#hockey player izuku x reader
imagination-mess · 4 months
Hockey Player! Izuku Midoriya Part Two
This is a continuation of this post. This post will contain an idea about the voice memo from this post.
Word Count: 1,000+
Warning: Sexual Activity implied, parties
Sorry for the grammatical errors in advance.
He is very affectionate, but he is also a damn tease.
Every time he gets off the rink, if you are close by, he will kiss your cheeks and throat. He is freezing cold. He will stick his head around your neck and sneak his cold hands underneath your clothes on purpose. He will claim that he is cold and needs his personal heater. 
As mentioned before, he needs to have his hands on you somehow. If he finds a way to be close to you, he will be the type to slip his hand into the back of your pants pockets. If you are sitting on his lap, he will place his hand on your thigh and softly squeeze it whenever he pleases while talking to other people.
You better believe he was one of those players who groaned and whined about the time. When there was a ban, the player’s significant other could no longer visit during practice and could no longer stay back after practice without someone else from the faculty staying behind. There were several complaints from the maintenance crew. It is related to the incidents in the locker room involving finding personal items such as undergarments or condom wrappers. It was a huge scandal because no one knew who it was. At least if he does it, he will collect his evidence.
As a collective, they would definitely snitch on someone if they knew who it was because their privilege would have been revoked. More than half of the players had significant others who would occasionally visit. It quickly became a game of pointing fingers at each other, and the coach was not having it. That was when the decision was made to ban everyone. The coach made them do more drills than usual as punishment.
He will complain about it to you. He wants to see your face right after practice, so he has to wait until he is completely done. Do you know why he will miss it because he won’t be able to stick his cold fingers and face upon your skin whenever he gets off the rink before heading to the locker room to change? 
Yet he will never fail to sneak behind you whenever you are around your friends, to the point that they are immune to your boyfriend's antics of sneaking behind you, attacking you with hugs or kisses, before running to his next class. 
People do try to pursue him, even though he has shown you off throughout his media and is clearly showing PDA with you. He may or may not encourage you to leave a hickey on him as your man. He wouldn’t complain about it if you did it unprovoked. 
Whenever his schedule is packed to the rim, he can’t come over or visit you between practices. He will send you pictures of random things and selfies of him. He can’t make phone calls because he is immediately knocked out when he rests on his bed. He already gets yelled at by his coach to get off his phone. It doesn’t stop him from sneaking texts and pictures. The ones that will never fail to get to you are the selfies or photos of him at the gym taken by his teammates. You were gone if he sent a voice memo replying to your text while working out. He knows what he is doing; he plays innocent if you question it. 
If he was able to squeeze time to go see you at night when he was beyond exhausted after taking a shower at his dorm, he would come over with an overnight bag to crash at your place. He definitely fell asleep cuddling with you. He has six alarms set up, which you have to turn off because he is sleeping like a damn log. He takes longer to wake up but will appreciate getting kisses for the first thing in the morning. 
Since he has gained popularity by being one of the stars of the hockey team, he gets invited to numerous parties, but he will always ask if you would like to go with him. 
If you do go, he becomes a guard dog over you because he knows some people party a little too hard. He doesn’t drink a lot and rejects party games. He would rather be sober if he needed to jump someone with his quickness. This is especially true if it's a big party with people he doesn’t know. 
If it's a smaller party and he knows all of them, he will join the drinking games—the dumbest games in existence—if you want to join. 
However, the pros of dating one of the hockey players are that the team is close-knit and will throw hands for each other, in addition to the significant others of their teammates. It’s an unspoken rule within the team. 
However, if you don’t want to, he wouldn’t force you but rather invite you for a date night instead. Yes, he will use it as an excuse for his absence at the party. 
He would go as far as to get materials to bake cookies because he loves baking cookies with you and it's fun.
If you send him a provocative picture or text, please know he will drop everything and appear within 2 hours after he is about to sneak away or sacrifice sleep for you.
His social media is filled with pictures of the two of you, clearly showing that he is taken. 
Please note that post-game, his mental state is in that state of competitiveness. 
Please know that if he ever catches you watching edits of him on the field, he gets a confidence boost each time. 
You were surprised at how fast Izuku bodyslammed into another team's player because they motioned to you to call them or point in your direction, saying something that you couldn't hear. It has happened more than once, despite you wearing Izuku's old jersey.
You are always on his phone screen, and he often changes it to his favorite picture of you.
Next: Eijirou Kirishima
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I just watched my first in person hockey game and it reminded me of this au where izuku is a hockey player and he always sees you skating before they start practice and he gets pushed to ask you out it was like a couple blurbs from someone a long time ago and I want to find them again so bad 😭😭😭😭
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honeipie · 5 months
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part 2; izuku midoryia x fem!reader
synopsis: the captain of japan’s hockey team has his eye on the coach’s daughter
( the smaller font is gonna be a flashback! )
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izuku midoryia, the black heron. people never really know what they are, and that’s what adds to his un-expecting nature. the black heron is most known for its unique methods for catching prey. the bird forms its wings to look like an umbrella, keeping out light from under them. the fish then mindlessly assume that this is shelter, some sort of safe haven. that is until the heron strikes, making sure that nothing is left behind.
he never wanted to get into any fights. if he had participated in one it’s likely because he had been roped into it trying to get katsuki out.
there were two reasons he didn't feel the need to fight. one, he just wasn't raised that way. if inko knew that he was picking any fight he could get she would drag him out of the rink by his ear. and the second was you.
"i don't like seeing you get hurt izu. especially when it's because of someone else" you had snuck back into the locker room once all of the players, plus your dad, had went home. the first aid kit sat by your side because he didn't let anybody else tend to him. he had said he was fine, but you weren't just going to let him go on in his current state.
"i know, i'm sorry" he mumbled under his breath, almost embarrassed that you had to see him this way "i just wanted to pull kacchan out of there. you know how he can be"
you placed a band aid on his cheek before placing your hand over it "i know you worry about him, but sometimes it's okay to let him fight his own battles. how will he learn if he never gets a chance?" his eyes gazed into yours and finally gave in. he let out a sigh leaning his head more into your hand.
"you're right. i'm sorry again"
you giggled at the sight of him. practically melting into you with the most apologetic tone. leaning in you placed a soft peck on his lips "it's okay my love. you're just trying to be the best captain you can be"
the kiss left him with a giddy smile on his face. he just loved you so much. it's not like he didn't want to make your relationship known to the world, he did. it's just your father was the problem.
yes, he was an amazing coach and mentor, but he played no games when it came to you. and yes, the two of you were both adults and could do what you wanted. it’s just that both of you knew that the news would probably piss him off for the rest of the season.
it really all started at one of the first practices you had attended, denki decided that it would be a bright idea to discuss just how attractive you were in the locker room.
"i mean did you even see her? she's gorgeous!"
sero chuckled grabbing his jersey "gorgeous, yeah, but she's the coach's kid, so messing with her is some dangerous game you're playing"
denki shrugged with a smirk on his face "i ain't afraid of a challenge" the locker room went silent after that comment. denki lifted his head up with a raised eyebrow "c'mon you can't tell me that you wouldn't want to get with her!"
"get with who exactly?"
the voice made denki's blood run cold. he gulped silently as he turned in his spot. he came face to face with your father who did not look happy. arms crossed, he took another step closer to him.
"get with who?"
“i- nobody-“
“i should shove you against these lockers right now. don’t ever speak of my daughter like that again do you hear me?” he looked up making sure to make eye contact with every single player in that room “this goes out for everyone. if one of you even thinks about getting with her then breakin’ her heart i swear i’ll make your career living hell. do you understand?”
a bunch of yes sir’s could be heard around the room. it was right on time, because you had just made your way into the locker room but with your back turned.
