#his inner ranger would demand it of him—even if he stayed close to the city because A loves it more. their little compromise
emblazons · 1 year
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*the city waits in uneasy silence–one sleep away.*
Glawen & Astarion + a moment (before the end) looking over Baldur's Gate • Baldur's Gate III
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chaniters · 5 years
Burdens of the Red
(Fallen Hero, Super Sentai AU, part 4)
Steel’s leadership is challenged by the surge of a new, cunning antagonist!
I have edited this part so many times it’s not even funny. Had to split it into two episodes too.  I’ll go on finish editing the second part, should be up in a day or two.
(Spoilers for Fallen Hero ahead)
(Apocalypse Force’s HQ)
He stumbled through the control room, like a blind bull in a china shop, operators either staying clear of his way or actively pushing him away from the sensitive equipment as he stumbled forward.
No one helped him. No one wanted anything to do with the walking failure that was Dr. Blitz.
His scorched armor was still smoking with burnt circuits that and the unquestionable stench of defeat. The mask bore the fresh traces of lady Argent's claws.
"Ahh.. how kind of you to visit us, Dr. Blitz. We have been all been observing your miserable and humiliating defeat. It did have some entertainment value to all things considered...  But go on,  by all means, share your report, perhaps you can yet redeem yourself before the Apocalypse Force." Regis spoke on an amused tone that betrayed her murderous anger.
"They... they had new technology! Combat suits! New weapons!"
"Technology? Combat suits? Weapons?" She asked mocking his broken tone. "We have plenty of those as well. How is that an excuse?"
"They were very advanced... I believe it was Nanite-based..."
"NANItes???!" she asked standing up "Nonsense! No one has used such since the Nanoswarm incident!"
"I was right about their teleportation technology! And I saw the nanites! I recorded it!"
"Then show me!" She said slowly.
Blitz took of his derelict helm and offered it to one of the operators. Expert hands cracked what was left of it open in a matter of seconds, and the inner hardware was plugged it in. Soon enough video of the battle streamed through the screens.
Regis narrowed her gaze as she saw the colorful nanites swirl in a cloud and converge, rapidly forming the Titan. The regenes watched in awe as well.
"It seems we're up against a new formidable opponent in this ranger team" she let on speaking confidently, regaining control over the situation. "Which brings us back to the fact that twice you have proven useless against them"
"Give me another chance! I will have my revenge on that pink bitch! I have been working on other mutants! I can deal with them!" he cried.
"Why should I? You haven't learned a single thing about how to defeat them...! Take him away… we’ll deal with him later" she started turning back her attention to the screens
"No…” he coughed and spat some blood over the floor, falling on his knee. He still held his head high “... WAIT! I know something! One of them... one of them is a regene!"
"A turncoat soldier?" she said stopping her motion, suddenly interested once more
"A cuckoo! That's how he infiltrated our operation!"
"A rebel... hmr.. we have dealt with such in the past… too bad the archives were lost during the rise of the Apocalypse Force"
"If you just give me a chance I can..."
"No!" she said, shutting him up immediately. "I believe this will take a more... indirect approach. One of your creations will be taking over, but not your mutants… Dr. Terror, approach us" she called
"What? You can’t have the child replace me!" He cried
“My life for the Regis” A teenage girl wearing a simple dress walked over, taking a fist to her heart and bowing deeply, regene tattoos clearly visible on her arms and legs. She had a butterfly pin on her hair.
“Dr. Terror” Regis smiled, “You say the nicest things… Did you overhear everything?”
“Of course My Regis”
“Excellent. You will take over where Dr. Blitz failed. One of the rangers is a regene and we’re dealing with nanite technology. Do you think you can use this information to our advantage?”
"Indeed Regis. I have already devised a plan to finish them all.  I will make the necessary arrangements."
"Excellent Dr. Terror. Your enhanced intellect has never failed us so far. Do not let this be the first time" she said turning her attention back to her workers.
