#his priorities are also the only str8 thing about him
the-lokal-homo · 4 months
Eddie, who just got shot , is barely conscious and bleeding out: Oh my gosh, Buck, you have some blood on your clothes. Are you ok? ARE YOU HURT?!?
40 notes · View notes
tenfifteenthirteen · 5 years
I agree with everything you said omg and I’m glad you mentioned the “maturity arc” because it’s been pushed hard in recent years to where patrick has no personality anymore in print articles especially this past season with him saying more than once how he spends all his time at home like sure he can be homebody but it’s like they’re completing changing who he was
well they’ve been trying to completely recreate an image for him since 2012-13 that’s when the whole maturity thing started and patrick immediately pushed back and was like “i think people are making too much of a big deal about that” and “i’m still the same guy” etc but the hawks like Really wanted his Image to change so patrick would say one thing and then pr would chime in (through print articles) to the contrary. also and i’m just gonna say it but his image is very much tied into his beard like there’s no way patrick could be a good person on his own he had to have a girl come in and change him and fix him and steer him in the right direction like sooooo much of his maturity or whatever was credited to his beard coming into the picture which was really convenient considering she came into the picture just as the whole revamp was starting lmao we never heard a single thing about her and then suddenly he’s a Changed Man and she’s introduced as his saviour. blah.
and yeah idk why it’s being pushed so much recently if i’m honest. i have a theory but idk. i remember an article from his birthday. a print article of course lmao. but it basically said he just “spent a quiet night in” with his beard of course because he’s totes str8 and also doesn’t party anymore doesn’t go out and is serious and mature and has his priorities in order. again. BLAH. like you just turned 30 but go off i guess. you’re right though if you watch old interviews of patrick he not only Had a personality but he had a great one he’s so funny and cute and charming but these days he’s like robotic and very one note and it’s a shame because it makes him look boring which he definitely isn’t but i think the hawks think that this is much less of a risk and they really want patrick to appear a certain way which is why we see and hear so little about him lately.
like honestly everything he says is predictable to me now lol like you could have a checklist for his interviews these days and he’d hit all the marks.
and i know i’ve mentioned it a million times but what’s the deal with him this summer? we’ve seen a handful of pictures of him training and that’s it. it’s a pretty drastic difference to previous summers it’s all just very dumb if u ask me
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I can see what his PR is doing to Darren but I can also see where people who work with Darren also play a PR game. They are all trying to sell a product they really want you to buy. So it behooves them to convince you they are all the best of friends who love and support each other. Then people like Ed R, Pen C, and Ricky M all go on to their next project, back to their families, and personal lives. These are not young kids but adults with priorities.
Using ‘Behooves’ anon , you must be a D fan ;)?
Thank you for the ask. In my mind PR is something that promotes the current project or person and the differences are around the audience it’s aimed at. To me D is promoted as str8 to cover CC and also for the industry he’s in so the decision makers feel they can potentially sell him to the widest audience. I hate that the world is so homophobic he got stuck in this situation at a young age and that it spiralled out of control. 
I really think performing is like any other job in the respect that you have to network and build relationships with colleagues and some of these become life long friendships, fun acquaintances and some disappear when the need to work on the project is over. Some people meet the love of their life through work. Some colleagues you connect with and stay in contact with, but don’t live in each other’s pockets. How many people have friends they don’t see regularly, but they would be there for them if needed. You are right that we all have our lives outside of work. That we all have other priorities than work. D is the same, but if that person matters or if they need our help we make time. I guess what I’m saying is that I’m not so cynical I disbelieve any genuine friendship/relationship in the entertainment industry. If that plays positvely into a PR story then that’s a bonus.
You mention RM, PC and ER in particular. RM has well established long term friendships off set with both ER and PC. They clearly meet outside of work with RM actually having dinner with ER when he got the call regarding playing Antonio and PC referred to how difficult she found it to stay in character when she saw RM upset during their scenes together. I’m not as sure about PC and ER but they were cast again together in early 2017 on a project that seems to have disappeared for now. These people are friends in real life.
I would say I don’t believe that there isn’t genuine affection for D from the rest of the A/CS cast members. He clearly has things in common with RM in respect of music and closeting. D had spoken about his friendship with ER and they are clearly easily physically affectionate with each other when they have been interviewed together (something I don’t see with M). I don’t believe the A/CS cast have been faking that chemistry purely for the project and awards. As an aside you only have to look at the video of him cuddling JL to see he’s truly liked. I imagine he’s a dream to work with. Talented, prepared and hardworking.  Let’s also remember that D doesn’t fake well with people he really likes or dislikes so from what I’ve seen the affection is real.
What I’m trying to say anon is that it’s not unreasonable that he has made some new friends on this project and I’d say in particular ER, RM and JL.  
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Cheap car insurance for first time drivers ?
"Cheap car insurance for first time drivers ?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for first time drivers ? Age:23
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecosts.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
What exactly is auto insurance?
i just got my first driver's license and I am eagerly awaiting my new car. however, i hear that i have to insure my car and register it and have registration papers. exactly what does this mean for me? will i not be able to get my car? what exactly is this insurance - is it a monthly bill, one-time payment?""
How much would the car insurance for a Dodge Challenger 392 STR8 be?
Considering that it's for a 20 year old with two other adults included in the insurance plan of State Farm *If you have any information please help, this is for a Driver's Education project""
2013 mustang v6 insurance?
I'm 16 years old my dad took me to look at a 2013 mustang v6 the other day I just want to know the avg. rates for it I live in Katy Texas 16 years old Male Don't have a driving record but I had my permit for 10 months I think I will be under their insurance Don't say I should just get a **** car and wait for a mustang.
Life Insurance?