“everyone is decent right? i don’t wanna see anyone’s junk”
“you’re fine y/n” your dad shook his head as you turned around with a smile. in your hand you held a plate of cookies with labels on some of them “sweetheart, why would you bring those everyone’s on a strict diet”
you rolled your eyes taking off the plastic wrap “dad i know. that’s why i made the healthier cookies not the regular ones. they have flaxseed, bananas, oats, stuff like that!” you looked around the room with a happy smile “does anybody want one?”
the team looked down at the plate of cookies, then at you father. he nodded in approval which made them cheer in approval. you went around the locker room handing them each a cookie. when you got to izuku it was like the world stopped for a moment. freckles scattered across his face, and shifting when he went to smile.
his smile.
it was one of those things that you would never get tired of.
you’ve had a crush on him for a while, but had only seen him on television or from a distance. when your father said you could help out at the rink you’ve never been faster to agree.
the sound of your name quickly pulled you from your daydreaming. izuku had been calling your name growing concerned each time you didn’t answer.
“sorry! i zoned out for a second there”
the smile made its way back onto his face hearing you were okay “good, i just wanted to know what the options were”
you explained everything that you had and he ended up taking one of the more plain cookies. deciding it was now or never, you made some conversation.
“you’re the captain right? how’s captaining?” what a smooth talker you were.
he chuckled a bit at your question “yeah, i am. captaining has been good. just hoping i can lead my guys to victory, y’know?”
you nodded along ready to leave before you embarrassed yourself any more, but there was one more thing you had to say.
“you’re doing great. the way you encourage your teammates and bring them all together is really inspiring. you can even tell the difference in the way they’re playing. just keep doing what you’re doing” with a smile you walked off going to hand off the last of your cookies.
red, everything was red. izuku had to turn his whole body just to make sure your father didn’t see the way he was blushing. the compliments you gave him were like cupid’s arrows to the heart.
katsuki stood next to him watching the whole interaction go down. with a shake of his head he sighed “you’re in fuckin’ trouble”
you had been “seeing” each other for a couple of weeks, but decided to make it official about six months ago. both of you being extremely happy and secure in your current relationship, and maybe when the hockey season was over you could really settle.
by the next game, izuku could take the small bandages off his face. there was no pre-game routine the two of you had, you didn’t need one. he knew you were there for him and only him, and you trusted him enough not to do anything. though you did keep a piece of him with you as he played.
usually you would wear a hoodie to games, so underneath you would wear one of his shirts. and don’t think forgot about you. izuku had carved your initials into his favorite hockey stick long ago. you decided on sitting in the box with the players on the bench, just on a separate chair. this game would be a big one, and you could tell by your fathers pacing back and forth.
“they’ve got this dad, don’t worry”
he sat down next to you with a heavy sigh “i know honey. we just can’t have anything go wrong” you gave him a pat on the back as you watched them line up. izuku had took his place with a focused gaze.
he was naturally a fun and playful person, but as soon as he stepped onto that ice, it was go time.
the starting sound rang out and they were off. speeding across the ice like their lives depended on it. you cheered every time a goal was scored making sure izuku could hear you above the others.
they were doing amazing in the first two periods. always up by at least three points. plus not even one fight insinuated from katsuki. it’s in the third period where you saw things start to get a little rocky. izuku was starting to slip. every time a certain player from the opposing team got near him he would miss a shot completely.
your dad whistled for him to come back over to the bench “kid the hell are you doing? get it together before you’re benched for the rest of the game, you hear me?” izuku gave him a silent nod, but you could tell that he was barely listening. you wanted to reach out, to ask what’s wrong, but all you could do was sit back and watch it happen. it was a good minute before izuku was let back on the ice again.
he had seemed to regather himself and was able to shoot a few passes, but once the player came back it all went downhill.
you could see your dad shaking his head out of the corner of your eye “dad maybe it’s just an off day. everybody has them-“
you had looked away for a second.
and when you looked back you saw izuku yelling at one of the players from the other team. the player had shoved him hard which gave izuku an opening. balling up his fists he sent a punch directly to his right cheek, but he didn’t stop there. he made sure to grab his jersey and pull him down to the ground with one hand and still tried to punch him with the other.
the refs finally stopped it when they saw the other guys nose was starting to bleed. two of them just had to pull izuku off the guy. he had been so distracted by what the guy said he didn’t even know he had kept going. you watched as they didn’t even drag him to the penalty box, but off the ice.
he couldn’t even look at you as he walked down the hallway back into the locker rooms.
“what the hell’s gotten into him-“
you didn’t wait for your dad to finish his sentence as you climbed over the small wall and headed down into the locker rooms.
“izu?” you saw him sitting on one of the benches head down and in his hands. there was some room next to him so you sat down gently rubbing his back “baby what happened out there?”
he didn’t talk right away, just trying to get his breathing back under control.
“they were just- just talking a bunch of shit. i didn’t care when they were doing it about me, that’s whatever. but somehow they know about me and you. the only people that really know is the team. i’m not sure how it even got to him”
it finally clicked. how he was playing, how the players kept getting close to him.
“you did it cause they were talking about me? izu you didn’t have to”
he shook his head “no, no i did have to. y/n you’re my girlfriend. if you think i’m gonna let some douchebag insult you when you’re not there to defend yourself then you’re crazy”
“oh izu” you cupped the other side of his cheek going to turn his head to face you. at first he wouldn’t meet your eyes, but it didn’t take long for his to find yours again “i am very thankful that you defended me like that. i would even say it was very, very hot”
this made him laugh, showing the smile you fell in love with.
“what i’m trying to say is thank you” you leaned in giving him a long kiss. when you pulled away you finally noticed the cuts and spot that was definitely going to bruise “i’ll get something to clean you up” you went to turn on the bench but stopped seeing someone standing in the doorway. the two of you stared in shock for a second before you got up “dad don’t do anything stupid”
he walked closer to the two of you, nodding his head towards the other hallway “the first aid kit hasn’t been refilled from the last fight. can you go find someone who can do that for us?”
“dad i don’t think”
“fine” you leaned down to kiss izuku’s cheek, but also whispered in his ear “i’ll be right back”
once you turned the corner, your father sat down next to izuku with a sigh. the green haired male looked down at his hands unsure what to say.
“i love your daughter” he blurted out cheeks bright pink from embarrassment “really, really love her. and i know you don’t want anyone from the team dating her-“
“no sir, i’m sorry i have to finish this” izuku looked him straight in his eyes a small lump forming in his throat. this could either go amazingly well, or absolutely horrible. your father stared him down for a couple of seconds before nodding that he could continue “thank you sir” after taking a deep breath he went on to start.
“i tried to respect your wishes, i did. but every time i saw her, it was like i was drawn to her. i wanted to make her laugh because i love her laugh. and i wanted to make her smile more than anyone or anything. you raised such a kind, beautiful, and caring daughter that i just- just can’t imagine my life without. sorry if you think this is not manly of me, it’s definitely not how i thought this was going to go. thought i’d puff my chest out and do some big ‘it’s not your choice anyway’ shit but i’m not like that” he shook his head “you’re her father, and i respect that. i wanted to let you know how i really feel, and that she’s in good hands”
your father listened intently to izuku’s lovesick rambling. he noticed the way he smiled when he talked about you. along with some far off look in his eye. probably daydreaming about the future the two of you hold. lifting up a hand he clapped izuku on the back “i appreciate everything you’ve said. and i hope this doesn’t make it any less when i say this but.. i already knew about the two of you. maybe not dating but i could tell from every interaction the two of you had that something was going on”
izuku’s mouth hung open at the news. he just couldn’t believe that he had hid it for this long.
“i trust you. i trust you on the ice, and i trust you with my daughter. you’ve been nothing but good to her. so if you want my blessing you’ve had it for a long time. for what you two are doing now, and any plans you have in the future” with his other hand he tapped one of izuku’s fingers making his face turn a deeper shade of red.
“thank you sir. i’ve been thinking about it a lot lately and-“
“thinking about what?” you asked walking into the room with a first aid kit. eyebrows knit together at the sight of your fathers hand on izuku’s shoulder “dad please tell me you didn’t threaten him or something. i’m a grown woman and i think i should be able to be with whoever i want” you’ve been mustering up the courage to say that ever since you’ve retrieved the first aid kit. your father got up heading over to you.
