indelibleevidence · 1 year
If you see me reblogging to @holidayblindspot, it's because I can actually send messages from my sideblog, and since I've been sending them from there, whenever I go to reblog something, that blog is the default selection. 🙄 Stupid Tumblr.
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take2intotheshower · 4 years
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Hot drinks.
(Blindspot Season 1)
12 Days of Blindspot Prompts: Day 2 - Hot Drinks
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birdsaesthetic · 4 years
Jane’s sketchbook
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Summary: Jane freaking out over losing her sketchbook, my participation for 12 Days of Blindspot.
A/N: I wrote this a while ago then ignored it... But then I saw these prompts from @holidayblindspot which reminded me of already having written something that goes with one of the prompts, so I thought this was a sign for me to edit it real quick and post it. I’m so exited to be sharing this here because it’s beautiful and really worth sharing. ENJOY! 
Day 5: A ruined day. 
“Kurt,” Jane called from across the front room, to which Kurt immediately looked up and responded, “Yeah?”
“Have you seen my sketchbook?”
Looking around him quickly yet carefully, Kurt murmured, “No,” he then looked up at her, who seemed stunned at having heard the No from him. 
The two were in the middle of unpacking the boxes they brought up with them from their old apartment in New York all the way to the new one in Colorado, which, after managing to unpack the majority of the boxes and placing their contents ever since morning, it finally started to feel like home. Like their old apartment in New York. 
Doing so had been so fun at first, each one was having a glass of red wine in hand and there was loud music playing in the background and, since there weren’t curtains covering the windows just yet, there was the beautiful addition of bright and warm sunlight streaming inside the spacious front room that felt so rewarding and motivating. But when the sun went down, taking with it its light and warmth, the work got monotonous, and so by now they were both exhausted and hungry. 
Jane was also confused now. 
She looked down at all the boxes scattered on the floor around her, which were almost empty by now, and she felt the world spinning around her in confusion and fear for having been unable to locate her sketchbook among all these boxes. 
“Why? Couldn’t you find it?” Asked Kurt, seemingly confused too as he approached her.
Creases were starting to form on her forehead as she shook her head in confusion. “No,” she said quietly, then jumped from one box to another, double checking each one, randomly, quickly and with both hands, as if she were digging into a hole. And then, after all of that, which was in a span of thirty seconds, she shook her head yet again, though this time in disappointment, and looked up at Kurt in a plea for understanding. “I don’t know why I can’t find it because it should be here. I put it here. I put all my small things here, and I didn’t have a lot of things!” 
Kurt was standing right before her by now, hunching over to check inside the boxes again. It was helpless, he knew; she’d already rummaged in all those boxes with eager hands and big eyes and yet found nothing... But if there was a one-in-a-million chance, he would absolutely take it when it came to her.
When his eyes, wide open, met hers, he suggested, “Okay, maybe you’ve just got confused. Try to remember where you’ve last seen it.” She swallowed hard and tried to do as told, mouth slightly open. She settled her gaze at a random spot on his chest as both of them stood close against one another, then she pushed her mind so hard to visualize where she’d last seen the sketchbook and what she was doing, so she could retrace her steps in the process and hopefully remember something. 
But it was after a long, unbearable moment when Jane pushed her lower lip out in a sad pout and gave a shake of her head. Kurt hugged her loosely then. “It’s okay, we still have another set of boxes to be delivered here tomorrow morning.” He reminded her. “Hopefully we find it within one of the boxes then.”
Jane pulled back to look up at him, the sad look remained on her face. “But those coming boxes only have the kitchen supplies!” 
“You don’t know, maybe you forgot it there!”
“It’s not possible... I put it here,”
“Everything is possible.” He encouraged, then added, “Aren’t you hungry by now, though? Because I’m so hungry! How about pb&j for dinner, huh?”
“I don’t mind.” Jane muttered with a shrug. 
Together they decided to call it a day after dinner and climbed into bed, crawling close to each other as they lied down against the mattress. Their foreheads were touching as they shared a loving gaze, then Kurt whispered, “Can I get my good night kiss, or you don’t feel like—”
“No—yes, of course you’re getting your good night kiss!” She rushed to say, reassuring him just before she smiled the tiniest of smiles and kissed him hard on the lips, to which he kissed her back even harder. After that, she placed her hand over his arm that had been wrapped around her waist beneath the blanket, lifted it, rolled over to her side, and again let his arm be wrapped around her waist. This was how she’d always loved to sleep with him: she’d turn her back to him and he’d take the cue and cuddle her from behind with a light arm across her waist beneath the blanket and a soft kiss right behind her ear that would make her hum and snuggle deeper into his embrace until they’d look like two spoons in a drawer, very tight against each other. 
As she closed her eyes and tried to sleep, hoping to raise up to a promising morning that would bring with it her sketchbook, she could swear she saw the vague afterimage of the sketchbook in her eyes, but then she opened her eyes and only saw the darkness of the bedroom...
She didn’t own a lot of things, really. The only things she owned and loved so much were that sketchbook and her marriage ring. The engagement ring was as if glued to her finger ever since she had worn it years ago. As for the sketchbook, she had always made sure to keep it within her hand reach, though this time around it oddly disappeared! 
It was the very first purchase she made solely for herself when she started to receive a regular paycheck after working formally for the FBI. At first she didn’t know what to do with such a decent amount of money since she’d already been provided with a place to stay in, clothes, a cell phone and food—usually her detail had dropped food at her place without even asking for anything back, which made her really embarrassed.
It could be the crack of dawn or early morning when Jane fluttered her eyes open the next day, and after a long moment of gazing at Kurt’s sleeping face, she gave him a soft kiss on the temple then eased herself out of bed. With her eyes half closed, she managed to step the few paces toward the bathroom, rinsed her face in the sink, brushed her teeth and finally put on a comfy sweater she gripped from the hanger. 
Yawing, she stumbled across the front room that was messy with boxes they hadn’t even bothered to flatten or push away last night, until she made it into the kitchen. There she stood in the center, stretched her neck, and yawned some more with her eyes pressed close. When she reopened her eyes, the sight of a can of cocoa shoved in the far corner suddenly inspired her. And so, as if drawn by a magnet, she stepped toward the refrigerator, opened it and examined its contents, though there wasn’t much to see. There was random stuff and among them was a brand-new bottle of milk, which she only needed to fix a cup of hot cocoa for now.
She took it out then brought up a pan. There she poured some of the milk, dissolved cocoa powder, and finally put it on the stove to simmer. Standing with folded arms in the dim lighting in the kitchen, she stared down at the pan as the milk boiled within it, and after a full minute of waiting, small curls of steam rose into the air and the scents of cocoa powered revolved all around her, to which she felt torn between wanting to savour it immediately or just stand there and inhale it. But she awaited a bit more. Next she poured everything into an oversized cup with a faint smile. 
Warming her fingers with the cup, she made her way to the dining table, then settled on a seat there as she began taking small sips of the hot cocoa before it had even cooled off, to which it took her by surprise at first at how hot it was, scalding even. 
