#holaric scenes
keeloves · 2 years
List of reasons why the TVD fans hate me. 1. I called Damon Salvatore a sexual predator, a rapist, and because I refuse to give him empathy because of Stefan “forcing him to turn”. 2. I said Tyler Lockwood had the character development that people say Damon had. 3. I like Bonkai as a ship but I was called an abuse apologist as if Delena and Klaroline aren’t shoved down my throat. 4. I said that Holaric and Klebekah had inappropriate sexual chemistry for the characters and how they’re supposed to interact and in turn I was called a predator and a freak because people thought I liked incest and that’s not true I just pointed out weird chemistry. 5. I said anyone who agreed with Elena in the scene in season 4 scene where she is sitting in the bathtub roasting Caroline was a victim shamer. 6. I said if Damon had known Elena was sired to him he would have reveled in it and come up with ways to sexually take advantage of her like in the blood share. Granted he wasn’t aware of it at the time but he still he took advantage of her. 7 I said Damon had no development 8 I use terms like rape, Molestation and Sexual Assault to describe having a sexual experience with someone who is compelled or sired. 9.I got dragged for calling Julie Plec racist 10. I called Josie and Damon abliest shit bags for making fun of a mental illness/addiction their siblings can not control. 11. I said Katherine should have gotten peace with Nadia. 12. I laughed at Damon’s trauma and I said I didn’t give two shits about him being tortured for five years and that I didn’t give flying fucks about his dad feeding him his pet Turkey. 13. I said Caroline being a surrogate for Jo was problematic because her body was being violated and it damn near killed her. She wasn’t even asked or able to give consent to carry children that are not biologically her’s. 14. I said Kai was the least offensive villain in comparison to Katharine, Damon and Klaus. They have Centuries and half/millennial on him in terms of heinous crimes. 15. I also said the way the fandom compliments Bonnie was Micro aggressive and a bit racist. 16 I said everything that has happened has happened since the pilot was a result of Damon not listening to people or heeding their warnings which resulted in people dying or getting hurt. 17Lastly I said Stefan should have let Damon die and if he knew Damon was being tortured he should look the other way not help his brother.
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darling2l-blog · 2 years
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holariccentral · 3 years
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holaric · 2 years
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Hope Mikaelson and Alaric Saltzman in Legacies S1E12: There's A Mummy On Main Street
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hibiscxs · 3 years
Some Legacies 4x05 Thoughts
I’m annoyed bc I had a bunch of stuff typed up and then I lost it when the page refreshed
Anyway, I didn’t have the brainpower for a live react or a proper analysis bc Nanowrimo is taking all of it so these are pretty disorganized
I missed Rebekah so much! She does seem a bit more mature now than she was on TO. I always wanted to see Hope and Rebekah being that niece/aunt duo that are more like sisters (which would be more fun if they really did look the same age). I wish Marcel could have been with her. Does anyone know where Charles Michael Davis stands on having a cameo on Legacies?
But also, did anyone else think that Rebekah’s accent was a bit off? Guess it’s been a minute since Claire had to do an English accent. It sounded a little too posh, I think.
I think it’s so interesting that Rebekah brought the dagger and actually used it. I appreciate how it serves a dual purpose: showing us that Hope really isn’t affected by white oak the same way the Originals were, and providing a loaded moment where Rebekah uses the tactic that haunted her for a thousand years on her beloved niece. That being said, it’s obvious that she wasn’t using the dagger on Hope in the same way Klaus used them on her. Most likely, she was going to keep Hope daggered until they got to New Orleans. Same effect to snapping her neck except without the chance that Hope would wake up (except she didn’t consider that the dagger wouldn’t work properly on Hope).
I wish the Mikaelsons could have more than these 1-episode cameos. Still really confused that Freya said she was there to witness Hope’s transition into the Tribrid, but she seemed to totally disappear after she killed Hope? But, because of irl logistics and all that, I’m still grateful we get these 1-episode cameos at all.
I would be super impressed if they kill off Alaric. Haven’t read the future episodes’ synopses, so idk if Matt Davis is going to be in a lot of future episodes. I like how his “last words” are about his relationship with his daughters instead of the more predictable route of trying to get the twins to go after Hope and forgive her and help her. It just feels that right that, in his last moments, he’s overwhelmed with the thought of leaving his daughters.
