’re giving you a wide berth, but they’re stopping to look, and some have pulled out their cell phones to take photos or record video.
You can hear whispers shift through the cold New York winter air, people leaning over to each other in excitement and curiosity. Much like the crowd back in New Asgard had when you’d driven by them to get to your dress fitting and the wedding parade.
You can’t really make out what they’re saying but Thor can, and he wraps his arm around your waist, turns you to face those that are nearest, and waves.
You follow his example and give them as kind a smile as you can, despite the sudden nerves eating at you.
Shit, do you have to say something? Are you expected to?
“Hello everyone. I know most of you have seen her in the papers and on the interwebs already, but this is my beautiful and lovely Queen. My wife, Y/N.” Thor declares, but even your name he caresses with the soft shift in his tone.
“Hello?” You don’t mean it to come out as a question, but it does.
Still, there are a few people that giggle at your reaction.
A sense of calm overcomes those watching, as if finally hearing you speak seems to have burst a bubble.
“Aw yew a pwincess?” A small hand tugs at your skirts and you turn to look down at an adorable little girl with smooth deep brown skin. Her hair is gathered in two small buns, tight braids keep it neat.
All you can really see are her big brown eyes, so wide and full of wonder.
You pull from Thor’s grasp and squat down to be on the toddler’s level. She can’t be more than three.
“She’s my Queen, little one.” Thor explains, squatting down beside you. “Queen of New Asgard. Isn’t she pretty?”
The little girl giggles and nods, then reaches up to touch your own hair which has also been braided, one long in the middle giving it a mohawk look, and several other small braids along the sides to keep it neat while flying.
At least that’s the bit that you remember from this morning.
Thor had pulled you out of bed at four o’clock, led you to a chair in the bathroom and then started messing with your hair. Of course, that sent you right back off to sleep but you remember asking him sleepily at some point why he was braiding your hair and he’d explained that it was to keep it from getting all messy while flying.
That’s the last thing you remember before he was suddenly kissing you awake and then your mind was busy with the delicious way he carried you back to bed and then heartbroken when he said you had only ten minutes more to sleep while he showered.
You’re so tired.
Smiling at the little girl, watching her own joy grow in her eyes gives you new energy and you take her hand and hold it in your two.
“It’s so lovely to meet you…?”
A woman hurries over from the crowd, voice frantic as she seems to have finally spotted her little escapee.
“RUBY!” The poor mother cries, hurrying to her daughter’s side.
“Ruby,” You repeat.
The little girl turns to look at her mother while you keep hold of her hand.
“Wook mama! A Ka-ween!” She giggles and her mother slows, hesitating now that she notices you and Thor.
“Holy shi-” Her mother says, “I’m so sorry.”
Hurrying forward, she takes hold of Ruby’s shoulders and pulls her close, not because she’s threatened by you two or anything. She must be shocked.
You let her hand go as it’s pulled gently, and Thor helps you stand back up. Once you’re standing, he reaches down to take hold of your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.
“It’s okay.” You shake your head, smiling at the woman as Ruby turns to hug her leg excitedly. “She’s very sweet.”
“She’s a troublemaker. That’s what she is.” The woman counters. “D-Do I have to curtsy or somethin’?”
“Not this time.” Thor tells her, “For having such an adorable child, we’ll give you the curtsy pass.”
He’s joking. Teasing the woman.
“Thor…” You nudge him and he chuckles, amused by you more than his joke. “What he means to say is, yes. Normally you would have to, but he knows I’m already nervous out of my mind so it’s okay.”
The woman looks around behind her, aware of the flashing camera phones and the videos they must be taking. So, she turns back to you and clumsily makes a curtsy.
Little Ruby sees her do it and then turns to you and does an even clumsier version of the same bow.
“Thank you.” You manage to say, voice almost completely deprived of volume from how nervous her attention makes you.
“Yes,” Thor agrees, suddenly serious. “Thank you. Both of you, for the warm New York welcome.”
“It was nothing.” The woman says, dipping down to pick up Ruby. “Say buh-bye, Ruby.”
As they walk away, Ruby twists in her mother’s arms to look over her shoulder at you and Thor and waves.
“Bye, Ruby.” You wave at her, smiling at her cuteness before you look up to meet Thor’s gaze.
“See, that wasn’t so terrible.” Thor gives you a squeeze. “Just our luck that it was an adorable child to greet you first.”
“She was so cute!” You gush, wishing you could take her home.
Maybe Thor sees the deep want in your own face because he leans in and presses his lips to your temple before resting them softly against your ear.
“Don’t worry, cherub. Soon we’ll have our own little one running around the palace.” He promises.
Even though he means it in an innocent way, the deep tone and intent in his voice is also very clear and if there weren’t a lot of people watching, you’d pull him down for a kiss.
He smirks down at you, almost like he knows that you picked up on that lusty vibe despite his words being sweet.
“You’re not playing fair.” You complain.
Thor chuckles then gives the crowd, which has grown quite a bit, another wave.
“Something to look forward to when we go home.” He reasons.
“Will we get to do everything you want with this crowd around us?” You give them a look and tuck yourself into Thor’s side a little more but wave all the same.
All these eyes on you. Watching you. Listening to every little thing you say?
“I’ll make it possible, cherub.” Thor assures you.
