#home hemodialysis
onecalldoctor123 · 4 months
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One Call Doctor provides best Dialysis services at home in Dubai, UAE. For more details visit our website : https://theonecalldoctor.com/services/dialysis-at-home-in-dubai/
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hospotalsblog · 11 months
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kidneyspecialists · 2 years
Best Dialysis Centers in California: Kidney Specialists
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Looking for the best Dialysis Center near you in California? California Kidney Specialists offers Dialysis Centers in San Dimas, Covina, Monrovia, Upland & Ontario. https://californiakidneyspecialists.com/dialysis-centers/
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macgyvermedical · 10 days
Let's Talk ESRD and Dialysis
Have you thanked your kidneys today? Do you feel grateful when you pee? How about when you eat a little too much potassium or drink a little too much water, do you really enjoy feeling confident that your kidneys will just dispose of the excess?
If so, you probably know the alternative.
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About 10% of the world's population has a condition called Chronic Kidney Disease, or CKD. About 2 million of those people are in End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) and require dialysis or a kidney transplant to live.
Your kidneys are amazing things. They are two organs that sit outside of the sac that hold the rest of the abdominal organs, called the peritoneum. They take in blood from the body, determine the levels of electrolytes, water, and waste products in that blood, and remove the waste products and excess electrolytes and water.
They also have secondary tasks. They monitor the amount of red blood cells in your blood and send out hormones that entice the bone marrow to make more when we're low. They also monitor blood pressure and release hormones that raise that blood pressure when it gets low.
Lots of things can hurt the kidneys. For example, poorly controlled high blood pressure and poorly controlled diabetes are among the top reasons why kidneys fail. Additionally, being dehydrated while engaging in strenuous exercise or taking medications like ibuprofen or naproxen (any NSAIDs) can cause kidney damage.
We measure how well the kidneys are working via the Glomerular Filtration Rate, or GFR. This is a measure of (essentially) how much blood in milliliters the kidneys filter per minute. 90 or higher is normal, while a GFR of 15 or lower is considered ESRD.
So let's say someone has a GFR of less than 15 and the decision is made to start them on dialysis and put them on the kidney transplant list. What options do they have?
Well, they need to figure out if they want to do hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.
In hemodialysis, the patient is hooked up to a machine that runs their blood across a special membrane. On the other side of the membrane, a solution called dialysate draws excess water, electrolytes, and waste products from the blood. Hemodialysis is usually done at a dialysis center for 3-5 hours, 3 times per week.
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Hemodialysis is better for patients who have either failed home peritoneal dialysis or can't or aren't comfortable with doing the technical part of the job by themself at home. There is also a social component, where dialysis is a chance to meet and interact with other people who are going through the same things they are.
People who undergo hemodialysis have to have some kind of "access", or a way for the blood to come out of their body, go through a machine, and go back into their body. For some people, this is a dialysis catheter that is inserted into the person's chest and looks like this:
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It can also be a fistula. A fistula is the surgical connection between a vein and an artery in the arm or leg. Over time, this connection becomes large and rubbery, and each time dialysis is done, two needles (one to remove blood, and one to return it) are placed in the fistula. A fistula often looks like this:
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In peritoneal dialysis, the patient instills the dialysate directly into the sac that holds their abdominal organs. The sac itself acts as the membrane, and dialysate draws the electrolytes, water, and waste directly through the sac wall. They then wait a certain number of hours, and drain the dialysate. This can be done manually by the patient during the day, or at night while the patient sleeps with a machine called an automatic cycler. Usually peritoneal dialysis is done every day, with 2-4 cycles of 4 hours per cycle.
People using peritoneal dialysis also need a form of access, but instead of it being to their blood stream, it is to their peritoneum. Here's what that looks like:
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The catheter is placed surgically into the peritoneum, and stays there all the time, even in between dialysis sessions.
Someone using peritoneal dialysis has to be very careful when they are accessing their dialysis catheter. This is because the biggest problem with peritoneal dialysis is the risk of a life threatening infection called peritonitis. Someone who gets peritonitis too many times may need to switch to hemodialysis.
Here is what a manual exchange looks ilke:
Someone may choose to do peritoneal dialysis over hemodialysis because it affords more freedom to keep a job or do daily tasks like keeping house. People who do PD also don't have to find rides to the dialysis center. However, they do have to take on more of the responsibility for making sure they do treatments correctly and be able to keep accurate records of the treatments they give themselves. Peritoneal dialysis also tends to be less taxing on the body, and have fewer side effects than hemodialysis when done correctly.
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medstudentblues · 10 months
i’m currently in hemodialysis, manning my patient who was admitted weeks ago due to pleural effusion. she was supposed to be discharge today but she deferred because she wants to finish her dialysis this week before going home on saturday. she has improved so much. she can sleep comfortably in her bed now, compared to weeks ago where she could only take naps on her chair because she was really edematous (her extremities were really swollen). we are so happy for her when we found out this morning.
i can’t believe it’s our last day already! the last day! of november!! BYE ward! BYE OPD! i’m dreading the prison which is CCU (kidding). i don’t know what comes after, but i hope it’s smooth and good. i hope we help each other, celebrate each other’s wins, and survive the “outside” rotation in one piece. i’ll be spending my christmas and new year not with my family, but with my dutymates because we’ll be on duty on those dates. lol.
this month, what i’m proud of is that i learned alot on how to diagnose patients, especially in OPD. my clinical eye improved! on our last 3 days of OPD, i was so happy because my resident agreed with my diagnoses that they told me i’d pursue IM and someday become a rheumatologist because most cases i handled in OPD were rheuma cases. lol. i am getting better at making differential diagnoses as well. not great great, but i’m better. i’m happy.
last day. i can’t believe it. november just flashed by.
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thalassarche · 1 year
So, I'm sleepless at 1am and I'm tired and I'm upset so I'm going to get out the shit that has been going on for me the past month and a half, because it keeps leaking out in tags and I guess maybe I should not do that. This is going to be long and it's a huge bummer. I just don't feel like I can come out and talk about it directly to anyone because it is indeed a huge bummer and I just. can't deal with like. the feeling of unloading this on someone and then what. but throwing it into the tumblr void and hiding it behind cuts feels less like I'm throwing a bunch of gross stuff at someone's feet so like, yeah. Content warnings for uh, facing the mortality of aging parents, the American healthcare system being a fucking nightmare, mentions of strokes, infections, and other huge medical problems, and basically stuff being awful.
