Since it’s basically 2014 tumblr again, in the year of our lord 2020, I have a few thoughts about Supernatural that I need to just get out of my head.
Before I start my rant, I want to say that I haven’t kept up with supernatural for some time but I watch it from time to time. And I did watch the Destiel scene that has now sent us back to the dark times. So, what this post is not going to to is harass the actors, especially Jensen, for doing their jobs. And I am going to call out how the writers are actually the homophobic ones because Hollywood can’t write gay characters for shit without killing them off.
We have to remember that the actors are actual people with feelings and are perfectly valid in not wanting to answer certain questions at con’s. Especially from people that have threatened to harm their families. They are not there for you to harass and demand answers from. They are just doing their jobs. They don’t owe you anything.
Without further stalling let’s begin:
My thoughts on Destiel:
1. The fandom: the supernatural fandom has been a complicated one since 2010. I feel like many of the fandom has projected themselves onto the characters without regards to what the characters might be feeling and thinking based on how they are written.
2. Hollywood writers: the writers of supernatural have been there for at least 10-15 years. Characters change as they are being written. That being said, most Hollywood writers are straight white men and don’t know how to write a good LGBTQ+ story line in a show that was primarily aimed at a male audience and was adopted by a young female audience. Writers tend to use gays for one trope, the “bury the gays” trope in which one character confesses their love for a same sex character and then dies. Or the only character to die in a show is gay. This has become a clique. The fandom is tied down with Destiel becoming cannon that that accept this as an outcome and don’t demand better writing from the show. They just accept it because the got a small taste. Destiel is not full Canon, it’s only half Canon. Absolutely not, writers. Do better.
3. Cas: though I haven’t kept up with the show, I know that characters go through a lot of inner conflict and change throughout the series. Cas in this episode used his love for Dean to save him. His goal has always been to save Dean, even at the expense of himself. He knows that Dean might not feel the same about him, but he tells him he loves him anyways because it will save him and that makes Cas happy. Knowing Dean is going to be alright was enough.
4. Cas as a reflection on unrequited love: something many young viewers of supernatural in the LGBTQ+ community might not take away from this scene is that in life, confessing your feelings for a person might not work out with a relationship. Especially if someone of the same sex is straight. This is a real thing that happens to people in the LGBTQ+ community and I personally felt it when watching his scene because I understand what both Cas and Dean were feeling at this moment in time.
5. Cas’s love language: cas’s love language is reassurance. He uses words of encouragement and care to Dean to show his affections. “Your more than what our enemies see.” “Your more than ‘daddy’s blunt instrument” “everything you do is out of love” “you are loved”. He gives Dean something he’s never gotten before, reassurance that he’s a good person and what he’s doing is for good.
6. Dean’s reaction to Cas: I think Dean’s reaction to Cas is justified because he has absolutely no time to process the information that he is given. Dean has never thought he could be loved by anyone in the way that Cas loved him. And the fact that Cas immediately dies after confessing his love just leaves Dean more confused and in an emotional mess. Imagine your best friend gives you a death bed confession of love to you and then fucks off and dies. The questions that are going through this man’s head. He was just told he’s more than a weapon, more than a solider. That he deserves to love and be loved back. If Dean doesn’t go through a mental breakdown in the next two episodes, I would honestly be shocked. He’s losing everyone and he doesn’t know how to cope. Someone help this man.
7. The fandom’s complete disregard for Dean’s feelings: once again the fandom accepts the scraps of gay writing that we are given and have no love for characters going through trauma because they are ✨projecting✨. Dean is not homophobic, he’s confused and traumatized. If I see another bitch say that again, their gonna see these hands.
8. Dean’s love language: dean’s love language is acts. He saves people out of love. He raised sam out of love. He cares for his family out of love. He has already shown Cas that he loves him without having to say it out loud. And I think Cas understands that and that’s why he didn’t wait for Dean to respond. Love doesn’t have to be spoken aloud. It might not be romantic love that Dean has for Cas but it’s love none the less.
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