He twirls his hammer, a near replica of the one his sister destroyed before they arrived on Earth and takes a step towards the crowd with the look of someone about to make a speech.
When you look at yourself, you still look like you. Still wearing the dress you’d pulled on in the morning. Braids still in place.
Thor is still in full uniform. Still holding his hammer. But as the two of you walk through the city, no one stops to look.
After you and Thor had ducked into that first shop—a bakery that had lured him in by the nose because apparently the breakfast you’d cooked him hadn’t been enough—and emerged freshly fed, none of the people who had stopped to watch you when you'd landed were looking at you as you passed them.
Some of them even looked right at you then away as if they didn’t recognize you.
“It’s magic.” Thor whispers in your ear.
He straightens up, watching you with an amused grin as understanding overcomes your face.
“A trick my mother taught me that Loki has helped me perfect. Would you like us to see what they do? Our clothes, I mean? We’ll still see each other.”
“Sure.” You nod, excited by the proximity of magic to yourself.
Thor gives you a nod. He twirls his hammer, held loose in his right hand and it turns into an umbrella.
His clothes are neat and somewhat formal. More of a business casual with dark pressed trousers, a thick black t-shirt made of a heavy and soft cotton blend. His jacket is coal gray, with just the slightest hint of brown.
You gasp lightly, stunned by the sight of him with two electric blue eyes. No sleek black and gold eyepatch. Just two pretty orbs that blink at the shock on your face.
“What, love?” He worries, reaching down to place his hand on your lower back as the two of you continue down the sidewalk.
“Your eyes.” You shake your head, speechless.
“Oh, yes. Well, it helps me blend in.”
His blonde hair is styled too, a smooth wave of the longer hair along the top of his head. Why is he so pretty?
Thor chuckles.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” He teases, still looking forward.
“I’m staring,” You huff a laugh. “I’m sorry.”
But you give yourself a look and find yourself wearing a chic black pantsuit. More heavy cotton blend fabric from head to toe. It has that waterproof sheen though. Like if you spill something it’ll just roll off. Black long sleeve shirt with a higher than normal collar. It’s just a few inches short of being a turtleneck.
Over that you’re wearing a sleeveless wool trench coat with big black buttons and large pockets. The cut is feminine and left open since it’s cold but not too cold during the day with the sun streaming down.
It’ll be different tonight.
“We have these actual clothes waiting for us at the compound. I had them sent over when Stark told me that I’d be able to bring you for introductions. We can change in my room once we’re there, so we won’t be as constricted.” Thor takes your hand to his lips and gives it a kiss.
“You have a room at the compound? Isn’t it like a military base or something?” You wonder.
“Parts of it. There is a shooting range and a hangar with plenty of planes and jets. A pretty large garage with quite the selection of cars. Maybe we can go for a drive after dinner for some alone time?” He wiggles his eyebrows at you, but you’re still trying to wrap your mind around bedrooms at the compound.
“Do some of the Avengers live on the compound?”
“Yes.” Thor nods, his attention pulled away from his suggestive expression. “Several of them do. Wanda lives there. Captain Rogers, Natasha, Vision, Samuel and Barnes live there now too. Stark has moved out to be with Pepper on some cabin they purchased together a year ago.
“Barton lives with his family, so he doesn’t stay at the compound. And of course, for me it has been a home away from home. The only other person that stays there but doesn’t live there permanently is Banner.
“After we arrived from our journey in space, he took to his lab and slept at the compound for nearly six months before he finally went home. He hasn’t come back to the compound since. Says he’s working on something, but he’s promised to be here for our dinner.” Thor assure you.
Sad to say that you can’t exactly be as excited as he is as the list of names, he just went through looms over you like a test you didn’t study for.
Suddenly he stops, and he waves over at another tall blonde man with storm blue eyes and what looks to be a full beard. His slightly outgrown blonde hair is pushed back, the tresses smooth and silky as he hurries towards you both, brown leather bomber jacket zipped shut over a pair of jeans.
“Oh, you’re dressed up.” He says, but you recognize him and as Thor stops, you find yourself gaping at Captain America. “Maybe I should have picked something nicer.”
“Not necessary. You and the rest of the team are friends.” He takes Captain America’s hand and shakes it before they both meet in a quick hug.
“It’s been too long.” Thor admits.
“Well, you’re a busy man now. King and all that.”
“H-How did you recognize us?” You stutter, focusing on the mystery before you instead of the fact that Captain America is standing right fucking there!
“I let him see us.” Thor explains. “The veil holds only for those I want to shield us from.”
“Oh.” You whisper, not intending to but you have no air in your lungs again.
Thor seems to read your frayed nerves because he reaches around to wrap his arm around your waist and offer you some support.
“Captain Rogers, this is my lovely and very nervous wife, Y/N Y/L/N. Queen of Asgard and if I’m honest, the love of my life.” Thor’s honest gushing, the way he sounds honest and so freaking sincere brings you back to yourself a little and with a squeeze from him, you relax.
“Steve, Thor. Please. I’m not Captain America anymore.” He says, almost as if it’s a reminder.
This confuses you because as far as you know, Steve Rogers is still Captain America.
“I read the e-mail.” Thor says, shaking his head. “I thought perhaps it was a joke.”