During such times, when she woke earlier than she would and was by herself, she would bring up her sketchbook and sketch on it whatever she was feeling at the given moment. It was the perfect timing and place to do so; her thoughts would emerge so originally in the early mornings, they wouldn’t be conflicted nor affected by the day’s activities just yet. 
She hadn’t known how good she was at sketching until one day she held a pencil, a very sharp one, and began sketching without any struggle. Back then, when solving her tattoos had been what her life was basically all about, she used to sketch them individually in hopes of finding any connection that might help figure out what they actually meant. But then as the days passed, she thought she wanted to do something else, something that was in a good way stirring her heart down to the depths, just like the way her spoon was stirring her cup of cocoa now.
And so, with her pencil sharp, she began with a light outline of a face, next she worked on the eyes, which she made them like the shape of almond. She let out a sigh then,  knowing that the eyes must be the toughest part, before continuing with them. She drew the first pupil, purposely making it darker than the eye, then did the same for the other eye. She added a little shading underneath the eyes and from there she started with the nose, extending two lines where the inner corners of each eye were located. 
The rest went easy: she did the eyebrows, the lips, the beard and then the hair, creating a solid and visible looking hairline from the sides of the head. 
It was Kurt’s face that she sketched and it looked impressive at the end. She made him look as if staring at her, and made his expression soft with a faint smile—the way he’d usually look at her. 
It was quiet around her now, not a single sound, until she heard running waters within the bathroom and, a minute later, she saw Kurt emerge and approach her. “Mornin,” he smiled, his face awash with decent sleep, his hair... so fluffy she couldn’t help but think it needed a trim, so badly.
“Mornin,” she replied. 
He bent down and stole his morning kiss from her then hummed. “You taste like a really good hot cocoa!”
“Because I was drinking one.” She told him, showing him her cup, almost empty by now. 
“Can I have the same?”
“Sure.” She got up and started doing the same thing she did earlier, taking the same measurements. 
“Did you sleep well, Jane?” He asked as she waited by the stove for the cocoa to simmer. “Yeah.”
“You don’t look like you slept well.” He claimed. 
“I slept well, Kurt. Now tell me, when is our ship  gonna get here?”
“Maybe after a bit.”
She served him his cocoa in a brand-new cup, and he took it with all smiles after thanking her. 
When their another set of boxes arrived, after some time, Jane tucked all of her hair back behind her ears and, kneeling down, she eagerly began looking thoroughly in each box along with Kurt. As she’d said before, the boxes contain kitchen supplies: dishes, cups, mixing bowls, knives and spoons, a cutting board, blender, vegetable peeler and a number of whisks. 
But even after all this effort, they couldn’t find it, Jane’s sketchbook, among all of those things. 
She stood up on her feet then, and took a deep breath, tired and disappointed, her palm wiping away the sweat on her forehead and her eyes, helplessly, maintained searching in the mess of boxes on the floor. 
“It’s alright, I’ll get you a new one, I promise.” Kurt tried to soothe her, to which she looked up at him and, shaking her head, she complained, “It’s not about getting a new one, Kurt. I need my old one back. It carries lots of memories and...” she trailed off with her head falling down, but after a moment of silence Kurt approached forward until he closed the gap between them and cupped her face in his hands, lifting it to his level. “We will be making new memories here. Beautiful ones.”
“I know, but...there’s just one drawing of you within the sketchbook that I just love so much and I want it back.”
“You have lots of pencils and papers here. You also have me here. I will sit still the whole day so that you can draw me, I really wouldn’t mind, you know me.” He suggested, to which she smiled the way one corner of her mouth tilted up whenever she felt affection for him, then chuckled. “You don’t have to. I can draw you easily without having to look at you.”
He grinned. “Right, because you’re the most talented person I’ve ever met.”
“It’s not wholly because I’m that talented though. I wouldn’t be able to do that with anyone else except for you, because I always have you in my head—this is how and why I drew you in the first place. I know your face very well—even more than my own, I would say—and I know how you would look from every angle.”
He pushed his lower lip out in an impressive pout, feeling awash with affection for her. “You know lots of things about me! Do you also wanna know what I know about you?” He asked, having already slipped both hands from her face down her neck, shoulders, and finally her waist. And before she could say anything in response, he was tickling her there. “I know how to make you laugh, and laugh, and laugh.”
She was laughing then, pleading him to stop it, squirming her body out of his arms, and calling his name aloud and repeatedly, but that was only for him to reward her with more stroking against her waist, the area where he knew was very sensitive for her. She tried to fight his firm grip around her, tried to push him away, tried to run away, but seconds later she was, almost instinctively, clutching into him hard, as if holding for her life, and kept laughing nonstop, like she never had in her whole life, head dropped back exposing her neck for him to bury his face there, mouth open to the fullest, and eyes squeezed. Her laughters rolled about the front room in the early morning, like a child's spinning top, vibrant and heart-warming as it moved around them in its chaotic way. It came in fits and bursts—loud to soft to nothing when she was gasping for breaths in-between, then back to loud again and so on.
Just like this, her previous, sad face was replaced with a happy and laughing one.
He really knew how to butter her up. Always had.
A/N: I don’t really support the idea of Jeller moving out of New York after canon. I love them to be there and I think it suits them perfectly to be New Yorkers. But I had to fake it only for this fic’s plot. So they’re still in New York in my head now, enjoying themselves...
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chibinoyume · 4 years
Season 1 Halloween
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"I'm not sure I understand this whole Halloween thing... but you make a cute dog."
"... thanks."
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lurkingwhump · 4 years
Fic Time
Hey guys!
Here’s my contribution to @holidayblindspot , and its fall theme. At first, I didn’t think I would write anything for this, as Halloween isn’t really my type of holiday (and I kind of hate it that they’ve imported it here just as a sales gimmick. I don’t have anything against Halloween per se, in the American culture where it is rooted in), but then @indelibleevidence suggested a general fall/autumn theme, and that woke my muse up. So, I wrote this, and @take2intotheshower was kind enough to beta for me again.
Just a bit of Jeller angst and TLC. I saw a prompt some time ago about the main character coming home absolutely soaked to the bone or being unconscious on the street in a downpour, and it stuck with me, so I filed it away for future use, and here you go. And this might have been also influenced by one of favorite X-Files scenes ever. I’m sure those of you who’ve watched TXF will quickly figure out the scene.
Anyhow, please let me know what you think.  
Jane was pacing the living room. She glanced out to the balcony, a chilly early November rain was beating on the panes of the glass doors. It had been raining almost for three days straight, and it wasn’t supposed to clear up until tomorrow. The weather and darkness did nothing to improve her mood, only made the dread settle in further in her gut.
It was almost two days since they had last heard from Kurt. He had gone undercover with a militia cell, posing as an arms dealer, but he had missed his check-in time. At first Jane had told herself it was because he couldn’t steal away long enough to check in. She knew how it could be undercover. As time ticked further and further from the last scheduled check, she told herself his comms must have malfunctioned.  Finally, they had dispatched a strike team to the location, but there was no sign of the militia, or Kurt. “At least they didn’t find a body.”
