#holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
blackjackkent · 8 months
Hm - ok, out of curiosity, I triggered a second long rest to see if something about the shapeshifters would proc once Wyll's business with Mizora was out of the way, and... well...
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"Kainyank! Your deception ends now! I shall cleave the truth from you like flesh from a dhour!"
Oh boy.
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"Help me!" the girl squeals in terror, looking up at Hector as he approaches. "She's gone mad!"
OK so. A couple things.
First of all - I speculated in my last post, off the cuff, that Yenna and/or her cat was in fact the shapeshifter interloper. It's entirely possible (even likely, I dare say) that Lae'zel is being rash here, but if she is not, I reserve the right to call myself a freaking genius at the end of this scene.
Second, it's tragically out of character for Hector to say, but this fourth dialogue option is absolutely what's going on in his head:
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However - this is Hector, so his primary priority is immediately trying to defuse the situation, ideally before Lae'zel puts a blade in a potentially innocent child's neck.
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"What in the hells is going on here?"
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"This is not the whelp who's been following us," Lae'zel snaps. "I saw her. She slipped into camp in the form of a woman and shifted into this... abomination. She tried to silence me and hide her deception!"
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"I didn't do anything!" the girl cries out with very credible terror, struggling to release herself from Lae'zel's iron grip.
Fairly interesting, this - I literally just, this afternoon, finished writing a fic (coming soon!) about how Hector and Lae'zel have bonded a lot more recently (mostly about their similarly unhealthy coping mechanisms for dealing with all the Strong Emotions in their lives right now, but still). So Hector's instinct is very much to believe Lae'zel.
Certainly, if this is Lae'zel, he doesn't believe she would be lying to him about this. She's made no secret of finding Yenna annoying, but she would not lie about it like this. Not to him.
It might not be Yenna. But it might just as easily not be Lae'zel.
Gods, he hates this. He hates that after he has grown so much in learning to trust those he travels with, that trust is being torn from under him by something outside their control. He hates that Orin's very existence is enough to upset the order of things, that she need not even act in order to cause them to start to tear themselves apart from within.
Moonmaiden, grant me wisdom... please...
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"Do you have any proof?" he asks carefully.
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"Is my word not enough?" Lae'zel snarls.
With a quick, sharp motion, she pulls a dagger from her belt, lifts it to Yenna's neck.
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"Say your farewells, ne'voocrim!"
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Hector puts out a hand sharply before she can strike, his eyes fixed on hers. [PERSUASION] "There's something we're not seeing here!" he snaps out.
Look at me, Lae'zel - if you truly are the woman I have come to know, who has come to trust me... you will stay your blade until I can speak.
(A/N: 25 DC, almost impossible even with Voice of the Circle AND Favorable Beginnings, but crit success on an inspiration re-roll, holy shiiiiit.)
Lae'zel's face twists at the interruption; abruptly she shoves the girl aside and takes a step towards Hector. Her eyes narrow and her lips curl in a sudden mad smirk - and Hector feels a chill roll through his whole body.
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"Perhaps if I remove your eyes," she sneers, "you'll see things as they are."
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Hector takes a rapid step back, his hands lifting, ready to strike. This is not Lae'zel - that much is suddenly obvious, and his neck prickles with fear. How long? How long has she been here lurking among them? Where has Lae'zel been taken? What has Orin done to her?
As if in answer, the false githyanki's head twists in a spasmodic jerking movement that is, by now, all too familiar.
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The sense of utter violation is surprising. He feels his whole body go tense, a muscle working in his jaw. To be surprised by Orin in the city is one thing, but to have her here in their camp, their place of safety and respite and refuge - to have her take the form of one of his closest allies, and threaten to murder an innocent child in front of him...
His expression remains utterly still, showing no sign of the turmoil in his mind, but his fists clench at his sides.
