#home physio Melbourne
musculoskeletalphysio · 7 months
Beyond Boundaries: Sports Physio in Melbourne Helps You Achieve Peak Fitness
Sports Physio in Melbourne helps you deal with levels, specialising in treating and avoiding disorders and physical discomfort. In addition to helping patients with chronic conditions, post-operative recovery from surgery, injury prevention, and posture and strength improvement, physiotherapy offers a wide range of treatments.
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Advancement Owing to Home Comforts
It is indisputable that having a home physio in Melbourne in the convenience of your own home is beneficial. You feel most at ease and ease in your own home because it is a familiar place for you. It additionally has been demonstrated that removing distractions results in a more concentrated course of treatment.
Several mums and bubs postnatal physio are available to help you ease back into physical activity and let you bring your child along. A postnatal physical therapy evaluation beforehand will help you determine which regions require strengthening and/or stretching, as well as what is appropriate and inappropriate.
Sometimes, things might move more quickly forward. Sports physical treatment might aid in your overall recuperation even if you haven't been hurt. To assist in maintaining mobility and reducing stiffness, this involves muscle release, the use of dry needling taping, stimulation techniques, and exercises.
Aids in the Technique Corrections and Improves
They can assist you with your technique whether you play soccer, weightlifting, hurdle racing, CrossFit, or any other sport. You can move more quickly, jump higher, and lift greater weights with proper technique, all while lowering your risk of injury.
The technique is another one of those things that's difficult to assess on your own because you can't see everything from every angle when you look in the mirror, and watching a video might not even highlight the smallest improvements that need to be addressed.
They have assisted a lot of athletes with positive technique adjustments, and you'd be shocked at how even the tiniest adjustment may result in a noticeable increase in performance.
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bellezaycafe · 8 months
Get Your Shit Together - Chapter 6
genre: 2024 Season AU
pairing: Romantic! oc x two people because y'all voted on a triangle ;). platonic! oc x literally the whole grid.
warnings: lots swearing, mentions of the accident and crimes, discussions about gangs, mentions of bars and alcohol. Paranoia and an argument. love triangle crumbs
context: Part 1 and Masterlist…
Comments: massive lore drop but I've tried to keep the story moving and interesting. I'm a sucker for small details so I hope y'all have good memories ;)
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"I'm in a witness protection program."
Sadie clenched her jaw, unsure what else to say. Lando and Max were silent.
"What did you see?" Lando's voice was so soft Sadie barely heard him over the road noise.
Her right hand flexed on the steering wheel. "I can't tell you that."
"Why did you volunteer?"
"Because I love F1."
Max chimed in. "You said it's too public, too many cameras."
"What I reported happened after Melbourne and just before SIlverstone. I- I think it would be better if I just told you, wouldn't it."
"Yes," Lando muttered, not meeting her glance.
"Okay, well. I was working a bar in Sydney and witnessed a crime. I was seen calling the cops and..." She took a deep breath. "And let's just say that I had dobbed on someone dangerous. Someone influential and known to police."
"You snitched on a gangster?" Lando's wide eyes would have made Sadie laugh in any other situation. "A real life gangster?"
"I didn't know who they were! I was cornered in an alley the next day and after that I spent all of my money on a two week stay in England. From there, I reported the attempted assault and was told to stay in England for the two weeks. The police said they could use that time to get me into witness protection and set up the right safeguards, if I anonymously testify in court. It happened to be the Grand Prix weekend, so I volunteered instead of sitting around."
"Attempted assault?" Max stressed.
Sadie glanced at him in the rear view and her silence was answer enough. You don't need to know.
"Let me get this right. You snitched on a gang, were threaten and then ran to England?!"
"Yeah, pretty much." Her tone didn't match her racing heart.
"What happened to 'too many cameras'?" Lando toyed with his silver necklace.
"Obviously I didn't consider how dramatically you were going to break your ankle in turn, whatever it was. I figured, as a medic, I’d spend a lot of time in areas with very few to no cameras.”
