hauntedthief · 5 years
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and now there’s only the absence of you   
(inspired by x and x)
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blcodyhell · 5 years
What happened: the truth, not word of mouth.
                My initial post was one where I stated the simple truth of the impossibility of me being racist or phobic of any sort; that remains, but ever since this whole issue broke out, three people maturely approached me to clarify things, to tell me EXACTLY what it was that I had said that offended them instead of calling me things out of assumption,  &  I was able to have some mind-opening conversations, which was exactly the thing I had wanted from the beginning,  &  the reason I had been so angry  &  disappointed at everyone: because everyone went to a third party  &  spread slander about me instead of maturely coming to me to talk.  But what is done is done,  &  all I can do is  a d d r e s s  what those three people have told me  &  the truth it reached at. 
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NUMBER ONE: ‘forcing diversity’ 
                Boy did I word that wrong; it did not in ANY way mean that I thought casting PoC was wrong, it did not meant that I wanted everyone to stop doing fancasts with PoC in them, it did not mean that I hate PoC  ( that would mean hating myself,  &  I no longer do, haven’t for years )   &  it did not mean that I hate representation, at all. What I meant by the words forcing diversity was that, as an actress myself, I know there is a thing going on in the movie/tv world where people are cast ONLY for being different, someone I spoke with called it ‘the Token role’  ( they said ‘girl’ but for the sake of this post I’ll include all genders ),   &  that is exactly what I meant.  Example: if they’re making a new version of Legally Blonde with the mask of an open casting  &  they tell me        ‘Oh yeah, we’ll hire you, you can be the next Legally blonde. Having a Latina Elle would bring us so much more money because it would get people talking’         I would HATE that so much, I would decline the offer, because I refuse to be USED for my differences.  BUT if they told me,        ‘Hell yeah, you can be the next Elle, you bring up her personality so well, no one else has done it the way you have, we’d only need you to die your hair blonde for the sake of the character.’          THEN I’d be like !!!!!!  ‘YES THIS WILL MAKE SO MANY PEOPLE THAT LOOK LIKE ME SEE A HERO ON THE SCREEN OMFG YES YES YES YES, I’M IN.’ 
                THAT DOES NOT MEAN I DO NOT LIKE TO SEE DIVERSE EDITS AROUND, OR THAT I WANT EVERYONE IN THE WORLD TO STOP MAKING THEM BECAUSE ‘IT’S WRONG’. That is what got lost in translation; first of all I never said         ‘this is just wrong, it shouldn’t be done’,          because I don’t think it is wrong, how can it be when it makes people happy?  I do not discourage edits  ( hell, I didn’t know I even had that power ),  I do not want ANYONE to stop making them, because I know that making those edits makes some people feel included in such a way that I didn’t understand before I had some conversations  ( I will go into further detail on this specific point a little later ),  nor did it mean that I think PoC should never be given opportunities or roles, or anything of the sort, if it did, then I’d be putting fire on myself: I   a m   a PoC actress MYSELF, it only meant that I won’t make any, me, alone. 
                But you said the friends of Narnia should only be white and it was wrong to make them anything but,    Yes, well, I also worded that wrong, VERY VERY wrong, I was not paying attention only to that conversation so the words were placed horribly around  &  it made me sound like a twat.  No, what I meant was that I have  &  always will think going against the author’s word is not right to me; I will always hold the author’s descriptions  &  their decisions about the world THEY created  ( except for J.K’s ‘cause let’s be real, she’s reaching so fucking far )  over any other opinion,  &  that is why I couldn’t see the Pevensies or any of the friends of Narnia as anything but white; but that is what I saw when I read the books when Lewis called them   ‘fair skinned  &  fair haired’,   we all have different imaginations  &  that’s what’s amazing about books.   It was very  w o n d e r f u l l y  pointed out to me, though, that white can also be PoC that pass as white, or that have very pale skin as well,  &  though I hadn’t thought of that, yeah, that would also work very well, but just like I said above: as long as these people are cast for TALENT  &  not the Token rule. 
                In conclusion to point number one: a) I would love the world to always cast for talent, not for differences.  b) All the opinions expressed are about what I as a solitary independent person would do, not what I want everyone else to do, I promise I never meant to make anyone think I discouraged them or disapproved or thought them anything but valid. 
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NUMBER TWO: ‘I don’t see the point of the term pansexuality’ 
                I never understood the reason I got so much hate out of that sentence, when it was literally me asking for help so the term pansexual could be explained to me; it now has,  &  for it, I can finally speak up about this. 
