pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Aemond targaryen x targaryen reader: part 10
Aegon had a disgusting grin on his face as he stared down at Y/n, her arm linked in Aemond's as he announced their engagement not explaining that he let Daemon leave to secure it. Y/n couldn't tear her eyes from Aegon, he looked so unnatural on the throne sitting forward as to not lean against the harsh metal behind, any area not covered by clothes refusing to touch the swords. His eyes moving over her as he listened to Aemond, Y/n moved closer and held Aemond's arm tighter to hide behind him. Her Uncle was a well known creep who didn't respect the wishes of others so what would stop him from entering her chambers. Thinking quickly Y/n brought Aemond towards her, capturing his lips and kissing towards his jaw and whispering into his ear.
"Maybe we should move into a larger space together, separate beds until the wedding night to protect my honour but i would feel safer knowing you were close by." Kissing him after, holding his chin and looking towards Aegon who slumped over more to watch the scene. Aemond pulled away, seeing her look at Aegon with worry, he would never let his disgusting brother touch his Y/n. 
"I request a living quarter for me and my betrothed, she will feel less lonely if she is not locked away by herself, a separate room adjoined will be used to keep her honour. I want only myself and Halaena to have access to the room unless approved by myself on the day." Aemond spoke looking in his brothers eyes, Aegon accepted the terms knowing he could get to her no matter the security, he was king now, who could stop him. His brother could not stay with her forever and did it matter which Targaryen put a baby in her? 
Y/n was not permitted to leave her quarters except to walk around the gardens with Halaena accompanied by Sir Criston and 3 other guards sworn to follow the king. Aemond would watch her from his position during council meetings, having dictated the area they would sit to keep an eye on her. He knew she could take down some guards and he did not trust Sir Criston, it was well known the guard despised Rhaenyra as she refused to leave with him and Y/n well surpassed Rhaenyra's beauty in Aemond's eyes Sir Criston was a threat. Aemond understood Y/n was manipulating him to keep herself safe from those in the castle, he knew he had forced her into this and although she would play the part she would never truly be his. He hated that at night when he would say goodnight and try to kiss her she would flinch to begin with, her eyes always drifting to windows when they spoke watching everyone be able to live freely. She had adjusted well to being alone, Halaena tried to fill her free time as much as possible, preferring Y/n to her husband who now decided he needed as many heirs as possible to make sure Aemond would not be king with Y/n as his queen. 
"Y/n would you accompany me for a ride on Vhagar?" Aemond had shocked her, she had been deep in her thoughts praying her family were safe as the war had begun, she knew her wedding would be soon try to anger her family to attack without thinking. Aemond crouched by her taking her hand, bringing her attention to him. 
"I have been cruel depriving you of the skies, although i cannot trust you to fly by yourself, we could go for a ride on Vhagar." He could see her eyes begin to water at the thought of being in the sky, launching herself into his arms.
"Yes, yes please i beg you to let me into the skies." She spoke holding his face level with hers, smiling Aemond pulled her to stand. Holding her hand he walked with her to Vhagar, the green dresses his mother made for her looked stunning against her skin. She truly looked a princess in the gown, a low cut much like her previous ones as they had used her old dresses to recreate them in green.
Vhagar sat up as Aemond approached, her eyes watching Y/n before turning her head away to allow the pair on her back. Aemond helped Y/n onto Vhagar, her large size meaning there was a climb to the saddle, his hands guiding her to sit as he climbed behind her. His body snug against hers, arms around her waist as he held Vhagars reigns. Commanding Vhagar to fly he felt Y/n jostle against him, he had many women press against him in a bid to get into bed with him but none had stirred such a feeling of lust within him. He focused to make sure Y/n did not think him a beast wanting to bed her at the slightest touch. Y/n could feel him stiffen slightly when Vhagar took off but didn't pay much mind as the wind soared through her hair, her eyes closed as she savoured the feeling of riding a dragon once again. Aemond pulled her closer, his legs holding her tightly, one arm around her waist and the other bracing them both against the saddle.
"Let go i promise i will not drop you." Y/n didn't hesitate to let go and drop her body against his, her arms hanging loosely as they glided through the sky. Her eyes opening to see the clouds, the sun peaking out from the horizon, she felt the most herself in that moment. Aemond's arms no longer felt like they caged her in, she felt like she could float off and away from her life. A smile took over her features as her eyes closed again, actively leaning into Aemond her head turned against his shoulder in complete bliss. Aemond let her cuddle into him, Vhagar soaring through the sky as gently as possible as to not jolt her awake from her bliss. 
