fcxglove · 2 months
random closed starter for @dysnomiias
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" you know, if i didn't know any better i would say you made that homework that hard on purpose. "
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andromeddog · 11 months
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hi nix
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expirednostalgia · 3 months
STATUS: closed for @dannyhq
LOCATION: queens night market
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In a pleasant twist of fate, Marcus didn't feel a dire need for some sort of distraction to pull him out of his apartment tonight. Still, it didn't stop him from going out and swinging by Danny's place first to drag his friend along with him. After all, one of the simple joys in life was spending time with his friends, and it certainly wouldn't hurt either of them to take a break to get out and enjoy something small. "I mean, look on the bright side, getting a bite to eat here means the chances of me starting a fire in my apartment have drastically lowered." His joke was accompanied by a cheerful laugh. "Sure, I'll probably also walk away with something I won't even know where to put in my place, but that's like half the appeal of this thing."
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casualscx · 4 months
closed starter for @velvetrogue!
It was almost as if each letter that Cristian slowly etched onto Asher's upper thigh, was a silent proclamation of possession. His moves were deliberate, the marker snug in his grip as word 'mine' came to fruition, forcing a tug at the corner of his lips. The cap clicked against the side of the marker when Cristian pressed it closed, and he dropped the sharpie on the floor beside them before moving to straddle Asher's legs. They were in nothing but the remnants of their debauchery from the night before; Cristian covered only by the thin, silk flat sheet and the sweat that coated his body like a second skin. "Now anyone who tries to get close to here," he spoke, a single digit running along the pebbled skin of the freshly marked thigh. "Knows to back the fuck off."
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spaceschist · 8 months
starter for @wolfsbarbaren
Caught in the throes of a portal, Gale found himself suspended in a chilling limbo, where the passage of time felt distorted, elongated. The act of reaching out of the portal seemed to stretch for eons until finally, a hand grasped his. The transition from one plane to another was jarring, but the sensation of landing face-first into the dirt felt more like a joyous reunion than an inconvenience. The warm breeze and the embrace of fresh air after the interplanar sojourn were welcomed with deep breaths of elation.
As the transient disorientation settled, Gale rose to his feet, dusting off his robe and relishing the freedom to stretch once more. His eyes landed on his savior, and a grin swept across his face. In a gesture of gratitude and camaraderie, he extended his hand to clasp hers in a firm handshake.
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"Hello, I am Gale of Waterdeep. Apologies for the unusual meeting," he greeted, the warmth of his smile radiating genuine appreciation.
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compelledcurator · 3 months
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Angel had done it. It was unspeakably gross to rummage in someone's trash and while he did get caught at least he wasn't on the Radio demons hit list and he could keep Vox happy for a while longer. Everyone's a winner. Angel had a gig tonight, it was a rare opportunity for his drag persona to get some attention and since he was already out it would make sense to do the exchange tonight. Angel text Vox -
Hey Vox bby, I'm Workin' 2nite. Got the goodz. Sinnerz bar xoxo
The spider gathered all his things, he'd get ready at the club. Giving fat nuggets a quick snuggle before rushing out the hotel before anyone could stop him and ask him anything. The club was over crowded, Angel was a great performer and many of his fans were loyal to anything they can watch him do. Angel took at least an hour in hair and make up which he did himself, Vox should be here, Why did that make him nervous? like good nervous, like Vox was something to him other then another boss. A quick tequila shot and Angel made his way to the stage. Pink strobe lights reflected off his golden fang as his opened with a lip sync to 'high way to hell' it wasn't his usual taste but the club had remixed it into more of a clubland track with female vocals, if they weren't already the DJ would go to hell for that alone. Scanning the crowd Angel felt a sharp stab in his chest, Vox didn't show up. Was Angel annoyed? what did he expect, they weren't friends. The spider continued his show and even returned for a chanted 'encore' performance. It was into the early hours by the time Angel had removed his makeup and packed away his things, he hadn't checked his phone since preforming, he found numerous messages from Vox.
Rolling his eyes Angel opened the phone, he assumed Vox had an excuse for not showing but knew he'd want everything Angel had gathered on Alastor, which wasn't much right now. One small bag of rubbish, various things discarded. Three snaps of Alastor talking to Charlie and one blurred shot of his room.
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handgiven · 25 days
@luvdive liked for a starter .)
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"are you happy? are you well?" for a moment, his entire mind is consumed by the two questions. for a moment, it drowns out the buzz of the world, the eternity of knowing, and is filled only with doubt, with concern brought on by love. for a moment, it's as simple as family reuniting for the first time in— oh lord, how long has it been
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papaflynn · 7 months
Lia returning to Briar Ridge was the last thing on Callum's 2024 bingo card. As far as he knew, she was high-flying in the music industry and had forgotten all about the small little town, and the people who resided in it. Apparently not, as he was sitting across from her in a new beachfront house, curious why she had returned...That question would have to wait for another while as the last thing Callum wanted to do was run her out by prying into her life. She had enough of that with the media and fans. Right now he just wanted to be a friend, like she had been to him when he was a nervous kid in a new country.