I'm a joint account with my husband's credit union, Michigan First Credit Union, Priority Credit Union, Detroit Municipal Credit Union which is here in Detroit Michigan some of them has a promotional life insurance like CUNA Life Insurance which is included with my husband's Michigan First Credit Union that he included. My question is, can my husband include me or buy a life insurance for me that is included with those credit union as family life's insurance. Is that possible? I just want to know because I'm only new here in USA and came from other country so I'm scared with this life insurance that my husband buying, can he buy life insurance for me in those family credit union.""
""Modified Car, Insurance?""
I am a new driver and interested in buying a renault clio, however it has two things that might class it as being modified, lexus lights and a renault clio sport exaust. Would this affect insurance much, and is it worth not telling the insurance company about it?""
About how much does a car alarm save on auto insurance?
I know this depends but just give me a GUESS. or how about; use yourself as an example. How much do you save, or would you save, if you had a car alarm?""
Health Insurance for Newborn Baby?
I get health insurance through my job but I think I can get a better quote than what they offer if I go about it independently. What suggestions do you all have in terms of a good health insurance coverage? Is it best to have a higher deductible and lower premium or vice versa for a newborn? I want what will be the best for him but the most affordable for us. Thanks! :)
Affordable Life Insurance at 80?
Please help me find an affordable life insurance at 80 years of age to life. Thank you, Lily""
How much could the cheapest car insurance be for a length of 6months?
I am planning to by a car and I wanna get my finances together. Knowing fully well that getting a car is one thing and insuring it is another, I wanna find out how much the cheapest car insurance could be for a 6months period.""
I have a WA state license and got a speeding ticket in NY state -- will my insurance rates go up?
The officer who issued the ticket in NY said that it was a 3 point violation (14 mph over the speed limit). But WA state does not have a points system. Will my insurance premiums go up? I have a bare bones Geico policy.
Where can I find cheap insurance im 20 just got my llicense yesterdayy?
Please excuse the two LLs my phone is acting up Anyways where can I get cheap insurance I'm 20/female got my license yesterday
About how much is Valet parking insurance in FL?
garage liability insurance
Woud my car insurance go up?
i got into a car accident the beginning of september this year. i had a car that was in my dads name and also the insurance was in his name as well. i never payed for anything or signed anything in my name. i accidentally ran a red light and hit the car that was making a left. it wasnt that bad as it sounds. but my dad decided it wasnt worth it and place the car as a right-off. sooooo anyways. i never got a ticket. i am planning on buying a car in january. would my insurance go up? could i get away with not such a high monthly insurance? i mean really everything was in my fathers name and i recieved no ticket. btw. i live in fl
Will a ticket for driving without a license (underage) affect my insurance rates?
Hi, I'm 15, about to get my license, but I NEED to go somewhere tonight. My parents' only reason for not letting me drive is because they are misinformed as far as what the penalties would be if I got stopped. The likelihood of me even getting stopped by a police officer is incredibly low becuase I don't speed, I have all proper licenses, inspection passed, no modifications on my truck).., but they are convinced that if I do get stopped, the officer will unrelentingly give me a ticket, which they claim is a $500 fine (when I KNOW for a fact that here in Texas, the first violation is only $20-100).....But either way, I would pay for it... They are simply concerned about insurance, the one thing they do pay for. They believe that my liability (I don't have collision and comprehensive, just liability) insurance rates will immediately spike, when I get my license, as a result of a single moving violation for not having a license. I have USAA insurance, and I'm in Texas. Please, anybody who knows about this sort of thing please help me, I haven't been able to find any info anywhere else. Please provide proof as well. Thanks!""
""Car insurance for a person, not a car?""
haha if that makes any sense. my friend was telling me about how her friend is insured as a person...so she can drive say her moms car, her friends car, and her boyfriends car. she doesn't have a car of her own so she got insurance to drive other peoples cars? can you do that? if so, what company offers that sort of coverage? thanks""
Can I be forced to pay insurance for stepchild?
Here's the situation. My husband makes very little money. I have him covered under my insurance policy. Until recently, my stepdaughter was covered under Child Health Care Plus. Coverage stopped when she turned 15. Her real mother is being a real witch and demanding we buy her insurance. Hubby can't afford it. I can't enroll her under my employer's plan because there's only open enrollment one month per year. I really don't WANT to put her on my policy, as she seems determined to get pregnant ASAP, and also she hates me and steals from me. Can I be FORCED to get her insurance? Oh, and did I mention her real mother doesn't work? HELP!!!!""
Teen Car Insurance (Divorced Parents)?
Living in North Carolina and both households get along well but adding the teenager is crazy expensive. I'm looking for off-the-cuff insight. If a vehicle is registered and garaged at one house, and the teen has his license from the other parents' address, it should not be necessary to add the teen to the policy, because in essence, he is borrowing' the vehicle. Right? For clarification: I have a vehicle for him to drive. If he gets his license at the other parents house, but drives my vehicle, he shouldn't have to be insured by us because he's not driving a vehicle within his household. Thanks for any help""
Do you need to stay with a certain car insurance for a period of time?
I need to get new car insurance but i'm short on money. Can I have one car insurance for a month or two and then switch to a new one?
How much is car insurance?
about how much is the cheapest car insurance, im looking into purchasing a car & I want reliable insurance, but the same time affordable seeing that I'm a lower middle-class citizen.""
How do I go about getting life insurance?
I need life insurance, who do I need to speak with?""
How much is car insurance for a 17 year old?...?
Im 16 about to be 17. My mom told me she doesnt want to add me onto her insurance plan and she wants me to have my own, whatever. How much would it be for a 17 Year old to have insurance under his own name, living at home with a parent [Westchester, NY] is the main question. any help? first car is going to be a 99-00 Honda civic si""
Can anybody help me figure out how much car insurance would be?
I am 19 years old, female, and I'm moving out on my own. I have to buy my own car insurance. I have a 2004 Mustang that is completely paid for in my name. I need help finding a good insurance company and price range?? PLEASE AND THANK YOU (:""
Question about teen car insurance?