I have lived with my mom as her caregiver for the past three years, since losing my job during covid. She is six years in remission from breast cancer, diabetic, and in end stage renal failure, meaning her kidneys don't work and she needs hemodialysis 3 days a week. I came in mostly to do things like shopping, the majority of cooking and cleaning, be present in case of falls, things like that. It's worked out, mostly. It sucks that she had to move to AZ to live near her brother simply due to the fact that her cozy little house in MT that she got remodeled to her needs has no dialysis centers within an hour's drive and the closest ones had no open seats anyway, not even for a summer stay, because of the nationwide nursing and technician shortage in healthcare. So she lives in AZ and goes to dialysis 10 minutes away. It works out, sorta. But. Since August 1st:
she had a stroke, which affected the language centers of her brain and made speech, writing, and complex communication difficult
she spent a week in neuro ICU for follow up; this was at a hospital 20 miles away in Phoenix. yes I drove there every day to see her.
she was transferred to a rehabilitation center after that week, where she had several good days but then started to experience severe lower back pain.
the back pain got so severe that she was crying and even screaming when being helped into/out of bed, or having the head of the bed elevated so she could eat.
myself and her other present family were very upset about this, because she was in pain! and also it was preventing progress in her PT/OT after the stroke! we wanted them to do something and find out what was going on!
an xray was done. "no significant findings."
we asked for a CT scan or MRI if an xray found nothing.
it didn't happen. maybe insurance said no, maybe assumptions were made that it wasn't necessary.
but mom spent the rest of her 15 days at that rehab facility on tylenol and then oxycodone.
she was then discharged, and yet in no state to come home.
we found a short-term care facility for her that she'd actually stayed at after her initial ER stay that discovered her renal failure. we thought that she'd do okay there.
she didn't. she declined. she was still in severe pain. MWF for her dialysis, she was basically just, done. and they had scheduled her dialysis at 6am. so. the day was just over, no ability for therapy.
they still just gave her oxycodone so even on good days she was sleeping a lot and very out of it.
we asked to speak to the physician and her case worker. we were not able to.
we asked for her to get further testing instead of just this pattern of throwing narcotics at her and watching her decline. it didn't happen.
at the end of her second week there, she was becoming less responsive and more inclined to just sleep.
she wasn't eating. I tried so hard to encourage her to eat, I even fed her. she still would eat a few bites and then be uninterested in more.
one day she only ate a cup of yogurt.
then she was so badly out of it and barely responsive that I demanded that they do something. so they gave her narcan. because maybe she was too lost in the oxycodone sauce. didn't help, they gave her more. didn't help. they called EMTs.
she ended up in the ER, where they did a CT, MRI, and bloodwork.
(this was a week ago)
turns out she has an infection in her spine. which is osteomyelitis, an infection in the bone and bone marrow that just constantly hurts. oh also numerous pressure sores, including a bad one on her heel, and a bad one on her lower back. either could have introduced the infection into her spine.
that infection has spread to her blood. yeah she's got sepsis.
she also has had at least one additional stroke and her speech has degraded even further.
she spent several days in the ICU and it was very touch and go.
it is still very touch-and-go but she's now in progressive care (pcu) which is a downgrade from ICU in terms of how serious.
but yeah. sepsis is very dangerous for young and relatively healthy people. she is 74. her diabetes means her healing is very slow. her renal failure means that her system can't handle a heavy load of antibiotics so they have to be given more spaced out and in lower doses.
it. sucks.
I still go to see her every day and talk to her even if she's not responding. I sing songs she knows. I put on videos of the church services in her hometown for her to listen to. - it. sucks. so. much.
oh yeah also her place here in AZ is in a retirement park and I can only be here because she resides here. so if something happens even in terms of her moving her permanent residence elsewhere I can't stay here.
I have no income I basically just lived here with her and she covered my expenses as my pay for being her caregiver. so like. looks at the potential need to get independent housing, looks at bank account with $30 in it, laughs darkly and decides I can't think about that.
besides I need to think about how this could be the last time I have left with my mom.
it. sucks.
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game-of-style · 2 years
So I’ve been in and out of hospitals as my condition is getting bad to worse
I am a 29 years old woman living in Hungary, possibly the worst political and economically set back EU country. Our healthcare among with many other things like public education, wellfare or transport is crumbling under Orbán’s shitty policies 
This year in February I was diagnosed with MNGIE (Mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy) a condition that affects several parts of the body, particularly the digestive system and nervous system. Currently I am entirely deaf, underweight and in chronic pain. I am doing CAPD at home (peritoneal dialysis) and on the liver transplant list. . 
Yet my condition is worsening as I am suffering from gastrointestinal pain, vomiting and hypokalaemia. 
My doctors pretty much gave up on me. Theyre not treating my pain or my surfacing symptons or even expalining it to me. I have reached out to several clinics (one in Germany and one in the UK), but so far I haven’t even got a reply. I am without any help in this and I feel like its consuming me. 
I am without a job and my monthly income is around 80k HUF = 195 EUR = 195 USD. With current horrible inflation, that is not enough to last me through meds, the dialysis attachements, monthly trips to Budapest and my special diet. 
Please donate to my paypal if you can  paypal.me/gameofstyle
Reblogs help as well
Thank you so much!!!
/some pictures after the cut
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this is me on the transplant clinic 
me in the local hospital after a seizure
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this is my cat who lives w my Grandparents bcause I cant have him in my place bcause of the dialysis (everything has to be sterile). I miss him very much
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me in june with the feeeding tube what i ended up throwing up
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my neck after emergency hemodialysis
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me after surgery (one of the many)
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Dialysis Hospital in Sri Ganganagar
Dialysis is a medical treatment that performs the function of the kidneys when they are not able to do so effectively on their own. It is typically used for people with chronic kidney disease (CKD) or acute kidney injury (AKI). There are two main types of dialysis:
Hemodialysis: This method involves circulating the patient's blood through a machine that filters out waste products and excess fluids. The cleaned blood is then returned to the body. Hemodialysis is usually done in a dialysis Center, but it can also be done at home with the proper training and equipment.
Peritoneal Dialysis: This method uses the lining of the abdominal cavity (the peritoneum) as a natural filter. A special fluid is introduced into the abdominal cavity through a catheter. Waste products and excess fluids from the blood pass through the peritoneum into this fluid, which is then drained and replaced with fresh fluid.
Both types of dialysis require careful management and monitoring to ensure they are effectively removing waste products and maintaining proper fluid balance. The choice between Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis depends on various factors, including the patient’s overall health, lifestyle, and personal preferences.
Aastha Kidney and General Hospital is the dream of Sandeep Chauhan and Sonia Chauhan to establish a complete Kidney Care Center in North Rajasthan and South Punjab.
Aastha Kidney and General Hospital was established on 29th July 2001 by   Dr. Sandeep Chauhan and Mrs. Sonia Chauhan .It’s a well renounce Hospital in North Rajasthan and South Punjab for its dedicated services especially related to Kidney Diseases.