She knew Kurt was far more than capable of holding his own, but she hated that he went undercover without her. It made her feel helpless, and to fear situations just like this. Not knowing where he was, if he was hurt, or even alive, was eating away at her. She was powerless to do anything. The FBI and the State Police were raiding the known locations of the militia, but so far they hadn’t found Kurt or the men he was supposed to be meeting. The team had sent her home from the NYO a couple of hours ago to get some rest, promising to call her as soon as they had anything. She was probably getting on their nerves, but the inactivity was driving her crazy. She had asked if she could join one of the teams in the field, but Reade had made the good point that she would reach Kurt faster from the NYO than if she was in the field, and so she stayed in SIOC, monitoring what happened.
Jane sighed, rubbing her temples tiredly. She could feel the beginnings of a headache looming, and realized it must be dehydration. She’d managed to eat a salad at the NYO at Rich’s prodding but she’d hardly drunk anything. She grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with cold water, draining it in one go.
Hearing a faint knock at the door, she stamped down on the worst-case scenarios in her head. It could not be the State Police or someone from the NYO letting her know they had found Kurt’s body. “The team would let you know if they heard something.” She leaned her forehead against the door before gathering herself and opening it.
Her momentary elation was eclipsed by worry, as her husband practically collapsed against her, his larger frame nearly dead weight in her arms.
Her name escaped him, sounding like something between a groan and a plea.
Supporting his weight, Jane noticed he was soaked to the bone and shivering. He had a darkening bruise on his cheekbone, partially covered by the rough stubble. Steering him inside and nudging the door shut, she spoke quietly to him. “Let’s get this jacket off you.”
Removing the sodden article of clothing, she tossed it onto the barstool while supporting him. She brushed his cheek tenderly to wipe off some of the dirt stuck there, her alarm only growing when she noticed the heat radiating off his skin. “You’re burning up!” She took in his disheveled appearance, noticing various nicks and cuts covering his face and neck, the exhaustion in his slightly slumped posture. “Kurt, what happened?”
“My cover was blown.” He glanced at her before refocusing his attention on the balcony. ”They somehow found out I was FBI.”
His revelation made her blood turn cold. It was the worst-case scenario of any undercover operation.
“I managed to escape into the woods, but they almost caught me more than once.”
Kurt managed to take a couple of faltering steps toward the couch, clearly intending to sit down.
“No, no.” Jane grabbed his arm, speaking tenderly to him and pulling him close to her again. “Let’s get you to bed. You need to rest, and we need to get you out of these wet clothes.”
He protested, scanning his surroundings as he let her lead him into the bedroom. “No, I can’t. I need to stay alert. They were able to track me almost the entire time that I was on the move, Jane.”
She could feel the exhaustion in his body. Despite his protests, he was leaning heavily on her as they made their way to the bedroom. It was almost like hyper-vigilance and exhaustion were waging a battle in his body and his brain.
She rubbed her thumb against the back of his hand she was holding, hoping to calm him. “I’ll send the team a message, let them know you’re here and ask Reade to post a detail out. Okay?”
He mumbled something unintelligible in reply. The dampness of his button-down shirt seeped into her clothes, and with every step Jane’s concern grew. His clothes were dirty and sodden, telling their own sad story of the ordeal Kurt had lived through.
She guided him to sit on the edge of the bed, caressing his stubbly cheek for a moment, needing to reassure herself that he was there. He merely sat there: his eyes were glazed with fever, his shoulders slumped but tense. She could see the tremors in his body. “Need to get his temperature down.”
Jane pressed her lips against his forehead lightly. “Take the wet clothes off, I’ll get you something dry to put on.”
As she went to Kurt’s dresser to get him a dry pair of sweatpants to wear, she sent a message to the team, just as she promised. Kurt was still sitting on the bed, wearily pulling his jeans off. She heard him wince as he removed his shirt, and the reason for the sharp intake of breath became apparent as she rounded the bed: his side and his torso were covered in gruesome black and reddish bruises, no doubt hiding some broken ribs. Her heart broke at the sight. Those thugs had hurt him, they had beaten him badly before he had gotten away. Then he had spent almost a day exposed to the elements, with the militia chasing him. She could see him out there, injured and freezing as he tried to put distance between himself and his pursuers. She swallowed thickly, the anxiety tearing at her soul. “Oh, Kurt.”
“Here, put these on.” She gave him the article of clothing before going to the bathroom to fill a glass of water and get a painkiller for him. She also grabbed the washcloth, quickly wetting it under the sink, hoping it would ease his discomfort once she got him settled.
He dutifully pulled the sweatpants on, but his eyes kept scanning the darkness beyond the windows, and he was about to get up, just as Jane returned.
She put the glass on the bedside table, placing her hand on his shoulder, carefully stopping his movement. “Hey…no, no, no. Where are you going?” She inquired in a worried tone.
“I told you, the mil­–.“ His over-exhausted mind began to answer, before she interrupted him softly.
“Kurt, you’re home. You’re safe.” She told him, giving him an affectionate look as she guided him to lie down and sat beside him on the edge of the bed.
“But th–“ he argued tiredly.
Jane shook her head, feeling almost physical pain in her chest seeing him like this. “They can’t get to you.” She caressed his bruised cheek tenderly. “Everything’s okay.”
She passed him the glass and the painkiller. “Take this, it’ll help you feel better.”
He took the medicine and sank back into the pillow, a weary sigh escaping him. His exhaustion was starting to win, but his eyes still held an anxious look.
“Shh…it’s okay.” She soothed him as she gingerly wiped some of the dirt off his face with the corner of the washcloth before placing it on his brow. “Right now, you need to rest.”
Kurt closed his eyes, finally giving in.
“It’s okay.” Jane whispered as she kept running her hand through his hair. “Just rest.”
Soon, his breathing evened as her tender touch lulled him to sleep. They had survived another close call, and she had Kurt safely by her side again.
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unorthodox-oblivion · 4 years
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When your husband is WAY too fond of halloween @holidayblindspot​
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giorgiaink · 4 years
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Patterson, Rich and Boston + under the rain
One of @holidayblindspot prompts is winter weather so I remembered some time ago someone asked me to draw them being caught in a sudden downpour and this is the result.
I imagined this starting with a fight because Rich was supposed to brought umbrellas for everyone but he only took a little one and it was obviously insufficient so he just walked in the rain and started making a scene but then couldn't help but making some jokes about how they should've taken advantage of the situation and just kiss under the rain like they were in some romantic movie. Then things just escalated into dancing under the rain
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idealisticrealism · 5 years
Valentine’s Day
Here’s a little ficlet for @holidayblindspot because @chibinoyume asked nicely haha.
Be aware: I have no control over what the muse comes up with. You’ve been warned.
Weller’s voice was soft, a warm whisper that drifted through the haze of sleep, drawing her gently up from where she’d been dozing, wrapped in the softness and warmth of his bed.
“Jane,” he murmured again, the sound close by her ear this time, delicious shivers trailing in his wake as he brushed those soft lips over the bare skin of her neck and shoulder. The smile was already blooming across her face before she’d even fully opened her eyes, slow and lazy and utterly contented, a feeling which only grew stronger as her gaze met his.
