#holly spends the whole season in white-pink+roses
wheelercore · 1 year
I thought that one analysis of the wheeler sibs relationship with their dad would be the end of it but my brain is yelling at me telling me to make another post about how Nancy, Mike, and Karen are shown to continue that trend of idealization and then devaluation. Esp Mike repeatedly calling El a "superhero". Or Karen attempting to use a teenager for sex and it just so happened he looked like the guy in her erotica.
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professorkenobi · 3 years
a catboy for christmas
Note: This is a big time jump forward in the stray catboy au, but you can read the last part here. And you can see adorable art for this snippet by the wonderful shatou here! Happy Holidays all!
For many years, Obi-Wan had dutifully broken out the ladder and strung up Christmas lights on his house every December. And, for many years, he’d opted against shopping for a tree, hauling it into his living room and decorating it, just for him to be the only person who’d enjoy it.
On the odd year that he had friends over during the holiday season, he’d break out the holly-trimmed dinnerware set from the storage bin in the garage, but that was about the extent of his indoor decorating.
He was always busy with the end of the semester anyway. To go to all of that effort just for himself was pointless.
But, with Anakin, it was different. 
Halfway through the ordeal of stringing lights from the roof, Anakin came outside with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders, still rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“You were sleeping quite peacefully when I got up at seven.”
Anakin made a face. “Well, now that it’s a normal time to be awake I can help.”
Which was how Anakin ended up the one balancing on the top of the ladder, seemingly very much in his element, while Obi-Wan fed him the lights from the ground. 
By the time they were finished, Obi-Wan’s hands were numb in his gloves and Anakin’s ears were stiff from the cold. So Obi-Wan went about making hot chocolate while Anakin started a fire, and Anakin roped him into watching not just Home Alone, but the sequels too (“How can this be the sequel, that isn’t even the same child,”—”Just trust me, okay, it’s really good!”—sigh).
He didn’t register exactly when he started rubbing his fingers over Anakin’s silky ears to warm them up, but he continued even after Anakin scooted closer and dropped his head onto his shoulder.
Obi-Wan asked around at work for the best Christmas tree farm in the area, so that weekend they bundled up and set about finding a tree to fit in the corner of the living room.
He’d been planning to pick out a tree alone, knowing Anakin was still struggling with venturing out into public, but as soon as he’d mentioned the trip Anakin had perked up and declared they should go right now, before all the good trees are taken!
Obi-Wan soon discovered out that by good trees, Anakin meant big trees.
“This one.”
“Anakin, that’s not going to fit.”
Anakin pointed at the tree with the axe in his hand. “But it’s the perfect tree! It smells the freshest.”
Obi-Wan shook his head. Smells the freshest, really...
The tree also happened to be ample enough to take up half their living room. But Obi-Wan ran a hand over the branches, checking for loose needles, and discovered that this was indeed the healthiest tree they’d seen so far. And if it was the one Anakin wanted…
“Alright then, looks like we found our tree.”
Anakin’s responding grin set off a delicate flutter in his chest. 
The tree was almost too big to fit the racks on Obi-Wan’s sedan, but they somehow managed to secure it.
With Anakin taking charge of not only chopping the tree down, but also heaving its bulk through the front door, Obi-Wan couldn’t imagine not having Anakin with him for the task. 
The realization that he couldn’t imagine ever not having Anakin with him again hit him like a snowball to the chest.
It got dark out so early at this time of year, but inside Obi-Wan’s little kitchen it was cozy and bright, filled with the spicy scent of baking gingerbread. 
“Where’s the vanilla?” 
“Middle shelf on the end.” He nodded in the general direction.
“Gotcha!” Jars clattered as Anakin rummaged through the cabinet. Obi-Wan set the last spoon in the dish drainer and wiped his hands on a towel.
He turned just in time to catch Anakin pouring vanilla straight into the mixer bowl.
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow. “Aren’t you supposed to measure that?” 
“Leave the science to me, old man.” Anakin cracked a sharp-toothed smile and started the mixer, mostly drowning out the jazz drifting from the speakers. 