“i agree”
“i can try to see where you’re coming from but- huh?” you stopped your practiced speech when he came over to hug you.
“he’s a good kid, and i can tell he loves you” he placed a gentle kiss at the top of your head “im sorry that i made you feel like you needed to hide this from me. your mother has told me countless times that we need to set boundaries and i never listened, but i am now”
you started to tear up, but quickly blinked them away “thank you dad. that means a lot” a horn sounded meaning that the brake was now over. he stepped away going back into the doorway before turning around.
“midoryia this doesn’t mean that you’re off the hook. you’re out for the rest of the game so get cleaned up” he pointed towards the two of you “but not together”
your face got hot and you grabbed the nearest jacket and threw it at him “get out!” he let out a roaring laugh that echoed through the halls until he was gone. shaking you head you sat next to izuku again “the audacity of that man” you mumbled going to open up the first aid kit but he stopped you.
izuku gently grabbed your one hand placing a kiss to your wrist. this made you giggle but you didn’t pull away “what’s with you?”
he then placed a kiss to the back of your hand “i’m just happy he found out. it’s like a weight lifted off my shoulders” you hummed in agreement.
“so what did you tell him?”
the last kiss was placed on your fingers. the fingers that intertwined with his own. the fingers that held his face every time you wanted his attention. the fingers that soon would be accented with a beautiful wedding ring.
“the truth”
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wwwcapricorncom · 3 years
My Hero Academia Masterlist
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1.Only Dumb For You -(Hockey player Bakugou X Fem cheerleader)
2. BigMommyMilkKnockers -(Pro Shoto X Fem Single Mom)
3. “The Question Isn’t Who Am I, It’s Where Am I.” (Scream Series Pt.1) - (Apart of my Kinktober 2021)
4. “I Want To Play A Game”, Second Part to GhostFace Series (Apart of my Kinktober 2021)
5. “What Do You Want! ...To See What Your Insides Look Like”, Final Part to Ghostface Series (Apart of my Kinktober 2021)
6. New Year Fun (New Year Special)-  (Katsuki Bakugou x POC F. Reader)
7.) The Thin Walls Started It!- (Hitoshi Shinsou x POC F! Reader x Kaminari Denki)
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1. Cumming untouched/ slightly untouched - with Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto x Fem Reader
2. How they would introduce anal play -With Izuku, Katsuki, Shoto, and Shinsou x Fem Reader
3. Their Favorite Places To Have Sex With You- With Izuku, Katsuki, and Shoto, and Sero x Fem POC Reader
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1. Body Worship- Izuku x Fem Reader (apart of Kinktober 2021)
2. Too Dirty To Be A Hero- With Dabi X Fem Hybrid Bunny Quirk Reader
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scarlettriot · 3 years
Breaking Point - Damsel in Distress
Pairing: Hockey Player Eijiro Kirishima x F!Reader
Warnings: Minors DNI, Swearing, mentions of penis
Contains: As the pairing suggests, Kiri is a hockey player, reader is also plus size, Kiri gets hard.
Summary: A series of unforeseen events lead you and Kiri to share a bed in the cute little inn after the game.
Word Count: 4,795
A/N: Part SIX in the Breaking Point Series! It's been a minute so I have a few reminders for ya; Reader's assigned nickname from Bakugo is Squeaks. There is also some text convo in here, Reader is Purple and Mina is Pink. Friendly reminder this is a quirkless AU.
Other Parts:
Breaking Point - Part One - Locked Out Breaking Point - Part Two - Intimacy Breaking Point - Part Three - On Ice Breaking Point - Part Four - Stitches Breaking Point - Part Five - Just Platonic
Tags: @sleepynaya, @kenmakai, @ace-of-books, @swirrley, @mistyfoxson @weebaboobs @silverhairsimp - Thank you 💋
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Winning at an away game never felt quite right. The cheers for your team were always drowned out by the jeers from the other. Even the few loyal, ecstatic fans that greeted the guys when they came off the ice couldn’t really make up for the looks of disappointment on the home team's faces.
This was why all celebrations were reserved for when you got back home. One’s where everyone could share in the excitement, go out to the club that had become a regular haunt, or have a bit of a party in someone’s dorm.
So, for now, all that was left to do tonight was find some food, take showers, and rest.
Everyone trickled back to the inn, a few couples breaking off to grab a bite to eat out and others wanted to head for showers right away. You followed the latter group, not so much for the shower but you were interested to see what kind of homemade dinner the inn had waiting.
You sat in the back of Eijiro’s jeep again with Izuku beside you and Katsuki in front of him, listening as the three chattered on about the game and a particularly good play Katsuki and Tetsu had managed to pull off. And before you knew it, you were pulling up to the inn again, Hanta’s car with Mina and Denki in it too, followed shortly after.
You’d gone to your room with the intention of looking at the small menu that had been provided after changing into comfortable shorts but before you had the chance you’d gotten momentarily distracted by the sight of yourself in the mirror. Still wearing Eijiro’s sweater, it looked like your legs were bare underneath like you were practically wearing a dress, but damn was it cozy. Kept you warm all through the game and you could easily take it off and walk it down to his room right now but… one night with it couldn’t hurt.
Grabbing the menu off the desk, you sat on the foot of one of the beds, surprised at all the different options they had available. You’d been looking at the side options when muffled voices, a door slamming shut, and then a sizable thud made you crawl from the bed and poke your head outside the room to find Eijiro on the ground, head hung low.
“Man… I just wanted to shower first.” He mumbled, not even noticing anyone in the hall with him.
“Eijiro?” The redhead lifted his gaze up from the floor to meet yours. He even still had his bag beside him, hair a sweaty mess, the braid a lost cause, “What happened?”
“Toshi surprised Denks, and they’re, well who are we kidding, they’re fucking, which means, I’ve been kicked out for the foreseeable future.”
You walked over to him, standing between his widespread legs. “Is this what woulda happened if I hadn’t been outside my apartment that night you had bleach on your head?”
His eyes ran up the length of you, but he didn’t linger long enough for you to comment. “Does this mean you’ve come to save me once again?”
Sighing, you held out your hands to him, wiggling your fingers for him to take. “C’mon my damsel in distress. You know I’ll always rescue you.” He genuinely looked as if you just told him he won the lottery.
“What’s wrong?” He asked when he picked up his bag and noticed you jiggling your door handle. “Wait… please tell me you didn’t.”
“Yeah, I don’t have my key…” You admitted sheepishly, “I didn’t know the doors automatically locked.”
He has a bit of a pout on his lip. “You’re supposed to be my knight in shining hockey sweater, who’s gonna save us now?”
“I’ll still save ya.” You patted his chest, not really wanting to go down to the front desk looking like you weren’t wearing pants but you didn’t see another way out of this. “I’ll be right back.”
Eijiro let his bag fall to the floor again, leaning against your door waiting for you to come back when another door opened. “You two are the cutest couple,” Mina smirked with Hanta peaking right over her shoulder and Eijiro’s face grew red.
“We’re not a couple! Stop sayin’ that!”
“My knight in shining hockey sweater,” Hanta mocked, pretending to faint in Mina’s arms.
“I’m gonna throw my game socks at the both of you, I swear! And they’re bad, like, really bad!”
Both of them laughed like idiots, closing the door to their room.
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“Are you hungry!” You yelled through the bathroom door, hoping Eijiro would hear you over the water.
“I’m always hungry!”
Right, dumb question.
“We’ve only got like ten minutes to call in an order to the kitchens, if we don’t, we’re gonna have to run out for food.”
“‘M lazy. I don’t wanna go out again!”
“Want me to read you the menu?”
“Yes! Just open the door so we can stop yelling!”
You hesitated for a moment, hand lingering over the knob of the door. He was obviously going to be well hidden behind a shower curtain. And, he was the one who told you to come in anyways. You sucked in a deep breath and pushed open the door.