So i have a drivers license, im 17 but i dont have insurance i drive my dads 2006 toyota tundra to school everyday. Prom is next week and its about an hour from my house and my dad does not feel comfterable letting my drive up there without insurance, so what im thinking is i can get myself included in his insurance for just that truck so i would just be an extra driver on that truck he has AAA and its $190 a month for me. So i will only need it for a month because i get my own car next month so i will get my own cheaper insurance by then, so the question is can i remove myself from my dads insurance after i pay the first month? I really need it i already have a prom date, im not missing my senior prom.""
What size alloy wheels will change the insurance of a car (read details)?
right i've been looking at cars to buy for ages now and as I'm a seventeen year old boy insurance is ridiculous as it is. Finding cars that i can afford to buy and insure is hard. I have found a few 'perfect' cars, however a couple of them have alloy wheels instead of the standard manufacture ones. I will quote my insurance website so you can help me out: Replacement of factory fitted wheels with Alloys of the same size this doesn't alter my insurance quote one bit. Replacement of factory fitted wheels with wheels / tyres of a non standard size or specification This means i cannot get insured at all; they won't have me with them. So my question is, if a 1998 Peugeot 306 has 16 inch white wolfrace alloys, does this mean i can't get insured or not? This might be a stupid question, just want to get it right, thanks for you time, means a lot Alex.""
Insurance on a stolen ATV?
I just recently had my ATV stolen which I still owe $5,300 on.It does have full coverage insurance through state farm.I still don't know if they are going to pay it off but my question is if they do pay it off and its recovered will I get the ATV back and get to keep it or will the insurance take it or will they do like a totaled car and give me the option to buy it back?""
Cheap car insurance for first time drivers ?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for first time drivers ? Age:23
""I have a DUI, I had an SR-22 filed with my insurance company. My insurance never went up, is that normal?
Am I required to carry some sort of form?
How much is my car worth?
I just totaled my 2003 nissan sentra gxe. I have full coverage insurance and was wondering how much I should expect the insurance company to give me for the car? I looked on kelley blue book website but I am not sure if it should be considered private party value or trade-in value. It was in excellent condition prior to the crash.
If the 30 million uncovered Americans can actually afford Health Insurance but choose not to buy it?
What will the Government be paying for exactly? Poor people already have coverage and the rest can buy their own. Where does the cost to the taxpayer enter the equation?
Opposing insurance asking for information?
2 weeks ago I got into a car accident, I've already: -Plead guilty and paid ticket online -Submit claim for insurance company -Had car towed for auto shop And today I receive in the mail, forms from what I can see is the opposing insurance company asking for my name, age, address, SS#, license plate, insurance #, passengers during accident, and a diagram to draw how the accident happened. Am I require to fill this out? I thought the 2 insurance companies got this kind of information from each other""
How much should I insure a 2 bedroom condo for?
I want to buy insurance for a 2 bedroom, 1150 square foot condo in Orange County, California. I am interested in knowing how much coverage to buy to cover inside damage due to a catastrophe like a fire for example. I don't care about coverage for personal belongings or outside of the building. I just need to know what it costs to restore the inside walls, floors, etc. in case they are ever destroyed.""
How do you rate Car Insurance ads?
From Best to Worst I rank Geico, 21st Insurance, Progressive, All State, Nation wide""
Cheapest car insurance?
What would be the cheapest car insurance for a low income 18 year old female who has had two tickets. I have a Chevy Tahoe-2006 and I live in Oklahoma if that helps.
If my dad drives my car and is not on my insurance and he gets a speeding ticket, does MY insurance go up? I heard that since he's the driver, he gets the speeding ticket and it does not affect my insurance. But then I also heard the opposite. WHICH is true? I live in Canada""
Best renters insurance in california?
Best renters insurance in california?
Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?
I've recently bought a summer house in Tavira, Portugal, which my family and I would like to insure because we won't use it constantly. Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?""
62 year old mother wants to retire but has no medical insurance...Ideas?
My 61 year old mother wants to retire next year. She doesn't qualify for medicare till 65. She has diabetes and chronic bronchitis. How would she get affordable medical care if ...show more
What is the cheapest insurance u can get with a cobalt ss because it is a super sports car?
i do not currently own it but if i find a super cheap quot so i can get it and i don't know much about insurance so can you explane why u have to have it and what it really pays for... if HyperGforce get in here i would really appreciate that because i love gm workers (my dad currently works there for 25 years and my grandpa also has worked there all his life so gm runs deep in my family.
How will the affordable healthcare act affect the unemployed?
I have a friend who is unemployed and living under my roof. They're not being claimed by anyone (over 21, not being claimed by parents or myself). They're not in school. They receive no income whatsoever. How will the Affordable Healthcare Act affect them? Will they still be required to get health insurance? I'm sure, legally, the answer is yes, but how will the government *know* they even exist?""
Bankers home insurance in Florida dog question?
I currently have bankers home insurance for home insurance and wondered if there are any dogs that are not allowed or would cause my insurance bill to go up?
2002 Toyota Corolla vs 2000 Honda Civic?
which one should I get and why? I am planning on getting one of these cars next year when I turn 18 to use just as a daily driver to get me home to school and work and every now and ...show more
""17 year old having 2 cars, insurance?""
So, I got my 03 Grand Cherokee when I was 16 last year, I really love it but I get like 17mpg in it and I work part time because of school. Insurance on it isnt too bad, never had a ticket or accident or anything. I want another car, maybe a civic or something, I have about 4k saved up right now and I am looking at this civic 4 door that supposedly gets like 30mpg. Idk, I want to have both though, I go offroading with the cherokee and all that, but I want the car for a commuter. Any advice on what kind of plan I would need and all that?""
""Cheap car insurance in Highland, CA?""
Um i live in highland ca 92346, im 18 male just got my license 1 month ago, jux bought a 96 honda accord, anniversary edition. 4 doors, 150 k, excellent condition, which car insurance is the lowest for a guy my age?""
How much will insurance cost for these cars?