“Since when have I ever joked about something this serious?”
“I don’t know, I thought perhaps you might have-”
Steve Rogers turns to you, ignoring Thor for the moment as he holds his hand out and slowly you take it.
“I know I should probably bow, but we don’t want everyone knowing who I’m talking to so, is a handshake okay?”
“Of course!” You say breathlessly as he shakes your hand softly. His grip is firm, but you can tell he’s very aware of not hurting you.
“It’s an honor to meet you,” He begins, then leans in towards you and whispers, “Your Majesty.”
Both of you are left smiling while Thor’s eyes are narrowed at the two of you.
“How do you find married life? Has Thor gotten on your nerves yet?”
You can tell he’s joking because while he’s talking to you, he steals a quick side-eye at Thor to gauge his reaction.
“Not yet. But he does like to eat all of the bacon.” You whisper.
Steve makes a pained look, directing it at Thor, still holding your hand in that gentle handshake.
“That’s a big no-no.” Steve agrees.
“Right?” You press, enjoying the pout on Thor’s lips.
“Alright, Rogers, release my wife’s hand.” He reaches and takes your hand out of Steve’s forcefully, but you and Steve only chuckle.
Thor pulls your hand up against his chest and with his other arm still around your waist, he’s basically got you wrapped up in his arms.
“Come on, everyone’s waiting.” Steve laughs, moving towards a black luxury sedan.
Thor makes to move forward but you pull back, resisting because meeting Steve Rogers was already stressful enough.
Now you have to go meet the rest of them? Can’t you just call it quits now?
“Cherub?” Thor looks at you, the concern pouring from him so overwhelmingly sweet that you give in.
He wants this so badly. It’s so important to him. You’ll also have to do many things from here on out that will make you anxious and stressed.
Suck it up.
“I’m just nervous.” You tell him, as if he can’t already see it himself.
“Thor?” Steve calls from the driver’s side of the car. He’s got the door open, both arms resting against the top of the vehicle.
“A moment, Steve.” Thor says, and for some reason it gives Steve a curious look on his face.
It’s almost as if he’s not used to Thor calling him by his first name.
“You have nothing to be nervous about, my love. You’ve already met Rogers and he’s like one of those dogs with the long ears and the funny long howl when it comes to sensing when anything’s amiss. Clearly, he likes you. You’re perfection, Y/N. You have nothing to worry about.”
Thor’s gushing should make you feel better, and it does a little. But you’re about to meet so many people. All of them important to Thor. What if you say something that makes one of them angry? What if you and one of them—or all of them—just don’t mesh well?
“I just-I-I don’t want to, I don’t know, disappoint you?”
Thor’s face falls into complete adoration. His smile is soft but wide and so pleased. He takes a step towards you, reaching up with both hands to place them on the back of your head, just behind your ears.
“You’ve already made me so proud, cherub. You’re here, standing with your head held high, greeting the people of a foreign country with grace and kindness. You’ve made jokes with one of my closest comrades already. I have every faith that you will continue to outshine me.” He chuckles as you relax a little more. “Do you need a few minutes?”
You shake your head, reaching up to take hold of his wrists. “No.”
“Yes,” you nod.
Thor slips his hands down, flicking them gently so that he can take hold of both your hands.
He pulls them to his lips and kisses them, never breaking eye contact.
He must lose concentration for his magic because as he kisses your knuckles, his two eyes turn into one as the eyepatch takes its place again.
His regular clothes turn back into his armor and your own dress shifts back into the more Asgardian appropriate attire.
“Uh, Thor?” Steve Rogers insists.
Thor looks at him and with a nod towards his body, Steve Rogers communicates the problem.
You look around and people are stopping their shopping and walking and going about their days to turn and look at the two Asgardian monarchs suddenly standing on the sidewalk in a sweet and affectionate embrace.
“Oops.” Thor smiles at them and gives them a wave while simultaneously taking hold of your hand.
You follow his lead and give them a regal wave and polite smile as he pulls you towards the car. Steve Rogers is already there, holding the back door open for you.
You get in and he shuts the door as Thor moves around to the other side and gets in too.
“You distracted me.” He accuses you, reaching around you to pinch your side.
You give a small scream of laughter then look at the watching crowd with a startled and embarrassed smile, but they’re pleased by the exchange. Some of them taking video and photos. Others just giggling and laughing along with you.
There are a few young women and men who even look envious. And honestly? Who wouldn’t?
You look and Thor and as he chuckles at your reaction to his teasing and the reaction of those watching as Steve Rogers pulls the car away from curb, you can understand their envy because Thor is beautiful and anyone, even if in the end they decide they don’t want to be with him, would be lucky to share in his love.
You made Thor promise to keep his hands to himself and you’re already regretting it.
You feel like you’re going to pass out. It’s all wobbly on your legs.
Knees are buckling and you might go down any second.
Thor takes an inch in your direction, but you give him a frown and he clears his throat before going right back to the spot he’d been in.
Both of you stand in a long common room. There are two modern armchairs in a gray almost beige cotton fabric. Two long sofas in an orange sandstone color sit completely occupied.
On the sofa to the right sit two beautiful red heads. One has short shoulder-length hair with pale blonde tips. The other’s long locks in a deeper less vibrant red fall to the base of her shoulder blades.
