#hnm technical support
hnm-tech-support · 1 month
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(Based on a silly RP I did with @rosiegardenlove )
My dad can be weird about who I bring home... To be fair the guy was GSA *and* Dark Matter but that was still a little harsh!
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ivynajspyder · 2 months
Go to her blog here!
TECHNICAL SUPPORT JOINS THE TOURNAMENT @kirbyoctournament (just a little late haha)
More info and image references to follow.
You can send asks for her I suppose?
Name: Technical Support, but often goes my Techie
Age: who even knows
Height: Half a head shorter than her brother?
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Bio: The younger sister of Holy Nightmare's Customer Service. Unlike her polite and smooth-talking brother, she can be rather rude and abrasive. She hates dealing with customers and blames them for breaking things. She is good at her job otherwise, and keeps the HNM networks running mostly smoothly... usually. She prefers doing her own tinkering and coding on the side.
She likes to tease her brother and cause problems for him. Really she likes to cause problems for anyone if it seems fun, but if you can appreciate a bit of chaos she's easy to get along with.
Background: She and CS are actually Nightmare's "children", and not just regular demon beasts he created. Why and how they were born is a mystery to most, including themselves, but Dr. Yeva was involved.
Likes: Video games, cute things, sweets, dressing up, parties
Dislikes: Working, following rules, clowns
Refs: (they're a bit older but still good. Mostly only her glasses design has changed)
(So there are technically two versions of this character. The other one belongs in the 'verse created by ShadowWolf many years ago, but they seem to have moved on to greener fandoms so I made a different thing for myself. Her origins are a bit different there and she goes by Rin)
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hnm-tech-support · 1 month
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Got some amazing fanart from g00g1ty_00g1ty!! (They don't have a tumblr so I'm postin it)
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hnm-tech-support · 1 month
F: Er... Hello...! You're part of the company we know of ... Right? Sorry if I misunderstood! Uh... As for the question, if you could have one wish, what would you wish for.
Tech Support has to think about the question for a bit, spinning in her chair.
"Oh damn I dunno, I think I have just about everything I could want here. Food, games..."
"...Might be nice to have a boyfriend. Or a girlfriend. Or a... I dunno. I'm not picky." She cackles but then grumbles a bit.
"Nah, I wish I could travel more. I only get to go to some outposts when shit really breaks and even then I don't really get to GO anywhere. VR stuff only takes you so far ya know?"
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