#project mary bells township au
caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
Peeks in
Drops here
Thought this fit Sunshine.
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enamelon · 1 year
hlvrai canon (maybe i do want to stop being nice maybe i do want to go apeshit) vs hlvrai fanon postgame aus (maybe i do want to stop going apeshit maybe i do want to be nice)
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gmanwhore · 11 months
I am reposting this because. Why not I want people to see em.
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Tommy (Bones) and Benrey (Angel) from the Project Mary Bell Township au. Woooooooooooooooo
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chaos-and-kromer · 11 months
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@/project-mary-bell-township fanart :] Bones and Angel (click for better quality)
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Alright, might as well.
Hi! This blog exists! It has a lot of love put into it and I really hope I can get some asks or even just some feedback on how to make it better! I am using maintags in hope someone will actually see this because I don't want to delete this blog! Thank you!
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soldiertransgender · 1 year
Ok so first off he is not exactly "Gordon" as he's from my HLVRAI au Project Mary Bell Township which takes place after Gordon leaves the game. He was made by the AI guys so to try to fix the world as they are all slowly succumbing to the mental decay. This Gordon goes by Sunshine (because he's kinda based off the song Dr. Sunshine is Dead by Will Wood), and he starts out being very nervous and timid and eager to please everyone but slowly gets fed up with everyone trying to make him into Gordon. He eventually finds out what happened during the events of hlvrai and decides he HATES Gordon and there is a whole ending dedicated to him bullying Gordon (real name James) for hurting the people who he cares about.
sunshine kills gordon james in real life with a crowbar at 3am
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Course with the Project Mary Bell Township au thing. They all have Will Wood songs
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Bones Bones Bones
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gmanwhore · 2 years
Well better get this ramble over with sorry if it sucks I am tired as fuck. Anyways this is my au where I assign all the main HLVRAI characters Will Wood songs and give them even more trauma. This will make no sense I can't explain it properly help.
Small guide:
Plot first
Character roles
Character descriptions
Tags for people to see this: @benreyplushie @catbitsysinteractsxd @breakcoreboxcat @pigeonwheel
Ok so like Gordon left the game, but all the characters were still there. The world hadn't shut off for some reason. They were all left stranded in a dead storyline. It was decided that they would simply....build a new Gordon. Of course, this new Gordon is not quite right, but no one knows how yet. They all try to move on.
We now zoom to the future. The Science Team all live in a sort of town together, but it's no longer going well. In the beginning everyone had gotten along well, but because they are trying to progress a story without a main character they are literally breaking their universe, and that is taking a toll on everyone. The characters are pretty much decaying as they try to continue their own story.
Gman is technically running the town, but due to the breakdown he has hidden himself away from everyone else to avoid the guilt of being the one to suggest this. He hadn't meant for everyone to decay, he hadn't known that insanity of this level was a side effect of forcing a storyline. He's slowly losing the ability to talk anyways. Because of his guilt it has gotten to the point where no one is allowed to visit his room but Tommy, and even then Gman can't stand it because of the guilt.
Coomer has stepped up as leader of the little community, and he seems fairly normal, barring the fact his flashes of self awareness are much more frequent and are slowly causing permanent damage to Coomer. He is nearing the point of no return, when he will won't be able to close his eyes to the truth anymore. Of course, how he acts when aware is unfortunately much more similar to the Coomer clones scene then any other time. He desperately wants to leave, and now he has the added bonus of not wanting to die of his mind being wrenched apart. Because of the struggle he has had trouble with interacting with the rest of the Science Team, and he's grown a bit more distanced.
Benrey is still upset he was the villian. He can't get over the fact that he died, that who he thought were his friends killed him. Even if he knew it was coming it still hurts. He's actually the least affected by the mass breakdown. Sometimes he will actually make it worse for people. (he was the first to be banned from seeing Gman after giving him a morality crisis) Benrey mostly just doesn't care anymore. Since the story is over he doesn't have to fit the role of a villian anymore but it's all he knows so he's going to lean into it. He does try to be nice, but it usually backfires.
Bubby literally doesn't care. He's let the breakdown fully consume him, and accepted the fact that this is how it will be. He's actually kind of enjoying it, as now his odd behavior isn't questioned. He also just leaned really heavily into the mad scientist trope. He's currently trying to build a rocket so he can finally see the stars like he's always wanted too.