There was a magic in the way that he looked at her, more love contained in that clear blue than she’d ever known was possible. It used to scare her, used to make her feel like something so wonderful could never be hers for long, like every breath was bringing her closer to the moment when it would all be taken away.
But with every touch, every kiss, every whispered I love you, he’d taught her not to be afraid.
Because he was hers, and she was his— and that was something that no one could ever change.
“Kurt,” she sighed at last, her eyes reflecting all that was in his, her fingers stroking lightly over his stubbled cheek, his jaw, his lips.
“Good morning,” he told her softly, pressing a tiny kiss to the tips of her fingers before catching them in his, turning her hand to brush his lips warmly over her palm. Then, he tugged lightly on her wrist, drawing her arm around his neck, releasing his grip to instead smooth his hand over her hip, his arm curving around her and pulling her body against his.
Her smile had only a second to widen into a grin before his lips were on hers, the kiss sweet and unhurried, basking in the rare moment of peace. After a little while, though, it was her who pressed closer, her mouth needy and insistent— and he was all to happy to comply, his tongue warm and teasing against hers, his hands stroking up and down the length of her back as they lost themselves in each other.
Eventually, she made herself pull away, their lips meeting again in a handful of soft little kisses before she managed to draw back just far enough to meet his eyes, her palm resting against his cheek.
“Good morning,” she answered finally, then giggled as he raised an eyebrow at her belated response, as if he’d played no part whatsoever in causing the delay.
”I have something for you,” he told her suddenly, his tone low and eager, his body immediately shifting away to lean over the side of the bed. As she watched with wide eyes, he straightened, lifting a wrapped box a little bigger than a shoebox and putting it on the bed between them.
Pushing it towards her a little, he smiled shyly, a tenderness to his voice that made her throat feel tight. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Jane.”
“Kurt,” she breathed, eyes prickling as she stared down at it. Somehow, even with the ZIP, she was sure no one had ever given her a Valentine’s gift before.  “Thank you.”
“Open it,” he encouraged gently, and so she sat up, leaning against the headboard as she pulled the box towards her with trembling hands. It was beautiful, clearly wrapped with care, a perfect red bow holding the lid closed. It was heavier than she’d expected, and she glanced at him with raised eyebrows as she reached for the ribbon, but he just smiled up at her, catching her fingers and pressing a quick kiss to them before letting her pull the bow free.
A glow of warmth and excitement filled her as she slowly drew the lid off the top, her eyes flicking to his just before she lifted the lid away and looked inside.
And froze, uncertainty and confusion washing through her, her eyes locked on what lay inside, nestled innocently in soft creamy tissue paper:
Heavy iron chains, with rough, rusted manacles at each end.
“Do you like them?” Weller asked, his voice still low and seductive, but his eyes gone hard and cold. “I can’t wait to see them on you.”
Then, his hand shot out and clamped painfully around her wrist, his face twisting in hatred and rage, his tone turning vicious. “I hope you never take them off.”
With a choked cry, Jane jerked back-- and jerked sharply into consciousness, her aching body scrabbling over the cold concrete until her back hit the rough cinderblocks of the wall, her breathing rapid and her body shaking like a leaf.
The manacles were gone, as was the soft bed.
And so was Weller.
Swallowing back the rough, painful sobs that rose in her throat, Jane drew her legs to her chest, wrapping her arms around them and letting her forehead fall onto her knees, the tears running silently down her dirty cheeks.
It had just been a nightmare, and now it was over. It couldn’t hurt her anymore.
Except she’d simply woken from one nightmare into another.
And this one would hurt.
Only a couple of minutes later, she heard the cell door creak open, felt his presence in the doorway even before he spoke.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jane,” Keaton said cheerily, and as she raised her blurred, burning eyes, she could see something in his hand, something that glinted in the flickering light, something with sharp edges that she knew were just waiting to meet her skin.
Seeing her looking at it, Keaton grinned and held it up to the light, his smile just as sharp, and just as cold.
“Told you I’d bring you something special.”
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Tangled Fairy Lights
A/N: This is my contribution to Day 23 of the @holidayblindspot Winter 2020 challenge. Jeller and Bethany find themselves snowed in and attempting to return to (a new) normal after the events in Iceland. Post series 4, AU. I haven't written fan fiction for a while, so apologies if this seems rusty. Please enjoy my last Blindspot fan fiction of 2019.
'We are putting a crown on springbok plushie. He can be one of the three wise men.' Bethany stated as she helped Jane pull out some little decorations from the overflowing cardboard box. The stuffed animal in question had been one of the little girl's belated birthday presents after Jane had resolved her conflict with Remi.
Jane pulled out a tangled ball of fairy lights. Lips pressed together. Damn it Kurt, you had one job. 'Does he have a crown?'
'Oh, not yet.' Bethany looked down at the plushie and set it down on the couch. Pine needles scattered across the floor as she dug around the box for her favourite set of snowman decorations dressed in different winter attire. One in a bobble hat and mittens, another wore a ski mask with skis on the bottom; the third was in "classic" snowman attire with a top hat and scarf. 'Yay, they're here.'
The three snowmen sat on the coffee table as Jane and Bethany worked to find the end of the fairy lights. Inside Jane chuckled. Bethany's little tomgue poked out in concentration, like father like daughter. With both ends located, the pair turned their attention to the mess in the middle.
Snow battered the door to terrace and blanketed the outside in a fresh layer. A white Christmas in both New York and Colorado was the perfect weather for the pair get into the holiday spirit.
'Did you send your letter to Santa sweetheart?'
Bethany nodded. 'Mommy helped me post it the day after Thanksgiving, so it reaches the North Pole in time.' She beamed, tugging at a knot. Eyebrows knitted in frustration.
'Have you made the Nice list?' Jane teased as her stepdaughter huffed and yanked at knot, only tightening it. Another yank, another tightened knot. 'Here, let me help. Try and push it, as though you are undoing laces from the middle of the shoe. Gentle.' Bethany scooted into Jane's lap as they worked on easing a knot together, 'See?'
'Now, this should be your daddy's job, so we are going to leave the lights and go through the box of decorations and decide what we want on the tree this year.'
Bethany shuffled off Jane and looked into the box.
'Is Mister Weitz still being a meanie?'
'He's taken a step back for now, but will always be a Scrooge.' Jane replied, lifting out paper angels Bethany had made the year prior back in their apartment, as Allie watched over. 'These angels are going up.' She carefully placed them on the coffee table.
'What's a Scrooge?'
'Ebenezer Scrooge is a character in A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. He's a bitter man with a cold heart. Hey I tell you what. There is a Muppets from Sesame Street version. We can watch that later if you want?' Jane helped her pull a bauble off the tangle of fairy lights.
Bethany grinned and nodded. 'Kermy! Froggy.'
The pair giggled as Jane scrunched up her face in an attempt to mimic the famous frog's "anger" face. The girl collapsed on the carpet in a fit of giggles.