                I am a bisexual girl,  &  because I grew up during the time in which only three terms existed for sexuality  ( heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual )  I was taught that the ‘sexual’ part of the words had nothing to do with anything but the sex organ the person had, the two being vagina   &   penis; it is why I was always against the term pansexual because I kept thinking that people using that term were saying that trans people were not real women or men!  I was so absolutely outraged at the fact because, to me, it seemed hypocritical of them to claim that ‘TRANS MEN  &  WOMEN ARE REAL MEN  & WOMEN!”    &   then call themselves Pansexual in such a way that it excluded trans people within the man  &  woman spectrum!  I was so honestly outraged because the thing in capital letters is exactly what I believe  &  know: trans men  &  women are as real as non trans men  &  women. 
                Since then, though, not only have I learnt of the term intersex   &   how awfully I called those people hermaphrodites before, but I also learn that in present time the ‘sexual’ in any of the orientations have NOTHING to do with the sex organ itself, but the gender, for which I know there are many, many, many options.  Yes, I have never been entirely comfortable with all the options in existence because I think it makes already phobic people even MORE phobic  &  thinking that we’re doing it for attention; I KNOW we are not doing it for attention, but I know that that is what phobic people can think.  But, again, that also got lost in translation into making it sound like I simply didn’t understand or accepted all of these new labels being created, because, how can  a n y t h i n g  that is making so many people feel at home  &  identified be wrong?  I don’t think it’s wrong, hell, I encourage it!  Find your label, feel at home!  I went exactly through the same sort of thing for my religion, when I called myself Aztec; many people call that just polytheist, but to me that could mean I believe in Norse, Greek, or any possible array of Gods,   &   no, I am AZTEC because I believe in the Aztec gods, nothing more.  So having gone through that myself I understand why it can be important to find your label; it IS important,   &   it’s a wonderful thing.
                I am terrified of those people that can think we’re creating all these labels for the sake of attention, because I know what being told that can do to a person, but that in no way means I discourage it, or don’t believe in it, or think anyone who chooses a label in the Queer spectrum of the LGBTQA+ is not valid; literally, never once did I say that.  I love humans without caring about differences, I literally think ANYONE is valid as long as they don’t hurt others; I worry for those who are not at home with themselves being told ‘you’re doing it for attention’ because I  k n o w  what that feels like, I always worry about everyone else when I know that things don’t or are not going to fall badly on me. 
                In conclusion to number two: a) I understand the term pansexuality now, b) I think everyone is valid with any label they feel at home in, c) I encourage people to find their label  &  find their home. 
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NUMBER THREE: The thing I didn’t understand because I forgot about my past.
                One thing you need to understand about me is that I don’t ever think I have any power over anyone, thus I failed to understand how people could be so absolutely offended by stuff I’ve said when I’m only a person on a computer that they’ll probably never even meet irl; if some stranger comes at me and tells me       ‘you are disgusting, your sexuality is not real, you’re only doing it for attention’,         I literally laugh to their face  &  tell them       ‘It’s sad that that’s your opinion, I wish you would learn a little more, good thing you won’t be invited to my wedding, whomever it is to.’       Why?  Because I am confident in my own self, I love my self,  &  I don’t need anyone’s acceptance or validation other than my own; I believe very strongly in what I believe in, so I don’t need everyone AGREEING with me about it, I am enough; the only opinions that truly matter to me are those of my parents  ( who I am lucky see the world the way I do: differences are as important to know as horoscopes, you don’t go around telling everyone ‘I’m a libra!’ Human is human )   &  my closest, closest friends.  People online can call me things   &   they literally fall off my shoulder like dust.
       I made the most enormous  &  horrible mistake of forgetting that not everyone is like me. 
                You see, I wasn’t born like this, I wasn’t confident always, I, too, at some point needed validation from the world in ways that are very personal  &  I refuse to put in public,  &  I forgot that, I forgot that there are some people that have so much self doubt that one stranger not saying outright ‘you’re valid’ can literally have a big effect on them, I know that feeling, I lived  &  felt that feeling from the moment I was born until I was about 14-16, which was when I found my ability to be confident in what I believe in,  &  because it has been so long since I have felt it I simply  &  horribly forgot that other people may feel it still,  &  for that, with my heart completely in my hands I tell you: I’M SORRY. It was really dumb of me to state my opinions so undetailedly  &  with loose words when not being specific could do what has been done here, hurt people, in ways I simply forget could be done.  Blame my age if you will, but I genuinely didn’t think such things could be done online, only with people face to face or close to you; I  f o r g o t  what it felt like, I forgot my past,  &  I hurt people in the process, so I am sorry. You can be sure that from now on I will pay more attention to what I say for this reason. 
