peridot-tears · 2 years
10 Questions
Tagged by @theleakypen yeHET.
Rules: answer 10 questions and tag 10 people you want to know better
Relationship status: single and NEVER GOING TO MINGLE because i'm tired.
Favorite color: black and red. this predates Wei Wuxian.
Three favorite foods: 牛尾汤,naengmyeon
Song stuck in my head: Ip Man 4, because hOlySHIEt????
Last thing I listened to: the ending song of Assassin's Creed III: Tyranny of King Washington, the very racist DLC, because i just finished playing it. apparently there's a brainwashing WMD off the coast of NYC. neat.
Last thing I googled: idk something about "utah reservoir" probably.
Time: 1:02am
Dream trip: have you MET me. i've been on so many dream trips it's insANE. that being said, Peru with my best friend for a solid month.
Anything I really want: basic universal income.
Currently reading: Mohawk Warrior Society ~Louis Karoniaktajeh Hall • edited by Kahentinetha Rotiskarewake, Philippe Blouin, Matt Peterson, and Malek Rasamny
Last song: "Glad You Came" by The Wanted.
Last movie: Big Eden (2000)
Last series: Winter Begonia 鬓白不是海棠红
Sweet, savory, or spicy: spicyspicyspicy i will fight Wei Wuxian in a tongue battle and WIN.
Craving: for my body to not be sick anymore :")
Tea or coffee: tea
Currently working on: origfics. so much origfic.
Tagging: @iamwestiec, @bladedweaponsandswishycoats, @shadaras, @flamingwell and whoever else wants to do it.
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whitherliliesbloom · 4 years
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fugeoni666 · 6 years
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“Pick me right out of the blue. “
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lilymanya · 5 years
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luk at u
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poledancingdinos · 2 years
You’ve Got Me Hooked - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Riley McKenzie)
Word count: 2.3k
Warnings: Sex work, Stripper, OnlyFans
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @peaches1958​ @identity2212 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond​ @amberangel112​
A/N: I finally found a title for the fic! If you want to be added or removed from my taglist, let me know!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
"Holyshiet,” I blurt out, catching my friend’s attention, “that's fucking cheap. How is that room not taken?" I turn my phone screen towards Jared so he can look at it from across the table.
Jared only shrugs, turning his focus back to the laptop in front of him. "Maybe the guy rentin’ it out is a freak. Or maybe he just didn't bother takin’ the ad down. What’s it say? Posted over 30 days ago?"
I read the ad again, scrolling through the pictures. "The place is nice but the ad doesn't say anythin’ about this Riley guy so ya might just be right ‘bout him bein’ a freak."
At this point, what do I care? I’ve been looking for a place to stay for the last three weeks and so far I’ve found jack shit. Not a single one bedroom is available anywhere in this town or in the two neighboring ones which means I had to start looking at rooms for rent. There were a couple of other places in my price range but all of them involved sharing with a couple of college kids. I’m a thirty-five year old retired army captain. It’s bad enough that I gotta bunk with a roommate again, I put my foot down at sharing with party-loving frat boys who just want me around to buy them cheap beer.
Yeah, this guy might be a freak but the place is about a hundred dollars less per month than I was expecting to pay and there would only be the one roommate. It beats sleeping on Jared’s couch and constantly being a third-wheel to a married couple. I feel like I’m one of those man-child characters on a TV show where the married people set up an apartment over the garage because the husband’s best friend can’t live on his own or hold down a job for shit.
"Only one way to find out," I begrudgingly say, copying the phone number into a blank text and typing up a message.
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"Riley?" I ask as I approach him. 
I step down from my truck to find an older man standing near the back entrance of the building. He holds a cigarette to his lips, taking a long drag before pulling it away and stamping it out on the brick wall. 
The man shakes his head, extending his hand for me to shake.
"I'm Clayton, the landlord. I'll be showin’ ya the apartment."
"I thought I'd be meetin’ Riley today.” That pisses me off. Either the guy isn’t reliable enough to hold his appointment with me or he just didn’t give a shit and blew me off.
Clayton unclips a packed keyring from the buckle of his jeans and unlocks the door to the building.
"Riley is out of town for the week. It was a last minute thing."
I follow as we climb to the fourth floor landing. Oh the guys are gonna love dragging my mattress up these steps. If I end up moving in here, I’m going to owe them more than pizza and beer that’s for damn sure.
"How long has this room been available?"
"Oh, 'bout, three months or so."
My eyebrows fly up before pulling together in a frown. I had guessed it had been a while but three whole months?
