#his suffix has to be just as cute and silly is the important bit
yuridovewing · 1 year
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Someone liked an old post I made about Littlecloud on my main so I doodled LittleCinder while watching Pokemon
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yandereaffections · 4 years
Musings on Agapito
I'll admit I know limited Spanish, but what little I do know made for some cute prompts. The situation is as such.
In Spanish, the suffix -ito is one of the diminutive forms, along with suffixes such as -ita, -cito, -cita, -ecito, and -ecita. Which one of those is used is largely dependent on the ending of the base word, which I'm not going to get into right now, but it's basically a grammatical nuance to make the word flow better, like the difference between Boxes and 
When attached to a noun, it modifies the noun to make it roughly mean "little ____." But it's also commonly used as a modifier to signify endearment. -ito  is usually for masculine words and -ita is usually feminine, for reference.
Examples can include:
Rosa > Rosita= rose > little rose
Abuela > Abuelita = Grandmother > granny
Hermano > Hermanito = Brother > Little brother
Amor > amorcito = Love > Sweetheart
According to Thoughtco.com:
"Here are the most common ways the diminutive suffixes are used in Spanish:
To indicate something is small: casita (little house, cottage), perrito (puppy or little dog), rosita (little rose, rose blossom)
To indicate something is charming or endearing: mi abuelita (my dear grandmother), un cochecito (a cute little car), papito (daddy), amiguete (pal)
To provide a nuance of meaning, especially with adjectives and adverbs: ahorita (right now), cerquita (right next to), lueguito (quite soon), gordito (chubby)
To give a friendly tone to a sentence: Un momentito, por favor. (Just a moment, please.) Quisiera un refresquito. (I'd like just a soft drink.) ¡Despacito! (Easy does it!)
To talk to very young children: pajarito (birdy), camisita (shirty), tontito (silly), vaquita (cowie)
To indicate something is unimportant: dolorcito (tiny ache), mentirita (fib), reyezuelo (petty king), me falta un centavito (I'm just a penny short)
To form a new word (not necessarily a diminutive of the original): mantequilla (butter), panecillo (bread roll), bolsillo (pocket), cajetilla (packet), ventanilla (ticket office), carbonilla (cinder), caballitos (merry-go-round), cabecilla (ringleader), nudillo (knuckle), vaquilla (heifer), de mentirijillas (as a joke)"
The important part here is it's use in pet names, and, notably, proper noun names.
If I learned anything from Coco, then that means that like in the song "Poco Loco" where "Porquito loco" can become "Porquititito loco" as a means of emphasizing the diminutive form. In that song, compounding the -ito made the equivalent of turning "A little bit crazy" to "just a teeny-tiny bit crazy."
So! With all this in mind, where am I going here? This all has a cute payoff, at least in my head.
Agapito already has an -ito at the end of his name, so my thought is of the possibility of an S/O with some knowledge of Spanish calling him Agapitito or Agapititito as a form of endearment.
It may be a simple conclusion, but the end meaning seems really cute and fluffy to me!
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weirdmarioenemies · 5 years
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Name: Micro Goomba
Debut: Super Mario Bros. 3
I think Goombas are pretty great, but sometimes, carrying one everywhere just gets a little inconvenient, you know? I only wish there were some kind of pocket-sized Goomba I could take anywhere, like to the local newsagents. 
Well, aren’t I lucky! Check out how small this Goomba is! You can barely see the sprite! 
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For reference, here’s their sprite a bit bigger, which I took from a thumbnail on the Mario Wiki. Yup, that’s about the bare minimum of a Goomba! 
Anyway! We’ve talked about the Pile-Driver Micro Goomba before, but we haven’t talked about their parent species! The blocks are off! It’s a naked little Goomba. But Goombas are already known for being pretty wimpy, so what does the Micro Goomba add (or subtract) from the table? 
Why, they can’t hurt you at all! Rather, they only grab onto Mario somehow, and slow down his movement and jumps until you manage to shake them off. This behaviour earned them the name of Mugger Micro Goombas, to differentiate them from the Pile-Drivers, and it’s... quite concerning! Can you imagine getting stopped in a dark alleyway by a dozen of these things? And they’ve got guns, too! Just do as they say and no one has to get hurt, alright?
In this game, they actually only appear by being dropped by Paragoombas! Between this, the Blooper Nanny, and the Baby Cheep, Mario 3 sure liked having baby versions of enemies alongside their normal counterparts! Could these be larval Goombas? I’m not sure if they’re different enough to classify as such, but. I really like the idea of Goomba larvae. Or a Goomba nymph, then?
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And so the Micro Goombas show up in a whole bunch of other games, though probably not as an explicit reference. I mean, Goombas that are tiny aren’t exactly a groundbreaking enemy concept! They’ve since been called Mini Goombas, but you know, I like the name Micro Goomba better. This image is from New Super Mario Bros., which also had a Mega Goomba!
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Here’s their look from New Super Mario Bros. Wii and New Super Mario Bros. 2. I mostly think this sorta low-poly Goomba is extremely cute. It feels like a plush or something! I want ten. 
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Other notable appearances include: Super Mario 3D World, where you can blow them away with the Gamepad (adorable)! Super Mario Maker, where you can shake a Goomba to get a Micro Goomba, except you can’t actually use them in a level (what a tease)! And of course, Super Mario Odyssey, where they’re a rather fetching yellow, pictured here (Lookin’ good)! 
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Also quite funny: in Super Mario RPG, they were translated as Goombettes! Silly devs, everyone knows that the suffix “-ette” is only for girl versions of characters, like the one character named Goombette in Super Mario Odyssey (we covered her too)! But you know, part of me feels like a certain Mario enemy with an “-ette” name was quite relevant a while ago, but I can’t quite recall...