Loved loved loved the scene with Ric and 13-year-old Hope. Summer Fontana is back! I hope she cameos more, but I get the feeling she won’t since DRR played 15-year-old Hope. Anyway, I always love a father/daughter Holaric scene.
Speaking of Holaric scenes, kinda disappointed that Hope didn’t suck him to near-death in addition to beating the crap out of him. Not in an anti-Alaric way, but just because I’m living for dark vampire Hope
Speaking on that, vampire Hope with no humanity is everything I wanted. And clearly, DRR is living her best life playing her. The compulsion, the drinking, the knife in the hand, and throwing darts at that vampire? I hope the show sticks with this vibe for their vampires. I hope she gets a few more episodes with her humanity off just because it’s so fun and I really want to see how the characters develop now that they’re at odds with Hope and she isn’t at the school, but I also can’t wait for when the flip happens and Hope deals with her grief and the fallout from whatever she does while her humanity is off. 
It’s amazing that Hope finally gets to be show as interested in women, but it is off that they’ve only had her doing so now that she’s at her most immoral. Kinda how Penelope was only shown to be interested in guys when she was being manipulative. 
Unpopular opinion ig, but there was absolutely nothing wrong with Josie being upset that she didn’t voice what she wanted in terms of the head dive. She acknowledges it and identifies it as a recurring problem for her, she didn’t blame Lizzie and didn’t even insinuate that it was Lizzie’s fault. Lizzie attributing it to her selfishness when it wasn’t is an issue of her own that she needs to work on.
I’ve been sick of Mizzie for a while bc imo they can treat each other awfully and Lethan was never interesting for me. So this better not be a love triangle and better end up in a poly, because it’s a waste of time if it’s not. I’m getting mixed signals about it, because at times it feels like MG and Ethan are Lizzie’s “options” and others that Methan still has that romantic tension and the three of them seem to be equally invested in each other. CW, please redeem yourself from the missed opportunity that was Memoraven
Also seems to be a kind of unpopular opinion, but I really don’t mind if they’re “reverting” back to that TO S5 plot of an organization that wants to get rid of “abominations” like a tribrid. The Daywalkers were lame af esp with Charles and his hoodie lmao but the premise itself is pretty solid and makes a lot of sense. Plus, Hayley’s last words to Hope about her being everything that they fear bc she’s all three factions is a theme in Hope’s story that I’ve always wanted to come back. Also, the School has always operated on the theme that the kids are there bc the outside world doesn’t accept them, so this fits with Legacies pretty well.
Lizzie-wise, I find it really interesting how she reacts to people harming her family/most loved ones (when Hope manipulated Josie into taking her magic back and now). She really goes ham with her frustration and becomes very judgy with their intentions/thought process. It’s very Mikaelson-esque, but without the part where the Mikaelsons usually end up grudgingly understanding the person who hurt their family bc its something they would do too. Not saying it’s a bad thing. It’s just interesting.
Saw the promo and ehhh I would have preferred it if Hope was on her own for a while more (or runs into Clarke bc Triad). I don’t want it to get to the point where they’re all back together quite yet, because I don’t trust the writers to not immediately make NoHumanity!Hope kid-friendly again bc she’s with the others.
I do not think that it’s Aurora on the phone. It sounds nothing like her, and wouldn’t Freya have noticed if the sleeping vampire in her home disappeared? For some reason I suspected Emma but that’s probs just bc she cameod (suspiciously short cameo) and bc of her accent. It would make absolutely no sense for it to be Emma. I’d honestly be mad if they did that to her character.
Still have no clue what that Triad vampire meant about the “original bloodlines”. Maybe we could get into the “first witches” and maybe some direct descendant from Inadu’s tribe, but we already know who the Original Vampires are so that wouldn’t work. Thinking that they’ll be the direct descendants of the original three who created Malivore in the first place, I guess? It could be interesting, so long as Malivore doesn’t come back. I think that villain has been played out.
Again, it’s so weird how unbothered everyone is that (to their knowledge) Hope killed killed Landon. Like they just go on with their days. It’s weird enough that they all just chilled at school after they got Cleo back/after Ric brought Kaleb back. You’d think they would have gone back out there to back Hope up or pick up the pieces from the battle they knew she was in? But yeah, the fact that they’re so chill is weird. No fucking wonder Hope was able to get Ric alone to attack him. It’s like everyone says “alright, I’m done” after they do the one task they’ve been assigned. This isn’t even unique to this episode. It’s like this a majority of the time.