Sadie glanced at the phone Lando showed her and, with one hand on the wheel, swung them left and down a small side street.
“You are right, though,” Max observed. “The reporters aren’t allowed in the medical tents unless they’re unwell themselves.”
“Is that why you’re in Melbourne? Are you from Sydney?” She could hear curiosity in Lando’s voice.
“It’s complicated.” Sadie grimaced.
“It’s seems like everything is,” Max muttered.
“Oh, shush,” she joked. She knew it had landed when both boys smiled slightly. “I grew up just outside of Melbourne. I’ve been working back at that bar since I was 18. I took some unofficial leave in June to experience working in another city while we had extra staff. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have chosen Sydney.”
The boys were quiet as Sadie explained her time working at bars in Sydney and enjoying the nightlife of another city. She talked about the move up there and the sudden disappearance to England. Some of her stuff was still in Sydney, including some personal keepsakes like a bracelet from her mother. Sadie explained that Lewis and Max knew about the witness protection, but nothing further. She’d only told them when they visited her in hospital the day after the accident and after some significant convincing. She answered questions about her leg and how it had healed, which had turned out to be quite well.
“How much physio did you have to do?” There was guilt in Lando’s question.
“Just some at home things, it was quite easy,” Sadie admitted. She didn’t want to elaborate on the facts she hadn’t done any official physio because she couldn’t afford it. Australian public health care was good, but not that good. “How well has the ankle healed?”
“It was slower than I wanted but I’m cleared for next season which is good.”
Max grumbled, “but he didn’t stop complaining about it for months.”
“I was in pain, mate!”
“I know! You told me every chance you got!”
Sadie smiled at their banter, glad they weren’t holding up walls of suspicion anymore.
As she pulled up to the Piastri Family home, she cleared her throat. “I- ummm… It was good to see you again Lando, and good to meet you Max.”
“Oh no,” Lando chided. “We’re not done, I am not letting you just drive into the sunset again.”
“It’s already dark,” Sadie pointed out. “And that’s not what happened the first time.”
“And on that note, I’m out,” Max exclaimed. “It was lovely to meet you, Sadie. Thank you for what you did at Silverstone.”
He jumped out of the car before she could say anything and practically ran to the red front door of a small, low set home.
Lando undid his seatbelt and turned to face her, pulling a leg onto the seat.
“Sadie, you vanished.”
Straight into then.
“I feel better seeing that you’re in one piece, and not hearing it from news,” she murmured.
“That’s what you have to say?” he scoffed.
Sadie pushed down irritation. She might struggle to stay in one place for very long, but she was a patient person who had drawers of calm, collected masks to choose from.
When she didn’t answer, Lando shook his head and closed his eyes.
“How do you think I felt?” he snapped. “Lewis told me you had stitches. How many? I know you can walk, but how long did it take for the limp to go away? Did you need crutches? Because you know that I did, and you know how long I needed them for.”
“How much did Lewis tell you?”
“You’re focusing on the wrong thi-“
“How much, Lando?”
The panicked edge to her voice had Lando pausing, looking closer at her face through whatever haze was over his mind.
“Just that,” he breathed. “He told me you’d needed stitches but were okay. He wouldn’t tell me anything else.”
The fist around Sadie’s heart relaxed slightly as she sighed with relief. “Okay, as long as it was just that.”
“You’re scared,” he stated like he’d only just noticed. His watercolour eyes were lit slightly by a nearby street lamp. They appeared hazel in that light and it was a detail Sadie wished she hadn’t noted.
“I’m paranoid,” she replied just as curtly.
“I was scared,” he admitted, breaking the eye contact.
“That’s fair. If your ankle didn’t heal properly, your career might’ve been over.”
“No, that’s not- Well I was scared about that but I meant that I was scared for you.”
Sadie frowned. “What? Why?”
“I didn’t know if you were okay! You put yourself on the line for me, you saved my life and I didn’t know if you were okay!”