How much will insurance cost for a 16 year old boy for the following cars. Mustang GT Mustang (V6) Toyota Tacoma Please no answers like You don't need a GT or too much for you money is not a problem for me (not that its any of your freaking business) i just would like to know.
Car insurance for 17 year olds in the UK?
How could i get a cheap car insurance and what would be the cheapest price? every site i have been on it said about 3000 and that would be more then what the actual car costs.
I need affordable and reliable health insurance. 23 yrs old.?
hi I am a 23 year old foreign student currently studying in the US in a student visa..I am thinking about getting an affordable health insurance that covers emergencies and any sudden diseases that might occur in future.. also may be a yearly doctor visit etc.. i do not need dental.. i just want to make sure i am covered in case of emergency.. i am just a student and do not have a stable job so i cant afford a lot.. i have heard about medicare and medicaid but they are not for foreign nationals.. i have also heard about blue cross blue shield i was thinking about going with them but what do you guys think?? and what should be the monthly price?? thank you in advance .. no advertisements or spam please!!
Can i have both medi-cal and private insurance at the same time?
My father has me under his insurance plan and I also have medical in the state of California. My son's medical worker signed me up for medical when I became pregnant with my second child. Also, can I use medical as secondary insurance to pay the remaining balance of my hospital bill?""
Fast cars with low insurance costs?
id like 0-60 inunder 6 seconds but low(ish) insurance rates for someone under 21. New, used, whatever.""
3.0 GPA car insurance discount?
I applied for the discount during high school, back then my gpa was 4.2 so it was more than fine. Now I fked up my college life and only have a 2.9, so would they require me to submit the GPA again? or if I continued using their car insurance, they won't ask?""
Will I be covered under my moms car insurance?
Alright I am 18 and I live with my mom. My car recently stalled out and there is something wrong with the engine. So my mom has AAA auto insurance, and I am covered by state farm which is my dads insurance. We are in California, and I wanted to know if I would be covered if I were to drive my moms car until mine is fixed. I know that if you live in the same household that you wouldnt be covered, but my insurance has my dads address under it. So do you think I would be covered?""
How much does it cost annually to live in california?
Me and my two friends want to move to sacramento,california and i wanted to know how much it is annually I don't mean where we go out and party every night im talking food, rent, utilites, internet, gas, car insuranse and anything else you can think of that is a need(internet is for us gamers) any help would be great if you can't think with all of this cause the car insuranse depends on the car and that but what ever guess or average you would guess for there.""
Cheap car insurance for first time drivers ?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for first time drivers ? Age:23
How do I save on auto insurance?
I want to save on auto insurance.....what factors can lower your rate? I need to know things such as an alarm, and kept in the garage, but what other factors can help me getting a low rate? Thanks everyone""
Volvo Insurance ...... ?
I am a 16 year old male and I am looking at the 2010 Volvo C70 for my first car. I was wondering is the insurance really expensive on those ? About how much would my insurance be a year if I get that car ?
Why do you have to have full coverage on certain cars?
I have only liability right now on a 2000 ford. I am trying to figure out how much my insurance will go up, and if I have to get full coverage or not. Also what is the longest you can have a car loan? I really would like a Nissan Murano maybe around 12,000-15,000 at the abs. maximum. What do you think my monthly payments would look like? Thank you for any advice.""
Can my ex get car insurance under her own name since we are both on the title?
My ex drives a car that is under both of our name. She lives in a different state now. She recently switched insurance companies and they issued a check under both of our name since the insurance was under both names due to the title. However, I suspect she has gotten new insurance under her name only. Since I co-signed the loan and am on the title to the car, shouldn't the insurance be under both names?""
I recently had hail damage to my car and my insurance company did an estimate which is 100% lower than 3 reput
I recently had my car damaged by hail and I have comprehensivr coverage. My insurance company had an adjuster do the estimate and his estimate is 100% lower than 3 other estimated I had done (some of which weer by shops they work with...CRP). They are telling me I can take it in and they will pay the shops a supplemental check for the additional costs. I don't want to take it in because of my deductible and they are telling me pretty much the only way i can really re-coup the money owed to me is to have it fixed...I pay for my policy and as I understand it, i am entitled to the compensation of the damage and it is my choice to have it fixed or not...am I right or wrong in my understanding????""
How Much Does Insurance Cost For a teenage driver (16) in texas?
my 16 yr old son wants a sports car. i was wondering how much it would cost for insurance and what is the best company for teen insurance.
""In Oregon, is a pedestrian hit by a car, treated as uninsured driver without car insurance?""
Eleven years ago, I was hit by a car walking down a road in Oregon. When it came time for the medical bills to be paid, (spine fractured in 3 places, knee completely blown out, 8 days in hospital) and the settlement I was told because I did not carry car insurance, I am considered an uninsured driver. I was stuck with a $25,000 hospital bill, and a $12,000 settlement. People do not believe me when I tell them this was the law at the time. Anyone know if this is still the law in Oregon?""
Teen drivers??? what is the average cost of insurance for a teenage girl?
its my first time buying insurance and im trying to average the cost and calculate some things...what do you pay?
Will I be covered under my parents car insurance or do I have to take a new plan?
My parents have insurance on their car and I am going to get my license in a few days. So if I drive their car and if I am involved in an auto accident will I be included in their ...show more
How do you get what you need with no medical insurance?
Hello. I am 25, recently kicked my roomate (ex boyfriend) out of my apartment, and am having to switch jobs in order to make more money. The new job surprisingly offers decent health and dental, and I am going to get it asap. But as everyone knows, it takes a good long while. I am entering a new relationship and need to get on the pill so I can have sex without making babies lol. Does anyone know of any decent, somewhat affordable options?""
Volvo- insurance costs and maintenance?
I'm thinking of buying a used Volvo. Anyone know anything about maintenance costs or the insurance costs?
Car insurance am I covered?