Also, Cleo making that tree! When do you think she’ll bring up the idea she had to the rest of the group?
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alegacyofmonsters · 3 years
4x03 Reactions
- For a minute, I forgot about Malivore and Ethan and thought he just meant the vampire blood
- Lizzie wearing this shirt again >>>
- Hope wearing colored pants >>>
- Dorian is me whenever things get awkward
- The sword!!!
- I’ve missed angry Hope
- “Does this boy think I have not been looking for a way out?” 😂😂😂
- Landeo rising???
- “Helping old ladies cross the street.” 😂😂😂
- Methan rising!
- “Tell me that you’re going to try to win.” Well she put on a whole show and decided to merge early ... she’s pretty committed to winning ...
- Hope’s back with the bad one liners 😭😭😭
- I thought it was going to be Landon she killed but I had the right idea
- Hope looks so good this episode (every episode)
- Why did the first ten minutes feel like a full episode?
- Aww. An ad for a movie called Finch. They know what’s up.
- Whose room are they in? Hope’s room didn’t have two beds after Cleo left?
- “The old vampire hunter who took me in.” Melt my heart, why don’t you?
- Oh this episode is GOOD-good
- MG knows what’s up
- A Hafael hug???
- But does Rafael even know Landon’s been missing? How in the loop is he?
- Commercial break so I’m circling back but is Alaric is not wrong? I already know people are gonna be mad like 1x02 but he has solid points and Hope knows it.
- “I use it on everything.” I love that.
- “It’s only a prison if you feel trapped.” Sometimes Legacies’ lines are cringey but sometimes they hit hard
- Hafael holding hands!!!
- Dorian is such a softy
- God my heart. It’s gonna explode before the episode is over
- MG snapping necks is something I could get used to
- The Mizzie KalebG parallels!
- “Hope deserves our trust.” 
- The ice cream shop! She has returned to me!
- All of Rafael’s lines are slapping hard
- The random students in the back ... 😂😂😂
- Heart too full.
- Jedeo? Cled? Jeo? Whatever! They hugged!
- “You can’t prove that was me.”
- “Especially with you.” *stares at Lizzie* 😭😭😭
- Hizzie cinematography is unmatched
- “I think I’m ready.” I’M NOT.
- Cleo got tricked again 🥺🥺🥺 So did I
- Kaleb outsmarting everyone else >>>
- “And so I got you an art set.” I’m gonna bawl
- “You are.” SOBBING
- “I’m not ready.” CRYING
- Hope getting scenes with Freya???
- I swear if that hug was all the time they get again ...
- On a joking side note, if DRR calling Hizzie and Hosie sisters didn’t crush your soul, I bet Hope and Alaric calling them sisters did ...
- “You’re going to be this beautiful forever.” Please?
- An Elijah mention? Yes please.
- “She would never disappear without a fight.” Well .... not to get technical but that’s exactly how she died ... without a fight ...
- “You’re already better than all of us.” x “These kids will be better.” parallel coming soon
- Heretic!Lizzie rising???
- Hope: *becomes a vampire*; Lizzie, immediately: “Me too?”
- She says “murdering my sister” with such disgust like she didn’t already do it once 😂😂😂
- Finsie rain kiss??? Pretty please?
- The Finsie/Posie parallels
- “I’m so proud of you, Hope.” God the Frope x Holaric parallels
- Can we go into Hope’s subconscious? We’ve been in everyone else’s.
- “Is that peace?”
- Kaleb no ... no
- Kaleb I am watching you
- I am fucking watching you
- God damn it
100000.10. New favorite episode? Very big chance. The heart strings were YANKED, the ships were RISING, the plot was THICKENING.
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waiting4inspiration · 4 years
Hefna V: Fara
Summary: Ivar decides to come with you and the tribe. After Estadir has a bit of an outburst, you explain a bit more about him to Ivar. 
Warnings: unrequited love, fluff, little angst, strong language, mentions of anger issues, nomadic life, not much, my Grammarly didn’t want to work so please pardon any grammar mistake I missed
Word Count: 2,593
Hefna Masterlist II Vikings Masterlist
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Taking down the tents is an easy thing for the tribe and it’s evident that they’ve done it a hundred times before. It’s all the commotion around him that wakes Ivar and makes him realize that he had fallen asleep against a tree while he was waiting for a chance to speak with you. 