It was true that Obi-Wan wasn’t much of a baker. He was a fair cook, but tended to stick to the same rotation of dishes for his weekly meal planning. Anakin, on the other hand, was accomplished enough that he had a disquieting tendency to play fast and loose with the recipe.
It bothered Obi-Wan less than he would have thought. He couldn’t even bring himself to mind the mess. Not when it was created by Anakin flitting around the kitchen, getting a dusting of flour on his ears and everything else in the vicinity. 
Obi-Wan busied himself drying dishes until the mixer powered down.
“Wanna lick?”
Anakin stood at his shoulder, holding out a beater absolutely drenched in white frosting. His other hand hovered underneath to catch any drips. 
“Ah— tempting, but no thank you.” 
“You sure?” Anakin shook the beater slightly, and a small glob fell onto his fingers. “It’s delicious.” 
“It’s yours.” 
He had been tempted. But forgoing something small to make Anakin happy felt the most natural thing in the world.
“Your loss!” 
Anakin stuck the tip of the beater into his mouth and began enthusiastically licking up the frosting. Obi-Wan caught a flash of pink tongue twining between the wires and swallowed reflexively, heat rising to his cheeks. 
He was dimly aware that he was staring, but he couldn’t seem to tear his eyes away. Not as Anakin began cleaning off his hands, seemingly unaware of the picture he made with one sticky finger after another disappearing between his full lips and more frosting smeared across his cheek.
“You have a little, er, by your mouth there,” he managed. 
“Oh, thanks.” Anakin wiped at his face, missing by a mile. “Did I get it?” 
Obi-Wan chuckled. “Not quite— here, let me.” He swiped at Anakin’s cheek with his thumb and, unthinkingly, brought it to his mouth. 
The taste of vanilla and sugar burst saccharine on his tongue. 
“You were right.” 
Anakin blinked at him, wide-eyed. “A-about what?” 
“It is delicious.” 
He was straining to reach the top of the tree when Anakin walked in from the kitchen, the last bite of a cookie in his hand.
“Wait, let me do that!” 
Anakin swiped the star from his hands with ease and went right up on his tip-toes. He had just the extra couple inches that were needed to place the star in the right spot, nestling it among the highest branches so it wouldn’t topple.
Then he turned to him, a wide grin dimpling his cheeks. “How’s that?”
The sight of Anakin, backlit by the tree’s sparkling lights, bundled in Obi-Wan’s biggest sweater with pale thighs bare above argyle socks, and smiling at him with open joy—it stole his breath, made him feel a little unsteady on his feet.
“It’s perfect.” He reached up to push a stray curl out of Anakin’s face, and his hand got playfully headbutted in return. “Thank you, dear.”
Anakin went pink at that, ducking his head and busying himself with rearranging the garland on the tree. Obi-Wan felt his cheeks go a touch warm as well. He hadn’t meant to say it so… affectionately. 
Well. Maybe he had.
Anakin tucked in the end of the tinsel and stepped back, surveying the whole picture with arms crossed.
“Looks finished, to me. Whaddaya think?” 
“I’ll have to defer to your expertise. I, ah, actually haven’t had a Christmas tree in many years,” Obi-Wan admitted. 
Anakin frowned. “So do you not have people over for the holidays or whatever?” 
“Not really.” 
“Then, do you usually, I mean...” Anakin looked down, picking at a nonexistent ball of lint on his sweater. “Will you be going somewhere else for Christmas, then?” 
“Anakin.” Obi-Wan took him softly by the elbow. Anakin’s eyes, twin pools brimming with reflected light, caught his and held. “I was hoping we could spend it together. If you’d like.” 
Anakin’s mouth fell open in a soft o. “You mean that? Just the two of us?” 
Obi-Wan’s grip slid down the back of Anakin’s arm, searching beneath his overlong sleeve for his hand. It was warm, and he squeezed it. 
“Of course I mean it.” 
“Then, yeah.” Anakin’s fingers curled around his and squeezed back. “I’d like that.” 
On Christmas Eve, they cooked dinner together with a backdrop of snow falling outside the window, dusting the back deck in a fluffy layer of white. 