Y/n wished she could stay there forever, never returning to land living peacefully in the air, she missed her dragon Casmir dearly but she could appreciate how beautiful and majestic Vhagar appeared. As they landed Y/n jolted up, her body jumping in the saddle onto Aemond's lap, his arm tightening against her to contain the thoughts flooding his head. Helping her down, he held her close, her body still calm from the ride and he wanted to keep her as happy as he could.
"We will do this once a week, maybe more depending on the war and if i am needed to fly out." Aemond pushed her hair back, tussled from the rushing winds. 
"I would love that, thank you Aemond." Y/n looped her arm in his, she was so happy from the ride she didn't have it in her to care or flinch back when he kissed her cheek and began to walk back to their quarters. 
soft boy aemond is here, also dw reader isn't giving up that quickly
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tr4sh-jam · 2 years
Aegon targaryen x sister reader
warning: incest, death, slight necrophilia if you  squint, depression, idk why I can never write a one shot with a happy ending tells you everything you need to know about the series i’m working on rn💀
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they say twins are supposed to stick together, cry together, sleep together , laugh together, and die together, that was you and your brother attached to the hip since birth, the two of you would do everything together sleep and bathe together never done without the other.
Aegon knew he was a man and you were a woman he noticed everything about you, the way your body would react when he touched you and the way you looked underneath him during the night, he knew he wasn’t the only man that thought you of, he was yours and you were his that’s how it went and how it would always go.
“You’re drunk” you giggle while playing with his hair “And so are you.” he replied back.
times like this Aegon enjoyed when the two of you would find yourself in a random whore house drinking the night away and fucking men and women alike, he knew he was a bad role model to you but what does that matter.
“Do you think any lord will marry…” you spoke out softly he couldn’t help but scoff at your words “You will be my sister wife.” he spoke sharply while looking at you.
“But mother she makes me drink moon tea anytime we are together, and if that were the case we would’ve been married of years ago with two children by now” you whine
“I have an idea you, let’s ask father he will agree.”say grinning ear to ear
That conversation happened years ago before you had killed yourself, before he had become king, before this stupid war.
He didn’t know who to blame Aemond? for killing luke? blood and cheese? His grandsire? his mother??
“The gods are truly cruel my love” he said looking at your dead body, it had been years since you died and yet he kept your body right next to him while he slept, because everything was blue after you had left him yet twins were supposed stick together, cry together, sleep together , laugh together, and die together. And yet everything was blue.
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meridia14 · 11 months
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title:why are you acting like everything is fine...
Warning! :cheating. Aemond being a total d#ck to you sometimes.
Characters: Alys rivers. Helaena. Aemond Taegaryen/you're husband. Elaena/you're daughter who is 15 years old she is the oldest. Aenar/you're son he is the youngest he is only 6 years old. visenya/she is the middle child she is 12 years old.
Context: you are 8 months pregnant in this story btw/aemond won't leave you alone sometimes/and this story is short :^
as you was watching visenya and her brother play around with each other a little a maid then came up to you and then had some news for you. you're smile faded away you then drop you're book and then looked at the maid "please tell me this isn't true..." you said in kinda disbelief the maid then shakes her head no you then gasp and then covered you're mouth with you're hand you're eyes we're widen a bit you then started to tear up a bit you're daughter then came running to you asking you what was wrong you tell her that you are fine she then asks if it was the baby you then shake you're head no you were crying because you found out that aemond has been in affair with someone and he is bringing them to Kingslanding you're daughter then grabbed you're hand and then took you to you're chambers she then tells the maids to get you're bath ready a few minutes later you're bath was ready the maids took you're dress off and you then got into the nice warm bath it was relaxing for you taking all you're problems away you then close you're eyes and just relax a bit you stay in the bath for a couple of hours and then finally got out the maids dried you and then put you're dress on you then rub you're stomach a bit you could feel you're little dragon moving it made you happy a bit the maids then braided you're hair and then put you're mother necklace on which was a gift long ago but you missed her you're family but you had a duty to do...you then hear you're door open and then see aemond "what are you doing here..." you were surprise really you thought he was alys or had some training to do but nope... "can't l visit my wife..." Aemond then said kinda coldly but sounded soft he then walked up to you and then touched you're stomach "how is our little dragon..." you then wanted to ask him about the servant and him but kept quiet... you didn't answer him and then took his hand off you're stomach and then walked past him to grab you're tea to help you. you took a few sips but aemond looks mad a little that you walked past him not answering him "l asked you a question!" Aemond yells at you. you flinch at his yelling a bit but just ignored him but that just made it worst he then went up to you and then grabbed you're wrist making you drop you're tea "l asked you a question answer it..." He said coldly you shiver a little by it but he held onto you're wrist tighter which hurts "stop it that hurts!" you're wrist was hurting even more but he let go thankfully but he then looks at you coldly and kinda scary "answer my question or l will make you..." He said coldly you shiver a bit but then answer his question "the baby is fine don't worry..." you're voice was kinda stuttering a little but you said it out aemond then went back to normal and seems more calmer know "good know l shall be leaving" he then left you felt relief and just sat down on you're chair staring at the fireplace you wonder what went wrong why was he like this to you he only cares about the baby but not you...it hurts you a little but you kept strong you then call for a maid to tell her to get you dress into you're nightgown she then nods her head and then went up to you and then took you're dress off and then you're mother necklace gentle she then puts you're necklace away and then you're dress she then puts you in you're nightgown you then got into bed and then just look at the ceiling still wondering what went wrong but you just forget about it and just go to sleep...THE NEXT DAY!.
