#hlcn: adam
holocene-sims · 9 months
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july 10, 2021 4:00 p.m. the wedding palace
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holocene-sims · 1 year
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july 4, 2021 7:00 p.m. adam's house
[ezra] my turn, my turn, my turn! i wanna be tall now!
[grant] come on! welcome to the empire state building.
[wyatt] but i thought you were better, uncle grant. you couldn’t get off the couch by yourself at christm–
[brittany] hey, don’t say things like that! that’s not nice to remind people of.
[grant] i told you i was old.
[ezra] but you don’t have grey hair like dad.
[adam] haha. don't remind me of that either. alright, well, we should get going. we got an uber, even though i don’t think i'll drink.
[grant] have fun! stay out as long as you want!
[adam] okay, love you kids–
[wyatt] bye mom, bye dad, we love you so mu–
[ezra] can we go play games now? skyrim, i wanna play skyr–
[wyatt] no, let’s play–
[grant] we can play multiple games! one at a time. let’s see what’s on offer.
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holocene-sims · 1 year
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july 3, 2021 7:30 p.m. grant's house
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holocene-sims · 1 year
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july 5, 2021 12:00 a.m. adam's house
[grant] how was the party?
[adam] it was fun, though i don’t think i'll ever have as much fun at anyone else’s house as i do with our family, and i really don’t care about being patriotic. and me, as the only sober person, was on fireworks duty, which isn’t very fun without kids around to watch. britt had a better time than me, but she actually got drunk.
[brittany] more like white girl wasted. i only had trulys.
[grant] white girl wasted is the best kind of drunk, trust me.
[grant] anyway, i'll let you have the house to yourselves. see you later, i guess at alex’s wedding? i don’t know if i'd see you before then.
[adam] i doubt it. it’ll be a busy week for me at work. but i'll see you there, best man.
[adam] or, well, i guess...no, it’ll be the bachelor party. i know i dropped out of the groomsmen stuff because i was busy but i still have an invite to that.
[grant] of course! now that’s the night to get drunk.
[adam] see, i agree.
[brittany] don’t get too crazy, boys.
[adam] tell grant that, not me.
[grant] honestly, i don’t think i'll drink anything. i'm trying to stay as sober as possible.
[adam] oh, we’re back to full on clean from alcohol?
[grant] i know i'm good for a couple beers or fruity cocktails but i'm trying to look after myself. i've, like, been stone cold sober since may. maybe i'll have a few drinks in the future, but none for now. just the cigarettes for me. one poison at a time.
[adam] it’ll be a cold day in hell before you quit smoking. how long’s it been–seventeen years?
[grant] i was a real genius thinking it was cool to start smoking pilfered marlboros when i was thirteen.
[brittany] oh my god!
[grant] yeah, i was not thinking about the future.
[brittany] well, adam, i'm glad you quit.
[adam] saves me a lot of money, that’s for sure.
[brittany] anyway, grant, we won’t keep you too late. i'll see you at the wedding!
[adam] and thanks again. i love you, brother.
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holocene-sims · 10 months
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july 8, 2021 6:45 p.m. club cosmo
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holocene-sims · 10 months
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july 8, 2021 7:30 p.m. club cosmo
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holocene-sims · 10 months
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july 8, 2021 6:30 p.m. club cosmo
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holocene-sims · 10 months
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july 8, 2021 5:00 p.m. cherry blossom sushi bar
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holocene-sims · 1 year
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july 4, 2021 7:00 p.m. adam's house
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holocene-sims · 2 years
OC ASK: 6, 9, 10, 20, 39, 50 <3
ahh so many!! thank you very much for the ask 💘
6. the most Problematic™
welp...of course it has to be grant's mom 😭 followed by his father. he's not even maliciously problematic, he's just a big fucking loser tbh
9. the worst at lying
it's like a tie between grant and shannon. grant is one of those people that ALWAYS shows what his emotions are, so even when he's trying really hard to do something like lie, everyone just...automatically knows. he also laughs when he lies so 💀
shannon could be really good at lying, she's certainly crafty enough to come up with a good one BUT it never last long. she lies and then like five minutes later she feels guilty and coughs up the real info
10. the worst dressed
honestly it's adam, who is one of the side character cousins in the family LMAO. everyone makes fun of his very "men's section at kohls" clothing selection
20. rude to waiters
here we go, it's grant's mom again 😭 she's a karen
but in the interest of a more interesting answer, i might have to say lilly. not in the traditional karen way but in the "i customize all my orders, go out to dinner with massive friends groups, and ask the waiters to do annoying things like split the check individually for a party of 20 people). at least she tips well? 🥴
39. presses the door close button on elevators so people approaching can’t get in
she would slam that button 100x in a row to avoid being stuck in there for a minute with strangers
50. has a tumblr
shannon. just undoubtedly 100% shannon. she procrastinates by going on tumblr
i think grant WOULD consider an account for shits and giggles...but has never gone through with it. yet he somehow knows all the deep tumblr lore to a suspicious degree (thanks shannon)
yunha also. yunha would be a tumblr girlie
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holocene-sims · 2 years
3, 9 (grant), 15, and 32!