Hm, it’s probably nothing. If I forgot, it either wasn’t important, or I repressed it deep in my memories. Moving on!
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But my favorite appearance of the Mini Goomba, if it even counts, is in Mario Galaxy! You wouldn’t even think this to be a Mini Goomba, considering they’re pretty much the same size as regular Goombas and look more like an off-model version, or even an odd nod to the Goombo. But this is a separate species! Their only real difference is that they can be defeated in one hit from a spin, while regular Goombas can’t.
I know I’ve said it before... but this is so cute! It’s like, a Goomba that was selectively bred to be smaller and rounder, to be popular with young women and get carried around in their handbags. Or something. 
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Yeah, like that!
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tessatechaitea · 7 years
Batman #23
This looks like a scene from Evil Dead. Or was it Evil Dead 2?
Of course Swamp Thing as Daddy Issues! He is a DC Character, after all!
• I just called my cat Fart Taco. • After Alec mentions how he didn't really know his real father and took his step-father's name, Batman screams, "You had two fathers you took for granted?! You are a monster!" Then he begins sobbing and runs out of the room waving his fists in the air. Alfred rolls his eyes and excuses himself for a second as he goes after him with a bag of Mother's Cookies. The "Mother's" has been covered over in Sharpie, of course. • Bruce and Swamp Thing are enjoying tea and artificial light in Bruce's den. Front and center hangs the family portrait painted by Damian of Bruce, Alfred, Dick, Tim, and Damian. Jason Todd wasn't invited for the portrait because, at the time, it was only for Waynes without death certificates. Of course, now all of them have died and come back (okay, Tim isn't exactly back yet. But soon!) since then. So I think somebody should paint Jason Todd back into the family. To the left of that painting is a portrait of Bruce with Martha and Thomas. And to the right is a picture of Napoleon. • A dog sits in the den with them. It isn't Titus. It looks like Ace. You know, I'd forgotten that Ace was back! After decades of reading comics, my brain has been programmed not to remember anything that happens in an Annual. • I wonder how Titus feels about Ace taking over the spotlight? I hope Titus is living at Titans Tower now. At least then when Damian ignores him, he'll have Beast Boy and Raven and Starfire to take care of him. • Bruce notices that Swamp Thing doesn't seem upset by the death of his biological father.
He's a grown ass man, Bruce! Are you saying that even if you'd been 65 when your parents were gunned down, you'd have been so emotionally devastated that you still would have become Batman? Maybe Swamp Thing doesn't care because he's already a superhero. What is this trauma supposed to transform him into? Swamp Bat Thing?
• Chapter 4 of this story is called "Kite Man!" because Tom King is desperate to make Kite Man a recurring character in this comic book. It's not like he's the most ridiculous villain Batman has ever faced. He actually has a pretty good gimmick! I suppose it's his name. Nowadays, he'd probably be Base Jumper. But there's something silly about sticking what is thought of as a kid's toy and activity onto the suffix man. It's a bit too strange to have a villain using the playful term kite as part of his name. Of course, all of Batman's other enemies do the same thing. Catwoman! Cats are cute and fun and you usually don't fuckfight with them. Riddler! Riddles are a child's annoying pastime! The Joker! It's a card you throw away immediately which never pops up constantly afterward gassing your friends and family. • The last time I flew a kite was in Nebraska. It was a Xena the Warrior Princess kite and, not having a lot of experience with kites, I didn't realize the roll of string isn't always tied off at the end. Who the fuck sells kite strings and doesn't tie it off to the tube its wound around?! I'm supposed to risk string burn to my fingers keeping a constant grip on the actual string? Anyway, I lost the fucking kite when the string ran out and flew up and out of my grasp. Bye, Xena! Bye! You were too good for this world! • Kite Man! sold a kite to a pawn shop. That kite could have been used by the killer to get through a window on the 84th floor of a building! Wait. What was Swamp Thing's dad doing in an apartment on the 84th floor of a high-rise? That's where people with money live! Is Swamp Thing rich now? • Batman follows the clues and solves the mystery of who killed Swamp Thing's dad: Headhunter! He always shoots people in the head twice. Nobody knows why the second bullet. I'm telling you! It's a punchline! • Batman is all, "This guy won't be easy to find!" And Swamp Thing is all, "The grass just told me where he is! The grass knows everything. Usually I don't listen to them because it's mostly screams as people walk across them or bike on them or fuck all over them. But if you can get past the incessant screaming, they usually have the information you're looking for. Fucking grass!"
Wait. Was that a fuck joke? Does Batman need a car to fuck?!
• Alec and Batman confront Headhunter and he boldly confesses. Basically, he did it for the lulz. • Swamp Thing isn't as cool as he pretended to be about the death of his father. He flips the fuck out and kills Headhunter right in front of Batman. Batman doesn't even try to stop him. Batman would try to stop Superman. Batman would try to stop Wonder Woman. Batman would try to stop The Flash. Batman would try to stop fucking Lobo. But he doesn't try to stop Swamp Thing. Swamp Thing must be more fucking terrifying than I imagined. • Swamp Thing realizes he must be there because Batman's Daddy Issues are so strong. At that point, Swamp Thing is all, "Oh. Well, that answers that. I can go back to not giving a shit about my father now." He then dissolves back into The Green while Batman weeps, yet again, over the permanence of death. I mean the permanence of death where his parents are involved. Let's not get ridiculous. This is comic books, after all. • The moral of the story is that Batman really should have gotten therapy twenty years ago.
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