               Thus my conclusion about this is simply a genuine feeling in the direction of all those that I either hurt, or that have nothing to do with this situation but are reading this post: I am deeply  &  wholeheartedly sorry, you ARE valid, important, beautiful  &  wonderful people that I thought I had said endless enough times to make it clear I thought so, but I won’t ever make that same mistake again. I will  r e m i n d  you of how wonderful all of you are whenever I can, because you ARE wonderful  &  important,  &  valid in any way you are  ( as long as you’re not hurting anyone ),  you really are.  &  I love you, for all those people who are awful  &  have made you doubt yourself, I love you,  &  I’m sorry. 
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NUMBER FOUR: The request. 
                It is exactly for that, the heaviness  &  power that words have, that I most humbly ask you to be careful what you say to people;  &  that includes the very things I have been called.  Yes, I am very confident in myself,  &  I don’t need the internet’s approval, which is why I’m able to be sad about this whole situation for nothing other than the fact that I lost some friends because they didn’t let me explain things; but just like I have discovered, you have to realise that not everyone is like that.  Some other person you call a racist  &  phobic CAN end up feeling as awful as you felt when I didn’t validate what you thought in outright words.  Racist, Nazi  &  Homophobic are VERY powerful words that tumblr has made seem like nothing,  &  they can hurt, so, I say, for the sake of everyone else, instead of  i m m e d i a t e l y  accusing someone of bigotry, racism, or phobia, I ask that you approach them, speak to them outright with a simple question, because, for all you know, this same sort of misunderstanding of lack of caring about words could happen,  &  big bad words are hurtful, too.   If someone else in my position wasn’t so confident in themselves, they could begin to think of themselves as hypocrites or literally worse only because they didn’t word things right.  So please, be careful, just like I promise that I will be. 
                &,  again, I am most deeply sorry for all the hurt I have caused for my careless words; I love everyone, I assure you, I do,  &  from now on I will make sure any word I write says exactly that specifically.  Please do smile at least once simply because you can, you are important  &  wonderful,  &  I PRAY one day you are able to see such a thing for yourself as well. 
All the love, always ~Mel
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narniagiftexchange · 5 years
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                                        THE AUTUMN NARNIAN GIFT EXCHANGE.
                                   for @taintedcalamity​  by  @historyofnarnia .                                         ARAVIS & LASARALEEN.      Lasaraleen sat in the middle of the room, as still as a statue. At first glance, you’d never guess she was a hostage, especially given the blazing smile she was giving Aravis.
Yet here she was, the bait dangled to lure Aravis to this house. If you could call this place a house, this place felt more like a well-decorated prison.
Guards stood around Lasaraleen in a defensive pattern, leaving only space for a single burly male that stood behind her. This man carried a single curved blade in his right hand, and it was uncomfortably close to the young woman who Aravis held so dear.
The man was quick to cut to the chase. ❝ I will make this easier for you. Give yourself up, or your dear friend will know the penalty of your disobedience.❞
It was clear what that meant, and it made Aravis’s stomach churn. Suddenly she felt the overwhelming urge to be sick.
Instead, she pulled out the ornate knife strapped to her thigh, and glared at him.
                         ❝ If you hurt her, I will stab you. Do you understand that?❞
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narniachronicles · 4 years
historyofnarnia >> narniachronicles
I have had this url a little while, waiting for netflix narnia but seeing this blog isn’t achieving what I hoped and the blog i feel like has a bad rep I decided to change it up a bit.
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professorkirke · 4 years
Hi there! :) Suddenly the melancholy of childhood came to me and with that my obsession with narnia, I love your blog so much😍 do you have any recommendations of other blogs I could follow?? Of course only if you want to :) I hope you have a nice weekend 💜
Hi! Thank you for the lovely message! There are a lot of nice people in the narnia fandom. I hope you enjoy your time here. Here are some narnia blogs I follow:
@historyofnarnia / @danvers-carols
@narniadynasty / @hauntedthief
Some blogs:
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narniadynasty · 4 years
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Aishwarya Rai as Elena Hajjar for @danvers-carols | @historyofnarnia
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calormen · 4 years
                                        NEW YEARS APPRECIATION.
it isn’t unknown that 2019 was a difficult year for me, be it irl, or especially, in fandom. there were many hardships brought to light and thanks to the people on this list, be it support or be it genuine friendship, i’ve managed to come out on top. i truly appreciate you all, and i wish only the best for you in the years to come. remember to take time for yourselves, do something you enjoy, and treat yourselves often. you deserve the best.