There's soft footsteps behind him. The others have started to wake at the commotion, to realize what is happening. He can hear the slide of metal on metal as blades are drawn, the sound of hoarse, nervous breath. But no one strikes; perhaps all of them are as overwhelmed as he feels at this invasion of their home.
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That unsettling smile has not moved from Orin's lips throughout her transformation. "Look at it," she murmurs, her eyes tracing over Hector from head to foot with disdainful amusement. "Crawling and sniffing and rooting around in the filth. Is it my Netherstone you seek, little piggy?"
She reaches out a hand, draws her fingertips tauntingly along his jaw. Her skin is ice-cold, like the touch of a corpse. He doesn't move, resists the urge to flinch. "Hush... hush..." she croons, her eyes alight with madness. "Orin will take care of you. And your little pet."
At Hector's side he sees the flash of a blade. Karlach has moved next to him, and her sword is up, the point aimed directly at Orin's throat.*
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Hector's voice is tight and hoarse, trying not to show the depth of his fear in this moment. "What have you done with Lae'zel?"
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Orin draws back with a soft, maniacal giggle. "Nothing!" she says brightly. "No, not a thing! Still gasping and gagging on the foul airs of Bhaal's temple." She smiles slowly, full of gleeful malice. "I will not slice. Her kind die too easily."
She begins to stroll casually between their bedrolls, seemingly unconcerned by the weapons drawn in her direction, or the anger in her audience's eyes. "The Murder Lord demands a better offering. Something new... sticky sweet and delicious." She pauses, turns to meet Hector's gaze again, pokes a finger towards his chest.
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"He wants *you.*"
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"Fuck that," Karlach mutters at his side.
Hector shakes his head slightly. His skin is crawling at the nearness of the shapeshifter, at what she is describing, and his adrenaline is starting to pump with urgency - the need to find Lae'zel, to get away from this creature, to escape whatever the God of Murder has in mind for them all. But they need information before they can hope to retaliate...
"The Murder Lord wants me?" He is surprised to hear how steady his voice sounds all of a sudden. "Why?"
"Ketheric's killer..." she murmurs. There's a strange sort of eager hunger in her tone now at the mention of the violence Hector has wrought in the past. "Turned the corpse-lover to carrion when you took his stone. But he was a dull kill. No blood to spill, no guts to rip - a desiccated husk, all dust and hollow." Her breath catches with an eager whine, those pale blank eyes widening. "You must be sharpened before you set your edge against my skin."
Hector shudders. "Enough of these riddles," he snaps. "Speak plainly."
Orin tilts her head. "You'd prefer my whispers in the tyrant's tongue?" she says.
Another sudden twist, a flash of red - and Gortash stands before him instead.
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"You've heard Gortash's whispers. I see how your skull swarms with his promises..." The words are Orin's, but now uttered in Gortash's low, sardonic growl. "He whinges and wails over the Crown of Karsus, wanting to command it without me... Oh, how I long to slit his poxy smile from ear to ear. But I can't touch him. He bound my blade when we first conspired."
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"Gortash didn't want me at first. Didn't trust me. Got me to wag my tongue, swear an oath never to hang him from the hooks, drip-drain him into Father's open jaws... You must kill the tyrant, take the Netherstone from his corpse, and bring it to my temple. There we slice and shred each other. The survivor claims the stones. What's left of the other is Bhaal's."
It is incredibly unsettling to hear Orin's insane ramblings coming from Gortash's throat. Hector listens in silence, watches as the creature shifts again, back to Orin's pale skin and eyes.
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"Agree, and I will bring my assassins to heel. They watch you always, longing to spray the crimson from your veins. Refuse me, and you'll learn what happens to those who defy Bhaal's doctrine. So will your friend."
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Narrator: Orin demands a fight to the death. The prize for the victor - the Netherstones, and the chance to control the crown alone. Accept, and you must kill Gortash. Refuse, and your companion's life may be forfeit. As might your own - Orin's assassins will hunt you like prey for slaughter.