“I didn’t save your life,” she scoffed. “It wasn’t headed for your heart.”
“I rewatched the footage,” Lando confessed with a sheepish smile. “If you hadn’t put yourself between me and the track? The debris would have hit me and my career could have been over.”
“Your career, Lando. Not your life.” Her voice was the softest it had been all night. It even surprised her.
“My racing is my life, Sadie.”
“I-“ but he cut her off.
“I never got to thank you in person.”
“You can do it now.”
“Why the fuck not?” Her patience was slipping. She pulled another mask from the drawer.
“I think you’d take it as closure, or something. Then you’d leave and I would never see you again.”
He wasn’t wrong. She’d began to form a plan on how to give him the answers he needed, and then vanish again. He was a liability to her safety.
“Would that be so bad?”
“Yes.” No hesitation.
She didn’t know what to say to that. Sadie couldn’t bring herself and meet the gaze she could feel on her.
“Max almost punched a reporter,” Lando said.
That had her looking up at him, a confused smile on her lips.
“In the media pen, Max almost punched a reporter that wouldn’t stop asking about you.”
A laugh bubbled out of Sadie. Max Verstappen? Protecting the young woman who had ego-checked him at Albert Park?
“I’m serious!” Lando insisted, but his smile was widening. “The guy asked every driver, but Lewis and Max had already told everyone to say nothing. The reporter was so frustrated at getting ‘no comment’ from every driver. Max’s interview was second or third last and the reporter asked something so out of pocket. If you find the interview you can see Max trying not to hit the guy.”
Sadie laughed again, and she caught Lando grinning in her peripheral vision.
“I did make him swear on his championship,” she commented it.
“What?” It was obvious that detail was also new to Lando.
“After the incident, while we were still at the track, I made Lewis promise to hide me from the media. Max visited my hotel room a few days later, and I made him swear the same thing.”
“On his championship?” Lando was trying to hold back a laugh.
“Yeah.” Sadie couldn’t hold back her own.
They laughed for a few minutes at the absurd notion of Max swearing anything on his championship.
“Jesus,” Lando sighed. “That makes so much more sense now.”
“What does?”
“I tried to find you, after a month. Fuck, I even tried to rope half the grid into helping me find you, but Lewis and Max always shut it down. They never told my why, but I guess that’s it.”
“I’m not going to apologise for trying to protect myself.”
“You’re good at protecting,” he said.
It wasn’t the most random comment he’d made that night but it was the one that stuck out the most.
Sadie didn’t know how to reply.
She didn’t have a chance to think about it when she saw a shadowy figure moving toward the car.
“Lando, get out of sight,” she warned.
He was too shocked by the immediate change in demeanour and topic.
“Just- oh. Nevermind.”
As the figure came closer, they stepped into the lamplight and Sadie recognised Oscar Piastri.
“It’s Piastri,” she breathed.
Lando wound down his window and waved.
Oscar leant down, rested both arms across the opened window and glanced between them.
“Hey, how are you?” He began.
“Could be better,” Sadie quipped with a joking smile.
“I’m trying to convince her to stay,” Lando explained.
Oscar raised an eyebrow. “Stay the night or-“
“No, Oscar!” Lando laughed and Sadie couldn’t help but like sound.
“He means in your lives. But I can’t.”
Oscar tilted his head sideways quizzically and some of his hair fell into his eyes. “Can’t or won’t.”
“You make it sound like you don’t have a choice,” he observed.
“She does,” Lando said at the same time as Sadie’s “I don’t.”
“Lando, I-“
“No, Sadie you do have a choice. Not every part of our lives is public.”
“I’m still very confused,” Oscar added.
Sadie’s patience slipped again. “Piastri, I fucked with some dangerous people, and I can’t let them find me. Lando, you don’t have a private life. If you’re not doing Formula One, you’re doing Quadrant; if you’re not doing Quadrant, you’re partying with Martin Garrix; and if you’re not partying, you’re posting something on Instagram. You live an incredibly public life, and that’s okay, but I can’t join that in any regard.”
