#hokay its nap time now
smovs · 2 years
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and one for Sora, too. [Riku] [Kairi]
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jesliey · 6 years
Haha whats up fucker lol jk! My name is Midtwenties Whiteboi, and i freely use the words gay slut and retard to mock those who arent present to defend themselves without a hint of irony! Why wont my ex respond to me when i ask her if she still wants to fuck me? Oh well guess ill just get wasted off my pastey white 120 lb ass like usual and harass her again...or i would iF MY DAD WOULD STOP DRINKING ALL MY FUCKING BEERS I SWEAR TO GOD IM GONNA MURDER SOMEONE but not you of course ;P youre pretty fuckin cool hey we should hang out sometime!!
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lunasblipsandblurbs · 3 years
hello!! i love this blog but was always too afraid to request any headcannons but im going through the thick of it now so, what about the boys dealing with their S/O when they are going through their period with incredibly horrible cramps and bloating?
Omg Bby I am so sorry you are going through that right now. Let me whip you up something quick. 
*AFAB reader because periods, but nothing is gendered specifically female/feminine
Warning: Max & Ezra's 18+
Din Djarin
When it’s been about four hours since Din’s seen you on the ship he begins to get kind of concerned. You two are in hyper-space right now so….where the fuck are you? Knowing the only other place you really would be Din heads straight to the bunk to see if you are resting, maybe you are taking a nap right now like Grogu is in his pram right now. When he gets to the bunk and presses the door open he's created by the sight of you curled up in the fetal position rocking gently back and forth. He’s going to tilt his bucket at you and ask what the hell is wrong with you? When you grit out its unfortunately that time of the month for you Din first of all grumbles quietly to himself (he didn’t get you knocked up this time, fuck) then he is going to go off and bring you an ice pack, a heating pack, extra blankets and pillows. He basically makes you a lil nest for you to hide in while you ride out the cramps. He’s going to ask you if you want to be alone and if you do, no problem he's outta there. But if you need him with you he will not hesitate to toss you the blindfold and crawl in with you.
Javier Pena
Yeeeeaaaaah he might be a bit awkward with you to be honest. It was just the time period, misogynistic tendencies up the ass my guys. So when you let Javi into your apartment and he immediately has his mouth over yours, his hands groping at your hips as he gently pushes you towards any surface, you have to push back to get him to slow the fuck down. When you explain you really really want to fuck him but you CANNOT this week hes gonna get a little bit lost on what to do. He’s down to just hang out in each other's company but when you start complaining of the cramps in your stomach and how bloated and uncomfortable you are he’s just….not gonna relate. He will give you comforting back rubs and forehead kisses tho as you cuddle into his side. 
Frankie Morales
Oh hunnie, hunnay, hunnnnaaaayyyyy! You have no worries with Frankie by your side. He’s gonna get legit lowkey pissy when he finds out you lied to him about being okay when he finds you curled up in a ball on your couch after you texted him asking if he could drop you off some essentials. He’s instantly going to coherce you to take a bath and he will even offer to join you. Frankie was a special ops pilot and soldier and a little blood is not going to phase him at all. He is going to pull out all the comforts, the bath, he's gonna make you some homemade mac n cheese, give you a shoulder rub, throw on your guys’ favorite movie and by the end of the night you are gonna be so pissed you didn’t call him earlier to come be with you.
Ezra 18+
This man thinks that anyone that literally has their uterine lining shed themselves every month or so deserves the utmost respect. He fully realizes the annoyances and discomfort that you go through every month, no one willingly wants to shove a piece of cotton up their body. So he secretly has your cycle tracked so he knows when you are due to have your period. He knows you never like to tell him because you just like to try and make it through with no complaints but holy fucking shit if these cramps could NOT tear out your insides that would be just swell. So when you eventually do slink up to Ezra with some pathetic whimpers of how everything hurts this man is going to offer to straight up fuck you to get you off so your aching stomach muscles show some mercy on your soul. The decision is up to you tho bby. 