‘friends’ isn’t exactly the most applicable word here, is it. i’d like to put a ‘best’ before it, really, and use other more suitable titles altogether. but this isn’t a post to confess undying love or anything. i’ll save that for later. i’d like to thank you for sticking by me through the events of the past year and for making my 2019 something full of love despite the hardships. it was a truly difficult year for me, and you were there through all of it. just the thought that we were able to help each other and come out stronger for it warms me. you’re truly a skilled person, from crafting physically to with words, and everything you create is a delight. i hope 2020 is another good year for us, my love, and that we can continue to grow together.
moh! dearest moh, you’re such a guiding light in this fandom. i’ve awed at your worldbuilding and character correction, and i’ve been warmed by how passionate and compassionate you get about matters that mean so much to you. without you and your support, i doubt i’d still be around here creating content. you’re a pleasure to have on my dash, and moreso to call a friend. thank you for all you do, i hope 2020 is a year where you gain the recognition for your creativity you deserve.
charl! i’d like to start off by saying i’m so proud of you. i’m proud of the content you create, you’re so dedicated! but more than anything, i’m proud that you took the time you needed away from tumblr and did what you needed. you’re such a strong person, and so creative too! i can only say things i’ve said before, as they remain as true as you do. thank you for your rationality, your patience, and how you took the time to listen and understand me. you’re a dear friend.
hello all! i’m so happy you joined the server, and just knowing you are there makes me happy. you’re all such loving, creative people, and i am happy to know each and every one of you. in 2020, i hope we’re able to have activity, events, and general good times filled with fun and support. thank you for all you do. <3   |||  @lighofthewest @historyofnarnia @professorkirke @revirag @queerpevensies @myaekingheart @miraestrellxs @athomeinnarnia @taintedcalamity @flexhealer @supposewehaveonlydreamed .
and here, finally, is the obligatory list of mutuals i don’t see myself unfollowing. you may have been mentioned above-- consider this a double down of my love! thank you for all you do, be it reblog, create, or chat! i find you all wonderful, and i’m glad we’re in the same space!  |||  @starkhavn @artemis-devotee @hotlinemojave @lighofthewest @abbotts @literaetures @bilbos @luxaofhesperides @taintedcalamity @cptn-brie @thequills @flexhealer @professorkirke @danvers-carols @ghcstxbcy @narniadreams @aravvis @telmarines @dirtycomputermp3 @quecksilvereyes @merlinn @alwaysinnarnia @jillpcle
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luffys · 4 years
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“Alright people. Let’s start at the beginning one last time.” - Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 
I decided to do a best buds appreciation to bring in the new year (even if it’s a bit late)! thank you to everyone i follow for lighting up my dash with your originality! thank you for everyone following me and supporting me with whatever tickles my fancy at that moment! thank you for those of you have stuck with me even after @hauntedthief was terminated. i love all you guys and wish you all the best in the new year. (messages for my buds below are in no particular order)
roh you absolute dipshit! i have to start off by saying thanks for being the best twin i could ask for. your edits and gifs are stunning and so original, even if i’m only in half of the fandoms you enjoy. thanks for getting narnianet off the ground with me. i know you're not as much of a narnia fan as i am but that meant a lot that you did! thank you for being such a great sister. thank you for pretty much anything and everything. i can’t really think of what else to say that i haven’t already said in person so thanks for being you, you weirdo.
alrighty then kesh, my bud, my fellow canadian. thank you for lighting up my dash with all your insane and beautiful edits. the vibrancy and originality you bring to my dash is heartwarming. also, who knew we’d share so many interests? thank you for continuing to fuel my soukoku love. thank you for all the tidbits and fic ideas you share with me that never fail to tear at my soul. your song additions are perfect and so fitting. thank you for getting me into haikyuu!!! and kny! your recommendations are always A+ so keep them coming! thank you for appreciating our favourite fire guy, ace, with me and theorizing everything we can when a new chapter comes out for whatever manga we’re reading! thank you for letting me complain about work to you! thank you to your anime/manga sideblog @oikawas which is fan-freaking-tastic! all in all, thank you for being such a fantastic friend! 
