#hk and tc
moonrpg · 3 days
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ok here's my pitch for hollow knight if it took place in the eastern us
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dooblebugss · 3 months
Hey so I know you have food headcanons, can you tell us any headcanons you have for hallownestian desserts or snacks?
The pragmatic answer would be 'not a lot'. Sugar would have to be sourced and processed from some form of plant matter; roots, sap, berries, etc. I'd imagine some of the plants in the Queen's Gardens or Greenpath could hold some, but the area near the Blue Lake may be cold/moist enough for something similar to a sugar beet.
Oh, and honey, but that might be problematic unless Hive Knight allows it (or if hes dead. take whatever ig). Wine is also another option but I assume most of it is loooooooong gone by that point.
Assuming they have some sort of flour (my guess would be something similar to acorn flour or potato flour, assuming they have nuts and root vegetables), they could make a few basic desserts!
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Mmm trail mix! Definitely a lot of preserved meats, nuts, dried fruits.
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silksongeveryday · 1 year
Drawing Hornet everyday until Silksong comes out - Day 141
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Requested by anonymous !
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I also cry over no silksong news
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mebis-silksong-corner · 4 months
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An underwater palace belonging to / ruled by a dragon is a thing in both Chinese and Japanese mythology
while the red here did make me think of China's forbidden city, I could've sworn I had seen pillars with similar bossage (the orderly protrusions) somewhere else
After a somewhat exhaustive search, I couldn't find anything other than similar-but-not-quite-the-same stuff (the doors of the forbidden city, the upper half of Bonshō bells, kanabō, you get the gist)
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This is too flimsy to add to the main post but I did expend a lot of time trying to find similar pillars so may as well share this thought
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Built by and for Star Union...
it's the Galactic Androids! (Just 6 of many)
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v-iv-rusty · 2 years
help I'm having feelings about ds1
#misc.txt#just barely restraining myself from making essay length posts. actually who am I kidding I have 2 in my drafts right now#this is my blog and I can be as cringe as I want here <3#just. like. the way the ending (and the credits music specifically) feels so. cathartic.#the way the game gets you attached to npcs. the way that by the time you reach the end everyone's gone and now it's your turn#and like. idk if my experiences with the npcs are universal. I do tend to get attached very easily so I am biased#but now that I'm playing ds2. fs does what they do here deliberately I think. like some people complain they couldn't get invested in the#characters which is fair ig. but the way the game is hostile and actively deprives you of comfort#EXCEPT in these small little pockets. in the bonfires in the beautiful vistas in hearing the sound of That One npc's#slightly off but unmistakably friendly laugh.#deprivation makes the tiniest of gestures so much more impactful which for me got me so much more attached to npcs like seigmeyer/solaire#the way it's designed works. really well. imo. some people say it's shit which is why I'm reluctant to post the essays#but honestly some of the things ppl complain about regarding npcs are precisely what made the world feel so much richer to me#the way characters are presented reminds me of hk a little bit....which makes sense considering tc took inspiration from soulsborne#I get that handling characters that way isn't for everyone but. like. it's for me lol#idk!! ds1 is warm and comforting and bright and dark and oppressive and soul crushing all at once and it makes me feel so so much
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tatsrei · 3 months
Embarrassing that there are so many people in the HK Fandom who can't wait politely for Silksong, even to the point of being abusive and disrespectful towards TC and talking about boycotting the game.
There are so many other things they can do while waiting, and the fact that of all of things they still chose to stress TC really shows how much immature and ungrateful these guys are
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dongslinger--420 · 1 year
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[ID: A three way venn diagram between Herb Kazzaz, Kelsey Jannings, and Todd Chavez. The details are as follows:
Herb Kazzaz ∩ Kelsey Jannings ∩ Todd Chavez
Betrayed by BoJack
So so kind
Mended careers without him
HK ∩ KJ (∩ TC')
Directed BoJack
Saw great potential in him
Got fired
Refused to reconnect
HK ∩ TC (∩ KJ')
Originally BoJack's best friend
Originally saw the best in him
Dynamic shifted over time
Said "fuck"
TC ∩ KJ (∩ HK')
Open ended
BoJack actually makes an effort
HK ∩ (KJ ∪ TC)'
Romantic feelings for BoJack
Commits to "fuck" rule
KJ ∩ (HK ∪ TC)'
Never officially stops being friends
Doesn't like BoJack at first
TC ∩ (HK ∪ KJ)'
Younger than BoJack
Actually closer at the end of the series
/End ID]
Thinking about the links between these three and I made this! I didn't include Diane because although Herb definitely affected their relationship, I consider their dynamic to be fundamentally different to these three.
no I totally don't miss a level maths that's crazy--
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ostebee · 3 months
In fact original Hollow Knight wasn't planned to be released in 2017. TC were aiming to release it in 2015, than first quarter of 2016 and after all the game finally saw the world only in February 2017. So... We could see some pattern here.
