#his humor is so dry it makes egypt jealous
lucy-the-demon · 11 months
Funny thing about Shane is before I said anything to him in my first playthrough I thought the sprite looked hot
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My brain is broken just enough to look at this 8-bit looking motherfucker and say
"Damn bro, lemme hit dat"
I see this goofball walking around outside and I go " holy shiiiiitt!"
Then I had my angry at Shane arc because he was mean to me and then I see that first cutscene and I said
" oh my God, he's just like me! I am miserably depressed yet I didn't notice that we were BOTH dying inside."
Ever since then I have been obsessed man, he's the best representation of depression I've ever seen in any of the media I have consumed.
Sometimes I wish I could see that first cutscene for the first time again. I've never felt so represented by a fictional character as I did in that moment
Here's my reaction to seeing the cutscene for the first time
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kaywritepieces · 7 years
The Egyptian Tomb
[Edit: This is mostly based on a dream I had, and so probably has a bunch of problematic stuff to do with race and sexuality and gender. With a lot of work, it could make for an interesting premise, but again. Lots of problems to work out.]
One of those classical archeology stories where they wake the evil spirit. Archaeologist Percy (from Persephone) and her team (not HER team per se but she is a high-ranking scientist on the trip) go to study a pyramid/temple that belongs to an obscure noblewoman.
The Egyptian man who's financing the expedition is kind is sketchy and so is his son, Seth (pronounced with the th sound and chosen because I can't find an Arabic name I like yet) Actually it turns out that Seth is some kind of incarnation/spirit in league with the evil lady spirit inside of the tomb and in good old archeological tradition plan to trick Percy to marry him to complete a ceremony that will free evil lady and unleash evil in the world.
Percy's friend Alice is there as well (she is a Jewish lady scientist/folklorist with a concentration in Egyptology and the Middle East) and she ends up involved as well because she can read the writing and also understands the myths and what to avoid, etc. She keeps foiling Seth's and the Lady's plot and they both get very frustrated (there is definitely debate within the story about whether or not Jews were actually slaves in Egypt at any point, though most of this occurs while they are running for their lives and so isn't exactly properly cited).
Naturally, Seth is trying to seduce Percy because she is vital to the plan to unleash darkness, which he wants because the Lady has promised him phenomenal cosmic power blah blah blah. Of course, he starts to actually like her as a person and starts to question what his pseudo-mother is telling him. It's very existential and sad. He also tries flirting with Alice because he likes to flirt and she's pretty and maybe it will make Percy jealous, except that he starts to like her as a person TOO because she's smart and has a dry sense of humor and god damn it this was not in the plan.
Alice DOES NOT want to unleash the powers of darkness and so works her ass off to keep Percy away from all of that. She does flirt back with Seth because, yeah, he's hot, but even though she thinks he's really attractive Alice would never hook up with someone who makes her bff so uncomfortable and/or plans to marry her against her will (and that's all it would be, a hookup, because Alice is a healthy bisexual but she doesn't do romance all that much, it doesn't appeal to her, except maybe one special lady but she would never, ever tell her and now she keeps finding herself daydreaming about Seth’s eyes god damn it this was not the plan). Btw Alice is a grey-romantic bisexual.
Percy is biromantic asexual who would rather spend her energy studying ancient ruins than getting sweaty with someone, thanks. So she's not really into the whole forced marriage thing. Also, it turns out that she's the descendant of the wise woman who sealed the tomb in the first place (who was also the evil Lady's sister), which is why it has to be her. She is not impressed; she is so pale she burns whenever she goes on these digs no matter how much sunscreen she applies and it is very frustrating to learn that she could have been (okay laws of genetics say that she couldn't have been because the ancestor was a really long time ago but STILL) a lot darker and thus avoided this problem. She very much believes in making her own destiny, which in this case involves pretending to get caught up in the Lady's spell when she kidnaps Alice (and calling her grandmother of all things even though at most she would be an aunt) and then taking control of the marriage ritual by both actively participating (she kisses Seth which he really didn't expect and she likes it which she...okay she kind of expected because he's not awful under that whole evil spirit persona and he did try to get her out of the whole thing before and he really seems to regret trying to seduce her to the dark side, and she's always liked kissing) and she manages to take control of the darkness and use it to send the Lady back to hell or whatever. They save Alice and even though the site is completely ruined they still have Seth's family's money because he is just so fucking loaded and they live happily ever after (and yeah, Percy and Alice continue to go on digs and things but they usually bring Seth along just in case some bad magical shit goes down and also because they love him).
The Lady wasn't always evil. Back when she was still Asenath, a priestess in training for the goddess Nit, she was as good and kind as her sister who trained with her. But then the darkness almost broke through in the temple and Asenath and her sister went to stop it, and it came down to Asenath standing inside the temple and her sister outside, and Asenath screaming at her to close it, lock me in, we don't have time and we can't let it hurt our people! And then Asenath is alone in the tomb (this is her tomb now, not a temple) with the darkness and its whispers. And she stays strong for centuries. The darkness wants to consume her but she will not be consumed. She carves her story in the walls so that she won't forget, so that the world will know how to defeat the darkness once more when rises again. She maintains her own autonomy against the crushing force of darkness, and that alone is incredible. Forty years after she is sealed in, Asenath dies and she thinks that she will finally escape, but her spirit is sealed in with the darkness and lives on even after her physical body wastes away to bone. She is so, so lonely. Centuries pass and no one comes near the temple, and she starts to hate her sister for leaving her alone here and sealing her in alone here. Hatred is easier than loneliness. And centuries go by and she rages against her sister and the people she once fought (died) to protect and she begins to plan to unleash the darkness and control it and destroy the world that forgot her. And when Seth’s father finds a way into the temple as a young boy, she sees her chance and seduces him, ensorcells him, and one day bears him a child (Seth). And she uses them to find the last remaining heir of her sister's blood and lure her to the temple (because while having someone of her sister’s blood makes unsealing the darkness easier, it is not necessary. But it does feel sweeter to see her sister's progeny undo everything that her sister suffered to accomplish and to use her as her own minion). The wedding is to bind the girl's blood to her own through Seth so that she can control the darkness and use it for her own purpose.
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