#hlvrai pmbt au
caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
So like i..
Your au is very funky and i love aus n drawing Gordons so—-
@gmanwhore ( apologies if you don't like being tagged )
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gmanwhore · 11 months
Hey guys. Causing some very bad. For Tommy. So if you don't like Tommy or G-man in distress do not read.
Sunshine walked to the massive house that sat at the very back of the plastic town. It was "nighttime", the painted on stars flat and lifeless. As he reached out with his good hand to the doorknob, he paused. The house made him feel bad. He shook it off and opened the door.
He stepped further inside. There, on the couch, illuminated by a moonbeam making his sallow skin look far paler then it was, was one of his creators. The man looked up at Sunshine slowly, slowly. It looked as if it was painful for him to move.
"Come in."
Sunshine sat next to him on the couch. The man's formerly blue eyes had long been stained a deep, inky black, like the endless ocean or that horrible black goop everyone in town but Sunshine leaked. The man coughed for a few seconds, the goop staining his hand. Sunshine just stared at him.
"Sunshine...I'm sorry..."
"Don't...don't apologize. You don't need to apologize. It's...fine."
The two stare at each other for a long second. Sunshine felt almost sorry for him, this poor washed out creature. He did hate the man at one point. He wouldn't deny that. Sunshine existed because of this man and the rest of the people in the town...but the man had been the lesser of a variety of evils. He couldn't even talk much anymore. All he could do was sit in his house...Sunshine sniffled. He felt bad.
Sunshine cuddled up to the man. His body felt weird, stiff and lifeless. His soft body squished against the man's wooden one, so it wasn't all that odd of a sensation. The man put his arms around Sunshine, holding him close. They sat like that for a while. Time didn't even matter here, so however long they sat there didn't matter.
Once Sunshine pulled away, he noticed something off.
"Hey, are you ok?"
No response. The goop was now streaming from the man's mouth like a waterfall. Sunshine tried to wipe it away, but the droplets skittered off his hands.
"Hey! Say something!"
Again, no response. Sunshine began to freak out. He shook the man, but still there was no response. He ran out of the house, going over to Tommy's house and banging on the door. Tommy opened it.
"Oh! Dr. Sunshine! Do you uh...need something?"
Sunshine looked panicked, making Tommy feel on edge.
"It's your dad, something's wrong. Really wrong. Come on."
He grabbed Tommy's wrist and the two ran back to the black hole house. They rushed in, but Tommy stopped in his tracks and refused to move.
"No. No no no."
Sunshine stared at Tommy as he hesitated, looking like he wanted to rush forward but also being terrified to go forward. Eventually the former won out and he rushed to his dad's side.
"Dad? It's Tommy. I'm back. It's me."
He tilted his dad's face towards him, looking hopeful and praying it wouldn't end up being the same as what he had experienced with the hose at the mouth of the town...
"Dad? Come on, please?"
He began to panic. He gripped his dad's shoulders.
"Dad! Dad! Come on, this...this isn't like you please say something!"
Sunshine watched him shake his dad back and forth, begging him to say something and tell him he was ok. It took a while for Tommy to give up and sink to the ground.
"No...no, you were supposed to...to make it..."
He covered his face. Sunshine moved over and rubbed Tommy's back.
Tommy was sobbing. He clung to Sunshine, burying his face on Sunshine's leg.
Sunshine just kept rubbing his back, glancing at the lifeless shell of the man. He sighed and helped Tommy to his feet.
"Here, Tommy...you can stay with me."
Tommy hiccupped, trying to respond, but he just broke into fresh sobs. Sunshine carefully led Tommy back to his house, getting him to sit down in his kitchen. They didn't have food, but Sunshine set down a glass of water.
"There you go. I'm...I'm sure your dad will wake up."
Tommy shook his head, trying to dry his eyes.
"No...no...this happened to Darnold and Forzen."
Sunshine looked shocked.
"This happened before?"
Tommy nodded sadly.
"I didn't want to freak anyone out...but yeah. They...they're gone."
Sunshine sighed, and rubbed his face.
"So this is going to keep happening?"
Tommy nodded.
"I'm scared."
"I am too."
Sunshine sat down next to Tommy, putting his hand on Tommy's back. He didn't know what to say.
"I'll go home. Sorry."
"Don't apologize. Please. Just...stay here for a bit."
He pulled Tommy in for a hug. He didn't know who was going to fade next, but...he didn't want anyone else to go.
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caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
Peeks in
Drops here
Thought this fit Sunshine.
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