Almost all of the house-like tents have been taken down. Yours and a few others remain standing and Ivar knows why yours still stands. Because no one has come out just yet. 
When someone finally exits your tent, Ivar sees that it’s Estadir, confirming his thoughts that he spent the night with you. You step out after him, dressed and ready for the move with your owl on your arm that you keep out straight. Estadir turns around to face you, reaches out to touch your cheek, whispers something before leaning in to kiss you. 
And Ivar sees you kissing back. You and Estadir must have made up last night.
As you and Estadir part ways, your gaze meets Ivar’s and you move towards him as men start to move things out of your tent and pack up. Ivar pushes himself off the ground, using his crutch for support and dusting off the leaves stuck on his leg braces. 
You’re a few feet away from him, he turns his gaze to you and gives you a small smile. “Have you made up your mind yet if you will come with us or not?” you question, standing in front of him, a small smile on your face. 
Ivar glances down to your lips, thinking about the number of times he’s seen Estadir kissing you. Or you kissing him. And he notices how slightly swollen and red your lips seem to be today. 
He wants to go with. More because he wants to go to be with you, but if anyone asks him, he’ll say that he wants to learn more about the tribe and their way of life. 
Ivar gives a small smile to you and steps forward. “I will come with you,” he states.
You nod your head and smirk as you glance over to a man beside you. The man had been waiting for your order and when you look at him, he gives a small nod before turning to walk away. “We found a chariot on the battlefield and I had a feeling it was yours,” you mention, turning back to face Ivar who raises an eyebrow in curiosity. “I had it cleaned and fixed up for you. It’ll make traveling easier for you, yes?” you say, smiling at him as your owl croons. 
He gives you a thankful nod before looking to your owl. “You two seem pretty close,” he states, pointing to the white bird on your arm that you gently start to stroke. You hum in agreement, biting your lip at how he quickly turns the conversation into something personal. But you don’t mind it all that much. “A gift? From Estadir?”
Laughing at his words, you shake your head and look back up at him. “No. No, I found her myself,” you state, petting your shoulder as a sign for her to shift up to your shoulder when you feel your arm growing tired from holding it out. “She was being sold in a market in a town we were passing through to trade, and I didn’t think that she deserved to be locked in a cage. Luckily, she was already tame enough to not fly away,” you explain, glancing at her when he perches herself on your shoulder, her head turning around to inspect her surroundings. 
“Then, a few months later, I found out why she wouldn’t fly away. Because her wings had been clipped,” you add, looking to him again and finding that he’s staring at the owl. “When she molted again, she decided to stay. Almost as if she knew that if she left, she wouldn’t survive a day out there on her own.”
Ivar looks at you again, the glimmer in your eyes makes him smile and he takes a small step forward. Before he can say anything, the man that had gone to fetch the chariot returns with it attached to a dark brown horse. Ivar’s mouth falls to see how well it has been repaired. It’s just like the day Floki gave it to him. 
You chuckle at his reaction and place a gentle hand on his shoulder. His head snaps to you at your touch. “Don’t fall too far behind,” you chuckle, stepping past him to carry on with your duties to make sure everything is going to plan so that the tribe can be on the move by sunrise. 
Which is soon. 
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Ivar’s never seen anything like this before. When the camp is empty, there are only small traces that they were there. And before he joins the tribe on their move, he glances towards Kattegat and breathes out a sigh. He’s sure that the kingdom is in good hands. 
It’s amazing how fast a group so great can travel. The distance covered before reaching the first resting point amazes Ivar. He was so invested in watching your interactions with the men, women, and children around you, he hadn’t noticed how the sun has passed its highest point and now begins to sink back into the earth. 
Ivar rides up beside you as you enter the chosen camping ground close to the foot of the mountains. You’ve chosen to stay a bit behind to make sure those at the back of the group are alright. And when Ivar stops beside you, your gaze turns away from the back of the tribe to look at him. 
“Your people really know how to travel,” he mentions with a small chuckle on his voice, your head turning back to the last few people at the back as you hum at his words. 