While they ate, splitting a saucepan’s worth of mulled wine between them (“You don’t eat the orange slices, Anakin.”—“What? Why wouldn’t you?”—“...I suppose you’re right, that’s a silly rule,”)  Obi-Wan’s thoughts naturally strayed to the blackberry brambles, to the frozen dirt, the swirling flurries. 
He looked outside, into the darkness, and then turned to Anakin, his head of curls golden under the warm glow of the evening lights, talking heatedly about—something about peppermint bark—and he was filled with overwhelming gratitude that Anakin was here and not out there.
Anakin’s arms stopped their wild gesturing. “Why are you smiling?”
“No reason.” Obi-Wan raised his glass to hide his lips and found himself inadvertently smiling even wider. “I just like listening to you.”
“Oh.” He was rewarded with a tentative little smile in return.
They ended up on the couch, their glasses topped off, with the fire crackling and the Christmas tree lit up in all its glory.
Obi-Wan wasn’t even sure which movie they were watching, but Anakin seemed to enjoy it. For his part, the mulled wine had gone to his head a little. Perhaps he could rest his eyes, just for a moment... 
When he opened them again, the credits had rolled and the fire was starting to burn low. Anakin's head was pillowed on his thigh, curls carelessly tossed across his face. His breath rose and fell softly and his ears twitched every few seconds with whatever dream he was having.
Obi-Wan smoothed a hand over them until they stilled. He hoped it was a happy dream. 
He would have happily stayed there all night, but his leg was starting to fall asleep. Yes, it was definitely time for them to retire to bed, but he didn’t have it in him to wake Anakin, not when he was sleeping so soundly.
So, very carefully, he gathered Anakin into his arms and carried him up the stairs.
Anakin didn’t seem to rouse, not even when his foot accidentally bumped against the doorway, but he did snuffle in his sleep and curl in closer to his body, probably seeking out warmth.
Obi-Wan thought he might’ve heard him mumble something, right as he deposited him in bed, but he couldn’t make it out.
With Anakin’s face so relaxed and beautiful in his sleep, he couldn’t resist gently brushing his knuckles over the delicate cheekbone. 
“Merry Christmas Eve, Anakin.”
The thump-thump-thump of hurried feet running down the stairs was Obi-Wan’s only warning before he had a gift-wrapped box thrust in front of his face. 
“Merry Christmas,” Anakin declared, his eyes bright and excited under sleep-mussed curls.
“You didn’t—”
Anakin practically pushed the present into his chest. “Nuh-uh. You have to accept it. I worked hard on it.”
After a beat, Obi-Wan set his cup aside and took the offered present. He recognized the glossy candy canes as his own wrapping paper. Anakin must have sniffed out the bin hiding under the bed. 
He’d also found the roll of red ribbon, and had tied it into a bow bigger than the box itself.
Obi-Wan set the box on the couch next to him. “I won’t open mine until you open yours.”
Anakin’s brow creased in earnest as he caught sight of the modest collection of packages under the tree. “Obi-Wan, this is too much. I can’t let you—mmph.”
Obi-Wan had brought up a hand to cover his mouth. “Not another word. They’re for you.”
Anakin tried to say something, making the hairs on Obi-Wan’s arm stand on end as soft lips brushed his palm. He quickly drew back. 
“Fine,” Anakin frowned at him. “But it’s still ridiculous.”
Obi-Wan wagged a finger playfully. “If I hear any more complaints out of you, young man, I’ll start taking them back.” 
“But I want them!” Anakin pouted at him, and he had to hide his smile behind his hand.
An almost overwhelming feeling of fondness swelled in Obi-Wan’s chest as he watched Anakin tear into his gifts. He amassed a small pile of mostly practical items— clothes and socks, warm and sturdy ones that wouldn’t go threadbare and leave him shivering. A set of products for his curly hair. A few hobby engineering volumes that came highly recommended by the countergirl at Obi-Wan’s favorite local bookstore. 
Anakin saved the largest package for last. “What’s this, Obi-Wan?”
“Go on, open it.” 
He tore away the paper and stared down at what it revealed. 
“It’s a coffee maker,” Obi-Wan said. “I thought you must be tired of making do with a teapot every morning.” 
Anakin just kept staring. 
