#his mole is very important to me
lilliesandeyes · 6 months
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beloved silly guy :D
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vcrnons · 6 months
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YUTA Numero TOKYO (for @justsomekpopstuff <3)
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hollowsart · 4 months
@ Marvel/Sony: Please consider cashing in on some TSSM merch again.. do you have any idea how much money the fans would be willing to spend on bigger and better TSSM action figures?
Do you have any idea how rabidly depraved the Mysterio fans are and how much we'd give to have a TSSM Mysterio figure?
I, for one, would do ANYTHING for a tssm Mysterio figure, complete with removable dome to see his cute face. Bonus if he came with a 2nd body with the suit-- I'm a sucker for him--
tssm Chameleon with 2 different bodies.. Norman & Connors, like in the show itself, to reference that! ..or, perhaps Chameleon comes as a bonus head option within a double package of Norman & Dr Connors? ..lost of ideas.
LISTEN. WRITE THIS DOWN: tssm Doc Ock & tssm Otto Octavius figures. pre and post accident. Listen to me-- you are sitting on an untapped gold mine.
Sort out your legalities and junk and MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
Man.. could you imagine the Green Goblin figure?? It would be near impossible to find one along with the speed in which Doc Ock would sell out after entering stores or online markets.
special bonus: A few select characters get slightly larger and more pricey figures that light up, like Doc Ock (actuators), Electro (everything), Green Goblin (pumpkin & glider), Mysterio (his dome, clasps, and smoke)
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meirimerens · 5 months
i love how you draw daniil with moles. it is very awesome to me
TEEHEE GLAD YOU WIKE IT i <3 moles i <3 giving everyone moles. or freckles those are the two options. they call me the mole guy the way i
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burstingsunrise · 11 months
what's your favorite one of luke's freckles?
i’ve compiled a small collection because i think you could argue some of these might be moles, but the freckles on his lips are probably my favorite favorite…it’s just really hard to find a photo where you can see them clearly.
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steddiejudas · 6 months
STWG Daily Drabble 11/29/23
prompt: modern au
Eddie is harshly woken by his phone ringing at— JESUS christ, 4:30 AM.
The number isn’t saved in his contacts, and normally he would just let it ring or hang up the call so he could go back to sleep, but his brain is a little fried so early in the morning so he answers it like a reflex.
“Hello?” he asks. He can hear the sleep in his own voice and hopes to god this call isn’t something important that his slow, rough voice will make him look bad for.
A very loud, very drunk voice screams the name Eddie doesn’t recognize into the line. He lacks the wherewithal to really sus out what’s happening, so he summons every ounce of intelligence to the best of his ability to mutter: “huh?”
“Robbie I’m so drunk and my phone died. The bartender let me use his to call you. come pick me up.”
The guy is whining directly into Eddie’s ear. it should be annoying, should be grating to his sleep-addled brain, but he can’t help but think he sounds cute.
“Uh, hey man, this isn’t Robin. I think you got the wrong number,” Eddie says.
The guy on the other end of the line goes silent, and Eddie imagines he’s pouting over there, probably too drunk to remember he needs to speak into the phone.
“Hey,” he says. “You okay? Are you going to be able to call this Robin person?”
“I did,” the guy whines again. “You’re not Robin.”
“No, I definitely am not. I’m Eddie. And who are you?”
“I’m Steve. Will you please come pick me up?”
He considers this, chuckling lightly to himself. This Steve sure is trusting. Eddie could be a murderer just waiting for a cute boy like Steve to call him up, and he says as much, but apparently all Steve hears is:
“You think I'm cute? Wait, how can you tell? Are you in the walls or something?”
Is he in the walls? Jesus this guy really is ass blasted, huh. And Eddie can’t leave a fellow bad late night decision maker to fend for himself, can he?
“You sound cute enough sweetheart. sit tight, I'll be there in 15 minutes.”
“mmkay!” Steve sounds purely elated to have Eddie on the way, and hangs up before he has the chance to confirm where he is. It’s no matter really, there’s only one bar in the area that’s open this late, and it seems the bartender picked up on that lacking piece of information as his phone pings with a location pin a minute later.
It’s one of Eddie’s usual haunts so he gets there in 10, familiar with the route and aided by the complete lack of traffic at this hour.
He wonders if in the last 10 minutes Steve has forgotten all about him. He is just a stranger he drunk dialed after all, and Steve’s so far gone his short term memory must be nothing at this point.
But when he pulls up and enters the building, he sees the most beautiful face he’s ever seen alone at the bar. He hopes to any god that will listen that Steve at least remembers his enthusiasm about getting home so he can see the way that elation shows on his handsome features. The bartender who’s been babysitting, and appears to be forcing him to drink water, points to the door and Steve turns around, his face alighting with all the brilliance of precious gemstones.
“Eddie!” He shouts, throwing himself off the stool to stumble over to him. He nearly falls to the ground, but Eddie is there to hold him up.
Their faces are inches apart, and Eddie can’t help but notice the way his drunkenness flushes his cheeks, giving the scattering of moles across his cheeks a beautiful backdrop.
“Hey pretty boy. Let’s get you home, okay? Where do you live?”
“With Robin,” Steve says, his face betraying the fact that he really thinks that’s the answer Eddie needs.
“Mhm,” Eddie patiently hums. “And where does Robin live?”
“With me, silly.”
“Oh boy, you’re really out of it. Why don’t I take you back to my place, get some food in you, charge up your phone, and we’ll go from there.”
“Is food the only thing I'll get in me?” Steve asks, pressing in closer to Eddie’s grasp.
It startles a laugh out of him. One that starts deep in his chest and rolls through his body, throwing his head back and shaking his shoulders.
“Steve, you barely know me. You’re just lucky I happen to be a very nice, very respectful guy, who is going to
feed you and nothing. else.”
Steve pouts a little as Eddie puts an arm around his waist and pulls him out to the car, loading him in the passenger seat and buckling him in.
It seems Steve has zoned out on the ride, either lulled by the movements or, god forbid, incredibly carsick. Either way he sits in silence with his face pressed against the cool glass while Eddie lets him be alone with his thoughts for the short drive home.
Getting up the stairs to Eddie’s apartment is a challenge. It’s like Steve is doing his absolute best to go ass over tea kettle down them. Eddie braces himself behind him, hands on his waist to keep him steady, trying his absolute darndest to ignore the lines of hard muscle under his sweater.
Now is NOT the time.
They make it inside with little incident, Eddie plopping Steve down on the couch to disappear into the kitchen after fishing Steve’s phone out of his pocket and plugging it in next to him.
“So, I’m not much of a cook,” Eddie hollers. “But how do you feel about grilled cheese?”
No answer comes.
Eddie peeks out of the kitchen to find a snoring Steve, sprawled out on the couch like a starfish. Somehow he’s even cuter like this. It brings a fond smile to Eddie’s face as he covers him in a blanket, tucks a pillow under his head and leaves a trash can by his side just in case.
It’s almost 5:30 now, and the exhaustion hits him all at once. Eddie gives the man sawing logs on his couch one last once over before going back to his own bed and crashing, hoping for at least another hour or two of sleep.
When he wakes, it’s with an unexpected sense of excitement, expecting Steve to be on his couch ready to have a coherent conversation and a real introduction, but when he makes his way out to the living room, Steve is gone, his pillow stacked on top of the neatly folded blanket.
He shouldn’t be sad about this. Steve is, after all, just a stranger who was drunk and couldn’t even remember his own address. He was probably embarrassed, confused, hell maybe even scared to be waking up in a stranger’s house with vague memories of how he got there. He tries to focus on that aspect of the situation, rather than his own disappointment. He does not succeed.
Eddie sits down on the couch, in the very same spot Steve laid his head the night before and wraps himself up in the blanket. He buries his face in it, inhaling the faint scent Steve left on it and wonders why he even cares. It wasn’t as if they had some big whirlwind romance in the span of the hour they were together; but Steve was so sweet, so cute, so excited to see him after speaking on the phone for just a couple minutes. It wasn’t anything more than a random act of kindness, but maybe Eddie wanted it to be.
It’s as Eddie is thinking it over that his phone pings with a message. Eddie groans, it’s probably just Gareth, or maybe the bartender from last night checking that everyone is safe. Though even that is wishful thinking. He checks anyway, trying his best to tamp down any wishful thinking until he sees the unknown number on his screen with one simple word.
[463-291-8275]: Thanks.
Eddie feels a lump in his throat, his chest filling up like a balloon. He doesn’t know what to do, what to say, doesn’t even know if it is Steve, but shit he fucking hopes so.
[Eddie]: Steve? How did you get my number again?
[463-291-8275]: Uhhh… i definitely didn’t try like 10 variations of Robin’s phone number to find the one number i mistyped when i accidentally called you last night
Eddie frantically adds the number to his contacts before texting back, thanking whatever powers that be for giving him another shot.