Tommy is trying to help everyone. He knows this whole situation is hurting everyone, and he just wants them all to be happy. Everyone is glad to have his help, but most people are a little too eager to have someone who is willing to help them in any way possible. Tommy has become a caretaker for everyone, and it's beginning to take a mental toll on his because he can't fix anything and that makes every effort to help people just pointless because nothing will change.
Gordon knows that he is just a copy of someone else. He is keenly aware of this, actually, and Benrey never wastes an opportunity to remind him. He doesn't even know who he's based on because everyone explains Gordon differently so if he tried to be all of them he'd end up contradicting himself which he doesn't want. He's just suffering at this point.
Aight so like...they look different in the au and I leaned wayyyy into puppet imagery so slay. Also I just want to say the black liquid is a physical representation on mental decay. Mhm I am so cool and slay.
Song; Thermodynamic Lawyer esq G.F.D
Description: Gman looks a lot more like a ventriloquist dummy then anything. His face is too smooth, and his mouth goes up and down instead of opening. There is a large crack in his mouth that allows something dark and sticky to ooze out. His suit is no longer blue, it is the hot pink and black checked pattern of a glitch.
Song: Suburbia Overture/Welcome to Mary Bell Township!/Vampire Culture/Love Me, Normally
Appearance: Coomer's eyes are now permantly lime green, and constantly spinning. He had strings, but they are quite obviously broken and drag on the ground. His eyes leak that same dark substance. When his personality shifts, his head cracks open and falls in half just slightly.
Song: Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)
Description: Benrey looks the same, except instead of his uniform being blue it is golden and glowing. He also has a halo. Half of his skull is exposed, and he has bullet holes all over him seeping the dark substance. He still has strings, and they seem to be attached to something above him though what that something is no one knows.
Song: 2econd 2ight 2eer (That Was Fun, Goodbye!)
Description: Bubby has gained a third eye, it's iris is cyan like his text colour. His arms up to his elbows are blacked and charred, but still usable. All the clothes he wears are torn or shredded but not in complete disrepair, it seems almost artistic. He will occasionally leave wet black hand prints on things.
Song: Skeleton Appreciation Day in Vestal NY.
Description: Tommy is missing an eye, and while it's mostly covered up with his shirt he is missing the skin and muscles from his chest. The lost eye had been replace with a button. Parts of his skeleton are visible at times, but the spots seem to move around his body at random. The gaps in his flesh ooze the black liquid.
Gordon (Sunshine)
Song: Dr. Sunshine Is Dead
Description: He appears to be made of fabric, unlike everyone else who either has a wooden or plastic appearance. His right arm is mangled beyond repair. He wears something akin to an HEV suit, but it looks more like pajamas then armour. His right eye is yellow, and his left eye is blue. His hair cannot be taken down from the ponytail, like a doll's hair that has been glued there. He lacks the black ooze.
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enamelon · 11 months
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@the-overment-man hi :]
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gmanwhore · 11 months
Hey guys. Causing some very bad. For Tommy. So if you don't like Tommy or G-man in distress do not read.
Sunshine walked to the massive house that sat at the very back of the plastic town. It was "nighttime", the painted on stars flat and lifeless. As he reached out with his good hand to the doorknob, he paused. The house made him feel bad. He shook it off and opened the door.
He stepped further inside. There, on the couch, illuminated by a moonbeam making his sallow skin look far paler then it was, was one of his creators. The man looked up at Sunshine slowly, slowly. It looked as if it was painful for him to move.
"Come in."
Sunshine sat next to him on the couch. The man's formerly blue eyes had long been stained a deep, inky black, like the endless ocean or that horrible black goop everyone in town but Sunshine leaked. The man coughed for a few seconds, the goop staining his hand. Sunshine just stared at him.
"Sunshine...I'm sorry..."
"Don't...don't apologize. You don't need to apologize. It's...fine."
The two stare at each other for a long second. Sunshine felt almost sorry for him, this poor washed out creature. He did hate the man at one point. He wouldn't deny that. Sunshine existed because of this man and the rest of the people in the town...but the man had been the lesser of a variety of evils. He couldn't even talk much anymore. All he could do was sit in his house...Sunshine sniffled. He felt bad.