Dr. Terror walked out, with Blitz following closely.
“You miserable girl! How dare you steal my place? It can’t be helped now… I suppose I’ll have to keep control of this operation and you’ll just report to the Regis. You will stay out of my way!”
Dr. Terror turned to him with an angelical smile “I will do no such thing”
Blitz looked at her fully enraged. “What?”
“Are you surprised? You’re the one who thought me my lifespan would be determined by how useful I was to the Special Directive. You burned that lesson in my flesh a long time ago, after you made me… and you made sure I could not forget. I’ve made myself very useful since. To the directive. To the Regis, and to the apocalypse force. I have conquered city after city. You, on the other hand, are not looking very useful to anyone right now, are you?”
Blitz extended a palm at her, his damaged armor struggling to generate an energy blast… one that never came, as he was struck down by a creature emerging from the very wall. The thing placed a hoof over his neck, pinning him down.
“Pathetic” Terror smiled as looked down on the creature’s prey. The apparition seemed ready to finish Blitz on her command. “You can barely stand Dr. Blitz. I suggest you lay down and let me take care of this. It will be fun! I will soon take everything that ever belonged to you. This is just the beginning. And I’m going to enjoy every moment of it” her cruel words stinging her maker more than her minion’s attack.
She walked past him, followed by the shadowy mutant, leaving him alone as he tried to crawl behind them.  
(Mortum’s lab facility)
“So, what do you think about these modifications?” Mortum asked handing him a tablet.
“Oh.. erm… I’ll review them and get back to you Doctor?”
“Of course! The sooner you do, the sooner I can get back to work”
“Indeed” Steel kept walking through the corridor.
“You have a call from above!” one of the numerous workers told him.
“Very well, I’ll get it in my office!” Steel said without stopping.
Mortum’s underground lair had turned into the focal point for their resistance movement.  And he was in charge of it all.
He entered the office and picked up the phone.
Oh damn. San Diego’s Mayor again.
He kept demanding they take down the Apocalypse force occupying the city before anything else.
It was his duty to make him understand that they were doing the best they could but they couldn’t quite take action there yet. Not with so many Apocalypse armies in between them. The mayor wasn’t shy of name-calling when furious, he had learned.
As he hung up, Herald appeared to ask for an assignment. Apparently, no one had given him one. He wasn’t experienced in this kind of situation enough to know where to be. (And who was, he wondered) He obviously had to make something up on the spot or the kid would feel useless. He ended up sending him to help in the hospital ward. He wasn’t a medic but his presence alone inspired morale.
As he closed the door there were a bunch of workers coming in to report their supplies were delayed. Fantastic. He redistributed what they had for the sixth time of the day on the spot.
Crap! When had this job become so tiring? He knew his responsibilities had increased with the current situation but this was getting ridiculous.
He looked through the window. There was a small park next to Mortum’s hideout. And sure there was Cyrus sitting on a bench featuring his trademark “why me?” expression that had never left his face since he came back to the world of the living. One would think he would feel better now that all his lies had come to an end, but it was even worse. Because Ortega wasn’t talking to him. Cyrus could be here with him, finding out what people needed by reading their minds before they came up to him and instead he was just staring at pigeons.
And of course, Ortega, who had been the Marshall before him and could be his much needed second in command was probably being depressed somewhere else out of sight as well, because his closest friend turned out not to be human. It was like he had died a second time.
He took a seat … And the chair bent and broke under his weight, his coffee mug spilling over the table.
“Not again!!”
He tried to stand quickly, but it was too late… Mortum’s tablets were ruined with coffee all over. And he fell on his side, still stuck on the bent chair.
“Shit!” he cried. “Shit shit shit shi…”
“Need a hand?”
He looked up startled. Argent was standing next to him, the door wide open.
“I hear your job can be stressing” she smiled offering a hand.
“It can be challenging at times” he smiled taking the offered hand as she lifted him up.
