#his em isn’t that high either !!!!! by all accounts this man is a freak
aztrosist666 · 2 years
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okay if he does 12k no crit then how does 140ish crit dmg + bennett atk bonus + vape dmg = 82k. like the math is not working here
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
5x01: Sympathy for the Devil
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I never get tired of this shot. 
Lucifer is free. Sam and Dean are magically whisked away to a plane not far from where they just were. 
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So when a bright, blinding light shoots from the ground and the pilot veers the plane to crash mode, it’s not too surprising. Dean’s calmer than I’d expect. 
Once on the ground, they get a rental and in the car, Sam tries to apologize but Dean is focused on the MOST important of tasks: “We need to find Cas.” 
They make it to Chuck’s to find the place practically destroyed. Chuck pops up out of nowhere to give Sam’s noggin a good smack. 
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He can’t believe that they’re at his house. His last vision didn’t paint the best picture of Sam. His eyes went black --which surprises Dean. But Dean’s on a mission: “Where’s Cas?” 
Chuck tells Dean that he’s dead, or gone. “The archangel smote the crap out of him.” Dean is in denial and tries to come up with a different solution. Chuck would know though --plus he has a molar in his hair. 
Zachariah and his goons arrive looking for Dean. It’s go time, but Dean wants him to go away. They want Dean’s help before Lucifer finds a vessel. Dean has other plans and reveals an angel banishing sigil.
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 “Learned that from my friend, Cas, you son of a bitch.” Dean’s taking his buddy’s death really hard. 
Sidenote: All Chuck has to say about all of this apocalypse crazy is: “This sucks ass.” Does it Chuck? Or is this just your favorite season ever? 
Later at a motel, Sam gives Dean a hex bag to keep angels and demons at bay. Dean asks how he’s doing with his blood junkie stuff. He seems cured. Sam tries to apologize/explain/talk about it all again, and again, Dean shuts him down. They make a plan to find the devil.
A man walks home in the dark. As he’s walking up his front walk, the gate behind him doesn’t close. We spend an unusually long time watching it clatter in the wind. IS THIS AN UNEXPLAINED PHENOMENON? Or just a wind storm? Later, the man is sleeping and wakes to find his bed soaked in blood. He turns on the bedroom light only to find the blood gone. He tries going back to sleep only to find a woman with blood dripping down her face telling him that he’s chosen. 
*High Pitched Screeching Noises* (Sidenote: Bless Becky’s redemption moment in season 15). 
Chuck Skypes Becky and needs her help to get a message to Sam and Dean. She protests that she knows that Supernatural is just a book until he admits it’s all real and she freaks out that she knew it all along. 
At the motel, Dean’s busy watching signs of the Apocalypse on the television. 
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Becky arrives and gets more handsy with Sam than is ever okay. She tells them that the Michael sword is lost to the angels but it’s in a castle on a hill made of 42 dogs. Then she continues to assault Sam. 
Bobby shows up with the Impala. Bobby also brought some lore books, and they all learn a little more about Michael. He was the archangel that sent Lucifer south --with a sword. They need that sword. 
Sam then confesses to Bobby what really happened. Bobby’s so angry that he essentially tells Sam that he’s dead to him. 
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Heartbroken, Sam leaves to check out an old church nearby.
Later, Bobby confesses to Dean that he never would have believed that John was right: Dean would have to save Sam or kill him. Bobby reiterates that John was right. That gives Dean an idea about John’s old storage locker. “Castle Storage 42 Rover Hill.” Maybe the sword is there. Bobby then knocks Dean out. His eyes go black. Oh wait, that’s not Bobby at all! 
A smirking demon arrives and saunters over to Ruby’s knife laying on a dresser. She taunts Dean about knowing him in the past and how she should have ripped off his “pretty pretty face.”. 
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She’s Meg! Back from Hell and ready to, um, give ‘em hell I guess. “Our father's among us. You know we're all dreaming again for the first time since we were human? It's heaven on earth. Or hell.” She kisses another unwilling Winchester which is a habit I’m very glad she kicked in later episodes. Meg hands Demon!Bobby the knife and orders him to kill Dean. As Demon!Bobby raises the knife, Dean pleads for his life. It’s enough to snap Bobby back into control and he plunges the knife...into himself. UGH. 
Sam busts in and he and Meg enjoy a drag-out fight while Dean tackles the other demon in the room. Meg recognizes a losing situation when she’s in one and smokes out of there. 