you wake up and see it's know morning you yawn a bit and then a few maids come into you're chamber you then got out of bed the maids then took you're nightgown off of you they then changed you into a dress which was stunning they then braid you're hair and you were then ready you then left you're chamber to go meet with helaena you then see helaena and you then went to her and then say down she then smiles at you a little and you drank some of you're tea "how are you..." Helaena asks you. You smile a bit "not doing so good but l am okay what about you..." Helaena then sighs "same goes for me aegon is still sleeping with maids and sneaking off" she sighs "but I'm fine but l heard the rumors about aemond I'm truly sorry about it..." Helaena felt bad for you... "it's alright I'm trying to pretend everything is fine..." you weren't fine you were heartbroken by this but you pretend...helaena then smiles a bit "how are you're kids..." Helaena said with a smile you Chuckle a bit "they are well about yours..." She chuckles a bit "they are kids being kids" you both laugh a little a maid goes up to her telling her that her kids wants her you smile a bit "I'm truly sorry l shall be back..." She then left and you just stayed in seat and drank you're tea relaxing you're self a bit but you then hear a familiar voice you then look around and then see aemond and alys you then put you're tea down and then got up from you're seat and then was about to leave until aemond calls out to you "where are you going..." you then sigh and then turn around "l have somewhere to be..." Aemond seems suspicious with you "where to?" He said almost curious but serious kinda way " I'm just going to the maester he wants to check the baby..." he then went up to you not even looking at alys "then I'm coming with you" you were surprise really but didn't want him to come "no I'm quite fine to go on my own..." He didn't seem to like that answer "no I'm you're husband so I'm coming" you felt annoyed know "aemond I'm quite fine to go on my own you don't need to come with me..." you didn't want to be around him or even talk to him right know but he got angry and then grabbed you're wrist tightly "I'm coming either way..." He said in a serious and cold way which makes you shiver a little you wanted to deny him but just went along with it "fine..." he then had a smirk on his face and then let go of you're wrist "good know then let's go..." he then grabbed you're hand and then started to walk to the maester leaving alys by herself she felt mad and jealous by it but just left to go to aemond chamber you and aemond went to the maester the maester was checking you for any signs or anything but had none which was a good thing you were 8 months pregnant know the maester then said that you could leave know you then left with aemond but aemond surprisingly follows you to you're chamber you were confused but allowed it to go on you then went to you're chamber and then called for the maids to change you into something more comfortable you then got changed but aemond was just watching you. you then got into bed and aemond took his coat off and his boots and then got into bed with you. you were surprised really but just said nothing he then cuddles you from behind and you felt his hand rub you're stomach his hands were big and kinda slender but they felt soft on you're skin and you like it you then slowly fell asleep and so did he...
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hannibalsbaby · 2 years
The Knight in Shining Armor.
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This is a small Harrold Westerling x Targaryen!Reader drabble. In this, the reader is the eldest sister to Rhaenyra, but Rhaenyra is still the heir to the throne. There is a lack of content for him, so I will make the content myself. Please tell me what you think! Reblogs are appreciated, but do not post my work on other sites!
The Lord Commander of the King’s Guard was always soft with her, the way he touched her was unlike anything else. His hands were always rough in contrast to her soft, delicate skin but the touch itself was never harsh or brash like the man always seemed to be. One would say he was using her for her innocence, her naivety, her wealth, and her status as a princess, but she knew more than anyone in this world that he would not dare to betray her in any way. He did love her innocence and the way she would seem to be in extreme awe of the world outside of the Red Keep, but he would never dare infiltrate that innocence. He simply would rather put his own head on a spike. 