Sunshine cuddled up to the man. His body felt weird, stiff and lifeless. His soft body squished against the man's wooden one, so it wasn't all that odd of a sensation. The man put his arms around Sunshine, holding him close. They sat like that for a while. Time didn't even matter here, so however long they sat there didn't matter.
Once Sunshine pulled away, he noticed something off.
"Hey, are you ok?"
No response. The goop was now streaming from the man's mouth like a waterfall. Sunshine tried to wipe it away, but the droplets skittered off his hands.
"Hey! Say something!"
Again, no response. Sunshine began to freak out. He shook the man, but still there was no response. He ran out of the house, going over to Tommy's house and banging on the door. Tommy opened it.
"Oh! Dr. Sunshine! Do you uh...need something?"
Sunshine looked panicked, making Tommy feel on edge.
"It's your dad, something's wrong. Really wrong. Come on."
He grabbed Tommy's wrist and the two ran back to the black hole house. They rushed in, but Tommy stopped in his tracks and refused to move.
"No. No no no."
Sunshine stared at Tommy as he hesitated, looking like he wanted to rush forward but also being terrified to go forward. Eventually the former won out and he rushed to his dad's side.
"Dad? It's Tommy. I'm back. It's me."
He tilted his dad's face towards him, looking hopeful and praying it wouldn't end up being the same as what he had experienced with the hose at the mouth of the town...
"Dad? Come on, please?"
He began to panic. He gripped his dad's shoulders.
"Dad! Dad! Come on, this...this isn't like you please say something!"
Sunshine watched him shake his dad back and forth, begging him to say something and tell him he was ok. It took a while for Tommy to give up and sink to the ground.
"No...no, you were supposed to...to make it..."
He covered his face. Sunshine moved over and rubbed Tommy's back.
Tommy was sobbing. He clung to Sunshine, burying his face on Sunshine's leg.
Sunshine just kept rubbing his back, glancing at the lifeless shell of the man. He sighed and helped Tommy to his feet.
"Here, Tommy...you can stay with me."
Tommy hiccupped, trying to respond, but he just broke into fresh sobs. Sunshine carefully led Tommy back to his house, getting him to sit down in his kitchen. They didn't have food, but Sunshine set down a glass of water.
"There you go. I'm...I'm sure your dad will wake up."
Tommy shook his head, trying to dry his eyes.
"No...no...this happened to Darnold and Forzen."
Sunshine looked shocked.
"This happened before?"
Tommy nodded sadly.
"I didn't want to freak anyone out...but yeah. They...they're gone."
Sunshine sighed, and rubbed his face.
"So this is going to keep happening?"
Tommy nodded.
"I'm scared."
"I am too."
Sunshine sat down next to Tommy, putting his hand on Tommy's back. He didn't know what to say.
"I'll go home. Sorry."
"Don't apologize. Please. Just...stay here for a bit."
He pulled Tommy in for a hug. He didn't know who was going to fade next, but...he didn't want anyone else to go.
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enamelon · 1 year
Ok so first like I was listening to Tomcat Disposables and I am so smart for making that Darnold's song especially because "Do I belong in right and wrong?" because he couldn't bring himself to kill anyone, all he wanted was to be strong and fly kites and to "mind his own" literally "mind me not and I'll/mind my own my/mind's not one bite smaller or lesser then yours" I hope this makes sense because like it does fit him he just wants to be happy he didn't want all this!
And like for Forzen she also just wants to go home, he just wants to graduate but he's actively fighting because he has no choice in the matter and like I dunno I don't have any particular lyrics but when I think of him I think of "Am I being detained?/Am I under arrest?/Read me my rights please!/I want my phone call!" because it just it just fits
Ok so while Sububia Overture is obviously like...the glue song but the lyrics "So give your half-life crisis/I can tell you know where paradise is" perfectly mirror the Coomer clones scene (someone pointed this out to me but I can't remember who), so does "Guess it's true that a snowflake only matters in a blizzard!" and also the ending bit Love me, normally just.... "Giveth and taken away till things turn out a certain way/leave you wondering when they might go back to normal/Leave you wondering why they can't have just been normal" is just too perfect.