“It came very well rated, has all the functions, you can set it to start when you wake up and—” he realized he was rambling. “Is it alright?” 
Finally looking up, Anakin smiled at him. For some strange reason, his eyes were shining, tears threatening to spill over. “It’s perfect, Obi-Wan. Thank you so much.” 
He scooted closer and wrapped Obi-Wan in a tight embrace, his breath fanning warm on Obi-Wan’s neck. Obi-Wan returned the hug, rubbing soothing circles on Anakin’s back. 
Far too soon, they pulled apart. Obi-Wan reached for his little present, beyond curious to see what Anakin had come up with.
Anakin looked to the side. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get more.” 
“Shh, I didn’t expect anything.” Obi-Wan pulled at the bow and opened the box. 
He traced his fingers over the smooth curves and contours of the wood in awe. “Anakin,” he breathed. “You... you made this?”
Anakin started wringing his tail in his lap, his eyes downcast. “It’s not much, but it’s… well I…”
Obi-Wan clutched the carving tight to his chest. “I love it. Thank you. Although…”
Anakin’s face fell instantly. Obi-Wan’s heart hammered a staccato beat even as he pulled the ribbon loose from the wrapping paper and brought it up around Anakin’s neck.
To their credit, his fingers only trembled a little as he carefully tied the ribbon into a loose bow around Anakin’s neck. Like a flamboyant necklace, or perhaps a, like a collar…
“You are worth more to me than any gift you could give me.”
The beautiful color that graced Anakin’s cheeks made taking the risk of saying out loud what he felt in his heart worth it. He wanted to say more, there was so much in his heart that was aching to be spilled, but before he could speak Anakin was leaning over to grab the Santa hat off the table and placing it on Obi-Wan’s head, the fuzzy brim nearly falling into his eyes.
“Merry Christmas, Obi-Wan,” Anakin said softly, his eyes twinkling.
Joy bloomed in his chest. “Merry Christmas, Anakin.”
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starring-movies · 4 years
Killing Eve: Episode Analysis
Season 3, Episode 4 - Still Got It
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This episode is different to all the other episodes of this season, as well as the whole series, as it is not structured chronologically, but it’s order goes through each character’s separate timeline instead.
We begin with Niko who is starting his new life in Poland, as a bread delivery man. Just like Villanelle does, it’s apparent that Niko also has a type, as when he’s in a bar he looks interestedly at a woman with the same voluminous, curly hair that Eve has.
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When we get to Eve’s storyline, we see her in the Bitter Pill office. She’s getting ready for work after spending the night there, after Villanelle broke into her apartment and left the pink teddy bear with the voice recording in it.
When Eve is brushing her teeth, the camera specifically pans onto her toiletry bag as she puts her toothbrush back in it. Our attention is being drawn to this, in connection to S2E6. In S2E6 when Villanelle broke into Eve’s house to mess with her things, she brushed her teeth with Eve’s toothbrush and puts the toothbrush back into the same toiletry bag that we see Eve using in this scene; so we can see that Eve is still using the same toothbrush from that episode - Villanelle still manages to pop-up unexpectedly in Eve’s life, even though she is trying to forget about her.
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When the bus birthday cake from Villanelle arrives at the Bitter Pill office, Eve knows it’s from Villanelle and she touches her neck. She touches her neck in exactly the same way as this in S2E5, when the white roses spelling Eve’s name arrives on her doorstep. Eve repeating the same action, immediately after receiving another gift from Villanelle, shows us how just like in S2E5, Eve is feeling flattered by the attention and knowing that Villanelle is thinking about and paying attention to her.
A song starts playing over this scene of Eve receiving the cake, which doesn’t look like it’s been released yet, but we can assume it’s by Unloved. The lyrics that can be heard are:
“I once had a love,
Or did Love have me?
It set me free,
It set me free”
The lyrics represent Eve’s inner turmoil in regard to her feelings for Villanelle. She can’t decide if Villanelle was once her “Love” or if Villanelle “had” her (if she only belonged to Villanelle) - she can’t decide if the feelings she had/has are her own, and what she really wants, or if she is powerless to Love’s control over her.