Aastha Kidney and General Hospital was the only facility which offered renal transplant other than Jaipur in year 2013 and first to offer Interventional Cardiology in Sri Ganganagar. Dr Sandeep Chauhan’s Aastha has, gained an overwhelming public confidence in offering individualized and holistic care to patients suffering from diseases related to Nephrology, Urology, Gynaecology, Cardiology, General Surgery, Physician, Dental care, Dietitian Facility and Anesthetic.
Dr. Sandeep Chauhan
Dr. Sandeep Chauhan, DM Nephrology, heads the team of specialists at Aastha Kidney and General Hospital. He is serving as Nephrologist in Sri Ganganagar since 1999 and is recognized as the first DM-Nephrology from SPMC, Bikaner who started practice in private sector. Seeing patients mainly from North Rajasthan, South Punjab and adjoining Haryana, Dr. Sandeep Chauhan has lived up to the image of a doctor who diagnose precisely and operates with great acumen and knowledge. Till date, he has carried out various procedures for all type of Dialysis including Hemodialysis (HD) and Peritoneal Dialysis (PD), Hemofiltration, Intestinal Dialysis and Kidney Biopsy.
Mrs. Sonia Sandeep Chauhan
Mrs. Sonia Sandeep Chauhan acts as the Manager Admin in AKGH. Along with supervising and over viewing the hospital management, her support has been highly instrumental in the foundation of the hospital. Dr. Sandeep Chauhan believes her active role and participation in making Aastha Kidney and General Hospital, one of the best hospitals in North India.
The Department of Nephrology is a branch of internal medicine dealing with the study of the function and diseases of the kidney, we provides comprehensive and benevolent care to the patients across the spectrum of acute and chronic kidney diseases. Nephrology concerns the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases, including electrolyte disturbances and hypertension, and the care of those requiring renal replacement therapy, including dialysis and post renal transplant patients care. Many diseases affecting the kidney are systemic disorders not limited to the organ itself, and may require special treatment. Examples include acquired conditions such as systemic vacuities (eg. ANCA vacuities) autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus), and congenital or genetic conditions such as polycystic kidney disease.
Our team of experienced doctors recognized for its superior clinical skills. We have an eminent team of nephrologists, urologists and the technical expertise needed to meet the challenges in conducting multiple life-saving procedures. We offer the most advanced diagnostics, comprehensive evaluation and dialysis support, the latest facilities available for post-operative (post kidney transplant) care to minimize chances of infection.
We also provide dialysis service driven by an efficient team of nephrologists, nurses, and certified haemodialysis technicians along with registered dieticians. Peritoneal, nocturnal and short daily dialysis and haemodialysis are provided to both children and adults. The patients suffering from kidney diseases need superior quality care, hope and guidance and we take pride in our team’s efforts to achieve successful outcomes for our patients. We ensure patients’ comfort and satisfaction through our services.
Why Choose Aastha Kidney Hospital?
At Aastha Kidney Hospital, we have an exceptionally skilled and devoted group of urologists who are consistently dedicated to delivering the most current and sophisticated medical care to all our patients. As a reputable name in healthcare, we approach our patients with empathy while ensuring confidentiality for those in need. We have established high benchmarks in patient-focused premium care, alongside superior patient safety and exemplary maintenance in a timely fashion. We utilize the latest innovations to provide cutting-edge treatments to our patients with unmatched outcomes.
Nephrology Facilities:
Post Kidney Transplant Care
ICU dialysis (SLED)
Interventional Nephrology
AV Fistula
Kidney Biopsy
Treatment of all type of Kidney Diseases
Patients are referred to Nephrology Specialists for Various Reasons, Such As:
Acute renal failure, a sudden loss of renal function
Chronic kidney disease, declining renal function, usually with an inexorable rise in creatinine
Hematuria, blood in the urine
Proteinuria, the loss of protein especially albumin in the urine
Kidney stones, usually only recurrent stone formers
Chronic or recurrent urinary tract infections
Electrolyte disorders or acid/base imbalance
Hypertension that has failed to respond to multiple forms of anti-hypertensive medication or could have a secondary cause
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hospitalequip · 2 days
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Understanding Dialysis Machines: A Lifeline for Kidney Patients
Dialysis machines are critical medical devices that provide life-sustaining treatment for individuals suffering from kidney failure. These machines perform the essential functions of filtering waste products and excess fluids from the blood, which healthy kidneys would typically manage. As kidney disease continues to affect millions globally, advancements in dialysis technology have transformed patient care, enhancing both the effectiveness and convenience of treatment.
What is a Dialysis Machine?
A dialysis machine is an intricate system designed to replicate the natural filtering process of the kidneys. The primary types of dialysis are hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, each utilizing different mechanisms and equipment.
- Hemodialysis involves diverting blood from the body into a machine where it passes through a dialyzer, or artificial kidney. The dialyzer contains a semipermeable membrane that allows waste products and excess fluids to be removed while retaining blood cells and proteins.
- Peritoneal dialysis, on the other hand, uses the lining of the abdomen (the peritoneum) as a filter. A sterile solution is introduced into the abdominal cavity, where it absorbs waste products before being drained away.
Components of a Hemodialysis Machine
A typical hemodialysis machine consists of several key components:
1. Blood Pump: This component circulates blood through the machine at controlled rates, typically between 300 to 500 mL/min.
2. Dialyzer: Often referred to as an artificial kidney, this device filters waste from the blood.
3. Dialysate Circuit: This prepares and delivers a special fluid (dialysate) that helps remove toxins from the blood.
4. Monitoring Systems: These systems continuously check various parameters such as blood flow rates, pressure levels, and dialysate composition to ensure patient safety.
5. Control Panel: Operators use this interface to set treatment parameters and monitor the machine's performance.
The Dialysis Process
The dialysis process typically occurs in a clinic or hospital setting but can also be performed at home with portable machines. During treatment:
- A healthcare professional accesses the patient’s bloodstream via a fistula or catheter.
- Blood is drawn into the machine, where it is filtered through the dialyzer.
- The cleaned blood is then returned to the patient’s body.
Each session lasts about three to five hours and is usually performed three times a week.
Advancements in Dialysis Technology
Recent innovations have significantly improved dialysis treatment options:
- Portable Dialysis Machines: Newer models are smaller and more user-friendly, allowing patients greater flexibility in managing their treatment schedules. These machines can be used at home or even during travel, providing patients with more autonomy over their healthcare routines.
- Wearable Artificial Kidneys: Research is ongoing into developing wearable devices that could offer continuous dialysis without being tethered to traditional machines. This technology aims to enhance patient mobility and comfort while ensuring effective treatment.