Nick pours over boxed up baby belongings when he hears crying from the baby monitor. He goes in to check on the surely empty crib, only to have a horrific vision of blood running down the crib mattress. 
Sam and Dean rush Bobby into a hospital emergency room. He’s thoroughly stabbed, but still alive! Sam’s ready to linger by his bedside, but Dean’s adamant that they need to leave for John’s lockup right away. They need to find the Michael sword!
At Castle Storage, they find dead demons on the floor and walls lined with treasures! Also, they find Zachariah and his henchmen. “Oh thank God. The angels are here,” Dean greets them sarcastically. Zachariah ignores this attitude in favor of more mustache twirling. He’d lost the Michael sword but found it again - and just in time too! The Michael sword is Dean!
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Zachariah gleefully belittles Dean and then spells it out: Dean is Michael’s chosen vessel. His “angel condom,” if you will. Dean is sHOckiNGly not up for this plan. Zachariah shoots Sam with his finger and Sam collapses in pain. I. Just. No wonder why Cas was mystified by guns.
Michael needs his vessel to defeat Lucifer, so he needs Dean’s body yesterday, okay? (That’s what Cas says.) Dean inquires about the human lives caught in the crossfire. Oh, millions! But it’ll be worse if Lucifer wins, Zachariah promises. 
While Dean may have seriously depleted self confidence, he has a good grasp on consent. He’ll never agree to be Michael’s vessel. (Crying noise crying noise.) If nice, rational threats to the long term survival of the planet don’t work, Zach will turn to whatever he can. He gives Dean stage four stomach cancer. 
While Dean and Sam are doubled over in pain, a bright light flashes. An angel gets stabbed right in the throat (remember when THAT was a thing?) and we suddenly see...CAS!!
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Cas kicks the ass of every angel six ways to Sunday while Zachariah looks on, shocked. “How are you alive?” Zachariah asks. 
Excellent question! In reply Cas brings up the other recent miracle of Dean and Sam popping up into the safety of a passing airplane. God’s in the game now, motherfuckers! “Now, put these boys back together and go. I won't ask twice.” FANS SELF.
Zachariah flaps out with great haste. Cas approaches and warns the Winchesters that Lucifer is close to gaining his vessel. They need to be protected, so he lays hands on both of them and zaps some sweet, new rib tattoos into their bones.
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Cas shielded them with Enochian warding, which means no angel or archangel can track them now. (Unless they finally learn about cell signals, amirite?) Cas flaps away, as he is quite the international man of mystery now. Dying once will do that to you, I guess.
Nick wakes up to find his dead wife standing in the bedroom. She tells him that she isn’t his wife. She’s actually an angel named Lucifer. Lucifer sweet talks Nick, telling him that he would like to use him as his vessel and sure it’ll hurt, but it’ll all be worth it in the end. Lucifer was just misunderstood and wants to find God so he can hold him accountable. “Just because he created us doesn't mean he can toy with us, like playthings.” 
Me, to this show: 
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Lucifer promises Nick vengeance on his family’s killer if he says yes. So Nick says yes. Light flashes in the house, and Lucifer’s on the chessboard. 
Back at the hospital, Bobby’s ready to tear a new one out of some poor health care worker while Dean and Sam look on. They’re in the apocalypse now, so what’s the next step? Dean delivers a rousing speech: “Screw the angels and the demons and their crap apocalypse. Hell, they want to fight a war, they can find their own planet. This one's ours, and I say they get the hell off it. We take 'em all on. We kill the devil. Hell, we even kill Michael if we have to. But we do it our own damn selves.” That’s the spirit!
As they leave, Bobby stops Sam for a moment. He assures him that the demon said all those terrible things, not him. “I ain't cutting you out, boy. Not ever.” BRB CRYING
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Sam and Dean head out. Sam tosses out an idea about finding the Colt to kill Lucifer. Dean immediately pours water on this little candle of hope. He just did his happy little speech for Bobby’s benefit! In reality, his faith and trust in Sam are utterly shaken. There’s nothing Sam can do to repair it either. The trust is broken.
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I’d Like My Quotes with a Gallon of Custard:
How did we end up on Soul Plane?
Where's Cas?
Angels. Nice change-up to the mythology, by the way. The demon stuff was getting kind of old
It's you, chucklehead. You're the Michael sword
You two need to be more careful
What I do have is a GED and a give-'em-hell attitude, and I'll figure it out
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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get ur wincest fic here
i posted a new fic, it’s called Universal Inconsistencies and this is the blurb:
If there were good demons, bad angels, and monsters with best friend material, just why the hell couldn’t Sam Winchester be in love with his older brother?
i’ll insert a snippet under the cut <3 heres the link for the full fic:
Sam wakes from the dream in his customary fashion; terrified, hazy, guilty, resigned.
