#hold on to a corresponding receipt
mandokero-eboy · 2 months
Seriously guys, they're not even trying. A National Assembly (that's what we call congress) deputy (that's what we call congresspeople) and third party candidate for Last Sunday's election, Jose Brito went on Venezuelan news network Globovision (which was bought out by government cronies in 2013, but that's another story) to defend the electoral results posted by the government. You can see the clip here:
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Community note on twitter says everything but why would you willingly go to twitter when a sexy Canadian/Venezuelan man can explain this to you instead? Ok so what happened is that he got one of those paper receipts the voting machines print and he alleged that his was the real one and it contradicted one of the opposition's.
I've been saying for days that the only thing the government needs to do in order to cast doubt about the opposition's entire evidence base is literally to show receipts. Literally just one, which could be shown to contradict any of the opposition's posted receipts and could be authenticated. There's a series of authentication tools that are printed on each receipt which essentially make these difficult to fake, not to mention there would be a long paper trail backing the authenticity of one set next to the others. The hash-code at the top is based on some information in a server we don't currently have access to. From what I understand the hash is meant to show that the results on the receipt match the results in the tabulation servers. If they altered the results on the receipt they would have to alter results in the servers as well to correct that discrepancy and that would print a different hash code. We don't have access to the tabulation server cause it's controlled by the government and they refuse to show shit (and they are claiming the digital count is compromised anyway). Thankfully there's other paper trails that can be compared to the receipts the opposition are showing to verify their authenticity as well as copies and photos that were taken of them on the day of the election and videos of poll watchers reading out the receipts as well. And of course there's direct testimony from the Poll Watchers themselves.
None of that third party fancy shmancy verification and long process needs to be done in order to disprove that this receipt is fake, however. The receipts also have a QR code which shows the ID of the voting machine which printed it as well as the vote count for that voting center. It is formatted as [voting_machine_ID]![party1_votes],[party2_votes],[party3_votes]... and so on. Must be noted that multiple parties can nominate the same candidate and the votes for each party that nominates a candidate are added together in the final count.
The opposition's receipt that corresponds to the one showed by Jose Brito on TV was this one.
If you scan the QR Code, you will see that the code matches the results on the receipt posted by the opposition originally and does not at all match his own. This shows that the receipt he's holding was altered digitally, in quite a lazy fashion as well. Falsifying a QR Code isn't very hard it would've looked fairly authentic had he done that and pasted it on the thing while he was photoshopping this.
So to summarize
All they had to do was show exactly one receipt that could be authenticated or hell even reasonably believed to be authentic on first glance in order to cast doubt on their integrity.
After almost a week and a half of showing no copies of the receipts they should have in their possession one of them decides to show one and it turns out to be FAKE.
If the government's results hadn't been suspect until now they definitely are now. And all because they were too lazy to fake a QR Code with Photoshop. This is so funny dude. The politics fandom is laughing so hard.
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Breadcrumbs and Receipts - Meghan tells on herself about the coronation
TL;DR -- The Sussexes haven’t been officially invited yet but have learned their invitation comes with strings attached that they (but especially Meghan) don’t like, given a recent onslaught of Sussex PR tantrums. I believe this indirectly confirms someone at Buckingham Palace has put steps in place to prevent the Sussexes from going rogue at the coronation like they did at the Platinum Jubilee’s service of thanksgiving at St. Paul’s Cathedral.
Disclaimer: At the end of the day, all that will matter is what Charles wants. And Charles is notorious for promising one thing to the public and then doing the reverse.
On March 1, 2023, Buckingham Palace announced that the Sussexes’ lease on Frogmore Cottage will be terminated in June 2023. Omid Scobie spins this as “[b]arred from access to police security, there’s just one space that meets the Sussexes’ security needs when visiting the UK” and calls this a “cruel eviction.”
On March 4, 2023, Meghan’s PR begins to manifest an apartment in Buckingham Palace for the Sussexes.
On March 5, 2023, Scobie wrote for Harper’s Bazaar that “the couple have ‘recently received’ email correspondence from the monarch’s Buckingham Palace household regarding the [coronation].” He further goes on to say that details will be kept “private” and “a royal aide briefed Britain’s Times of London on Saturday that an invitation had been sent out.”
On March 8, 2023, the Sussexes announced that they were claiming Prince and Princess titles for Archie and Lili in a press release sent to People Magazine announcing Lili’s christening. 
On March 9, 2023, Marie Claire (a Sussex-friendly publication) publishes this article, citing the demands for the Sussexes to attend the coronation: 1) official recognition of Archie’s birthday, 2) staying at Frogmore Cottage, 3) balcony appearance, and 4) private security details.
What’s really happened here? The Sussexes haven’t been invited to the coronation. Not yet.
First, the coronation is an official state ceremony (though ”state” seems to be debatable these days). This means that the official invitation would not be issued by email. Save-the-dates, additional details, protocol requirements, travel arrangements, confirmations -- that would be issued by email. Not invitations. Invitations would still be issued in the traditional manner, on paper through the mail (overnight priority express mail, most likely).
Second, no one else has confirmed receipt of invitations. Only the Sussexes. If you look back to royal weddings and even The Queen’s funeral, people were announcing their invitations the moment they arrived. That’s not happening now. The official invitations probably still haven’t gone out but everyone who’s going probably already knows they’re going because they’ve also received correspondence from Buckingham Palace about the event. 
Third, why are the Sussexes demanding to stay at Frogmore Cottage when they still hold the lease through June? Scobie (and all of the American Sussex-friendly publications but none of the major British publications) claims that Eugenie now lives at Frogmore Cottage. Why does Eugenie living at Frogmore Cottage preclude Harry and his family from staying with her? Surely the cousins can work it out between themselves, especially if Harry is the tenant through June. So technically Eugenie is staying with the Sussexes, which means that the only person Harry and Meghan need to make demands of is Eugenie. Not Buckingham Palace.
This means there’s something greater at play here. The palace’s “correspondence” at the beginning of the month probably wasn’t the invitation. It was probably instructions that included their lodging or accommodations in London should they attend the coronation. And given the tantrums that have happened since then -- leaking of the “cruel eviction,” implying an invitation, claiming Prince/Princess titles, and the Marie Claire demands -- Harry and Meghan were probably told that they could not stay in Windsor and that alternative arrangements in London were being made for them, probably a hotel or guest rooms at St. James’s Palace (where most everyone who lived at Buckingham moved to for the refurbishment).
Why would Charles do that? Well, because of the fiasco at the Platinum Jubilee.
For the jubilee, the Sussexes stayed at Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, which is about 45 minutes away from central London. For the service of thanksgiving at St. Paul’s Cathedral, Harry and Meghan were meant to meet with the rest of the extended royal family at Buckingham Palace and take the motorcoach over to the cathedral. They were late, missed the motorcoach, and had security take them directly to the cathedral, which led to Harry and Meghan getting virtually their own procession for the service and ultimately resulted in a late start to the service as then William, Catherine, Charles, and Camilla’s arrival was also delayed.
To put it simply: I think we’re seeing indirect confirmation that Charles is forcing the Sussexes to be more “team players” this time around. Meaning, no private, exclusive motorcade to Westminster Abbey for the coronation - they’re getting lumped in with everyone else like they were at The Queen’s funeral. Whether it’s by carriage, car, or motorcoach, they’re going to be “one of the many” rather than “one of the few.” I think we will see a procession for The King and Queen, a procession for The Prince and Princess of Wales that includes the other working members of the family, and a third procession of the remaining family members. Maybe Harry and Meghan can lead the pack, but I think there will be some kind of visible exclusion of the Sussexes separating them from William and Catherine. Especially since Meghan is still trying to negotiate the terms of their attendance at the coronation through her PR. 