dorian, my favourite artist! thank you so much for all your kind words and art work that you post. your art is so original and makes my dash so beautiful to see. thank you for your fight for diversity, for pushing and pushing, in fandoms despite the horrible anons you get. thank you for creating a space for all diverse fans to be welcomed into. thank you for narnianexus and further up and further in! thank you for the art you make for me. thank you for your encouragement in regards to the Gentle Witch. thank you for your contribution into making narnianet succeed for how long it has! thank you for @oldnarnia and blessing us with your rewrites and found family aus. thank you for @narniagiftexchange which is so much fun! you have no idea how much courage you’ve given me to speak out more so thank you for YOUR courage! 
charl, you wonderful human being! despite 2019 being a hard year on you, your strength and resilience is awe-inspiring. i’m so glad to have made a friend like you and your contribution to ALL the fandoms you’re in is amazing! i’m so glad you ended up enjoying bnha! your encouraging words never fail to bring a smile to my face! thank you for being one of the first to join narnianetwork and making it such a blast to run. thank you for @historyofnarnia! thank you for all your edits and posts and headcanons. thank you for elena who is a phenomenal OC who i adore seeing more of each time you post. thank you for your kindness! thank you for being so great! 
zebra, my spectacular friend! you’ve been such a constant in the narnia fandom for me since the beginning. you’ve helped with getting narnianet to where it is and i can never thank you enough for that. i could never have asked for such a wonderful king edmund and i am forever grateful for the day you decided to apply. your gifsets are so good that i am in a state of constant joy when i see them on my dash. your writing is fantastic and your supernatural crossover was wonderful to see. thank you for narnianet. thank you for all the encouraging words both in your tags and in chats. thank you for the originality you bring. thank you for being such a kind human being.
emerson, you beautiful soul! taking on the role of queen lucy in narnianet was no easy feat but i am in awe of how gracefully and confidently you took to your new spot. you’re truly one of the nicest people i’ve had the joy of meeting through tumblr and i am so grateful for that day you decided to join narnianet. thank you for making narnianet go further than it has. thank you for your drive in getting it up back off it’s feet for the new year. thank you for your edits and fandom family. thank you for making my dash so new and refreshing each day. thank you for the colour you bring to my dash. thank you so so much for being the amazing friend you are! 
ah larissa! even though we never actually talked until last year, despite both of us being in the narnia fandom for so long, getting to know you has been such a blast. i would never have believed that i’d be able to call such a talented creator my friend. i got to know you first and foremost as queen susan in narnianexus and i was in awe by the confidence you exude. your words tear at my heart and your edits make me smile. thank you for reaching out. thank you for nexus. thank you for giving me a chance to create and expand my own OC for nexus. the Gentle Witch will forever stay with me and i never would have been able to think up such a wonderful character without your encouragement. thank you for @narniagiftexchange which i will always participate in when i can. thank you for our angry/unforgiving!susan discussions. thank you for being a wonderful friend.
thanks to everyone in @narnianetwork who have made it such a hit!
thank you to my friends/mutuals (in no particular order): @professorkirke, @wondcrwomans, @jillpcle, @rapunzles, @lucypcvensie, @quietlykeen/@iwasntalways, @telmarines, @lighofthewest, @aleksanderblake, @ohmisscornelia, and @luxaofhesperides!
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myaekingheart · 4 years
I know pretty much everyone is doing these but you know what? I need to express some gratitude, too, so screw it. This year has been really difficult for me but I’m really glad to have had some great opportunities, as well, and make some really nice connections. So if you’ve been tagged, I just want you to know that I love and appreciate you and knowing you has made me smile this year, even if it was just from seeing you show up in my notes or on my dash :3 
@alwaysinnarnia @calormen @google-your-problem @hiddenleafstoryteller @historyofnarnia @jetjack @lasaraleen @lighteningavenger @lighofthewest @lucypcvensie @magnificent-north @misterrapscallion @penfullofwordsaheadfullofstories @professorkirke  @quecksilvereyes @redrumor @revirag @riptidethepen @simply-flawsome @taintedcalamity  @telmarines @thatgirlnevershutsup @tropicalgraffiti @wheneyelied
I know I’m probably forgetting some people but like I’m tired so just know I love you, too. 
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highqueen · 4 years
Thanks so much for tagging me, @lucypcvensie​!