Lando looked at her with stunned silence. Oscar was watching her with a very concerned expression. She pointed at him with an intense stare.
"You might think your life is fairly private, but when you post on social media everyone nit-pics at it because of how rare your posts are. And every sighting of you is scrutinised.”
A smile quirked at the corner of his mouth but he didn’t say anything.
Sadie pulled in a deep breath and pulled on another mask from the drawer.
“I’m sorry, to both of you, but I’m going to vanish again. I have to.”
“Are you in witness protection?” Oscar asked.
Sadie nodded with a frown. He’d put it together fast.
“When’s the court date?” Oscar’s deep brown were intensely focused on her.
“Wednesday, next week. I will be testifying anonymously.”
“So even if they have gang members who aren’t convicted, they won’t know it was you.” Lando pressed, catching onto Oscar’s train.
“Gang members?” Oscar’s went up an octave.
Sadie waved off the question and focused on Lando. “I see where this is going.”
“Then you can see why I’m right.” His eyes were set on hers, a hand set on the handbrake between them.
Sadie sighed and closed her eyes.
“All of the members who saw my face will be going on trial. A few of them have been convicted already.”
“So after next week, you won’t be in witness protection anymore.” Lando pressed.
“That will depend on whether they’re all convicted and how long their jail time is.”
As Sadie spoke, Oscar pulled out his wallet and an old receipt. He pulled a random marker from another pocket and wrote something on the back before handing them both to Lando. He took this hint and wrote something as well.
When he handed it to her, Sadie noted both their phone numbers and tiny signatures at the end of them.
“Text when the trial is over. Just a yes or no. A yes doesn’t mean that you’re going to to be thrust into the spot light. It’s a maybe.” Oscar said, running a hand through his brown hair.
“It’s a maybe I could thank you properly." Lando added. "A random dinner or a paddock pass to which ever race you want.”
That brought a small smile to Sadie’s face.
“Everyone at McLaren would want to thank you,” Oscar added, but there was a tightness to his jaw Sadie hadn’t noticed until then.
She caved.
“Alright maybe,” she said. “I’ll keep this but I'm not promising you anything.”
Oscar's soft smile said that's enough, but Lando's slight frown meant he wasn't ready to give up. Oscar noted it.
"Lando," he interrupted whatever the older driver was thinking. "Mum made chocolate cake while you were out and wants you to try it."
"She knows about our diets right?"
"She'll insist until you fly out."
Lando sighed with an amused smile and opened his door.
"I'm not going to say thank you, not yet. I'm not even going to say goodbye."
"It might be your only chance," Sadie reminded him.
Lando shook his head as he stood, brown curls waving in the small breeze. Oscar pushed his door shut gently and ducked his head back through the window.
They watched Lando walk away, oblivious to the fact Oscar wasn't on his heals.
"I saw it happen, at Silverstone," Oscar murmured. "I saw you make the choice."
"I didn't choose. I reacted. There was no choice, or thought process, or thoughts at all, actually. It was just an action."
"An action we're all grateful for, but-" His voice dropped, as if Lando would hear him if he was any louder. "- I want to thank you for making that choice, or doing that action, whatever."
"Stop," Sadie demanded. "Stop, Piastri."
He did. The first one to stop the first time she asked.
She pulled in a deep breathe and calmly explained, "I did what I did. It happened. I know you're all grateful, but it has to stay at that. This is not a movie, where a chance meeting leads to years of friendship."
"I wouldn't call being hospitalised for being a human shield, a chance encounter," Oscar noted dryly.
"You get my point," she replied.
"I do, and I think I understand." He stepped away from the car. "You have our numbers. Call us and we will be there."
Sadie smiled slightly but didn't give him any hope.
"Go, before Lando comes back out."
"It was good to meet you, Piastri."
"Good luck, Sadie."
With that, the handbrake was off, car in gear and she was gone.