- Telehealth Integration: Modern dialysis machines increasingly incorporate digital health technologies that allow for remote monitoring and data sharing with healthcare providers. This integration facilitates better management of patient health and timely interventions when necessary.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite advancements, dialysis treatment presents several challenges:
- Patient Compliance: Adhering to treatment schedules can be difficult for patients due to lifestyle constraints or health complications.
- Dietary Restrictions: Patients undergoing dialysis often face strict dietary limitations to manage fluid intake and electrolyte balance.
- Access Issues: Not all patients have equal access to high-quality dialysis services, particularly in rural or underserved areas.
Dialysis machines play an indispensable role in managing chronic kidney disease, offering hope and improved quality of life for those affected by kidney failure. As technology continues to evolve, these machines are becoming more efficient, portable, and user-friendly. The future of dialysis looks promising with ongoing research aimed at enhancing patient autonomy and comfort while ensuring effective treatment outcomes. For individuals facing kidney disease, understanding these advancements can empower them to take control of their health journey with greater confidence and support.
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newspress24-blog · 2 years
The Cashier in Dubai
Investigative report tracks tangled route for money flowing to offshore companies from Moldova.
Part One
Moldovan oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc left his home country in 2019 to avoid corruption charges. But an investigation into his business affairs, supported by newspress24-blog, shows that money continued to flow into his pockets long after he fled.
Black Box Plus, the investigative show of Moldova’s independent Tv channel TV8, acquired documents showing that Plahotniuc profited from every document Moldova’s Public Services Agency (ASP) issued between 2014-2019. Black Box TV followed the traces left by the businessman Alexandru Vilcu and Vladimir Andronachi, a former lawmaker with the Democratic Party (PD).
Documents show that the money reached Plahotniuc via Garsų Pasaulis, the Lithuanian printing house that won the public procurements for supplying blank cards the ASP uses to issue Moldovan documents, including passports. The financial circuit leads to a network of offshore companies registered in Cyprus, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
In the summer of 2020, the scheme Plahotniuc built over the years was taken over by two Bulgaria-registered companies that appeared overnight.
These companies were the identical financial offshore vehicles through which Plahotniuc, former leader of the PD, raised alleged dividends from the auctions organised by the state telecom company Moldtelecom, the purchase of electricity from the breakaway region of Transnistria, the public-private partnership for hemodialysis services and the so–called heist of one billion US dollars from the Moldovan banking system.
The Lithuanian UAB (an acronym of uždaroji akcine bendrove, or private limited company) started supplying blank cards for Moldovan passports following tenders in 2014 and 2017. The main beneficiary of the Garsu Pasaulis company is Albert Mario Karaziwan, a Belgian citizen who owns Semlex Europe, an identification document and biometric device production company whose business practices have come under scrutiny. The Syrian-Belgium businessman has been targeted in several countries in criminal corruption cases and journalistic investigations by Reuters and OCCRP.
In 2014, Moldova’s minister of information and communications technology was Plahotniuc’s fellow party member Pavel Filip. The CRIS Registru state enterprise which in 2017 was re-organised as ASP, was headed by Sergey Railean, godfather of Filip's older son.
Between 2014 and 2021, ASP transferred 59.5 million euros to the Garsu Pasaulis company "for raw material, blank cards and personalisation services," according to documents obtained by Black Box.
ASP also paid the Lithuanian company a royalty fee for software developed for Moldova and used on three types of documents. For example, the royalty fee for each passport issued was 13.61 euros (14.49 US dollars). On October 22, 2021, prosecutors opened a criminal case against nine people from the Public Services Agency “targeted in a criminal case of abuse of office”. Prosecutors estimated that the state lost around 41 million euros (43.6 million dollars) in the case.
A note from the Moldovan service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering obtained by Black Box shows that more than 24 million euros (25.54 million dollars) did not stop in the company's accounts in Vilnius but ended up in Cyprus and the UAE.
“Of the 135 payments made throughout this period [2014-2019], I can tell you that the final beneficiary is obvious. At least, from what the criminal investigation bodies say, it is clear that the actual beneficiary is Vladimir Plahotniuc,” said ASP director Mircea Esanu.
Sergey Railean, the ASP former director under whose mandate the two contracts with Garsu Pasaulis were signed, said that he knew nothing about benefits for Plahotniuc.
"The tender took place according to the procedures. Therefore, nothing was outside the law," Railean said.
Told that Black Box reporters had established money transfers from Garsu Pasaulis to offshore companies affiliated with Plahotniuc, Railean was asked if he knew anything about it.
"No, absolutely not. Now it is a criminal case. The file must be completed after the trial,"he said. “[…] We did not order any software."
Railean added that ASP paid royalty fees to Garsu Pasaulis "because that was the contract".
On May 5, 2022 the Moldovan anti-corruption prosecutor's office announced that Railean had the status of accused in the so-called passport affair.
Filip, who held the post of prime minister in 2016-2019, did not answer the phone calls or requests for comment.
In May 2018, during a TV show broadcast by Prime, one of Plahotniuc's TV stations, Filip hinted that the state signed a more advantageous contract with Garsu Pasaulis than the previous one agreed in 2011 with a French company.
In 2011, Garsu Pasaulis had in fact tried to win a tender, but its application failed as it did not meet ASP’s criteria. A key condition was that applicants had experience manufacturing electronic passports for at least three European countries, as established by a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice. Garsu Pasaulis did not meet this requirement.
Garsu Pasaulis replied via e-mail that the company won the tenders and successfully delivered blank passport cards for ASP.
“As for the exact details of other commercial contracts, we cannot provide any details as confidentiality commitments bind us,” Andrius Lukosevicius, director of Garsu Pasaulis’ printing security department, wrote. “However, we can confirm that we have never had and do not currently have commercial or other relations with Mr Plahotniuc and [Romanian businesswoman] Mrs Ileana-Mihaela Burcea.”
The passport cash headed south, to the UAE firm Prime Union Solutions FZ LLC. Between January 1, 2018 and July 30, 2019 itreceived transfers for over 4.7 million euros ( five million dollars) from Garsu Pasaulis. The money continued to flow into Plahotniuc's coffers even after he fled Moldova in June 2019 when his name was linked to the disappearance of over a billion dollars - nearly one-eighth of Moldova's GDP - from the country's biggest banks between 2012 and 2014.
Employees at the Moldovan Money Laundering Prevention and Combating Service obtained information from their colleagues in Dubai and stated that the company's majority shareholders were the Romanian citizen Ileana-Mihaela Burcea and the company Inter Gnathonize Limited.
Between October 29, 2018, and July 30, 2019, a total of seven million euros (about 7.4 million dollars) were credited into Prime Union Solutions’ UAE bank account, largely sent from Garsu Pasaulis. The money then traveled to Burcea’s private account in UAE and six other offshore companies.