[Eddie]: Wow I must have left quite the impression on you Stevie 😏
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: you could say that
Eddie smirks to himself, trying to ignore the blush that warms his face at Steve’s words. He tries to come up with what to say next, how to segue into asking him out on a date, but before he can, his phone buzzes with more messages from Steve.
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: so i know this might seem a little strange since we barely talked before i passed out in a drunk heap on your couch
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: thanks for not killing me btw
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: but um would you maybe want to hang out sometime?
Eddie jumps up from the couch, pumping his fist in the air like he just won the lottery. then, like he’s just remembering he lives alone, he yells at no one in particular: “FUCK! YES!” There’s an angry knock on the wall from his neighbor, but he doesn’t care in the slightest.
[Eddie]: idk about that Stevie
He goes to reply in his typical teasing fashion, but Steve’s reply comes in immediately before he can finish the thought.
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: oh
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: i totally get it
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: last night was probably weird for you
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: feel free to block my number i’m so sorry
[Eddie]: Woah, slow your roll there big boy!
[Eddie]: I said I'm not so sure about hanging out with you.
[Eddie]: But only because I’d rather take you out on a date
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: oh
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: Oh!
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: date! yes! date is good
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: i’d love to go on a date!
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: better even
[Drunk Steve 🥵]: i was fighting demons trying not to kiss you in the car last night
Eddie has to set his phone down so he doesn’t throw it to the ground and shatter it, opting instead to fist his hands in the pillow Steve used last night and shove it in his face to scream. He has to regain his composure before he texts back, doing his best to keep cool.
[Eddie]: A date it is then. Can’t wait sweetheart ❤️
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gallusrostromegalus · 9 months
I haven't seen any dog stories in a while. How are Charleston and The Hanukkah Goblin doing?
Dog updates!
The first one is a little sad, but also how life should go. Arwen is 14 now and while she's still moving, eating, pooping and generally enjoying life, she also has canine dementia and sundown syndrome where she gets extremely nervous and her dementia gets worse after dark. She'll be with us for a while yet, but it's something we have to manage now.
One person who is very much helping her manage is Herschel. My parents are traveling a lot while they still have the knees for it so I spend a lot of time up at their house, and Charleston and Herschel come up too. Being a Corgi, Herschel likes to manage things, and Arwen would like someone to manage things for her so he's become her self-appointed guide dog.
When I call the dogs for food or outside, he goes and finds her deaf ass and herds her to the location. Normally she doesn't go outside after dark but when the boys are there she's willing to wait for Charlie to chase away anything that might be lurking out there, and then follow Herschel's ass around the yard at night.
Very literally.
She's also got cataracts forming and I think his bright white backside is easy for her to see in the dark, so she follows it around.
During daytime walks she sees well enough but neither she nor Charlie are fans of strange off-leash dogs running up to them (a regrettably common problem out here. I don't care if your dog is friendly MINE ARE NOT!), so both of them prefer to walk half a pace behind Herschel so his more socially adept and knife-filled face is out front to intercept any unwanted solicitors. This does tend to give people the opposite impression though- because he is so much shorter, Herschel gives the impression of a tiny, charming mafioso flanked by his two large and surly bodyguards.
Like, they absolutely would kill a bear for him.
But Charlie and Arwen would also try to kill a bear on general principle.
At night, when Arwen barks at shadows, Herschel runs up and stand between her and the alleged menace, and does his best to look large and intimidating and for as silly as he looks, he does have a very good growl. After a moment, when the alleged bear or congressman or other horror fails to appear, he will stick his nose into the offending shadow, and finding nothing, be satisfied that their joint effort has successfully chased the problem off, and report back to her. This, more than anything else, seems to alleviate Arwen 's fears.
I guess we all just need someone to take us seriously when we're frightened.
Charleston, meanwhile, has gotten into giving safari tours of the front range's small vertebrates.
After eight years of managing his exceptionally high prey drive, something clicked earlier this summer and instead of immediately lunging his whole face at any approximately bite-sized animal in an attempt to expedite it's journey into his stomach, Charlie has started *pointing* at things until I come look at them and tell him he's a good boy. This started with a mole, something he'd never seen before and that moves above ground in a strange way, so he wasn't sure about eating it, so he only alerted at it. "GOOD BOY!" I shouted, giving him all the cuddles. "GOOD SPOT! GOOD JOB NOT EATING IT!"
It's important to reward behavior you want to see.
Since then, he's been trying out pointing at small creatures in the grass and then making very pointed eye contact with me until I come look at them. This is a little tricky when walking both dogs because Herschel is still very much in his "inhale wildlife" phase, but usually I can lock the little gremlin's leash and go look at whatever Charlie has cornered while Herschel attempts to develop telekinesis to will the critter into his mouth.
So far, Charleston has found: a baby rabbit, several baby rabbits in a cluster, an adult rabbit with Jackalope virus, several voles, several moles, a fledgling owl, only the two mice, several mouse-sized grasshoppers and cicada, someone's pet rat (the person was searching within earshot and 'Socks' was collected forthwith), a beanie baby that had me fooled for a hit minute too, a marmot which I didn't know lived down here, a groundhog which I didn't know lived up here, a mink, so many toads, a wild turkey chick, so many more garter snakes and last night, an aquatic shrew.
I don't know if there's an Audubon Society for small things that scuttle around in the undergrowth, but I am inclined to join solely to get Charleston recognition for his service in surveying them.
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wheeboo · 7 months
06:43pm | kim mingyu
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SYNOPSIS. in which you ask your sleepy husband the *most* important question in the world. PAIRING. husband!kim mingyu x gn!reader GENRE. fluff, tiny bit suggestive at the end, established relationship WARNINGS. kissing, terms of endearment, implied that he’s um shirtless WORD COUNT. 916
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Mingyu stirs slightly right next to you, and you would think he would open his eyes up to his name, but he doesn't. You see the way he falls back into his napping state, and it makes you chuckle softly. Reaching a careful finger out, you faintly trace the line of his cheekbone, mapping out to the mole to his cheek, while relishing the soft warmth of his skin beneath your touch.
You notice a faint smile quivering of his lips from your feather-light touch. It's a heartwarming sight, knowing that even in his dreams, he seems content, peaceful. However, your gentle touch eventually awakens him from his slumber, and he shifts once more, this time more noticeably.
With a soft groan, his eyes slowly flutter open, gaze meeting yours, and he manages a tired, yet affectionate smile, hands coming to grab at the sheets to cover over his bare upper body. Your finger is still tracing down his jawline, and he shivers with a pleasant shudder at your touch.
"Hi," You greet him softly.
"Hey," he mumbles with half-lidded eyes, voice still husky from the long nap.
"I have a question for you," You tell him, keeping your tone serious. "It's very important, and I want you to be fully, one-hundred percent honest with me right now."
He yawns, letting his arms stretch as he lets out a deep breath, before encircling back around you and pulling you closer to him. You watch the way his sleepy grin transforms into a contented smile as he holds you close, feeling the way his chest rises and falls with each breath that left those pretty lips of his.
"M’kay," he responds quietly.
There's a playful glint in your eyes that he swears he sees, but he's too tired to fully register it and way too comfortable to say anything more, so he just watches you in anticipation.
You lean in closer, voice dropping to a whisper.
"Do you think I'm pretty?"
Mingyu's drowsy gaze meets yours, and he blinks slowly and furrows his brows together, as if he's processing the question like he's hearing it for the first time, or like a puzzle he has to put together in his sleepy mind. You swear you could see the way the question bounces around in his half-awake thoughts, playing in his brain like a delightful riddle.
"Sweetheart," he murmurs. "we're married."
He's right, of course. His words hang in the air for a moment, and then a knowing smile spreads across your face, realising how absurd it may seem to ask such a question after all this time together, but you know you just asked for his reaction. You can't help but burst into a fit of giggles at his groggy yet utterly adorable state. Mingyu only blinks at your laughter, looking momentarily puzzled before a small smile crosses his lips.
"Oops," You quip teasingly. "I guess I forgot."
He pouts exaggeratingly at this, and not just a pout, but a pout pout. "How could you forget that?"
His sulky expression tugs endearingly at your heartstrings. You reach out to gently cup his cheek apologetically, your thumb brushing over his lower lip.
"Aw, my sweet baby," You coo amusingly. "I didn't forget, I promise. I'm just teasing, and I love hearing it from you."
Even if you've been married for years now, the way his cheeks flush a soft pink at your words, and the way his eyes light up with adoration, makes your heart flutter just as it did when you were just young, dumb, and in love. There's something about hearing those reminders that yes, you are married𑁋you married the love of your life, the same man who you've been pining for since the moment you laid eyes on him and who still makes your heart skip a beat after all these years.
The journey from strangers to friends, to dating, to finally saying "I do" had been filled with ups and downs, but it was a journey you wouldn't trade a single second of it for anything in the world, all because it led you to this exact moment.
