#hockey chats with quinn
kniesys · 1 year
luke hughes best hughes
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 5 days
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Quinn and Jack in the 2019 iihf men’s world championship - photographer : Matt Zambonin, article on Hughes Family (article is a bit dated as it was published April 16, 2021)
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mmichog · 1 year
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rare picture: all 3 hughes brother smiling at the same time
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astars-things · 2 years
Luke hughes group chat with y/n and the bros Jack asking y/n for girl anniversary advice
Huggy bear🧸-Quinn 
Jack jack⚡️-Jack
Lukey💖- Luke 
Y/n🧑‍🌾- You 
The bros plus y/n
10:30 am 
Jack jack⚡️y/nnn
Jack jack⚡️Y/N Y/N 
Jack jack⚡️-y/n WAKE UPP
Huggy bear🧸- Jack shut up 
Lukey💖- Don’t wake her up
Y/n🧑‍🌾- why in the hell did you wake me up 😤
Lukey💖- bro now I got to deal with her grumpy butt 
Jack jack⚡️- what should I do for my 6 month anniversary
Huggy bear🧸-  you’ve been in relationship for 6 months…
Lukey💖- 😱
Y/n🧑‍🌾- guys calm down okay!
Y/n🧑‍🌾- Jack Jack just take her to dinner or the beach and watch the sunset. Get her flowers dress super nice and don’t do any thing dumb or you’ll probably be single 👍
Jack jack⚡️- that’s a great idea 
Jack jack⚡️- I was just going to take her to the movies or go on a hike
Huggy bear🧸- no you dumbass that’s like middle school relationship things 
Y/n🧑‍🌾- ive never been more disappointed 
Lukey💖- how do you even have a gf 
Jack jack⚡️- ouch 
Y/n🧑‍🌾- now that we are done here im going back to sleep 
Lukey💖- im coming over for cuddles 
Huggy bear🧸- gross 
Requests are open 
Love you all 
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hugheshugs · 2 years
All 3 boys now have As
oh my god
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quintinh43 · 3 months
Time to do laundry while we watch the Canucks vs. Jets game. We should also chat while I'm at it because I'm Hella Hella bored and want to chat with some friends!
Love Soph ♡
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boeswhore · 2 years
i think quinn is injured and i want to cry 🥲
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silveredsticks · 4 months
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estapa-edwards · 1 month
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paring: Quinn hughes x reader
word count: 1.8k
requested? yes - quinn dating an absolute ball of sunshine and just such a sweetheart and him being so grumpy but melting for her, his family falling in love with her when they meet her and seeing how much she loves quinn but how much wuinn needs her too
warnings: use of y/n.
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In the bustling city of Vancouver, amidst the frenetic energy of professional hockey, lived Quinn Hughes, a young defenseman for the Vancouver Canucks. Known for his exceptional skill on the ice, Quinn was equally notorious for his serious demeanor off the rink. Yet, in the midst of his stoic world, there came a burst of sunshine named Y/N.
Y/N was a ball of positivity that seemed to radiate light wherever she went. Her infectious laughter and perpetual smile were like a beacon in Quinn's sometimes dimly lit world. They met by chance at a charity event organized by the Canucks, where Y/N's volunteer work caught Quinn's attention.
At first, Quinn was skeptical. He was used to the rough and tumble world of hockey, where toughness and resilience were prized above all else. Y/N, on the other hand, seemed like a delicate flower, too fragile for the harsh realities of his life. But as they spent more time together, Quinn discovered layers to Y/N that he never expected.
Y/N was not just sunshine and smiles; she had a strength of character and an unwavering spirit that Quinn found both intriguing and deeply comforting. She saw past his gruff exterior, understanding the pressures he faced as a professional athlete, and yet never once treated him like anything less than a human being.
The charity event buzzed with excitement as Quinn Hughes, clad in his sharp suit, navigated through the crowd with practiced ease. He exchanged obligatory pleasantries with fellow teammates and sponsors, his expression stoic and his demeanor guarded. Amidst the sea of faces, one stood out—a figure wrapped in an aura of warmth and kindness, her smile a beacon in the dimly lit room.