This struggle to determine her love and her feeling’s over Villanelle is what causes Eve to have the same reaction to the bus cake that she had with the teddy bear recording. With the recording she is angry with it at first, but then she changes her mind and holds it up to her ear to repeatedly listen to Villanelle’s voice. Similarly to the recording she feels both happy and angry when she receives the cake. She first puts her hands to her neck (which shows us she’s flattered), then proceeds to throw the cake off the building in anger, but then almost immediately after she’s let go of the cake she yelps in distress, suddenly regretting what she’s done.
Another interesting thing to note is that no-one else acknowledges or is even aware that it’s Eve’s birthday, except for Villanelle. It’s highlighting how Eve is isolated in her life and now has no-one left who knows her so well or cares about her as much, except for Villanelle.
Regarding the story that Konstantin gives in S3E8, about what happened with him and Kenny, we can see that the story doesn’t add up. The wall around the roof of the building, which Eve throws the cake from and which Kenny supposedly “got scared” and accident fell off, is way to high for this to have happened.
[Unrelated but in the same vein, is that in this scene we can see that there are two chairs on the rooftop, one of which Eve put the cake on and the other has been knocked over. We know from Bear’s video footage from S3E8, that Kenny and Konstantin seemed to be alone before Kenny died. So it looks like perhaps the two of them were sat talking on the roof (Konstantin might have been interrogation Kenny about what he knew) and then maybe Konstantin pulled Kenny off his chair and was holding him at the wall around the rooftop to threaten him and then that’s possibly when he accidentally fell off - just a speculation.]
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After Jamie told Eve to stay at his house, we see Eve lying in bed holding up one of Jamie’s child’s teddy bears. She holds the bear up above her face and asks it “what do you want from me?”. Eve is clearly speaking to the bear in lieu of Villanelle, she is recreating their encounter on the bus when Villanelle was face to face with her.
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When we get to Villanelle’s portion of the episode, we see her dancing in her Barcelona apartment while she’s trying to make a birthday cake for Eve. Dancing is a big theme in Season 3. We only see Villanelle dancing comfortably twice, once in this scene and the second time is in the tea dance scene from S3E8. In the dancing in this episode, Villanelle is on her own but she’s thinking about Eve and the encounter they just had on the bus. In the tea dance scene Villanelle is also dancing with Eve.
In this Season they use dancing as a symbol of happiness and comfort, and more specifically having these things with other people or another person - dancing is a two person activity, an intimate activity and also something that people aren’t willing to do if they don’t feel completely comfortable.
The previous times Villanelle tried to dance, was at her wedding with Maria in S3E1 and with her family in S3E5, people who you ordinarily should be able to feel comfortable with. So Villanelle only being able to dance when she’s either thinking about or is physically with Eve, shows how she’s never as truly comfortable or vulnerable as when she’s with Eve - also stressing the point that they’re soulmates, which is another theme in Season 3.
This is also the first time that we see Villanelle listening to music through headphones, and she continues to do this in the next episode, S3E5. As she starts to listen to music after her kiss with Eve on the bus, and when she’s making Eve’s birthday cake, we can see that it’s from Eve and the rejuvenation of their relationship that she starts to do this.
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Although Villanelle has found out from Dasha that she is being given her promotion, while she is out shopping she still pauses to look longingly at two women shopping together. Even though she has everything she was always aiming to get (money, status, a nice flat, a fun job) and is going up in the world in her professional career, she still can’t help but feel that there’s something missing in her life, she still doesn’t have that “someone to watch movies with” that she told Eve she wanted in S1E8.
As Villanelle is out shopping, the song ‘Satan Is His Name’ by Holly Golightly starts to play. The lyrics are:
“Satan is a name he goes by,
He got a lotta devil in his eye,
He got a kiss of fire and it burns you well,
Breaks your heart and it hurts like”
The first two lines of the lyrics that are heard, are played when Villanelle is walking along with her shopping, giving us the impression that Villanelle is “Satan”. However, the next two lines are played as Villanelle is observing the two women in the shop; telling us that “Satan” is actually Eve, because Eve is the one who hurt and broke her heart. This makes sense as Villanelle is thinking about Eve kissing her on the bus and probably how, although it seems like Eve finally reciprocated her feelings, they haven’t spoken about it and so it hasn’t been made clear if this is the case - and so she could still be burned and hurt by Eve.