"Hmm, you better not forget ever," he warns, letting out a faux grumble, but you notice the corners of his lips are fighting back a smile. You know he can never stay mad for long, especially when you tease him like this. "or I'd have to remind you every day."
I wouldn't mind that, You think, chuckling softly before leaning in to plant a loving kiss on his pouty lips, which seems to melt away any lingering sleepiness surrounding him instantly. I wouldn't mind that at all.
When you press another kiss to his lips, he responds by deepening it almost naturally, his strong arms coming to wrap around you more tightly. You feel the way he smiles under the kiss, the warmth of his body enveloping you completely. And when you feel his fingers start to dance along your back, you let out let out a soft, breathy sigh against his lips, and there's a smirk that forms at his mouth from the response he elicits from you.
His lips part from yours, and he trails a line of soft kisses along your jawline, each one causing your heartbeat to quicken. He nuzzles his face against your neck, peppering it with affectionate kisses that make you lightly giggle, before coming to the sensitive spot behind your ear.
"And you're not just pretty, honey," he whispers between kisses, warm breath caressing against your skin, and you tilt your head back slightly to grant him more access. "You're goddamn breathtaking."
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taglist (open) ʚɞ @enhazen @haowrld @icyminghao @slytherinshua @jeonride @lockburn-castle @vrnism @weird-bookworm @mhlsymlysn @ryuwonieebae @yeonjuns-redhair @wonwooz1 @woohaeyo
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wongyuuu · 9 months
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in which you tell mingyu about a movie you watched as kid.
pairing: mingyu x fem!reader genre: fluff word count: 839 warnings: slightly suggestive, not nsfw
a/n: the movie mentioned is practical magic (yes, i'm old). this was not proofread
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There’s no way I got this lucky, you thought to yourself. You couldn’t move your eyes from the bathroom door, where your boyfriend stood in nothing more than sweatpants that hung a little too low on his hips. His chest was exposed, arm flexed, as he ran a towel through his hair.
Really lucky.
In pure amazement, you watched as Mingyu tossed his towel inside the washing machine and turned it on. A second later he sat by your side. 
“When I was a kid I watched this movie with my sister, right?” you started.
Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows, a playful look in his eyes. 
“You really were a TV only kind of kid, weren’t you?”
Rolling your eyes, you laughed. That was kind of a recurrent conversation with the two of you. Mingyu always made fun of you for watching too much TV and you mocked him with whatever embarrassing story his friends were willing to tell you whenever you met one of them. Seokmin was always one who seemed ready to share a different memory Mingyu would like to keep a secret.
“I was trying to have a moment with you, but you ruined it” 
Being as dramatic as you could, you sighed and stood up. Mingyu laughed loudly, pulling back down on his lap so you were straddling his thighs. He pulled you closer to him, your chest against his bare one, and rested his hands on your waist.
“Tell me about this movie” he all but whispered.
A small shiver disturbed your skin at the sound of his voice, because of how close he was to you. His eyes suddenly felt too intense. Still, you put your arms around his neck, your fingers playing with the short strands of his hair. 
“When we were kids, there was this movie. These sisters were witches and did all sorts of spells” Mingyu was trying his best to hold in his laugh, pressing his lips together. You squished his cheeks together with one of your hands “You can’t laugh, this is serious”
Mingyu took a deep breath, swallowing his laugh. His hands moved back and forth over your body, from your waist to your hips to your ass, then back up again. It was really hard concentrating on what you wanted to say.
“I won’t laugh, I promise” he gave you a quick kiss on the lips and settled back against the couch. 
“Once, when they were kids, one of them did this sort of spell and it was her wish for a partner, husband, or whatever” your relationship was still quite new to just go throwing the words husband around but Mingyu didn’t seem to mind “From what they would look like to their personality. And we had quite similar lives, you know, sisters who were raised by their aunts. So we decided to try the spell. We were ten, so give us a break, okay?”
Slowly, Mingyu dropped kisses on your skin, from your eyes to your neck. 
“What did you wish for?”
You pulled on his hair, dragging his face away from your neck.
“Mingyu, focus” he nodded at you, a smirk on his lips “I wished for someone who would whistle my favorite song, who would be marvelously kind, who could flip pancakes in the air, whose favorite shape would be a star”
The first time you saw Mingyu, he was, indeed, humming your favorite song in that cute voice he always did — the poor man couldn’t whistle to save his life. He probably was the kindest person you ever came across in your entire life. The first time you spent the night at his place, you learned that he could flip pancakes and cook whatever weird idea you could come up with and still make it delicious. And he liked stars as much as the next person. 
“First, I asked for a tall man. This is a very important part of the spell. My sister didn’t wish for it. And now look at her, dating tiny Jihoon”
That drew a laugh out of Mingyu and he squeezed your waist.
“Then I asked for a man with a mole on the tip of his nose” you placed a feather like kiss on his nose, then on his temples “Someone with eyes that would wrinkle whenever he smiled too hard. And finally, someone with a vampire like smile”
He really tried to hold back his smile, but he just couldn’t. He pulled your face close to his, kissing you with all that he had. Although he never made a spell when he was a boy, you too were the kind of woman he had dreamed of.
“You are, quite literally, the man I wished for as a kid” suddenly Mingyu stood up with you in his arms. Out of reflex, you wrapped your legs around his waist “What are you doing
“I think we should go to the bedroom and be really, really, quiet because Seokmin is bound to get home at any second now”
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @sobun1est, @mirtaspace, @feat-sun,  @belladaises, @mhlsymlysn, @swinterr, @immabecreepin, @uniq-tastic, @wonvsmile, @ho34gojo, @ryuwonieebae
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weirdmarioenemies · 8 months
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Name: Bulbie
Debut: Pikmin
Pikmin 4 has a doggone good time being as doggy of a game as it can! I'm sure you are well aware by now of the new Funny Weird Dogs!
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And I love these weird dogs! They are wonderful. I'm glad they are so important and beloved. But I would like to focus on a different dog, the very first Pikmin Dog, who we have known about since the very first game! Olimar's dog, Bulbie!
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With this, I have shown you both official images of Bulbie that exist. I wish there were more! Bulbie is a dog even weirder than Oatchi and Moss, a whole different kind of critter that also happens to get called a dog. Isn't that great? These people have the concept of "dog", and so far we've only seen it used to refer to these funny bipeds! Olimar has no problem referring to both Bulbie and Moss as dogs, so I am led to believe that "dog" is more of a category of creature to these people, rather than a distinct species. Like how "mole" is a category of creature to us!
We know a precious little bit of Bulbie Lore. He is lazy, and able to sleep anywhere. He loves carrots. He farts a lot. That's about all we know. Awesome! Sure sounds like a Dog to me! And of course, Olimar loves Bulbie very much. Just like he loves his whole family! He is a Family Guy, complete with Funny Dog!
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You may already know, or you may have noticed yourself, but Bulbie looks quite like a Bulborb. This is because Olimar named these creatures after Bulbie, due to their resemblance! It is also for this reason that they are members of the Grub-Dog Family. You see? Bulborb is just like a dog! While it is sweet of Olimar to name the species after Bulbie, it must also make his encounters with them even more disturbing. Not only is this a (comparatively) massive, hostile beast that could easily eat him whole, but it looks like his beloved little friend! That's like a nightmare! Especially with other, scarier Bulborb variants! I am happy to know that his Bulborb experiences do not affect his love for Bulbie one bit.
As much as I love and talk about invertebrates and funny fish, dogs have always been among my favorite animals, and always will be! They're an extremely conventional animal to love, and for very good reason. They're wonderful! And on this post about Weird Dogs, I would like to talk about how dogs are, in fact, weird in their own ways.
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They're always sniffing with their wet noses, which they keep wet to smell even better. They love to lick, and lick to show love. And that love is such an important thing! Dogs are creatures of love! It is our love for dogs that shaped them into what they are today! It is what drove us to shape this single subspecies into countless distinct caricatures of its noble ancestors. All still members of the very same species! The amount of dog customization that has occurred is ridiculous. Need a better way to hunt badgers? Make a Long Dog. Yeah sure! Why not!
Obviously, most dachshund owners today aren't interested in hunting badgers. They are interested in having a Pet. And a Pet Dog is such a truly incredible thing! There are not many animals that should be kept in a house around humans, but then there is Dog, literally born to be among humans. Born to be loved, and born to love! If you don't think that's one of the most wonderful things ever then get outta here!
This is an animal that runs around and spins in circles because it sees an ape that it loves so much. An animal that ends up learning snippets of human language, because those are the snippets that make it happy. An animal that gleefully exposes its vulnerable underside, because it trusts a member of a different species to rub it in just the right way that feels so nice.
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Even with the general consensus on dogs being pretty dang favorable, I feel that it's easy to take a lot of their behavior and history for granted, to see them as the "default animal", when they SO aren't. The default animal would be a parasitoid wasp, silly!