Hector's mind whirls, wheels turning rapidly as he tries to parse the situation and the best way out of it.
The worst thing about this situation is that agreeing to Orin's demands feels like the right answer.
He was already going to kill Gortash; that has been a given for quite some time. Even were he not one of the Chosen, Hector would help Karlach destroy him regardless; as it is, he cannot be allowed to live. And Orin is, by far, the scarier of the two remaining leaders of the Dead Three's plot. Allying with her long enough to keep her shapeshifting assassins off of him and his friends is more than a little appealing.
Then, of course, there is Lae'zel. He intends to rescue her regardless of the agreement here; she cannot be allowed to languish in a Bhaalist prison. Not after how important she has become to him, to the whole group. She is one of their family now. But to agree to Orin's demands for now would perhaps help to ensure her safety long enough for him to find her.
Normally at this point in his thought process, he would consider that he abhors the thought of lying, of placing his word of bond on a deal that he means to betray. But the extraordinary thing about what Orin is offering is that her endgame is only the final showdown between them that was coming anyway; he does not want control of the Netherstones, but he was never going to let her live. She expects his betrayal, it is even written into the deal - what she offers is only a brief cessation of hostilities long enough for it to come to blows between them in another place.
She is, in short, offering him a deal for what he was going to do anyway - kill Gortash, and then kill her. The only variable is Lae'zel's safety, which is better ensured by playing the game Orin's way, at least for now.
"So be it," he says harshly. "I will kill Gortash. Lae'zel lives. Then we fight for the final Netherstone."
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Her eyes widen with insane joy. "The promise of slaughter! Of pain and humiliation and the sound of blood drip-dropping into the gutter. Do not underestimate his Steel Watch. Seek their cradle in the Lower City and skewer their skull meat. Make them rust and blood. Then you can gore the lordling again and again and again--"
She squirms with excitement, her voice rising in pitch to an eager squeal, those pale eyes fixed on Hector's face. "But listen. Listen close, Bone-killer... Step in my domain while the tyrant still sucks air, and I will carve your failure into your pretty plaything's skull. Bring me his stone and I will set the bait free. Only then can you and I make exquisite butchery. The victor will set the world to slaughter."
She twists the ring on her finger, disappearing into a burst of red light with her last words hanging in the chill night air. "This is Bhaal's offer. He will not make another."
"Holy shit. Fuck. Soldier, what the fuck was that?" Karlach's sword falls to her side and her other hand grabs Hector's arm urgently. "We're not seriously going along with this?"
"Why not?" Hector says bitterly. "All she has asked us to do is kill Gortash and then come to fight her. I don't believe we ever had another plan anyway."
"And Lae'zel? You believe she'll just let her go?" Shadowheart asks, her eyebrows knitted with concern. Even now, she bears no particular love for their githyanki comrade - but she has come far enough at Hector's side that she doesn't want Lae'zel lost either. "She's a trickster - a creature of shadow beyond any that ever served Shar. Who is to say she will keep her promise?"
"I believe she'll keep her safe until I come to face her," Hector says wearily. "Because she knows we would not leave Lae'zel behind. Alive, she's bait. Dead, she's useless."
Jaheira smiles, without humor. "I believe you are correct," she agrees quietly. "So it seems we have only one path forward."
Hector nods. "And the first step is killing Gortash - ideally with as little delay as possible."
Karlach's lips curl in a savage smile and her hand tightens on Hector's arm. "Well - you won't hear any argument from me."
* Artistic license, obviously. I just liked the mental image. XD
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dazzzledrazzle · 1 year
I knew from the warning it was gonna be bad and OH NO HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
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thatbanjobusiness · 3 years
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frannyzooey · 2 years
@ Chapter 4: HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT. That is all. Thank you.
Reader, the whole fucking day:
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I am so happy you liked it!! To see the reception it’s getting after working so hard on it is motivating for sure ❤️
Thank you!!