In liaison with UAE and Cyprus’ authorities, Moldova’s law enforcement agencies determined that Garsu Pasaulis transferred another 19.6 million euros (20.8 million dollars) to another Cyprus offshore company, Gnathonize Limited, also connected to Burcea.
The Cypriot firm opened a bank account in July 2014, four months after Garsu Pasaulis won the Moldova tender. The Lithuanian firm was the main contributor to the account until August 2018. After that, the money was transferred to the company Prime Union INC LTD in Hong Kong and marked as a "dividend payment".
Part Two
Documents from the Hong Kong public registry show that Burcea was one of Prime Union’s shareholders and in 2014-2019 the director. In 2020, Burcea requested the closing of the company. In 2018, over 600,000 euros (639,000 dollars) were transferred from one of Prime Union’s bank accounts to another offshore in Gibraltar.
In addition, 1.5 million euros (1.6 million dollars) arrived in Burcea`s personal account in the UAE and almost 800,000 euros (852,600 dollars) were directed to Recon Business Data Service, a company registered in Dubai led by Burcea. The company was closed in December 2019.
Burcea’s lawyer Cristina Savulescu declined to comment on the financial transfers from Garsu Pasaulis to her client. She also did not comment on Burcea’s connection with Plahotniuc. Savulescu said that any association of her client with an alleged criminal case was damaging to her client's image.
"The judicial procedure in any criminal case, from the time of notification to the competent bodies until the time of sending a particular person to court, is non-public and confidential, meaning that third parties cannot know the content of the carried-out procedures," Savulescu said.
Documents obtained by Black Box with the support of the OCCRP network of investigative journalists show that Plahotniuc used the same infrastructure of offshore companies to take yet more funds out of Moldova.
The former politician used the offshore network for the money obtained from other auctions organised by state enterprises including Moldtelecom, Moldova’s largest telecommunication operator, gas supplier Energocom and the health ministry for dialysis-related services.
The UAE’s Recon Business Data Services, connected to Burcea, was also involved in the financial circuit of money leaked by Plahotniuc from another scheme related to Moldtelecom, concerning public tenders won by Bass Systems SRL in PD`s ruling period.
Between March 2017 to January 2019 the Chisinau-based IT company delivered technical equipment and services for Moldtelecom worth about 41 million euros (43.6 million dollars). Out of this amount, eight million euros (8.5 million dollars) and six million dollars followed the same route to the UAE through Recon Business Data Services.
Another document obtained from the Moldovan service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering shows that the Dubai-based company made several transactions to two offshores used by Plahotniuc: the UAE-based Vanguard International LTD and Vanguard International Group, registered in Samoa.
Both companies appeared in Plahotniuc's wealth statements in 2018. However, in the document submitted to Moldova’s Central Electoral Commission on the eve of the February 24, 2019 parliamentary elections, the oligarch declared 4.5 million euros (4.78 million dollars), over 11 million lei (around 585,000 dollars) and 347,000 dollars as dividends obtained from the Dubai-based Vanguard International Ltd.
Moldovan prosecutors established the origin of the money collected by Plahotniuc as "dividends".
Vanguard International LTD received 8.2 million euros (8.72 million dollars) and 2.5 million dollars from UAE-registered RECON SPC LIMITED from December 2017 to May 2019.
Burcea and another Romanian citizen, Silviu Tutuianu, were behind the company in different periods. Almost the entire amount came from the other similarly named firm, the Dubai-based Recon Business Data Service.
Plahotniuc also collected "dividends" worth 1.7 million euros (1.80 million dollars) and almost 350,000 US dollars through another offshore company, TGME INVESTMENTS SPC LTD, managed by Tutuianu.
All these companies were liquidated between the end of 2019 and the beginning of 2020, after Plahotniuc fled Moldova. The Moldovan anti-corruption prosecutor's office opened a case for the purchase of equipment and services by Moldtelecom from SRL Bass Systems. The prosecutors confirmed that Burcea was interviewed in this criminal case, but did not disclose her status.
Burcea also managed a company that benefited from transfers from Plahotniuc’s Cyprus-registered Asia Pacific Textile Limited. This had transactions with the Cypriot offshore Melopmania Limited, the founder of BB-Dializa, a company which managed the dialysis services for the Moldovan health ministry.
BB Dializa also benefited from legal services from Cyprus-registered Kinanis offshore, founded by Burcea. The company also provided secretarial and legal services for Assentis Holdings Limited, one of the founders of Bass Systems SRL.
Asia Pacific Textile LTD received money from the Energokapital shell company. Between 2014 and 2016, the firm was used by Plahotniuc and Evgheni Shevciuk, former leader of Moldova’s breakaway region of Transnistria, to sell the electricity produced by the Russian-owned Moldgres Power Plant to Moldovan consumers.
The Black Box team tracked Energokapital's connections with Plahotniuc and the involvement of former DP deputy Vladimir Andronachi in the company's management.
Moldova’s service for the Prevention and Combating of Money Laundering established the connection between Burcea and two other offshore companies involved in looting a billion dollars from the country’s banking system: Sharp Prospects Limited and Lazomar Trading Limited, registered in Hong Kong and Cyprus respectively.
According to an international independent financial audit named the Kroll report, the Lazomar company received 5.6 million dollars in transfers to a Cypriot bank account. The Kroll report was commissioned by the National Bank of Moldova to investigate the theft that ravaged the country’s banking system.
Plahotniuc did not respond to requests for comment. His lawyer Lucian Rogac said that the former politician pleaded not guilty in the case generically called "blank passport cards".
"An indictment was presented to us. Other evidence to prove guilt was not shown by the prosecution. The only comment I can give you is that my client pleads not guilty to the charges," Rogac said.
In September 2022 Plahotniuc received an arrest warrant in absentia regarding the "blank passport cards" case, alongside Vladislav Zara, former director of the civil registry ASP, ex-PD deputy Andronachi and businessman Alexandru Vilcu. All of them have fled the country. According to Moldova’s ministry of justice, Plahotniuc is currently in Northern Cyprus.
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thedataproject · 6 days
Find a Dialysis Center Near You: Comprehensive Guide
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is said to affect almost 37 million Americans, while approximately 786,000 are already at the point of end-stage renal disease - a condition wherein the kidneys have completely lost their ability to do their job efficiently, and when dialysis or a kidney transplant is essentially needed to sustain life. In replacing some functions of the kidneys, dialysis filters out waste and excess fluids from the blood when the kidneys can no longer do this. Because treatments can be several hours, repeated several times a week, the selection of a dialysis center is an important part of the management of the disease.
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In this informative guide, we are going to take a closer look at the types of dialysis, how to choose a center, and provide practical steps in finding the best dialysis facility near you with resources from Find Dialysis Centers directory. We'll also provide crucial statistics, facts, and references so you can make an educated decision.