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the-jackals · 8 months
Got a response from the email I send the government (Canada) in October:
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Full email transcription:
On behalf of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, I would like to acknowledge receipt of your correspondence.
The Government of Canada extends its deepest condolences to all those who have lost family members and loved ones, including Canadian citizens. During this extremely difficult time, our hearts are also with Canadians who have family and friends in the region.
Canada unequivocally condemns Hamas’ terror attacks on Israel on October 7, the appalling loss of life, and the heinous acts of violence perpetrated in those attacks, including sexual violence. We condemn Hamas’ unacceptable treatment of hostages and call for the immediate and unconditional release of all remaining hostages. The International Committee of the Red Cross must be granted full access to the hostages and be allowed to deliver medical assistance.
We support Israel’s right to defend itself in accordance with international law. In defending itself, Israel must respect international humanitarian law.
Canada previously called for humanitarian pauses on hostilities in order to allow for hostages to be released and for much-needed humanitarian aid to reach Palestinian civilians. When a pause occurred, it allowed for the release of more than 100 hostages and supported an increase in humanitarian access to affected civilians. We want to see this pause resumed and support urgent international efforts towards a sustainable ceasefire.
A sustainable ceasefire cannot be one-sided. Hamas must release all hostages, stop using Palestinian civilians as human shields, stop intentionally occupying civilian sites for terrorist purposes, and lay down its weapons. Hamas can have no future in the governance of Gaza.
We are alarmed at the diminishing safe space for civilians in Gaza. The price of defeating Hamas cannot be the continuous suffering of all Palestinian civilians. We remain deeply concerned by the scale of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and ongoing risks to all Palestinian civilians. Safe and unimpeded humanitarian access must be increased and sustained. Canada was among the first nations to provide humanitarian assistance, and we have provided tens of millions of dollars to partners to address urgent needs. Canada will ensure that no money goes into the hands of Hamas.
Canada remains committed to working with partners toward a just and lasting peace in the region, based on a two-state solution, where Israelis and Palestinians can live side by side in peace and security, with dignity and without fear.
Thank you for taking the time to write. Please accept my warmest regards.
Jean-Luc Marion
Director, Prime Minister’s Correspondence
Office of the Prime Minister
And here’s the transcript of the email I sent on October 29th:
To Prime Minister Justin Trudeau:
Minister of Foreign Affair
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, Minister Joly,
I’m horrified by the ongoing genocide being committed in Palestine, as well as Canada’s direct involvement in it. Israeli occupation under a far-right nationalist government is rapidly escalating the full ethnic cleansing of Palestinians of all religions. Citizens in Canada do not unconditionally support Israel, and many of us support resistance against apartheid.
We are aware that Canada holds massive influence over Israel’s militarization and can demand a complete end to occupation if we wished. We will not stop until this happens.
If your party and government do not demand that Israel’s Occupying Forces put an end to their illegal occupation and stop Canada from giving weapons to Israel, I will have to use whatever platforms I have to make sure that you are never re-elected.
Our demands for Israel, on behalf of the citizens of Gaza and the West Bank: Open the Raffah border crossing and keep it open for humanitarian relief. STOP the genocide of Gaza.
If you truly believe in democracy as you claim, you will listen to Palestinian voices and stop using the same propaganda tactics that have been used to manipulate the public during past atrocities.
You have the power to put pressure on Israel and help end suffering under this occupation. If you want to be on the right side of history, demand that humanitarian aid be allowed into Gaza and help put an end to ethnic cleansing by the Israeli military and their use of blockades. Ensure that Canada vocally supports reparations and return of land to Palestinian citizens.
Do not be complicit in genocide.
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titleleaf · 2 years
Experiments In Early Victorian Skincare: A Soft Pomatum, Mk. 1 🍊
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Recipe from H. Gifford's General Receipt-Book, or Oracle Of Knowledge, 1824. (This one seems to have done gangbusters in reprints, and other receipts collections ripped off its contents fairly freely… oh well.)
This was easily the most straightforward of the recipes I chose, but with one wrinkle. My first test batch was fairly small, about two ounces of shea butter (my meatless lard substitute, for now) and a corresponding amount of rosewater. It all melted together like a dream in my DIY bain-marie, but perhaps due to the fat substitution, I didn't have the advantage of the rosewater imparting its fragranced elements and then rising to the surface as the fat cooled. I was effectively skimming off the semi-liquid shea from a pool of rosewater (and spirits of wine) as the shea butter cooled and then rose to the surface.
I'm looking forward to trying this one with animal lard, but I have real apprehensions about how shelf-stable this recipe would be given the unavoidable residue of water left behind. I have murky plans to sell the proceeds of this project depending on how the results turn out, just to offset the cost of my tinkering and share a weird craft with fellow fans/historical cosmetics people, but I'd be a lot more uncomfortable slinging weirdly moist pomata via the postal service, spirits of wine or no. While this dismayed me, at least I'm not the first person to encounter this problem with early Victorian skincare recipes.
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(From Henry Beasley's The druggist's general receipt book, 1850. you're telling me a nonbinary person wrote this footnote???)
The extremely unscientific poll I did on Twitter wrt the use of animal fats in this project came back fairly inconclusive -- more people in favor of non-animal fats than animal fats, but more people saying they didn't care or just wanted to see what other people voted for than either. I'll give both options a try, but both tallow and lard -- presuming "top-quality lard", which many receipts books specify outright, and not a big block of hydrogenated Armour lard -- are pricey enough that I'm holding off for now. In my quests to source lard and tallow for future experiments, I found out a lot of people are getting back into using animal fats for skincare, which weirds me out a little but encourages me that I won't be the weirdest person buying animal fat at the butcher's this month.
I will say, this one is ludicrously moisturizing -- I would definitely cherish this stuff like gold in a polar climate. It's heavy enough that I'd be more comfortable using it as a moisturizing salve for dry bits like hands and elbows, but I don't think it'd be likely to harm hair at all, and for fanfiction purposes only, it seems like it would be fine to use to lube up a butthole. It's firm at room temperature, but warms up easily if you rub it between your hands.
The fragrance of rosewater was absolutely negligible, not sure whether to chalk it up to an inferior rose water (might try this with a bottle I got years ago from Nielsen-Massey that smells like an absolute ass kicking) or the qualities of the fat involved. In lieu of wasting my precious otto of roses, which I'll need for Fitzjames reasons later on, I opted to fragrance this with a few drops of benzoin gum after warming the bottle in a hot-water bath. (I'd describe benzoin gum as… technically liquid in this form, but extremely viscous, unlikely to comply with a Euro-style essential oil dropper. I've got hard crystals for use in incense, but I didn't need to bust them out in this case. Overall the smell is a very smooth, almost gourmand incense note, not at all dank.) Benzoin resin is used as a fixative for other fragrance elements, and it's innocuous enough to be widely-used in cosmetics and confectionery; a few drops added a subtle fragrance here that I enjoyed.
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If the rosewater route doesn't work out, there's always another option from Gifford. I really think I need to play around with the relative melting temperatures and consistencies of different fats here, but the comedy value of making a hard pomatum bar is not lost on me. IIRC there's a recipe for hard pomatum in this style in one of the American Duchess books (not surprising given its earlier publication year) and they use a Star Wars-themed silicone mold, which gives me great joy.