I know y'all loved the Max/Sadie dynamic in chapters 1 and 2 so how about some more Max content next chapter? ;)
Taglist; @snubug
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Physiotherapy Graduates: Ask Me Anything!
We recently held an “Ask Me Anything” webinar with Canadian graduates of Australian physiotherapy programs–and they delivered!
There’s something invaluable about listening to graduates speak about the profession you’re considering. We often hear applicants say, “I’m so glad I watched that webinar. Their insight and experience really helped me solidify my plans. Now I really know I’m on the right track.”
Meet Cierra and Christian, graduates of the University of Melbourne Doctor of Physiotherapy program. While they chose to work in private practice after graduation, Cierra has chosen to work in orthopedic and pelvic health, and Christian works with a focus on strength sports.Learn more about Australian physio degrees
But why did they decide to apply to Australian physiotherapy schools? What was their experience studying in Australia? Did they stay in Australia to practice, or return home?
Read more here!
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inspirephysio-blog · 3 months
Discover Comprehensive Physiotherapy Services in Melbourne with Inspire Physio Care
Inspire Physio Care is your go-to clinic for top-notch physiotherapy services in Melbourne. With multiple locations, they cater to clients of all ages, addressing a variety of musculoskeletal and neurological issues. Their holistic approach ensures each patient receives personalized care, from detailed medical histories and physical examinations to customized treatment plans and follow-ups.
Why Choose Inspire Physio Care?
Experienced Professionals: The team comprises highly qualified and accredited physiotherapists.
Patient-Centric Approach: They focus on individualized assessments and customized treatments.
Convenient Locations: Clinics are located in Craigieburn, Greenvale, Epping, Merrifield, and Millpark.
Comprehensive Services: Including physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, clinical Pilates, sports injury rehabilitation, surgery rehabilitation, and workplace assessments.
Specialized Programs
Hydrotherapy: Beneficial for various conditions by reducing pain and improving mobility through water-based exercises.
Clinical Pilates: Tailored programs to enhance strength, flexibility, and overall physical health.
Sports Injury Rehabilitation: Focuses on getting athletes back to their optimal performance levels.
Women's & Men's Health: Addressing specific health concerns with specialized care. Work Cover & TAC Injuries: Support for workplace and transport accident injuries. Pre & Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: Helping patients recover effectively post-surgery.
Convenient and Accessible Care
No referral is needed to see a physiotherapist at Inspire Physio Care, making it easier to get the help you need when you need it. They also offer services covered by Private health insurers, Workers Compensation, Motor Vehicle Injuries, Department of Veteran Affairs, Comcare, and Medicare (EPC).
For those with NDIS and Home care packages, services are available both at home and in clinic/gym facilities.
Contact Inspire Physio Care Today
Ready to start your journey to better health? Contact Inspire Physio Care via their website to book an appointment or learn more about their services.
Inspire Physio Care – Your Path to Recovery
Physiotherapy is essential for managing pain, recovering from injuries, and improving overall physical health. At Inspire Physio Care, their team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing the best physiotherapy services in Melbourne. Here’s a glimpse into the various services and benefits offered:
Holistic Physiotherapy Services
Physiotherapy at Inspire Physio Care goes beyond just hands-on therapy. Their holistic approach includes:
Detailed medical history and physical examination
Education about the condition and contributing factors
Customized treatment plans and home exercise programs
Use of appropriate treatment modalities for pain management
Regular follow-ups to ensure progress and recovery
Key Services Provided
Physiotherapy: Tailored treatment plans for various musculoskeletal and neurological conditions.
Hydrotherapy: Water-based exercises to enhance mobility and reduce pain.
Clinical Pilates: Focuses on improving strength, flexibility, and overall health.
Sports Injury Rehabilitation: Helps athletes recover and return to their sport.
Surgery Rehabilitation: Supports recovery and rehabilitation post-surgery.
Women’s & Men’s Health: Specialized care addressing specific health issues.
Workplace Assessments: Ensures a safe and healthy work environment.
