#hoa s1
fallindomino · 1 year
sometimes i wonder how mr. sweet KNEW that eddie was the osirian. like did a strange mist enter the room when he was born, was there a big flash of light, or could he Sense the ancient spirit of the osirian entering his child,, idek atp i need answers
part of me wonders if it has to do with birthdays, like being the chosen one does. cause we know rufus’s birthday from that one s1 ep, 12/21/15, and eddie’s bday is listed on the wiki as 11/19/94 (idk where that one came from but i’m gonna trust it) and i don’t see any correlation between the dates.
like seriously the idea that mr. sweet had a way of KNOWING who the osirian was but made the mistake of confusing 7 pm for the seventh hour of the day and getting the wrong chosen one is hilarious to me lmao
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A new way to organize and experience the House of Anubis TV Show episodes .
reddit post
I always personally disliked how Anubis organized their episodes in either 12 minutes or 21, it always felt way too short for a pretty dense show that would match much better with the style of 45 minutes episodes. So the idea was to create a NEW WAY to watch and experience the show. This first image tells you how it would in theory look like. 4 episodes together as one video, except for the first and final ones that have 5 eps. (and the last but one ep for organization purposes). I also find that with larger episodes, it's much easier to keep track of what is going on in the series since there is always a LOT going on with all the characters and subplots.
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Inside, the video would also be separated as chapters, so you know in which original episode you are, you can also check the name of the episode easily which I find very important. Foreign DUBS and SUBS are welcomed to be added to the videos, so we can have it in many languages. The matching would be done using the MKVToolNix, which is lossless.
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yackers · 1 year
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fakeosirian · 1 year
obsessed with s1 patricia reading nina's diary and getting mad that nina thinks she's mean. what the hell did you expect girl
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thechosenanubis · 1 year
Nina is actually a better person than people give her credit for. Like at the beginning of S1, I had the same scenario with Patricia happen to me: new girl at a new school, trying to make friends, and this other girl in my class didn't like my ~vibes~ or whatever and started saying nasty stuff and trying to isolate me. (thankfully in my case no close friends were kidnapped by secret societies in search for eternal life 💀 ) So not only i can sympathize with her situation, but even relate to it.
And what I don't see talked about enough is ( or if people did, I haven't seen those posts) calling out Patricia's behavior for what it really was: bullying. Keep in mind here, that I understand where Patricia's behavior is coming from, since she's being gaslit like crazy. But that still doesn't make her behaviour towards Nina acceptable or excusable.
And I wouldn't have blamed Nina if she refused to accept Patricia's apology, because is not a victim's responsability ( only their choice) to forgive their bully.
Still, Nina forgave Patricia because she's good like that ( and probably didn't want to break the already fragile ecosystem of the house with more hostility even if it was within her right to keep a grudge and refuse Patricia's apology. )
What i'm trying to say, Nina is a good person, flawed but good.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.
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wolfblood-of-anubis · 9 months
love that we can tell what season it is based off patricia’s hair
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i’m taking a class on horror films through a queer lens and today we covered a theory called ‘infiltration anxiety’ and how secret societies are often stand-ins for queer people because “how are you supposed to tell who’s part of this hidden ‘other’ group when they look and act like everyone else?”
i think unsurprisingly this infiltration anxiety (and subsequent potential for queer reading) can be applied to s1 and s3 of hoa respectively— more so than s2 for obvious reasons.
in many horror films throughout history, the secret society preys on impressionable youths, whether to influence or harm them. this impact is most obvious in three student characters in hoa s1: joy, patricia, and jerome. oftentimes in horror films, these societies (often queer coded) target teens who are either loners or have missing parental figures. all of them are students at a boarding school so no parents, and while joy’s dad is present, he’s still a central point in the society.
and, as we know, secret societies are often queer coded. who are our main players in the s1 secret society/society adjacent group? victor, rufus, and mr. sweet. now, idk about y’all, but… do i have to say it? 💅🏻 okay, in case it’s not clear, these three characters in particular are queercoded in some way, shape, or form. at the very least they’re all bi. and they all prey on teenagers in some way, shape, or form— whether through gaslighting, grooming, or, more often than not in the case of the hoa adults, both. joy and patricia were essentially groomed and gaslit by the society and rufus respectively, and jerome was definitely exploited, which is a lot of what anti-gay propaganda claimed was happening to children because of the existence of secret society type groups in the mid-20th century.