“Well, the majority of them have done this their entire life,” you mention, gripping the reins tighter in your hands as you urge your horse to start walking again. “We don’t stay in one place for long. Expect Holar,” you state, seeing him moving forward with you as you enter the camping grounds. 
Ivar bites his lip and glances down to stare at the reins in his hands. “Right. Your Gods’ sacred place,” he mutters, your head turning to look at him again and his head turning to look at you again.
A loud ‘crack’ bounces off the stone of the mountains and your head snaps towards the horse pen. Men have gathered around to try and stop the horses from running off and calm down those that were spooked by the sound. And not far from the pen, you spot Estadir moving towards the pen with a furious look on his face. “Oh, no,” you whisper, lightly digging your heels into your horse’s side to trot forward. 
“What happened?” Estadir’s voice booms through the entire camp, surprising Ivar because he didn’t think he had the capability to sound so...rude. “Who was responsible for building the pen?”
Everyone looks to a man holding the reins of four horses. The man gulps harshly and takes a step forward to claim his guilt. Estadir glares at the man and walks towards him in a deafening silence. “Do you realize that if someone hadn’t been close by, we would have been without horses?” he questions, everyone around whispering very quietly to each other because they haven’t seen him so angry in a while. “You’re stupidity would have cost us time! Why didn’t you check your work before leaving?” The man doesn’t answer. “Speak!”
You quickly dismount your horse as the man stutters out an apology and a promise not to do it again. “Your apology is weak and-”
“Estadir,” you gently call, your voice surprisingly silencing him so easily and him to take a deep breath as you place a hand on his shoulder. 
He glances over his shoulder at you for a second before looking back to the man. “I’m sorry,” he mutters, turning to the side and quickly walking away. You give the man a small smile and nod for him to carry on with his job before walking away. 
Ivar thought you might go after Estadir after that scene, but you don’t. You walk back to your horse that he’s stopped beside and pull the reins off your horse’s head. “I wasn’t aware that Estadir had a bit of an anger issue,” he says, your head turning up to him at his words and you shake your head, as if to warn him not to dwell too much on the topic. 
“He’s working on it,” you simply say, moving to the side of your horse to start unbuckling the saddle. 
“Let me guess; to prove he’ll be a good husband for you?” Ivar question, your hands stilling and your head dropping between your shoulders as you breath out a long sigh. 
Turning around to face him, you fold your arms over your chest and nod your head. “I knew that he was going to ask me to marry him. And one day, I got impatient. So, I kept pushing him to tell me when he was planning on asking.”
Estadir has never been one to control his temper. He never thought that was necessary. You know that. But you also know that he knows when you’re being playful. You thought this was one of those times. 
“Come on, Estadir. Tell me when you’re going to ask me,” you urge again, oblivious to the way his hand curls in a fist on the table in front of his as you playfully push against his shoulder. 
He slams the fist on the wooden table, almost cracking it as he stands from his seat to tower over you, making you sink deeply into the chair. “Perhaps I have changed my mind in marrying a nagging woman,” he snaps, a breathing catching in your throat at the sight of his dark eyes full of rage. And when he leans down to place his hand on either side of your head on the back of the chair, you cast your eyes down. “Do not pester me about this, (Y/n). Do you understand me?”
You quickly nod your head, keeping your gaze down as you bite your lower lip to stop the tears in your eyes from falling. After a moment of silence, you shake your head and push yourself off the chair, dipping under his arm and quickly walking out of his tent.
Estadir sighs when he realizes what he’s done and he doesn’t even think about rushing off after you, calling your name without anger in his voice. 
“I was surprised at how quickly his senses came over him because he followed me right away,” you carry on explaining to Ivar, smiling to yourself at the memory playing in your mind. You don’t even see Ivar staring at you in shock. 
Estadir slowly reaches to cup your face in his hands to wipe your tears away from your cheeks. “Please forgive me, my love,” he quietly begs, stepping forward to press his forehead against yours. 
You lean into his touch and place a hand over his. “I do forgive you. But this is getting out of hand,” you whisper, stroking the back of his hand as he sighs. “I don’t know if I can marry someone like that-”
“I promise you, I will work on it. Not just for you, but for the family,” he stops you, nuzzling your face with his and making a small smile grow on your face. “So I can be a good leader. And a good husband.”