The brighter red headed woman has a sharp face, with large bright green eyes and eyebrows that start somewhat full on the inner corners and slowly fade into much thinner lines.
They’re perfectly shaped for her face though it does give her a sterner look.
She’s wearing a plain black dress with capped sleeves and a plunging V neckline. Her shoes are simple black flats though, which she taps against the floor as she waits for you to speak. Black Widow is just as fearsome as she looks in the news.
The other woman is much younger, her youthful face round. Her eyes are a pretty soft brown, more inviting though still a little distrustful. This must be Wanda, the Scarlet Witch.
It’s like she’s analyzing every move you make.
Beside her sits a man with peachy skin, short blondish-reddish hair. He looks older than her, but still handsome.
Despite the appearance of his older age, he has hold of one of Wanda’s hands. Fingers intertwined.
They’re together.
Vision, your mind provides.
On the other sofa sits Steve, his eyes kind as he waits patiently for you to be ready. Beside him sits a handsome black man with an exhausted expression.
You can tell that it isn’t directed at you, but he looks tired. Just home from doing some Avengers work, maybe?
Beside him sits a middle-aged man with small streaks of gray at his temples. His face is kind, but he seems like he’s preoccupied. Like he’s got places to be or things to do.
He keeps wringing his hands slowly, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees as he watches you.
On the far armchair is the man himself, Tony Stark. He looks every bit a king in his domain, just like Thor back home in New Asgard.
He owns the place—literally—and everyone knows it just by watching him sit there. He’s inquisitive about you, his mind clearly racing from the look in his eyes.
He’s the most analytical out of everyone. He keeps looking at you from head to toe, every shift in your stance, the way you hold your hands, or the fact that you’re looking each of them over and making your own conclusions catches his attention.
The last person in the room, and the only other one standing aside from you and Thor, is a tall beefy man with shortly cropped dark brown hair. He also looks tired, and he reaches up to rub his exhausted face with his shining black arm etched with golden veins that run through the sleek indestructible metal.
Bucky Barnes, the former Winter Soldier. Though most people still call him that, from what Thor said in your prep when coming is that he’s been fixed?
No, that’s not the right way to phrase that. He’s not a dog. He’s been deprogrammed.
You don’t quite understand what that means, but you realized as Thor spoke that Hydra had done something to Bucky to make him do the things that he’d done. Like brainwashing, though you know nothing about how one gets brainwashed.
It made you sad, that someone would be that cruel and take from someone their identity and all the things that make them who they are. You heart aches for the former Winter Soldier and he gives you the tinies of smiles. Just a soft and subtle gesture of encouragement.
All eyes in the room are on you, and you’re freezing up so you appreciate the figurative extended hand.
When you speak, your voice trembles at first.
“I-It’s so…I’m s-so…”
They stir, sitting up straighter at the sound of your voice.
Get it together! You’re Queen of an entire fucking kingdom!
You clear your throat, and with a quick shallow breath you try again.
“I’m sorry, I’m a l-little nervous. I know how important you all are to Thor and I-I know this was sudden. We were both really sorry that you couldn’t come to the wedding but I’m so glad to meet you now. My name is Y/N, and I…I think that’s it?”
Turning to Thor, you find him smiling wide, singular eye bright. He’s proud and you can see it in the way he pulls his shoulders back and moves back towards you, slipping his arm around your waist.
Both of you are wearing the real versions of his illusion now minus the coats, formal King and Queen garb abandoned in his room.
Thor’s arm is a welcome warmth.
“That was wonderful, cherub.”
“Cherub?” A snarky voice teases, and both of you turn to look at Tony Stark.
“Leave them alone, Tony. I’ve heard some of the things you call Pepper when you think we aren’t listening.” The Black Widow, Natasha, cuts in.
“Like what?”
“That’s a good one.” Thor observes. “Can I borrow it?”
“All y’all being really gross.” The new Captain America, Sam, points out.
“You’re just jealous you don’t have your own pudding-pop.” Bucky sighs, moving to the back of the sofa to lean both hands on the seat and look down at his friend.
“When’s the last time you had someone call you pudding-pop, Barnes?” Sam wonders, a clear attempt at a jab.
“Uh…1943? Just after I enlisted.” He answers, no sarcasm or embarrassment about that fact.
“You both need to get a life.” Natasha points out.
“You first.” Sam retorts.
Natasha fixes him with a look of confusion before getting up and moving towards Bucky. For a moment it looks as if she’s just going to pass right by him and into the kitchen behind him, but instead she slips her arm through his metal one and leans against him gently.
“I’ve got one. Don’t I, pudding-pop?”
The silence that follows is heavy but with building energy.
Then the room explodes with exclamations of, “What?!”
“When did this happen?!”
“How long have you two been a thing?”
With their attention diverted, you relax, leaning into Thor’s embrace as Natasha catches your eye and gives you a quick subtle wink.
“I thought we were gonna wait?” You hear Bucky ask Natasha over the cacophony of voices demanding information, all of them on their feet again too except for Steve who is smiling and hiding it behind his hand.
Obviously he already knew, and it’s also obvious that Natasha revealed her relationship with Bucky for your benefit and to make meeting you the secondary event of this get together and while some women would be pissed that she’s gone and stolen your spotlight, you could not be more grateful.