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mortoinquieto · 2 years
This post's about to be a bit long. One sec (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
[video footage taken from the eye of Pothead, a spider robot. a young girl with defining features blurred appears to be having the time of her life playing an arcade rhythm game, robin is in frame leaning against his crutches and looking like he could pass out at any moment]
[photo of little girl holding up a plate of overpriced casino kids meal food with a smile]
[photo caught at the exact moment that she spills dippin dots all over the carpet]
[video of her winning at penny slots]
[receipts photo showing just how much of nero's money Duncan and Robbie spent spoiling her]
[timestamps all correspond over the course of time that she was with them]
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mealvaan · 25 days
Tomb Raiding
Every cupboard, drawer, and box in the house has been emptied of its contents and upturned. The apartment floor is a vessel for its storage’s spilled guts. Through the ocean Vahri’a wades, displacing the currents of ancient receipts and old knick knacks as he goes. 
Over bells, the seas part for him. Charcoal portraits of himself and his clan galvanized with arcanima are separated from the half-crumpled chicken scratch of a shopping list never used. The valueless makeshift bookmarks of common, yet beautifully illustrated Triple Triad cards are kept with guilty affection. The nightwear of ex-lovers that wormed their way into the back of his drawer are finally discarded. 
It’s been cycles now since the apartment was properly cleaned. It was hard to consider the place a home, given that he hadn’t chosen it as an abode in the first place. Even if he had pleaded for the flat, it was still so different from the home he’d grown up in, and it was still difficult to settle in — yet he’d embedded himself in the walls of this place, evidenced by the roots he now finds himself digging out from the plaster in the walls. 
Vahri’a feels this is less of a belated spring cleaning, and more the pilfering of a relative’s grave. He sits uncomfortably outside of himself, finding things he hadn’t realized he’d kept or would keep in this sun and epoch, yet could believe that he’d held onto with such irrational stubbornness. 
A published pseudo-memoir in the form of a late countess’s diary, wherein she gratuitously recounts her sordid forays into easily avoidable, soap opera-esque dramas, unexplored beyond the first chapter. A pair of ugly, mismatching socks in primary colors, far more complimentary than quirky and still encased in packaging. A ticket to a burlesque show to which he never attended, despite the purchase not coming from his wallet. A collar for a pet coeurl with the name ‘Vestra’ engraved into the tag, unused at the bottom of the storage cupboard. A gimmicky contraption masquerading as a cutting edge cleaning innovation which was unnecessarily difficult to use, yet somehow earned a place as bedside decor. A letter written by his sister Meindo and left at the back of a drawer, wherein she confirms her reasons for leaving the flat to Vahri’a — correspondence that never made its way to him until he found it himself.
Vahri’a wonders what it would be like to the guy who wears mismatching socks. To own a small pet coeurl, rather than muse about it and make an impulse purchase. To have known Meindo was wholly leaving their residence behind, moons before he figured it out. 
Are these the artifacts scholars muse over, when they wonder what potential their pottery shards might hold? To the naked eye, they’re useless pieces of clay.
With a whistle from his lips, he hefts the garbage bag over his shoulder. Scholar he was, scholar he is, but the dead have no use for their clobber.
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postcodefinderroyal · 4 months
Standard Envelope Sizes Categories in UK
Standard envelope sizes in the UK are categorized according to their dimensions and the types of documents they are designed to hold. These sizes are standardized to ensure compatibility with the postal system, efficient handling, and ease of use in various applications, from personal correspondence to business mail. Understanding these categories is crucial for selecting the right envelope for your needs. Here are the primary categories of standard envelope sizes in the UK, detailed in 800 words.
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1. DL Envelopes DL envelopes are one of the most commonly used sizes in the UK. They measure 110 mm x 220 mm and are designed to hold A4 paper folded into thirds (twice along the shorter side). This size is ideal for business correspondence, such as invoices, statements, and letters. DL envelopes are also frequently used for mailing marketing materials, such as flyers and promotional offers. They typically come with a window option, allowing the recipient's address to show through from the letter inside, which helps save time in addressing envelopes.
2. C5 Envelopes C5 envelopes measure 162 mm x 229 mm and are designed to hold an A4 sheet of paper folded once (in half) or an A5 sheet unfolded. These envelopes are suitable for sending larger documents that should not be folded excessively, such as reports, brochures, and certificates. C5 envelopes are also popular for greeting cards and invitations. They provide a professional appearance and ensure that contents remain neat and presentable.
3. C4 Envelopes C4 envelopes are larger, measuring 229 mm x 324 mm, and are designed to hold an A4 sheet of paper without folding. This makes them ideal for sending important documents that need to remain flat, such as contracts, legal papers, and official correspondence. C4 envelopes are also commonly used for sending magazines, booklets, and larger brochures. Their size ensures that the contents arrive in pristine condition, without any creases or folds.
4. C6 Envelopes C6 envelopes measure 114 mm x 162 mm and are designed to hold an A5 sheet of paper folded once or an A6 sheet unfolded. This size is commonly used for sending postcards, small greeting cards, invitations, and announcements. C6 envelopes are often chosen for their compact size, which is perfect for more personal and intimate mailings. They are also a popular choice for mailing small photos or mementos.
5. C3 Envelopes C3 envelopes are much larger, measuring 324 mm x 458 mm. They are designed to hold an A3 sheet of paper without folding, making them suitable for sending large documents, posters, blueprints, and artwork. C3 envelopes provide ample space for bulkier items and ensure that larger documents arrive without any folds or damage. This size is less commonly used for everyday mail but is essential for specific professional and creative applications.
6. Square Envelopes Square envelopes come in various sizes but are characterized by their equal dimensions on all sides. Common sizes include 130 mm x 130 mm and 155 mm x 155 mm. Square envelopes are often used for invitations, greeting cards, and special announcements. Their unique shape makes them stand out in the mail, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication to the correspondence. However, it is important to note that square envelopes may require additional postage due to their non-standard shape.
7. Banker Envelopes Banker envelopes are a specific style often used for formal correspondence and financial documents. They typically measure 95 mm x 152 mm and feature a V-shaped flap. This design provides a secure closure and a distinctive, professional appearance. Banker envelopes are used for sending cheques, receipts, and personal letters, offering both security and style.
8. Gusset Envelopes Gusset envelopes, also known as expandable envelopes, have sides that expand to accommodate thicker or bulkier contents. They are available in various sizes, including C4 and C5, but with an added depth that allows them to hold multiple sheets of paper, brochures, or small booklets. Gusset envelopes are ideal for sending documents that cannot be compressed or folded without damaging them. The expandable feature ensures that the contents fit comfortably without straining the envelope.
9. Window Envelopes Window envelopes come in various standard sizes, such as DL, C5, and C4, and feature a transparent window that allows the recipient's address to show through from the letter inside. This design saves time in addressing envelopes and ensures that the address is always clearly visible. Window envelopes are commonly used in business settings for sending invoices, statements, and official letters.
10. Airmail Envelopes Airmail envelopes are designed specifically for international mail. They are lightweight and often feature blue and red borders to signify their purpose. Standard sizes include DL and C5, but they are made from thinner paper to reduce weight and postage costs. Airmail envelopes are used for sending letters and documents overseas efficiently.
In conclusion, standard envelope sizes in the UK are categorized to meet diverse mailing needs, from personal correspondence to professional documents. Understanding these categories helps in selecting the right envelope for your specific requirements, ensuring that your mail is delivered efficiently and arrives in perfect condition. Whether for business or personal use, choosing the correct envelope size enhances the professionalism and effectiveness of your communication.