“Well... If you’re serious about helping, there’s one thing you could do for me”
“Sure. What is it?”
“Cyrus and Ricardo. I need them back on the game. Yesterday if possible.”
“That’s a tall order,” she said looking at Cyrus through the window.
“I know. But they both listen to you”
“That they do…” She said turning.
“Thanks. You know, this was never the deal I accepted”
“What do you mean?”
“Charge was going to be the leader. I had enough of that during the war… I was just going to be a soldier using overpowered equipment to deal with local villains.”
“I see how that turned sideways.”
“You got that right. Everything went overboard with Heartbreak. He had basically adopted Sidestep. and when he died, he went back with him. And now he returns, but he’s a depressed villain? And now it turns out he’s not even a villain but a government lab experiment and torture victim… And Charge’s lost once more”
They kept talking. Not noticing the teenage girl with the butterfly pin calmly walking through the park in a straight line towards Cyrus’s seat.
Cyrus turned rapidly.
“Who are you?”
“Oh. Me? I’m like you, cousin! Just coming to visit!” she offered him a beautiful smile”
“If you’re here to kill me, it won’t be half as easy as you’re expecting…”
“It won’t? We have a list of all the traitors like you… And given your closeness to the Rangers, I was pretty sure It would be you. Aren’t you going to try to control me? I would totally not expect that!”
“Why are you still helping them? You can be free!”
“Oh poor Cyrus… that’s your name, right? Cyrus? Well, there are things you don’t know… Or maybe you know them too well. There’s no stopping the Apocalypse force. It’s is going to conquer this whole planet one way or the other. And I’ve made myself useful, so i’ll be at the top when that happens!”
“You can’t possibly believe a bureaucrat scientist like Regina will…”
She chortled with clear laughter.
“Regis Regina, you mean? Oh no no no… I mean she’s kind of smart and powerful and all but… The Apocalypse Force is alive cousin! It’s alive and it’s coming to bite all the humans in the ass! You know, if you turned to our side, then it would all be much easier...”
“I’m never going back to the farm!”
“So you’re staying here, waiting to see if Charge’s going to come back and smooch you? That’s your plan? Because he abandoned you there, you know? I always do my homework, I studied him. Do you want to know what he did when you were being tortured? He got drunk and fucked around the whole town!”
“SHUT UP!”  
“Awww that’s too dramatic cousin… This isn’t the farm!” she grinned. “Didn’t you see how we changed the whole theme?. We even got matching outfits!” It was true… even her dress had the dark colors he had come to expect. “You would have a great time! And I’d love to have a handsome cousin like you helping me out! Must say I love what you did with your hair. If you came with me… I’d show you everything! You can be my assistant!”
“No. Fucking. Way. Get lost!” he said standing up.
She sighed, putting her hands in jars “Tsk tsk. You should be nice to your little cousin Cyrus. I’m afraid you’re going to have to be punished” she said taking a small electronic device from her pocket.
His mind was pressing against hers in an instant… only…
It wasn’t a regular mind. It was huge… like a labyrinth…
“Don’t feel bad cousin! I’m sure you could probably do what you’re trying to do If I gave you enough time. But you know, you were nasty to me so...” she said flipping the switch
“How did this happen?!” Ortega's voice was almost panicking. He had only just arrived and the reality of the situation was still sinking in.  
They had to strap Cyrus to the medical bed to stop him from harming himself. He was now sedated but several people needed to restrain him to bring him in.
“Surveillance video shows a young woman approaching him and activating some kind of small electronic device… He must have sensed something because he tried to stand, but ended up convulsing over the floor” Steel told him.
“No trace of her” Herald added. “I looked everywhere. Must have teleported out. She had to be with the enemy”
“Shit… Cyrus!” Ortega tried to hold his hand but was shushed away by Dr. Mortum.