A metallic shoulder rubs against the side of your head and you lean away, gasping because you hadn’t expected the sensation.
You’re greeted with a metallic mask, similar to those of Tony Stark’s Iron Man helmet with slight variations around the mouth. The color is also brushed silver, the body white and red. It shifts to the side a little, away from you but it tips its head down in apology like an old 18th century gentleman.
“I’m sorry. Please, excuse me while I collect your empty plates.” The robot says.
“Sorry about the A.I., Cherub.” Tony says, then gives a quiet whistle. “Hey Bud, why don’t you take the night off?”
 Beside you, Thor chuckles at Tony’s new nickname for you. He’s done nothing but call you cherub since Thor did earlier in the night. It’s going to stick, or so Steve had promised.
The A.I. straightens up and puts the plates back down before moving off down the hall and out of sight.
“Bud?” Bruce Banner asks, who insisted you call him Bruce and drop the Doctor and the last name.
You have to keep reminding yourself to do so every time you talk to him. Because you can’t seem to remember, you’ve just chosen not to talk to him until you can.
Tony gets to his feet, moving around the table to lean over you, hand placed on his jacket to keep it from swinging against you.
“B.U.D.” He repeats, each letter on its own. “Buggy and Underdeveloped. I’m working on it. I’ve got their manners down. Jarvis quality though not as reliable. Vision is helping me work out the kinks.”
“I do what I can.” Vision says, Wanda reaching around to massage the back of his shoulders.
“You’ve made all the improvements. Tony had them calling us dickheads that one week before he asked for your help.”
“It was a typo!” Tony moves around to Natasha’s plate and piles it on top of yours, then Bucky’s who mutters a nervous thanks which Tony also mutters back a somewhat stiff approval.
You’re not given much time to notice their exchange before Thor’s hand finds your thigh under the table and he gives it a gentle squeeze.
“Are you alright?”
“Yes.” You smile at him, reaching down to take his hand. “Just surprised. I’ve never been around artificial intelligence of that caliber.”
“Don’t worry, Cherub. You’ll be used to it soon. You’ll be getting an upgrade at that pretty space cottage of yours pretty soon.” Tony says, grabbing a few glasses one at a time as he moves around the table.
“I’ll help you, Stark.” Thor suddenly says and releases your hand to move around the table and grab the other plates and glasses.
Why does he call him by his last name? Habit maybe?
“Thanks,” Tony nods.
“Space cottage?” You’re not sure what he means.
“Yeah, that big wooden house you all call a palace?” Tony clarifies.
“Oh,” Silly way to look at it. “There’s steel too.”
Tony smirks, “Well, I’ll be sending some people over to get a security system installed and an advanced satellite scanner to catch any movements that might come in from—up there. With this new threat that-”
Thor coughs loudly, dropping a glass that makes a terrible shattering glass sound against the black tabletop. Bucky catches the glass and holds it still then offers it up to him again.
Tony meets Thor’s singular eyed gaze who shakes his head minutely.
“-which I guess you’re not supposed to know? Whoops.” And with that he turns and leaves the room.
You look at Thor and find him watching you, then he quickly turns and follows Tony out of the room.
Whenever you’ve read in the past that someone sees red, you’d always suspected that it was metaphorical. However, you see red as your brain short circuits and all you can feel is a level rage.
The one thing you’d asked of Thor was that he won’t keep secrets from you and here is one, not even a week after your wedding!
“Don’t worry.” Natasha interjects, getting up from her seat. “When it’s worth knowing about, Thor will tell you. He just doesn’t want you to worry.”
Your frown only grows. You can’t seem to get your sudden temper flare under control.
“You’re upset.” Steve notices, getting up when everyone also starts to rise. “Why?”
You follow their example and get to your feet, pushing your chair under the table before following them into a smaller living room space just off the main common room while trying to quell your anger.
The living room is mostly white and gray with a long sectional that is full of red pillows.
“Because I’m Queen of New Asgard.” You point out, speaking a little more firmly than you mean to.
Steve gestures to the seat at the edge of the sectional and you take it, swallowing hard as you shove some of that upset down into your tummy so that you won’t lash out at the very nice people that Thor sees as family.
“You are.” Steve agrees. “No one would argue that you aren’t.”
Does he not get it?
“He might not want me to worry, but I have a responsibility to the people of New Asgard. If something is happening that might affect them, I need to know.” You cross your arms across your chest, huffing lightly and letting that be the peak of your temper.
You don’t want to fight with Thor here in front of everyone.
The reaction isn’t what you expect.
Sam, who is sitting on the floor at the bend in the sofa leaning against it as the weight of his sleepiness begins to take over, whistles.
Long and slow.
Bucky chuckles as Natasha settles beside him, her arms crossed across her chest as she leans back into his arm.
They don’t look together even if they are, just comfortable. Bucky’s arm curves a little more for her and is the only giveaway that there’s more between them than friendship.
She smirks. On the sofa beside you, Wanda leans forward to try and get a look at your pouting face, her red curtain of hair falling over her shoulder. Vision is standing by the TV looking at a collection of records to put on a turntable that sits ready and empty.
Dr. Ban-Bruce isn’t anywhere in sight.