“Ser Harrold, join me,” she spoke softly, her words perfectly pronounced as she sat upon one of the roots of the Weirwood Tree. The princess had a handful of delicate sweets wrapped in cloth. She looked up at him with a kind look, her eyes delicate but he knew better than anyone that she was a dragon. Her eyes could hold a tone of malice he had not even seen her uncle hold before. 
Ser Harrold did as he was told and leaned against the side of the tree, he would not sit beside the princess as it was his duty to protect her no matter what. Once again as she reaches up to hand him a delicate pastry from inside the cloth, the roughness of his hand came in contact with the softness of hers. He would always be content with only these touches, he did not feel as if he was worthy of touching a princess like herself in any other way. So, these small and delicate things would keep him content until his last days on this Earth. 
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scaly-freaks · 3 months
you aegon stans are so obsessed with making aemond a worse villain than him in your dumb little fanfictions and headcanons and it's so funny because if y'all didn't think that sexually assaulting a servant was actually bad (not at all what you freaks say on twitter on a daily basis, where you excuse it every single day) you wouldn't be trying so hard to win this imaginary war that only exists in your head 🤷‍♀️
Girl shut up and take yourself and your copypasta insult straight to hell (may you burn extra hot and crispy).
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sithapprentice · 2 years
Hear me out…
Mafia! AU House of the Dragon (xReader ofc🤓)
Still gotta figure out what will dear reader do!
Viserys is the boss of the Targs
Daemon is his underboss
Otto is the consigliere aka the right hand💀
Crispin snitching everyone and i mean everyone!
Nyra and Daemon are best friends (no incest in this one😭)
Laenor lives with Qarl🫡👏
Laena…i’ll figure that out💀
HARWIN LIVES 🥹maybe gets married with Nyra🫡
It’s two AM, I don’t know if I’ll remember this when I wake up lol
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Gods Helaena is so autistic coded and I love it. I mean her funky lil bug hyperfixation? Autism.
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The way she covered her ears not her eyes with the sensory input of seeing a guy get his head chopped in half in front of her? Autism.
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Her prophecies? Autistic people are thought to have better pattern recognition and in medieval times it’s thought they were sometimes considered sages.
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Her awkward speech genuinely trying to warn Baela and Rhaena about having a husband and comfort them? It was done with such an autistic manner of speaking, like she’s just very honest regarding her own lens. Not to mention the awkward hand wave after.
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Her hopping also feels very stimmy to me.
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And she can’t read the room particularly well and thinks Aemond’s ‘strong’ comment was a compliment. I just love my fav autistic green.
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driften-sea-snake · 2 years
helaena targaryen must be saved at all costs, at like 20 she’s already posting stuff like “i hate my freakin husband so much. he doesn’t even talk to me! and that’s just called love ☺️”
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strangerstarkwars · 2 years
Aegon II is a rapist creep, sue me if I want to see Helaena with someone that, at the very least, doesn't rape women and enjoy child fighting pits let alone what else he does to entertain himself
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olivefeuillu · 2 years
“ Time to get it wet”
I had to close my phone when I heard it for the first time. Like what happened in Aegon’s mind for him to tell that to a 13 years old ??????
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apothe-roses · 2 years
I feel like we as a fandom don’t refer to Aegon as “Aegon II: Electric Boogaloo” enough, and frankly I’m disappointed.
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pinkydevil16 · 2 years
Monster Aegon Targaryen x Reader: part 5
18+ smut
Y/n wandered through the walls, her dark green dress draping along the floor as she made her way to the throne room, two guards behind the Queen. Aegon had summoned her and she was excited to see him, he had been busy with his duties, well forced to be busy by the council. Aegon smirked as his wife entered, his eyes lazily dragging over her as she approached him. Bowing before him deeply so her cleavage showed more, her eyes innocently staring at him before she stood. Aegon signalled for her to come to the throne, as she stepped up Aegon put his hand out for her to take. As she slipped her bejewelled hand into his he yanked her into his lap, her arms wrapping around him as she lounged against him. Aegon ran his hand along her clothed thigh, hardening against her butt as he wrapped one arm around her waist. Dragging his hand up her waist his fingers digging into the side of her breast, greedily groping at her flesh as he moved around pretending to get comfy so he could grind on her. Y/n bit her lip as he kept grinding into her, his hands grabbing at any flesh he could whilst still keeping up conversation with Lords, his actions seeming innocent to them. 