1. NAME: I go by Zebra here 2. NICKNAMES: Zebra 3. ZODIAC SIGN: Leo 4. HEIGHT: 5′2″ 5. LANGUAGES SPOKEN: English, Mandarin 6. NATIONALITY: American 7. FAVORITE SEASON: Fall 8. FAVORITE FLOWER: Lavender 9. FAVORITE SCENT: Vanilla 10. FAVORITE COLOR: Pale blue 11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: Horses, Wolves, Dolphins 12. FAVORITE FICTIONAL CHARACTER(s): Probably Edmund Pevensie 13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate 14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: Weekdays, 6 hrs. Weekends, 8 hrs. 15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: Both! It depends more on the individual animal. 16. NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH: Currently, just one thick blanket. 17. DREAM TRIP: Visit many European countries! I’ve never been to Europe before. 18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: Feb. 1, 2017. 19. FOLLOWERS: 3,949 and I appreciate every single one of them! 20. RANDOM FACT: I play the flute!
I tag @calormen @quecksilvereyes @hauntedthief @stormbreaker @historyofnarnia @ohboywonder and anyone else who would like to do this! Consider yourself tagged by me. c:
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quecksilvereyes · 5 years
hello! first off, i wanted say i adore your narnia fics (so much that i start writing fic of my own, actually)! after a year of burying myself in my own narnia thoughts, i decided to return to tumblr for the fandom/community :) so, at the risk of being terribly forward, i was wondering if you had any suggestions on other narnia blogs to follow? hope you have a good day!
Ahhhhhhhhhhh thank you! I’m so happy you like them! I’m gonna have to ask for a link to yours now though, I’m always here for new content ^^
hm, off the top of my head:@calormen@alwaysinnarnia@historyofnarnia@luxaofhesperides (not really that active in the narnia fandom anymore but a brilliant writer i love her to pieces)@jillpcle@lucypcvensie@thelesbianoftarth@hekaatesYou can also look through @narniagiftexchange which I run together with @calormen it’s full of currently active narnia blogs :)
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narnianetwork · 5 years
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historyofnarnia meets the narnianetwork
The Valiant Court - The Court of Queen Lucy
The Court of Queen Lucy, based in the Eastern Wing of Cair Paravel and the most specialised of the four courts. The Valiant Court focuses on The People of Narnia, thus they often are present in the Senate of The People, where representatives of the Kingdom voice their concerns and opinions that are then passed to the Kings and Queens via the Valiant Court. Additionally, the Court is in charge of trade - particularly ensuring markets charge fair prices and pay taxes, which are used to aid the sick and those in need. The Valiant Court’s most vital role is as Healers, they can be found all over the kingdom from emcampments, to Cair’s Infirmary, to the Front line of a battlefield, they walk into the most horrible and brutal situations with no fear and no thought of their own lives but rather they think only of others.
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narniagiftexchange · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
                                      THE SUMMER NARNIAN GIFT EXCHANGE.                                            TIRIAN; THE LAST KING OF NARNIA.
                                       for @flowersandstarlight by @historyofnarnia.
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narniachronicles · 4 years
hello, this is historyofnarnia, a blog dedicated to the chronicles of narnia. run by @danvers-carols.
to see my creations click the link 'stories' above. and feel free to send me asks about narnia anytime.
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lasaraleen · 5 years
No one: Jessie: New Narnia content
Well SOMEONE has to keep this fandom alive until the Netflix content.
Shoutout to a few narnia blogs that stay active @narnianetwork @narniadreams @narniadynasty @historyofnarnia
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waterstribe · 5 years
Hi Esther! I remember you saying your current interests are Narnia and Disney. Could you recommend blogs for both please?
yeah of course! i’ll probably end up forgetting a bunch of people but i’ll do my best aha 
narnia blogs (some are multi-fandom)@telmarines @calormen @quecksilvereyes @historyofnarnia @queenoftwoworlds @alwaysinnarnia @dryadsofnarnia @lasaraleen @hauntedthief @lucypcvensie @nylonsandlipstick @jillpcle @professorkirke @ohnarnians @ofedmundandlucy @stormbreaker @sylvia-tilly @queeensusan and basically anyone from @narnianetwork and @narnianexus
disney blogs plugging @disneynetwork rn of course haha, also @disneyismyescape @rapvnzies @bigfrozensix @ohdisney @bigherosixed @mickeysmouse @eeyors @briannathestrange @prettyscar @eupunzels @sunlightdrop @pocdisneys @rapnuzel @elenye @queentianas @sunshinepunzie @wdasgifs @rapunzely @disneyfilms and any disney accounts that are affiliates with @disneynetwork too!
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