1. Understanding Dialysis: What Are Your Options?
Dialysis is a treatment for patients whose kidneys have lost most or all of their functional abilities. The two major forms of dialysis - hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) - are suited for different types of patient needs.
Hemodialysis (HD)
How It Works: Hemodialysis cleans the waste and excess fluid from your blood with the aid of a machine known as a hemodialyzer. During treatment, blood will leave your body and then pass through this filtering machine, after which it will be returned to the body. One session of hemodialysis typically lasts from 3 to 5 hours and is done three times a week.
Patient Experience: HD can be performed either in a dialysis center, in a hospital, or at home-with proper training. In-center hemodialysis remains the most common modality, with supervision by trained healthcare professionals during treatment.
Who It’s For: Hemodialysis is best suited for individuals who need regular treatment professionally supervised or prefer structured schedules. As of 2016, the U.S. Renal Data System (USRDS) reported that 89% of dialysis patients in the United States use hemodialysis.
Peritoneal Dialysis (PD)
How It Works: In peritoneal dialysis, a catheter is inserted into the abdominal cavity, a sterile cleansing fluid called dialysate is infused into the abdomen. The peritoneum, which lines the abdomen, acts as a filter; after absorbing waste products, the fluid is drained. It can be done at home-typically several times a day-or by using a machine overnight.
Patient Experience: PD tends to be more flexible than many other treatment modalities, as patients can conduct treatments in the comfort of their own home or even while at work. That makes it a good fit for patients placing a premium on autonomy.
Who It’s For: PD is a popular alternative for patients who would wish to have more control over their treatment schedule. It is an operation with less invasion compared to hemodialysis and has no needles in many cases. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), about 11% of dialysis patients go for peritoneal dialysis.
Key Statistics:
Average life expectancy on dialysis: 5-10 years, although some patients live 20 or more years with appropriate care.
Average dialysis cost: Hemodialysis costs approximately $89,000 per year while peritoneal dialysis costs about $71,000 annually.
2. How to Find a Dialysis Center Near You
Finding a dialysis center that best fits your medical needs, personal preferences, and lifestyle is essential in maintaining health. How to make this search effective:
Step 1: Use an Online Dialysis Center Directory
Some directories, such as Find Dialysis Centers, will allow a search based on location, services, and star ratings for dialysis centers. With over 7,600 listings of United States dialysis centers in their directory, this directory makes a comparison of dialysis centers in your area based on your zip code or city.
Why Location Matters: For most dialysis patients receiving three treatments a week, location is key. Ease of travel can make the difference between sticking to a schedule and either missing sessions or experiencing treatment fatigue. A number of studies have shown that patients residing closer to their dialysis centers have higher adherence with fewer complications.
Step 2: Check Medicare Star Ratings
For instance, dialysis centers in the United States maintain a star rating from 1 to 5 in various areas of concern, including infection rates, hospitalizations, and patient survival rates.
Why It Matters: Facilities with more stars have been associated with better outcomes, fewer hospitalizations, and better long-term survival. A superior quality of care is concentrated within facilities with 4 or 5 stars.
Step 3: Filter by Services Offered
Other than the generic in-center hemodialysis, the services provided by dialysis centers may include a multitude of different offerings, including:
Home dialysis training: Many of the facilities provide training for patients who are anxious to take care of home hemodialysis (HHD) or peritoneal dialysis themselves.
Nocturnal dialysis: For working patients, several centers may provide overnight dialysis treatment sessions, allowing a patient to dialyze while sleeping.
Vascular access care: Fistulas or catheters are often required to continue hemodialysis, and some centers have specialized care for this.
3. Key Factors in Evaluating Dialysis Centers
Choosing a dialysis center isn't just about location. The care is indicative of the quality, and the skill of those performing it, and so are the patient outcomes.
Staff-to-Patient Ratios
Centers with a lower ratio of staff to patients allow for more individualized care, which may improve patient outcomes. A center that has fewer patients assigned per staff member can monitor each patient more closely, which minimizes the chances of complications such as infection or low blood pressure during dialysis.
Infection Control
Infection is perhaps the most serious risk with dialysis, but especially with patients on hemodialysis through catheters or fistulas. Estimates by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approximate that the death toll by bloodstream infections kills over 34,000 dialysis patients each year. Look for facilities that have low rates of infection and those that follow strict hygiene practices.
Patient Outcomes and Mortality Rates
Check the center's mortality rates and hospitalization rates compared to national averages. Generally, the higher quality the center is, the better the outcomes and most report these statistics on their websites.
Fact: Studies have shown that patients dialyzing in facilities with more nurses on staff have a 20 percent lower mortality rate compared to patients that are treated in understaffed centers.
4. Financial Considerations: Understanding Insurance and Costs
Dialysis is an expensive treatment, but for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Medicare pays 80% of dialysis costs regardless of age. The remaining costs are usually paid by Medicaid or private insurance.
Navigating Insurance Coverage
Medicare ESRD Program: Covers all ESRD patients in the United States and covers, after a three-month waiting period, the cost of hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. Once coverage kicks in, Medicare will cover 80% of treatment costs.
Out-of-Pocket Costs: Still, copays, deductibles, or the cost of medications are paid by the patients. At most centers there are financial counselors who will provide assistance to patients to review their insurance coverage and apply for additional financial assistance programs available such as the American Kidney Fund.
5. Specialized Care and Support Services
In addition to dialysis treatment, patients have many support services that facilitate quality of life and help achieve successful long-term outcomes.
Nutritional Counseling
The patients requiring dialysis must adhere to strict dietary styles that limit their fluid and food intake containing potassium, phosphorus, and sodium. A registered dietitian at the dialysis center will be in the position to offer specific nutrition counseling aimed at averting complications such as hyperkalemia (high potassium).
Mental Health and Emotional Support
It is burdensome to live with kidney failure; sometimes the physical and emotional stress is overwhelming for the patients, which may be helped by the availability of mental health counseling and social workers at dialysis centers to fight against depression, anxiety, and emotional burden of chronic illness.
Vascular Access Management
For a hemodialysis patient, a good vascular access site be it fistula, graft, or catheter is equal to life. Vascular access facilities stand by the patient in the prevention of complications of infection, clotting, or poor blood flow that might disrupt treatment.
Conclusion: Making the Right Choice for Your Health
It is life-supportive treatment, and success means finding a compatible dialysis center. Pay attention to location, expertise of staff members, patient outcomes, and additional support services to make a well-rounded decision that best fits your needs-medically and personally. Make use of various resources, like the Find Dialysis Centers directory, to compare centers based on location, ratings, and services provided.