Steam had covered the window and mirror, Eijiro’s dirty clothes laid in a pile behind the door, his clean ones waiting for him on the sink's edge. “So, what’s on the menu?” He asked.
Skipping over the vegetarian options that you knew would be of little interest to him, “Right. There’s an angus cheeseburger, shepherd's pie, beef stew, chicken…” You glanced up from the paper in hand and could see his silhouette perfectly. Arms moving up to his hair, watching as his head tipped back into the stream of water…
He snickered, his head still with soap clinging to it popping up over the curtain, standing at his full height. “You just said ‘chicken’, chicken what?”
“Oh, it’s chicken paprikash. Sorry.” You murmured.
Eijiro ducked back into the shower. “If I didn’t know better, it sounded kinda like something had you distracted.”
“Me? No, no, I’m just trying to figure out what I want. That’s all.” That was bullshit. You knew what you wanted before you found him in the hallway but he didn’t pick on you any further, instead, he listened to you read off the lists of sides to pick from and then settled on a dish.
You could see him brace his hands against the wall of the shower, head forward with wet hair curtaining it. He let the hot water crash over his back and you could only imagine how sore he had to be after these games, the aches, and pains, not to mention the times he took on injuries. The warmth of the water had to feel heavenly.
“Still here?” His hand pushed the hair back out of his eyes and you knew he couldn’t see you through the curtain but damn it felt like he was staring right at you.
“Sorry, did you want a drink with it? It comes with one.”
“Tea, if they have it. Green or something sweet.”
“You got it.” And you turned to leave before you wasted the rest of your night watching him like a little creep.
By the time he was finished, you had the order placed and were curled up on your bed, the book you were currently reading open and your nose buried in it.
“We’ve gotta run down and pick it up but they said it should be ready in,” You looked at the alarm clock, “About fifteen minutes.”
He unceremoniously flopped down on the bed you hadn’t claimed, flat on his back, arms splayed wide. “Perfect, fifteen minute cat nap for me. Wake me up when we gotta go get it?” He turned his head towards you with a quirky grin but you agreed, returning to your book, eyes only glancing at him in the moments you flipped between pages.
And when the time came, you shook his knee and he woke right up. Dutifully following you out the door and groaning when he saw the little do not disturb sign hanging off the doorknob of his shared room.
“We can check again after dinner, they should be done by then.”
Eijiro nodded and you continued down to the dining room where you gave a man your room number and two large trays of food we brought out. If it tasted even half as good as it smelled, you were gonna be a happy woman.
You both sat on the spare bed, munching at the delicious food, picking off each other’s plates, and talking about whatever came to mind. Eijiro was happy to finish off the last little bit of your meal and then he saw the box on the edge of your tray, unopened, “What’s that.”
“I didn’t get dessert…”
“Don’t you pout,” you laughed at him and handed him over the box, “I had a feeling I’d be too full for it anyways. I just want a bite, okay?”
He was quick to open it, a slow smile taking over his face, “This is my favorite.”
“I know, that’s why I got it.” You didn’t tell him it was extra because he’d insist on paying you back which was ridiculous.
“You’re too good to me.” He gathered a bit of the treat for you, “C’mere.” Leaving you to lean over the trays and take the spoonful. You hadn’t even swallowed yet, didn’t have time to pull away when his thumb brushed against your chin, whipping off a bit that had fallen off the spoon and popped it directly in his mouth with a grin that made your heart jump.
You had to shake the feeling quickly. “Want me to go check on the room for you while you eat that?”
“That’d be great, thanks!”
You were already sliding off the bed though, walking to the door trying to calm down your racing heart.
The placard was still dangling off the door handle. “Sorry, looks like they're still goin’ at it.” His head drooped forward, taking another spoonful, finishing off the dessert.
When he brought his head back up you could actually see how tired he really was, the drive, then the game, all he probably wanted to do was get to sleep.
“Why don’t you just take my spare bed? That way you don’t have to wait until gods know when for them to be done.”
His eyes went a little wide. “You really wouldn’t mind?”
“Of course not.” He was your friend after all, one that you had started to really care for, and you couldn’t just leave him with no place to sleep for the night.
“I’d totally be fine crashing in my jeep for the night.”
“Eijiro, that’s ridiculous. The temperatures dropping and you don’t even have the roof on!”
He rubbed the back of his neck, “Right, I forgot about that...”
“Right. So, just take that bed and problem solved.”
His face was so damn sincere, “Thank you.”
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After running down to the front desk a second time, in need of purchasing Eijiro a spare toothbrush since his was in the other room, you delivered it through the bathroom door and then promptly burrowed your way back into bed with your book while he completed his nightly routine.
He fished his laptop out of his bag along with a pair of headphones. “Thought I’d watch something before going to bed. It helps me shut my brain off, ya know? I can use my headphones if you wanna keep reading but I thought I’d at least offer in case you wanted to watch it with me.”
Sleep wasn’t beckoning you yet and you and Eijiro did always have the same taste in shows. “Sure, what are we watchin’?”
He threw back the covers and sat on his bed with the laptop on his knee and from memory rattled off the choices he said you could pick from, movies and TV shows he already had downloaded. After minor deliberation, you agreed on a show that he loaded up once the blankets were over him and he positioned the laptop at the edge of his bed. “Can you see alright?”
You really couldn’t, the distance between the two beds was just far enough that the screen was too small and, it seemed that even though you told Eijiro it was fine, he knew that it wasn’t.
“You could, well, you could just come over here and we could put it between us.” He suggested and you had to take a second.
The number of times you shared a sofa with Eijiro to watch TV was in the hundreds by now, laying in a bed to do the same thing was perfectly fine! You were both adults! Friends! It shouldn’t be a big deal laying on the same bed with your friend to watch a show with. So, you crawled out from under the blankets of your bed and scooted into the space he provided beside him.
He set the laptop up in the small space left between you two and pressed play. “This better?”
“Yeah, it is, thanks.”
Laying on your side with your hands tucked underneath your pillow. Only ten minutes had passed when your feet felt the chill of the crisp sheets. The last thing you wanted was to bother him but you couldn’t help but subtly rub them together to try and get some warmth back into your toes.
Instantly, you stop moving. “A little. Just my feet though. I refuse to wear socks in bed. It’s so wrong.”
He lifted the laptop and rested it on his leg instead, moving his arm to invite you closer. “C’mere then. You always say I’m like a space heater when we hug. This way I can put it to good use.”
You laid in the crook of his arm, instantly feeling his body heat that he constantly generates, and felt his shin press against your feet and Eijiro laughed, “You weren’t kiddin’, they’re like little ice cubes.”
Something about his easy smile and the way he didn’t jerk away from your toes, had you feeling completely calm. Your shoulders had relaxed, you curled into his side, every notation of this being something you shouldn’t do was long gone.
You’d been so entirely at peace that you hadn’t even realized Eijiro had fallen asleep and it wasn’t long after that you had followed him.
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Hours later, the moon still gracing the sky, sunlight hours away, you’d stirred in your sleep. Winking your eyes open and squinting at a bleary bright light, just at the edge of the bed wondering what it could be… Shit!
Acting quickly, you lunged over Eijiro’s sleeping body and caught the corner of the laptop that had teetered to the edge of the bed. You quietly shut it and placed it safely on the nightstand for him to put away tomorrow morning since it was obvious he wasn’t going to be doing it anytime soon with how he was snoring.
Carefully you started to move away from the sleeping giant, having every intention of going back to your own bed when he grumbled in his sleep and you froze, giving two large arms time to wrap you up and held you against his chest. Effectively stuck.
You stayed still in his grasp, heart hammering against your ribs. Innocently falling asleep together, that was one thing but, this felt very intimate. His arms low on your back, the way he moved his legs and tangled them up with yours, it felt too close, too real. You’d been considering ways to escape when you heard his snore taper off to a hum and one of his hands started softly rubbing your back.