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gabbergator · 7 years
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magnetic-rose · 3 years
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shinymooncolor · 4 years
holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit g e t y o u r k i t t y y y y y y y y yy
Yes 🤞🏻🤞🏻 this is the energy we need thank you - he’s an older boi but was left at the shelter after his people passed from Covid and he’s sad and needs a home where he can be the king of the house (literal phrase from the website) and I want him!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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isolationaroundus · 3 years
i can't i can't imma pass out
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narnianwitch · 8 years
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I mean, I knew she did backing vocals for other artists (in addition to releasing her own albums and songwriting), but I didn’t think one of them was for the QUEEN of rock and roll, Tina Turner, herself!!!
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anothersillyfanblog · 5 years
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gingersnapwolves · 5 years
Kouri watches Marvel’s Runaways Season 1
yo I heard you like liveblogs so I liveblogged a liveblog
30 minutes in and I’m already insane about what happened to Amy
“he hasn’t laid a hand on for a while now” wow what a stellar endorsement
I like Amy and Nico’s dad, why does he have to be evil
the narrative framing of the first two episodes is really interesting, showing the same day from both the parents’ and kids’ POV
Leslie is like “do we have to talk about your issues right now? I’m trying to psych myself up to murder an innocent teenager”
“personally I’ve found denial to be a great coping mechanism” that applies to like failed romances and stuff not murder
ugh Leslie’s husband. why couldn’t they sacrifice him?
ooooooh she’s not dead! fucking plot twist!
betrayed by a fallen hairclip!
Robert I hate to be the one to break this to you but your wife is kinda evil
oh yes that picture of Destiny in front of Big Ben is totally convincing
okay I get that Victor doesn’t want to admit his box malfunctioned but won’t they notice church dude is still wrinkly and shrivelly
the house calling Tina the ‘alpha user’ is just fucking weird
um, Robert. I like you. But buying a house for yourself and your mistress without clearing it with said mistress is very, very stupid.
wow, this flashback to Amy's death is super fucked up, why wouldn't her parents call 911
and it got more fucked up! okay then
Chase and Gert just aren't gonna mention the dinosaur they let free to the other kids???
"I don't want to get my parents in trouble [for their illegal dinosaur]" um Gert priorities please
oh no she ruined your school's chances at winning the lacrosse championship! ......was high school really like this? literally nobody at my high school would give a shit about that
why is she getting naked for the weird corpse?????
Yes, I'm sure this kidnapping in broad daylight in front of a ton of other people is going to go swimmingly
lmaoooooooooooooooo just as well as anticipated
omg if she takes off her bracelet and doesn't glow and thinks she's crazy I'mma lose my shit
oh thank God, glowing
Alex honey I love you but do you have any idea how to use that gun
that scene with his dad would be sweet if his father wasn't an abusive cockbite
Alex is like "all this happening and I'm getting kidnapped by gangsters, that is just super"
will someone listen to Molly please!!!!
well, I foresee that this is going to go very badly for absolutely everybody
poor Alex is like "I would like very much to be excluded from this narrative, which I never asked to be part of"
holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
Alex just sttraight up shot that guy
suddenly: iron man!
hey, a time machine concept I don't hate!
ooooh, glioblastoma, those are nasty
couldn't happen to a nicer guy
okay how is creepy shrivelled old dude actually more creepy when he's not shrivelled and old
wow, these people should have asked a LOT more questions before they put on those fucking robes
"we made a deal with the devil" wow it took all y'all way too long to figure that out
like. nobody ever asked what he was getting out of this? Not a one of you? I thought you guys were all geniuses.
this is not the place for your adultery drama, Victor!
