#hjp is a black cat
ronsharry · 5 months
this harry james potter btw. if u even care.
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blackcathjp · 8 months
in eighth year, animagus harry unexpectedly transformed into a 3 month old black kitten.
the trio didn't understand why his animal form was so young, but he still had full capacity of his human abilities and magic. he roamed around the castle at night, avoiding other students and animals, but a group of slytherins took a liking to the cute little black kitten that lurked around the dungeons.
he visited the slytherins a few times a week, who set out water, food, and even toys for him. it was different being around them, far nicer than he expected - he was just a cute castle cat, not harry potter the savior. he hated being in the spotlight, but he didn't mind the adoration or pampering he received as a cat. he liked being cared for. he felt carefree and comfortable when they played with him, made him refreshed and relaxed the next day. he liked not having to think each day, be stared at, or live up to expectations.
maybe that's why he was a kitten. his magic sensed something, manifesting this form so he could feel like and be a child again. whenever he thought about that, he felt so much grief and sadness that his magic might be compensating for his childhood and teen years. on those days, it was easier to be in his cat form because he didn't have to think so much. and on those days, he found comfort in someone he least expected: draco malfoy.
draco was reluctant at first, deterred by a mysterious cat who seemed to understand him, purring or meowing at just the right moments as if they were talking. the cat hissed and placed paws on him whenever he said something self-deprecating, as if scolding him. he noticed how the cat politely refused others' attempts to pet him, but welcomed draco's affection, nuzzling and asking for more. it was strange that a cat would drag a blanket over to him when he so much as shivered, or nudge a goblet of water to remind him to drink.
he noticed a pattern: on the days harry potter skipped class, the kitten was found asleep in the middle of the day, curled up on draco's favorite seat in the common room. the next day, the cat was gone, but harry potter was there, softer and calmer, less twitchy and alert like he'd been days before. sometimes harry's hand would linger as he brushed against draco, reminding him of a soft cat tail wrapped around him.
eventually, it clicked.
the startling green eyes, the heart marking on one paw, the zigzag lightning marking on the other. it was unsettling to know the cat sleeping on his lap was harry potter all along, who's been secretly living among them the past few months, pretending. yet, he was thrilled to have his attention, to be his favorite, to have harry potter come back to him, every single time. it was such a heady thought, and now draco couldn't stop staring at harry potter, couldn't stop thinking about kissing him senseless.
"you're such an idiot, potter! you're a much better listener when you've got the whiskers on," draco accidentally blurted during an argument in potions.
harry's spoon clattered to the table. "what?"
"i know, you know," draco scrambled out, softer and quieter this time. "i won't tell anyone."
harry stared silently at him, before glancing away, blush high on his cheeks. "how did you know?"
"i didn't at first. but i must say, it's such a classic move of yours, following me around even when you're, well."
"you seemed really sad and lonely," harry whispered as he resumed his stirring. "but you became happier and kinder when i was like that. i felt really comfortable and safe around you, not like when i was with the others, and it made me like you. a lot."
"oh," draco whispered back, brain short-circuiting. "oh. well, i quite like you too."
to the slytherins' disappointment, the kitten's visits slowly dwindled down, along with draco's presence in the dorm. it was common to find him in the corridors, the library, or the lake, sometimes with the black kitten, but most of the time with a smiling, happy harry potter.
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thesoupinursocks · 2 years
Part Two
stupid little things that i hc for hjp
-his favorite kind of music is 90s R&B bc thats what he grew up with, he absolutely cannot stand wixen music no matter how hard he trys
-he HATES pizza. hates it.
-he got bullied into getting a new pair of glasses when he got older bc his old one finally got broken beyond repair and when he got the new prescription he just kept stairing at trees and saying "oh my godric mione theres like actual leaves on the trees. like i can see every individual one."
-his favorite icecream is strawberry cheesecake, but a close second is cookie dough
-he has this really big sweatshirt he shrinks to carry around in his pocket werever he goes bc its so usefull when he gets cold
-talking abt getting cold, this mf is FREEZING 24/7. not a warm bone in his body. his teeth r chattering in 40° weather and his fingers turn blue if hes outside too long.