If I was not able to convince you that dogs are weird, then just look up canine transmissible venereal tumor, obviously using your own discretion, because there will be graphic photos. If you ask me, this one medical anomaly easily makes dogs a contender for one of the weirdest animals EVER! Bet you didn't know dogs could be contagious!
I like funny dog Bulbie
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yumeka-sxf · 5 months
Seems like today's new chapter is hinting at another new arc - the final exam arc maybe?!
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I still think Endo is planning something special for chapter 100 that may be connected to this arc. Regardless, it's nice for the whole "Anya's good at classical languages" subplot to be highlighted here...so curious if it'll end up being important.
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I was cracking up at Anya's whole "snotaconda" joke 🤣 She's such a kid, and Loid is so done.
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This is now the third chapter that the Authens have consistently appeared in since their introduction (except for the short mission of course). It's really making me think that they're going to be important for something, if not in this arc then later on.
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Like many others, I'm on the fence as to whether they can be trusted or not. They've been portrayed only favorably since they've appeared, having several sweet moments with Anya. Plus, Sigmund is shown to not have his wits about him a lot of the time, which would be very detrimental to someone who's tactically trying to deceive others - unless his whole "senile old man" thing is just an act! If anything, he could have some connection to Anya's past, since he has so many books on classical languages...but he was a professor after all...so many mysteries!
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Tiny Twiyor crumb of Yor being embarrassed talking about Loid. She doesn't seem to get embarrassed when she praises him in front of others when he's not there, like with Becky, but if he is there...yeah 😅
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There was a lot of wordplay in this chapter that I think the translator did a good job conveying. In the above scene, Sigmund says he's "a pro at exposing secrets," so Anya mistakes the word "pro" for "furo" (bath).
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In this scene, she mistakes Sigmund's "eureka" for "yuukari" (eucalyptus).
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And here, instead of "booger constrictor" she says "hanaconda," a combination of "hana" (nose) and "anaconda."
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This is actually the first chapter that Loid has played a significant role in since the end of the Mole Hunt arc. Since that ended with a big character development chapter for him, I'm curious to see how much he's changed, even subtly. In this chapter we can see that he's even more hesitant to interact with Yuri, which makes sense.
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Also, Sigmund opens his eyes to a new way of acquiring knowledge he had never thought of before outside of his cold, calculating spy training. In addition, we see Sigmund being openly affectionate with Anya, patting her on the head and even hugging her when she says that she strives for world peace.
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Again, nothing so far has portrayed him as anything but good-intentioned, perhaps as a way for Loid to eventually learn to be affectionate with Anya too. But that doesn't mean Sigmund isn't hiding something, even if it's not malevolent.
Loid's line here towards the end of the chapter was particularly ominious.
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Ugh, so many mysterious and potential plot twists! In addition to a cliffhanger, the chapter ending gave us cursed facial hair Anya 🤣
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Two weeks to see if she passed or failed! 😳
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eeunoia · 3 months
Yandere Ni-ki brother in law plsss❤️
pairings: nishimura riki x reader
synopsis: your brother-in-law doesn't like you for his brother and wants you for himself instead.
warnings: yandere themes, mentions of death, violence, twenty year old riki and mention of sharp objects. (let me know if i missed some)
meeting your husband's family was probably one of the most memorable thing for you. not just because they will soon be part of your life, but also 'cause you couldn't seem to forget the dark look on his youngest brother's eyes. it honestly made you feel things you couldn't explain. he did told you that his brother was just really a shy boy so you shouldn't worry too much and that he will probably warm up soon.
you wanted so bad to be close to him, maybe because he's three years younger and you've never had a younger brother. he was cute despite being as tall as your husband, jay. cheeks still have that baby fat, lips so plump like a duckling and his face sprinkled with moles that made him extra adorable for your eyes.
but all that cute demeanor vanished when you saw him after a year. very tall—taller than your husband even, a little bit more muscular, hair bleached and looking so confident with his own skin. the shy boy his brothers use to describe his as gone like as if he wasn't even there.
since riki's university is closer to your place, your husband kindly offered to take him in during his school days which is totally okay with you. i mean, its riki. his younger brother and your brother in law. what could go wrong, right? Right?
“your brother just turned eighteen, right?” you asked your husband one night while you both cleaned after having your meal.
jay scoffed after giving you a slight glance while washing the dishes, “eighteen? babe, my brother turned twenty already.”
your mouth turned 'o' and gave an embarrassed smile. you felt bad totally miscalculating his age. he reassured you that its totally fine and you shouldn't worry too much about it.
“i'm just nervous. you know how he doesn't like me.” you pout and your husband broke into a small smile before walking closer, hand resting over your hips.
“come on, he does like you. maybe you can use this chance to be close to him, right?” he placed a quick kiss at your cheeks. his words of encouragement comforting you and made you smile.
“you're right.”
and so from there on, you tried hard to get close to him. every time he needs something, you try to help and provide it for him. thankfully, you are currently working at home giving you more time to take care of the two boys.
“drive safely, i love you.” you bid softly and even placed a kiss over your husband's lips, one morning while he's off to work with riki. he will give him a ride to his university.
your eyes unconsciously caught riki's eyes and you shiver because of how dark they look. in an instant, they changed into a more calmer one and glanced away. you were caught off guard for a while, but shrugged it off convincing yourself that you just hallucinating.
“bye, riki.” and you waved with big smiles.
he glanced at you while opening the passenger seat to his brother's car. and the joy you felt when he smiled a little and waved at you was just indescribable. you knew every effort from day one paid off.
gradually, your relationship with your brother in law develops. from sending small waves, giving small smiles and answering you with short responses to actually making long conversations with him.
riki really did warmed up to you and it made you so happy. your husband was also so delighted to see the two important people in his life getting along well.
“noona,” your head snaps over to the side and saw him by the door.
you raised your hand and pointed at the phone by your ear signalling that you will just finish it. he smiles and nodded before putting his bag at the sofa then starts taking off his shoes.
“hello, riki. how's your day? you hungry?” you stood up and approaches him. he glanced up at you and back at his shoes after giving a nod.
you chuckled and messed his hair lightly before walking towards the kitchen to cook him a small meal.
“you going somewhere tomorrow, noona?” he asks because riki don't have classes so he's wondering if you can hang out with him.
a big wide smile made it to your lips. “yes, we're going to see our doctor.”
his brows were quick to furrow, worry flashes down his face.
“doctor? why? are you sick?”
you let out a chuckle, “no. your brother and i are planning to have our first kid so we're asking experts about it. we'll be getting test for it.”
you thought that it will excite riki because you saw how he is with kids. he loves them. he will sure be good with his future nephews or nieces. but his face turned serious and eyes went completely blank.
“a-are you okay, riki?”
instead of answering you, he lets go of his utensils and stood up. he didn't even bother finishing his food and just starts walking away.
“riki, is there something wrong?” you grab him by his arm to stop and check on him.
his eyes darted down and then back at you. your grip loosen at the way his eyes looked so dark. the same chills you felt the first time you've seen him flashes through you. it was unexplainable and you aren't able to stop him when he started walking away again.
he didn't went out of his room after that and you decided to just let him be for now. maybe he just really lost his mood. everyone have those times.
you laid inside your shared bedroom and waits patiently for your husband. he texted you saying he will be home a little bit later. while overthinking about what happened between you and riki awhile ago, you didn't even realized that you fell asleep.
the bed creaks awoken you from your deep slumber. eyes slightly fluttering open and saw how the room was dimly lit. you remembered that you left the lights on, but maybe jay arrived.
you were about to call for him but a pair of strong pair of arms slid over your waist from behind, causing a small smile spreading across your face. he placed a kiss over your head that made you smile as you shut your eyes close.
but your brows furrowed slightly when you felt how his breathing was a little odd. like he was catching his breath or something. you opened your eyes and retrieve your hand that was resting over his arm wrapped over your waist. your eyes adjusted through the dark and your heart sank at the sight of dark red blood.
“j-jay?” your lips tremble and you turn your head to glance at him.
your eyes grew big when instead of seeing your husband, you saw his riki—your brother in law.
the dead look on his face terrifies you before you scattered to stand up from the bed. riki sat up and tears stream down your eyes as you look at him with terror in your eyes.
“w-what happened? where's your brother?” you turned and looked over the window from your bedroom.
“dead.” his words didn't process to you right away.
no, he's probably lying. he did said he will be home late so there's a possibility that he isn't home yet.
heart shattered at the sight of his car already parked right outside. the thought that something bad really happened to your husband broke you and almost made you lose your strength.
shivers ran your spine when riki stood behind you then hugs you, resting his head by your neck.
“it's okay, noona. i did it. i fixed it.”
with trembling lips, “what did you d-do, riki?”
he took in a breath, inhaling your scent that's heavenly for him.