Y/N was busy at a booth, arranging pamphlets and chatting animatedly with volunteers. Quinn observed her from afar, intrigued by the genuine enthusiasm she exuded. She seemed out of place amidst the glitz and glamour of the event, like a wildflower blooming in a field of roses.
Quinn's curiosity got the better of him, and he found himself making his way toward her booth, his steps deliberate and measured. Y/N looked up as he approached, her eyes sparkling with warmth as she greeted him with a bright smile.
"Hi there! Can I interest you in learning more about our cause?" Y/N's voice was like a melody, soft yet confident, drawing Quinn in despite his initial reservations.
Quinn hesitated for a moment, unused to such genuine warmth from strangers. "What cause?" he asked, his tone gruff but tinged with curiosity.
Y/N's smile widened, undeterred by his demeanor. "We're raising funds for underprivileged children in the community, providing them with educational resources and opportunities they wouldn't otherwise have. It's a cause close to my heart," she explained, her eyes alight with passion.
Quinn studied her for a moment, his gaze searching for any hint of insincerity. But all he found was honesty and sincerity, a stark contrast to the superficiality of the world he was accustomed to. Despite himself, he felt a flicker of something—a warmth he hadn't felt in a long time.
"Tell me more," Quinn finally conceded, surprising even himself with his genuine interest.
And so, Y/N launched into an impassioned spiel about the charity's mission, her words painting a vivid picture of hope and possibility. As Quinn listened, he found himself captivated by her spirit, her unwavering belief in the power of kindness and compassion.
By the time Y/N had finished speaking, Quinn was thoroughly intrigued. He found himself drawn to her light, her optimism a stark contrast to his own cynicism. And as he looked into her eyes, he saw something he hadn't expected—a reflection of his own humanity, mirrored back to him in all its rawness and vulnerability.
Their relationship blossomed slowly, like a delicate flower unfurling its petals in the warmth of the sun. Quinn found himself opening up to Y/N in ways he never had with anyone else, sharing his fears and insecurities, as well as his hopes and dreams. And Y/N, in turn, showered him with love and affection, her unwavering support a balm to his weary soul.
Quinn sat in his dimly lit apartment, his hockey gear strewn across the floor like discarded remnants of a battle won or lost. He stared blankly at the wall, the weight of the day's game still heavy on his shoulders. It was a tough loss, one that left him questioning his abilities and his worth as a player.
Y/N sat beside him, her presence a comforting warmth in the otherwise cold room. She reached out and gently took his hand in hers, her touch soft and reassuring.
"It's okay, Quinn," she murmured, her voice a soothing melody in the silence. "You gave it your all out there. That's all anyone can ask for."
Quinn sighed, leaning into her touch ever so slightly. "I know, but sometimes it feels like it's not enough," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
Y/N squeezed his hand gently, her eyes full of understanding. "You're more than just a hockey player, Quinn. You're a person with hopes and dreams and fears, just like everyone else. And no matter what happens on the ice, I'll always be here for you."
Quinn looked at her then, really looked at her, and for the first time, he saw past the facade of sunshine and smiles to the strength and resilience that lay beneath. He saw in her eyes a reflection of his own struggles, his own fears, and he felt a connection—a bond—that went beyond the surface.
"I appreciate you saying that," Quinn murmured, his voice raw with emotion. "Sometimes it's hard to remember that there's more to life than just hockey."
Y/N nodded, her gaze unwavering as she met his eyes. "It's okay to feel that way, Quinn. But you're not defined by what happens on the ice. You're so much more than that."
In that moment, Quinn felt a weight lifted off his shoulders, a burden shared and halved. He realized that he didn't have to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders alone, that it was okay to lean on someone else for support.
Leaning in closer, Quinn found himself drawn to Y/N in a way he hadn't anticipated. He could feel the warmth of her presence enveloping him like a blanket, comforting and reassuring. And as he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close, he felt a sense of peace wash over him, a feeling of home that he had never experienced before.
​​But it wasn't just Quinn who fell for Y/N's charms. His family, initially skeptical of anyone who dared to enter their son's guarded heart, quickly warmed to her. They saw how she brought out the best in Quinn, softening his rough edges and encouraging him to embrace life with a newfound enthusiasm.