Work Cover & TAC Injuries: Assistance for workplace and transport accident injuries.
Why Choose Inspire Physio Care?
Experienced Team: Highly qualified and accredited physiotherapists.
Patient-Centric Approach: Personalized care tailored to individual needs.
Convenient Locations: Multiple clinics across Melbourne for easy access.
Comprehensive Care: Wide range of services to address various health issues.
Modern Facilities: Equipped with the latest technology and facilities for effective treatment.
Get in Touch
Ready to experience exceptional physiotherapy care in Melbourne? Visit Inspire Physio Care to book an appointment and start your journey towards better health today.
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qnewsau · 4 months
Sydney Convicts gay rugby club cheers Bingham Cup result
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/sydney-convicts-gay-rugby-club-cheers-bingham-cup-result/
Sydney Convicts gay rugby club cheers Bingham Cup result
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The Sydney Convicts have finished the 2024 Bingham Cup on a high, placing second overall in the World Cup of gay rugby.
The Mark Kendall Bingham Memorial Tournament, known as the Bingham Cup, is played in a different host city every two years. The gay and inclusive rugby event is named after US 9/11 gay rugby hero Mark Bingham.
This month, the Convicts, Brisbane Hustlers, Melbourne Chargers, Perth Rams and Adelaide Sharks travelled to Rome to compete.
Two teams of Convicts played 11 games, with Sydney Convicts A finishing up in second place in the overall tournament. Paris club Les Gaillards took home the Bingham Cup.
However, the Sydney Convicts B team did bring home silverware. They won the Bingham Cup’s prestigious Alice Hoagland Vase – named for Mark Bingham’s mother – beating World Barbarians in the final 29-7.
The Convicts’ Iain Shepherd said the club “finished on a high” and come home with “lifelong memories in what is the 20th year for our club”.
“We brought together a group of over 70 players and support crew,” Iain said.
“On behalf of the club we want to share a huge thank you to everyone who helped get us to Italy – from our dedicated coaches, physio and team management crew to our sponsors, local businesses and our community who generously supported our fundraising efforts.
“A Bingham Cup tour is a magical experience, strengthening existing, and creating new friendships across the global gay and inclusive rugby community.
“We congratulate all the Australian teams and players who participated this year.
“The Bingham Cup might be over, but our regular competition and game time continues as we return to Sydney to compete in the NSW suburban rugby competition [from] June 15.”
Brisbane Hustlers bid to host Bingham Cup 2026
The Convicts, who are celebrating their 20th anniversary this year, have competed in Bingham since 2004.
The club has won the Bingham Cup five times. The Convicts are proudly the most successful gay and inclusive rugby team in the world.
At the 2024 Bingham tournament, the Brisbane Hustlers finished third after a hard-fought match against Ireland’s Emerald Warriors.
The Brisbane Hustlers are also turning 20 years old this year. When in Rome, the club delivered their pitch to bring the entire tournament home.