My 5yr old son got in driver seat and mashed my gas and held it and it blew up my engine.I have full coverage and wondered would this be covered.I know it sounds dumb but its gonna cost me over 3k to fix.
How much will insurance go up? ?
How much will insurance go up if you are 18 and just got into an accident with a park car and only hurt there bumper?
How long until you need to get car insurance?
We are buying a car tomorrow, how long do we have until we have to get insurance..is there a time frame.? we live in California if that helps out any..""
If you didn;t need to buy car insurance till you get into an accident?
Would you buy insurance till you needed it. Same with Health insurance, why buy it till I need it. Obama Care says you can not be denied health care for pre existing.""
Cheap health insure in california?
Cheap health insure in california?
How much would car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I'm 15, and I am thinking about paying for my own car insurance next year to help my parents out. I was wondering how much it would cost per month given the facts that I am a guy, and I was thinking about buying a used 2005 or 2007 Mustang for my first car. How much would is cost per month for my circumstances?""
How much does Dental Insurance Cost in Chicago Illinois. ?
What type of insurance? What insurance provider? My teeth are in pretty good shape, my wisdom teeth are gone and i don't need braces. I want a policy that covers me for the basics like checkups / cleaning / cavities. I would like it to be able to see the dentist near me and have 80% or better covered by insurance. Where should i go? Thanks in advance.""
Need help finding rental insurance/jewelry insurance?
I just moved into an apartment for the 1st time and I was advised to get rental insurance. I don't have many valuables with the exception of a laptop and an engagement ring. The rest of my items are the standard furnishings (couch, bed, desk, etc.) I know rental insurance is cheap so I wanted to look into it. Just an FYI that I do not have a car/auto insurance so I can't just add rental insurance onto existing car insurance. Also my main concern is that my engagement ring is VERY valuable and I will leave it at home often, so I wanted to make sure it was protected (either at home or if I do wear it out). I also travel often, so that might leave my place open for burglars ... or who knows what other issues (fire, etc.) Please advise, thanks!""
Auto insurance fraud..how much trouble am i looking at?
i don't need to be judged..I made a dumb decision which could have resulted in me losing my life and im lucky i didn't. anyways here goes..so a supposed friend of mine told me she couldn't wait to teach me to drive..i told her i didn't want to drive until i got my permit. well after telling me that she pulls over and asks if i want to drive..i tell her no..she keeps pushing telling me she thinks i'd be good at driving and eventually after saying no 8-10 times i give in and we switch..i continued up the road and i made the right and i was maknig another right and i lost control and ended up on the sidewalk and crashed into a pole..airbags exploded and all..when immediately got out of the car and I asked her what we were going to do and she said to me so help me god if i lose my license and again i said what are we going to do? she said were going to say i was driving..we got ran off the road by a red truck..when the cops came i stuck with the same story she did and we went to the hospital and all..this happened a month ago..the vehicle was totaled and she collected money from the accident. I however felt so guilty i went and turned myself into the police and told them the truth about everything. the cop that was at the accident is who i spoke with..i filled out a witness report and the cop said that he was really glad that I came forward with the truth and that she would be in much more trouble than I and that he planned to take it easy on me since i came forward about it and because i am a mom..he said the most i will probably get is my license suspended..i am still waiting to get anything in the mail and i'm so nervous bc i don't know if i can get in worse trouble and was wondering what other people thought..honestly the whole thing has scared me from ever wanting to drive again and even though i wasn't the victim i really felt like it for days after the accident..i was very distraught..and i'm scared even being a passenger in a car now..i watch everything and get very scared fast. Can i get in trouble with the insurance company? I didn't give them a statement. I just told them about me going to the hospital and stuff..my supposed friend actually gave them the statement..they sent me a bunch of paperwork in the mail to have me mail back in so they could cover medical expenses but i never sent the stuff in or filled it out bc i didn't want the insurance company to pay for something that was my fault. I live in pa and i guess im just wondering how much trouble i can get in? or if i should be okay because i came forward with the truth.
Car insurance?
there are 5 people in our family and we all have vehicles of our own and pay for separate insurance but somtimes we might need to use each others cars/vans for what ever reason is there an insurance that we could get that would allow us to drive each others cars.
Pros and Cons of a motorcycle for a teen?
Both my parents and I have gone over me getting a motorcycle instead of a car, and they're fully behind it. As far as my knowledge, insurance costs are a lot less (but more for me since I'm just starting out) monthly payments on it are lower, more MPG, more eco-friendly, less space and I personally prefer it, and use it as year-long transportation since we're moving to Orange County, Calfornia from Las Vegas (where it never snows). I'm almost of age to get my permit, and I would appreciate it if you could come up with any other possible cons or problems of having a sportbike (Kawasaki Ninja 250r, 2010-2011) instead of an older car. I know repairs, etc would be roughly the same. Thanks.""
I wanted to now about car insurance liability?
my boyfriend is on his mums insurance, but the other day, he had a little bump, which wasnt his fault, the person in front kept breaking spontaneously on a very busy road which caused him to slightly go in to the back of her car, theres no damage to his mums car and hes says (and i fully believe him) that the only bit of damage to their car is a few screws missing, yet they have still got the insurance company involved, but he really wasnt liable for the little bump, it wasnt his fault, the other person kept putting breaks on and i know you can fail your test for breaking like that on a busy road, i just want to know what will happen about his mums insurance now as hes really worried.""
Will my children from a previous relationship get my husbands insurance?
basically myself and my 2 children were on food and medical assistance and i am now off it, i will be starting to get new insurance through my husbands work and so will our child in common...but i have 2 children from a previous relationship. im not sure if they will need to have my insurance or if they will still qualify for the government medicaid since there father pays child support.""
Getting insurance under my name?
I currently live in NJ. I'm planning on switching insurance companies and i would like to put it under my name. I'm currently under my dad's policy and he is the owner of the car. But, for me to get my own insurance, i need to transfer to title under my name. But, it says that you need proof of insurance before you can transfer the title. Is my dad's insurance (which is the current insurance for the car) good enough for proof?""