Laughter rang out as the latch of the front door, opened with a soft click. 'Daddy!' Bethany rushed headlong into her dad's legs; Kurt chuckled. 'Hey Bee.' He held his arms out as he juggled with the bags of groceries. Arms stuck out, as his fingers attempted to navigate inside the thick red and blue snowflake pattern mittens Jane had bought him as a stocking filler the previous year.
Kurt set the shopping down on the kitchen counter. 'Did you girls start without me?' Scooped up in his arms, 'Yep. We did. Should my springbok be a wise man?' Bethany put a thumb in her mouth in thought. 'If you want Bethany, he can be a wise man.'
She paused, 'You look like a melting snowman Daddy.' Kurt looked down at his winter jacket, the melting snow dripping off the sleeves and fluffy scarf. He pushed his hood back to remove the woolly hat, a matching set to go with the mittens. 'Huh, I guess I do.' He grinned, his nose numb from being outside for a lengthy period of time.
Weller looked at the floor from the dropping pine needles to the tangle of fairy lights. 'Was I supposed to-?' 'Yes you were,' Jane cut her husband off; hands on her hips. Accompanied by a smirk. 'I'll sort out the shopping.' His expression sheepish, careful to reposition Bethany in his arms.
'Then myself and Bethany are going to making cookies, and watching the Muppet version of Scrooge.' She stole a quick peck on the cheek, before pulling out a handful of carrots of the bags - into the bottom draw of the fridge.
'Are you don't to help me with the lights sweetie?'
The girl shook her head. 'No. I help Mamma Jane with food.' She folded her arms.
Jane chuckled, reaching for the dairy free butter from the hessian bag. 'You can grab the rolling pin before untangling the lights.'
Kurt scowled and grabbed the rolling pin from a high cupboard. He sat his daughter on the counter and strained as it rolled to the back of the cupboard. Only Rich would put it up here. Perhaps I stood consider changing the locks; again. With a grunt Weller grabbed the pin and handed it to Jane.
'Thank you dear.' Jane replied, placing it next to the bag of flour. Bethany watched from the counter as her stepmother put the groceries away, passing items from the bags.
The warmth of the heating hit him as he untucked his scarf and shrugged off his white - now grey from the damp - coat. The scent of cinnamon tickled at his nose as Jane buisied herself in the kitchen. Cosy, warmth, home.
Kurt knelt on the floor and pulled at the fairy lights. The knot tightened. He picked up another section and poked at it, his picky looped through and wiggled it until the tangle loosened. One down, numerous more to go. Tongue poked out, he threaded through the knots and teased a handful more out.
Jane placed two mixing bowls on the counter, and turned to the counter's occupant. 'Ready to make cookies sweetheart?' She settled Bethany onto a chair. She nodded and pushed the ingredients to make aquafaba towards her stepmother.
In the middle of mixing Jane and Bethany looked up to watch Kurt wrestle with the fairy lights, muttering under his breath as he ended up with an ankle caught in a loop. The man grumbled as wriggling his foot only made the situation worse. The pair suppressed laughter as Weller toppled over onto the rest of the lights.
'Thanks for the support girls.' Kurt stated, sarcastic in his tone; and held up a thumb. He groaned and gingerly sat up.
'You can diffuse a bomb, but you can't untangle fairy lights?' Jane asked rhetorically.
Bethany leant over to grab the dough. 'Now we roll it out.' Jane nodded, 'Do you want to choose the cutter you want?'
'Snowman!' The little girl pulled it towards her, beaming.
'Very apt.' Jane placed flour onto a board and dropped the dough, pin in hand. She started to roll it flat, Bethany's hands on top of hers. Once the dough was flat enough the pair pressed the cutters into the dough.
Once the cookies were cut and prepared, Jane placed them into the oven. Bethany hopped off the chair and sat next to Kurt. 'Are you okay Daddy?' She played with a handful of pine needles and watched the white outside.
'I think I'm almost there. I just hope the electric doesn't go out. Did you send your list in time?'
Bethany nodded. 'Did you send yours in time Daddy?' Kurt nodded, as he continued with undoing the knots.
The pair looked up as the front door rattled. Rich poked his head around the door, a familiar voice followed the hacker. 'Knocking is the polite thing to do Rich.'
'PATTERSON!' Bethany squealed running towards the door. Rich opened the door fully as the child collided with the blonde.
'Hello Bee.' Patterson crouched down and let her squeeze.
Rich entered the apartment and watched as Jane placed the rack onto the counter. 'Oh yummy.' He reached out to grab one.
'No!' Bethany squeaked. 'They need to cool and decoration before eating.' Rich stopped mid-air and blinked. He looked at the hot cookies at Bethany and back to the cookies. Dotcom lowered his arm.
Jane laughed as Rich let his arms hang loose. 'You can decorate a cookie if you like. But Bethany is right. Let them cool first.'
'Would you two like coffee?'
Patterson sat on the couch and picked up the springbok. 'Thank you Jane. Tasha texted, her and Edgar are on their way - the snow storm is turning into a blizzard. Reade is finally on crutches and out of the wheelchair, however the doctors reckon he will never be able to walk properly again. They are keeping tabs on his spine, but we're hoping it's his legs themselves that are affected. Field work won't be an option until at least the summer.' She sighed, 'It's the holidays and yet I cannot turn off from work.'
Rich looked Weller up and down. 'At least I'm getting some entertainment since being in that blacksite.' Kurt had managed to get a wrist, and the other ankle tied up in the fairy lights.
'Seriously?' Kurt groaned. 'Help me, or leave me alone Rich.' He twisted the wrist.
'Now now munchkin, no need to be a bah humbug at Christmas.' He grinned and undid the knots with a simple tug.
Weller shuffled away from the lights and sat on the couch, feigned exhaustion.
'Lights are supposed to be on the tree, not the floor.' Rich cooed, nudging Weller so he could sit on the couch.
Kurt grunted as Bethany climbed onto him. 'Hey sweetheart.' The girl poked her dad. 'Do you want to decorate a cookie?'
'Sure. Why not.' Weller grinned and stood up, Bethany in his arms.
Jane placed the cookies on a tray and put the icing next to the tray.
'I call dibs on the Santa.' Rich piped up. Bethany sat on a seat, grabbing the white icing for the snowman. 'Which one do you want Patterson?'
Patterson looked over the shapes. 'I'll take the reindeer. Which leaves the holly, star, angel and elf.'
'It's only fair we let Tasha and Reade choose when they arrive.' Jane stated, and turned the oven down. The coffee pot had almost finished when a bang on the door, coaxed the room into hushed tones.
Jane glanced through the peephole, Reade smiled. 'Morning Jane,' the Assistant Director put his crutch down.
The door opened and the snow covered pair hobbled in. 'Hey Reade, Tasha.'
'We come bearing gifts.' Tasha looped an arm around Reade as she placed the presents on the coffee table.
Jane poured out the coffees. 'Tea, Reade?'
'Please. You've been baking. They smell delicious.' Edgar grinned, hobbling towards the counter.
'Whoa!' Tasha exclaimed, the outside world was now opaque white. 'Looks like we'll be here for a while.'
