#hod 1.08
Gods Helaena is so autistic coded and I love it. I mean her funky lil bug hyperfixation? Autism.
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The way she covered her ears not her eyes with the sensory input of seeing a guy get his head chopped in half in front of her? Autism.
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Her prophecies? Autistic people are thought to have better pattern recognition and in medieval times it’s thought they were sometimes considered sages.
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Her awkward speech genuinely trying to warn Baela and Rhaena about having a husband and comfort them? It was done with such an autistic manner of speaking, like she’s just very honest regarding her own lens. Not to mention the awkward hand wave after.
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Her hopping also feels very stimmy to me.
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And she can’t read the room particularly well and thinks Aemond’s ‘strong’ comment was a compliment. I just love my fav autistic green.
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leojfitz · 3 years
For make me choose: Zoe/Lavon or Lemon/Wade? Love your HOD gifs!
Jovana! thank you sm! (I loved going through your hod tag and look at all your old gifsets I have do admit kasdkjla) <3 
here it is! I actually love both friendships but just went with this one because I  rewatched 1.08 the other day and I loved when Wade mentioned that they were all friends back in high school so. 
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