“got rid of the problem of course!” he stops and nuzzle closer. you felt so scared and disgusted by how close he is, but the fear had you stoned on your position.
“my brother doesn't deserve you, noona. you,” he stalls and slowly move away from you. he hold your arms and made you face him.
eyes filled with tears you took courage to look at him. the soft look on his eyes were useless because of the blood all over his face and shirt. your mind are slowly going blank. starting to ask if this is really happening or you're just dreaming. if this is a nightmare, you want to wake up from it already.
“you are mine.” he cupped your face and you tried to move your face away but he hold it firmly before wiping off your tears.
“so pretty and mine. all mine.” he whispered and placed a kiss at your forehead.
you are about to push him off when you felt something sharp, pointing at your sides. when you looked at riki, his eyes are now darkly glancing down at you.
“don't even think of doing something or i'll hurt you, noona.” his tone so cold. “you know i don't want to, right? i just want you to be all mine and now you are.”
you cried out of frustration because you cannot do anything. you felt so powerless over riki and you can't do anything to save yourself and your husband from this situation. your every nerves fear the younger boy standing in front of you.
“i love you.” he whispers caging you into a hug and you were left without any choice but to give in, silently praying that all of these were nothing but a bad dream.
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eeunoia 2024 © all rights reserved.
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onlymingyus · 1 year
Past Kisses
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pairing; kim mingyu x reader
genre; fluff, mild angst
warnings; no sexual warnings, mentions reincarnation/past lives, brief knight!mingyu, royal!reader, mention of wives tales
w/c; 1.7k and some change
requested; yes
a/n; i was requested to write a mingyu fluff au, then i was reminded of the saying about moles being where a past lover kissed you the most. mingyu's moles are very important to me. so i hope you enjoy this anon. thank you to @junkissed-replies for beta reading.
before continuing remember reblogs are incredibly important and please read how to support me here
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Mingyu laughs, his face turning from you as you place another kiss to the tip of his nose. You had placed so many there that he wondered how his nose wasn’t red from it. That didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy the affection. No, on the contrary, Mingyu adored it. 
You listened to his soft laugh as you pressed your lips to his left cheek just above his jaw. His fingers gently scratch along your back to pull you closer to him as the two of you lay in his bed. Mingyu knew his time with you was precious and limited. 
Turning on to his back, he lets his eyes move over your face even as you smile down at him as if he is your entire world. You were so sheltered behind your palace walls but it was his job to keep those walls standing. If it cost him his life, it was his job to keep you safe. 
“You have kissed me from the very moment I rode back through the gates.”
Smiling, you find yourself laughing softly at the knight’s words. He was exaggerating. You had only wished you had been kissing him for that long. One day you would be able to, when he was yours and you were his. One day, your father would allow the two of you to marry and stop hiding behind the walls away from the world. One day, he would stop sending the love of your life off to fight everything that stood in his way. 
“And you are dramatic, Mingyu. I do love you, don’t turn from me. Allow me to look upon you for a while longer?” 
The man sighs softly, his fingers moving to wrap around your wrist before he pulls your hand to his lips so he can kiss the tips of your fingers as he nods. He loved you completely and his very precious, limited time was ticking down. 
“You may do anything that you like.” 
Mingyu watches your smile brighten before you lean to press a kiss to the tip of his nose causing him to laugh. 
“I swear, you kiss me there so often I feel your lips for days on end. It’s like a ghost that follows me wherever I go.” 
Humming into your kisses, you press them along the man’s cheek before finally speaking against his skin. 
“Then I have done my duty. You will never be alone, not even if we are apart. I shall find you in every life henceforth.” 
That was a comforting thought. His fingers move along the back of your head as Mingyu adjusts on the bed under you to get his lips to your own. He smiles against them, pleased to have claimed them before melting into your kiss as if it were his last, as if you were his last. 
Furrowing his brows, Mingyu wakes up to the sound of the car horns blaring at one another from the street below his apartment. He had no idea what time it was, only that the dream he had been lost in had felt so real. Reaching out his hand across the bed as if he will find someone, Mingyu can only sigh when there is no one there. He wasn’t sure why he had thought the person from his dream had been real. 
Sliding from the bed, Mingyu yawns as his feet thud heavily across his wood flooring towards his bathroom. He lets out a whine to the light hitting his eyes before finally forcing himself to look into the mirror as he leans against the counter. 
He wasn’t a knight in the middle ages. He was just some guy in the 21st century who struggled to sleep. Mingyu was just like everyone else. Sighing, he shakes his head turning on the water to cup some into his hand, leaning down to splash what he had gathered onto his face to help bring him back to reality. How could he miss someone who wasn’t even real? 
You run your fingers through your hair as you lean against your kitchen counter, the glass of water in your hand. You hadn’t drank much of it, instead you were staring out the window at the sky. It was maddening how you had the same dream almost every night and yet it never made any more sense than the first time you had it. 
His skin under your lips. The man’s soft laugh in your ears. The sorrow of loss in your heart but a promise that no matter where he was that you would find him. It was all a fairytale. Clearly you had been watching far too much television. 
Morning came far too quickly for you and Mingyu. Responsibilities didn’t seem to care if you slept or if dreams were haunting you. No, life went on and you both had to as well. 
Turning out of his apartment door, Mingyu’s bag on his shoulder, he is ready to hurry down the hall already feeling as if he had a later start to his day when you open the door to your apartment. Your hands too full, he watches the coffee slip from your fingers and hears the whine on your lips before it even hits the ground. 
“Oh no! That’s horrible luck. Let me help.” 
The man’s voice is soothing but you don’t look up at him yet, too focused on checking your clothes for coffee stains. Luckily you had avoided spilling any on yourself, but the floor had been much less fortunate. 
“I’m okay, just incredibly clumsy and you are right, I have the worst luck. Always have.” 
Mingyu smiles, sitting his bag down inside his apartment only going back in to grab some towels before he returns to help you begin to clean up. 
“I do too, but I think it has something to do with my lack of sleep. Some days are better than others. Today, I fear, will be an off day.” 
You could understand that feeling completely, and clearly…it was an off day for you as well. Taking some of the towels from the man you barely let your fingers brush over his before you start to soak up the dark liquid. 
“I have a hard time sleeping too. I’m Y/N, by the way. I’m not sure I’ve ever met you, or many of the neighbors here yet. I just moved in about a month ago.” 
Mingyu nods, he remembered when you moved in, though he had yet to really see you. 
“I’m Mingyu, it’s nice to meet you.” 
Holding out his hand, Mingyu turns his body to finally take a look at you. Though he couldn’t see your face yet, he was already breathless. Something about you was overwhelming and familiar, but when you take his hand and turn to look at him it is as if someone has a remote and presses pause on the rest of the world. 
Your eyes move over the man’s face as if you’ve seen a ghost. Why was the man from your literal dreams beside you? You can’t help when your gaze drops to his nose seeing a single mole at the tip of it, then to his left cheek where another sits above his jaw. 
Mingyu’s fingers shake against yours. This was impossible. Perhaps he had just seen you in the hall and that’s why the person from his dreams was in front of him now. But the look on your face made him question everything. Why did you look just as terrified and yet…relieved as he felt? 
Mingyu’s voice is quiet but you can still hear him though your heart beats in your ears like a drum. Your fingers slide from his and as if you aren’t controlling them you cup his cheek. Sliding your thumb over the mole on his cheek, you feel tears pooling in your eyes though you still don’t know why. 
He knows that he should be uncomfortable that someone he clearly doesn’t know is touching him, but instead Mingyu feels like he is going to melt under your hand. A soft unsteady breath falls from his lips as you tilt your head, tears finally spilling over the rims of your eyes causing the man to lift his own hands to wipe at them. 
“I must be dreaming still, because you can’t possibly be real.” 
Your voice fills Mingyu’s ears and his heart causing the man to  smile. You dreamt about him too. 
“I’m…hey, I’m real.” 
You shake your head no, unsure if you should believe the ghost in front of you even as you run the pad of your thumb over the tip of his nose. Mingyu nuzzles his face into your palm and you can’t seem to stop the tears after that. 
“Why do you have these? Why, here?” 
Confused, Mingyu’s eyes find yours again but your thumb brushes his nose and he knows you are talking about the mole at the tip of it. Swallowing his own tears, Mingyu laughs, lifting his hand to wrap it around your wrist like he had in his dream just a few hours earlier. 
“Well, I was born with them but if you believe old wives tales? My mom told me they were where my past lover kissed me the most.” 
The man watches you lift your free hand to your chest over your heart and he knows you shared his dreams. He wasn’t sure what he believed. Past lives? Reincarnation? But what he did believe was the words you had spoken to him in the dream 
“You will never be alone, not even if we are apart. I shall find you in every life henceforth.” 
Biting at his bottom lip, Mingyu swipes his thumb under your eye as he lifts your chin with the other to get you to look at him. 