Steve settles in beside Wanda but closer to Sam, leaving enough room for Vision to sit when he’s finished with the music.
“Thor said you had some bite.” Natasha shares, “Said something about you standing up for Loki? What’s that about?”
You feel your cheeks burn, neck too. With a shrug, you drop your arms and clutch at the fabric of your pants by your knees.
“Yeah, dude’s pretty psycho,” Sam adds.
“Sure, yeah, because a bunch of people dressing up in costumes and going around fighting crime and otherworldly forces are completely sane.”
Shit, did you seriously just say that?
There’s a beat of silence, then, “She sounds very sensible. Now that I’ve had some time with it, I think the cape might have been a touch too far.”
Everyone chuckles, and you turn to look at Vision who finally picks an album and slips it in place.
“Sorry,” You offer, hesitating a moment before you decide to explain yourself. “Loki has been nothing but kind to me. And calling him a psycho offends me. I know you all and the rest of the planet, have issues with him and what he did…so did I, but he’s trying. And he’s family now…like you all…so…”
Your words trail off as you turn to look for Thor, but you can still see him across the common room in the kitchen, exchanging hushed words with Tony and it’s starting to rile you up again. What’s coming? What’s so important that Thor has brought in the Avengers too?
“What did Thor call it?” Bucky asks Nat.
“Bite.” Steve tells him, “She’s got bite.”
“I’d say it’s more like a sting. But she’s right. I don’t think any of us here can judge someone by their past. At least I can’t.” Bucky nods.
“Or me,” Nat agrees.
“Or me,” Wanda smiles.
And then the music starts. Vision turns, hands behind his back as he also smiles at the general pleasantries.
“Taylor Swift?” Sam demands, “Really?”
Vision’s smile vanishes and he gives him nice wide eyes of surprise, “I’ve never heard this one before.”
“Excuse me.” You get up and move towards the kitchen, determined to get an explanation while the room behind you continues to argue the merits of Vision exploring different musical avenues.
“Whose album even is that?” Sam demands.
Steve clears his throat, “I think you should both get some sleep. I want a debrief first thing in the morning. I might not be Captain America anymore, but I’m still running this show.”
“Don’t try to change the subject, you’ve never accepted the boss mantle until now. Which other albums do you have in your room that you’re too afraid to share?” Nat adds.
“Hey, I have no shame in my musical taste.” Steve defends.
As you near the kitchen, the open spaces separated only by two large circular pillars and a sleek concrete counter island, you slow as their quiet conversation begins to reach your ears. It wasn’t necessarily that you’re trying to eavesdrop…but they’re not talking about what you expected them to be talking about. So, you freeze.
Too nervous to move, forward because what the hell? Or back, because they’ll no doubt hear your retreat.
Where’s the talk about threats to the kingdom and planet? No, you get a nice dose of fear and jealousy instead.
“You only knew her for a week before you married her?”
“It was arranged. All of you knew this. I explained it the last time we met.”
“I get that, but what-” You can hear the hesitation in Tony’s voice.
Despite the fact that he knows he probably shouldn’t bring it up, he throws his dishtowel on the counter and turns around to lean against it as Thor’s hands continue to sift through the dishes, washing them slowly. “What happened to Foster? Weren’t you two pretty hot and heavy? Last time you brought her here-”
“Jane has other priorities.” Thor cuts him off, clearly still hurt from his breakup with Jane.
You hate the sound in his voice. Why does he have to be so clearly heartbroken?
“That’s all I get?” Tony asks, waiting and leaning in a little closer to Thor.
“What else would you have me say? It was hard to leave her. And if I’m honest, I still find myself thinking about what life might have become if she’d been ready to settle down.”
You take a step back, wanting to get away from this horrible conversation you wish you hadn’t accidentally run into. Retreat being heard be damned!
But then, “Cherub?”
It’s Tony, a smirk in his voice as he turns to help Thor dry the dishes he sets aside.
“She is my angel.” Thor smiles, just a teeny upturn at the corners of his lips as he steals a glance at Tony.
Your heart gives a painful clench at the love that you’ve been seeing in his eye pour through in his voice.
“A celestial creature sent to me by fate. I had no knowledge of the capacities of love. I’ve only ever found love as I found Jane’s. We were met by chance, and the attraction was clear and instant. Intention as well. With my cherub, things though they grew quickly, were harder to find. I had to look past my own melancholia to see that she was there waiting for me.”
“She does look like she’s completely lost it.” Tony nudges Thor aside because he’s taking so long and takes over the washing.
“I hope you mean lost her heart to me?”
“What else? Her mind? Though why anyone would agree to rule an entire country is beyond me.”
“She’s brave.” Thor boasts, body completely relaxed. “I’ve never known anyone with her courage. The first night of our engagement she demanded that I be honest with her, even if I decided to keep Jane as a mistress.”
Tony looks at him, eyebrow quirked as he asks a voiceless question.
“Which of course, is out of the question. I entertained the thought for a bit, I can’t deny it. At the very beginning as I was making my plans to go leave Jane, to end things permanently so that I could do right by Y/N and really try to make our marriage something lasting—I wanted to keep Jane at my side by any means necessary.