"you're all keeping secrets from each other" yes well that's what happens when you blackmail a bunch of people into committing ritual murder together
did Satan actually not notice that what's-his-nuts just pocketed the rest of his miracle cure
also, okay. I can't believe that not a single one of these parents who got tricked into committing murder on tape didn't think "ya know what? I'm gonna go to the cops anyway and just say that I had no idea 'get in the glowing box' was going to end up in someone being dematerialized by science that as far as I knew didn't even exist yet, and since Leslie admitted on tape that she did know that, she can go to jail and I'll just go into fucking witness protection"
Rather than "guess I'll keep murdering teenagers once a year in this nifty crimson robe"
alien brain has done some weird things to Victor
Chase, stop defending your father. Just stop.
suddenly: Frank is magic!
"It's like he wanted us to examine it" how can you say that without realizing that you're 100% correct
just spill the alien DNA on yourself!
whoever heard of lab safety?!
maybe don't tell Leslie you plan on destroying everything she's spent her life working for?
I don't know why Jonah is intent on "fixing" things with the couples and everything. Like. "We need Pride to stay together" .... I don't even know why all y'all are needed, how many people does it take to shove a homeless kid in a box
Victor, don't attack the lacrosse .... wait, they kicked Chase off the team for stopping a rape in progress. Victor, attack the lacrosse coach! Hit him!
lmao I was like "ugh relationship drama" and Amanda chimes in, without even knowing what's going on or what I’m watching, "the heteros are upsetero"
go get your dinosaur, Gert! I feel like a dinosaur would improve this situation.
ah, I see Victor's personality transplant has worn off
There's literally no reason they couldn't call an ambulance for Victor, come on, it was clearly self defense
"well that was inevitable" lmao Dale pls
Why does Jonah even care about keeping Victor alive
I hope the dinosaur eats Jonah
They're all just okay with sacrificing Janet? Seriously?
What in the Christ is so special about whatever Jonah is doing that none of them have just straight up murdered him
Damn, Tina threw down and now I kinda like her
eight episodes ago you hated your dad, Chase. he's the worst.
lol Tina really did burn her hand on a frying pan
wow, Darius hasn't given up yet?
whoa, sudden teenaged smexing
Well, see, the thing is, Jonah, nobody fucking likes you
he acts so offended that the people he blackmailed into committing murder for him don't want to do everything he says
"this better not be a crackbaby" Darius' girlfriend is my new favorite character
Frank why do you suck
yes, Chase, I'm sure blowing up the control panel is the best answer
the parent-group facing off the kid-group while Alex just stands there looking stern because he doesn't have any powers is hilarious
I get that he glows and makes lasers but holy motherfucking shit those dumbass parents really just stood there with their dumbass thumbs up their dumbass asses
the dino in a shopping cart covered by a blanket omg
okay I do not like Karolina having the face hugger mask on
"I'm her father, not Jonah!" dude she confided in you and you ratted her out to Jonah maybe don't be so proud of yourself
are y'all seriously leaving the dinosaur behind in the hills of LA. Seriously.
how in the hell did Alex have Darius' phone number???
I swear to God if I have to see one more minute of fucking Frank, I'mma lose it
Okay if framing them for murder was Jeffrey's plan to find them before Jonah does, he is an utter dipshit
not that this really surprises me as most of the parents honestly don’t seem too bright
okay done with season 1 and it’s a good thing multiple people told me season 2 is better because otherwise… 
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namgiseokpd · 6 years
IM NOT ON ANON BUT ILL SCREAM BOUT PERSONA WITH YOU. HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT I had to watch the mv during my 15 minute break at work and i almost cried
AHH IM SO GLAD U USED UR BREAK WISELY! lkfsdldlfk no but seriously that mv was amazing. i was smiling so widely during the whole mv
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chibicrow · 6 years
Playmaker: If that makes us partners . . .
Playmaker: *thinks of when Ai literally saved him from going overboard in the Data Storm*
Playmaker: - then call us that.
Me: *deep inhale*
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jhscdood · 6 years
18,218 words later...
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rosielav · 6 years
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