“I don’t…I don’t know what’s really happening but I think you said you would find me.” 
He watches you nod, a soft soft slipping from your lips that makes his heart tighten. Mingyu wanted nothing more than to hold you close and to make everything better. His fingers brush against your skin as Mingyu leans in to rest his forehead against yours, his brows furrowing as he speaks. 
“Hey, hey…it’s okay. Breathe for me. You did, yeah? I’m right here. I don’t know what this is, but whatever it is, we will figure it out together.” 
Mingyu smiles when you sniff back your tears. Your fingers tighten in his shirt to hold him closer. He may not know you in this life yet but he would and he was never letting you go again. 
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Anymore more A/B/ O Bakugo brain rot? I too have contacted it
Sis I have plenty, I think it's contagious.
A/B/O Bakugou Katsuki
Bakugou, the alpha courting you, is pissed. You've have been avoiding going to the gym with him for forever and he's sick of it. You always come up with some excuse of why you can't...
"Sorry, I've gotta help my mom with something."
"I have some paperwork I'm behind on."
"I'm really tired today."
"I think I pulled something on patrol earlier."
And today, he's finally sick of it.
"I'm going to the gym, do you wanna come?" He says from the kitchen counter as he fills his water bottle.
"I'm sorry Ki I have t-" you start, not even looking up from your laptop until you hear him slam his bottle down on the counter, making water droplets fly.
"What?! What else do you have to do that's so fucking important that you can't spend two hours with me at the gym?" His hands were braced on the counter, his jaw tensed, and his shoulders squared.
You were both silent, both of you not knowing how to break the tension. You got up off the couch and walked over to him behind the counter, releasing a calming scent into the air. You heard him take a sharp inhale through his nose and exhale it, letting his shoulders relax a bit.
You slowly ran your hands up his sides under his tank top to feel his skin, coming to wrap around his waist as you lean your head against his back.
"Do you not like spending time with me?" You hear him say in a firm tone as he stares straight ahead.
"That's not it." You whisper against him in a voice smaller than normal.
He shifts, bringing you to his front so he can look at your face.
"Then what is?" He looks down at you, resting his arms on the counter behind you, effectively caging you in.
You don't look up at him; this being the only time you were less than game to make direct eye contact with the man that has been courting you for the past 6 months.
He could tell it was something serious, his usually feisty fire cracker, now looking uncertain. He leaned down more, bringing his head over your shoulder, placing the scent gland just behind his ear, right by your nose, giving you no choice but to inhale him each time you took a breath. He raised both of his hands to rub up and down your arms, trying to soothe you.
"What is it, baby?" His voice is soft, calm, and patient. A complete 180 compared to how he is with everyone else. This side of him is reserved just for you.
"I don't like being watched..." Your voice trails off. He pulls back from you just enough to look into your eyes that are now looking up at him through your lashes. He silently urges you to go on.
"When I'm working out, I don't look... pretty. I look like a drowned mole rat most of the time. My cellulite shows, I sweat profusely, I don't look good." You weren't looking at him anymore; your head turned to the side. To your surprise, you hear a deep bellowing laugh from the man in front of you. You felt strong arms wrap around you as he continued to chuckle softly under his breath.
"Baby, I dont think anyone's supposed to look good while working out. I'm sorry for laughing but, I thought it was something a lot worse, so this is kinda a relief..." He pulls back with a small smile on his lips.
You feel your cheeks heat up in embarrassment as you look away from him, suddenly finding the lamp next to the couch very interesting.
"I thought that you were drifting from me..." you hear his gruff voice whisper. The declaration making you forget your shyness instantly, eyes snapping to him.
"What? Why?" Safe to say you were a little more than very concerned, what had you done to make him think that?
"I don't know," he was looking everywhere else besides your eyes, afraid he might divulge all his biggest insecurities if he wasn't careful.
"I guess I thought you realized you didn't like me as much as you thought you did. That maybe you'd..." There it was, the big seedy underbelly of his small but bountiful list of things he was less than happy with himself about "I don't know" He shook his head with a sigh letting his gaze drop down, giving up trying to put it into words.
"Katsuki, I dont just like you. I love you." You voice was gentle and calm as you spoke. His eyes snapped up to meet yours immediately. What the hell did you just say. You just said that you loved him, and he was losing his absolute shit. That was the first 'I love you'. You had said it to him. His lips slightly parted in shock as he listened to you speak.
"Yeah you get on my nerves and sometimes I wanna strangle you. You can be rude and standoff-ish, but that's what drew me to you in the first place." You lifted you hands to lock then behind his neck.
"You liked that I was rude?" He said with an amused and almost breathless scoff that turned into more of a chuckle.
"I liked that you were unapologetic. That you don't care what anyone thinks of you. You're... real. You're tenacious and determined. You know exactly what you want, and you fight to get there. You're ambitious and honest in everything you do." Your thumb have found homes at the edges of his jaw under his ears as you rub against his stubble. "And even though you are a bit mean sometimes," He's dumbstruck, completely speechless, how have you been watching him this closely all this time. He was sure that he wasnt that serious to you as you are to him. It almost brings him to tears just hearing you talk about all the things you love about him. You lean in to place a gentle ghosting kiss on his lips, that leaves him wanting so much more. "You can be soft and sweet when you really wanna be." You pull back slightly and rest your forehead against his. "And I'll go with you to the gym if it means that much to you." You chuckle lightly and run you hands through the hair on the back of his head.
"Nah, you don't have to. I don't want to you feel uncomfortable. Even though I think you look beautiful all the time." A small smile lazily graces his features as he wraps his arms around your back pulling you closer against him.
"Maybe we can workout together at home sometime?" He says into your hair, enjoying the feeling of you against him.
"I'd like that." You say into to knook of his neck.
A couple beats of silence goes by of you two just holding each other before he speaks again.
"You just said that you love me." He says pulling away slightly to look at you.
"I did, and yes, i did mean it." You were looking up unto his eyes enjoying this close intimacy that is only for you both to know about.
He moves a hand from your back to the back of your neck and pulls you in for the most amazing kiss you've ever had. It was slow and gentle but so full of passion and love. You separate but don't pull away completely, still holding each other close. "I love you, more than you know." He whispers against your lips.
You adore this side of him, the side that only the two of you know exists, the side of your relationship that only you two understand. It's out of the public eye, no pictures taken to capture the moment. It only lived on inside your shared memories together.
Gosh, all the feels for this man. I headcannon that he would crave this sort of soft intimacy from time to time. Bro istg I need me a man like this.
In any case I am back from my unintentional 3 month hiatus. I am so ready to write again, SFW and NSFW so if you would like to request my inbox is always available. And for those who have requested while I was away I'll be going through and pumping out content from there during the next few days.
May the next good dick you receive also be attached to a good man 🙏♡
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elizais · 4 months
hii!! how about something like dazai's first meeting is with reader at oda's grave. it is ada dazai and reader knows oda since childhood. reader has an ability of being able to transport themselves + whoever in a 2m range to a moment in time for an hour as long as she is holding a photo of said moment. her ability is of a one time use.
you can choose however reader knows oda and i don't mind how angsty it is as long as reader and dazai are happy in the end!
thank you so much and don't feel a need to write this!!
"don't feel a need to write this"?? GIRL I LOVE THIS. i switched stuff around like lupin's locations and that but don't think too hard.
@cafekitsune for the divider!!
"photographic memories"
dazai x reader, angst/fluff, read anon's req 4 a summary!! mentions of alcohol, obvs spoilers. references to the day i picked up dazai but they aren't spoilers.
it was the day that marked another year since that day. usually, he would spend a few hours at odasaku's grave before heading to bar lupin. walking up to the old friend's grave, a woman around dazai's age was there too.
a bouquet of flowers was in her hands as she knelt before the headstone, carefully setting them down below the "S . ODA". dazai didn't say a word as he knelt next to her, she didn't say a word either. maybe not even noticing his arrival.
he placed a few flowers before the headstone too, earning a glance from the woman next to him. she doesn't seem to be too affected by him.
however, she mutters something so quietly only osamu could make out her words. "such a cheater.." she says with a tint of amusement in her voice. he knows exactly what she is referring to.
"i know, right." he responds, thinking of every time he lost to odasaku in a card game due to oda's ability.
they are in a comfortable silence, two strangers connected by one person. dazai speaks up again, "what's your name?" he asked.
"[name]." she whispered. she looked up at him, he sees her eyes meet his bandages.
"are you osamu dazai?" she asks. "the bandages are my trademark, huh?" he chuckled softly before nodding. "oh, no. don't take offense, please!" she says genuinely before carrying on. "funnily enough, i heard about your bandages from soda." she reminisced, and called oda by a nickname of 'soda'.
he has a lot of questions regarding what she just said but he voices none of them aside from one. "how do you know him?" he looks at her, she is looking at oda's name.