thank you!! ❤️
3. what oc has the best music taste? the worst music taste?
best music taste...okay, this is a good one! i think i generally like most genres so whatever my ocs listen to would probably get a pass from me. grant and päivi do have a strong affinity for metal and emo music, so they have to be at the top of the list. i also think grant's uncle has impeccable taste because it's genre whiplash. he loves old metal but also old country and he doesn't bother to separate shit into playlists, so it's all over the place.
worst music taste...alright, i could cheat and say it's adam (who is a cousin of grant's who has made ONE appearance on this blog) because he did not follow in his father paddy's footsteps and he does NOT listen to music. but i won't cheat! i'll nominate colm. tbh he has some real bangers on his playlists but then he'll unironically force you to listen to, like, that one "cartman from south park cover of lady gaga's poker face" and it is annoying
9. what is one universe/story an oc would fit in to besides the one they live in?*
okay, hear me out, i think grant would make a very cute "main love interest" in a period-piece romance film 🥺 beautiful man in a beautiful suit wistfully looking out over a meadow of flowers and dreaming of his future bride while pretty music plays. he could be the dude from titanic (don't ask me the character's name because i fucking hated that movie LMAOOO) except the movie is actually good and no one has to die in a very stupid format
15. which oc has the most friends?
the funny thing about most of my sims, at least in my main family, is that they're predominantly extroverted but they cling a lot more to family than friends.
i would, though, say grant probably has the most friends, just because he's a likable dude and people tend to be drawn to him. other than that, it's probably grandma aoife :) she's also the same way, just has a really infectious personality and makes friends very easily by virtue of being interesting and sweet.
32. which ocs believe in ghosts?
colm 100% believes in ghosts. he has for sure used ouija boards before. grant is undecided. he swings back and forth between at least wanting the idea of spirits to be real and being freaked out by that possibility. i would also say that grandma aoife DEFINITELY believes in ghosts. she's, i would say, a somewhat superstitious person and she does put a ton of stock in old folk/pagan traditions, so ghosts just seem real to her. they're also a thing she has no plans to mess around with.
other than them, i would say most of my ocs lean to indifference or a lack of belief. except maybe päivi. ghosts are pretty low down on the list of spooky things she's interested in, but she has to think they're around in some way or another.
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holocene-sims · 2 years
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may 15, 2021 10:05 p.m. uncle paddy's house
true love is dunking on the oldest child in the family
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holocene-sims · 2 years
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may 15, 2021 10:05 p.m. uncle paddy's house
[grant]: so what about your parents, eh? or are they also tapped out on this?
[shannon]: welp, my dad is out of town for lawyer stuff that week. my mom is ready and willing to help, though
[shannon]: i'd ask my brother but like tonight, he's busy being a responsible young adult. and i would rather him not leave his pregnant girlfriend alone for a whole weekend
[colm]: so...still sounds like it'll just be you and me moving the furniture, my love
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holocene-sims · 2 years
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may 15, 2021 10:30 p.m. uncle paddy's house
unnamed party playlist: song #26 🎵
panic! at the disco - i write sins not tragedies
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holocene-sims · 2 years
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may 15, 2021 10:00 p.m. uncle paddy's house
this just in: local family debates reparations for help during moves 📦
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holocene-sims · 2 years
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sims the season
day 2: sweater 🧵
& soundtrack 🎵
christmas eve with the callahans: matching sweaters, socializing with all one million family members, and christmas carols 🎄🎅
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