Max Phillips 18+
Some of y’all are really gonna hate me for this but…..while this is your most loathsome time of the month, it’s Max’s absolute favorite. He’s like a feral cat going into heat around you when you start your period. The instant he smells that perfect blood dripping into your underwear he’s crowding you up against any surface begging you to please, please let him take care of you. And by taking care of you I mean eating you out for hours upon hours if you’ll let him. It is grotesque, messy, and borderline too much for you to look down at him devouring your sex, you can see the red smears streaking his chin but it’s also the most amazing fucking feeling ever. You are already way more sensitive as is on your period and to have a boyfriend totally ready to fuck you anytime you want during this hellish week is just perfect. He says that every month when you are on your period is the time he really treats himself to indulge…….again, hokay freak. 
Pero Tovar
Oh gawd he’s going to be such an awkward noodle. He feels bad that you are feeling so much pain and discomfort but he LITERALLY JUST REALLY FIGURED OUT PERIODS. He’s not totally oblivious it’s just that he was on the road with mostly men when he’s selling his sword and when he did meet up with a woman they were never on their period because well….they were fucking him. He knew about the blood shed once a month but he literally thought that it was like once a month….like a day maybe. When you told him the reality of ‘No you ignorant oaf, its for seven fucking days!’ He gawked at you. He had to deal with you suffering through this for SEVEN DAYS. When you try to get up to prepare your evening meal Pero instantly stops you. He ends up picking up all your chores for your seven days, on top of his own so you don't have to move and be uncomfortable. He grumbles out that “Bleeding for seven days inbetween my legs sounds like hell I wouldn’t move from the bed so why should you? Now go back and rest, Amor.” Yeah, he’s gruff and awkward at times but he’s just a big teddy bear. 
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whereistheonepiece · 4 years
A Night Out (Part One)
Note: Here’s that Performance AU thing. I thought it was going to be a oneshot, but once I woke up from a nap and looked at all that I’d written, and I thought about all that I had left, I thought it best to break it up into at least two parts.
In the words of a wise man: “I made this for myself.”
Sanji stared at the chain of unanswered text messages he’d sent to Zeff throughout the day since his shift at the restaurant ended. The strip club had closed for the night and he was having a smoke before he got into his car to drive home to get a few hours of sleep before he had to get up and start a new day with Zeff, fresh after their most recent fight. His cigarette hung limply between the fingers in his free hand. The blue light of his phone screen shone brightly in his face, the glare making him squint and eventually shut his eyes when he grew tired of staring at Zeff’s pointed silence. He turned his head away from the harsh glare, locking his phone screen and shoving the device into his pocket with a sharp sigh. Tomorrow was going to be unbearable, wasn’t it?
He heard footsteps approach him from the side and when he turned his head to look he saw Zoro approaching him. Scowling, Sanji pointed his gaze up at the night sky, bringing his cig to his mouth and drawing in a long, deep inhale of smoke. “I’m not in the mood, Marimo,” he groaned, anticipating some kind of taunt from his fellow performer.
“What’s eating you?” Zoro asked, sounding like he actually gave a damn.
Sanji exhaled, closing his eyes. A wry, bitter smile curled his lips. Damn it all, but he was actually going to confide in Zoro of all people. But after the day he had, he had nothing to lose and Sanji figured that, at the very least, Zoro could sympathize. “My old man found out about my...secondary source of income,” he said dryly, glancing at Zoro out of the corner of his eye, studying him for his reaction.
Zoro pushed his eyebrows up. “Shit,” he said, shifting his weight. “Guessing he didn’t take it well.”
Sanji dragged his hand down his face, as if he could wipe away the stress and exhaustion. Keeping his face covered, Sanji chuckled humorlessly as he peeked at Zoro through his fingers. “He said, and I quote, ‘You’re killing me, you shitty brat. You’re going to give me a heart attack. You’re going to send me to an early grave and then you’ll be sorry for never appreciating me all these years.’”
“Shit,” Zoro muttered. “What did you say?”