Cheap car insurance for first time drivers ?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for first time drivers ? Age:23
What cars are cheap to insure? UK ?
i know it depends on individual person but, in general, which cars have the lowest insurance? thanks""
How much does car insurance cost in California?
I know it varies but I just need a range.
Does car insurance insure the driver or the actual car?
I know that its CAR insurance but I have heard two different things - car insurance covers the car and it covers the driver. I'd just like to know which one it actually covers. Thanks!!
Does my car insurance cover this?
Somebody broke my windshield with a rock and I don't know if my insurance covers it
Is car insurance required when getting a car or license?
I going to work on getting a driver license and i want to know if insurance is required for driving or owning a car?
What's the cheapest Insurance company?
I'm sixteen, will be seventeen in June. I just got a job and I need to get insurance so I can get a car. My parent's insurance will be really expensive plus to put the car on there it will be even extra. Can anyone tell me what the cheapest car insurance place would be for me with full coverage? Thank you (: oh and my car will be a 2000 saturn.""
""Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's insurance?""
Im 20 years old and a full time student and work part time, if i move out, can i stay on my dad's car and medical insurance even though i do not live at home but im under 25""
Can a 73 year old man get life insurance for $100K? What would the approx premium be if so?
I know it would be expensive-anyone have an idea? Thanks so much!!
""Average homeowner insurance for SE Cape Coral, Florida ?""
Does anyone know the average house insurance for the SE area in Cape Coral, Florida. I know that it has gone up because of weather conditions, but I was just wondering what the average insurance is right now. I am thinking about buying a house that was built in 1992, it has a hip roof, and is equipped with storm windows and everything, if this may help. Thanks for the imput!!""
Question about ticket and insurance rate?
I got a ticket bout a couple months ago and my cost of insurance (minimum coverage) hasnt changed. Am I supposed to notify my insurance company about my ticket or do they automatically find out on their own and then charge me extra?
Exchange insurance/registration info...?
It's about my friend hitting a parked car again. The other party got his insurance+registration, should my friend get their's even though no one was in the car? thanks""
How much money does drivers ed save on car insurance?
Is the amount saved by drivers ed a lot, meaning does drivers ed pay for itself by helping lower your insurance cost?""
Car insurance?
how do i get cheap insurance for my son, he has only just passed his test couple of weeks ago. we stay in the UK.""
""I just got married, does my parents health insurance still cover me?""
I got married on the 5th of december of 2010, neither my husband or I has health insurance through our work, and neither of us are still attending college, I know they have made a lot of changes with Health insurance lately and I have a prescription that usually costs about $200/month, but with the Insurance it is only $15, I stumbled upon a website that says I can still be considered a dependent even if I am married, since my job doesn't offer Health plans, but it doesn't say anything about being married in the middle of the insurance plan year (starts and ends in August). The website is http://quinnscommentary.com/2010/03/24/no-child-left-behind-big-changes-for-employers-and-employees-as-adult-children-remain-in-health-plans/ If anyone can dicipher if it does in fact state anything about being married within the insured year, or if you know of any other websites, or anything about how marriage affects health insurance with all the new plans and Amendments to those plans. Any and all help will be greatly appreciated!""
Can i drive with just insurance?
is it ok for me to drive with just insurance on my car for a certain amount of time?
High Insurance Rate for RX-8 05'?
I'm 20 years old and have been driving for 4 years now. As of recently, I own a RX-8 05' (1st Car), No prior accidents, never gotten a ticket. Nothing negative what-so-ever with vehicles or finances. I'm paying $1600 and change every six months including discounts such as Military, anti-lock brakes, etc. Insurance company is Gieco. I took in to account that I am in fact a young male with a race car but with no intentions to drive reckless. Its a car that I plan to have for a few years and enjoy driving it before I get something more economically sufficient. My question is... Is this a reasonable payment? Do perks and lower rates come the longer your with a company and continue safe driving?""
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
Ok so i'll be 17 soon and i sooooo want to drive. I found a nice car, a peugeot 307 five door 1.6 car for 2700, insurance group 4. it's a great looking car, but when i filled in details on gocompare, tescocompare etc for insurance it came up as at least 15,000 for fully comp. other cars are similar prices. i put a fake birthday in so i was 17 on the system. How can i MASSIVELY reduce the cost? i dont want tips that might save 100 or 200 pounds, but something more reasonable!!! Also im a very sensible person and will be a good safe driver not a boy racer lol!""
Landlord tenants for kids insurance in california?
i rent my house to a daycare family. they purchase daycare insurance. however, lately they also start to do foster kid. i am curious if there is foster kid insurance that they need to purchase? i try to google, but i can't find any related information. any help will be appreciated. thanks""
What do I do with the rejected health insurance benefits California?
rejected by Blue Cross and Blue Shield/
How much would these cars cost to run per month?
renault clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa (old) including tax , m.o.t and insurance and watever you have to pay for :) x""
First speeding ticket how much will my insurance increase and for how long?
I recieved my first moving violation (speeding ticket) and would like to know the cost/percentage/etc of a potential increase (if any) to my insurance. I am reluctant to call my State Farm agent for fear that they'll pull the record now and re-do my rates instead of towards the end of 6 months when I am up for renewal. Any takers?
Commercial car insurance no claims?
I have 9 yrs no claims bonus on a commercial insurance policy in my name with my missus as name driver. I am selling the van and will want to buy a 4x4 and insure on a private policy, None of the insurance companies that I have had quotes from will honor the no claims bonus and all say that I have to start again from zero I also have been the name driver on the missus's car policy for 10 yrs with no claims either. Can anyone tell me if this is Right or yet again am I being unfairly screwed? Cheers all.""
""What could be small, lasts forever, has expensive insurance, and there are 12 or 13 to choose from?""
What could be small, lasts forever, has expensive insurance, and there are 12 or 13 to choose from?""