While dialysis can be long-term, the right center will make treatment much easier and vastly improve your quality of life.
National Kidney Foundation. Chronic Kidney Disease in the United States. https://www.kidney.org/kidney-topics/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd
U.S. Renal Data System. Annual Data Report: Epidemiology of Kidney Disease in the United States https://usrds-adr.niddk.nih.gov/2023
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Hemodialysis-associated Infections. https://www.cdc.gov/dialysis-safety/about/index.html
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK). Treatment Methods for Kidney Failure: Peritoneal Dialysis. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/kidney-failure/choosing-treatment
American Kidney Fund. Financial Assistance for Dialysis Patients - https://www.kidneyfund.org/get-assistance
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healthcare-skyquest · 10 days
Dialysis Market: Transforming Renal Care
The Dialysis market has become essential for patients suffering from chronic kidney diseases, providing life-sustaining treatments through innovative dialysis technologies. As the global prevalence of kidney disorders rises, the demand for effective dialysis solutions continues to grow. This article explores the latest trends, market segmentation, key growth drivers, and leading companies in the dialysis industry.
Market Overview
According to SkyQuest’s Dialysis Market report, the global dialysis market is valued at USD 122.47 billion in 2023, with a projected CAGR of 6.78% over the forecast period. The increasing incidence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and growing geriatric population are the primary factors contributing to market expansion.
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Market Segmentation
By Type:
Hemodialysis: The most common type of dialysis where blood is filtered outside the body using a dialyzer.
Peritoneal Dialysis: Involves using the patient’s peritoneal membrane to filter waste products from the blood internally.
Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT): Used in critical care settings for patients with acute kidney injury.
By Product & Service:
Equipment: Dialysis machines, dialyzers, and water treatment systems form the backbone of dialysis treatments.
Consumables: Includes dialysate, tubing, and catheters required for each dialysis session.
Services: Healthcare providers offering dialysis treatments and support to patients in clinics or homecare settings.
By End-User:
Dialysis Centers: Specialized facilities that provide regular dialysis treatment to patients.
Hospitals: Serve patients with critical care needs or complex cases requiring dialysis.
Homecare: Growing in popularity, home-based dialysis allows patients to undergo treatment at their convenience.
Others: Includes nursing homes and specialized renal care clinics.
Key Growth Drivers
Rising Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD): Increasing rates of diabetes, hypertension, and kidney-related disorders are driving demand for dialysis treatments.
Technological Advancements: Innovations such as portable dialysis machines and automated peritoneal dialysis systems are improving patient outcomes and convenience.
Aging Population: As the global population ages, more people are experiencing renal complications, contributing to market growth.
Shift Toward Home Dialysis: The growing preference for home-based treatments is reshaping the dialysis landscape, offering more comfort and flexibility to patients.
Want to customize this report? — https://www.skyquestt.com/speak-with-analyst/dialysis-market
Leading Companies in the Market
SkyQuest’s report highlights the following key players in the Dialysis market:
Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA, Baxter International Inc., DaVita Inc., Nipro Corporation, B. Braun Melsungen AG, Diaverum Deutschland GmbH, Asahi Kasei Corporation, Nikkiso Co. Ltd., NxStage Medical, Inc., Toray Industries, Inc., Medtronic plc, Rockwell Medical Technologies, Inc., JMS Co., Ltd., Satellite Healthcare, Inc., AllMed Medical GmbH, Fresenius Kabi AG, Quanta Dialysis Technologies Ltd., Outset Medical, Inc., Medivators Inc., Gambro AB
Read More at: - https://www.skyquestt.com/report/dialysis-market
Challenges and Opportunities
While the dialysis market is growing, it faces challenges such as high treatment costs, limited access to care in developing regions, and the need for frequent sessions, impacting the patient’s quality of life. However, these challenges present opportunities for innovation in more affordable and accessible dialysis solutions, particularly in home-based care.
Future Outlook
The dialysis market is expected to witness strong growth due to technological advancements, increasing awareness of home dialysis options, and rising demand for better renal care. Companies focusing on developing compact, cost-effective dialysis equipment and expanding service networks will have a competitive edge. SkyQuest’s Dialysis Market report provides deeper insights into the market dynamics and emerging trends.The Dialysis market is critical in managing renal health, offering life-saving treatments to millions worldwide. As the market evolves with technological innovations and a shift towards home-based treatments, decision-makers in the healthcare industry should focus on expanding services and improving access to care. For detailed insights and strategic recommendations, consult SkyQuest's in-depth Dialysis Market report.
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12w-----wwddff · 15 days
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robertgoodmanmd · 17 days
Living with Kidney Disease: Key Support Services in Brooklyn
Kidney disease is a chronic condition that affects millions of people with varying degrees of severity. For Brooklyn residents, living with kidney disease presents challenges that require medical care, emotional support, and lifestyle adjustments. Thankfully, Brooklyn offers a range of services tailored to the needs of individuals managing kidney disease, ensuring they have access to quality care and resources to maintain their well-being.
Early Detection and Kidney Health Awareness
One of the most important aspects of managing kidney disease is early detection. Brooklyn healthcare providers emphasize the importance of regular checkups, especially for individuals at higher risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD). Conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure are closely linked to kidney disease, making routine screenings vital for these populations.
Local clinics and community health centers throughout Brooklyn provide free or low-cost kidney screenings and education programs. These initiatives help raise awareness of kidney disease and its risk factors, empowering residents to take control of their health before the disease progresses. Early detection can slow the onset of kidney disease, improve health outcomes, and prevent the need for more invasive treatments like dialysis.
Dialysis Treatment Options in Brooklyn
For patients whose kidney function has significantly declined, dialysis becomes a critical treatment. Brooklyn is home to numerous dialysis centers that offer state-of-the-art facilities and highly trained medical staff. Dialysis is a process that removes waste and excess fluids from the blood, a function that failing kidneys can no longer perform.
In Brooklyn, patients have access to both in-center hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, which can be done at home. Dialysis centers provide medical treatment and support services such as dietary counseling, social work assistance, and even transportation for those who may have difficulty traveling to appointments. The goal is to make dialysis as comfortable and manageable as possible while maintaining a high quality of life for patients.
Kidney Transplant Services for Brooklyn Patients
While dialysis is essential for many, a kidney transplant can offer a permanent solution for some patients with end-stage renal disease. Brooklyn residents can access top-tier kidney transplant services through hospitals and specialized medical centers. These facilities are equipped to handle the entire transplant process, from initial evaluation and donor matching to post-operative care.
The transplant process is complex and often involves a lengthy waiting period. However, transplant coordinators work closely with patients to guide them through the process, providing support at every step. Whether helping with paperwork, organizing medical tests, or finding potential donors, Brooklyn's kidney transplant services aim to make the journey smoother and more manageable for patients and their families.