His voice was slurred with sleep, “Don’t go, ‘mm, I like this.”
“Eijiro?” You whispered, lifting your head up to look at him because there was no possible way he could be awake and have said that, right?
Even in the dark of the room, you could make out Eijiro’s features. His red hair was a wild mess across the pillow and falling in front of his closed eyes and his lips were just slightly agape. By all accounts, he still looked fast asleep.
It was when you tried moving again that he gave a pouty little whine and it made you give in. “Alright, fine,” you shushed him, “‘M not going anywhere.”
Looking up at his face again, you could see his lips arc up into the smallest grin; proud of his victory, even in his slumber.
Your head settled against his chest, body laying atop his, legs coiled around each other.
One final thought fluttered across your mind before you fell asleep again, it was the steady drumming of Eijiro’s heart and the way it beat at the same rate as your own and how much you loved the sound.
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Eijiro was woken up by the trill of his phone, vibrating so damn much it nearly wiggled its way off the nightstand but he managed to catch it at the last second. He looked down to find you still snuggled into his chest, one hand clinging to his shirt and the other, well, he could just feel it behind his shoulder.
“Sorry ‘bout this.” He grumbled into the top of your head and with his free hand tried to cover your ear.
“WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!” Was Katsuki’s greeting the moment he accepted the call.
“Morning, man.”
“Morning, man,” Katsuki mocked, “Don’t you morning man, me! Dunce face said you never went back to your room last night and now you’re not at fuckin’ breakfast. Where are you?”
Before Eijiro could answer him, you let out the most adorable noise he’d ever heard. Just a yawn as your head seemed to turn to try to get away from the conversation.
“Who the fuck was that- wait…” Eijiro’s heart started to race, “Squeaks isn’t here either. Hah, finally grew a pair, huh?”
“Bakugo- no- you’ve got the wrong-“
“‘Bout damn time, now put your clothes back on and get down here. I wanna get headed back soon.”
The line went dead before he had a chance to clarify a damn thing.
He’d worry about it in a couple minutes, right now you were soft and warm and he was going to savor every moment of this you let him have. He might not have known when the hell you got in his arms like this but he couldn’t have been happier about it.
“Good morning to you.” He mumbled when your head shift back, now that Katsuki wasn’t yelling anymore.
“Why does he gotta be so mad so early?”
“Because he needs more coffee.” He chuckles, but then you’re pushing yourself up, about to say something else only to abruptly stop and oh fuck did he know why.
What he didn’t know was why he hadn’t realized it sooner. He’d been too comfortable. Too relaxed but now there was heat rising up his neck and he knew it was flooding his cheeks too. There was no way to avoid it, no way you hadn’t felt it, fucking hell, it was pressed right up against your stomach!
He took in a deep breath and faced the situation head on. “So, yeah, that’s my dick, and if we could just not talk about this that’d be great, thanks!” And, he gave you exactly no time to say a single thing before lifting you off him and setting you down on the bed so he could quickly roll out of the blankets and make a break for the bathroom.
You sat on the bed where he left you, mildly dumbfounded over what just happened, and for a whole minute, just one thought occupied your entire mind; how’s it that big!
There was no possible way you could keep this entirely to yourself. You sprung for your phone and triple checked you were on Mina’s chat:
You: Were you just not gonna warn me that Kirishima has a MASSIVE cock!?!?
Mina: He does!? REALLY!
You were in the middle of responding when a flurry of messages came through and it looked like Eijiro wasn’t the only one who needed to correct someone about last night.
Mina: Wait a sec Mina: How do you know he has a massive cock? Mina: OH MY GODS!!!! Mina: YOU GUYS FINALLY FUCKED!
You: No
Mina: Just platonic… BULLSHIT!
You: Mina, seriously, we didn’t.
Mina: Then how do you know! Did you, like, walk in on him in the shower? Because that would have been a good time to hop on that apparently massive cock.
You: We cuddled. Morning wood happened.
Mina: You cuddled this morning and he got hard?
You: Technically we slept together. He woke up with it.
Mina: If you slept together why are you now surprised by the size of his dick?
It wasn’t even nine in the morning and you were getting a headache. Pinching the bridge of your nose. You heard the faucet turn meaning he’d be out in a second.
You: We DID NOT fuck. But yeah, big, big dick.
Mina: I want details ASAP! Like, did you actually see it? Big as in length or width? OR BOTH? You’re so damn lucky…
Her text went on but you shoved your phone away when Eijiro walked back into the room and though you tried your hardest, your eyes instantly went to his groin for a second, the faintest outline now visible in his dark sweats now that his erection had time to go down.
By the time your eyes had trailed up to his face, Eijiro had been turning for his bag but, not quick enough. He caught you staring, that was obvious, just as obvious as you seeing his still pink cheeks and the smirk he was wearing.
“So,” he changed the subject, “Sleep well?”
“Better than I have in a while actually.”
“I know what you mean.” There was a lightness to his voice. Despite the awkwardness that just happened he looked completely sincere, even a little bashful with his hand on the back of his neck admitting, “I’d do it again.”
“Yeah? Me too.”
You hurried off to the bathroom with a change of clothes while he packed away his laptop and other belongings he’d had about the room. Brushing your teeth and washing your face, then sliding into jeans and a fresh t-shirt. Your hoodie was still on the hook at the back of the door, a reminder to give Eijiro his sweater back.
He had everything packed by the time you came out, everything besides that crisp white jersey, draped over the arm of the chair where you left it the night before.
“Left it out on purpose.” He told you when you went to hand it back, “Check the weather.”
“Holy shit! It’s dropped like twenty degrees since yesterday!”
“Wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to pile in someone else’s car, but, if you still wanna ride in the jeep you’re definitely gonna want this. It’s gonna get real- oof- Well, hey there, what’s the for?”
You didn’t know why that exact moment felt like the best to throw your arms around his torso but you did it anyway. You didn’t know what made him care, or why he kept smiling those little grins that had just one corner of his mouth tugging up but it made you feel so completely content that you couldn’t physically help holding onto him for just a second, well, maybe a minute.
“Just because.” It was the easier answer rather than trying to explain to him all the feelings that were running around your head. And he seemed happy to accept it.
His arms wrapped around you, hugging you close, and he kept hugging you until you broke away upon hearing his stomach growl. “C’mon, before Katsuki calls again.”
You tugged the sweater on, slung your bag over your shoulder, and walked out of the room together. Breakfast consisted of a bar with a plethora of different options, enough for you and Eijiro to happy eat your fill even if you were running late. Breakfast also consisted of each of you having to convince Katuski and Mina respectively that you two did not fuck.
“I’m so disappointed in you,” She grumbled and pushed a piece of sausage back and forth when the guys went to go get drink refills, “You two were literally in bed with each other, cuddling, and you didn’t just go for it!”
There wasn’t enough time to explain to Mina why just going for it seemed like such a horrible idea. But, your eyes followed the pair of friends over to the juice bar, watching as Eijiro smiled and fielded the conversation away from Katsuki’s gruff attitude with two pretty girls wearing your universities colors. Loyal fans who traveled all the way to see them play.
“Don’t you even start comparing!” Your eyes went back to Mina whose arms were folded over her chest.
“What do you mean!”
“I see where you’re looking and I’m telling you not to fucking do it! You’re so much better than any of the little ice bunnies that follow the boys around. Stop comparing yourself to them. I know it’s hard but, just remember,” She wiggled her eyebrows, “you got him in bed last night, not them.”
“I’m just saying!”
She didn’t have time to say anything else before Katsuki came back to the table and Eijiro shortly after.
Afterward, everyone was gathered in the lobby with their various bags, going through the check out process and talking over plans for the rest of the day.
Katsuki wanted to throw in another evening practice once everyone was back on campus but he was easily outvoted.
“We won,” Denki reminded him, “And that means we celebrate! I believe it is Mirio’s turn to host,” The older blonde cheerfully smiled, “So, dear captain, we will not be practicing tonight. We will be dancing our butts off celebrating another victory!”