Quinn's parents, Jim and Ellen, welcomed Y/N into their home with open arms, treating her like one of their own from the moment they met her. His siblings, Jack and Luke, adored her playful nature and boundless energy, finding in her a kindred spirit who shared their love for life and all its joys. 
The first time Y/N met Quinn's family was a nerve-wracking experience. She stood outside their doorstep, her heart pounding in her chest as she nervously smoothed down her dress. Quinn had assured her that his family would love her, but that didn't stop the butterflies in her stomach from fluttering anxiously.
As Quinn opened the door, Y/N was greeted by the warm smiles of his parents, Jim and Ellen. They enveloped her in a tight embrace, welcoming her into their home with open arms. From the moment they met, Y/N could see where Quinn got his kindness and warmth from; Jim's easygoing nature and Ellen's gentle demeanor instantly put her at ease.
"Welcome, Y/N! It's so wonderful to finally meet you," Ellen exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with genuine warmth.
Y/N smiled nervously, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "Thank you for having me," she replied, her voice tinged with gratitude.
Quinn's siblings, Jack and Luke, bounded down the stairs, their excitement palpable as they caught sight of Y/N. They wasted no time in bombarding her with questions, eager to get to know the girl who had captured their brother's heart.
"Hi, I'm Jack!" one of them exclaimed, thrusting out his hand for Y/N to shake.
"And I'm Luke!" the other chimed in, grinning from ear to ear.
Y/N laughed, charmed by their infectious energy. "It's nice to meet you both," she said, shaking their hands warmly.
The evening was filled with warmth and laughter as Quinn's family gathered around the dinner table, enjoying each other's company. Y/N sat among them, her smile radiant as she shared stories and jokes, seamlessly fitting into the dynamic of the Hughes household.
Jim and Ellen exchanged a knowing glance as they observed their son and his girlfriend. They had watched Quinn grow from a young boy with dreams of playing in the NHL to the accomplished athlete he was today. But what they hadn't anticipated was the transformative effect Y/N would have on him.
"She's really something special, isn't she?" Ellen whispered to Jim, her eyes twinkling with affection as she glanced at Y/N.
Jim nodded in agreement, a proud smile gracing his lips. "She certainly is. I've never seen Quinn light up the way he does when she's around."
Across the table, Jack and Luke were engaged in a lively conversation with Y/N, their laughter filling the room. They had taken to her immediately, drawn to her playful nature and genuine warmth.
"You're the best, Y/N!" Jack exclaimed, his eyes shining with admiration.
Luke nodded enthusiastically, echoing his brother's sentiment. "Yeah, we love having you around!"
Y/N laughed, feeling a swell of affection for Quinn's siblings. "I love being here with all of you," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity.
As the evening wore on, Quinn's family couldn't help but marvel at the bond he shared with Y/N. They saw how she brought out the best in him, softening his rough edges and encouraging him to embrace life with a newfound enthusiasm.
But more than that, they saw how much Quinn needed her. They saw the way his eyes lit up whenever she entered the room, the way he leaned on her for support in times of doubt and uncertainty. They saw the depth of their love for each other, a love that transcended words and barriers.
And in that moment, as they sat together as a family, surrounded by love and laughter, Jim and Ellen knew that Y/N was more than just Quinn's girlfriend. She was his rock, his anchor in a sea of uncertainty, his guiding light in the darkness.