“Sometimes, he still has his outbursts. But they’re not as bad as what they were,” you finish, turning your head to him and smiling when you reach the end of your story. 
He blinks at you, shocked at what you’ve told him and you take his silence as an opportunity. “I should go check on him,” you whisper, petting the neck of your horse before walking away from Ivar. 
Ivar is shocked. And as he watches you walk away, he can’t help but think that he would never treat you like that. He would never shout at you. 
You find Estadir in front of a bowl of water, washing his face and taking in deep breaths to calm himself down. A thought crosses your mind and you step towards him. 
Walking around to stand in front of him, you dip your fingers into the water and twirl them around, catching his attention and lifting his gaze from the water up to your face. 
“What are you doing?” he questions, seeing the sly look on your face that he knows all too well. 
Biting your lower lip, you shrug your shoulder and lift your eyes to him. Then you flick your fingers, splashing him with water and making him close his eyes. He takes in another deep breath, brings a hand up to his face and wipes the water off his cheeks as you giggle. “Now, why would you do something like that?” he questions, full seriousness in his voice as he glares at you. 
But you know that it’s a playful glare. You simply shrug your shoulders again and sway innocently as you glance down to the bowl again. Hearing him chuckle deeply makes you look back up to him. “You’re going to pay for that,”  he whispers, cupping his hand under the water to fill them.
You slowly back away when you see his water filled hand and laugh. “Estadir, no,” you warn, but your laugh makes it sound like you’re not at all serious. 
“Come back here, (Y/n),” he chuckles, walking after you and keeping a steady gaze on you. 
Before you can run away, he throws whatever water he has left in his hands at you, making you shriek and grabbing the tribe’s attention just as Estadir chances after you. 
You weave through the busy people who laugh at the way that Estadir chases after you, moving to the side to let him through and smiling at how you two act like star crossed lovers. 
Because Estadir is bigger than you, one step for him is like two for you, he catches up to you quickly and catches you easily. Grabbing you by your waist, he picks you up off the ground and pulls you into his chest, making you scream and playfully hit his arms. He turns you around and stumbles backwards when you fall forward. 
Landing on top of him when he falls to the ground, he grabs your hands to stop you from trying to push away. Rolling over so that you’re on his back, he pins your hands beside your head and peppers kisses on your cheeks. “Estadir, stop it,” you giggle, pressing your head against his as he starts to move to your neck. 
“I’ll stop when I get a proper apology from you,” he whispers, pulling away to smirk down at you, chuckling when he sees a pout on your lips and a shake in your head. He breathes out a short sigh and shakes his head in disappointment. “Fine.”
Then he lets go of your hands and digs his fingers into your side, wiggling them and making you shriek and burst out laugh as he tickles your side. “No! Okay, okay, I’m sorry!” He stops, raising an eyebrow as you look up at him with a flustered back. 
Grabbing the front of his tunic, you pull him back down to press your lips to his. 
Ivar watched the entire thing. And it’s starting to become hard to believe that this is all just an act between you and Estadir… 
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alaric-and-hope · 3 years
An incomplete list of songs played during Holaric scenes:
Love Is Madness, Thirty Seconds to Mars ft Halsey
Coming Up For Air, Signals in Smoke
Walk With You, Janelle Kroll
Lost Without You, Freya Ridings
Take Me Home, Chord Overstreet
Love Has No Limits, Fleurie
All My Life, Charlotte Jane
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flames-kissed · 3 years
The Don’ts
Suggestions/Requests that will be DENIED on the spot.
Ships: Real life couples/ships. Incest ships. Stand alone Lethan, romantic or sexual. Stand alone Hizzie or Hosie, romantic or sexual. No Holaric of any kind expect platonic.
Scenes: BDSM (including but not limited to: Age play, breath play, knife play, wax play.) Scenes involving any other bodily fluids but vaginal discharge, semen, and spit.
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gucluali · 7 years
Iceland - 10 Days on the Ring Road 4k from Chris Giordano on Vimeo.
Wonder what traveling around Iceland on the Ring Road for 10 days is like? Follow along for a fast-paced 3 1/2-minute dive into this spectacular place!
Want to see more? Watch the 12minute version here: vimeo.com/251914546 Visit ChrisGiordano.com/Iceland to see an interactive map with photos/video from the field!