Postcode Finder & Royal Mail Redirection  – Wordpress
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guntraders · 4 months
Used Guns Australia: A Comprehensive Guide
Australia's used gun market is a fascinating and dynamic space, offering a range of firearms from classic hunting rifles to modern handguns. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a first-time buyer, understanding this market is crucial. This guide will walk you through everything you need to know about buying and selling Used Guns in Australia.
The Legal Landscape
Australia's gun laws are among the strictest in the world, a result of significant legislative changes following the Port Arthur massacre in 1996. These laws are designed to ensure public safety and regulate the ownership and use of firearms. The National Firearms Agreement (NFA) of 1996 marked a turning point in Australia's gun laws. It introduced strict controls on firearm ownership, including mandatory buy-backs of certain types of guns and comprehensive background checks for all purchasers. Today, buying and selling used guns in Australia is tightly regulated. All transactions must be conducted through licensed firearm dealers, and both parties must hold the appropriate licenses. Firearms must also be registered with the authorities.
To buy or sell used guns in Australia, you need to obtain a firearms license. This involves completing a firearms safety course, passing background checks, and meeting specific criteria depending on the type of firearm. There are several categories of firearms licenses in Australia, each corresponding to different types of firearms. These include licenses for handguns, rifles, shotguns, and more, with varying requirements for each.
Why Buy Used Guns?
One of the primary reasons people opt for used guns is the cost savings. Used firearms are often significantly cheaper than new ones, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious buyers. Used guns can also offer access to rare and vintage models that are no longer in production. For collectors and enthusiasts, this can be a major draw. Many used guns have been well-maintained and can offer the same level of quality and reliability as new ones. In some cases, older models may even be superior in craftsmanship.
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Where to Buy Used Guns in Australia
Licensed firearm dealers are one of the safest and most reliable places to buy used guns. They are regulated by law and provide thorough documentation and checks for every transaction. There are several reputable online platforms where you can buy used guns in Australia. These sites often have extensive listings and provide buyer protections to ensure safe transactions. However, when buying online, it's essential to be cautious and avoid scams. Always verify the credibility of the seller, check reviews, and ensure all transactions are conducted through secure platforms. Gun shows and auctions can also be great places to find used guns. They offer a chance to inspect firearms in person and often feature competitive pricing.
What to Look for When Buying Used Guns
When purchasing a used gun, inspect it thoroughly for signs of wear and tear. Look for rust, scratches, and other damage that could affect performance. Test the functionality of the firearm if possible. Ensure the action works smoothly and that all components are in good working order. Ask for documentation and the history of the firearm. This can include the original purchase receipt, any service records, and proof of ownership. Additionally, check if the seller offers any warranty or return policy. This can provide peace of mind and protect your investment.
Popular Used Guns in Australia
Handguns like the Glock 17, Smith & Wesson M&P, and the Beretta 92 are popular choices in the used gun market due to their reliability and performance. Rifles such as the Remington 700, Winchester Model 70, and the Ruger 10/22 are highly sought after by hunters and sport shooters. Shotguns like the Benelli SuperNova, Mossberg 500, and Beretta 686 are favorites for their durability and versatility.
Maintenance and Care for Used Guns
Keeping your used gun clean is crucial for maintaining its functionality and longevity. Regular cleaning after use will prevent build-up of residue and rust. Store your firearms in a secure, dry place. Using a gun safe or lockable cabinet will keep them safe from unauthorized access and environmental damage. Occasionally, have your firearms serviced by a professional. This can help catch any issues early and ensure your gun remains in top condition.
Safety Considerations
Always handle firearms with care. Follow the basic rules of gun safety: treat every gun as if it's loaded, never point it at anything you don't intend to shoot, and keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire. Proper training and education are essential for safe firearm use. Consider taking a firearms safety course to improve your skills and knowledge. Invest in secure storage solutions like gun safes or lockable cabinets. This will help prevent accidents and unauthorized access.
Selling Used Guns in Australia
Selling a used gun in Australia requires compliance with strict legal requirements. The sale must be conducted through a licensed dealer, and the buyer must have the appropriate license. When selling, ensure your firearm is in good condition and provide all necessary documentation. Be transparent about the gun's history and any issues it may have. You can sell used guns through licensed dealers, online marketplaces, or at gun shows and auctions. Choose a platform that ensures legal compliance and offers protection for both buyer and seller.
The Used Guns in Australia offers a wealth of opportunities for buyers and sellers alike. By understanding the legal requirements, knowing what to look for, and following best practices, you can navigate this market with confidence. Whether you're looking for a budget-friendly option, a rare collectible, or a reliable firearm for hunting or sport shooting, used guns provide a viable and often advantageous alternative to buying new.
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trinityvuissent · 5 months
Chapter 2 - The Homeland, part 4
Even though their styles in homes differed so much, they always found a place that could give each what they wanted and needed, or Pita had the vision as to how the right changes could be made to accomplish it.
Three months prior she had consulted with the family’s property lawyers, all old stuffy overweight, well paid men that she had on retainer.  Life had been good to them.  She had been good to them.  Though sometimes she put them through their paces with her eccentric requests. and this time she told them to prepare a detailed listing of all the properties she owned.  This task was no simple endeavor.  Within hours she was given the first list and looked at it with disgust. One conference call later they were back at it, this time with that cushy job on the line as she clarified her order, “This list is a google top ten article that no one took the time to really look at, not to mention it's nowhere near what I asked for. I asked for a list of MY properties, ones that I already own. You each will prepare your own separate findings and present them. This will ensure that you all did your best, why?  The ones that were unable to find as many as the others will be fired on the spot with no severance.  Do I make myself clear?  I expect each property file to come with receipts, tracking when they first came to my family’s possession and what has happened with each since. FULL ON REPORTS! Not this sad fucking excuse for billshit you gave me.”   Over the last few months to follow, each lawyer dove in and updated her often through email, though a few preferred regular post office correspondence, like actual mail.  She wasn’t sure what option she liked the most.  Email made things quick and easy, but mail gave her something tangible that she could hold in her hands.  It didn't really matter as long as they were giving what she expected, and for the most part they were.  
One of the envelopes was from the firm Radbush and Scott in New York, the small firm that she had the most familiarity with as Randolph Cornelius Scottenshire, who had shortened his surname to simply Scott, had worked with her father for years, someone Daddy trusted deeply.  He was the typical stuffy old man that you were surprised to hear was still in practice “at his age”.  He had to have been in his 80’s yet didn’t sound or move like it.  Trin always expected that he had been given some kind of boost type ‘gift’ from one of his employers, after all he was very good at his job.  It’s hard to think about letting someone that you depend on go.  Maybe dear ole dad, maybe another client, but he never really seemed surprised at anything Trin asked of him. Nor did he pry out of turn, only as much as he needed to do the job he was tasked for.   
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onlineforum1 · 5 months
Navigating Consumer Complaints: A Comprehensive Guide to Finding Solutions
Consumer complaints are an integral part of the modern marketplace. They serve as a vital feedback mechanism, helping businesses identify areas for improvement and ensuring that consumers receive the quality products and services they deserve. However, for consumers, navigating the process of complaining can be daunting. In this article, we'll explore the various steps involved in filing a consumer complaint and provide tips for achieving a satisfactory resolution.
Understanding the Complaint Process:
Before complaining, it's essential to understand the process involved. Most companies have dedicated customer service departments tasked with handling complaints. Additionally, many industries have regulatory bodies or consumer protection agencies that oversee dispute resolution processes. Familiarizing yourself with these channels can help streamline the complaint process and increase the likelihood of a successful outcome.