-he is slightly deaf in his right ear, partially from the killing curse messing with him, and also bc he fell down the stairs when he was like 4 and smashed his frontal lobe on the linoleum floor, and it never healed right.
-his favorite animals are snakes (obvi) and sometimes he goes to muggle pet shops to go talk to them bc he gets so sad that there locked in a glass cage and cant get out
-he has really bad blood circulation and when he sits criss cross his legs will go numb and when he trys to walk it off he looks like an idiot and his friends laugh at him
-pravati and padma and still friends with him and will invite him to hang out so they can paint his nails and try to fix his hair
-he was always tanner then alot of the kids at privit drive, bc he wasnt white, but he never got out much in the summers bc he wasn't allowed to so he always looked more pasty than he should have. the summer after the war he spent so much time outside and he tanned so much that when get went back for 8th year minerva thought he was james for a second
-he loves making friendship bracelets for people but hes so bad at them because of how shaky his hands are but everyone he gifts one too never complains.
-he has a necklace with the sirius star constellation
-he bought a magic ring that shows the moon and what phase it is the moment he looks at it, because he can never seem to keep track of it for the life of him and he wants to be able to for remus
-sometimes when he wakes up his hair does weird things so he grabs a pair of sissors and hacks off the bits that stick out bc "it will grow back hermione it really doesnt matter that much"
-he helped the twins pull a prank on ron so that every cup he drank out of for two weeks would flip itself upside down into his lap. ron eventually just started drinking with a straw though
-he and hermione lie to ron about muggle things all the time because its fucking hilarious to see him believe anything they say.
-he stole a street cat that was wandering around his flat one time bc it bothered him that it didnt have a home, and he named it "shitass" because it was the loudest and most annoying cat harry had ever met.
-he is expected to be late to class by most of his teachers. when he shows up on time it's like an actual surprise
-his full name is actually Haris James Potter and he had no clue until when remus was repremanding him and said his full name and he was like "..who?"
-harry has extensive knowledge on periods because of how much hermione complains about hers
-he only drinks his coffee black but he puts a shit load of honey into his tea
-he has a hard time differentiating his left from his right
-he sucks at spelling. actually once spelt his own name wrong on a assignments and snape graded him down for it.
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blackcathjp · 3 months
do u have any cat!harry headcanons? i think this trope is so cute :(
omg YES
my primary HC is hjp turns into a cat when he wants to not think or to escape. it's his safe-space (down?) time without any human/potter-esque responsibilities.
default is a Black Cat with bright green eyes, but i LOVE him as a tuxedo cat with white paws! his little mittens!
as a tuxedo, he has various white markings to represent his scars, kinda like this lightning bolt cat, but more subtle. maybe on his chest or a front leg.
idk if this vitiligo cat is really hjp, but it's so dramatic and i can see him liking the Drama and phantom-of-the-opera-ness. this smoky cat is also cool GAHHH cat hjp can be anything as long as he has green eyes 🥴
kinda grumpy, kinda sassy. grumpy angsty old man vibes sometimes :[[ intensely stares out the window OR at you.
human hjp doesn't like physical contact, but cat hjp LOVES it, but only with loved ones. cuddling, petting, being affectionate, etc.
love-hates compliments like "so cute!", "what a distinguished gentleman!" bc it makes him purr (and blush internally) like crazy. it's worse when a cute person says it, so he will nudge their hand for a single pet and then run away to calm down.
SUPER NOSY. reacts to all kinds of sounds and sneaks around eavesdropping on others to build his collection of knowledge (and to gossip ofc). master at cuteness manipulation.
doesn't like eating as a cat unless it's treacle tart.
likes sleeping in the armchair near the fire bc it's warm. but if someone joins him, he will leave. it's too hot.
when his body hurts, he turns into a cat bc it's easier to stretch lol. he feels much better afterwards.
he finds cat toys INCREDIBLY offensive... yet if you dangle or set a toy in front of him, his cat instincts take over.
and OFC... bc he's HARRY POTTER.. can perform some wandless magic. the first time he tried, he casted a lumos in the dark and scared 2 normal street cats.
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