Bethany craned her neck. 'Decorate a cookie?' Edgar nodded, 'Can I decorate the elf?' The little girl smiled and nudged the elf cookie towards him. He grabbed the green icing and traced the shoulders.
Tasha joined in and decorated the angel in blue.
Kurt laughed, 'Look at us. Family together, home and safe. Finally.' He hummed as the others decorated around him. Careful he added icing to the cookie Star of Bethlehem. 'Merry Christmas everyone.'
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blindspot-repata · 5 years
Christmas morning - Jeller
It is my third post of @holidayblindspot
Thanks @indelibleevidence for this challenge!
It was Christmas morning, and Jane found him standing by the door looking at the snow that covered everything around the cabin where they were hiding. Last night they all supped together and toasted wishing their loved ones were well and protected, and that Madeline would never use them for any kind of threat to them.
“A penny for your thoughts!” Jane wrapped her arm around her husband's, snuggling against him.
“It was thinking about Bethany and everything that has happened ...”
“Ah! I miss that sweet little girl too! And thinking about it I have a gift for you.” Jane reached into the pocket from which she pulled out her cell phone.
“Which is?” Kurt turned to her with a curious, smiling look.
Jane turned on her cell fone and opened a video showing Bethany running into Kurt's arms. He lifted her up in the air as the little girl screamed with joy. Jane made this one-day shoot at the zoo and Bethany enjoyed every minute with them. The video lasted about a minute and a half and at the end the little girl looked into her father's eyes and said "I love you, Daddy".
“Where did you get that?” Kurt asked with tears streaming down his face.
“I asked Patterson to raid my old account anonymously and redeem some videos to make you feel a little closer to her.”
“Thank you, you don't exist!” Kurt hugged his wife, breathing in her scent. “Have I told you today that I love you?”
“ Not so far.”
Kurt kissed her tenderly knowing that he had chosen the right person to spend the rest of his life with.
“How about if we go back to the room? It is still early, it is cold and they are all sleeping.” Kurt invited her to the woman in his life.
They went back to their room and spent the rest of the morning between naps and vows of love.
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kate837 · 5 years
The Rut called Romance
Roman and Rich hanging out together for Valentine's Day. Totally avoiding all kinds of canon because why not? Also the ships here are RomanxBlake and RichxPatterson. If you don't like the pairings, I'm sorry but I do so..... Here we go.
"Happy singles awareness day! " Rich had been complaining non-stop about the upcoming holiday for the past week. "You know Roman, for us to be two da*n good looking guys we somehow are the only ones who are single. I mean how is that even possible? "
"Out of everyone I figured you would be the one who would be least concerned over being single. I don't know, I just kind of got the feeling that you were the type to feel as though a relationship, open or not, would tie you down. " Roman had only known Rich for a couple months but they had become pretty close, which is why they decided to wallow together on this unforgivingly unsweet holiday.
"Look I'm gonna tell you something that no one knows so don't tell anyone. " Rich leaned in. "I'm a HUGE romantic. I don't know why but I am, I mean I've basically watched like every single romantic comedy there is. So whenever I have a "crush" I immediately start to imagine rom-com type scenarios with them to decide if I really like them or not. "
"That's surprisingly cute actually. Wait who's your crush? "
"It's not important, she doesn't like me anyways. "
" Same. Who needs women? "
"I'll drink to that! "
They sat and drank for a total of thirty minutes before the shenanigans started.
#: #: #: #: #: #: #: #: #: #: #: #:: #: #: #: #: #:
"YoU KnOW WHaT? " A little more than a little tipsy Roman was a lot more outspoken then normal Roman. Rich silently noted that Roman has a sort of Aussie accent when he's tipsy.
"What? "
"We need to throw caution to the wind, man the f*ck up and motherf*cking call our women and declare they're ours! "
"You know what? You're right! LET'S DO THIS! "
"WHOO! Now you go first"
"Wait what? No fairrrrrrrr. "
Rich pulled out his phone and dialed Patterson's number, Roman was slightly confused when Rich was calling a woman named Peppermint Patty but he figured he would let him live his life how he wanted.
"I may be the dumbest genius or smartest idiot you know, also a little tipsy, but I know one thing. I want you, and I know that you have had bad relationships in the past but I swear I'm not a mole or dead! And I just really really really really really really really really like you, so I'm taking you out. "
"Wait seriously? "
"Rich I'm an FBI agent, do you really think I wouldn't be able to pick up on your behavior towards me? Now I'm going to be honest I have never thought of you as a romantic partner but I'm willing to go out with you to see where this could go. Also I consider you more of a smartest idiot than dumbest genius by the way."
Rich could hear the smile in her voice within the last sentences and he smiled himself. Both of them giggling from excitement; Rich hung up. It was officially Roman's turn!
"Aw sh*t why did I sign up for this? Dang it. Oh crap I'm scared. Ok I'm dialing. Sh*t! "
His flustered nature was the most adorable thing Rich had ever seen.
"Hello? "
He was doing it, he was calling Blake Crawford.
"I really like you a lot. And I jus- oh sorry hello. " Roman was overtly flustered for a man, especially that man being himself.
"So look I really like you and I want to spend Valentine's with you and the day after with you and the day after until the end of time, because I just really freaking like you. And I'm not taking no for an answer." Roman mirrored an earlier conversation with Blake in the last sentence just to show her that he listens.
"Well this is good news because I really like you too! Umm... Can you pick me up at seven? "
"Yes I definitely can. " Roman, thinking he put his phone on mute engages Rich in a high five, multiple (uncomfortable) chest bumps, and non stop whooping. Blake hears it all and starts to giggle, then hangs up, she would be sure to tease him about it later. And tease him for some other reasons too.
"Well Roro Rolo we did it."
"Not too bad for a couple of 'da*n good looking guys' huh? "
"I guess not. " They smiled at each other.
"Also never call me Roro Rolo again. "
"Oh come on it's cute! "
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indelibleevidence · 2 years
Since it's Christmas Eve, a reminder that there are plenty of older Christmas/winter-themed posts on the @holidayblindspot blog!
12 Days of Blindspot
Blindspot in a Winter Wonderland
Happy holidays, everyone! :)
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take2intotheshower · 4 years
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Getting into the festive spirit.
(Blindspot Seasons 2, 3 and 5)
12 Days of Blindspot Prompts: Day 1 - Winter Food (with bring-your-own beer*) 
[*poetic licence being deployed here]
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birdsaesthetic · 4 years
100% Jeller fluff
A/N: This’s another participation for 12 Day of Blindspot that’s being managed  by @holidayblindspot . Basically this’s Jeller one-shot where they lazily chat together during the day in a way that’ll definitely make you smile—cuz it’s made me smile. Also, this’s a glimpse of how the two are doing in my head currently: they’re doing great! 
Winter Weather.
It’s January and so it’s been snowing out in New York. By the time Jane is done with her meditation session, she expresses thanks to both her mind and body, stretches gently, then walks over, as if drawn by a magnet, toward the fireplace where Kurt is also resting next to on the couch with a book in hand. First she lifts up his legs, which have been stretched out along the couch, leaving no room for her. Then she sits herself instead. And finally she puts back his legs over her thighs and began rubbing them absentmindedly, not directly looking at him.