Identifying the Issue:
The first step in filing a consumer complaint is to identify the specific issue or grievance. This may involve a defective product, misleading advertising, poor customer service, or billing errors, among other concerns. Clearly articulating the nature of the problem will facilitate communication with the company or organization responsible for addressing the complaint.
Gathering Documentation:
To support your complaint, gather any relevant documentation, such as receipts, contracts, correspondence with the company, or photographs of the issue. Documentation provides evidence of the problem and strengthens your case when communicating with the company's customer service representatives or regulatory agencies.
Contacting the Company:
Once you've identified the issue and gathered relevant documentation, reach out to the company's customer service department to lodge your complaint. Most companies provide multiple channels for communication, including phone, email, online forms, or social media. Be sure to provide a clear and concise description of the problem, along with any supporting evidence.
Escalating the Complaint:
If you're dissatisfied with the company's initial response or feel that your complaint isn't being adequately addressed, consider escalating the matter to a higher level of management. Many companies have escalation procedures in place to handle unresolved complaints or disputes. Additionally, you may choose to involve third-party mediation services or regulatory agencies, depending on the nature of the complaint.
Seeking Legal Assistance:
In cases where a resolution cannot be reached through direct communication with the company or regulatory agencies, you may need to seek legal assistance. Consumer protection laws vary by jurisdiction, and an attorney specializing in consumer rights can provide guidance on your legal options and represent your interests in legal proceedings if necessary.
Consumer complaints play a crucial role in holding businesses accountable and protecting the rights of consumers. By understanding the complaint process, identifying the issue, gathering documentation, contacting the company, escalating the complaint when necessary, and seeking legal assistance if needed, consumers can effectively advocate for their rights and achieve a satisfactory resolution to their complaints. Remember, empowered consumers are the driving force behind positive change in the marketplace.
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darkxmartcom · 8 months
Business Software
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Wellcome friends in this article I am covering The Best Business Software these three are the following of them 1. Bitrix, 2. Trello, 3. Proofhub then feel free to read this article and don't forget to press the follow button.
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for HR the board, online business, deals investigation, and other organizations' necessities.
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That is now a great deal, and we just momentarily made sense of what our business programming can do 'bleeding edge'. However, every business has behind the stage as well, where all enchantment occurs - inside correspondences, business processes, endorsements, projects, what should be done... Bitrix24 helps here as well. There are many apparatuses for inward coordinated effort, including visits, calls, and videoconferences, both private and gathering. Undertaking and venture the executives help actually watch cutoff times and finish things. In addition, your workers can take part. You can add outside clients with restricted admittance as well, similar to accomplices, consultants, and clients.
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An efficiency force to be reckoned with
Basic, adaptable, and strong. Everything necessary is sheets, records, and cards to get an unmistakable perspective on who's doing what and the main priority.
Trello sheets keep assignments coordinated and work pushing ahead. In a look, see everything from "What should be done" to "Aww no doubt, we did it!"
The various phases of an undertaking. Begin as basic as To Do, Doing or Done — or fabricate a work process exceptionally fit to your group's requirements. There's no incorrect way to Trello.
Cards address errands and thoughts and hold all the data to take care of business. As you gain ground, get cards across records to show their status.
HIT Cutoff times Without fail
From week-by-week runs to yearly preparation, the Timetable view keeps all assignments on target. Immediately get a brief look at what's descending the pipeline and distinguish any holes that could obstruct your group's advancement.
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Begin every day with next to no curve balls. Whether booking a publication schedule or keeping steady over tasks, the Schedule view resembles a precious stone ball providing you with an unmistakable vision of what work lies ahead.
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Proof Hub
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ProofHub is an across-the-board business that executives program that assists organizations with overseeing work such that everything can be kept coordinated in one spot. A focal stage permits groups to figure out the messiness and envision their regular undertakings consistently.
The product depends on incorporating all of your venture necessities for basic access. ProofHub kills the requirement for a few applications to share refreshes, team up, or oversee tasks; all should be possible in one spot.
You can allocate errands to your colleagues, keep tabs on their development as they do them, and ping them for refreshes at whatever point you really want them. You can undoubtedly design out the remainder of the week and make meeting notes. It permits you to convey wishes to everybody by allowing you to make extensive declarations. Colleagues might associate with one another in a split second utilizing individual or gathering visits.
In the wake of supporting the last changes by the expectations, chiefs and their subordinates can undoubtedly check exercises from "doing" to "done." ProofHub likewise permits you to oversee and share documents. You could ping the client with an advancement report, guaranteeing that your work is all finished on time and in one spot.
ProofHub offers an assortment of efficiency elements to assist organizations of all sizes with further developing undertaking results.
Here are all of the remarkable ProofHub highlights you might want to find in your business the board application.
Task The board
The errand board part of ProofHub is liable for the creation, the executives, and the following of undertakings in a venture. Undertakings for the whole group can be arranged and promptly set down in a visual-accommodating Kanban design and Gantt outlines.
The Table view in ProofHub coordinates each of your errands like a dynamic Succeed bookkeeping sheet. It's very valuable for somebody who has gone through their whole working time on earth working with tables since it's jam-loaded with section capabilities. You can likewise alter the undertaking view according to your special requirements utilizing custom fields. The schedule view lets you see the assignments you've been all apportioned consistently, so you're generally mindful of when you want to circle back to significant tasks.
ProofHub has an assortment of another valuable errands on the executive's devices as well, similar to an undertaking cutoff time, moment task notices (in-application and by email), and assignment work processes, which make work for the board more straightforward.
Coordinated effort
Whether on-reason or remote, ProofHub unites your group with dynamic coordinated effort highlights. The conversations in ProofHub assist you in constantly conversing with your colleagues and isolating them based on specific subjects.
You can likewise associate with your colleagues rapidly utilizing ProofHub's inbuilt talk include (both individual and gathering).
The notes segment in ProofHub permits you to rapidly write down significant data in a single spot, partition your notes into various segments called 'scratch pad' and offer them to your colleagues.
With the utilization of markup devices and explained in-record remarks, the sealing apparatus permits you to give definite criticism. Your partners can see each other's remarks, make changes depending on the situation, and submit new adaptations for endorsement.
Using time effectively
ProofHub monitors your group's time-spending designs, which assists you with staying on top of your timetable. By utilizing time logging, checking, and revealing innovations, you might lay out time responsibility.
ProofHub's clock is a mechanized time-logging apparatus that monitors how long you spend on every movement. You can undoubtedly begin the Clock when you start the undertaking and stop it when you're finished.
Timesheets in ProofHub are like accounting sheets for showing the time logged by your group. You can see clean reports on how your group is investing energy, what errands are investing the most time, and the number of billable hours they have consumed.
Document the board
ProofHub is a fantastic document stockpiling arrangement that keenly oversees record duplicates, forming, and arranging in one helpful area. It has a well-organized record framework and 100 GB (expandable) of document extra room for all of your undertaking documents.
ProofHub permits you to transfer all of your undertaking records and classify them into explicit envelopes. You can likewise append records to correspondence modules like group Visit, Conversations, and Errands, and your connections will be all advantageously available in the Documents area.
You can likewise make various variants of similar records under the segment of the document, each with its own rendition history. Transfer new forms, return to a more established adaptation, and offer the last word with no sweat.
Progress Following
Entrepreneurs need to understand what their group is doing consistently without obsessively fussing over or intruding. ProofHub permits you to flawlessly monitor your group's regular exercises and progress.
Project reports in ProofHub assist you with getting a nitty gritty perspective on how your undertaking is advancing. You'll be aware if a colleague needs a little push or on the other hand.