And as they looked at their son, his hand intertwined with Y/N's, they knew that he was truly blessed to have her by his side
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bedsyandco · 6 months
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𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who didn’t think he was going to love you as much as he does. You started as fwb and the more time you spent together, the harder he fell for you.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who keeps your relationship private but not a secret. He’s not afraid to post you on his instagram and does so quite regularly.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who goes through his comment section and deletes all the rude comments about you because he doesn’t want you to see them. He gives Trevor, Cole, Alex and his brothers his insta details so they can help him.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who gets so so happy to see you in the crowd wearing his jersey. Knowing you’re his #1 fan means the world to him.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who makes an effort to take you out on a date at least once a week because he knows the hockey schedule is brutal and he doesn’t want you to feel neglected.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who is terrified he’s going to mess up somehow or the hockey is going to become too much for you and you’ll leave him. He calls Quinn at least once a week and Quinn has to reassure him. This goes on for at least the first year of your relationship. After that he feels a bit more secure.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who gets so happy seeing you and his brothers interact that he’d happily sit and observe your interactions as long as he gets to touch you somehow.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 loves spoiling you and constantly buys you flowers and gifts despite you telling him not to.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who loves how you team up with his little brother in the summer against him and Quinn. You’re just as competitive as them.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who takes you home for the summer before you were official and everyone, especially his mom, could see how in love he was with you. After much prompting from his mom and his brothers he finally asked you to be his girlfriend out on the dock where his mom he set up a little picnic.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who gets jealous easily and appreciates the reassurance you give him when he needs it.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who thinks it’s hilarious that you get all pouty when you’re the one who’s jealous. He thinks it’s utterly ridiculous that you’d think he’d ever entertain anyone else when he has you.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who doesn’t hesitate for a second to drop the gloves when someone says something mean about you on the ice.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who loves how well you get along with his friends and thinks it’s hilarious that they start inviting you to hang out and not him. You get added to the group chat and the messages always reads “come hang out, we miss you. You can even bring Jack”
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who calls you before and after every game.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who randomly tells you he loves you because he needs to make sure you know.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who carries a ring in his pocket for about a year before finally asking you because he was nervous you’d say no.
nsfw headcanons
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who is very handsy all the time. His hands constantly wanders to places deemed a little inappropriate in public spaces. He especially gets handsy when they had a really good game and he’s high off the win and the team goes out to celebrate. Hands are on your ass 24/7
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who stares at you with so much lust in his eyes sometimes it makes you breathless. and it makes his brothers gag. He also stares at you with so much love in his eyes which also makes his brothers gag.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who loves buying you lingerie. especially red ones.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who can’t look at your freshly done nails and not think about them wrapped around his dick.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who loves fucking you from behind while you’re wearing his jersey. He’s the type of guy to take a picture and send it to your ex who’s been bothering you.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who loves cumming on you. On your face, ass, boobs. Just loves seeing you all messy for him.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who can both fuck you like a whore and a princess depending on the mood.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who is a little embarrassed by how easily you can get him on his knees
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who cannot control himself in the summer when you’re wearing bikinis and denim shorts and summer dresses. There’s always so much skin exposed and he loves marking you up. You’ve given up on trying to hide the marks.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who gets a little turned on when you get possessive of him. Kissing his neck with lipstick on, he won’t wipe it off, he’d wear it happily.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who calls you and you guys have phone sex on every road trip. He has a “spank bank” of videos and photos of you but it doesn’t compare to the real thing.
𝐁𝐅!𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 who gets the urge to go home and get you pregnant whenever he sees you interact with a child because you’re going to be such a good mom.
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kniesys · 1 year
JACK EICHEL STANLEY CUP WINNER but more importantly staal brothers stanley cup losers
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quinnylouhughesx43 · 1 month
not watching game so did mcd hit quinn or they were in fight
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It was a missed high sticking penalty that was blatantly obvious. Mcdavid got Quinn and cut his cheek. He watched himself do the whole thing. Because it was missed Quinn didn’t want to leave the ice to get treated. His conversation with the linesman got pretty intense at least for being Quinn. Also in hockey a linesman can go back make the call when it’s as blatant as this one but they didn’t.
Made the gif to show how mouthy Quinn was getting. He says here: “god that’s such bullshit” other statements before this one and after this included fuck and dammit but would not crop animate properly
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aliaology · 30 days
ANYTHING || 800 followers special! <3
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SUMMARY: its all just you and jack — 1.3k words
WARNINGS: slight fighting
PAIRING: jack hughes x fem hughes!