He’s face down on the bed, coarse cotton against his tongue and the thin duvet baring the breadth of his shoulders to the world, on account of the fact that it’s either that or his feet. Sam can feel the whole hotel room without looking; the sparse bed five feet to the left of his, empty because Sam would know if it wasn’t, the bathroom door opposite that, the small kitchenette crammed onto the west wall haphazardly. The front door is across the room, closed, locked, modest desk to the right of its hinges. The curtains are a dreary burgundy, the carpet ruthlessly fish-decorated and stained, complementary to the whale-centric wallpaper and lampshades. Sam’s skin itches where sunlight cuts through gaps in the curtains and falls onto his back.
He’s a little rustier on the general things; the month, the day, the state, the town, the time. Sam is all specificity, and Dean gets that other stuff.
“I know you’re awake,” Dean says from the desk, and only from carefully trained practice does Sam not flinch. His breathing thins, fanning hot off the pillow, wanting futilely to trick his brother.
Dean sighs. “I saw you wake up from the nightmare. Or dream. I wasn’t sure – you know, your happy face and pained face look a lot the same, Sammy. But I can always tell eventually.”
The grin Dean throws is hotter than any sun on Sam’s shoulders and Sam outright holds his breath this time, mimics the motion of breathing. He stretches lazily, a sleepy movement, intent on making Dean doubt himself for at least one moment.
“Maybe just found us a case, by the way, ‘bout freaking time too. It’s almost like the spooky stuff’s gone dormant, huh?”
Sam can feel the shape of Dean’s chuffed smirk on the nape of his neck, the soft, sensitive skin exposed to his brother and the world, and Sam turns over restlessly, keeps his eyes resolutely shut.
“It’s been, what, a month now?” Dean tsk’s a little, tapping one finger on the laptop keyboard. “I don’t know about you Sammy, but I’m gonna go a little stir crazy soon. Need something bad to gank, you hear?”
Sam snuffles lightly, ignoring his every desire to open his eyes incrementally and steal a glance of his brother, blurred profile in the morning light, jacket and overshirt likely shed because it was just them in this room, just them anywhere they went.
“All our skills and shit will go to hell, look at you, sleeping in already.” There is a considering pause in all of the noises that indicate Dean’s presence and Sam’s heart just barely hitches in rhythm, irrationally scared. “You’ll lose your edge and get hurt when a hunt finally comes up, and I’ll have to spend all my precious time worrying about your clumsy ass.”
That’s bullshit and they both know so. The standard defiance rises in Sam’s chest anyway, but he heard Dean’s real meaning, stop ignoring me, like a spoiled child being denied their favourite drink after having it dangled right in front of them. Sam lets out his most convincing sleep sigh.
Dean sighs too. “Okay, up and at ‘em Sammy. Come help me research.” Nothing for a few moments, and then, “Sam?”
Sam pushes his face into the pillow to hide the threatening grin, feeling unnecessarily accomplished and aggressively giddy. Dean grunts lightly and stands, paces over to Sam’s bed quietly, wearing just socks and not his combat boots for once. He reaches the side of Sam’s bed and looms there, his breathing deep and even. Sam steals slitted looks sideways and glimpses one calloused hand, the soft grey cotton of Dean’s sleeping shirt, a worried hole near the hem tucked up against the hollow of Dean’s hip.
“Sam,” Dean repeats but his voice is much softer, gentler. There’s a tickling on the back of Sam’s neck and then Dean’s palm is there, his fingers pushed smoothly into Sam’s hair. Sam’s breath catches in his throat.
Dean sighs again. Sam can feel Dean’s gaze trained on him and he feels arrested in place, pinned to the bed beneath Dean’s warm, rough hand.
“What are you dreaming about, Sammy?” He pets absently at Sam’s hair, fingers curling against the base of Sam’s skull. “It’s almost every night now, don’t think that I can’t tell. What’s eating at you?”
Sam and Dean are on a streak of some kind, weeks gone by without an argument or even a serious tiff and Sam supposes that’s how they got to this level of comfort, Dean’s big hand but not bigger than Sam’s curled on Sam’s neck. Dean would never do this if he thought Sam was awake.