"This is a steal for the market right now, how has no one jumped on this place?"
We reach the top floor and Clayton moves to the door on the far left. He flips through his keys until he finds the one engraved with the number 401.
"The girl who rents it gets the final say in the matter.” He turns the knob and pushes the door open. “She filters the people who text her then we do the visits together 'cause it lets me get a feel for who might be livin' in my property. If I approve, she does an actual interview."
Did I just hear that right? "Wait, the person livin’ here is a woman?"
"Yes. Is that a problem?"
Is it a problem?  It’s not what I expected but I’m desperate. Would living with a woman really be worse than with a guy? Maybe if I planned on taking girls home every night but after how shit went down with Lisa, that won’t be happening any time soon. Hell, none of the girls in this town will even look me in the eye anymore. They’re all too afraid to invoke Lisa’s wrath.
Who am I kidding, of course it’ll be a problem.
"No, Sir. It's not what I expected but I'm not against it."
I step through the threshold, taking a few steps before stopping behind the worn gray couch in the living room. One of the reasons I assumed that a man was living in the apartment was the fact that it was completely devoid of any personal touches or decorations. There is a large flat screen television and coffee table but an empty space where a dining room table and chairs should be. Instead there is a pair of barstools at the kitchen island. 
"The last three men I met were all outta here before I’d even had time to finish a cigarette after leavin' them alone for their interview so I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you."
Oh great. This girl is sounding more and more frustrating by the minute. If she doesn’t want to room with a guy then why the fuck not put it in the ad?
"And what about the women?"
"There haven't been any who came 'round for a visit.”
Huh. That was an unexpected answer.
“She lived alone for almost two years before decidin’ on gettin’ a roommate. I get the feelin’ she's usin’ this as a substitute for that Timber business."
I almost correct the man but I get the feeling that having a strong knowledge of hookup apps might not be the best way of selling myself to a potential landlord. I follow as Clayton steps further into the apartment, leading me down a hallway with three doors and opening the last on the right. "This right here would be your room, the bathroom in the hall would basically be your private bathroom since the master on the other side has its own. The old owners had a shower and toilet added into the laundry room for their son which is why you’re lucky enough to not have to share."
Clayton's cell phone rings and after checking the caller ID, he excuses himself to answer it out in the hall. I take the opportunity to check the plumbing in the kitchen and the bathroom, flushing the toilet and making sure the hot water works well everywhere. The place appears well looked after and the bedroom is more than big enough for the few belongings I took with me after splitting up with my ex. I threw it all in storage while I crashed on Jer’s couch. I wanted to get out of my old apartment so badly after the breakup that I didn't fight for any of the things we bought together — scratch that, the things I bought at Lisa’s request — only taking what I already owned before moving in. Luckily for me, that included the bedroom set with the king bed. 
By the end of my inspection, I’m convinced that this would be the perfect place for me. It’s close to my work, in the same part of town as most of my friends and far enough away from Lisa that the possibility of running into her on a day to day basis is relatively small. Plus, I saw a nice communal yard in the area between the four apartment buildings in the collection which would be great for letting Aika out to run.
"Sorry 'bout that. There's a heatin’ problem at another one of my properties so we may have to cut this short. If ya don't mind, I've got a few questions for ya before I let ya go then Riley can be in touch herself to reschedule a meetin’."
Maybe this time she’ll actually show up.
"All right, shoot."
"Why don't ya have any references from previous landlords? Ya look to be in your thirties but there ain't one person listed on your application."
"I've been in the army for the last decade. With me bein’ overseas a lotta the time it was easier to either let my ex or my previous roommates take care of that stuff. My name has never officially been on a lease."
The man hums, nodding his head.
"My son was a Marine. He never spent much time at his apartment either."
I notice how Clayton is only using the past tense but I know enough not to bring it up. After a moment of silence Clayton clears his throat.
"Ya said ya got a dog?"
I can’t help but smile when he mentions Aika.
"I do. A German Shepherd."
"We got a lotta little dogs in the buildin'. I don't like their odds ‘gainst a hundred pound Shepherd."
"That won't be a problem, Sir. She's incredibly well trained, the army saw to that."
Now, if any of my potential neighbors are fixing pipe bombs in their apartments, that’s a whole different story, but somehow I think he might just forgive a bite in favor of keeping his building in one piece.
Clayton seems satisfied with my answers. "I got no objection to ya movin' in here but, like I said, Riley will make a decision after she meets with ya. She'll be in touch."