“Loving gestures from a static-charged people aren’t going to help right now. You could fry all the equipment Charge! Let me do my job and stay back!” he said placing some scanner devices over his head.
“This can’t be fucking happening!” He was clearly losing it. “I’m going to kill them… I’m going to …”
“HEY!” Argent said shaking him forcefully “Ricardo, I know what you’re going through but Either keep it together or go take a walk to cool down and come back!”  
“I …”
“You’re not helping!”
He said nothing else but just stood silent, his fists trembling visibly. He finally sat down, his mind going through the ugly cocktail of terror, fury, and impotence.
It took a good quarter hour before Mortum looked at them again.
“His brain implant was deactivated” he finally sentenced.
“What does that mean?” Steel asked trying to keep a neutral tone.
“Well, Regene brains are not exactly human… That implant plays a vital role in regulating it’s … chemistry so to speak. The intruder... Whomever she was… she must have activated some sort of kill-switch.”
His words echoed through the room, as Ortega covered his face with his hands as if he had just pronounced him dead.
“Is… there something you can do for him, Doctor?” Herald asked finally as Mortum kept checking the results from the scanners.
“As a matter of fact… THere’s a lot I could do… It’s been a pet project of mind to work in restoring comatose brains…” he said casually “... just a side project of course…”
“So you can fix him?” Ortega asked looking back at him
“Not exactly… as I said, it’s a regene brain… if his implant’s not reactivated there’s not much I can do for him.  But I can restore him to wakefulness with some medical nanites”
“How do we reactivate his implant?” Steel asked.
“We can’t Not without the proper codes… But… I’m guessing he can probably help us with that question once I wake him”   Mortum spoke as he loaded a syringe with a crystalline liquid substance oozing with nanite sludge.
“What, right now?” Argent looked at him bewildered
“Yes? I mean the sooner I stabilize him the more time he has to live. Or do you have a better idea mademoiselle?”
“Do it” Steel sentenced.
Mortum slid the syringe directly into the medical tubing connector, and the nanites slowly flowed into his bloodstream.
“Miracle workers… let’s see if you can live up to your promises” he cheered them
The nanites went through and nothing happened for a few minutes.
Until the alarms began sounding over the medical devices, Cyrus’ vitals changing rapidly, and his whole body convulsing again.  
Steel and Herald helped hold him down as Argent made sure Ortega didn’t approach.
“This is all normal! His body is just responding to stimuli!” Mortum tried to calm them down, a bit too late.
Cyrus eventually stopped moving, his vitals becoming stable once more. And he opened his eyes wide.
“It hurts! It hurts so much! Make it stop!” he started screaming. “Make it stop! Make it stop!”
Steel and Argent looked at Mortum. He was adjusting the nanites settings on a console…
“... and… there! Any better?”
Cyrus’ screaming ceased, and he just lay there breathing heavily.
“What’s … happening?” he asked confused.
“That’s a very good question mon amie. I’m afraid It will take a few more minutes of scans before I can provide you with an answer”
Steel approached Cyrus’ beadhead and tried to explain it to him in a hushed voice. It took several attempts before Cyrus finally nodded in understanding.
“Do you know where can we find activation codes? Manuals? Anything that can help Mortum figure out farm technology?”
Cyrus smiled back at him as if it was a very obvious question.
“M… map,” he said finally. “Write… Write down… Coordinates… in Nevada” Steel did as he said.
“Thank you, Cyrus”
As he turned to the others, Cyrus' hand pulled him”
“Take.. me with .. you”
“You’re out of it Cyrus!”
“I know that... Hell hole… please...” and then he passed out again.
“Well… I’d say we have both good news and bad news” Mortum said finally.
“Start with the good news” Steel said looking at Ortega, who seemed about to throw up.
“Well, the good news is the nanites are doing an excellent job replacing his implant. I think he should be … decently coherent for a few hours. He could even be on the field himself, which should prove quite useful to go to this mystery location…”
“And the bad news?”