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you started dating jack when you were seventeen. it was nerve racking for your teen self— especially since he was your first real relationship. not any situationship or incredibly long talking stage, but a full on labeled relationship. boyfriend and girlfriend.
no one truly believed you two would make it, not at first at least. you were the shy girl at school, the cliche smart student who sat in class and didn’t talk much, but got perfect grades. jack was the cliche jock, known for how incredibly good he was at hockey, and the fact his brother was in the NHL.
seriously, the thought of the shy girl, and athletic popular boy was one no one thought of. it really never would have happened if it wasn’t for the fact some of jack’s teammates wanted to go watch the girls volleyball game. you were in the stands, watching your best friend play; excited for spring because it would be you playing a game and her watching.
the stands were full of students, parents and staff. the game was a big one; senior night. the only open area was the row behind you in the student section. you adorned your best friends away jersey, and even had cute face paint dots of your school colors. thats when jack saw you. as he stepped up onto the stands with his team to get to the open spot, he saw your pretty smile and glasses.
of course, jack stared. he thought you were really pretty, and you looked nice as well. you didn’t have a resting bitch face, but instead a resting smile. you looked sweet. so, he took the opportunity when it arrived and moved to the (now) open seat next to you. from there, he got your number and your name.
after that small interaction, and the moment he got home, he texted you. his teeth showing as he smiled looking down at his phone, seeing the chat bubble pop up. the light illuminated his face, the texts reflecting in his eyes. you practically had him twirling his hair. he found you to be incredibly funny— and really pretty.
he found himself texting you every night, every day. and you found yourself responding each and every time. after an awfully long while of talking, you took the next step and asked him out to the movies. you bit your thumb as you texted him— worried about rejection. but the worry was wiped away when he immediately responded with a yes. he found it very attractive you made the first move.
the day of the first date was the day you had your first ever make out. sitting in his car, leaning over the center console. your hand on his neck, his hand on your cheek. you grew scared he’d stop talking to you after that night, but instead it drew him closer. he wouldn’t let you be— and you liked that.
meeting his parents was scary— especially on christmas. he met your parents on thanksgiving, that was three months after you made it official. now it was four months and it was christmas eve. you were on his porch with a few gifts in your hand— you got one for everyone in his family even after he assured you that you didn’t need to.
the door opened and jacks smiling face was the first thing you saw. you loved his smile so much— it made your lips twitched upwards. he pulled you inside and quickly introduced you to his entire family, even quinn who came back from vancouver.
you believed you won them over as soon as you handed them your gifts for them. they were small things, but ones you believed they’d like after talking long and hard to jack about it. you got fifteen year old luke the new nhl game for his xbox— one he’d been whining about wanting. you gave jim a signed bruins puck— one bobby orr signed. you wouldn’t tell him how it ruined your bank account to get.
quinn definitely liked you when he saw how you were with his brother, but he liked you more when he opened his gift to find a small golden bracelet with the number fourty three on it. ellen opened her gift to see a pretty gold necklace, with a locket. you had jack send you baby pictures, so you put one of the three boys on it. to say you made a good impression was an understatement.
they all definitely liked you then, but they really liked you when they saw the way jack looked at you. the way he looked at you as he opened his gift— eyes wide in excitement as he jumped up before hugging you— lifting you in the air. you knew he was a leafs fan, but you didn’t expect that for his reaction. you should’ve, knowing how expensive front row tickets were to these games.
when you tried to get home, jack tried to get you to stay. you were going to fight his words, but his mother insisted, so you did. you stayed for dinner. you talked to everyone, and slowly you became apart of their family. their big and happy family.
you and jack had your first major disagreement when you were both twenty. you went to school in boston, aiming to get your bachelors in physical therapy. jack was all the way in new jersey, and though not too far, you still didn’t get to see him as often.
you guys called every night, but they were becoming less frequent as he began going out with his teammates more. more clubs, more bars. you worried. so you communicated with him, you told him your worries. thats where the fighting started. after three days of no contact, you somehow found yourself in his car.
all of your stuff was in the back and you were on your way back to newark. your head was propped against the door, eyes shut. you two hadn’t truly made up, but he came and got you anyways. his hand was on your thigh, his eyes were on the road. you slept, and it stayed silent.