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latestgovtjobnews · 9 months
North Eastern Council Secretariat seeks 15 Stenographer Grade-II officers for deputation.
New Post has been published on https://www.jobsarkari.in/north-eastern-council-secretariat-seeks-15-stenographer-grade-ii-officers-for-deputation/
North Eastern Council Secretariat seeks 15 Stenographer Grade-II officers for deputation.
The North Eastern Council Secretariat is seeking suitable officers to fill 15 posts of Stenographer Grade-II on a deputation basis. The pay scale for these positions is Rs. 5000-150-8000/- (5th CPC)/PB-2, Rs. 9300-34800/- plus Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/- (6th CPC) corresponding to a pay scale of Rs. 44900-142400/- (Level 7) of the 7th CPC Pay Matrix. The eligibility criteria for these positions include officers under the Central Government, State Government, Union Territories, or Statutory Organizations who hold an analogous post or have eight years of regular service in a post in the scale of Rs. 4000-100-6000 (5th CPC)/PB-1, Rs. 5200-20200/- + GP Rs. 2400/- (6th CPC) corresponding to a pay scale of Rs. 25500-81100/- (Level 4) of the 7th CPC Matrix or equivalent.
The period of deputation, including any period in another ex-cadre post held immediately prior to this appointment, should not exceed three years. The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation is 56 years as of the closing date for receipt of applications.
The duties and responsibilities of the Stenographer Grade-II position include functioning as a personal assistant to senior officers, taking shorthand dictation in English and typing in the computer, maintaining Visitors’ Diary, files, and dak movement registers, maintaining tour details of attached officer(s), and performing other tasks assigned by the officer.
The pay and other terms and conditions of deputation will be regulated in accordance with DoPT’s O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-ll) dated 17.06.2010 and No. 2/11/2041 7-Estt. (Pay-Il) dated 24.11.2017, as amended from time to time.
Cadre authorities/Head of Departments are requested to forward applications of eligible and willing candidates whose services can be spared on deputation basis within 60 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in the Employment News. The candidates are advised to visit the NEC website http://necouncil.gov.in for the application format and other details.
The application should be accompanied by various enclosures, including a completed and signed application form, attested copies of ACRs/APARs for the last five years, integrity certificate, vigilance clearance, cadre clearance certificate, major or minor penalty certificate for the last 10 years of service, and a certificate verifying the accuracy of the furnished particulars.
Candidates who apply for the position(s) will not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently.
The North Eastern Council Secretariat is looking for officers to fill 15 posts of Stenographer Grade-II on deputation basis.
The eligibility criteria for the post include officers under the Central Government or State Government with analogous post or eight years of regular service in a post with a specific pay scale.
The period of deputation should not exceed three years and the maximum age limit for appointment is 56 years.
The duties and responsibilities of the post include functioning as a Personal Assistant to senior officers, taking shorthand dictation in English, typing in the computer, and maintaining files and records.
The pay and other terms and conditions of deputation will be regulated according to DoPT’s O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-ll) and No. 2/11/2041 7-Estt. (Pay-Il).
Cadre authorities/Head of Departments are requested to forward applications of eligible candidates within 60 days.
The application should be accompanied by various documents including ACRs/APARs, integrity certificate, vigilance clearance, cadre clearance certificate, and penalty certificate.
Candidates cannot withdraw their candidature once they have applied for the post(s).
The North Eastern Council Secretariat is recruiting 15 experienced Stenographer Grade-II officers on deputation.
Eligibility Criteria
Officers under the Central Government or State Government or Union Territories or Statutory Organisations*holding analogous post or with eight years regular service in post in the scale of Rs. 4000-100-6000 (5th CPC)/PB-1, Rs. 5,200-20,200/- + GP Rs. 2400/- (6th CPC) corresponding to pay scale of Rs. 25500-81100/- (Level 4) of the 7th CPC Matrix or equivalent.
Period of Deputation and Maximum Age Limit
Period of deputation including period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other Organization/Department of the Central Government, shall ordinarily not exceed three years.
The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation shall be ‘Not exceeding 56 years as on the closing of receipt of applications.
Duties and Responsibilities
To function as PA to senior officers.
Taking shorthand dictation in English and typing in the computer (English).
Maintenance of Visitors’ Diary, files and dak movement registers of the Officer/Sector/Section where he/she has been attached.
Maintenance of tour details of officer(s) with whom. he/she has been attached.
Performing any other task assigned to him/her by his/her officer with whom he/she has been attached/Secretary/Deputy Secretary/Director (Admn.) from time to time.
Pay and Terms of Deputation
The pay and other terms and conditions of deputation will be regulated in accordance with DoPT’s O.M. No. 6/8/2009-Estt. (Pay-ll) dated 17.06.2010 and No. 2/11/2041 7-Estt. (Pay-Il) dt-24.11.2017 as amended from time to time.
Application Process
Cadre authorities/Head of Departments are requested to forward applications of eligible and willing candidates whose services can be spared on deputation basis immediately so as to reach the Director (Admn.) within 60 days from the date of publication of this advertisement in the Employment News.
For Curriculum Vitae (Annexure-l) and other details, the candidates are advised to visit and download from the NEC website http://necouncil.gov.in.
Required Documents
Application in prescribed format-Annexure II duly completed, signed by the applicant and countersigned by the Cadre/Appointing authority.
Attested copies of ACRs/APARs for the last five (5) years duly attested on each page with seal by an officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Govt. of India or equivalent.
Integrity Certificate.
Vigilance Clearance.
Cadre Clearance Certificate.
Major or minor penalty certificate for the last 10 years of service.
A certificate to the effect that the particulars furnished by the applicant have been verified and found correct as per service records.
Candidate’s Commitment
Candidates applying for the post(s) would not be allowed to withdraw their candidature subsequently.
Summary and Next Steps
The North Eastern Council Secretariat is recruiting 15 experienced Stenographer Grade-II officers on deputation.
Eligible officers under the Central Government or State Government can apply for the post.
The period of deputation should not exceed three years and the maximum age limit for appointment is 56 years.
Duties and responsibilities of the post include functioning as a Personal Assistant to senior officers, taking shorthand dictation in English, typing in the computer, and maintaining files and records.
Cadre authorities/Head of Departments are requested to forward applications of eligible candidates within 60 days.
Various documents including ACRs/APARs, integrity certificate, vigilance clearance, cadre clearance certificate, and penalty certificate should accompany the application.
Candidates cannot withdraw their candidature once they have applied for the post(s).
Next steps: Visit the NEC website for the application form and submit the required documents within the specified timeframe.
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trendyprojectors · 1 year
Vizio D Series 24inch HD 720P Smart LED TV Review – PROS & CONS
Vizio D-Series 24inch HD (720P) Smart LED TV, Smartcast + Chromecast Included - D24H-G9 (Renewed)
This pre-owned product has been professionally inspected, tested and cleaned by Amazon qualified vendors.
Products correspond to one of the following cosmetic conditions: Excellent condition - no signs of cosmetic damage when held 12 inches away. Good condition - Light scratches, barely visible when holding the device 12 inches away. Acceptable condition - Scratches visible when holding the device 12 inches away and perceptible to the touch.
When present, batteries have a capacity that exceeds 80% of the new equivalent.
Accessories may not be original, but will be compatible and fully functional. Product may come in generic box.
This product is eligible for a replacement or refund within 90-days of receipt if it does not work as expected.
Use the VIZIO SmartCast Mobile app anywhere in the home to access additional entertainment, settings and playback controls from your mobile screen
Google chromecast is built into all vizio smart TV's like this one!