Mirio slung his arm over Denki’s shoulders. “Tamaki and I are gonna stop and get supplies on the way home. Should have the place ready by seven. We won’t keep you out too late.”
Katsuki still complained but he did it quietly.
Izuku was the last of the group to check out, everyone else already heading out to the parking lot and waving goodbyes. You stood in the cool, dreary air by the jeep while you waited on the others, thankful for the hockey sweater you pulled on again, waiting for the others, and were mildly surprised when only Eijiro jogged over.
“Izuku and Katsuki are catching a ride back with Hanta since,” He gestured to the lack of roof, “and Denks is going with Hitoshi… I really won’t blame you if you wanna go with Suka or someone.”
You knew he wouldn’t but you also would feel terrible about him driving all the way back alone. So, you chucked your bag into the backseat and climbed up into the passengers. “Ready when you are!”
He wasted no time blasting the heat the second he got inside. Handing you the AUX cord and telling you to play whatever you liked. The day might have been cold but you barely even realized it, too busy singing and laughing to give a damn.
About an hour into the drive though, you got a text alert and turned the music down for Eijiro to also hear, “Izuku’s plotting.”
“Bet Katsuki’s gonna love that. What’s going on?”
“He really liked that inn and he checked to see if there was a chance we could stay there again when we play them in January.” You explained, “Not only do they have the room, but they’re also holding a party that Friday night. Apparently, they hold one every Friday in January but this one is a masquerade. He’s wondering if anyone else would wanna go to it. Mina’s already agreed.”
“Tell him I do too!” You were a little surprised by his eagerness. “I love parties! And I’ve never been to a masquerade! All the cool masks and stuff! I think it sounds fun. Do you?”
“Yeah, I’ll tell him it’s a yes from the both of us then!”
What you didn’t share with Eijiro were the texts that came in immediately after.
Mina: Of course, Y/N answers for the both of them. Mina: Are you guys gonna actually go together? Mina: As a couple!
“What?” Eijiro asked when you sighed.
“Just Mina being Mina.”
And Eijiro just nodded along, knowing exactly what you meant.
279 notes · View notes
im-ovulating · 3 years
Student Masterlist
Masterlist is subject to change! To keep track of posts, check in on the list every once in a while..
🫥=dark content (yandere, noncon/dubcon)
Character Playlist
When He Started Crushing: Shinsou and Ojiro (Separate) x Reader 😊
Character Playlist
Character Playlist
Pro Izuku With An S/O That Likes To Link Pinkies 😊
Izuku Showing Affection With a Male! 1A! S/O 😊
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
Izuku's Eyebrow Mishap 😊
Character Playlist
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
Meant for a Chapel 😭
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
Dragon Slayer! Kiri x Fem! Reader😊
Dragon Slayer! Kiri x Princess Reader Drabble 🥵
BNHA Girls' Confessions 😊
Chiroptophobia: Denki x Male! Reader 🙃
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
"Are you a Mask?"🙃
Character Playlist
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
BNHA Girls' Confessions 😊
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
Character Playlist
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
When He Started Crushing: Shinsou and Ojiro (Separate) x Reader 😊
First Kiss: "May I?" 😊
Baby's First Kicks 😊
Hockey Player Ojiro 🥵
Ojiro x Fem! Reader: Thigh Highs 🥵
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
BNHA Girls' Confessions 😊
Mina X Reader w/ Electric Type Quirk😊
BNHA Girls' Confessions 😊
Best Friends
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
Stoner! Sero x Fem! Reader: Stress Relief 🥵
Stoner! Sero x Fem! Reader: College Experimentation 🥵
BNHA Boys' Confessions 😊
BNHA Girls' Confessions 😊
Full Masterlist:
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kireii-writes · 4 years
Kireii masterlist
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- poly relationship: eren x reader x levi NSFW
- stay with me (yandere eren)
- stay with me: pt.2 (yandere eren)
- you are mine (yandere eren)
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 AIZAWA SHOTA (eraserhead)
- getting ready for bed
- s/o having sleeping problems
- curiousity (supernatural AU)NSFW
- punishment (yandere bakugo)NSFW
- squirting (bakukiri x reader)NSFW
- s/o with deep voice
CHISKAI KAI (overhaul)
- fall into me (part 1)
- fall into me (part 2)
- poly relationship: dabi x reader x overhaul NSFW
- s/o with deep voice
- gunplay
- mommy kink: shoto x reader x dabi NSFW
- general headcanons (yandere shinso)
- punishment (yandere shinso) NSFW
- bratty s/o (SFW & NSFW)
- s/o with deep voice
- hockey player s/o (yandere shinso)
- curiosity (supernatural AU) NSFW
- insecure s/o
- insecure s/o
- i won’t let you go (yandere shigaraki)
- i’m your biggest fan (yandere shigaraki)
- confessing his love (yandere shigaraki)
- insecure s/o
- cheating
- punishment (yandere shoto)NSFW
- mommy kink: shoto x reader x dabi NSFW
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- s/o with male friends
- first kiss
- ballerina s/o
- jealous of his child
- toddler lookalike
- stronger s/o
- non nen user s/o (what he’s drawn to)
- romantically interested in someone
- chilly s/o
- s/o escapes(yandere chrollo)
- s/o who does musical theatre
short drabbles:
- knife play
- the promise
- captured (yandere chrollo)
- his to keep (yandere chrollo) NSFW
- s/o with male friends
- first kiss: hisoka x reader
- first kiss: hisoka x illumi
- hisoka as older brother
- stronger s/o
- non nen user s/o (what he’s drawn to)
- romantically interested in someone
- inflicting pain on s/o
- approaching illumi
- approaching an oblivious crush
- s/o with male friends
- first kiss: hisoka x illumi
- first kiss: illumi x reader
- stronger s/o
- non nen user s/o (what he’s drawn to)
- romantically interested in someone
- first kiss
- first kiss
- first kiss
- poly relationship: shootxreaderxknuckle
- brat taming NSFW
- realising he’s in love
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- competition NSFW
- 2nd year gojo with quiet s/o
- the sky is the limit NSFW
- competition NSFW
- yandere megumi
- roommates NSFW
- jealous toji
fics / drabbles:
- sinful indulgence NSFW
- taint NSFW
- twisted love NSFW
- jealous sukuna
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* requests closed*
- squirting NSFW
- general headcanons (yandere monspeet) SFW & NSFW
- sick s/o & worried monspeet (fluff)
- love is a murder NSFW
308 notes · View notes
imagination-mess · 8 months
Hockey Player! Izuku Midoriya
Hockey Player Au / College Au
This was inspired by this post.
Word Count: 500+
He is known to be a sweetheart, but he is a completely different person on the ice field. He can be quite aggressive, often seen to be matching the energy of the other team’s player.
He has a specific face that is filled with determination.
He is aware that there are several videos of him gnashing his teeth at players making the rounds in the media.
Once you guys have been dating for a while, there isn’t any sort of shyness between the two of you. The two of you get comfortable with each other.
He lets you take any clothes from his closet because he genuinely likes to see you in them, specifically his baggy hoodies and jackets.
He also adores seeing you wear his old jersey that you ‘borrow’ from his closet.
His clothes will eventually come back to his closet and be washed for him to use.
He is very affectionate with you, but he will follow and respect your preferences.
If you don’t mind, make a public display of affection (PDA) and give him the green light. It’s over for you. He will be all over you. He will have a hand somewhere on your body as time goes by.
He is also a massive hugger. He may come from behind and hug you while pressing kisses on your cheeks. He will ask beforehand if that's alright, of course.
He will press kisses all over your face whenever he can.
Everyone will know that you are dating one of the stars of the hockey team, either through his social media or in person. The teammates tell him he is as bad as Kirishima with PDA.
“At first, it was cute. Now it’s starting to be annoying."
He doesn’t care if he is a small or big spoon when it comes to cuddling. He just wants to cuddle. But he will put his head on your lap purposefully to get head scratches and pats.