International Gay Rugby has named the Hustlers and Argentina’s Ciervos Pampas Rugby Club as the two final bidders for the 2026 Bingham Cup.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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sportsgr8 · 9 months
ATP Tour: Nadal Romps To Another Impressive Win In Brisbane, Reaches Quarters
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Pat Rafter Arena: Spanish legend Rafael Nadal's comeback to the ATP Tour continued seamlessly with a stylish victory in the second round of the Brisbane International here on Thursday. The former World No.1, who recently returned to action after a 12-month-long break due to injuries, dismantled Australia’s Jason Kubler 6-1, 6-2 to reach the quarterfinals. The 37-year-old Nadal, who started with a rock-solid opening victory against Austria's Dominic Thiem, picked up where he left off at the hard-court ATP 250 event by scoring an equally impressive victory on Thursday. Nadal, who had not played a competitive match for nearly 12 months due to injury before this week in Brisbane, continued to move impressively around the court as he powered past Kubler in 83 minutes. “I think I started the match playing very well, with a very good determination,” said Nadal in his on-court interview. “I saw videos of Jason before the match and I saw him playing very solidly from the baseline, so I came on court and tried to be aggressive with my shots from the baseline." “It worked very well. I think it was a very positive match for me and the chance to play again tomorrow means a lot to me. Two victories after a long time being outside of the professional Tour is something that makes me feel good,” the 22-time grand slam title winner said. Nadal, the 92-time tour-level titlist, won 12 of the first 13 points in his maiden meeting with Kubler and barely looked back thereafter as he booked a last-eight meeting with another home favourite, Jordan Thompson. The Spaniard, whose highlights against Kubler included a stunning backhand smash that simultaneously showcased high-class agility and timing, will step on the court against the World No. 55 Thompson having won 10 of his past 11 tour-level matches against Australian opponents. “I need matches, I need health, I need to keep practising well and of course the past two matches here help, and even the doubles on the first day,” said Nadal, who has hinted that 2024 may be the final season of his career. “Of course, victories and hours spent on court help. For me, every day that I have the chance to play is great news, so I’m just happy for that, happy that I came back after a long time and feel competitive. Let’s see how far I can go,” said Nadal, who is hoping to add to his 22 Grand Slam singles titles at the upcoming Australian Open, to be played from January 14 to 28 in Melbourne. Nadal has won the year's first Grand Slam twice -- in 2009 and 2022. Nadal’s lightning-fast start gave Kubler, the No. 102 in ATP Rankings, little time to settle inside Pat Rafter Arena, and the Australian appeared hampered by an issue with his right arm, for which he received treatment from the physio both during and after the first set. Nadal, the 14-time French Open winner, trailed 0/40 when serving at 5-1 but he recovered to seal an opener in which he dropped just five points on serve. With his heavy-whipped lefty forehand forcing Kubler to deal with plenty of high, spinning balls, Nadal continued his charge with his third break of the match in the opening game of the second set. That set the 37-year-old on course to victory, and he finished the match having struck 20 winners, including four aces. Earlier on Thursday, Grigor Dimitrov notched an equally comprehensive second-round triumph when he accelerated past Daniel Altmaier 6-1, 6-2. The second-seeded Dimitrov, who battled past former World No. 1 Andy Murray in three sets in the opening round to become the player with the most wins in tournament history, is now 20-7 at an event where he lifted the trophy in 2017. The Bulgarian converted four of the six break points he earned against Altmaier to advance in 68 minutes. His opponent in his seventh Brisbane quarterfinal will be home wild card Rinky Hijikata, who battled past Tomas Machac 5-7, 6-2, 7-6(4). Read the full article
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wyndhamphysio · 11 months
At Wyndham Physio, we are dedicated to providing you with the best quality care. We pride ourselves on being one of the best physio in Melbourne. We provide Physiotherapy, Dry needling, Women’s health physiotherapy, Paediatric physiotherapy ,Occupational therapy, Hydrotherapy, Home based physiotherapy, NDIS, Functional assessment
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Best Speciality Museums in Rosanna, VIC
Rosanna, located in the northeastern suburbs of Melbourne, Victoria, is a suburb that is steeped in history and culture. This charming suburb is home to some of the best specialty museums in Victoria, making it an ideal destination for history buffs and culture enthusiasts. Here are some of the best specialty museums in Rosanna that are worth visiting.
Heidelberg Historical Society Museum
The Heidelberg Historical Society Museum is a must-visit for those interested in local history. The museum showcases the history of the Heidelberg area, which includes Rosanna, through exhibits, photographs, and artefacts. The museum also features a research centre, where visitors can delve into the history of their own family or property.
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Mont Park Asylum Museum
The Mont Park Asylum Museum is a unique museum that offers a glimpse into the history of mental health treatment in Victoria. The museum is located in the former Mont Park Asylum, which operated from 1912 to 1996. The museum showcases the history of mental health treatment in Victoria through exhibits, artefacts, and photographs.