Having accomplished his only goal of the day, Sam rocks onto his side, squinting at the light for authenticity. “Dean? What’re you doing man?”
Dean snatches back his hand immediately, takes one distinct measured step away from the bed. Sam stares, bed ruffled and a touch breathless at the sight of Dean’s hedgehog hair, already sliding one leg to the floor.
“Just.” Dean can’t quite shake the shock from his face, patently adorable in the wide tilt of his eyes and soft-shaped mouth. Sam removes his gaze before he grins and gives the whole thing up. “Just waking you up, man. Got work to do.”
“Right.” Sam grunts, heaving himself into a sitting position. “What work, you find a case?” Had to play the part – he’d only just woken up, after all.
Dean shakes his head, retreats another few steps into the centre of the room but his eyes stay with Sam. He looks more relaxed now, convinced he’d gotten away with it. Sam rubs over the back of his neck where his skin is tingling and reaches for his shirt with the other hand, absently watching Dean.
“Maybe,” Dean says. “Standard possible haunting. Spooky stuff’s gone dormant, I guess.”
Sam snickers, tugging the shirt over his head and down the rest of the way and then rubbing at his eyes, smoothing one hand through his hair. Dean’s face brightens at someone entertaining his humour. “Well then. Thanks for waking me up for no reason, jerk.”
Sam flops onto his back on top of the covers, wriggling to get comfortable and then watching Dean with lazy eyes. Dean is watching him right back, looking kind of struck at the visual. Sam smirks, then cocks his head.
“Hey, isn’t that my shirt?”
Dean glances down at himself, looking terribly surprised before his better senses take over, throwing out a leer. “Probably, it’s so fuckin’ big, ya sasquatch.”
Sam isn’t going to let him get away with that. “Why’re you wearing it?”
Dean’s gaze cuts back to Sam’s and he reads the bitchy determination there, realises he has to cough up a real answer or he will hear it for the rest of the day.
He shrugs, turning around to face the desk but not before Sam catches the fine red flush over his cheeks. “’S more comfortable than my stuff, I guess, ‘cause it’s bigger and shit.”
Sam stares up at the ceiling, smiling, his head rushing faintly and a surge like adrenaline but thicker burning in his veins. He likes working his brother, like a marionette. He likes knowing he can – it makes up for all the stupid shit Dean can make Sam do whenever Sam lets his guard down for one second.
“Oh,” Sam says, feigning disinterest. Dean’s relief is palpable. Sam has never gotten high before, one black-lined box of rebellious youth he’d never found the moment to tick off, but he imagines this is what it feels like. Heady and reckless and addictive, and kind of childishly stupid.
“Keep it,” Sam adds without thought, pushing up onto his elbows in time to see Dean’s gaze flit to his. He’s retaken his seat, always that much sturdier with something at his back, and he quickly says, “What?” as though he doesn’t know what.
Sam sits up, swipes a hand through his hair and draws one leg beneath the other on the bed. He smiles and the expression is at least forty percent mean-looking, fox-slanted and cunning, says, “The shirt, Einstein. A million laundromats can’t get the smell of you off my clothes.”
Dean looks quite perfectly floored at that, unsure how to respond or even how to understand Sam’s words. It only lasts a second, of course, the customary curled lip and polished glare finding their way back immediately, but Sam caught it, and now his itch is scratched.
Today is going to be a good day, Sam decides.
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filmfreak1994 · 6 years
Change the Channel
A lot of people have been talking about their experiences with Channel Awesome in the wake of the 60+ page document released by Allison Pregler and several other former content creators for Channel Awesome. I figured I might throw my own experience with the site and its people (mostly Doug) too while the topic is relevant, even considered dusting off the old camera I got for Christmas to film a video but allergy season is upon us and I’m coughing up my lungs so the written word it is.
I was a frequent user of YouTube in the early days of its inception, mostly to look up viral videos and just go on a stream of pointlessness for hours on end with each recommended vid in the sidebar (mostly consisting of parodies to Star Wars, LotR, and entire Simpsons episodes uploaded before the great purge of early 2008). In all that time between 2006 and 2007, reviewers like the Angry Video Game Nerd and The Nostalgia Critic eluded me. I saw plenty of the 5 Second Movie clips and thought they were hysterical but didn’t even make the connection that they were made by a “Nostalgia Critic” until around the end of 2009, when a friend of mine at school told me to look up NC’s review of Sonic the Hedgehog (the weird TV show and the futuristic evil Jim Cummings one). I finally gave in which led me to watching some of his other, recent reviews like the “Star Wars Holiday Special” which was freaking hysterical (and still brings a warm smile to my face just thinking about it). By the time the new year rolled around and I had discovered That Guy With The Glasses I was hooked.