Officially we had one delay from Leth back in 2023, meaning that Silksong is still in process. Even by the count of benches (over a hundred vs. 50+ in original HK, info from the Edge magazine interview) we could imagine how much bigger Silksong is. Double the size, double the efforts, double the time. You can say "Hey, Oste, they had previous experience and they should be faster!" and you'll be correct, I could even agree with you, but I think there's new challenges that simply taking more time and new unique approach that wasn't sufficient for Ghost but is crucial for Hornet. Why does TC keep silence and being shady about the development? Idk, honestly. I'm just making rough guess here, not the objective prophecies.
What we can have in conclusion? I'm hoping for even more confirmed by Leth delays for year or even two. This sounds pretty realistical and logical and unfortunately it can get on the nerves, I know. But let's show TC some respect, please? I know for some of people it sounds like even worse than delivering the Fragile Flower to Mato but hey... Let's be honest. Delay sounds more realistically then release date now. The only one thing that remains is Leth who could confirm it. It's not a mass hallucination or gaslighting, it's just that time when you need to wait and it will be worth of waiting since we know how much TC are doing for their own universe.
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salthien · 8 months
There is one thing above all others that grinds my gears in HK.
Multi-enemy bosses? No. Obnoxious hitboxes or projectiles? No. Difficult platforming sections? Not even close.
It's the sprite and official art inconsistency for THK themself. It feels like TC can't decide which side is the crack meant to be on.
I know for the sake of not redrawing everything, boss sprites can be flipped/mirored - but these are all static poses that occur in the same way, every time.
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The crack is on its left eye (our right). The vessel always roars/cries/whatever in the same direction at the start of the fight, Hornet cannot enter stage right to needle the vessel in the other direction, and there's obviously no reason to mirror/flip the hanging sprite.
but in the first cutscene:
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What is the truth. I must know.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Not all who headcanon the vessels as adults mentally are doing it for ship! I do it cause I hate how everyone already infantalizes them, disabled little bugs. It makes me deeply uncomfortable to see, because disabled people always get infantalize even in fiction. So you believing that those who headcanon them as adults are sus also makes me uncomfortable. I'm just trying to enjoy my favourite character...
By your "proof" that the vessels are children mentally cause time doesn't matter or something like that... then Hornet is a child. She looks pretty short to me, and looks like she isn't done growing. In a land filled with infected bugs and animal bugs, I'm sure Hornet didn't get a lot to eat to grow. There is a chance she's a child mentally as well, who just talks in a mature manner.
Don't hate on those who headcanon differently for the vessels. Cause at the end of the day, its a headcanon. And no, not everyone headcanons that for shipping. Heck, you saying that its Canon that the vessels are children mentally ignores the fact that TC didn't take real life reference when writing HK. It's all "rule of cool" for them. I'm pretty sure your own preferences and biases are sneaking through in your little crusade against "problematic fans". This is all for fun and fans like you who insists that those who headcanon differently are sus are redtagging them as enemies like the antis.
Those "followers" you are referring to in your vessel child headcanon are the antis. You... side with them...?
Bruhhhh some fans headcanon the vessels not being children cause they like the idea of a cool tiny dude in case you are wondering. Calling them sus isn't fair for them 💀💀💀
Siding with the antis makes you an anti. I absolutely hate proshippers, but even I know to never hold hands with the antis just because we agree on some things. It not a good think for you either, since you have such a big platform.
Siding with your anti followers makes you an anti though. Which is how you are acting now. I don't support those things either and agree with you on your stance. But I wouldnt side with those antis even if my life depends on it. Even if we agree on some stuff. Neutral forever baby.
My take is that Team Cherry didn't write an age in mind for The Knight. Because they are normal people lmao. If they wanted the Knight to be a child, they would have made that more obvious. All the vessels though, died as children so thats true.
Hmmmm I wouldn't side with those kind of fans of yours. Too much of them are rancid and for someone who claims to hate antis... you sure do sound like an anti in a small way. Sus if you ask me.
But by your explanation... then Hollow is a child mentally too. Therefore a child. We don't have proof they either aged rapidly or aged normally, but either way - Hollow is the same age as the other vessels. They died at the same time as them.
Compiling all of these here so I don't have to deal with all of 'em. First and foremost: I actually legitimately had no idea that people thought Ghost was mentally an adult until I started talking about it in a writing discord I'm in and more and more people explained that they always thought they were an adult but didn't ship them with anybody. There must have been a shift in fanon since the last time I interacted with any Ghost content, them being seen as a small child was the norm. I was actually the outlier in that I viewed them as an autistic 11-year-old who was more than capable of taking care of themselves out of a mix of neglect and them just being a bug. So my apologies to anyone who just thought they were an adult, because I legitimately didn't realize that was a popular hc. Serves me right for not diving into much Ghost fan content! They're more of a sideline character for me so the only times I saw people arguing about their age in the past was when it was shipping discourse, which left a bad taste in my mouth. My bad.
After some thinking about it, here's my verdict on mentally adult Ghost (no shipping content/nsfw): Neutral leaning to bored. It takes away a lot of the tragedy for me and turns them into Just Another Short Silent Protagonist, which isn't bad but just kinda blends them in with Link and all the Fromsoft protags to me.