“Medical nanites are dangerous. I’ve designed these with a limited lifespan. They will start dying off in about 8 hours and I only have enough to fill two more doses. They are not easy to produce either. We will run out within a day.”
Steel took a deep breath and rubbed his eyes as hard as he could before turning to the others.
“We’re going to have to put an x on a map using these coordinates… and we need to make some calls around the government on the east, see what we can find out about their pet project.  Charge, Herald, I need you both with me.”
Ortega lifted his gaze to Steel. “I’m staying with him! I’m not losing him again!”
“Well I don’t plan to do that either! You’re have contacts that we need right now Ortega!  People are more likely to answer if it’s Charge asking. And Herald, everyone knows your voice. I have no idea who will or won’t be willing to tell us anything but if we can convince at least someone it could mean…”
“Alright alright, I get it!” Herald said
Charge reluctantly walked with them.
“Good. Argent… stay with Mortum and learn EVERYTHING you can about brain implants he can teach to you in the next hour”
“Done” she nodded slowly.
“And Mortum… , make sure to do whatever you can to have Cyrus in the best walking and thinking conditions you can within the hour”
Mortum nodded as well. He did love a challenge.
(The Farm exterior, Nevada desert)
“No! No no! Please don’t take me back! Please! Don’t!”
“Cyrus, please! It’s me! We’re just trying to help you!” Ortega, in his blue nanoranger suit tried to comfort him as he and Argent who was also wearing her nanoranger armor dragged him onwards.  
“I won’t go back! Please don’t make me go back, Ricardo! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for everything but please...”
It was painful. The teleportation had not been the best since they didn’t know the exact spot where the entrance was located. Still, they made quite good progress.
Cyrus had been acutely coherent most of the way. He even understood the mission and asked to go along -again-. He shared a lot of insight about the farm, but once they came upon a certain distance he just fixated on the building’s facade going blank for a split second before turning batshit crazy, hallucinating about the farm having captured him again. And with the way they were forced to drag him, it certainly looked that way.
Mortum told them it would pass momentarily, that the nanites would correct the imbalance eventually, but It was breaking mettle Ortega’s by the second.
“Do we have to bring him?” he asked.
“We need him. We have no idea what security systems there’ll be down there. And he escaped the place twice!” Argent spoke as they kept marching on.
“But… it’s hurting him”
“I know, but if we can’t find what we’re looking for…” she didn’t finish the sentence as they walked towards the building, following Steel and Herald close by.
Eventually, Cyrus quieted down as promised regaining some resemblance of normality and started walking of his own accord.
“I’m sorry… it’s just… “ he apologized
“I know… I know”  Ortega said “We’re about to enter… can you use your Henshin bracer?”
He looked clueless for a second before remembering what he meant.
“Yes… I think so?”
“Use it… armor will keep you safer.”
The others kept going forward as Ortega helped him change into the black ranger.
“What’s that?” Herald asked about a strange mound in the sand. Steel squinted his eyes at it… then engaged his enhanced sight modes. He instantly froze, going over similar mounds all around them”
“What is it?” Argent asked as they finally caught up.
The red ranger kicked one of them, revealing a corpse, buried under the sand. USA military gear, wearing the Special Directive’s logo.
“I guess this answers why there’s no one to meet us...” he said grimmly, as they reached the stairs that led to the first gate. Or what was left of it.   
My Fanfics: https://chaniters.tumblr.com/post/181692759294/my-fanfiction-for-fallen-hero 
DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fan fiction using characters and the setting of the Fallen Hero: Rebirth and upcoming Fallen Hero: Retribution games written by Malin Riden. I do not claim ownership of any characters from the Fallen Hero wold. These stories are a work of my imagination, and I do not ascribe them to the official story canon. These works are intended for entertainment outside the official storyline owned by the author. I am not profiting financially from the creation of these stories, and thank the author for her wonderful game/s, without which these works would not exist.
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