I have to leave for a bit but ll leave you with these then agress the other ones later
YESYESYES YEAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!! i love all of these thoughts so much, some of mine is under the cut hehe
I TOTALLY SEE THE SAME STUFF FOR DARNOLD YIPPIE!!!!! i also think of the “I expect no dreams/And no sweet goodbye to me” being like him pre-au feeling forgotten by everyone because they don’t come back for him!!!!! he cut ties but he still feels a little sad from his expectations!!!!!! i also have like thoughts of like a fanmade ending where they’re all transferred to this like better program where they’re better and i think of everyone going to see him after he wakes up and he just tears up because everyone cared about him after all……
i love the thoughts for forzen teehee i think of those lyrics being the interrogation the science team does and gordon’s just so annoyed while this kid who wants to graduate and leave won’t shut up about beyblades and irate gamer akdjskjshdj
EDIT: OH I FORGOT A FORZEN THING when he’s like “You appear familiar dear/You look just like my bathroom mirror” i like to think he’s saying gordon reminds him of himself rather than sunshine like everyone else, this has turned into a hc of mine where he’s the only one who can immediately tell the difference between the two, everyone’s confused while he’s like “wdym they look totally different”
OUUGH. suburbia overture okay. i like this song a LOT and it’s a pretty long one so this will have a lot more
i think of suburbia overture being like. an introduction to the town? if that makes sense? a nice cheery and slightly creepy introduction of coomer and the town and everyone that lives in it! imo i thought of “So give me your half life crisis” directly referencing half life and coomer spinning around sunshine while basically being like “the half life you might have expected isnt here its ok to still be sad about it but we’re here to help!” the “What is he building in that painted lady/A participation trophy wife or blonde, blue-eyed baby” makes me think of coomer looking at bubby working on his rocket in the backyard and daydreaming about how life would be if they could make it out hehe <3 “Home is where the heart is/You ain’t homeless but you’re heartless” also makes me think of sunshine and how he was artifically made rather than being an actual person in the real world like gordon, “The dog bites the postman while basement eyes dream/Of a night at the drive-in with an AR-15” makes me think of coomer just looking up at the night sky knowing damn well it’s not real and not being able to keep his happy façade up, unrelated but i like to think on one of the “suburbiaaaaa”s coomer slides in front of benrey to give himself a dramatic lighting hehe benrey’s just like wtf in the back lmfao
HEHE YES VAMPIRE CULTURE!! if anything makes me think of the coomer clones THIS SONG IS IT. this whole song to me is like coomer’s anger showing through and how he can’t handle being in a fake reality anymore!!!!!!! i also think of him like tango-ing with the real gordon and singing about his wine-red blood in the lyrics about blood hehe “You don't make the rules, you just write them down and/Do it by the book you throw around!” ALSO MAKES SO MUCH SENSE W HIM SAYING THIS TO GORDON AND CALLING HIM OUT FOR HIS MORALITY DO YOU UNDERSTAND.
love me normally makes me SO ill like. can you see coomer feeling bad and looking up at the night sky again? but with sadness rather than anger? “The Lord looked down, said, ‘hey, you're only mortal’” just makes me think of gordon saying this to coomer and i auuuughhhhh…… they both just want to live and love normally….. i think of gordon hugging coomer at the end too because i’m SAPPY dammit anyway thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
So like i..
Your au is very funky and i love aus n drawing Gordons so—-
@gmanwhore ( apologies if you don't like being tagged )
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enamelon · 1 year
Anytime You Smile fits Project Mary Bell Township I can honstly hear Sunshine screaming "Why is everybody looking at me like I've lost it? Maybe if I keep singing I can make em stop it..."
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enamelon · 1 year
You made me headcanon Forzen as slowly going blind because of our mbt discussons/nm
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gmanwhore · 1 year
my instant Brain Visualization for mary bell township's actual town was like. this kind of thing but worn down
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i am putting in my Brain Visualization for peer review
That is the vibe I was going for, yeah! It's a mix of that and like. Doll houses y'know? Like they are that kind of plastic but within it's a doll house
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enamelon · 1 year
You'll never believe this but I actually updated the Project Mary Bell Township fic with the Darnold and Forzen chapter.
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