"my father owns bar lupin, and i have known oda since he began coming to the bar. he bought me sodas when dad refused to give me them for free and he earned his nickname of soda." she explained gently.
"what did he say about me?" he asked, curious on how the stranger knew his name. "when oda joined the port mafia, he told me about you and ango. nothing specific but i just remembered ango has glasses with a mole and you have bandages." she shrugged.
"spot on description of ango." he said sarcastically.
he sighed before whispering to himself, "i would do anything to even be in the safe room as him again. he is an excellent man."
the lady is very friendly yet still reserved. she thinks for a moment before pulling out her phone.
within the clear phone case, a photo of a younger version of the girl holding a can of lemonade and a young oda are together.
"i can take you to that moment for a little bit, if you like?" she offers unsurely. his eyes widen and nods slowly. "[name]? how will you do that?" he asks. the stranger's kindness shocking him.
"my special ability allows me to transport myself and anyone close to me, physically, to a moment in time for an hour. we won't be able to talk to oda but you will be in the same room as him as you wish." she explains.
"are you sure? we just met?" he asks, also unsure of if her ability would even work on him. "you must have been important to oda. so you must be a good man, too." she smiles softly.
her words echo in his head, 'a good man, too'.
"my ability nullifies any others. do you have to touch me to use your ability?" he asks, she only responds with a shake of her head. she takes the photo out of her phone case and stands up. osamu follows her lead and stands up too. "ready?" she asks and receives a nod.
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the girl has transported them to the bar lupin. they are in a booth at the back. oda and a younger version of the girl are talking on the barstools. dazai seems to be very confused.
"why am i here? my ability should have nullified yours?" he asks. "you weren't touching me when i activated it. if you touch me now, our time here will pause so we can be here for longer than an hour." he nods his head in reply.
it was rare an ability gets past his, of course no ability could totally surpass his. but the complexity of hers was gorgeous.
"thank you, [name]." he says softly. she smiles, "of course. we both lost him, why wouldn't i take you?"
"do you want a drink, dazai?" she asks him, snapping him out of his trance of watching the past oda. "yes, please. but i thought you couldn't interact with anyone in this time period?" he speaks.
"we can't but that doesn't mean i don't know my way around this bar. come here." she takes him behind the bar and shows him the drink selection. they are stood in front of 15 year old [name] and a 20 year old oda.
dazai and [name] help themselves to drinks as they watch oda. dazai can't shake the feeling [name]'s ability gives him. so beautiful yet powerful. not one for combat but more for remembering. how it is so intricate yet can easily be explained in a few sentences.
dazai then hears his own name in oda's voice.
"oda-soda? what does the boy look like?" past [name] asks. current [name] gives dazai a nudge, referring to how she recognised dazai earlier.
"he must be around your age, dark brown hair and is wrapped up in bandages. awfully clever too! he figured out soon how i cheat in so many games." oda spoke cheerfully to the girl. current [name] found herself smiling at them.
"your ability is beautiful." dazai spoke. "thank you." she hummed. starting to walk back to their booth, she stayed silent. "i'm sorry about what happened." she says ever so quietly, almost as if it was the wind's whistles outside. dazai doesn't respond.
"we have around 5 minutes left. when we go back to current time, it will be the middle of the night. time is messed up when i do this, so don't be alarmed." she explains, interrupting the comfortable silence they sat in.
"i cannot thank you enough, [name]." he says in a normal tone of voice, but so loud compared to the quiet bar. "it is nothing, i don't use my ability much anyways."
both of your eyes were watering yet not a single tear fell. you may have just officially met, but you both had a newly formed bond that will be with you both forever.
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now back at the cemetery, it was pitch black.
"kind of eerie, isn't it?" he spoke. not clarifying whether he meant the setting or her ability. she assumed both.
"yeah." she chuckled softly. "is each photo a one time use?" osamu asked as he looked into her eyes.
she nodded. "it's a shame, but if i could use every photo a million times i wouldn't spend any time in this world, would i?" she elaborated.
they both began to walk back, osamu beginning to tell a story of how one time bar lupin was closed one night but the lupin trio wanted to go out drinking.
they went to every bar in the city but there was something wrong with each one. one bar not being dim enough, another too dim, one having a weird looking cat, one having an ugly wallpaper..
she began to lose herself laughing at the story as he said how one of the reasons being their bartender was funky looking.
subconsciously, they both began to walk to bar lupin. when they arrived at the door, osamu asks her "isn't it almost closing time? will they let us in?" yet he gets a witty response.
"if they don't let us in, my dad would have their heads. i may be an adult now but in here i'm still that little girl with a lot of attitude."
only a few people are in there, each one in their own conversation. a familiar old gentleman is behind the bar. "[name], i didn't know you knew dazai?" he asks.
"i didn't know either. weird, isn't it?" she responds, the bartender knowing her and dazai enough to know what they will order. "on the house for you two. my condolences." the bartender passes them their drinks, knowing all too well why they met.
hours go by, so many that the bartender says that she can stay for as long as she likes but she will need to lock up if she does. they spend the whole night chatting away.
countless photos are taken, this night will be one the two of them will want to revisit in the future.
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heyy!!! sorry 4 not posting recently! and if u got to this bit,, thank u sm xx, if you want something in particular, drop a req!!
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pix3lplays · 11 months
Hi! Your blog is so cool, I'm amazed by the quality. I hope you are not tired of topics like that, if yes please feel free to ignore that ask. May I have Welt, Sampo, Gepard, Jing Yuan, Loucha and Blade breaking up with their s/o for some reason and then after few good years seeing her with a kid that's very similar to them. It turns out that she was pregnant back then but never got a chance to tell them. Thank you in advance. I hope you have great day.
You’re so nice oh my gosh thank you so much! The Quality, I’m blushing, thank you! And I will probably never tire of pregnancy prompts to be honest, they’re so Entertaining, I say bring ‘em on.
Cw! Pregnancy
-Honkai Star rail men: breaking up with them but it turns out you were pregnant-
Welt Yang: Welt Yang misses you, frequently….but really you had to break it off. He was a wonderer with the Astral Express crew, you wanted to settle down…it was clear you two just weren’t going to work out. He still hoped you could remain friends, and you agreed, but didn’t really contact him. When you did talk over text you were vague and unresponsive, almost like you were distracted by something else, so eventually the two of you just stopped talking. Until you realize you’ve left something important of yours behind on the Astral Express, and you can’t find a babysitter in time for your four-year-old. Oh well. Guess you’ll have to take her with you. You hoped you didn’t run into Welt, but of course he’s the first one to greet you when you step through the doors. He’s smiling, happy to see you, then his eyes trail down to the little hand your holding, and then he catches sight of her. That Must be his daughter. She has the same brown hair as him, the time works out…it was the only thing that made sense. “Oh…” is what he says, unsure of what else to do or say. “Y/n…why didn’t you tell me?” “I’m sorry, Welt, I know I should’ve told you but…” you trail off, now that you’re in the moment it’s hard to say you didn’t tell him because you were mad at him for breaking up with you. “It’s alright…may I talk to her?” You nod but say firmly, “sure but remember we’re just friends.” It breaks his heart a little bit to hear you talk about him like that, but he also knows it’s fair, so he doesn’t complain. He kneels down to get on eye level with the girl. “I’m Welt Yang…you can call me Mr. Yang. It’s a pleasure to meet you, I hope you and I can be friends?” Your daughter looks at you pensively, unsure if it was okay to talk to this stranger. “It’s alright, Love. Mr. Yang is a good friend of mine, you can trust him.” And you let him properly spend some time with his daughter, though, she refers to him as Mr. Yang the entire time, and he is a little stiff and awkward to be meeting his daughter, but oh…he’s happy. It saddens him to know you just intended to disappear out of his life again, with his daughter beside you. “May I see you again?” he asks you. “If not for me, for our…your daughter. Let me at least help provide for her?” Welt Yang…it was a tempting offer, you could really use the help, and what he was referring to was a card and a check in the mail each month. It wasn’t a bad deal. The choice is yours if you wanna welcome him back into your life…