Shipping: hell to the fuck no for me. They still have an immature body. I'm not going to do anything but block and avoid content that I don't like, because at the end of the day sending death threats over fake fucking bugs is incredibly childish and harmful behavior (nor have I ever felt the desire to do so). But I am still very uncomfortable with it and me saying that it's fucking weird isn't me siding with antis at all. This is why I fucking DESPISE shipping discourse- because you cannot dispute or share an idea with one side without people AUTOMATICALLY ASSUMING that just because you happen to have a discomfort that others weaponize, it means you're an anti. I'm not, because as it turns out, when someone has been writing a character as a child for fuckin years its pretty goddamn normal to assume that they would also be uncomfortable with them in a shipping context, which is EXACTLY THE TYPE OF CONTEXT in my original post.
Also some notes about vessel aging:
-The vessels at hatching all had soft, blobby bodies and round faces. This is canon. So that is the marker of immaturity
-PV is physically an adult. This is canon- they were 'raised to prime form'. They show clear evidence of a hardened carapace and have the sharply angular face shared by PK, WL, and Hornet. Their limbs are also long and slender rather than short and stubby, which indicates 'adult' more than it does 'grub/nymph'
-Hornet is also an adult, or very near to being an adult. She very literally has the same proportions as Hollow and is the same size as PK. So unless you want to argue that PK is also a child, I really don't see how anyone can see her as being younger than, say, 16 at max. She's in her 20's to me but that's pure hc. PK's height and the tapered facial structure do indicate that she's hit maturity though
-Lost Kin is where I would mark as being a teenager, since they have PK's proportions but still retain that stumpy body and round baby face. They might have been one moult away from full adulthood or so, but that's just speculation
-Ghost still has the stumpy, round body with the round face. They are physically stunted and still in the body they were at hatching. What you want to do with that information is up to you. Personally, since I use a 'void mimicking biological bug' model for writing the vessels, that would mean that they are still mentally stunted as well, but that is entirely headcanon. Doesn't change the fact that they are most certainly stunted though.
I'm not gonna tell anyone how to live their lives bc its fucking fake bugs, and I'm not a cop. Different takes exist, and that's fine- I've never hated on people who write Ghost as an adult, and I'm not going to do so now. But it's also fucking fake bugs and a fanon thing to do for fun, which means being an adult and staying the fuck away from shit that bothers you. For me that's just avoiding or blocking the tags of shit I don't like, and not following the people who make that sort of stuff. If you don't agree with me, then you don't need to follow my blog.
(If I really do have followers that are antis though, don't use this as an excuse to harrass people for 'pedophilia' though, because this sort of scenario of a goo-adult in a child's body doesn't exist irl and thus is of no actual risk to real children. Go outside and touch grass instead)
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Listening to Hornet's theme in HK and realizing that if TC incorporates her notes into another melody from SS I'm probably just going to crumble into many pieces then and there
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sorrowfulsoul · 2 years
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mebis-silksong-corner · 5 months
Silksong daydream prediction:
Pharloom is built over the ruins of an old wyrm kingdom (kingdom created by a wyrm, like hallownest)(to be clear: the wyrm and the civilization it created would be long ago dead)
Like how Hallownest was built over the ruins of a void worshipping civilization
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So I've been affirming that I'm that bitch and I instantly get want i want. Last Saturday I wakeup to a missed called frm my ma 2 min b4 I wokeup. I called back and she said my next door neighbor is having a yard sale w hellaa hello kitty stuff so I go. Tell me why she has a whole set of car seat, steering wheel covers. Basically hk stuff to decorate your car. I tweeted a couple days prior on my tc that I drive a 'bimbo mobile' Not only that but she left a pile of stuff that didn't sell and left an hk hamper. Liiike I've been using a bag to hold dirty laundry. That same hamper goes for $100+ on mercari
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A large line of mechanical lifeforms built by Star Union, each unit designed for specified assignments.
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GAL-XE: Combat Android
A soldier that takes the fight straight on with her expertise in weaponry.
Headstrong on the field. But with her robotic brethren, she’s much more of the gentle giant.
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GAM-HK: Expedition Android
Built to conquer the toughest of terrain with his grapple claws.
He’s easy to startle, but a rather humble and friendly droid.
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GAL-ME: Espionage Android
A master of stealth-based infiltration with her unmatched agility and camouflage.
Works and plays with a smile, always a lovable lady with the other GAs.
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GAM-DS: Demolition Android
Large and in charge with his highly destructive demolition skills.
With the other GAs, his big fun personality is as explosive as his dynamite.
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GAM-TC: Conduit Android
A tall and brooding force that can master the power of electricity with his coil arm.
While a rather stoic one, he’s got the back of his robotic siblings.
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GAL-SN: Sniper Android
Her sniper rifle and deadly aim ensure that no target can escape her sights.
Not much of a personality, outside of a highly mathematical vocabulary.
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