For a while I stuck to watching reviews on YouTube when fans would rip them from the main site, but decided to eventually support the site itself where I mostly stuck to NC videos but also watched content from the other producers when it interested me; Spoony and his Final Fantasy reviews, Linkara and any comic with a subject material I was familiar with, Marzgurl and her Don Bluth retrospective, so on and so forth. Like many other people, I wasn’t keeping up with every producer’s videos weekly like I was with NC, but when I decided to watch something else their content was worth it, being funny and informative all at once, even creating new branches of my interest and giving me new perspectives on media criticism.
I watched Nostalgia Critic religiously every week and, sorry to say, started to take his opinion as gospel, and the opinions of other reviewers as well, treating certain movies and shows as bad just because they said so and didn’t have an opinion for myself for the longest time. It was when I started to pay attention to Doug Walker himself and his philosophy that you should like what you like and every movie is a miracle that I started to chill out and even disagree with his opinions at times (I remember his “Little Nemo” review made me seek out that movie and I actually quite enjoyed it).
TGWTG was a formative site for me in my high school years, developing much of my sense of humor and how I look at movies. I watched all the anniversary specials, started to watch a greater portion of producers that included Lindsay and Kyle’s more analytical reviews and Brad Jones’s and Matthew Buck’s mix of cynicism and snark with genuine analytical praise and criticism. I even started to look at music critics like Paw or Todd even though I can’t judge music for shit (if it has a catchy beat I’ll more or less dig it, I’m not picky). I always imagined when I moved out for college (yeah, how’d that work out for ya, younger me) that I would start my own review series in the vein of these online personalities and even be picked up for the site where I too could join in on the anniversary movies and have a swell time and make friends with the people I looked up to and have a good time filming huge crossover events with them (in hindsight I can only imagine what role Doug would have me play in them, if I was even deemed important to be in them at all). Whenever people criticized the anniversary movies I just shrugged it off and said, “Yeah, they’re dumb, but I like em anyway,” and when rumors starting going around about some upside down crucifixion going on I shrugged them off as just rumors (and to be fair it wasn’t upside down but the real thing isn’t much better).
Anyway, around the time when To Boldly Flee came I enjoyed the movie a lot (I only saw it the once and I was eighteen, eighteen-year-old me and present me don’t get on anymore) and thought it was a bittersweet conclusion to The Nostalgia Critic but was excited to see what new projects Doug and the company would do after its conclusion. Plus the other contributors still had their content to keep TGWTG going strong into the foreseeable future. At least I thought.
I didn’t hate Demo Reel, but I didn’t like it all that much either. I only caught around a few episodes before losing interest, saying I’d get back into it eventually but never going out of my way to see them. By accounts they got better as they went along and I was interested in the episode that paid tribute to Elizabeth Hartman (which I think is the same episode that had Mara Wilson and Arin Hanson? I might be wrong (I didn’t even know who Arin was at the time but hindsight is 20/20)), but I just put off watching them until, oh look, NC’s back. At the time I thought this was interesting, there was plenty he could still do with the character given his new ground rules and the emphasis on skits gave the show a different tune that I felt, at the time, kept it fresh from what it was before. I missed the simplicity of the earlier reviews but I happily stuck with the NC again, as well as the same creators I’d happily watched before and plenty more I started to watch like Phelous (around the time he did that weird Aladdin meets Pagemaster movie, I used to rent that from Hollywood Video all the freaking time).
It was around this tumultuous time that Doug actually kinda started to annoy me. Never to the point where I stopped watching NC, but he sort of seemed to forget his whole “Like what you like,” message and outright attacked fans who disagreed with him. Certain jokes in his reviews rubbed me the wrong way (if Irate Gamer can’t get away with blowing up Ubisoft cuz they wouldn’t let him into a conference, you can’t get away with pretending to blow up Happy Madison just because they make shit movies) and he had a general vindictiveness to those who liked movies like “Man of Steel” or “The Lorax” that just seemed mean spirited and not a funny little video meant to entertain (though I guess the signs were always there like when he added in a dig at “Avatar” in his “Conan” review for no reason). But by and by he seemed to mellow out (no doubt dealing with problems letting go of Demo Reel and how big a success he thought it would be) and I still watched his stuff, including the vlogs he did with Rob regarding “Avatar” (the good one, hey I did it too!), “Korra,” “Adventure Time,” and any recent movie that came out. I started to agree with them less and less but they were still entertaining guys and I liked what they were doing.
