josette-park · 2 years
I Think I’ve Seen This Film Before
Prompt: Post Apocolyptic for Hizzie Fanfiction Week 2022
Pairing: Hizzie
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Just a quick in and out. Simple as could be. They'd done it a thousand times, so Hope wasn't worried.
She should have been. 
"Are we going, or what?" Lizzie asks from beside her.
"Yeah, let's go," Hope says as she grabs her gun and they make their way into the abandoned store. They need ammo and medical supplies. Food wasn't as scarce, after having to learn how to hunt and gather, it came easy. What wasn't easy was fending off the scavengers who never learned how to hunt and would do anything for their next meal.
They make their way into the shop and Lizzie heads towards the back while Hope walks down the aisles. After a few steps, she hears some shuffling from a few feet away and turns the safety off on her gun.
She steps quickly to see a zombie gnawing at a corpse, sucking the arm almost down to the bone. In the beginning, Hope was terrified and disgusted by this, but by now she has become numb.
The zombie turns to look at her but the movements are slow, this zombie is a shadow of itself, close to starvation.
Hope clicks off her gun and goes for the safer route and grabs her axe from where she had it strapped to her back and plants it into the zombie's head. It's a mercy killing, it wasn't human anymore, and it's at peace now. That is what her mom used to tell her. That once a zombie died the human soul could finally rest at peace.
She dislodges the axe from the zombie’s head and surveys their surroundings, wondering if the sound drew any unwanted attention. Hope looks out the window and sees someone run quickly by the window. Her head snaps to the back of the store.
Hope takes her gun out again and readies it while quickly but quietly making her way towards the back. She quickly turns the corner to the back room, gun drawn, to find two men in the room, and a third at the door.
One is holding a gun to Lizzie's head, who has her arms up as the others take the supplies for themselves.
“We don’t want any trouble,” the one holding the gun says.
“Oh yeah, well the guns must have given me the wrong impression, then,” Hope says the gestures to Lizzie, “Let her go.”
“Of course we will, once we get what we came for,” the other man in the room responds with a slight smile as he takes a hesitant step towards Hope.
Hope points her gun at him and asks, “What did you come for?”
“You,” he responds, “Your father killed my brother, and it’s time he pays for that.”
Her father’s actions have come back to haunt her, again. It was like this long before the apocalypse broke out. He was never a good man, but he was a good father. However, now his actions have come back to put the last person she cares about in danger. She lost her whole family, she can’t lose her girlfriend, too.
“Okay,” Hope says, “You can have me, but just let her go.”
Hope wants to make good on her promise. She’ll do anything to get Lizzie out of here safely, even if they don’t leave together.
“Where’s the fun in that?” He asks, “Why kill you when I can make you feel the pain I’ve felt.”
Hope catches him nod to the man holding Lizzie hostage. Hope doesn’t have time to second guess her actions, so she doesn’t. She shoots the man holding Lizzie point-blank in the face and quickly takes out the other two with her gun as well.
“Well that was violent,” Lizzie says, face covered in blood from the gunshot that killed her captor.
Hope makes her way to Lizzie and brings her in and whispers in her ear, “I couldn’t lose you.”
“Right here,” Lizzie responds. 
After they gather what they came for, they make their way out of the store to head back to base. The second Lizzie opens the door, she screams and topples to the ground. Hope sees a zombie on top of her and shoves the zombie off of Lizzie before grabbing her axe and planting it deep so into the zombie’s head that it hits the pavement below the zombie. 
Hope reaches a hand out to help Lizzie up. When the other girl reaches her hand out, her sleeve slips to reveal a fresh zombie bite, and Hope immediately takes a step back. No. Her reaction was immediate, out of self-preservation. She's seen this before too many times. 
“Oh crap,” Lizzie says, looking at her arm for the first time.
Hope’s heart is pounding so hard in her chest that she can’t think, she can barely breathe. Not Lizzie. Not Lizzie, it can’t be. This can’t keep happening to Hope again. 
Lizzie sighs and says, “We both know what you have to do now.”
Hope takes another step back and shakes her head profusely, “I will not.”
“Hope-” Lizzie starts.
“No!” Hope interjects, “I can’t take this anymore, Lizzie. You are the only thing that keeps me going. You are the only thing that makes living in this hell hole worth it. You are the love of my life, and I can’t do that to you, so don’t ask me to.”
“You can’t take me back to camp,” Lizzie points out, “And I am not becoming one of those things.”
Hope feels the fight leave her, she knows Lizzie is right. After all, wouldn’t she ask the same if their positions were reversed? 
“I’m not ready to lose you,” Hope admits.
“I know,” Lizzie says, “No one is ever ready, but I have faith that we’ll meet again, I just would rather it not be as a zombie trying to kill you.”
Hope lets out a wet laugh through tears and asks, “You really think there’s something after all this?”
“There better be, because this fucking sucks,” Lizzie responds as she begins to tear up, “I hope I’ll get to see my sister and my parents again and that one day in a long while, you’ll join me. I hope there will be peace.”
“Me too,” Hope says. Because it is what they are owed. They deserve happiness, but they aren’t going to get it in this lifetime. Hope grabs her axe from the dead zombie and studies it for a few seconds, before meeting Lizzie’s eyes and making a request, “Close your eyes, I don’t want you to remember me like this.”
Lizzie meets her gaze and says, “I’ll only remember the good times with you, Mikaelson.”
“I love you,” Hope manages to push out through her tears.
“I love you, too,” Lizzie responds as she closes her eyes.
Hope swings her axe and wishes it was her own head instead.
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Hizzie Fanfiction Week 2022
Welcome to the official HIZZIE FIC WEEK of 2022, from May 30th - June 3rd, where we celebrate the relationship between Hope Mikaelson and Lizzie Saltzman. All forms of media content are accepted. Tracking #hizzieficweek22. Follow me @sapphicforbes and tag me as #tuserannabelle so I can see your creations!
The prompts are as follows:
May 30th - Post Apocalyptic
May 31st - Secret Identity
June 1st - Road Trip
June 2nd - Competition
June 3rd - Royalty
Feel free to deviate from recommended prompts as you’d like!
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