#pmbt au
caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
Peeks in
Drops here
Thought this fit Sunshine.
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venelona · 2 years
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Piece Me Back Together - Chapter 1
After years of being convinced that the Underground and monster were a dream, Frisk is faced with a reality more twisted that she could ever imagine when the Barrier gets broken and monster race is turned into slaves for humans. However, her dimmed determination gets reignited when she sees an old friend and seeks to do everything she can to help him.
In this new year, I present you a Horrortale/Enslavement Frans fanfic! Like all my writings, it's been sitting in my lap for so long that I got tired of trying to make it better and just dropping what I have now!
I have like 10 more chapters written and will probably drop one every week, so I hope you guys enjoy!
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gmanwhore · 11 months
Hey guys. Causing some very bad. For Tommy. So if you don't like Tommy or G-man in distress do not read.
Sunshine walked to the massive house that sat at the very back of the plastic town. It was "nighttime", the painted on stars flat and lifeless. As he reached out with his good hand to the doorknob, he paused. The house made him feel bad. He shook it off and opened the door.
He stepped further inside. There, on the couch, illuminated by a moonbeam making his sallow skin look far paler then it was, was one of his creators. The man looked up at Sunshine slowly, slowly. It looked as if it was painful for him to move.
"Come in."
Sunshine sat next to him on the couch. The man's formerly blue eyes had long been stained a deep, inky black, like the endless ocean or that horrible black goop everyone in town but Sunshine leaked. The man coughed for a few seconds, the goop staining his hand. Sunshine just stared at him.
"Sunshine...I'm sorry..."
"Don't...don't apologize. You don't need to apologize. It's...fine."
The two stare at each other for a long second. Sunshine felt almost sorry for him, this poor washed out creature. He did hate the man at one point. He wouldn't deny that. Sunshine existed because of this man and the rest of the people in the town...but the man had been the lesser of a variety of evils. He couldn't even talk much anymore. All he could do was sit in his house...Sunshine sniffled. He felt bad.
Sunshine cuddled up to the man. His body felt weird, stiff and lifeless. His soft body squished against the man's wooden one, so it wasn't all that odd of a sensation. The man put his arms around Sunshine, holding him close. They sat like that for a while. Time didn't even matter here, so however long they sat there didn't matter.
Once Sunshine pulled away, he noticed something off.
"Hey, are you ok?"
No response. The goop was now streaming from the man's mouth like a waterfall. Sunshine tried to wipe it away, but the droplets skittered off his hands.
"Hey! Say something!"
Again, no response. Sunshine began to freak out. He shook the man, but still there was no response. He ran out of the house, going over to Tommy's house and banging on the door. Tommy opened it.
"Oh! Dr. Sunshine! Do you uh...need something?"
Sunshine looked panicked, making Tommy feel on edge.
"It's your dad, something's wrong. Really wrong. Come on."
He grabbed Tommy's wrist and the two ran back to the black hole house. They rushed in, but Tommy stopped in his tracks and refused to move.
"No. No no no."
Sunshine stared at Tommy as he hesitated, looking like he wanted to rush forward but also being terrified to go forward. Eventually the former won out and he rushed to his dad's side.
"Dad? It's Tommy. I'm back. It's me."
He tilted his dad's face towards him, looking hopeful and praying it wouldn't end up being the same as what he had experienced with the hose at the mouth of the town...
"Dad? Come on, please?"
He began to panic. He gripped his dad's shoulders.
"Dad! Dad! Come on, this...this isn't like you please say something!"
Sunshine watched him shake his dad back and forth, begging him to say something and tell him he was ok. It took a while for Tommy to give up and sink to the ground.
"No...no, you were supposed to...to make it..."
He covered his face. Sunshine moved over and rubbed Tommy's back.
Tommy was sobbing. He clung to Sunshine, burying his face on Sunshine's leg.
Sunshine just kept rubbing his back, glancing at the lifeless shell of the man. He sighed and helped Tommy to his feet.
"Here, Tommy...you can stay with me."
Tommy hiccupped, trying to respond, but he just broke into fresh sobs. Sunshine carefully led Tommy back to his house, getting him to sit down in his kitchen. They didn't have food, but Sunshine set down a glass of water.
"There you go. I'm...I'm sure your dad will wake up."
Tommy shook his head, trying to dry his eyes.
"No...no...this happened to Darnold and Forzen."
Sunshine looked shocked.
"This happened before?"
Tommy nodded sadly.
"I didn't want to freak anyone out...but yeah. They...they're gone."
Sunshine sighed, and rubbed his face.
"So this is going to keep happening?"
Tommy nodded.
"I'm scared."
"I am too."
Sunshine sat down next to Tommy, putting his hand on Tommy's back. He didn't know what to say.
"I'll go home. Sorry."
"Don't apologize. Please. Just...stay here for a bit."
He pulled Tommy in for a hug. He didn't know who was going to fade next, but...he didn't want anyone else to go.