"So, how long did it take you to message me?" Callum asked with a quirk of his brow. He had heard through the grapevine she had returned longer than he knew of - not that it was his business - he wanted to tease some as part of him was a little hurt that she didn't reach out sooner. Sure, it had been years but they had a bond. Well, so he thought. "I'm glad you did..." he added with a faint smile, glancing over at her.
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fcdcdmcmories · 8 months
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EDGAR HAD CHOSEN TO HAVE HIM RUN ERRANDS AROUND THE FARM FOR HIM. there were places in here that he had never heard about before - who knew that this place even had space for a spa or an art studio? - but .. he supposed that he should have been grateful. it was a way to keep himself distracted. parker didn't find it particularly strange when he got a text from edgar asking him to meet him at one of the labs - something to do with the stupid cure that he didn't even want these days - but .. when he got there and didn't see edgar but the one person that he very much did not want to see, he supposed that it made sense. especially after his new sessions with the little shit. HAD HE SET HIM UP? fuck. "it's.. sorry. EDGAR TEXTED ME TO MEET HIM HERE FOR SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE STUPID CURE, but.. clearly, he's not here, so i'll just- go," and finding himself frozen on spot, because of course. "I'M SURE YOU'RE BUSY ENOUGH AS IT IS. your boyfriend must be in need of constant care and attention these days, uh?" did he need to add that last comment? no, but being in front of her brought back all of the hurt and made him lash out, and.. god, was he truly this despicable? apparently. @xtinyslip
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fcrafcrtnight · 1 month
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"HEY, YOU DOING OKAY?" hope had no idea of why it was that she found herself glancing at the other and yet, there it was. she looked sad and.. well, perhaps that was a look that she herself had found that she knew all to well. didn't she? yes. was she the mayor's wife? she thought that she had seen her face somewhere before and.. it was probably because of what people were saying. damn. shaking her head, she shrugged. "sorry about that. probably none of my business, but.. girl, you do look like you're in need of a drink. next round is on me, okay?" @phantcmwritings
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aurelia--johnson · 1 month
date: july 30
location: the milk bar
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Now that everything with the verdict and the arson and all that other shit had calmed down, Relia felt like they could finally breathe again. Sure, there were still a few loose ends they needed to tie up in their personal life but overall, they were feeling a lot more relaxed these days. So relaxed, in fact, that they'd managed to convince Cy to come out and share a celebratory drink with them (or maybe a few). They figured their pseudo-brother could use an evening to kick back and not always be so worried about fixing everyone's shit all the time.
They got to the bar first and while they thought about waiting to order for a moment, they figured it'd be so much more fun to give Cy a hard time when he got there. Flagging down the bar tender, they ordered their usual--Sheep Dog whiskey on the rocks--and waited. Truthfully, they weren't waiting too long at all but they still wanted to pull Cy's leg. Smirking at him, they said "Well, well, well, look who finally decided to show up." Patting the seat next to them, they said "Alright, what do ya' want? I've got the first round."
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expirednostalgia · 3 months
STATUS: closed for @s3renities (for marg)
LOCATION: puzzles
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Birdie leaned against the pool table, lining up her shot. In perhaps the biggest disappointment of her week, which just went to show how surprisingly pleasant the week had been, the cue ball hit her intended ball but said ball just barely missed going into the pocket. She pushed herself off the table, turning her gaze to the other, "You know, I'm starting to regret the whole loser buys the next round of drinks thing I said earlier." There wasn't even a hint of seriousness in her voice as she spoke, enjoying the moment for what it was rather than worrying about the cost of future drinks. "It is almost embarrassing though, considering I even picked this game."
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cocained · 10 months
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"why  would  i  hate  you?"  arms  crossed  over  her  chest  defensively  as  ruby  had  to  hold  herself  back  from  rolling  her  eyes.  anyone  would  be  able  to  tell  that  the  two  of  them  didn't  get  along.  however,  hating  would  mean  she  cared  and  she  didn't  want  to  give  them  that  satisfaction  whether  she  did  or  not.  "i  don't  think  of  you  at  all."
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neveraftcr-a · 1 year
closed starter for @dysnomiias ... from matilda ‘mattie’ baek
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          “ i don’t understand why i was never good enough for you.  ”
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toheavens · 6 months
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"   no   ,   it's   just   that   i'm   too   old   for   you   ..   and   it   just   wouldn't   be   a   good   idea   .   "
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heartspower · 3 months
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"so i think you're my partner for this project," she says, sitting down next to Abigail as the professor lets them split up into pairs. "you were absent that day and so was i so---professor dumbwits decided to pair us up for missing class. it's Abigail, right? i'm Malia." Malia smiles warmly at Abigail, crossing her arms across her desk. she ignores the whispers around them---she's never cared too much about what other people think.
@demisereborn liked for something small | for Abigail ♡
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