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
I'm 17 and looking to buy a toyota supra 1993 model.do you know any cheap insurance companies UK only?
How much is teen car insurance?
how much would it be for teen car insurance? im a 17 y/o female in Long Island, NY good grades and will be taking the defensive course first. thanks""
Cheap car insurance for first time drivers ?
what is the cheapest car insurance company for first time drivers ? Age:23
0 notes
isthespiceoflife · 6 years
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Fireworks? Never a bad idea on the 4th, esp in Jersey City right on the water!Did I mention Snoop Dog’s performing? Yep Ummm...but if it’s too played out...how about pool party/bbq? Always in season! Catch Brasstracks (DJ set) @Dream Hotel on a Happy 4th, if you’ve never partied -- compliments Corona Electric Beach, like it’s your LAST.
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On NOW, “Represent: Hip-Hop Photography” at the Smithsonian (in D.C.), running ‘til May 5, 2019. U got time!
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Opening exhibit reception for artist Olimpia Zagnoli’s “Cuore Di Panna”, May 25 (this Friday) in LA @HVW8 Gallery, RSVP.
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It goes -- Fall, Winter, Spring... Summer! Well, U all know if U lived thru NY’s winter, how harsh weird it was. We’re in 80+ degree weather in Spring, yet there seemed to be NO TRANSITION. Which means, let’s get out-side, I mean right here in NY! Riis Park Beach anyone? There’s been so much going on nationally n’ internationally, from Kanye’s ‘free thought’ as a precursor to promote his latest music, NBA playoffs is heating up, then there’s the ever-revolving media circus surrounding this madman, not to mention his staff. Ummm...what else? So much going on, I need a RED BULL! See some below beats, if U may -- including some treats rockin’ from Cali, to JA. And don’t forget, Cinco De Mayo this weekend passed, esp if you’re not Mexican!
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The WORLD CUP 2018 hits Russia this summer, June 14 to be exact is kick-off/opening ceremony. Don’t be surprised to see this symbol instead of yesteryear’s “Bolting”, every time someone from the African diaspora scores, celebrating ‘black excellence’ n’ living out loud, the ‘wakanda’ dream!
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From Side Hobby, to Cash Flow: Shooting for Brands! This Saturday, May 5 (don’t worry you can drink after U elevate your photography career) in NYC! 
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Art150 = Jersey City -- so venture outta ya ‘hood this weekend, n’ hit up the JC!
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Not to be missed, in Red Hook (yes, Brooklyn), the “1-54 Contemporary African Art Fair,” kicks off TODAY (5/4-5/6)!
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Tonight’s your last chance to catch the Grace Jones flick, “Bloodlight & Bami” @BAM.
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U won’t wanna miss this (n’ no that’s not Jazzie B from Soul II Soul, it’s Comrade Cav)! UK II BK, going down @Black Flamingo in W’Burg w/DJ Misbehaviour, tomorrow Fri, May 4.
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Wait ya turn boy!? Missed that? Then go to this “Everyday Afrique” (Memorial Day) @Output!
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Schomburg Talks: Carnival traditions in the African Diaspora thru the lens of T&T. On June 20th, “Consecrating the Consequence -- Masquerade, Performance n’ Spirituality in Carnival” happens @Schomburg Center for Research in BC, from 6:30-9p. RSVP.
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After almost a year after a mishap in immigration/passport issues, this tour is finally on n’ happening. Tricky is here in the U.S., catch him as he promotes his latest 2017 Ununiform album, if U can (below dates)!
5/3 - New York City, NY @ Irving Plaza - Tickets 5/5 - Detroit, MI @ Magic Stick - Tickets 5/6 - Chicago, IL @ Bottom Longue - Tickets 5/7 - Minneapolis, MN @ 7th Street Entry - Tickets 5/9 - Denver, CO @ Marquis - Tickets 5/12 - Seattle, WA @ Neumos - Tickets 5/13 - Portland, OR @ Doug Fir Lounge - Tickets 5/14 - Vancouver, BC @ Rickshaw Theatre - Tickets 5/16 - San Francisco, CA @ Mezzanine - Tickets 5/17 - San Diego, CA @ Music Box - Tickets 5/18 - Los Angeles, CA @ Fonda Theatre - Tickets
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Yea, this May 10th David Bowie event @BK Museum, will soon sell off! A Music video binge on some of Bowie’s best.
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Celebrity photographer & director Markus Klinko presents: “2000s” -- an exhibit open to the public (June 14-30), @Mouche Gallery.
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X Gallery and EnFoco join together to present “Queer Eye” -- a photographic artistic exhibition celebrating LGBTQ Pride month, opening June 1-30 w/an artist (Lola Flash) meet n’ greet on June 14.
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Join these two house music master DJs (Chicago’s Roy Davis, Jr. + France’s Franck Roger) in Paris @Glazart, June 9. Peep all the invite info, and no I don’t have flight info haa!
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Cuco’s Tour Dates:
5/5-6 - Pomona, CA @ The Glass House
5/26-27 - Cleveland Square Park, TX @ Neon Desert Music Festival 
6/1-3 - Randall's Island, NY @ Governors Ball
7/21-22 - Exposition Park, LA @ FYF Fest
8/2-5 - Grand Park, Chicago @ Lollapalooza
8/3-5 - Parc Jean-Drapeau, Montreal @ Osheaga Festival
8/10 - Los Angeles, CA @ The Shrine
8/10-12 - Golden Gate Park, SF @ Outside Lands
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A rare happening, Fishbone’s on tour (see dates below)!