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noneuclideanwhimsy · 5 months
I am. Just a little upset about not listening to all of Everything is A Lot back when I was making PMBT. Because. Lysergide Daydream fits Bones better than Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal NY. and. Ksisudidjsdididkdd. Oh well. We wouldn't have Bones as he is. I also just really like Lysergide Daydream it's a good song.
I’ll have to listen to that one someday, also wow all these songs have mouthfuls of names…
Also I listened to the. To the Esquire one and. Can we please stop hurting this being. I felt like I just witnessed a complete breakdown, while actively imagining my comfort character telling all those things to himself… that hit a bit too close to the heart for me. Can we please keep this a Nothing Else Bad Happens To Esquire AU?
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Random Writing Tidbit I Felt Like I Hadn’t Posted Writing In A While…
… And I really crave validation right now. TT^TT
Also I remembered to post on this blog! ^^ Yay!
I’m just feeling very sensitive. ^^;
But this is an idea that’s been floating in my head since the SODA mag… Sorta. It’s a little like a smooshed together preview of something I want to try and work on… But I haven’t gotten very far w/ it, and I def want to work on my other chaptered stuff first.
Fuwa stared sourly at his face in the mirror, fumbling with the unnaturally sleek tie, trying to get it to stay in a knot for the umpteenth time. It was official, he hated silk, and he had no idea why he had agreed to go to this stupid gala, even for ‘security.’ He hated parties, rich people even more, and he really hated… ‘Dressing up.’ He’d been doing so well keeping his resolve—until Hiden had stared at him with that obnoxious, wide eyed, pleading look, and the next thing he knew, he’d been agreeing to let the kid procure a ‘suitable suit’ (he’d thought his lungs were going to burst trying to hold it together at Zero-One’s stupid puns again), and setting up a time to show up. It was also an infuriatingly nice suit—all three piece and silk and satin and designer. He didn’t like people buying things for him already (it had been a massive relief when he convinced Hiden to just rent it for him), and something this expensive… He felt stiff and unnatural in it, not like himself at all. He felt… He felt like Amatsu.
With another groan, he shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind and tried to focus on the tie again. He’d decided he might as well be as presentable as possible, so he’d taken great care to shower and brush out his hair, too—but he couldn’t get the damn tie to stay. The smooth, shiny fabric refused to cooperate; he wasn’t used to dealing with it, and it always just came undone or was all crinkled because he pulled too hard. He was both running out of time, and missing his simple, cotton ties.
“You’ve been getting ready for two hours.”
He didn’t start as much as he would have before at the sound of a voice behind him, instead merely raising his gaze to look at the reflection of the figure standing in the doorway of his bedroom, one hand on the frame. Horobi wasn’t wearing either of his kimonos, just the shirt with the buttoned up collar, the fancy belt (or maybe it was technically a sash?), the usual flowing trousers and the ornamented boots—Fuwa felt slightly envious of him, especially because the HumaGear so rarely looked so casual. With a sigh, he scowled, dragging his eyes back down to the piece of cloth he was wrestling with. “This is stupid thing is made to be unusable, I swear.” He grumbled, “I don’t understand why these are supposed to be ‘better.’”
Horobi hummed softly—and then his hand came down on Vulcan’s shoulder abruptly, having crossed the room as swiftly and silently as he often did when Fuwa wasn’t looking. Turning the human around to face him, he pulled Vulcan’s hands away from the tie, taking over the job. Fuwa bit his lip, dropping his arms to his sides and trying not to stare at the attractive frown on the HumaGear’s face as he worked, focused solely on the tie, motions quick and efficient—a stark contrast to Vulcan’s messy attempts.
In moments, Horobi had the tie perfectly done, taking a moment to straighten it before leaning back a bit to look Fuwa over. Vulcan took a deep breath, chewing his lip even more, one hand drifting up to rub the back of his neck awkwardly. “… Well?” The HumaGear continued surveying him for another moment, still frowning slightly—then he hooked his fingers into the loop of the tie, loosening it, before undoing the top two buttons of the shirt. “Wait, what are you-” Horobi had already let go of his collar, reaching up rake fingers through his hair, mussing up all the work he had put into trying to get it to sit right. Fuwa stumbled back, hands flying up instinctively, though there was no way he could recreate the effect again with his fingers, “Hey!”
But then he properly looked at Horobi’s face, and his heart skipped. The HumaGear was gazing at him with a soft, actually… Affectionate, expression, the very ghost of a smile flickering across his features. “Now you look more like you.”
Fuwa’s face heated up immediately, and he swallowed, looking deliberately at a spot on the wall. “… Oh.”