Sanji looked up at Zoro, letting his hand fall back to his side. He continued to smile, even if he didn’t find the situation funny. “I told him he’s going to live another fifty years just to spite me and then I left.” Sanji may have lashed out, but that was because he knew Zeff was getting up there in years, and his adoptive father’s age and health were both something that preoccupied his thoughts when they were together. The fact that Zeff wasn’t responding to Sanji’s messages after the threat he’d made wasn’t helping.
Troubled with images he didn’t want to dwell on, Sanji whipped out his phone and punched out one last text message before pocketing his phone and glaring at the storefronts from across the street: At least tell me when you’re going to bed, shitty geezer.
“So work’s going to be fun tomorrow morning,” Zoro said with a straight face while Sanji quietly fumed. Sanji stared at Zoro and he stared back until they both started laughing.
“Right, just business as usual,” Sanji said, playing along. “‘Morning, little eggplant. Did you get naked for money again last night? Yes? Okay, go wash your hands.’”
“He calls you eggplant?” Zoro asked as his laughter quieted down into stray chuckles.
Sanji nodded. “I can’t really remember how it all got started.”
“Hm. This just makes me glad that I don’t have anyone to disappoint,” Zoro said, slipping his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket and staring at the rain slicked roads in front of them. 
“Okay, but it’s not like I’m ashamed of what I do outside of my day job,” Sanji said. Zoro looked at him, listening patiently. It was strange to see his co-worker looking at him with anything other than defiance, mockery, or with an open challenge, daring Sanji to put on a better performance than him. That was when Sanji did his best work, he realized, when Zoro got him fired up. Sanji wouldn’t admit it, but Zoro pushed him to be a better performer, which brought him bigger tips and a thrill of knowing that he was at his best.
But this was nice. Sanji was surprised that a conversation with Zoro could actually make him feel better, but maybe he would have found that out earlier if he’d tried to get to know the guy. He’d learned recently that they shared mutual friends in Luffy, Usopp, and Nami, and he’d just found that out after several months of working together.
“No?” Zoro asked.
“Are you?” Sanji asked.
Zoro shrugged. The traffic light nearby switched from red to green, reflecting off the wet pavement. “Not really.”
Sanji took another drag of his now almost-finished cigarette. “You don’t strike me as someone who has a lot of shame,” he said, merely as an observation rather than an insult, which was probably why all Zoro did was shrug.
“It does help me sleep better at night.”
Sanji chuckled. “Way I see it, we’re providing a service, you and I.”
Zoro snorted, his eyes crinkling at the corners. It was a good look on him. “God, you’re corny.”
“I’m serious,” Sanji replied, grinning. Normally he’d object to being called such a thing, but with the way Zoro said it, it didn’t sound like an insult. If Sanji didn’t know better, he’d say that it sounded affectionate. “We’re giving those ladies a night of fun. We’re providing them with something they’re missing at home.”
“You almost make it sound noble,” Zoro said.
“Well, why do you do it?” Sanji asked. 
“I happen to think I look good without any clothes on and people tend to agree,” Zoro said, smirking. “Might as well make some money off of it.”
Sanji released a small puff of air through his nostrils, shaking his head in amusement. “Yeah. That’s what I thought.”
“As if you’re not thinking the same thing,” Zoro said. “Tell me, did you take on this job because you needed the rent money or because you wanted to service dozens of women a few times a week?”
Sanji guffawed. “Don’t say it like that!”
Zoro grinned. Sanji gave him a sidelong glance, a small smile remaining. “But am I wrong?” Zoro asked.
Sanji gave a light shake of the head. “No, no, you’re right. It just turns out that I actually like it.”
“It is the perfect kind of job for you, isn’t it?” Zoro agreed, nodding. “Surrounded by all those adoring women stuffing money down your pants.”
“Cooking is the perfect job for me,” Sanji replied, “but this one has its perks.”
“Either way you’re ‘providing a service.’”
“Shut up,” Sanji said, but for once without any malice.
They watched cars pass by while Sanji finished off his cigarette. He quickly pulled out his phone to check to see if he had any new text messages from Zeff, relief coursing through him when he saw a text message.
Good night, little eggplant.