I follow the man out of the building then say a polite goodbye before climbing into my truck and making my way back to Jared's house. I really wanted this place to work out but after what I heard about Riley, I’m far from sure I would meet up to her standards — whatever those might be — and I’m even less convinced that she would meet up to mine but beggars can’t be choosers. 
The corner apartment was nice and bright from the big windows. The high ceilings and open floor plan made it plenty big enough for hosting a football night but the kitchen, living room and dining room being open also means there would be no privacy save for our bedrooms. The place was spotless but that could have simply been due to the fact that she was out of town. Mostly, I wonder what was said between Riley and the three other guys for her to turn them away less than five minutes after sitting down with them.
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This past week in Vegas has left me absolutely exhausted. The blisters on my feet have blisters of their own, I have more bruises than skin and I’m sure that once I go to sleep, I won’t wake for at least a week but I agreed to meet Sy tomorrow and I’ve already blown him off once so my prolonged nap is gonna have to wait. The first thing I have to do when I get home is rinse off the damn glitter that I somehow keep finding everywhere despite my multiple showers since my last performance. Let’s just hope the increase in subscriptions and followers is worth spending the last of the emergency fund I had saved up.
I’ve been looking for a roommate for over three months but so far, I haven’t gotten along with the few girls who showed interest and the men, well… All of those I agreed to meet have recognized me as soon as they’ve seen me. One even thought it was completely sensible to ask for a private show right there on the spot. Thank god none of them said anything in front of Clayton.
The process hasn’t been fun but I really need someone to split the bills with me. After I lost my job, I started waitressing. When that didn’t cut it, I started working at a strip club two towns over. It was good money considering I worked four nights a week but it still wasn’t enough to pay for my living expenses and my stupid student loans. At first I still tried to find something — anything — in the business or marketing field but when I ran out of places to apply to, I gave up and started running an OnlyFans page instead.
I get to the strip club early most nights to film while there are fewer customers around. I even partnered up with a few girls who have popular channels, taking every bit of advice they have to offer and even filming content with them to post once a month. In the brief time I’ve been running my page, I’ve used more of the skills acquired during my marketing degree than I did in the two years at my old job. Maybe if they had given me greater freedom to execute the projects I pitched to them they wouldn’t have had to downsize… or close altogether.
I originally chose a club two towns over to avoid being recognized; only it seems that many of the clients have the same thought. Luckily for me, my landlord is not one of them. He hasn’t questioned my reasons for bringing in a roommate, only asked that he do the same checks he would for any new lease. I normally meet the girls at a coffee shop or something before setting up a visit at my place but with the guys, I prefer the extra safety of having Clay there for the first meeting.
He doesn’t know how badly I need money. He’s been kind enough not to increase my rent since I got here because I always pay early but who knows what he would do if he knew I was barely hanging on and that bringing in a new tenant would make at least three-hundred bucks more per month. So what if I haven’t had a proper meal this week. Ramen noodle packets are a food group right?
Chapter 2
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ilchohand · 4 years
after finishing the anime & catching up the manga, I suddenly had the urge to watch the Chris-Sawamura battery second-string practice match. holyshiet, if Miyuki is an agressive player, then wtf is Chris??? He gave up zero runs with all bases loaded with an amateur Sawamura (whose new pitching form he haven't even seen. also he sucked big time here lmao)! dafaq? His game play is top notch too. He's too awesome and scary!!
we were seriously robbed huh? Now i want this series to go pro 🥺
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salty--cinnamonroll · 6 years
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jawnkeets · 6 years
Holyshiet, I didn't know you look so... fucking beautiful and hot!!
shjdkskfkd aw ty
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injdmwetrust · 7 years
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yurinyangj · 6 years
holyshiet😭😭😭 pic.twitter.com/BwigcwLpYr
— KiSs💚LInE 🐙🐙 (@yurinyangj) March 2, 2019
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amvloveconfessions · 7 years
Do you know nagihikoxfan77? She is like a goddess of editing and do you know her dog jun???? SUCH A CUTE LIL PUPPY HOLYSHIET
I do, and I agree! I really adore her editing. Her dog is really cute too! ♥
- Mod Snocap
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yurinyangj · 6 years
Holyshiet đã bảo tránh xa ra mà =))))) pic.twitter.com/CJ5sahnCnb
— KiSs💚LInE 🐙🐙 (@yurinyangj) February 3, 2019
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yourpinkpill · 8 years
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Eyes don’t lie 😍💕
vid cr. LULUjeny
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arachnid-acid · 10 years
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