(i want to be clear that especially in the horror genre, a lot of queer coding is inherently homophobic to get around the production code that was put in place to combat “perversion and depravity” in film, so while equating homosexuality with predatory behavior is obviously not good, it’s still filed under a “queer reading”)
now, in s3, it’s a more traditional sense of infiltration anxiety. this is applicable to a horror films like invasion of the body snatchers or in lots of vampire movies. there’s also the inclusion of a curing trope, but i’ll get back to that.
in s3b, the sinners (the name alone gives me enough fuel for a traditional horror queer theory reading, but i digress) operate as a sort of secret society in and of itself. my professor literally used the words “they walk among us” in reference to the pervasive fear in the 50s and 60s in america about both communists and queer people. and i don’t have to talk about how queercoded robert frobisher-smythe is, do i? i mean…
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anyway, if we’re looking at this all as a metaphor, we once again get that homophobic read on infiltration anxiety. here’s a queercoded man/monster preying on children and recruiting them to also be queercoded monsters preying on children. it’s an old and potentially problematic trope if we look at it through horror film queer theory.
now, let’s look specifically at the dynamic between sibuna at this point, because they best represent the “discovery plot” often used in horror films that feature infiltration anxiety:
straight couple who discover a thing: obviously it’s the whole club who discovers that frobisher is on the hunt, but two of them are paired off so they count.
they are aware the thing is there and dangerous and they’re trying to convince other people of that: more specifically applicable to kt trying to convince sibuna that she’s been set up by patricia.
the couple (or group) is not believed until it’s too late: fabian learns the truth and immediately gets picked off
the female character in the couple is in danger from the thing (may also succumb to the threat): patricia (or arguably kt but in a different context)
the hero discovers the thing’s achilles heel and exploits the weakness to destroy the monster: eddie & co vs team evil smack down
If we look at this through a queer lens, particularly point four stands out, especially in the context of s3b and sinner!patricia’s behavior with kt and eddie separately. the female protagonist is in danger/harmed by the thing and has succumbed to its influence, thus infiltrating the good group. her behavior with kt is physical and obsessive, and as i’ve pointed out before… can be read homoerotically. on the flip side, her behavior with eddie is a pageantry of straightness— she is acting as the “perfect straight girl” should with her boyfriend, only to further her evil agenda.
the curing trope was often used in queercoded horror films to overcome the evil, aka curing the monster of its queerness. that might be a religious curing or it may be a straight curing, like in the nightmare on elm street sequel where freddy is defeated bc the girlfriend of the queercoded boy he possessed kisses him and he melts back into her boyfriend. ring any bells for s3?
once the evil (queerness) has been eradicated, everything returns to normal (heteronormativity)
both these s1/s3 instances of horror tropes are very interesting… and potentially products of a problematic production code chic
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scripturiends · 1 year
before i started watching season 3 (particularly the second half) i legitimately thought all jeroy had going for them was the same set of scenes i would always see in edits or gifs but noo there are actually SOO MANY LITTLE ONES sprinkled in the show that i never found being heavily referenced (like obviously i do wish they had thought of the ship earlier on in the show like in s2 but there was still jara and considering all the circumstances they were still able to write jeroy so well even if they came in clutch
one of my favorite scenes was when jerome came up to joy and said he likes her hair brushed and that it reminded him of letdown hajskfjdj it’s just soo jerome clarke of him bringing up mara’s dog to joy bc it was their first date AND managing to slip in an actual compliment under the guise of teasing like come awnnnn whipped
idk it just made me feel giddy bc jerome can be an absolute sweetheart while still being his usual devious self. same goes for joy who, after greeting jerome sweetly would go back to teasing him and being sarcastic. like that scene in the stairs when he says “i was thinking” and she replies “oh so thats what that sound was” and after their kiss in the house when she says “please dont say youve come around just to get a compliment on your kissing technique” like it’s just so Them it’s so natural it makes sense whoever thought of this ship came to swoop in and said i will give u the most character development within a limited timeframe
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joysmercer · 1 year
also i love patricia so much she pretends not to know anything about love and gags at mentions of people's personal lives but she actually knows Everything
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lovelyamneris · 6 months
There’s so many hoa what-if scenarios that I would love to write/read fics about. These are some of my favorite:
1) What if Miss Andrews never confiscated Patricia’s phone and so Patricia and Nina actually met up with Rufus alone like they’d originally planned in s1?
2) What if Victor got the mask first? What was his plan since he couldn’t get the tears of gold without a Chosen One/Osirian?
3) What if someone other than Jerome walked in on Rufus in the kitchen in season two?