you officially made up when you made it to his place safely. him apologizing in more ways than one to do his best to show you there truly was no one else. you cried a lot during the talk, your head in his lap as your tears fell onto his pants. but he didn’t care, he just let you rest there, and he let you let it all out.
your favorite part of the apology was when you lied in bed with him. your bodies entwined and tangled in the sheets. your head on his chest, listening to him breathe, to his heart beating. listening to him move. his hands rubbed up and down slowly on your sides.
you didn’t want to talk. you didn’t want to talk about anyone, or anything. you just wanted to lay here.
you finally moved in with him when you were twenty-two. somehow— fifteen year old luke turned to twenty year old luke and he was there as well. you living with jack turned into your favorite thing ever. you were awoken with small kisses to your lips— and if he was one a roadie, you were awoke to kisses on the cheek by the dog you adopted with him.
you got to kiss him whenever and wherever you wanted. you got to kiss his forehead, his temple, his cheek, his lips, all of him. you got to have him. small delicate kisses to his eyes were his favorite.
his favorite thing about you living with him was also how easily you made it all feel like home. even with just the sound of your footsteps.
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i love happy cute fics
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astars-things · 2 years
Ok so a group chat between Luke hughes and his brother in regards to him asking y/n to marry him.Maybe like how he asks his brothers for advice, picture of the ring and then the game plan that Luke will use
Huggy bear🧸-Quinn 
Jack jack⚡️-Jack
Lukey💖- Luke 
The bros minus y/n 
Lukey💖- BROS I want ask y/n to marry me but I’m nervous 
Huggy bear🧸- big commitment, you sure you are up for it?
Jack jack⚡️- once you pop the big question there’s no going back 
Lukey💖- I’m ready, I have the ring ready 
Jack jack⚡️- give us a look?
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Huggy bear🧸-  you really love her don’t you 
Lukey💖-  I love her more than you guys
Jack jack⚡️- wow f you 
Huggy bear🧸- rude but like what’s your game plan?
Lukey💖-  I’m going to bring her to a hockey game get “injured” then have the staff bring her down to ice then pop the question
Huggy bear🧸-  wow that’s good lukey 
Jack jack⚡️- she might be mad but then after you show her that ring she won’t 😂
Jack jack⚡️- when popping the question be confident and don’t be nervous 
Huggy bear🧸-  eye contact is key also make sure her family is here and someone is recording 
Lukey💖-   ok yea 
Photo from Pinterest 
Requests are open 
Love you all 
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hugheshugs · 2 years
Quinn comforting his gf when she had nightmare? He would be so soft and nice
so so soft and so sweet !! he'd be all worried while you're crying into his chest and nothing he's doing is making you feel better. but then you actually start listening to his words and your sobs turn into sniffles which calms him down a bit. just a bit. and when you finally feel a little better, still shaken up, he resorts to skin to skin contact because he knows you'll feel safe if you're close to him in that sense. so shirts come off, you're laying on top of him with your head on his chest, one of his arms are wrapped around you while his other hand is cradling your head and everything's okay.
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wineauntie · 20 days
how does single mom handle seeing comments on the internet about her and evie? i feel like she would hide her feelings and ignore them the best she could until she gets to her breaking point
HATE COMMENTS - family is family universe
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When you’d been revealed to be dating Quinn, the internet had been brutal. You were eight months into the relationship when the internet caught wind of Quinn’s new romance.
Your Instagram had been flooded with hateful comments, each of them calling you a gold digger, a bad mother, ugly, fat, not good enough to date Quinn.
You were stunned by the amount of hate that flooded every one of your socials, under every picture, in all of your private messages, even under photos of Evie.
That is when you decided to delete majority of your accounts and go private on the remaining.
You tried your best to protect Evie from this hate, even when it was brought up on radio stations and hockey podcasts that you’d turned on.
Quinn was oblivious to how awful the things being said were, as you tried to hide the worst from him. He always spoke about how much he cherished the two of you in interviews, raving about how much he loved Evie and adored being able to raise her with you.
You tried to keep a brave face, but each vile comment pierced your heart. There were nights you stayed up late, scrolling through the endless stream of comments until the screen blurred through your tears.