"Let me have five minutes to discuss with my wife then you may all come back." Aegon demanded, the Lords and guards leaving quickly, the doors barely closed before Aegon shoved her dress up. Releasing himself from his trousers, running his cock against her soaked folds, watching her face as he rocked against her. Y/n letting out a small moan before sliding onto him, until she was sat completely on him. His hands gripping her hips, Y/n went to start bouncing, she could make him cum in 5 minutes, but Aegon pulled her back to lay against him. Once again lounging against him as she squeezed him, moaning at the harsh drop onto him, Aegon fixing her dress so it draped over them. Any outside would not know of Y/n cockwarming the king. Aegon called back in the Lords, resuming the light bouncing of his leg making Y/n grind onto his cock, her legs clenching around him as she tried not to moan at the sensation. 
"My King, the people of kingslanding would like to present you with tributes." A lord spoke before the doors opened showing a long line of peasants each wanting to congratulate the new king and show their respect. Y/n's eyes widened as she saw the line, she had thought Aegon wanted to play dangerously for a small meeting, they had done this before but Y/n could only last so long before she got greedy. 
"Now be a good whore and sit politely my Queen, try not to cum too loudly or everyone will know what you're doing." Aegon whispered in her ear, pulling her closer to him and bouncing his leg. The two sensations making her whimper as she tried not to moan out, Aegon smirked as he gestured for the first peasant to enter. By the tenth tribute Aegon got mildly annoyed by Y/n's refusal to moan out, growing bolder he gripped her hips and ground her into him. Her breath catching as she clenched tightly around him, Aegon's pout becoming a grin as she turned her face into his shoulder and moaned. Her eyes screwed shut as he kept up his movements against her, she tried to concentrate she didn't want to cum so early on. Aegon whispered dirty praises in her ear, telling her to cum all over his cock, let everyone know she was a whore, Y/n whimpered as he bounced his leg harder. Her eyes rolling back, biting his shoulder as she came hard around him, her hand gripping his shirt praying no one would be able to see her body shake. Aegon slowed his movements, he was on the brink of coming from how hard she came around his cock. Aegon demanded the tributes to continue the next day, shouting at everyone to leave. The door slamming shut as Aegon forced Y/n up, bending her over the throne as he pounded into her. Her moans bouncing off the walls as she whined and begged him to slow down. His name like a prayer from her mouth as she tried to string together coherent sentences, only able to think of him. 
"That's it you whore, take it from your King on the iron throne." Aegon groaned as he watched her back into him, he had stopped moving watching as she fucked herself onto him until she came, her body shaking and collapsing against the iron throne. Aegon gripped her hips and fucked her body, using her as she used him until he came harshly, curses spewing out from his mouth. 
"Fuck, My Queen, All mine." He groaned out, pulling out and watched their cum spill from her throbbing cunt. 
"Thank you my King." Y/n spoke breathlessly, gasping as Aegon pushed his cum back into her abused cunt. 
"Cannot waste your King's cum." He chuckled, slapping her exposed cunt lightly making her moan and twitch at the roughness. 
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mistandshcdow · 2 years
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thinking abt the symbolism of the stags in house of the dragon ep3. advisors excitedly tell viserys that the white hart’s appearance for aegon’s second birthday means it is a sign from the gods he is meant to be king.
but the hunters do not find a white hart. they find a large, powerful one, but it is red, not white. viserys then struggles to kill it, missing the heart and having to be coached into the killing stab. later, his first born rhaenyra sees the white hart on the hillside.
the seeing of the white hart by rhaenyra is clearly symbolic of her being the rightful queen, but the death of the red hart is also significant. the red hart represents aegon’s claim to the throne. it is what is presented to him BY HIS ADVISORS, tied up and delivered for him. his advisors have chosen this line of succession and have hunted it down for the king. viserys barely able to kill the red stag. there are a few possible meanings towards this, but i think it connects to the line where he tells rhaenyra he did waver, but will ultimately support her throne. he was originally unable to kill the stag, but ultimately did. and if the red stag represents aegon, it illustrates that viserys made his choice.
rhaenyra did not hunt the stag. the stag found her. it chose her. the queen picked by the gods.
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meridia14 · 2 years
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Literally me telling that one y/n to fucking leave bc she hates luke and jace😒:
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please-buckme · 2 years
Is anybody else like obsessed with how good Aegon looked being crowned? 🥴 I’m trying to dislike him but like damn.. 😅
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differentone001 · 2 years
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