 Zoro shifted his stance. “Hey,” he said. “Are you doing anything next Friday?”
“I was planning on coming here,” Sanji said, stubbing out his cigarette under the toe of his shoe. “Like I usually do. Why?”
“You know Usopp?”
“Yeah. What about him?”
“A few of us are going to The Whole Cake bar for one of his performances then,” Zoro said. “You look like you could use something to look forward to, so why don’t you come?”
“The Whole Cake,” Sanji repeated, accessing his memory banks to see if he knew the place. “That’s that place a few blocks over, right?”
“Usopp’s going to perform?” Sanji asked. Zoro smirked. “Like, a song?”
“Yeah,” Zoro said carefully. “Yeah, he’s going to do a song.”
“I didn’t know he did anything like that,” Sanji said, having a hard time picturing Usopp performing in front of a crowd of people.
“Yeah, well, turns out he does,” Zoro replied. He paused before adding: “Nami and Vivi are going to be there.”
Sanji perked up, grinning at the prospect of going out with the two of them. “Oh? Well, in that case, of course I’ll come.”
Zoro chuckled softly in his throat, gazing at Sanji with an emotion he couldn’t place, his expression soft. “Yeah,” he said quietly. “Yeah, I thought you’d say that.”
Note: Hokay, I’m going to go watch some more of Castlevania season 3. I’m so behind on all of the shows I’m watching since I got back into writing lol. There just isn’t enough hours in the day.
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cupkayke · 7 years
Cupkayke Rewatches/Liveblogs Boueibu!
Season 1, Episode 5
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Hokay! Moving right along- and surprisingly I actually have a lot to dissect in this episode! (Well, mostly about a couple of key conversations). This ep is where we get introduced to the Press Society fuckers and the boys start to pick up on a base level that their monster fighting might have a bigger purpose- although most of that is glossed over in favor of focusing on the lack of privacy. 
Thanks again to those who keep commenting on/reblogging my liveblogs! I come to love this community more and more each day, it seems like. You all rock <3
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And from his first moment on screen I remember thinking he was going to be significant
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And they aren’t concerned about the censoring?
Like that isn’t normal in real life, dude.
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Ominous scene is ominous - I have more on this later~
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Animation callout here- I could even notice Atsushi’s eyes scanning the pages here. A+ detail.
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I agree En- I hate the rain with a burning passion. Makes me just want to nap. (Again- I have a strong feeling that En is my spirit animal)
Again noticing the color-coordinated cups lol- @nardaviel 8D
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ATSUSHI WITH THE SASS AGAIN- similarly to Arima, why did I not notice how much fucking shade Atsushi throws (mostly towards En) the first time I watched this series? He has the best lines lol.
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Not quite compliments there- but what does En say?
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Like... is there any doubt that they’re boyfriends at this point? Or at least getting there? Lol
Side note I just noticed that while En never wears his tie he keeps it in his jacket pocket at all times... c’mon En if you make it a point to have it on you why not just wear it?
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I apologize in advance that I am basically screencapping this entire conversation but I am going to over-analyze it to death because A) My graduate degree is in English and B) Linguistics is fascinating. SO BUCKLE UP KIDS.
On this note- at first, I agreed with Io wholeheartedly that ‘naive’ and ‘sensitive’ are not considered compliments in English-speaking cultures and was a bit confused as to how they could be in Japanese.
However... then I thought about it again, and taking ‘naive’ as its definition of ‘innocent’ and ‘sensitive’ as its definition of ‘sympathetic/empathetic’, then the former can be seen as neutral, rather than an insult, and the latter can be seen as a compliment. So... culture differences are fascinating.
But definitely gut reaction is that you do not want to be called naive or sensitive in English so...
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The way Ryuu says this makes me think he’s heard that phrase directed at himself on more than one occasion lol- which is probably why he brings it up.
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Atsushi’s definition, however, is not one I commonly would think of when confronted with ‘naive’. It more to me means ‘childlike’ or ‘ignorant’, because ‘careless’ is a deliberate action, whereas ‘ignorant’ is simply passive. 