Excellent quality and picture- Browse and launch popular apps like Netflix directly from the TV using the all-new remote with SmartCast Home.
Powerful presentations-Built-in WiFi Connect with high-speed wireless for easy internet access with fast load times.
YOU WILL LOVE THIS: Includes VIZIO WatchFree with over 100 live and internet streaming channels absolutely FREE live news, movies, movies, sports, comedy, music and more. No fees, subscriptions or logins.
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nklhuydong49 · 1 year
Chinese Depositary Receipt (CDR): What it is, How it Works
What Is a Chinese Depositary Receipt (CDR)?
A Chinese Depositary Receipt (CDR) is a financial instrument introduced by the Chinese government to enable Chinese companies that are already listed on foreign stock exchanges to also list their shares on domestic stock exchanges in China, such as the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The primary goal of CDRs is to encourage Chinese tech giants and innovative companies that have previously chosen to list on foreign exchanges to also have a presence in the domestic Chinese markets.
Here are some key points to understand about Chinese Depositary Receipts (CDRs):
Issuer: CDRs are issued by Chinese companies that are already publicly traded on overseas stock exchanges, like the Hong Kong Stock Exchange or the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). These companies are often referred to as "offshore-listed" Chinese companies.
Underlying Shares: CDRs represent a specific number of the company's shares listed on foreign exchanges. In other words, they are a means for domestic Chinese investors to gain exposure to the company's overseas-listed shares.
Domestic Offering: Once a Chinese company obtains regulatory approval, it can issue CDRs on domestic stock exchanges. These CDRs are denominated in Chinese yuan (RMB) and can be purchased by investors in mainland China.
International Offering: In addition to issuing CDRs domestically, the same Chinese company may also issue Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) or American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) that represent the same underlying shares. These GDRs or ADRs can be traded on international stock exchanges, allowing foreign investors to invest in the company indirectly.
Custodian Banks: Custodian banks play a crucial role in the CDR process. They hold the actual shares listed on foreign exchanges and issue the corresponding CDRs in the domestic market. Custodian banks ensure that CDRs are backed by the foreign-listed shares.
Regulatory Framework: The issuance and trading of CDRs are subject to Chinese regulatory standards, including compliance with Chinese securities laws and disclosure requirements. Chinese regulators, such as the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), oversee the CDR market.
Investor Benefits: CDRs provide Chinese investors with an opportunity to invest in well-known global companies that may have previously only been accessible through foreign stock exchanges. It allows these companies to tap into the vast pool of domestic capital in China.
Voting Rights: The extent of voting rights associated with CDRs may vary. In some cases, CDR holders may have limited or no voting rights, depending on the company's structure and regulatory requirements.
CDRs are a mechanism designed to bridge the gap between China's domestic capital markets and the international financial markets. They offer a way for Chinese companies to access both domestic and international investors while also providing Chinese investors with access to global investment opportunities.
Understanding Chinese Depositary Receipts (CDRs)
Chinese Depositary Receipts (CDRs) are a financial instrument designed to allow Chinese companies that are already listed on foreign stock exchanges to list their shares on domestic stock exchanges in China, primarily on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The introduction of CDRs was part of China's effort to attract leading technology companies and innovative firms back to its domestic markets. Here is a breakdown of CDRs:
Eligibility: Chinese companies that are already publicly traded on overseas stock exchanges can apply for CDR issuance. These companies are often referred to as "offshore-listed" Chinese companies.
Issuance Process: To issue CDRs, a company must first obtain approval from the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC), which is the regulatory authority overseeing securities markets in China. The CSRC evaluates the company's application based on various criteria, including its financial performance, compliance with Chinese regulatory standards, and strategic importance to China's economy.
Domestic Offering: After receiving regulatory approval, the company can proceed with a domestic offering of CDRs. These CDRs represent a specific number of the company's shares listed on foreign exchanges. They are denominated in Chinese yuan (RMB) and can be traded on domestic stock exchanges. Chinese investors can purchase these CDRs in the domestic market.
International Offering: Simultaneously with the domestic offering, the company may also issue Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) or American Depositary Receipts (ADRs) that represent the same underlying shares. These GDRs or ADRs can be traded on international stock exchanges, allowing foreign investors to invest in the company indirectly.
Custodian Banks: Custodian banks play a crucial role in the CDR process. They hold the actual shares listed on foreign exchanges and issue the corresponding CDRs in the domestic market. Custodian banks ensure that CDRs are backed by the foreign-listed shares.
Regulatory Compliance: CDRs are subject to Chinese regulatory standards and securities laws. Companies must adhere to Chinese disclosure requirements and reporting standards, which may differ from those in their home markets.
Investor Rights: CDR holders typically have the same economic rights as shareholders of the company listed abroad. This includes receiving dividends and participating in corporate actions. However, the extent of voting rights associated with CDRs may vary, and CDR holders may have limited or no voting rights in some cases.
Market Impact: The introduction of CDRs has the potential to impact the company's stock price on foreign exchanges as well as the domestic stock exchange where CDRs are traded. Investors often monitor both markets to assess the overall market sentiment and demand for the company's shares.
CDRs are intended to bridge the gap between China's domestic capital markets and the international financial markets. They offer a means for Chinese companies to access both domestic and international investors while also providing Chinese investors with access to global investment opportunities. However, the success of CDRs depends on various factors, including regulatory conditions, market sentiment, and the attractiveness of the company to investors.
CDR Advantages
Chinese Depositary Receipts (CDRs) offer several advantages for both Chinese companies and investors:
For Chinese Companies:
Access to Domestic Capital: CDRs provide Chinese companies that are already listed on foreign stock exchanges with access to domestic capital markets in China. This allows them to tap into a vast pool of domestic investors and raise funds more easily for growth, expansion, and research and development.
Enhanced Visibility: By listing CDRs on domestic exchanges, Chinese companies can increase their visibility and presence in their home country. This can be especially valuable for companies aiming to build stronger brand recognition and relationships within China.
Diversification of Investor Base: CDRs allow Chinese companies to diversify their investor base, attracting both domestic and international investors. This diversification can help reduce reliance on a single market for capital and potentially lead to improved share liquidity.
Global Recognition: Listing CDRs on domestic exchanges can also enhance a company's global recognition and status. It signals to the international community that the company is committed to maintaining a presence in China, a crucial market for many global businesses.
Currency Risk Mitigation: For companies that generate a significant portion of their revenues in Chinese yuan (RMB) but have their shares listed in foreign currencies, CDRs can help mitigate currency risk by providing a yuan-denominated listing in their home country.
For Investors:
Access to Leading Companies: CDRs allow domestic Chinese investors to invest in leading Chinese tech giants and innovative companies that are listed on foreign stock exchanges. This broadens their investment opportunities to include companies that may not have been available on domestic exchanges previously.
Diversification: CDRs provide an opportunity for Chinese investors to diversify their portfolios by gaining exposure to international companies across various industries. This diversification can help reduce risk and enhance long-term returns.
Currency Exposure: CDRs are denominated in Chinese yuan (RMB), which can be advantageous for investors who wish to gain exposure to their home currency or hedge against currency risk associated with foreign-listed shares.
Potential for Higher Liquidity: The listing of CDRs on domestic exchanges can potentially increase the liquidity of the underlying shares, making it easier for investors to buy and sell these securities.
Familiarity with Local Brands: Chinese investors are often more familiar with and trust local brands and companies. CDRs allow them to invest in companies they are more likely to know and understand well.