Support Groups and Mental Health Services
Living with kidney disease can take a toll not only on the body but also on mental health. Many patients find themselves feeling isolated, anxious, or depressed as they navigate their diagnosis and treatment. In response, Brooklyn offers a variety of support groups and mental health services specifically designed for individuals living with chronic illnesses like kidney disease.
Support groups allow patients to connect with others facing similar challenges, offering mutual encouragement and practical advice. Healthcare professionals often facilitate these groups and can be found in hospitals, community health centers, or nonprofit organizations. In addition to group support, patients can access one-on-one counseling services with licensed therapists who specialize in helping individuals cope with chronic illness. These mental health resources are an essential part of holistic kidney disease care.
Nutritional Guidance for Kidney Health
Diet plays a pivotal role in managing kidney disease, particularly when controlling the levels of certain nutrients in the body. A kidney-friendly diet often restricts sodium, potassium, and phosphorus to prevent further kidney damage. Adjusting to these dietary changes can be challenging for many patients without proper guidance.
Brooklyn has a wealth of nutritionists and dietitians who specialize in creating personalized meal plans for kidney disease patients. Many of these professionals work in hospitals or dialysis centers, offering their expertise to help patients manage their condition through diet. These dietary experts focus on crafting nutritious meals that meet each patient's specific needs while ensuring that their diet remains enjoyable and sustainable over the long term.
Home Health and Rehabilitation Services
Patients may require additional support at home as kidney disease progresses, particularly after hospital stays or surgeries. Brooklyn offers various home health services that provide essential care in the comfort of a patient's home. These services range from helping with daily activities such as bathing and meal preparation to more specialized medical care, including medication management and wound care.
Rehabilitation services are available through local healthcare providers for patients recovering from kidney-related surgeries or hospitalizations. Physical therapists, occupational therapists, and other rehabilitation professionals work with kidney disease patients to help them regain strength and independence. These services are crucial in helping patients maintain their quality of life and prevent further complications.
Financial Assistance and Insurance Navigation
The cost of treating kidney disease can be overwhelming, especially for individuals who require long-term dialysis or are awaiting a transplant. Brooklyn residents can access various financial assistance programs to help manage the costs associated with kidney disease treatment. Local hospitals and social workers are often well-versed in navigating insurance policies and finding financial aid to help cover out-of-pocket expenses.
Organizations like the American Kidney Fund and the National Kidney Foundation provide additional patient resources, offering financial support for medications, transportation, and treatment costs. Social workers in Brooklyn healthcare facilities are key in connecting patients with these resources, ensuring they receive the help they need without undue financial strain.
Educational Programs and Community Initiatives
Education is critical to preventing and managing kidney disease. In Brooklyn, numerous community initiatives aim to raise awareness about kidney health through educational programs, workshops, and health fairs. These programs offer valuable information on risk factors, early detection, and lifestyle changes that can help prevent kidney disease.
Many local organizations partner with hospitals and healthcare providers to offer free kidney health screenings, allowing Brooklyn residents to check their kidney function and receive advice on maintaining kidney health. By promoting awareness and prevention, these educational efforts aim to reduce the incidence of kidney disease and improve outcomes for those already affected.
Living with kidney disease presents many challenges, but Brooklyn's wide range of supportive services makes it easier for individuals to manage their condition and maintain their quality of life. From world-class dialysis and transplant services to emotional support, nutritional counseling, and financial assistance, Brooklyn's healthcare community is committed to providing comprehensive care for kidney disease patients. By taking advantage of these resources, residents can live healthier, more fulfilling lives despite the challenges of kidney disease.
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shelar123 · 25 days
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mitraindustries · 1 month
Why Hemodialysis Matters: Exploring the Importance and Benefits of Dialysis Treatment
Hemodialysis is a life-saving treatment for millions of people worldwide who suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) or acute kidney failure. When the kidneys lose their ability to filter waste products and excess fluids from the blood, hemodialysis steps in to perform this crucial function, helping patients maintain their health and prolong their lives. This article explores the importance of hemodialysis, its benefits, and the vital role it plays in modern healthcare.
The Need for Hemodialysis
The kidneys are essential organs that filter waste products, balance electrolytes, regulate blood pressure, and maintain fluid balance in the body. However, when kidney function drops to a critical level, typically below 10-15% of normal capacity, the body can no longer eliminate waste products or excess fluids effectively. This condition, known as end-stage renal disease (ESRD), leads to the accumulation of toxins in the blood, which can cause a range of life-threatening complications, including heart disease, stroke, and fluid overload.
Home Dialysis Equipment becomes necessary when the kidneys can no longer perform their vital functions. It involves using a machine to filter a patient’s blood outside the body, removing waste products, excess fluids, and maintaining electrolyte balance. Without hemodialysis, patients with ESRD would face a rapid decline in health, leading to severe complications and, ultimately, death.
How Hemodialysis Works
During hemodialysis, a patient’s blood is circulated through a Dialysis machine called a dialyzer or artificial kidney. The dialyzer contains a special membrane that acts as a filter. Blood is drawn from the patient’s body, passes through the dialyzer where waste products and excess fluids are removed, and then the cleansed blood is returned to the patient’s body. The process typically takes about 3 to 5 hours and is usually performed three times a week.
One of the key components of hemodialysis is the dialysis solution, or dialysate, which helps draw out waste products from the blood. The dialysate contains water, electrolytes, and other chemicals that closely mimic the natural composition of blood plasma. As the blood passes through the dialyzer, waste products move from the blood into the dialysate, allowing the cleansed blood to be returned to the body.
The Benefits of Hemodialysis
Dialysis machine manufacturers
Hemodialysis offers several critical benefits for patients with ESRD:
Life Extension: Hemodialysis significantly prolongs the lives of patients with kidney failure, enabling them to continue their daily activities and maintain a reasonable quality of life.
Toxin Removal: By filtering waste products and excess fluids from the blood, hemodialysis prevents the buildup of toxins that could lead to severe complications and death.
Electrolyte Balance: Hemodialysis helps regulate electrolyte levels, such as potassium and sodium, preventing dangerous imbalances that could cause heart arrhythmias or muscle weakness.
Symptom Relief: Patients undergoing hemodialysis often experience relief from symptoms such as fatigue, nausea, swelling, and shortness of breath, which are associated with kidney failure.
Hemodialysis is an essential treatment for patients with severe kidney disease, offering life-saving benefits and the possibility of a longer, healthier life. While it requires significant time and effort, the advantages of hemodialysis far outweigh the challenges, providing hope and improved quality of life for those who need it most. As medical technology continues to advance, the effectiveness and accessibility of hemodialysis will likely improve, further enhancing its role in modern healthcare.
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