“Imagining a life without her was painful and I hate to admit that I had every intention in those last moments before I saw her to ask her to be with me even after I was married.” Thor confesses, sounding torn between guilt and desperation.
You remember seeing that desperation in him before he’d gone to see Jane.
Even after his proposal to you, even after those earth-moving kisses, he’d wanted to keep Jane at his side.
Of course, he did. You shouldn’t be surprised by that. He and Jane had shared so much before you came into the picture. Before you were forced in if you’re honest.
Still, it hurts, and you hate hearing it.
For a second time, you take a step back, wanting to leave.
But then, “What changed your mind?”
Thor sighs heavily, exasperated, exhausted by something.
He crosses his large arms across his chest, black shirt straining against his biceps and pecs. He’s so massive. Standing next to Tony only accentuates that fact.
“It took her two hours to make time to speak with me, and another three before she stopped explaining her work on energy spikes in some far East quadrant of space to let me even bring up the fact I was officially engaged to someone else.
“The only reason I was able to hold off for so long is that she would come and kiss me every twenty minutes to promise that she’d be done soon.”
You hate that.
“It was the waiting around after three months of having seen her last and six months since we’d been together. I just couldn’t stand the thought of that always being my life. As much as I loved her, I didn’t want to spend my marriage waiting for a woman when another had already assured me of her commitment to rule at my side as wife and Queen.”
“Is that the only reason you’re so into your Cherub? Because she obviously likes you?”
“No.” Thor shakes his head, “No, there are many things about Y/N that draw me to her. Most of them I’ve discovered since I made the choice to really let Jane go. When I came home that night, she was there to lure me back from the pit I’d crawled myself into by telling Jane goodbye.”
Tony stops washing to fix Thor with a knowing gaze. He scoffs then turns back to his washing.
“So, the sex is good, is what you’re saying?”
“The sex is very good. Incredibly good. I have no complaints about our physical chemistry. In fact, it’s better than with Jane or anyone else I’ve ever been with. I’m not sure what it is, but we are very well suited in the bedroom. She has such vigor, such desire. I am never in no doubt of her want of me. It’s so good that I almost didn’t want to bring her here because then I’d have to give up an entire day of having her to myself wrapped up in nothing but her bedsheets.”
“Alright, I think I get the picture.” Tony holds up one soapy hand to stop Thor’s bragging. “So, she sleeps with you and makes you feel better. Jane makes you wait, so you end it for good. Did you at least give her a proper goodbye?”
Thor is silent, and this time, you don’t want to know. You’ve already guessed and have been suspecting that this is very much the case, but you don’t want the confirmation.
If that’s what happened when he went to see Jane, you don’t want to know. Even if it happened before you two were married and really together, it happened when you were already in the picture and your heart was already being swayed.
Stepping out from behind the large round pillar, one hand resting against the smooth black curve, you watch Thor think about Tony’s question, tilting his head up to look across the room towards the living room space where the Avengers are now laughing about who the hell knows what.
He sees you and his face loses color.
“What’s the matter?” He asks, a small bit of panic in his voice.
He moves towards you and you move towards him, meeting halfway.
“Did you hear?” He knows, probably because of whatever is on your face that’s making him panic.
His large hands are already pushing your numerous braids back, throwing them over your shoulders gently so that he can place his hands on your neck.
“Thor,” You repeat, this time getting a hold of yourself and reaching up to grab his wrists and pull his hands down away from your face. “What’s coming?”
This is why you’d come in here, and this is what you’ll insist on knowing. Fuck everything else they were talking about. You don’t want to know, and you don’t care what happened or what Thor felt before both of you exchanged vows.
He seems stunned by the shift of topic, despite the agony that you’d momentarily been in. His voice even cracks a little, too shocked by the change.
“The new threat,” You clarify. “This new thing that we need satellites back home for? What is it? What’s happening? I know that you probably don’t want me to worry or want to protect me or maybe you’re still thinking of me as a civilian? But I’m Queen of our kingdom, Thor. If something is coming for us, I deserve to know. I need to know what’s coming if I’m going to help you protect our people. It’s my job and I can’t do it if you don’t let me.”
“Cherub’s got a point.” Tony adds, and claps Thor on the shoulder before gathering up a tray and makes his way out of the kitchen and towards the others with a bottle of beer for each of them.
“You’re right.” Thor nods, reaching to take your hands and he pulls them up to his lips kiss away the pain that he must have seen you feeling.
He seems to know though that you don’t want to focus on that and so he doesn’t bring it up.
You can tell he wants to though. He really wants to talk about what was just said in this kitchen.
“Yes, you’re right, you should know and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I didn’t want you frightened or worried when you didn’t have to be, but you’re right. As Queen, you have every right to know what might be coming. But can’t we wait to talk about it until later? Tonight perhaps? When we’re alone?”
You don’t want to agree. You want to make demands of him and make him tell you everything right now. However, you also know that you’re a little angry about what you overheard and that’s probably why your pulse is pounding in your throat, heart ramming itself against your ribcage.
“Fine.” You huff then turn to move back into the living room.
“Hey,” He coaxes you back, voice low and deep so that the others won’t hear him.
He catches your wrist and pulls you back gently.