“How was your session?” He begins, a moment later, to which Jane looks over at him with a warm smile as she replies, “It was successful. And how is this book getting? You haven’t put it down for some hours now!”
Kurt sighs. “It’s getting boring, honestly. But it’s one of these books that you just can’t put down...” Jane nods in acknowledgement to that. “Oh yeah! It must be the arthur writing style that’s making you keep wanting to read then, I’d say?"
“Definitely!” He agrees, while she keeps rubbing his legs in a leisurely pace—almost like lazily doing it. And from her point of view, the book is flat over his chest by now, and he’s wearing a smile that carries so much affection. 
“Now after I came, though, you still won’t put the book down?” She mutters, lowering her head and pretending that she’s more focused on massaging his legs, to which he grins. “It’s already down, don’t you see it?” By his index finger he gestures toward the flat book over his chest, and it’s, indeed, down by now. 
“But if you mean down on the table, okay then, I’ll put it down on the table! It’s boring after all, and you’re much more fun.” He shifts here and there, groaning, until he’s in a semi-sitting position with Jane’s legs over his thighs this time around. “Bethany would be sitting just right here between us if she was to be here now.” He comments after a bit. 
“Oh yeah, just right here between us, probably napping.”
“Probably. And I’d be trying to get her to wake up so she wouldn’t sleep a lot during the day and fuss during the night, but she’d  hit me in the face with her fist that’s so little yet surprisingly strong!”
Jane chuckles; this’s happened many times and so she just visualized it happening again. “I miss her so much, and it’s so quiet after she left.”
“I already missed her so much, too, though it has only been a few days since she left...”
“She has that energy that makes everyone around her so delighted!”
Kurt’s smile widens to have heard that; because it’s true. Accurate. Jane continues, though not directly looking at Kurt since she’s leaning her head slightly on his shoulder. “I really love her, so much. Now I might not know how it really feels to have a little, sweet kid like her of my own, but... it must feel the same.”
 “Well,” he brings Jane a little closer to him. “If you really wanna know how it really feels to have your own kid? umm—how should I put it?—it feels like your heart grows infinitely wide, and you love your own kid so much in a way that you never thought you were able to love anything in the world the same way.” Jane looks at him, hardly blinking, her attention poured into him as he speaks some more. “It also feels scary and overwhelming sometimes. But the very best part about it all, is when your own kid brings out the best in you, because you will realize, very early, how much that little one needs and deserves the best version of you.” 
Jane maintains silent, though her face softens at his choice of words, and so she reaches out a light hand up his shoulder then squeezes it. “Bethany is so lucky to have you, and you’re so lucky to have her.”
“I’m also so lucky to have you.” He rushes out to say, to which she smiles in appropriation.
“You and Bethany are... the family I chose to have by myself—not the family that, as a poor kid, I found myself surrounded with, unwillingly...” He shakes his head, with his eyes closed. “Although my last name is referred to them and my looks are similar to them and we have the same blood, I’ve never been proud of that family. The traumatic time I’d been through back then, almost made me think I’d never have a family that I’d love and be proud of... But it got different—good different—when you I got older, more handsome that I seemed to have attracted you and made you fall in love with me within the first glance,”  he attempts levity, and Jane squeezes him at the shoulder a little harder it makes him groan while she laughs, but then she lets him continue. “I mean, I got to choose you to be my wife, you approved, and though Bethany had been a little unexpected—well, a lot unexpected—I can’t imagine our life without her now...” when he trails off, she finishes for him, “It wouldn’t be this vibrant, our life, and have this much love and affection involved in it, and the best in you wouldn’t have gotten out yet.”
 He lifts her left hand where the band is settled and kisses it slow, taking his sweet time, before, against her hand, he speaks, “That’s a beautiful way to finish it for me.”
Jane gives him a genuine grin, next he puts some effort into getting her to lay atop of him, but he doesn’t have that much energy, and she’s so lazy herself, so she stays like this: only half atop him, kissing him randomly on each cheeks, on his lips, on his chin, then down his neck, humming as she does so as if she was tasting delicious food. “Humm, the more weight you gain, the warmer and better it feels to hug you and kiss you.”
“Jane, don’t start on that...” 
She chuckles against his neck. “Why being touchy, huh? I just emphasized that I love you still even with some extra weight, Kurt—it makes me feel smaller against you when I hug you, cuz you feel warmer and more squishy, like a gait teddy bear.” It actually makes him laugh, shaking and shaking her along with him since she’s atop him, hugging him.
“Every husband in the world would be so happy to hear something like that,”
“I know, right?” She meets his eyes only to tease him, “You’re so lucky to have a wife like me!”
“I know. I said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m so lucky to have you!” He says it loudly, as if an announcement, during which he wraps both arms around her middle much tighter then kisses her.
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chibinoyume · 4 years
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The best place of all - in each other's arms.
Autumn Jeller for @holidayblindspot
Decided to experiment with digital brushes for this one and not overthink it too much, play with the sketch and just do something with autumn vibes. And mess with filters because why not lol. No references whatsoever, so proportions may be a little off 😬
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lurkingwhump · 4 years
12 Days of Blindspot
Hey guys! Guess what? I wrote a fluffy ficlet for @holidayblindspot :o. Not a drop of angst, or whump. And no interruptions :D.
This is essentially 3 holiday Blindspot prompts all in one, namely hot drinks, winter weather, and blankets.
Thank you again @take2intotheshower for your comments and proofreading. I glove you!
If you’d rather read this on FFN, the link is here.
Please let me know what you think! Happy holidays!
Snowed in
Jane gazed at the view, leaning further back into Kurt’s warm embrace as she admired the banks of untouched snow in front of her, glittering on the branches of the spruces. She gave a contented sigh, nuzzling Kurt as he placed his chin on her shoulder. She felt at peace.
“It’s nice to see you so happy,” Kurt’s murmured, as if reading her mind.
“I am. I can’t believe we’re finally here. It’s even more beautiful than I imagined.” She was still in awe of the scenery, and would probably spend hours sketching it from memory.
He tightened his arms around her waist. “And this time we know no one will interrupt us. This time it is just us.”
Jane turned, burying her cheek against Kurt’s parka. “Thank you for making this happen.” She closed her eyes, a feeling of warmth and calm spreading in her chest, despite the freezing winter temperatures.
He kissed her temple as he rocked them slightly in place. “You don’t need to thank me, Jane. It was my pleasure. We both needed this.”
Kurt and Jane were standing on the patio of a secluded cabin in the Colorado Rockies. They had finally managed to take a few vacation days after moving back to Colorado. The past couple of months after Madeline’s downfall had been a whirlwind: deciding to move, house-hunting, moving, settling in and making plans for the future now that they were no longer working for the FBI, at least on a permanent basis.
Excited that they actually had time off, she glanced at him. “Let’s go inside. I want to see how the cabin looks. The pictures on the site were great, but I want to see it myself.”
“Okay,” he agreed. “After that I’ll get started on making us something to eat.”