Market Integration: The introduction of CDRs contributes to the integration of China's domestic capital markets with global financial markets, facilitating greater market efficiency and access for all types of investors.
It's important to note that while CDRs offer numerous advantages, they also come with regulatory considerations, risks, and market dynamics that investors and companies should carefully evaluate. These factors include potential differences in reporting standards, regulatory changes, and market sentiment, which can influence the success of CDR offerings.
Read more: https://computertricks.net/chinese-depositary-receipt-cdr-what-it-is-how-it-works/
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mylawyeradvise · 1 year
Exporting goods from India includes different traditions compliances to guarantee smooth and legitimate global exchange exchanges. Understanding and complying with these guidelines is urgent for exporters to keep away from deferrals, punishments, and different difficulties.
This article frames a portion of the essential traditions compliances that exporters should know about while transportation goods from India. 1) Obtaining an Importer Exporter Code (IEC): Prior to taking part in any product exercises, an exporter should get an IEC from the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT). This unique 10-digit code is compulsory for all product exchanges and fills in as an identification number for the exporter. 2) Classification of Goods: Appropriately grouping products under the Harmonized System (HS) is essential for deciding material obligations and assessments. Exporters need to precisely decide the right HS code for their items, which helps customs specialists order and evaluate the merchandise accurately. 3) Customs Valuation: The worth of products announced for trade not entirely settled according to the traditions valuation rules. The exchange worth of the products, adapted to explicit components, is by and large the reason for customs valuation. 4) Arrangement of Delivery Documents: Exporters should plan different records, including the business receipt, pressing rundown, bill of replenishing/aviation route charge, declaration of beginning, and some other archives expected by the bringing in country. Exact and finish documentation is fundamental to guarantee a consistent product process. 5) Export Declaration: Exporters are expected to document transporting bills or bills of commodity electronically with the traditions specialists. 6) Export Obligations and Taxes: Contingent upon the idea of the products and objective nation, trade obligations, charges, tax might be applicable. Exporters ought to know about any exclusions or concessions accessible and guarantee consistence with instalment prerequisites. 7) Customs Clearance: Products expected for trade should go through customs freedom methods. Exporters can decide to clear traditions through the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) framework or with the assistance of a traditions clearing specialist. 8) Port Clearance and Inspection: A few products might require investigation by important specialists before shipment. Exporters ought to guarantee consistence with any pre-shipment examination necessities and get important clearances from the individual organizations. 9) Export Documentation Maintenance: Exporters are expected to hold duplicates of all commodity related reports, including delivering bills, solicitations, and correspondence, for at least a long time from the date of shipment. 10) Reporting to RBI: Exporters should report their commodity exchanges to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) through the Export Data Processing and Monitoring System (EDPMS). 11) Consistence with Export Prohibitions and Limitations: Certain products are likely to trade preclusions, limitations, or permitting necessities. Exporters ought to guarantee that their items follow these guidelines to stay away from legitimate issues. 12) AEO Certification: Exporters can consider getting Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) certificate, a program that offers different advantages, including facilitated traditions leeway and decreased examination. 13) Advance Approval Plan: Exporters can exploit the Development Approval Plan to import natural substances obligation free in the event that they focus on trading the completed items inside a predefined time span. 14) GST and Export: Goods and Services Tax (GST) suggestions on products ought to be perceived, including the accessibility of zero-evaluated supplies and discount instruments for input tax credits. 15) Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Client (KYC) Standards: Exporters should follow AML and KYC standards while participating in worldwide exchange exchanges to forestall tax evasion and guarantee the authenticity of exchange accomplices.
Exporters in India ought to investigate an overview catch of customs compliances to ensure powerful and legitimate or legal ware tasks. Complying with these guidelines works with smooth exchange as well as helps fabricate a standing for dependability and consistence in the worldwide market. Exporters ought to remain refreshed with the most recent traditions rules and look for proficient help when expected to guarantee a problem free commodity process. Authored By; Adv. Anant Sharma & Anushi Choudhary
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How do I Load Money to My Cash App Card at Walgreens?
In this comprehensive guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of loading money to your Cash App card at Walgreens. Cash App, a popular digital payment platform, has become increasingly widespread, providing users with a convenient and secure way to send and receive money, pay for purchases, and manage their finances. By learning how to load money onto your Cash App card at Walgreens, you can access your funds easily and utilize them for various transactions.
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What is Cash App and Cash App Card?
Before we proceed, let's briefly introduce Cash App and the Cash App card for those who might be new to the concept. Cash App is a peer-to-peer payment app owned by PayPal that allows users to send, receive, and manage money electronically. It has gained immense popularity due to its user-friendly interface and seamless payment process.
The Cash App card, on the other hand, is a physical debit card linked to your Cash App account. With this card, you can make purchases at retail locations, withdraw cash from ATMs, and pay for online transactions, just like a traditional debit card.
 Why Load Money to Your Cash App Card at Walgreens?
Walgreens, one of the leading pharmacy store chains in the United States, offers a convenient service that allows you to load money onto your Cash App card. This feature can be incredibly useful, especially if you prefer to have cash loaded onto your card instantly without waiting for bank transfers to complete. Additionally, it provides an alternative method to add funds to your Cash App card for individuals who may not have a linked bank account.
 Step 1: Visit a Participating Walgreens Store
Firstly, you need to find a Walgreens store that participates in the Cash App card loading service. Not all Walgreens locations offer this feature, so it's essential to confirm beforehand. You can check Cash App's official website or app to find nearby participating stores.
 Step 2: Bring Your Cash App Card and Cash
Once you've identified a participating Walgreens store, make sure to bring your Cash App card and the amount of cash you wish to load onto the card. Ensure you have enough funds to cover the desired amount, as Walgreens might have a maximum loading limit.
 Step 3: Approach the Cashier
Head to the cashier at the Walgreens store and inform them that you would like to add money onto your Cash App card. They will guide you through the process and initiate the transaction.
 Step 4: Provide Necessary Information
The cashier might request some information, such as your Cash App card number or the linked phone number associated with your Cash App account. Ensure you provide accurate details to avoid any errors in the transaction.
 Step 5: Hand Over the Cash
Hand over the cash amount you wish to load onto your Cash App card to the cashier. They will process the payment and load the corresponding funds onto your card.
 Tips for Loading Money to Your Cash App Card at Walgreens
Check Store Participation: Before heading to a Walgreens store, confirm whether they offer the Cash App card loading service. You can do this via the Cash App app or website.
·        Bring Sufficient Cash: Make sure you have enough cash to cover the amount you wish to load onto your Cash App card. Some stores might have a loading limit, so be aware of that as well.
·        Verify Account Information: To avoid any hiccups during the transaction, ensure that you provide accurate information to the cashier, such as your Cash App card number or the linked phone number.
·        Keep the Receipt: The receipt provided by the cashier serves as proof of the transaction. Hold on to it in case you need to refer to it later.
·        Be Mindful of Fees: While Cash App itself doesn't charge a fee for adding money to your Cash App card, Walgreens might have its fee structure. Inquire about any applicable fees before proceeding with the transaction.
Loading money to your Cash App card at Walgreens is a convenient and hassle-free way to access funds for various financial transactions. By following the step-by-step guide provided in this article, you can easily add money to your Cash App card and start using it for purchases, withdrawals, and online payments. Remember to check for participating Walgreens stores, bring sufficient cash, and verify your account information during the transaction process.
With this knowledge, you can confidently navigate the process of loading money to your Cash App card at Walgreens and make the most out of your digital payment experience. Now you're ready to manage your finances with ease and convenience, thanks to the seamless integration of Cash App and Walgreens.
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