If you don’t know how to ice skate, he will be more than willing to teach you when there isn’t anyone around in the ice rink, if you are interested.
He would be so patient with you and teach you how to move your feet. He will secretly lead you away from the safety of the wall. Traitor
If you do know how to ice skate, the two of you would have dates randomly at the public ice rink and the private one at school. He will make it work; trust him.
If there is a small gathering with limited seating, he will encourage you to sit on his lap. If you are hesitating, he will straight up tell you he can take it.
If you are still uncomfortable, he will give up his seat for you.
If you allowed him, Izuku would crash at your dorm or apartment for a power nap before going to classes if your place is closer to the building that he needs to go to.
Izuku leaves clothes behind in case he stays over or in emergencies.
Please be prepared for receiving gifts out of nowhere with no connection to the occasion.
Please kiss his scars; he is self-conscious about them.
He will love you unconditionally.
Part Two
516 notes · View notes
scarlettriot · 3 years
Breaking Point - Just Platonic
Pairing: Hockey Player Eijiro Kirishima x F!Reader
Warnings: Minors DNI, Swearing
Contains: As the pairing suggests, Kiri is a hockey player, reader is also plus size.
Summary: Mina suggests staying overnight when an away game is too far to drive back home on the same day.
Word Count: 3,040
A/N: This is part four in the Breaking Point series. Thanks for sticking with me! Still kinda sick but I really wanted to write this out! Friendly reminder this is a quirkless AU.
Other Parts:
Breaking Point - Part One - Locked Out
Breaking Point - Part Two - Intimacy
Breaking Point - Part Three - On Ice
Breaking Point - Part Four - Stitches
Tags: sleepynaya, @kenmakai, @ace-of-books, @swirrley, @mistyfoxsong - Thank you <3
Away games that were more than a three-hour drive from the university called for overnight getaways, Mina had explained to you, “It’s just with the game not starting usually until 8 or 9, we usually just prefer to stay the night and drive back in the morning.” It made sense, three plus hours there, then playing a game only to turn around and drive right back, that did seem exhausting. Hell, even the hour and a half drive last weekend was a pain in the ass.
“Usually I can find some deals on hotels though if I book five or more rooms. Sooo,” She drug out the question, swinging her feet off the edge of your bed, “Can I count you in?”
She really didn’t need to ask to know the answer.
Two days later, late Saturday afternoon, you were in the back of Eijiro’s jeep along with Denki and Izuku. Hanta followed in the car behind with Mina, Mezo, and Kyoka, Tamaki and Mirio were following behind them, and leading the pack were Tetsu and Itsuka.
Autumn had officially taken hold but Eijiro had yet to put the roof on his jeep, allowing for cool air to whip around your face and gave you a wonderful view of the orange and yellow trees that paralleled the highway.
“Is he gonna make it?” You overheard Izuku ask Denki who was smooshed between the two of you.
Denki was still frowning at his phone when he answered, “Doesn’t look like it. The shop is still busy and he doesn’t think he’ll be cut in enough time to get there by game time. Said he’d drive up anyway though…”
“You’ve got a good one, Denks.” Eijiro smirked and knocked his fist against his friend’s knee pulling a small smile from him.
“Yeah, yeah I do.”
You rested your chin atop folded arms, leaning against the lip of the car and getting lost in the calming prattle of your friends. Most of which being Katsuki going over plays from the last game and how they could be improved upon, easy enough for you to tune out and get lost in the thoughts of your own mind. Of course, a single thought didn’t stick around for more than a couple seconds, too busy bouncing from one thing to the next.
Papers that were coming due, exams, and, even though you still had two months, the winter holidays. You had no intentions of going home for them. Perfectly content spending them inside your apartment on campus even if everyone else decided to go to their respective homes. Being alone was fine, you could handle that far better than you could dealing with the judgment and whispers that followed you around your hometown.
The car swayed when Katsuki whacked Eijiro’s arm. “Are you listening?”
“Oh!” Denki’s excited chirp made you look over your shoulder, “There’s a rest station comin’ up! Can we stop? I want coffee!”
“Like you, of all fuckin’ people, need caffeine!”
“I dunno man, I could stretch my legs.” Eijiro sighed, “And I am the one driving. Sorry man, but you don't have much of a say.”
“Fine! No more than fifteen minutes though! Still wanna get checked into the hotel before the game.”
Denki already had his phone back out, texting Mina, Amajiki, and Itsuka to let them all know while Izuku patted his boyfriend's arm, reassuring him they were still far ahead of the schedule he had planned.
The rest stop was a sizeable one to Denki’s excitement. He was going to settle for vending machine coffee but here he had options. Meanwhile, you grabbed something to munch on and refilled your water bottle while talking with Mina who was still sad she couldn’t convince you to be with her in Hanta’s car, “I’m gonna make Kit Kat drive next time,” She grumbled, “That way you and Kiri can drive with us.”
“What does Kiri have to do with it?”
“You go in whatever car Kiri is in.”
“That’s because he always drives.”
Mina folded her arms over her chest, “Babe, you realize you could just tell me you like him, right?”
“Mina!” You hissed and she just rolled her eyes.
“Fine. Don’t admit it. Keep pretending everything between you two is just totally platonic… ya know, like the man hasn’t been watching you standing here the entire time we’ve been talking.”
“You just said we,“ You screwed the lid on your water bottle, ”He could be looking at you too.“
She shook her head of poofy pink hair. “Nope. He hasn’t looked at me like that since we were kids.”
That was news to you, “You and Eijiro…”
“For a couple months back in middle school.” She waved it off, “We were like thirteen and learned we are way better friends than anything more! My point is, I know what that guy looks like when he’s caught feelings, and he has, for you, in case I’m not being clear enough.”
You pushed open the door with your hip. “Mina… I think you’re reading into things a little much. There’s nothing there.”
“Doesn’t mean there shouldn’t be!” She called and then jogged off back to Hanta’s car while you walked back over to Eijiro’s jeep.
You were the first one back of the group, dropping in your small bag of goodies and bottle before hoisting yourself onto the tire and then swinging inside. It was after you tore into the snack you bought when you looked up to see Eijiro walking back, hands in the pockets of his jacket.
He didn’t climb back inside though, instead, he leaned against the jeep, right beside your seat. “Would you like to talk about what’s going on with you?”
You nearly choked, “What? What do you mean?” Really hoping he hadn't somehow heard what Mina was going on about.
Eijiro spun around long arms resting against the lip of the car, his chin on top of them, and you realized he was mimicking you when he let out a wistful sigh just before you shoved his face and told him to shut up with a laugh.
“I was just enjoying the drive, Eiji. It’s been a while since I’ve taken a road trip, and, it’s just a really pretty time of year,” You gestured to your surroundings, “And it sure as hell isn’t gonna last long. I just wanted to enjoy it.”
He looked away from you and you were starting to realize he was getting better at telling when you weren’t giving him the full truth. “Fall has always been my favorite time of year,” those ruby eyes met yours again, “But, you’re sure there’s nothing else happening?”
“’M positive. You don’t have to worry about me so much,” You poked at the crinkle between his brows, “You’re gonna wrinkle this pretty face if you keep it up.”
The corner of his mouth propped up in a smile. He still didn’t look like he believed you but he wasn’t going to keep pressing the issue when he could hear Katsuki coming back to the car.
Everyone was back in their cars and on the road by Katsuki’s time limit meaning that roughly an hour and a half later you arrived at the little hotel Mina had found.
Though it looked more like an old home renovated into a hotel or an inn rather. It had white paneling with cherry red shutters over the many windows and a beautiful wrap-around porch with rocking chairs and bench swings. The inn itself and surrounding grounds were all decked out for the festive fall season with pumpkins and hay bails, tall stalks of corn, and some silly scarecrows. “Oh, it’s even cuter than the pictures online.” She gushed.
“You picked this place because it looked cute?”