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I have no reason for this screencap other than that I melted at Io’s English. Adorable- and I get the feeling from his pronunciation that he’s definitely got top marks in English.
Though it makes sense that he’d be pretty fluent in English due to his business transactions.
Then the fact that he pointedly directs this at Ryuu is hysterical for other reasons.
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Well, Ryuu, you kind of had it written all over your face when you brought it up that you were thinking of a phrase that had been directed at you~
Love Io’s sutble teasing here, too haha. Look at his face.
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Ryuu is so earnest in his defense of himself lol
But the word he chooses here- ‘guileless’- is interesting because when I went to the dictionary page for ‘naive’, ‘guileless’ is one of the synonyms
So they’re all basically meaning the same thing here, however- ‘guileless’ has a more direct definition of ‘honest, sincere, & straightforward’, which does describe Ryuu pretty well.
His demeanor in this entire scene as an example, and the phone call with a potential girlfriend we hear later (which is hilarious for other reasons) definitely contains that tone.
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And Io continues with his gentle ribbing lol
The camera cuts away before we see Ryuu’s reaction but I would imagine he pouted at Io after that
In general, aside from the language discussion this scene just shows how the boys interact with one another beautifully and asdfgjlskjf;lkj they’re all so cute
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En you just keep setting yourself up for Atsushi’s shade lol
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Ummm Yumoto you okay?
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That is not convincing me that you are okay at ALL
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Smol fluffy child stop being creepy you are molesting an innocent creature
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Like seriously I don’t care how cute you and Wombat look here it’s UNSETTLING
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Yumoto says ‘feel so fine’ in English- but this one I’m stumped. I haven’t heard that used as a phrase, before. I mean, I get his meaning... does he perhaps mean to say “that feel good feeling?” Idk... I guess it can be said multiple ways but that particular phrasing seems weird to me
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Uhhhh I don’t think it works that way, Wombat
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Psssssh En just gave Wombat the ultimate diss- you almost feel sorry for the poor pink creature
Side note- Press kids are creepy as hell
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And then they don’t give a shit when Wombat falls THREE STORIES- or is it 5 stories?
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Io how do you have such a calm face saying that- Atsushi looks like he’s about to shit himself with panic
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No explanation other than their expressions are hilarious- NOW Io looks panicked
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From their first like 3 seconds onscreen I immediately hated these assholes. Well, I suppose the smol asshole. The other one is just... there.
Also, how the fuck did they get up to the club room so fast from taking pictures down below just moments before???
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Binan’s website is sophisticated as all get out like whoah
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From this monologue, I get a couple of things;
1) Kinosaki’s hair is stupid
2) I feel like his true calling was drama club but he got stuck with newspaper/website instead
3) He just REALLY rubs you the wrong way with how he talks out of his ass like that- it makes me wonder exactly how much they know ahead of time about the DC
Like, if I remember right, it’s revealed later that they knew about them (because the fucking fish- Hireashi- is apparently their club mascot???)
But it isn’t clear at this point if they actually know their identities, or if Hireashi just told them about CIDE2 but didn’t tell them right away about the DC’s identities and Kinosaki just kind of deduced on his own that they should probably investigate the club that does nothing because they’re kind of suspicious now that this cosplay group thing has shown up
...but I suppose it makes more sense in hindsight that they’re in on the entire thing and they’re just trying to see how the DC react- their real purpose here instead of getting a story is getting better ratings for CIDE2
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I agree, Yumoto
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En once again picking on Yumoto.
Sometimes I get the impression En’s just doing it in a teasing, good-natured way and then at the same time I get the impression that En just barely tolerates Yumoto in the earlier episodes.
Hm. I can’t tell.
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I wonder if this line is just more bullshitting on Kinosaki’s part or if he’s actually hinting at something here.