4) What if Nina stayed and was there for the sinner storyline?
5) What if Rufus survived?
6) What if Victor or Sweet found out that the Cup wasn’t destroyed?
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bauxitt · 1 year
HoA AU where everything is the same except the CW produced the show with a rating of 16+ (think riverdale style) here are a few plot points for fun
This is mostly Jerome points because I barely remember other plots. It's been years. Feel free to add
Jerome's abusive parent(s) would probably be a bigger plot point and actually explain why he's so withdrawn emotionally and trusting of no one, yet desperate for attention and wanting to make others miserable like him. Selfish because he's very aware that if he doesn't put himself first, no one will. Except for Poppy, who he knows needs someone putting her first like he doesn't have. I kind of like the idea that Poppy sort of takes that for granted (not mean-spirited but more naively) and uses that to her advantage, hurting Jerome by accident.
Patricia and Jerome get to be the gays they were always meant to be, but could not because it's a children's show how scandalous. Don't try and deny it.
Joy and Eddie get to be the bisexuals they clearly are, and so Patricia/Joy and Eddie/Jerome happen instead
Jerome always doing scams to get money is because his mother never sends him any, leaving him constantly poor. (A personal hc of mine).
Said scams go from silly ones that end in his humiliation like the show to downright sketchy ones with scary people that puts him trouble way over his head (build up to when he gets in contact with Rufus).
Jerome's dealings with Rufus in s1 are deeper rooted in Jerome needing money and feeling shunned by Alfie and the others, and Rufus sees a desperate teenager wanting approval and affection.
Patricia's trauma from Rufus being addressed and having consequences that was barely touched upon in the show.
Rufus gets to have a knife and a gun, much more fun :)
Also, "mummify you alive" is actually just "kill you" and Jerome is truly threatened with said knife and gun
The gang are constantly let down by how useless the police are, always ending in them having to deal with whatever it is, from Patricia and Jerome's kidnapping, to Victor and his cult, and joy's disappearance and Rufus going around threatening children with guns and sharp objects. Really, they're just paid to turn the other cheek when it comes to anubis.
The teenage drama is extra extra
Victor and his cult are still rather harmless, they don't wish harm on the children, but it's much more ominous and mystical.
When Rufus grabs Jerome, it's for leverage against Sibuna and Victor, aware that Victor don't want harm to come to the children of his house.
Both Patricia and Jerome will have to be tied while captive because that makes sense. They are unfortunately also probably slapped around/beaten by Rufus for their sharp sarcasm. As well as Rufus having an actually secure place to keep the captive.
Expanding on how terrified Jerome is of Rufus, like even in the children's show, he was clearly scared. And why he's so scared.
The Edison Sweet plot being deepened and explored further with sweet making more effort, and Eddie being more reluctant. Getting an actual payoff for the plot with Eddie finally accepting his dad and them bonding
Nina the chosen one plots are actually rather dramatic already, but what they're doing and the consequences are further impacting on the group. I can't remember much of this, so feel free to give thoughts.
I must have blacked out/repressed season 3 because i can't remember a single plot point related to that 🤷‍♀️
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fallindomino · 2 years
i’ll always think abt s1 sibuna bc of how and why each member ended up joining like
first is nina, and yeah technically sibuna doesn’t exist until amber but i’ll get there. nina shows up to anubis house and feels extremely unwelcome, due to patricia and the tension in the house caused by patricia blaming her for joy’s disappearance. nina feels so unwelcome she starts going to school early, which is how she meets sarah on the bench outside of anubis house. this leads to her taking sarah back to the old folks’ home where she gets the locket and is instructed by sarah to find and protect the treasure.
fabian is a bit different cause you could argue that he gets involved in sibuna and the mystery cause he likes nina but i think there’s more to it as well. at the beginning of s1 we’re shown that fabian’s best friends are joy and patricia. joy has suddenly left and patricia is obsessed with being rude to nina and figuring out joy’s disappearance, so fabian is probably feeling pretty alone at that point too. combined with the obvious connections to egypt that the mystery had and he was sold.
amber is the most fascinating to me bc she on the surface she seems like the least likely to get involved but in the chain of events it makes perfect sense. mick and mara have started to hang out a lot due to mara tutoring him and amber is getting jealous and upset that mick is spending less time with her. to me it seemed like amber was worried that mick was gonna leave her for mara and she wasn’t going to have anyone. she wasn’t previously shown to be super close to anyone at anubis house besides him, so in her mind, she needed friends and fast. when she overhears nina trying to solve the second clue, she then leans over the stall to snap a pic and basically blackmail nina into telling her what’s going on lol. pretty soon after that she comes up with the sibuna name and iconic hand gesture and bam new solid friend group.