The fact that we are initially led to believe that “Satan is Villanelle, but the it turns out to be Eve, also emphasises how they’re now becoming “the same” more than they were before - they are both “Satan” because they both have the same “darkness” and “monster” within them.
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In return for finding the information about her family that Villanelle asked for, Konstantin says to her, “but I need you to do something for me, something personal, off the record”. Just like in S1E1, when Villanelle repeats Konstantin saying that he can’t stay and watch a movie; and in S1E8, when she repeats what Irina says about languages - Villanelle being able to repeat these things shows us that Konstantin has repeatedly asked Villanelle to do ‘off the record’ jobs for him throughout the years, as a favour.
After Konstantin has given Villanelle the information about her family, she starts to hiccup, which continues throughout the episode. One reason for Villanelle’s hiccups could be because she was in shock, after slapping Eve in S2E8 she tells her “you were in shock. You needed a surprise, like hiccups”. So similarly, Villanelle could have been in shock from finding out her family was actually alive after thinking for her whole life that they died in a car crash.
However Villanelle’s hiccups do have a clear link to her association with family, as she first gets them when she’s with Konstantin and learns her family are alive, and also when she’s experiencing what it’s like to be a child when she’s playing and is hugged in the garden with Kruger’s wife. Villanelle also explicitly says to Pyotr in S3E5 that she came home “because I had the hiccups”.
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We then see that the “off the records” job that Konstantin has asked Villanelle to carry out, is killing Bertha (Kruger’s wife) to tie up his loose ends from the money he stole from The Twelve.
Since we know that freedom is very important to Villanelle, she tells Bertha that she should be happy, saying to her “you’re free now, you can be whoever you want”; but Bertha replies by saying “I don’t want to be free, I want to be a family”. By giving Konstantin’s betting slip, and their chance of “freedom” to Eve in S3E8, it shows just how much trust Villanelle has in Eve; to be able to entrust her with the key to the thing she regards as the most important - Eve isn’t just an obsession (like Anna) for Villanelle anymore, but she’s become the only person who she knows that she can truly rely on.
Interestingly though, Villanelle does say to Bertha that it’s her husband’s death which enables her to be “free now” and she “can be whoever you want”. This brings to surface the thought that maybe Villanelle considers that freedom for herself, and being allowed to be whoever she wants, is similarly only attainable by being without Eve. Villanelle does tell Konstantin in S3E6 that she’s willing to leave with him and she’s aware that means leaving Eve behind as well. However, she seems to change her mind by S3E8 and chooses her family (Eve) over her freedom (leaving with Konstantin). Although Villanelle doesn’t understand it at the time, Bertha’s statement to Villanelle, “I don’t want to be free, I want to be a family”, becomes true for her by the end of the season.
At this point, Villanelle also still can’t understand the love that Bertha has for her husband and family, in favour of her own freedom; in the same way as she couldn’t understand why the prison mate in S1E7 would “rather die” than have her freedom; and just as the nanny from S3E3 was so willing to sacrifice her own life for a baby that wasn’t even her’s.
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When Hélène goes to speak to Dasha at the swimming pool, she describes Eve as “the one who wears the...” and then Dasha finishes Hélène’s thought with “...turtleneck”. It is interesting that Eve’s turtlenecks are her defining and notable feature, as when Villanelle returns to Mother Russia, she too wears a turtleneck. If Hélène and Dasha have noticed that Eve wears turtlenecks, then Villanelle definitely has. Therefore Villanelle’s choice to wear a turtleneck, when she’s going to be reunited with her family, is like she’s taking a bit of comfort with her. She’s choosing to wear something that Eve is known for wearing so that she can feel close to Eve, and can have the comfort of her being with her when she’s going to do something that’s so important, nerve-wracking and uncertain for her.
Villanelle’s choice to wear a turtleneck is also her attempt at blending in. The turtleneck is something Eve is obviously known for wearing, and so because Eve wears them, Villanelle associates the turtleneck (like Eve) with all things normal and ordinary. However, despite her attempt, it’s clear from the rest of her outfit that she’s still far too well/over-dressed in comparison to the rest of Grizmet’s inhabitants.