You didn't want to burden Quinn with the negativity; he had enough on his plate with his career.
But the pressure of pretending everything was fine began to wear on you.
Each snide remark, each insult, each unwarranted attack chipped away at your composure. You found yourself avoiding social gatherings, skipping outings with friends, and declining invitations to events.
The anxiety of facing the world outside your bubble of home grew into an overwhelming panic.
Then came the night of a Canucks family night. The whole team had gathered at a local restaurant to celebrate their victory. You sat in the corner, trying to blend into the background with your eyes locked on Evie who was curled into Quinn’s arms as he chatted away with Petey.
You sat with a small smile as Natalie, J.T. Miller’s wife, approached you.
"Hey, I’ve seen some pretty awful stuff people have been saying online recently," she began cautiously, laying her hand atop of yours. "Are you okay?"
"It's fine," you lied, your facade cracking. You felt your hands begin to tremble and your throat to tighten. You sucked in a breath before forcing a tense smile, that didn’t reach your eyes. "People can be cruel, but I can handle it."
She didn't push further, but her concern lingered around you, as she reassured you that you could text her anytime.
Later in the night, as you watched Quinn with Evie, laughing and enjoying the night, you felt a pang of guilt. He deserved to know what you were going through, but how could you add to his stress?
That night, after putting Evie to bed, you sat on the edge of your shared bed and stared at the wall. The comments replayed in your mind, louder and more vicious than ever. You could hear the whispers of doubt, the echo of every cruel word.
Finally, you broke.
The sobs came in raw and uncontrollable waves, as you clutched a pillow to your chest to muffle the sound so that Evie and Quinn wouldn’t be alerted.
Quinn found you in that position, curled up and shaking, tears staining your cheeks as your shoulders wracked with your sobs. He rushed to your side, pulling you into his arms, where you let your sadness bubble over as you blurted everything to Quinn
"Why didn't you tell me?" he whispered, his voice filled with hurt as he pulled you closer.
You couldn't find the words. All you could do was hold on to him, feeling the warmth of his body radiating as he held you close to his chest and lulled you into sleep.
The next morning, as the first light of the morning filtered through the curtains of your room, Quinn sat beside you on the bed, his hand gently rubbing your back as your eyes blinked open.
"We need to talk about last night," he said softly, his eyes searching yours once you were fully awake. You nodded shyly, your fingers clutching the bed sheets.
"I didn't want to worry you," you eventually admitted. "I thought I could handle it, but it just got so overwhelming."
"You don't have to handle this alone. We're a team, remember?” Quinn took a deep breath, his expression determined. "If something's hurting you, it's hurting me too."
"I'm made a statement last night," He continued carefully causing your eyes to widen while he reached for his phone. "People needed to know that this wasn’t okay."
The last thing you wanted was to cause more drama, but Quinn was right. This had to stop.
You watched as he handed you his phone, Instagram open with his newest post pulled up. It was his favourite picture of the three of you. It had been taken by Ellen when she’d come to visit and consisted of you and Quinn holding Evie’s hands as she walked between you in the park nearby your house.
Your gaze darted down to the caption and tears instantly pricked your eyes.
"I am incredibly fortunate to have an amazing partner, y/n and a wonderful daughter, Evie. Recently, there has been an uptake in hurtful comments and harassment directed at them which have been deeply troubling and completely unacceptable. This has to stop. As a player on the Canucks, I am ashamed to read countless harmful words directed at my family by people who claim to be fans of the team. Words have power. Thank you for your understanding and support."
As you instinctively dove into the comments, you realised the response was immediate and overwhelming. Messages of support and love flooded in, drowning out any lingering hate. Friends, fans, and even teammates rallied around you, offering words of encouragement and love for the three of you.
Throughout the day, Quinn (who had a day off) never left your side, as the three of you curled up on the couch and had a lazy day. He fielded calls and texts, his protective instincts kicking into high gear. Evie, sensing the tension, clung to you both, sprawling between you and Quinn for comfort.
You glanced at Quinn, who had his hand in Evie’s, his face smiling at a joke from the movie and you knew that despite the turmoil, your little family was going to be okay
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