Thu, May 24/18 - Pioneertown, CA - Pappy & Harriet's Fri, May 25/18 - Las Vegas, NV - Punk Rock Bowling and Music Festival Sat, Jun 23/18 - San Diego, CA - 91X Beer Festival Fri, Jun 29/18 - Los Angeles, CA - Levitt Pavilion, Downtown LA Sat, Jul 14/18 - Ventura, CA - Surf Rodeo Festival Sat, Jul 28/18 - Tokyo, Japan - Fuji Rock Festival Thu, Aug 23/18 - Silver Spring, MD - Fillmore Fri, Aug 24/18 - Brooklyn, NY - Brooklyn Bowl Sat, Aug 25/18 - Worchester, MA - Palladium 
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BRIC’s Opening Night Concert n’ Gala feat. Common, hits us June 5. Don’t sleep, it’s FREE. It just sounds (n’ he looks) fancy!
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Annually, most equate summer in Europe n’ the U.S. to...? Yes, outdoor reggae festivals! And this one’s been growing bigger n’ stronger each year, in Monterey. California Roots Music & Arts Festival is hitting 9-years old, w/a line-up that’s special.
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Protoje has a new LP (A Matter of Time), pushing “No Guarantee” n’ is on tour w/Chronixx, see dates below!
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Awwww...that’s Ziggy Marley w/his lil’ ‘Ziggy’, he’s going on tour -- to promote his latest Rebellion Rises, see dates below:
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Dates:                                   City:                                                       Venue:
6/8/18                                   Napa, CA                                           Uptown 
6/10/18                                Carmel, CA                                         Sunset Center
6/12/18                                Jacksonville, OR                                Britt Pavilion
6/13/18                                Seattle, WA                                        Seattle Zoo
6/14/18                                Portland, OR                                      Portland Zoo
6/16/18                                Kamas, UT                                           DeJoria Ctr
6/17/18                                Winter Park, CO                                 Hideaway Park
6/18/18                                Aspen, CO                                           Aspen
6/19/18                                Albuquerque, NM                 Villa Hispana Outdoor
6/20/18                                Phoenix, AZ                                        Van Buren
6/22/18                                Santa Ynez, CA                                  Chumash
6/23/18                                Sacramento, CA                                 Ace of Spades
6/24/18                                San Francisco, CA                             Sigmund Stern
8/23/18                               Bellvue, CO                                  Mishawaka
9/1/18                                   Vienna, VA                                         Wolf Trap
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It’s incredible how fast this movement grew into something actually cool, over just a few years. It WAS poorly organized, poorly attended n’ pathetically not a true reflection of the carnival zest from Trinidad, representing in LA. But that’s recently changed, also incorporating other cultures from across the globe! Don’t miss from June 21-24 in H’wood, the Hollywood Carnival & Parade + ‘nuff activities surrounding this better soca-infused weekend of LA Carnival’s non-stop bachannal!
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Hop on, but don’t hop off ‘til it docks. You’re invited, btw...this is a one-time only summer event, don’t lapse.
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If you’re performing at one of Brooklyn’s coolest venues, National Sawdust, there’s something really cool about you. And that’s why U should check Underground System on Sat, June 16 @7p. Hopefully tix are still left!? If not, there’s 2 other upcoming shows (see below) too!
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Feeling a lil’ nostalgia living in NYC, for the Pacific Ocean, Venice Beach n’ West Coast Gangstarr rap? @Project Parlor in BK, every 3rd Saturday, from 3p-8p, Str8 West Coastin’ got ya ‘chronic’ needs!
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Above, catch the duo -- Adrian Younge + Ali Shaheed Muhammad aka The Midnight Hour w/band in NYC on Weds, June 20 @Manderley Bar (McKittrick Hotel). And below, back in their home-base of LA, catch them on Saturday, June 23 @Lodge Room. These shows should be a top priority, if music is your thing, ya feel me?
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This year, Reggae Sumfest organizers are really kicking up some dust in branding this year’s festival (July 15-22 in Montego Bay), to be their best yet. For instance, it has now expanded to 8 days of real authentic Jamaican entertainment n’ food, amongst other forms of entertaining one’s self ;-) 
See lineup + schedule below.
Sun. July 15   Sumfest Colour-Fest Beach Party @Tropical Bliss Beach | Doors Open: 3pm | (Ticketed)
Mon. July 16 Sumfest Street Dance @ Hip Strip, MoBay | Gates Open: 7pm | (Free)
Tues. July 17 All White Party @ Pier One Restaurant & Bar | Doors Open: 8pm | (Ticketed)
Wed. July 18 The Blitz “All Black” Party Feat. Safaree and Stefflon Don @ (Venue TBD) | Doors Open: 8pm | (Ticketed) 
Thu. July 19 The Inspire Awards @ Iberostar Hotel | 5pm-9pm | (Invitation Only) 
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Thu. July 19 Reggae Sumfest Presents: Irish & Chin's World Clash 20th Anniversary @ Pier One Event Center | Doors Open: 8pm | (Ticketed) Tony Matterhorn, Mighty Crown, Ricky Trooper and Pink Panther!
Fri. July 20 Sumfest Symposium @ Montego Bay Conference Center | Time TBD | (Free) 
Fri. July 20 Sumfest Festival Night 1 @ Catherine Hall Event Centre | Doors Open: 7pm | (Ticketed) Popcaan, Aidonia, Bounty Killer, Sizzla, Spice, Tommy Lee Sparta, Agent Sasco, Ding Dong, I-Octane, Stonebwoy, Harry Toddler, Yanique, D-Major, Kemar Highcon, Dance Expressions, Govana, Tosh Alexander, Shano, Jah Fabio, Kim Nain, Rygin King, Vanzo, G Don V, Press Kay plus special guest stars 
Sat. July 21 Sumfest Festival Night 2@ Catherine Hall Event Centre | Doors Open: 7pm | (Ticketed) Damian “Jr. Gong” Marley, Beres Hammond, Maxi Priest, Cham, Capleton, Raging Fyah, Jesse Royal, J Boog, Fantan Mojah, Keznamdi, Empress Ayeola, Naomi Cowan, Jah Dore, D’Yani, Stushi, plus special guest stars.
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And everyone in NYC -- young n’ old, has to hit up at least one of these, come summertime. See below, or FULL line-up here.
0 notes