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And now I can’t tell if Kinosaki just simply DOESN’T NOTICE Tawarayama is technically DEAD or he KNOWS because of the stupid fish and is blatantly ignoring it just to see how far the DC will go to get him the fuck out of there lol
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Either way, he’s succeeding in freaking them out
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Evil reporter is evil (THOSE EYEEEEEES)
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I love their expressions here- and then the way they all look at one another, expecting someone to come up with a plan to get the annoyances out of there
Like idk it’s super cute how Ryuu and Io look at one another and then En and Atsushi look between each other and Yumoto and Yumoto just looks up at his senpais like “ummm”
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And it definitely WOULD be Io who’s the one to come up with some loopholes or a ‘logical’ point about press responsibility in an effort to scare Kinosaki off
I have a feeling he’s well versed in these things because business
I sometimes have a hard time remembering he’s like 16/17- he acts MUCH older than all of the others.
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Not quite sure what he’s implying here- though it’s definitely an interesting line if you take into account that he likely knows all about the DC and their true identities as the Battle Lovers
Perhaps he’s alluding to the fact that they should use their interviews with him to make themselves look better to CIDE2′s audience, which would be really interesting because potentially he’s operating under the assumption that the DC know they’re being filmed. Which is plausible because Hireashi could have told them anything.
Or on a more local level, it could be him wanting the DC to take him up on his offer to improve their position in the school (although I get the impression that some of them are already pretty popular as is? Ryuu definitely but potentially En as well)
Maybe he has heard rumblings of the conflict between Atsushi and Kinshirou and knows that the DC is on thin ice with their status as a club so he’s offering them a favor to make Kinshirou hate them less?
Oooh looking at him from these angles he’s a bit more likeable as a character
But this is all still speculation so I most probably am wrong.
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En goes from adorable to annnoyed in .2 seconds flat lol
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Snerk- he points out so easily that En an Atsushi are always together.
Everyone knows they’re boyfriendssssss
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This conversation is a bit telling- definitely a lot more so than when I first watched it.
En doesn’t like talking about himself. He says as much in his next line, although it’s a bit sutble;
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Give me some questions that are easier to answer.
I can read this scene as En nearly admitting that he doesn’t find himself remarkable- or he’d have to think about it a little harder if Kinosaki wanted a better answer. 
Talking about himself doesn’t come naturally- he doesn’t think of himself as anything special, or he has a hard time thinking about what does make him special.
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Talk about a pointed question
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Io just ignores him lol
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Though that’s a bit on the nose. Io definitely finds the whole Battle Lover thing bothersome
Although that contradicts my headcanon that Io is secretly super into it even though he isn’t at first lolol
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Money is SRZBZ
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Though there is his self-described ‘guilelessness’ lol
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Guys... stahp
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I’m sorry I can’t picture anything else that he could possibly be talking about. Nope. Can’t do it. My mind is trash.
Though I have to say this is probably some of the worst foreshadowing. It was like the writers were like ‘shit we’re halfway through the episode and we haven’t foreshadowed what the monster is going to be here let’s let Ryuu talk about it suggestively’
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Upset Pink isn’t getting laid tonight
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Meanwhile Atsushi is still trying to rival Arima to be the Sass Master
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I can’t with Tarawayama and Wombat it’s so silly
And all the kids have just ACCEPTED that their teacher now carries around a pink plush wombat that sort of seems alive all the time
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Yumoto bby that’s not how you get to college...
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That was the quickest exposition for a loveless character
Like seriously, 2 lines, a Zundar Needle and a sassy line from the CC
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At least they all realize it’s just Kurosaki who is annoying. Tazawa just snaps pics in the background.
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Wombat has spent too much time on Tumblr. I’m sorry I had to
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Wombat’s Kansai accent cracks me up
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So basically you’re admitting that Tawarayama is dead-dead and your ‘technology’ isn’t doing much?
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WOMBAT! Is that anything to say to the character who’s mother is mysteriously absent? <.<
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Nice callbacks!
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Tho why the fuck does he have a camera in the onsen?? INVASION OF PRIVACY MUCH?
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Wombat’s pissed and firing back the nonverbal sass at Atsushi
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Another line supporting the “Press society knows too much” idea- it’s as if he was clued in on what to listen for~
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Wombat’s little anxious dance is like wtf
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I like how imaginary Yumoto is covering his shorts all ashamed lol
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Is this Yandare simulator?