She bumped shoulders with Katsuki. “I picked it because it’s ten minutes from where your game is, they serve breakfast and dinner, and they gave me a deal since we’re a group that kept us well within our budget.”
He sighed reluctantly but then walked with her inside to make sure everything was in order with the reservations.
By the time you had gathered your backpack and finished looking around the outside of the house, you'd come to the conclusion it was something out of a Hallmark movie, you walked inside the inn, following the sound of Katsuki’s disgruntled voice to the reception counter.
“I’m sorry, sir, the quickest we can get someone out here to fix the issue is going to be Monday so that room simply isn’t available.”
Katsuki had two fingers pinching the bridge of his nose while Mina gnawed on her thumbnail, clearly trying to think. “What’s wrong?” You asked Kyoka who was lingering towards the back of the group.
“The heater went out in one of the rooms and it caused a small electrical issue too. All the other rooms are occupied right now so two of us are kinda screwed.”
“Doesn’t need to be two… Eijiro, Denki, and myself, we all had singles since everyone else is paired off. One of us could just give up our room and can find a different hotel for the night. I don't mind being that person as long as I can get a ride.” You offered even though it really wasn’t her you should be telling that to.
“That’s nonsense,” Itsuka cut in, “If anything you and I can bunk together and so can Tetsu and Eijiro.” You gave her a look knowing damn well she didn’t actually want to be split up from her boyfriend for the night but Itsuka would always do the kind thing to help someone in need.
“Do any of the rooms have two beds?” You heard Denki ask.
“Well, yes…”
“Great, problem solved. Kiri and I will take one of those rooms and Y/N can have the other. No one else in this group needs two beds. That alright with you?” He asked Eijiro who’d been standing behind him who was quick to agree it seemed like the most logical option. “Perfect.”
Room keys were passed out along with a dinner and breakfast for the following morning, “We serve dinner at eight in the dining room but the kitchens remain open until 10:30, no orders will be accepted later than that.” She explained and soon enough, everyone was climbing up the stairs, hauling bulky bags behind them while the poor receptionist winced.
Your room, one with two beds instead of just one, was down at the far end of the long hallway lit by brass wall sconces, beautiful with their intricate designs. The heavy key slid into the lock with no resistance, the door swinging open to a spacious room.
It held two queen-sized beds with matching patchwork quilts draped over the foot of each of them. Small well-loved wooden nightstands, four of them, each with their own lamp and white doily underneath. Two doors were right beside each other, one leading to a small closet and the other a decent bathroom with a clawfoot tub that you were hoping you’d get time to take advantage of.
At the end of the room though was a bay window, climbing onto the cushion seat, you saw it overlooked the back of the property. A vast yard with little white tents, people casually mingling below, sipping cups of something while children darted around the maze in the dimming light of the day. Definitely something out of a Hallmark movie.
You’d gotten the text from Mina just after you plugged in your laptop. It was a reminder that the game started at 8 and everyone needed to be ready to go in about an hour to head for the campus. And that meant you had some time to go exploring.
It was easy enough to find your way to the back of the inn, through the dining room and a gorgeous library that nearly had you drooling, but you kept on track. It would seem you weren’t the only one eager to know what those tents were. Tetsu, Itsuka, Mina, Hanta, and Izuku were all huddled around.
“It’s fresh cider.” Itsuka hummed handing you a warm cup. “Absolutely delicious!” Tetsu was pulling her off to another tent where Mirio and Tamaki had taken up carving tools and were discussing different patterns they could pick from.
“This was a great find, Mina.” Izuku smiled, “Maybe Katsuki will actually want to stay for a couple hours tomorrow and not leave right at the crack of dawn.” Hanta snorted a laugh, “Yeah, yeah, wishful thinking.”
“Maybe I’ll just mention to him that his boyfriend wants to stick around… you know he’d do just about anything for you, babe.”
He blushed, bringing the cup back to his mouth, “Yeah, I know.”
“Do you guys play this team again in the season or is this the only time?” You asked and Hanta brought up the schedule on his phone.
“Actually we do play them again, just after the new year.”
You looked around and tried to imagine the place covered in holiday lights. Izuku seemed to have a similar idea. “I’ll run it by Kacchan and see if he’d want to use this place again, and if they aren’t already booked up around then.”
Breaking off from the group, you’d wandered into the maze, following twists and turns where they may lead you, finishing off your drink as you went. Admiring all the decorations that were thrown in.
“There you are!” You spun around to see Eijiro brushing off his coat.
“You did not just cut through the maze.”
“Ha, me?” His palm went to the back of his neck, “No, that’s childish! It wasn’t like I’ve been looking for you for twenty minutes and then saw your hoodie and couldn’t find the path so I just… made my own?”
All you could do was shake your head. “Why ya lookin’ for me?”
“I was wondering if you could braid my hair back again like you did for the last game? It held up really well.”
“Oh, sure! But, I need some bobby pins for your bangs and those are back in my room,” You checked your phone, “And we’re gonna have to be quick if we’re gonna make Katsuki’s leave time.” You took his hand and led him back out of the maze the proper way.
He sat on the floor in front of your bed, pins in hand and at the ready. Of course, the last time you’d done this it had been on a whim when you had two hours to kill before his game and now you had thirty minutes.
A French braid was the best option you’d learned last time after working on a Dutch braid only to find out it made his helmet fit funny. You ran your fingers through his thick hair, collecting it all back before sectioning it off into pieces.
Eijiro's shoulders weren’t ridged anymore when your hands were up in his hair and he no longer tensed when your nails scratched his scalp and a small moan escaped him.
A couple weeks ago, after their first loss of the season, Eijiro had plopped his head down in your lap at the end of the very long day and you felt him relax as your fingers played with his hair, his eyes drifting shut. He'd even fallen asleep until Katsuki's yelling startled him awake.
You messed up only once on the braid, “Pin please.” He passed one back. “And another.” You tilted his head to the other side and slid the other in place. “And we’re done, with seven minutes to spare. Go check it out.”
You pointed out where the bathroom was. “Looks awesome! I gotta grab my bag and then I’ll meet you at the car.” He hurried to pull his shoes back on, “Thanks, babe!”
Eijiro was halfway down the hall when he realized what he said and he turned back around to you, “Uh, sorry, been hanging around Mina too much I guess.”
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll see you at the car… babe.”
“You’re not gonna let me live this down are you?”
“Not a chance!”
Everyone managed to get to the campus ice complex at roughly the same time. There was about forty-five minutes until game time and Katsuki already knew where to find the locker rooms.
You walked in beside Eijiro. “Damn,” You mumbled and burrowed your hands further into your hoodie. “I think it’s colder here than at our rink back home.”
He tugged your sleeve, pulling you off to the side before following the rest of the guys. “Yeah, sometimes that’ll happen but,” He unzipped his bag and pulled out his home sweater, “Here, this should keep you nice and warm.”
“’S fine!" We’re in away sweaters anyways!" That wasn't why you were hesitant though, "Plus, that thing's gonna be a hell of a lot warmer than any hoodie you have.” He waited until you pulled it over your hoodie. “Better?”
You nodded, “Yeah, yeah it is. Thanks, I’ll give it back to you after.”
He zipped the bag back up, “I’ll get it tonight, don’t worry about it.” Eijiro waved over his shoulder, running to catch up with the rest of the team.
You looked down at yourself in his sweater. It fell to your thighs and you were going to have to keep pulling the sleeves up all night but it was so warm and cozy. The logo stood out more on their home sweaters, the big UA, Eijiro’s little ‘A’ stitched on the left side, and you knew his name was embroidered across the back along with the number eight.
It even smelled like him. Woodsey, like cedar, filling your nostrils.
Other people started entering the complex, a few wearing your school's colors too and you took that as your cue to go and find the rest of your friends.
Mina spotted you and waved with a shit-eating grin on her face. “Everything’s still just platonic, right?”
“I was cold.” You reasoned but she wasn’t hearing it. If she had any lingering doubt that her childhood friend had a crush on you, they were all gone now.
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