The next thing he knew, long fingers were curling under his chin, and Horobi turned his face forward again to plant a firm kiss on his lips, the HumaGear’s other arm slipping around his waist. Vulcan’s hands immediately floated down to Horobi’s hips, leaning forward into the kiss. Before, he’d always wondered why characters in movies kissed so much and for so long—but now that he was in the habit of kissing Horobi… It all suddenly made so much sense. He found himself thinking about the HumaGear’s lips during everyday activities, and whenever he started kissing him… He never wanted to stop.
But far too soon, it was Horobi pulling away, the fingers tucked under his chin trailing across his cheek. “… You’re going to be late.”
Fuwa shook his head slightly, wrapping his arms around Horobi’s middle, pulling him closer. “Mmm…” He stood on his tip toes, trying recapture the HumaGear’s lips, “Parties are boring…” Horobi, however, kept moving back, untangling himself from the human’s arms, resisting Vulcan’s attempts to keep him there, “Horobi-”
The HumaGear’s palm landed on his chest, pushing him back. “You promised Hiden.”
Even if the reminder hadn’t shaken him out of the pleasant fog and back to reality, the slight shake in Horobi’s voice would have. Even after months of calm, still terrified of disappointing or upsetting Zero-One in any way—to a point that it was starting to be a concerning trend. But experience also told him now wasn’t the time to be pressing that issue—at the very least, they had made it here, able to be affectionate and… Physical. Horobi was no longer panicking and trying to run from his own, more intense emotions, good or bad, scars from that incident finally healing—some of them, at least.
For now, he just sighed deeply. “… Right.” He moved his hand to cover the HumaGear’s, leaning forward again for another quick peck on the lips—that, as usual, went on for longer than he’d originally intended, until he finally dragged himself away, giving Horobi’s hand a squeeze. “I’ll come back to you, I promise.”
The HumaGear’s fingers ghosted back across his cheek, and when he leaned back in to press his forehead to Vulcan’s there was at least some mischief in his eyes, though the anxiety was still there. “Do,” He whispered softly—then his hand trailed slowly downward, running fingertips over the shirt collar, “The sooner I get you out of this silly suit, the better.” Fuwa promptly turned bright red, his heartbeat skyrocketing. Horobi merely smirked faintly, then freed his hand to gently cup Vulcan’s face in his palms; leaning in, his lips brushed lightly against the mole just below Fuwa’s left eye, prompting a soft, pleased sigh—that turned disappointed when the HumaGear pulled away completely, fingertips lingering until the very last moment. “You need to leave.”
Vulcan swallowed, nodding, briefly patting his cheeks to try and get the blush out. Yua and Naki already teased him enough, he should not be showing up to a formal event looking like he was thinking about… Taking a few deep breaths, he reluctantly stepped back and started to move around Horobi and toward the door.
The HumaGear’s hand connected with his backside without warning, prompting a yelp that was nowhere near as indignant as he would have liked. It wasn’t his fault—Horobi had somehow managed to calculate an exact level of force that didn’t hurt at all, but was strong enough that Fuwa always felt it for the rest of the day. Vulcan didn’t know if he was more embarrassed by the fact that he was now definitely going to be thinking about that slap and what usually followed—or by how much he liked it in the first place.
Biting hard at his cheek, he did his best to give Horobi a disapproving look, that was severely marred by the fact that his face had gone even redder. The HumaGear raised an eyebrow, smirking more visibly—but Fuwa had gotten good enough at reading him that he could detect a front when he saw one. Horobi didn’t let him have a chance to snap, giving him an even more suggestive look. “I may have to amend my analysis…” Another touch ghosted over his backside, and even just that sent a jolt through him, “… The pants actually aren’t that bad.” The faintest of chuckles, and a firm pat that actually made him shiver slightly. “… Though… Maybe it’s just you.”
He was certain the HumaGear was half trying to tease him into rushing out, and half genuinely flirting in the way of putting a carrot in front of a donkey—he could make it through a dreary society gala if it meant coming back to Horobi’s arms for a more… Exciting night. The HumaGear was also not excessively panicking about Hiden being angry yet, like he had a few times before, like Vulcan had been worried he might. Taking advantage of Fuwa’s more… Embarrassing reactions aside… This was major progress. So instead of arguing, he just gave another attempt at looking judgemental and marched out, resisting the urge to look back.
I miss them so much. :(
I dunno why there are so many emoticons in this post.
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caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
So like i..
Your au is very funky and i love aus n drawing Gordons so—-
@gmanwhore ( apologies if you don't like being tagged )
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gmanwhore · 11 months
Sorry for causing psychic damage PMBT is my au to make my favorite guys break the fuck down. Especially Bones he is so important this whole thing is about him.
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gmanwhore · 1 year
Okay but the Cosmicandy AU characters having visible scars of their MBTS past and not being ashamed of them because they’re a sign of their healing journeys…
Fun fact Cosmicandy!Tommy has a party hat attatched to his belt because Bones (PMBT AU) has a party hat instead of his propeller hat
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firebirdsdaughter · 4 years
… I’d try to write my way out of this, but I also feel too hopeless to write.
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