Sampo Koski: it wasn’t hard to imagine just exactly WHY you’d break up with Sampo Koski. The man was shady, dangerous, and had a reputation. And you just wanted a bit of normal in your life. A bit of normal that Sampo couldn’t provide for you. So you split up. He’d smile it off in that charming way, but anyone who knew him before could tell the devilishly handsome businessman wasn’t quite the same as he once was. Cue you, years later, visiting Natasha’s clinic while your child played with the Moles. You were just trying to check in on an old friend, you weren’t expecting to run into your ex-boyfriend, who was making a medical supply delivery at the time. “Y/n?” The way his eyes lit up when he saw you…he nearly dropped the crate he was holding. You turn around and leave just as quickly. You hear him chasing after you after dumping the box on Natasha. “Y/n, babe, baby please, let’s talk about this!” you hear him say. You won’t look at him. Your arms are crossed and you’re focused on the children playing in the Underground town square. He follows your gaze and realizes which one you’re watching. There was one kid among them that he definitely didn’t recognize. With big, beautiful green eyes, eerily reminiscent of his. “Y/n…?!” he asks. “Look, I see you’re giving me the cold shoulder right now, and I get it, I deserve it, but is there something you need to tell me?” You sigh. “Yes. That’s your kid out there, Sampo…you got me pregnant, back before we broke up.” “You poor thing…” he says like he wants to wrap you up in a hug. Thankfully he’s smart enough to not make that move. “You should’ve told me…we could’ve figured something out, together…” “I didn’t want to figure something out with you.” “Now that’s just hurtful.” “It’s also the truth.” He hums. “I guess I should go introduce myself.” “Don’t you dare!” But he’s already off, humming on his merry way as he goes to speak to his kid, and is subsequently attacked by the hoard of children because of “stranger danger”. Ugh even after all these years he still managed to make you smile when you were upset at him with his antics. Oh…what were you going to do with that man…? He wanted you back so badly, and you wanted him back too but…he was Sampo Koski, and you just wanted a normal life…
Gepard Landau: You wanted to get married, but he was married to his work… He said he understood when you broke up with him, but deep down oh he wishes he had married you before it was too late. The next time he sees you is years later, while he’s on patrol. He happens to spot you at your favorite bookstore, and against his better judgment he decides he should go say hi. That’s when he spots him. A little boy standing next to you, looking bored to be stuck at a bookstore. And he was noticeably very blond, with beautiful, familiar blue eyes. Well the idea pops into his head immediately. He clears his throat as he approaches you to get your attention. “Gepard?” you say, but you shouldn’t be surprised to see the Captain of the Silvermane guard patrolling the city. “Hi,” he says, and his eyes are having a hard time focusing on you when his little boy is right there. “Maybe this is too forward, but is that child-?” “Yours? Yeah. Sweetie come over here please,” you call to the little boy. He puts the book down he was absently looking at, and wanders over, immediately in awe at the sight of Gepard with all his knightly gear on. “This is Captain Landau…” you introduce your son to his father with his formal title. Clearly you weren’t quite ready to just…let him back into your life, which he could understand. “Say hi…” “Hi Captain Landau…” the little boy stammers out, looking in awe upon Gepard in all his heroic glory. He looked so cool. Like a hero out of his comic books. “Hello…look, y/n…I think we need to talk…” You sigh. “I agree. Go find a book you like,” you tell your son to get him out of the way while you talk to your ex. “Y/n…why didn’t you tell me?” he asks once his kid is out of earshot. “I don’t know I just…thought it would be better to keep it to myself, considering we aren’t dating anymore…” “Y/n…I just met my child. My own son…I would’ve given anything to have known, you know that.” Yeah right, you think, but a part of you does believe he’s telling the truth. “I’m not going to beg for you to come back to me, but at least let me see my kid every once in a while…please?” You consider it. It couldn’t…hurt necessarily, and your kid clearly took a shine to him. You could only imagine how happy he’d be to learn that Captain Landau was his father…but still…Gepard…the man did break your heart… “I’ll think about it.” “That is all I ask. You know how to reach me.” You nod and watch him go, and your son runs up clutching a book about the heroic deeds of the Silvermane guards…
Jing Yuan: You broke up with him because you felt like he just wasn’t taking you seriously enough. Maybe he wasn’t. Maybe he was. Either way he accepts your decision with grace, and lets you know he’ll always welcome you back with open arms. Well. You don’t come back. You want nothing to do with the Dozing General and you intended for things to stay that way, until finally he gives and visits you at your old place. The door is answered by a little girl, with eyes shockingly similar to his. “What did I say about opening the door to strangers?” you sigh, coming up from behind her. You gasp, nearly scream when you see who’s at the door. Jing Yuan is fixated on the child. His eyes won’t leave her. He smiles, gives a friendly wave at her. “Y/n?” He asks. Despite everything, he seems almost happy. “We have a child?” “I have a child,” you correct, scooting your child back into the house and shutting the door after you’ve slipped outside to talk with him. “Regardless of how you feel about me, I truly believe I should be allowed to see my child. Y/n, I can’t believe you did not tell me,” the last part is spoken mostly to himself. “I’m sorry General,” you address him formally. You knew he was probably right. Jing Yuan was always right. It’s part of why you couldn’t stand him anymore. “I…I know. You do deserve to see your child, I just…I couldn’t handle you anymore…” “So you didn’t tell me?” he can’t stay mad for long though. Not when he sees your sad face. He understands. He wasn’t treating you the way you deserved and he could only respect that you were upset. “It’s…it’s alright, y/n…we can make this right. Please. Let me see my child…” You can’t argue with him. You open the door and lead him inside, calling to your daughter to let her know this man was no stranger and she was allowed to talk to him. He’s respectful of your time. He asks your daughter a few questions, asks you if he can tell her the truth yet, and when you say no he accepts it graciously enough, and says he will text you later to arrange his next meeting with his daughter. And then he leaves. And each subsequent visit you allow, he brings you flowers or other gifts, to let you know he still cares about you…
Luocha: Luocha was heartbroken when you told him you were breaking up with him. You didn’t give him a reason, you just said you couldn’t go on with him anymore. And then you just…disappeared from his life. You ignored his texts. And any attempts he made to contact you… Years later, you just happen to bump into him at a marketplace aboard the Luofu, holding the hand of a small, blonde boy, with beautiful green eyes. “Luocha…” you whisper, and try to turn away, but he reaches out and touches your hand. “Wait…please…is it really you, y/n?” You turn back around, feeling tears welling in your eyes. Your son notices the way your grip tightens around his little hand. “It is, Luocha…I’m so sorry…” It’s like he doesn’t even hear the apology. “Are you alright? Have you been safe?” he’s looking you up and down with concern, and finally his eyes settle on the little boy, gazing back at him wearily. Whoever he was, he was making you act really weird. “Oh…y/n…” “I’m sorry…you deserved to know. But I couldn’t bring myself to tell you…not after we broke up…” “I see…” he’s disappointed. You can tell. He would’ve liked to know you’ve been wandering around, with his own child in tow. “You know I would’ve taken care of you, right? We could’ve dealt with this together…” “I couldn’t have, Luocha. You know that. We weren’t…together.” “But we could’ve been. Y/n just tell me…tell me what I did wrong, I want us to be together, I’ll take you back, just talk to me,” he takes your free hand, holds it tight. “No…I can’t…” you don’t want to talk about it. You don’t want to be here, talking to him, but looking at him now he still looks like the man you fell in love with and it’s getting harder and harder to reject him. “I love you, Luocha, but I can’t be with you…” With that you pry your hand free of him and guide your child away from him. And when your little boy asks who you were just talking to, you respond with: “someone who was once very important to me.” He watches you go, his heart broken again…
Blade: Everyone knew you and Blade weren’t going to last. He’s too intense, too eager to die…not fit for human relationships. When you broke up with him, he hardly seemed affected, but the other Stellaron hunters agree that he throws himself into his ‘work’ a little more, fights with a little more ferocity, became even less merciful. You couldn’t bear to see him like this. So you left the Stellaron Hunters. Left him behind you, until a fateful encounter while he was on a mission, that led him to you. Elio wanted you back for one last mission. And he had sent Blade to bring you back, one way or another. He didn’t hesitate to come see you. You could never truly escape the Stellaron Hunters, they had been tracking your movements since you left. And now Blade was at your front door, his arms crossed, waiting for you to answer. “What’s going on?” is the first thing you say when you open the door. To be honest, your first reaction is to be relieved that he’s still alive. “Elio requires your presence,” and you can sense he’s not above using force to get you to come with him. “I can’t go back, Blade. I just can’t…” “Whyever not?” the threat doesn’t leave his voice. “Well…because-” “Who’s that?” he hears the sound of a little girl, and when he looks down, there she is, hiding behind your legs. Her hair is beautiful and dark, just like his. “Ah…I see…” is how he responds. You don’t know what’s going on in his mind, but it seems to be throwing even him off his balance. He doesn’t need to ask who’s child that is. The threat leaves his voice, but the tension doesn’t. “I will inform Elio of this development. Thank you for your time,” he adds on the last bit, to your surprise. “I may be back. Prepare yourself accordingly.” Either to fight him off, or fight beside him, you think to yourself grimly. Elio wasn’t one to let something so small as an accidental pregnancy interfere with his plans. Blade would probably be back, with the intent of dragging you back into the Stellaron Hunters for one last mission that apparently needed your talents. You don’t know why you call out to your ex-boyfriend. You just do. “Wait, Blade…would you like to come inside for a bit?” And to your surprise, he turns back to you and nods. And you invite the cold assassin inside to share some tea, and meet his daughter…
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