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When Villanelle arrives at the train platform in Mother Russia at the end of the episode, she touches her neck. This scene comes right after Niko has just been stabbed in the throat by Dasha, and so it could be to demonstrate Villanelle’s connection with Eve - in line with the ‘soulmates’ theme of Season 3 - it could be to show that Villanelle is being stopped in her tracks by feeling Eve’s grief and shock at seeing Niko being stabbed (in a similar vein as when people say that they just felt a chill, like someone was walking over their grave).
However, Villanelle touching her neck could also be a sign that her hiccups have gone, as she doesn’t get them again after this moment. It could be that by returning home to Mother Russia, Villanelle got the “surprise” that she mentioned to Eve in S2E8 that you need to get rid of the hiccups. The ambiguity of the action of Villanelle touching her neck (given that we’ve seen that she’s had hiccups throughout the episode but also that this happens right after Niko is stabbed in the neck) indicates that she touches her neck for both of these reasons, not just one or the other.
You can read my previous Killing Eve posts here:-
First Introduction to Villanelle
First Introduction to Eve
S1, E1 - Nice Face
S1, E2 - I’ll Deal With Him Later
S1, E3 - Don’t I Know You?
S1, E4 - Sorry Baby
S1, E5 - I Have a Thing about Bathrooms
S1, E6 - Take Me to the Hole!
S1, E7 - I Don’t Want to Be Free
S1, E8 - God, I’m Tired
S2, E1 - Do You Know How to Dispose of a Body?
S2, E2 - Nice and Neat
S2, E3 - The Hungry Caterpillar
S2, E4 - Desperate Times
S2, E5 - Smell Ya Later
S2, E6 - I Hope You Like Missionary!
S2, E7 - Wide Awake
S2, E8 - You’re Mine
S3, E1 - Slowly Slowly Catchy Monkey
S3, E2 - Management Sucks
S3, E3 - Meetings Have Biscuits
S3, E5 - Are You From Pinner? [Part 1]
S3, E5 - Are You From Pinner? [Part 2]
S3, E6 - End of Game
S3, E7 - Beautiful Monster
S3, E8 - Are You Leading or Am I? [Part 1]
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likethetailofacomet · 5 years
Who Needs Mistletoe?
Author’s Note: just dropping some holiday love for some of my fraaands. this one is for @zaffrenotes - wishing you nothing but happiness and joy and little magic this holiday season and all through the year, my friend! 
Liam and Leo sifted through the box of Christmas ornaments, picking through and recalling memories from years past as they placed them on the enormous spruce in the grand hall of the palace. They'd decorated the tree together their whole lives, and even though Leo had abdicated his claim to the throne and chosen to spend most of his time outside of Cordonia, he still came home for this cherished tradition. Leo took a small snowman figurine out and placed it on the mantle, where Liam's mother had always placed it. Liam reached into the box and pulled out the bundle of faux mistletoe- real mistletoe was poisonous, and therefore not allowed in the palace- letting his fingers run over the glittery plastic leaves and the smooth pearlized berries. He knew that his social season was quickly approaching, and he wondered if he'd end it by finding the one that he'd kiss under this clump of fake leaves and berries next year. He let his thoughts wander to the one and only Christmas kiss he'd ever had, and an involuntary grin pulled his lips up. Leo of course caught it before his brother could catch himself, and he certainly wasn't going to let it go.
“I know that look,” he smirked, returning to the box of decorations.
“What look?” Liam shrugged, trying to play dumb, busying himself with digging through the box again, this time retrieving a small rocking horse ornament, bringing it to the tree and hanging it high on a top bough.
“The look that you just had on your dumb face, your highness,” Leo did an exaggerated bow to his brother, a big goofy smile on his face and a twinkle of mischief in his clear blue eyes. Liam felt his own dark eyes sparkle too as the smile drew itself across his face again. “You're thinking of Donna, aren't you, brother?” Leo was a jokester and a rebel. He was a mischievous thorn in Bastien's side, a carefree daredevil that caused more than one royal episode. But underneath all of that he was a loyal and caring brother, and he knew Liam like the back of his hand. Liam sighed, setting the mistletoe back in the box.