patricia had been feeling alone for basically the entire time since joy left, so she gravitated to the first person who it seemed would give her real answers, rufus. when she convinces nina to come with her to meet rufus about her locket, and they see him being taken away by victor, patricia no longer has anyone to help her. combined with the fact that witnessing this event together cleared some of the tension between patricia and nina and it was the perfect time for patricia to join sibuna.
tbh looking back on s1, alfie becoming part of sibuna seemed like more of a foregone conclusion considering how many times he became collateral damage to their shenanigans, poor dude. between getting in trouble after fabian broke the clock, to getting trapped in the cellar, to getting poisoned by them, he really had it rough lol. besides that, all throughout s1 his best friend is jerome. except jerome doesn’t always act like a good friend to alfie. constantly sabotaging his efforts to woo amber, making him pay for his help, and ditching alfie the second it looked like he had a chance with mara, by the student council arc alfie is feeling pretty abandoned by jerome. the scene where he thinks ms andrews is a snake alien and tackles her to the ground is both hilarious and relevant because it leads to the rest of sibuna deciding they truly can’t leave him in the dark anymore, and he becomes one of them.
like their bond is so strong not only because amber forced them to burn objects of value to them in a fire barrel behind the school (lol i just rlly wanted to mention that, like girl was committed) or because they were the only ones who knew about the mystery, but because they all needed each other. when each of them was at their lowest and most alone, they found a group of people like them who would stick by them and idk i just think that’s cool and wanted to rant abt it shdjdjdj
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queerdiazs · 9 months
2023 fic writing review
rules and tags below the cut because phew, it got long!
rules: feel free to show whatever stats you have. only want to show ao3 stats? rock on. want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? please do this. want to change how yours is presented? absolutely do that.
words and fics
words: 237, 627
most recent: the house i built is burning, where eddie and buck's house burns down, oops
longest fic: technically this, but it's actually deck the halls (and your in-laws), where the diaz and buckley parents show up to spend christmas with the boys, oh my
shortest fic: i love you best when you're just yourself, where buck's in his head about picking out a christmas tree
favorite fic: tied between the dinosaurs smelled magnolias, where eddie proposes to buck with his dick inside buck, and but i've got my teeth in you, where buck gets a tooth knocked out and eddie is Normal about it
most kudos: the side effects of eating too many clementines, where eddie realizes he's in love with buck over oranges in his kitchen
least kudos: mississsippi, where eddie and buck indulge in piss play
bad things happen bingo, round one
upcoming events and projects for the new year
finish hoa eddie, who's halfway done at 33k
continue to work on my bad things happen bingo card
clementines smut
5+1(+1) fic where eddie asks buck to marry him
wildfire fic
soft dom eddie series
eddie and buck post-lightning strike
bobby nash's guide to surviving evan buckley and eddie diaz
backdraft au
bullrider buck and rodeo clown eddie au
alpha/alpha buck and eddie
spur of the moment fics i'm sure will wiggle in my brain
published 20 fics for buck/eddie in 7 months which is so fucking cool
met a lot of really cool people (TENTOESDOWN will live in infamy)
wrote over 50k in the month of december because i decided to challenge myself, jesus christ
write and publish at least 25 fics
learn to edit pictures
finally rewatch s1
write more fics from buck's pov
(at the sake of being ooey gooey, 2023 has been kind to me in the sense i've figured out my future and fallen back in a fandom that's so fun and fresh and enjoyable i can't get enough of it. lots of that is because of the people i surround myself with, and i'm not going to get every individual person but i love you guys lots and i really, really mean that. can't wait to see what 2024 brings us 🥂)
i was tagged by @hippolotamus, @monsterrae1, @exhuastedpigeon, @wikiangela, @honestlydarkprincess, @theotherbuckley, @jamespearce9-1-1, @jesuisici33, @thewolvesof1998, @callmenewbie, and @devirnis <3
tagging @spagheddiediaz and @jeeyuns because they'll yell at me if i don't
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yackers · 1 year
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fakeosirian · 1 year
reckoning with the fact that the logic that makes neddie good also makes fabicia good in an unhinged inverse way <- brain is being eaten by the neddie propaganda (positive connotation)
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thechosenanubis · 1 year
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