Jane walked inside, her eyes immediately falling on the beautiful stone fireplace, and the ceiling of the cabin.  The room itself was not large, but it had a high ceiling and large windows opening onto the patio to reveal the majestic view of the large evergreen forest now glistening with snow. “Oh my God, this room is even more beautiful in real life,” she exclaimed, stopping in the middle of the room and taking her time turning around.
Kurt didn’t speak, he merely smiled at her enthusiasm, clearly happy because his wife was happy. Next, they checked the kitchen, Kurt appreciating the table space they had been able to fit in the rustic cabin. While he was checking the kitchen cupboards in anticipation for fixing them a meal, Jane had already gone off to check out the bedroom and the adjoining bathroom. She was looking out the bedroom window, admiring the falling snow when she felt his arms wrap around her waist and his warm body pressing into hers. She sighed happily.
“It’s snowing,” she remarked.
“Mm-hm. And they say it’s going to continue at least until tomorrow.” He pressed a kiss to her neck.
She turned in his arms, gazing at him. “This place is so calm, and beautiful. How did you find it?”
“One of the agents from the Denver field office mentioned this once and recommended it.”
“Well, I’m really glad you were able to book this. I love it already,” she smiled.
“Good. You hungry? I was thinking I’d get started on the cooking.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
They had eaten the dinner Kurt had prepared for them, with Jane mainly keeping him company as he prepared the ingredients and watched the simmering sauce, stirring it on occasion.
With the meal finished, Jane was sitting in one of the armchairs with her sketchbook, drawing the view outside as she watched the light slowly starting to fade away and the blizzard intensify. Kurt was sitting on the couch, halfway through a book, when they heard a loud crack from outside, and the ceiling light went out.
Jane looked at him in surprise. “What the hell was that?”
“Can’t be thunder in the middle of the winter,” he said, walking to the light switch, and flicking it. “Power’s out.”
She couldn’t help but grin at him. “Some other time I might have suspected foul play, but now? We’re in the middle of nowhere and hardly anyone knows we’re here.”
Kurt nodded. “Yeah, same. Come on, let’s go see what that sound was.”
Jane retrieved her parka and followed him out.
He was standing by the stairs of the patio, looking out behind the cabin into the swirling snow, and reaching him, she saw what had caught his attention. A big snow-laden spruce had fallen on top of the powerlines leading into the house.
“Just our luck,” she mused.
“So much for power. Think Nature has it in for us?” Kurt chuckled, watching the tree.
“After all the things we’ve been through, who doesn’t?” She remarked drily. “How can a tree that large just fall like that?”
“The tree couldn’t take the weight of the wet snow and toppled under the weight.” At Jane’s puzzled look, he went on. “We used to have those in Clearfield in really snowy winters.”
Jane fished her phone out of her pocket and checked the screen. “Hmm…No service. So much for contacting the cabin’s owners or anyone else.”
“Makes sense. The blizzard probably cut the power into the cell tower as well,” Kurt surmised, then gave her a lopsided grin. “Well, look on the bright side: no chance of anyone contacting us either.”
She laughed at that. “True. We’re more or less snowed in soon, and this isn’t exactly flying weather either if someone sent a chopper for us.”
He gave a snort. “I wouldn’t put it past them.” Then he turned to her, and gave her another one of the looks that made her heart constrict at the love she felt for him. “But we don’t work for the FBI anymore, so that’s not going to happen.”
Jane nodded, feeling happy and sad at the same time. She missed the adrenaline rush and the feeling that they were doing something meaningful to help others, but she was happy that she and Kurt could finally have more time for each other, without their work interfering every time.
“Alright.” Kurt leaned in, pressing a kiss in her hair. “You go inside, I’ll go get some firewood from the barn while you get a fire going. Since the power is out, the heating will be out, too.”
Jane sat in front of the fire, wrapped in a throw blanket, watching the fire crackle in the fireplace. Despite their predicament, she felt relaxed. Kurt had fetched a few armfuls of firewood from the adjacent barn, which would hopefully last well into the next day at least. After that, he’d retrieved his go-bag, which contained a flashlight, a small camping stove and some other essentials they might need.
The cabin’s small living room was illuminated by the fire and the soft flicker candles that she had lit and placed on the tables and the mantle of the fireplace. She heard Kurt, doing something in the kitchen behind her. Time faded away as she gazed at the fire. Almost in a trance, she jumped when Kurt called her name.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he chuckled, passing her a mug. “Here, hot chocolate. It’s made into oat milk.”
Jane wrapped her fingers around the mug, enjoying the warmth spreading into her hands, as she scooted over, making room for Kurt as he sat down beside her.
She closed her eyes, inhaling the rich scent of cocoa. “Mhh, this smells amazing.” Taking a cautious sip, she gave a delighted hum, the liquid warming her insides and leaving a wonderful chocolatey taste in her mouth. “And tastes even better.” Turning to Kurt, she saw him gazing at her in a way that melted her heart. His eyes had a look of utter devotion and love as they met hers. “Thank you.”
He took a sip of his own. “You’re welcome.”
She moved closer, tucking herself into Kurt’s side as he lifted his arm and wrapped it around her.
Sipping on her drink, she gazed at the roaring fire, enjoying the comforting humming sound it made. She adjusted the throw around her shoulders, before Kurt pulled her snugly into him, wrapping the blanket securely around her.  
“Better?” He asked, murmuring into her hair.
They both simply sat there, enjoying the moment and each other’s presence as they finished the hot chocolate.
Setting her mug down on the coffee table, she lay her head on Kurt’s chest, feeling utterly content.
She relished his touch as his hand stroked her back, the soothing motion making her sleepier.
“I could get used to this,” she mumbled into him.
Kurt’s voice held a teasing note as he replied, moving his hand into her hair. “What, being stuck in a cabin without electricity in the middle of a blizzard?”
Jane smiled and looked up at him, her heart fluttering at his expression. “No. Getting to spend time with my husband, in front of a roaring fire, warm and content, and no one to interrupt us.” She kissed his jaw before snuggling back into his arms.
“Mmh, you have a good point,” he conceded, burying his nose in her hair. “I suppose I could get used to this too, then.”
“And what if the power is out for days?” She asked after a while.
Kurt was silent for a moment, almost as if contemplating his answer. “Well…we have the fireplace for warmth and a roof over our heads. And there’s the camping stove, so we won’t starve.”
“We can always make s’mores in the fireplace. ”She mused quietly, burying deeper into Kurt’s warm embrace.
He pulled back slightly, quirking an eyebrow at her. “Wait a minute. I thought I was the one with the sweet tooth?”
Jane looked up, laughing at his perplexed expression. “Desperate times call for desperate measures, Kurt.” She grinned and wound her arms around his neck before leaning in for a deep kiss.
Pulling back for air, he gave her a look that was loving and full of heat at the same time. “Desperate, hmm?” He nuzzled her neck, his words husky against her skin. “I can think of a couple of ways of making you desperate, and food isn’t one of them.”
Before she got out a word to challenge him, he captured her mouth in another tantalizing kiss.
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