Some of the shadier stuff going on at the site more or less flew over my head. The game show they did was pretty much “Demo Reel” part two for me in how much interest I had in it and that faded from public consciousness pretty quickly, and it was around the time the site switched from TGWTG to just Channel Awesome that a real shift began to become more noticeable. People were leaving. People I may not have watched all the time, but they were leaving, often times unannounced and seemingly unprovoked (because quite a few of them were). I read about what happened to Allison, aka Obscurus Lupa, who I had watched on and off again and thought that was pretty shitty, and got a general grasp that the management of CA itself wasn’t very good from what she and Lindsay alluded to (or just straight up said, they really should’ve had some NDAs if they cared so much about how they look) in some posts on Tumblr or Twitter but I still carried on watching NC and the other creators on the site mostly because I just figured what every fan figured at the time, Doug was mostly innocent and it was Michaud and Rob who were the real strings behind big decisions like who stays and goes (I liked Rob fine, but even back then I knew he could be kind of an ass).
More and more people from the classic era of TGWTG were leaving or not producing as much for the site as they did and that was a shame. CA was never what TGWTG felt like to me, even if the purpose was to put more focus on the other producers (supposedly (hell, TGWTG did a way better job of featuring producers in my opinion even if it wasn’t perfect)). But whatever, I carried on every Tuesday watching NC, watching other creators when their stuff interested me, but it still wasn’t quite the same as before, and I had become more aware of the general bad experience most people had filming the anniversary movies even if the full extent of that didn’t come until a few days ago.
It was really when Lewis announced that he had left and I found the Change the Channel hashtag that I started to take notice of these stories, finding plenty of them on my own from the links to Twitter conversations many of the former contributors were having before reading them on the Google doc. I was torn, wondering if I should boycott NC with all that I had read and decided to make it a temporary one until the doc came out and to see if he or CA would provide a statement. Well, the doc came out and the apology not long after. And yeah, I moved it to a permanent ban after that bullshit.
I’ve given up watching people I loved before, JonTron and his racist bullshit was the last straw in supporting anything he did, and even with the Me Too movement I’ve given up any kind of support for people like Kevin Spacey who I used to love as an actor (now it’s pretty easy to see how he was able to play such scumbag villains over and over again). I know Doug isn’t a Nazi or Nazi sympathizer, and to my knowledge he hasn’t used his position to sexually take advantage of anyone (though he has turned a blind eye to others doing the same and the same can’t be said for taking advantage of people in other ways), but I just couldn’t watch stuff directly made by him and for Channel Awesome with all this information. It wouldn’t be right, even with an adblocker. 
I don’t mean to threaten the livelihood of people on his team like Malcolm or Tamara, I like them a great deal and they’re very talented, heck I even enjoyed the skits on NC a lot more than most because of them (and Rachel, she was great too). But I said to myself until an actual apology is listed and some form of action is taken to truly better the site, I wouldn’t watch them. Others have suggested and I have thought the same, that the best thing to do would be to fire Michaud, though I realize this would create a slew of problems given that he owns the IP for NC and is the founder of CA. Still, some form of acknowledgement from the Walkers would go a long way to bettering the public response to all this. More and more contributors have left in the wake of this document, either out of fear for their own image or to show solidarity with the many complaints levied toward the site (and their reasons are completely valid no matter what, they’re trying to make a living), looking at the site today it’s practically a ghost town. I don’t blame those that have stayed for anything, but the reputation of CA is tarnished and at this point, especially with that piss-poor “apology,” it’s going to take several huge leaps to get it back.
I realize the purpose of Change the Channel was never to create a boycott of NC or any of the Walker’s content, at least by the majority of those who contributed to the docs, and those who choose to boycott do so of their own volition. Well, that’s my volition. No matter how much NC shaped my sense of humor in my younger years and inspired me to look at movies critically myself, I can’t deny the damage that Doug and Rob have been complicit in nor turn a blind eye to the shady practices they, Michaud, and past executives on the site have done. 
I really do wish that what was seemingly apparent in front of the camera, that this was a site filled of talented people who were also good friends having a good time, was true behind the scenes as well. People have been hurt, assaulted, taken advantage of, and tossed aside when they were no longer useful to the site. It’s not right, and I’m literally changing the channel until actual change is made.
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