“That's a yes, Li.”
Liam gave Leo a look that said “yeah, okay, you're right, you want a medal?” and Leo dropped it, rummaging through the box for another ornament. Liam, however, continued to let his mind wander back to that Christmas when he was fifteen and she was fifteen and everything was magical.
Donna was the head baker's daughter, and had caught Liam's attention when one morning, early, he stumbled into the kitchens to get a glass of water, and she'd been there listening to music on a pair of headphones and kneading dough, her hands and arms covered in flour up to her elbows, a smudge of it on her nose and some of it powdered through her long dark hair that had been pulled back into a thick braid. She hadn't seen or heard him come in, and he watched as she danced happily to the music that he couldn't hear, her movements almost allowing him to feel the rythym. She did a spin and when her eyes fell on the prince they widened and her mouth dropped open and he let out a little chuckle at the embarrassed look on her beautiful face. She pulled one ear bud from her ear and cleared her throat. “Um...good morning, your highness, I...”
“Good morning to you, too,” he cut her off with a gentle, calm tone to show her that she wasn't in any trouble and needn't be embarrassed. She smiled appreciatively and he didn't need a mirror to know that his face was flooding with color.
The two of them had made excuses to run into one another plenty of times after that, in the hallways, behind statues, brushing hands and whispering hellos that held so much more. On Christmas morning a few weeks later, while the palace was in a bustle getting ready for the Christmas Ball that evening, he met her in the kitchen and told her to meet him in the maze later that night. She said she'd find a way and smiled as he turned and left. She'd convinced her mother that they should decorate the dessert table with real Holly sprigs, and that she knew of some out in the gardens...near the maze. Her mother of course had been so busy and preoccupied with the several traditional cakes, pies, pastries and other confections expected of her, and waved Donna off. She excitedly grabbed her coat from a peg near the back door of the kitchen and headed out to join him in the maze, heart racing and mind spinning, thinking of his soft, gentle eyes on her face, of her fingers running through his jet black hair, of being closer to him than they could be inside the palace walls.
He stood waiting as she approached to entrance to the maze clutching a small bundle of Holly- she had to go back with something or else her excuse wouldn't hold water- and he felt a nervous excitement rush though his body. Little puffs of white breath were coming from her lips, a deep blue scarf wrapped around her neck and tucked up under her chin, and the cold air coloring her porcelain complexion with a touch of rosy pink- she looked like an angel and he knew this would be his merriest Christmas yet when he reached for her hand and asked her to join him for a stroll through the maze. He'd always thought it would be a great spot for his first kiss, and he hadn't met anyone he'd wanted that to be with until a few weeks ago, when he'd gone for that glass of water.
They wound their way through the hedges, the clear sky full of stars above them, the two of them chatting easily about their day. They reached the center of the maze and Liam turned to her and his  breath caught. It had started snowing and a flake was resting in her eyelashes. He leaned in to brush it off and she nervously leaned in, too, thinking this was it! This was the kiss! Lean it, girl, lean in! Causing them to bonk foreheads.
“Ow! Oh! I'm sorry, Liam...Prince Liam...oh boy...” she covered her face with her hands and spun away from him.
He chuckled to himself, simply happy to know that a kiss was on her mind and that it wasn't just him. He put a gloved hand on her shoulder and gently turned her back to face him. “Are you okay, Donna?” he asked, warmth enough in his almond eyes to melt the snow as it fell.
“Yes...” she whispered, looking up at the young prince in front of her.
“Good. Let's try that again...” he said through his grin.
She smiled sheepishly and rose up on the balls of her feet to meet his lips, one hand placed on his bicep, the other down at her side still clutching the Holly bunch. He ran one hand through her long dark hair, the other on her shoulder, both of them thinking who needs mistletoe? The maze had something more magical than mistletoe.
Liam snapped back to the present, shaking his head. He hoped he could find something like that again, something magical like his first kiss, and he wondered what the odds were that Donna still thought about that kiss...and where she was now... and if she'd accept a formal invitation to partake in the upcoming social season...
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