“Did you hear us? Because if you did, when I went to leave Jane I-”
“I don’t wanna know, Thor. If you slept with her, I don’t want to know.” You sigh, stomach clenching painfully. “You did what you have to do. It’s not like you and I fell in love in any kind of traditional way. We were forced together and now we’re married. I’m not stupid.”
“Of course you aren’t, and as true as all of that is, I don’t like the way you’re talking about it.” Thor agonizes, wrapping his arm around your waist to pull you closer and further into the kitchen out of view of the others. “You’re acting as if I don’t love you, or as if it’s a farce. I love you, cherub. It happened quickly, but it is real.”
“I know that, Thor,” It’s nice to hear though, because you’re seriously feeling weak in the confidence you’d spent every night since your wedding building.
For a bit there, you’d believed wholeheartedly that Thor loves you. You still do…but the realities of Jane and how quickly he’d had to end that relationship with her because he had to marry you to give his people a Queen have been brought to light and ruptured the bubble of your new marital bliss.
It’s also suddenly very clear to you that he must still love Jane very much. Even if he loves you too. There’s no way he can move on this quickly.
“You don’t look like you do. You look sad and it’s putting knots in my stomach, love. Please don’t doubt me now.”
You lean forward, shoving your forehead against his wide chest. You wrap your arms around his waist and fist the back of his shirt as he brings his hands up to the sides of your head. You can feel his lips against your scalp, kissing against the large middle braid that goes down along the back of your head.
“This is so hard.” You admit, hating your jealousy.
“I wish I could take all of your strife.” He kisses your head again, an audible smack. “I’m sorry I’m the one making it for you.”
Both of you knew that this would be tricky.
“I swear to you, cherub, it’s only you. You are the only woman I want and the only being in the universe that I want to bear my children.” His words are full of truth and you look up at him to find that same honesty in his gaze.
It’s pained and sorrowful and you hate it.
“I shouldn’t have listened.” You pull yourself up against his body and push yourself up with puckered lips.
Eagerly he leans down to meet your lips with his own but he shifts his head to the side to deepen the peck you’d wanted to leave you in no doubt as to his devotion, or at the very least, his passion.
He leans down to wrap his arms around you and press you up against the side of the pillar.
“Thor…” You whisper when he pulls back to tilt his head the other way. “We’re guests here.”
The reminder cools him down and he places his hands on your hips instead while you tickle the hairs on the back of his neck.
“We should get back to your friends.”
Thor sighs heavily, hating this idea, but he knows you’re right.
He reaches up to take hold of the back of your neck, squeezing it possessively before he leans down to give you one more quick kiss.
“Tonight, I will leave you in no doubt as to my devotion and love. I promise.”
His declaration takes your breath away, and apparently Bruce’s too as he sputters a cough around his own beer as he freezes on the other side of the kitchen by the fridge where another large round pillar lines a different entrance opposite the side you’re both standing on.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.” Bruce says, reaching up to wipe at the beer dribble around his mouth.
Thor takes his hands back and you slip out from between him and the pillar then make your way back towards the living room feeling flushed.
As you walk back in, observing the room, Steve and Vision are currently playing an apparently rousing game of Connect Four on the floor while Nat and Bucky sit cuddled up on the far corner of the sectional, talking quietly but also giving the two battling on the floor the occasional glance.
Wanda is on her phone, typing away quickly with a beer held between her thighs. Sam is standing by the records, despite his previous griping, nodding his head as Taylor Swift’s 22 fills the space.
Tony is on his own phone, standing in the far corner of the room with a sappy smile on his own face which tells you he’s probably talking to his own wife, Pepper Potts, who couldn’t make it tonight due to a work engagement.
All of them have a beer around them or in hand, and as you make your way towards the bend in the sectional feeling a little like you’re intruding, just as your back hits the sofa a cold bottle meets your cheek.
You jump a little but turn to look and Tony holds out a sealed bottle for you.
“You okay with import? Or do you want domestic?” He asks, holding his phone to his shoulder, brows drawn together as he waits for your answer.
“This is fine, thanks.” You take the bottle and then give him a quick smile.
“Good, because then I’d have sent you down to get your own.” He assures you, but a voice from his phone calls his name and he hurries away again, phone pressed to his ear.
You look at the bottle of beer in your hands, wondering if the top is a twist but when you go to turn it the ridges hurt your hand and you stop instantly.
Just as you’re about to lean over and ask Bucky to open the bottle for you, the sectional dips beside you and heat envelops your shoulder and side as Thor sits right beside you.
“It sounds like excuses to me.” He says, looking at Bruce who sits down beside him with a bit more space allowed between them.
“It’s not an excuse,” Bruce insists. “I’m working on something that needs all of my concentration. I’ll come visit soon, I promise. I’m going to be coming with Tony for the security system installation so, I’ll get to see the palace then.”
“Thor?” You hold the bottle up for him and he takes it from you, kissing the side of your head before he simply flicks the top with his thumb and it flies off and falls right on Steve’s head.
“Hey,” He complains, but then gets distracted as Vision connects his four red chips.
“I win.” Vision declares.
“Damn,” Steve concedes. “You got me. Go again?”
Vision dumps the chips, and they start splitting them up.
“Here you are, cherub.” Thor hands you back your beer, and you take a quick drink before settling in against Thor’s side a bit more comfortably as he gives you a squeeze but continues to chat with Bruce.
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