In September 2017 my mother and I completed a self drive tour circling the land of Fire and Ice with a dense 43-page itinerary that kept us on the move - often with 10-12 hour days - to see lots of iconic landmarks in a short period of time! Following a 7hr red eye flight to Keflavík we picked up our Kia Sportage (with built in GPS and additional Wi-FI router - these came in handy when navigating difficult locations!) and from there our adventure began! Landscapes ranged from epic sea cliffs with waterfalls or glacier tongues erupting from them seemingly every two minutes, to expansive rolling hill pastures, and moss covered rocky lava fields. We quickly realized N1 stations would be our best friends as they had petrol for the car, snacks, coffee, and friendly employees. Challenges arose with figuring out the order of destinations to navigate to in keeping up with the itinerary, and so as not to backtrack. Each night we would go over when we should wake up, visit Destination 1, when to leave Destination 1 to catch a tour at Destination 2, etc etc. Meanwhile I'd be offloading footage, charging different camera batteries, and posting daily summaries to Facebook. Overcoming these adventure travel challenges, however, let us experience a vast spread of Iceland, learn a lot of history, and meet wonderful people. Visiting in September had reduced crowds and surprisingly crisp weather; usually around 50°F in the day, with minimal rain and wind.
If you’ve been thinking of visiting Iceland I hope this helps solidify your decision - this place is life changing! We saw DOZENS of friends and young couples driving around in small “Happy Camper” vans spending the night wherever they could park. There were people like us following an itinerary and staying in hotels, and even many people backpack traveling and likely staying in hostels or AirBnB!
Huge thanks to all the tour companies and their excellent guides! ——————— Some highlights
The South Coast • Descending 120m into magma chamber of the dormant Thrihnukagigur volcano on caving tour • Walking behind Seljalandsfoss waterfall • Amphibian boat ride on Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon where James Bond car chase on ice was filmed • Diamond Beach and Reynisfjara black pebble beach • Glacier hike with crampons and ice axe on Sólheimajökull glacier • Svínafellsjökull glacier tongue right outside window at Hótel Skaftafell
The Golden Circle • Þingvellir (Thingvellir) National Park, where Icelandic parliament was founded in 930 AD, and a beautiful landscape where the tectonic plays of Europe and America meet • The eruption of Strokkur the geyser at Geysir hot spring in Haukadalur valley • Staying in Hótel Gullfoss, seeing aurora borealis for the first time and a sunrise visit to Gullfoss, the Golden Waterfall the next morning
In the East • We breezed through the East, however, driving through the East Fjords offered impressive cliffside views with scattered rock and grass encircled by seabirds above. Dramatic light and shadow! • Egilsstaðir, a nice town we spent a rainy night with great pizza at a warm little restaurant
In the North • Standing at the edge of Dettifoss, Europe’s most powerful waterfall and the filming location for the intro to the movie “Prometheus” • Mývatn, a volcanic lake surrounded by moss covered rock and nearby Hverfjall tephra cone • Whale watching tour in Húsavík • Staying the night in Blönduós with a beach sunset and aurora borealis • Visiting Nyibaer turf house in Holar
In the West • Kirkjufell, the most photographed mountain in Iceland and nearby Kirkjufellfoss waterfall • Driving the Snæfellsnes Peninsula, Lóndrangar basalt pillars • Staying at Hotel Fransiskus, once a Catholic monastery turned hotel, in Stykkishólmur, near where a scene from “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty” was filmed • Hvítserkur basalt stack on beach that looks like a dragon drinking • Entering Langjökull glacier on the Ice Tunnel tour ——————— VIDEO Chris Giordano ChrisGiordano.com
Sony a7rii Canon 16-35L + 70-200L GoPro Hero5 DJI Mavic Pro
MUSIC EpidemicSound.com ——————— TRAVEL RESOURCES
Guide To Iceland (Overall 10-day self-drive trip itinerary) guidetoiceland.is/
Inside the Volcano (Thrihnukagigur magma chamber tour) insidethevolcano.com/
Troll Expeditions (Glacier hike on Sólheimajökull) trollaferdir.is/
Jökulsárlón Glacier Lagoon (Amphibian boat tour) icelagoon.is/
Into the Glacier (ice cave tour inside Langjökull) intotheglacier.is/
Gentle Giants (Whale watching tour in Húsavík) gentlegiants.is/
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