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No srz tho Yumoto is savage af and everybody’s like “WTF”
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Self aware “we are in an anime” joke featuring genre/time period awareness
I think someone on staff just really wanted to draw Ryuu like that lol
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About here is where I realized I really liked Tazawa’s design- his ponytail is super cute
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Yumoto is a very convincing actor in a pinch
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Attempt at badass poses isn’t very effective when you all are naked
Side note I just realized they all tie their towels in the same manner- is that a cultural thing or are they all simply right or left handed???
Or is it just a lazy animation thing? hahaha
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I swear Tazawa only has like 3 lines but he’s adorable AF
Also... he’s got a point
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Ryuu does have a point
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Because how else will we know that we’re true magical boys???
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Okay, so I’m not a huge fan of the ‘remote control monster’. But I suppose its symbolism is twofold;
1) It directly represents the micro-conflict of the episode, the DC having their image controlled by the Press Society
2) It leads the way for the DC to put two and two together and realize that the monsters are being controlled by someone (although I feel like that’s obvious because they’ve been... y’know... members of their school spontaneously turned into monsters? Like that doesn’t just happen)
Idk tho I wish we’d gotten a smidgen more about this student; but I suppose the actual conflict is the one going on with the DC
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This line made me giggle hysterically but I just realized how big of a culture gap there is because I have never even SEEN a bidet toilet. The quick google search I ran indicates they’re fairly common in Europe/Asia? Like WTF America you’d think we’d be more hygienic.
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I love when they use physical violence lol it makes it more serious
It also serves a dual purpose in knocking annoying monsters down a couple pegs
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Srz though Yumoto that was epic
Though there definitely wasn’t much of a point for the others to be there which I know is a stab at the typical magical girl genre trope of the main character being OP’d but on the other hand that’s so frustrating that this happens ALL THE TIME
Like once is funny, the entire series playing it as a running gag is old
Though I wonder if we timed all of the monster encounters in this show if this one would be one of the shortest lol
But seriously though... this show HINTS at being a much deeper magical boy show and then it just subverts everything by having Yumoto be OP and they talk their way out of ridiculous, potentially DANGEROUS situations
Like exhibit A)
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Like this COULD BE REALLY SCARY. Cliche remote control monster with the ability to control real people!
He could have ALL the battle lovers fight one another! Or like what’s hinted at happening- have Yumoto do the love attack on his friends!
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Like it’s not outside the realm of possibility for Yumoto to fire a shot at the others. They could have dodged, and having him resist the control is a great tension device, but then-
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Like... so disappointing. Boueibu your narrative needs to go up a notch.
And this is where my crunchyroll app fucked up and couldn’t buffer anything over 240p long enough to take screencaps, so I’ll just summarize the last couple of points;
The monster before it turns back into the student is self-aware enough to exclaim that he was being controlled by someone else’s will- which is enough for the DC to pick up on the fact that the monsters are being controlled. I mentioned it earlier but I suppose it bears repeating that these poor boys aren’t necessarily too bright lol- or they just aren’t thinking too hard about the surreal monster thing.
The scene back at the onsen doesn’t have much- I just thought it was funny that Kinosaki was scared of Gora with his giant axe.
Kinshirou’s typical arrogance was typical; a bit more of his irritation towards anything having to do with Atsushi’s new crew but nothing major here with their characters.
And then the last scene- Kinosaki’s line about ‘our initial report went well, huh?’ and then the shot of Hireashi is an example of foreshadowing DONE WELL and not played for laughs. That definitely confirms that those two are in on the whole CIDE2 thing and are acting as agents for the TV network. Makes me wonder how THAT conversation happened- like those two probably would have been WTFing over a TALKING FISH.
But anyway! Another episode that’s a bit deeper with character development than at first meets the eye, and disappointing shades of what could have been a magical boy show that played at the tropes but ultimately subverted them. Sigh. I suppose this is what fanfic is for... and thusly I continue my research gathering!
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