Rosanna Fire Station Museum
The Rosanna Fire Station Museum is a small museum located in the former Rosanna Fire Station. The museum showcases the history of the fire service in Victoria through exhibits, artefacts, and photographs. Visitors can also see some of the firefighting equipment used in the past.
Warringal Cemetery Museum
The Warringal Cemetery Museum is a unique museum located in the Warringal Cemetery. The museum showcases the history of the cemetery, which was established in 1858, through exhibits, photographs, and artefacts. Visitors can also take a guided tour of the cemetery to learn more about its history.
The Tesselaar Tulip Festival
The Tesselaar Tulip Festival is not technically a museum, but it is a must-visit for those interested in culture and history. The festival is held annually in September and October and showcases the beauty of tulips. The festival also features live entertainment, food stalls, and other cultural activities.
Contact us
Rosanna Physio
8 Bellevue Ave, Rosanna VIC 3084
Phone: (03) 9457 2336
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ktvstheworld · 2 years
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Hey everyone! 🙋🏼‍♀️ . Hope you're all doing well, and enjoying the sunshine (in between the bouts of torrential rain and flooding!) . This week was a quiet one here; I caught up on some rest after a crappy health flare up, and did a bit of self care to put a smile back on my dial again ☀️ . Right on cue we had a couple of much needed sunny days - thank you universe! I got back on the walking bandwagon, got some fresh air, gardened, cuddled the ponies, and caught up with a friend for a 'creativity jam' - perfect soul food 💕 . Today I got Phoenix in for a lunge to bring him back into work - safe to say he's feeling pretty good! Once he realised we were at home, rather than the Melbourne Cup, he gave me some lovely stretchy work. 😅 I'm planning to do a few of these sessions to build him back up over the next couple of weeks, and then we can continue on under saddle. I can't wait! . This week I'm aiming to get back into the swing of things with my sleep pattern, add some more wholefood meals to our rotation, and get some stretching and physio going. . Fingers crossed no more health flare ups, I've just gotta listen to my body and stay within my limits until we can get the problem sorted - then there's no stopping me 🥰✨️ . Big love, K xx 😘 . #equestrian #ottb #offthetrack #dressage #dressagehorse #dressagerider #showrider #hunterhack #hunterhorse #showhunter #fitness #mentalhealth #ottbdressage #showhorse #fitnessjourney #fitnesstraining #dressagetraining #postpartum #equestrianmum #equestrianblogger #equestrianlife #positivity #health #motivation #inspiration #determination #chasethosedreams https://www.instagram.com/p/CjkgvPZBSaM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rehabreadyhealth · 3 years
What Are The Benefits Of The Home Visit Physio In Greater Melbourne?
When someone suffers from a severe condition that impairs their motor skills, it can be challenging to get to a physio clinic & receive the therapy they need to recover. Fortunately, the team at Rehab Ready Healthcare can provide Home Visit Physio in Greater Melbourne. We boast a team of qualified physiotherapists who are more than capable of providing home visits regularly. Whether some person has suffered a stroke, head injury, neurological problem, or any other condition, we can travel to their home & offer treatment to optimize their recovery.
How can our Physiotherapists help?
Our Home Visit Physio in Greater Melbourne can travel to your residence to provide the help & support you need during this difficult time. Our most experienced physiotherapists will develop a tailored strategy based on your condition and other factors to restore natural movement and physical functions. From sports and work-related injuries to illnesses & disabilities, we can work with people of all ages & conditions.
The Rehab Ready Healthcare home Physio Consultation in Melbourne includes multiple sessions, the number of which will vary based on your needs & prognosis. Our qualified team will work to reduce pain, promote recovery & reduce long-term damage, to improve your physical performance & overall quality of life. Rehab Ready Healthcare has had tremendous success over the years, helping our clients to recover & achieve happiness.
Few Benefits of Home Visit Physiotherapy in Melbourne
Our home visit physiotherapy services offer a wide range of benefits for patients. In the earlier stages of recovery, it is more practical for a physiotherapist to visit the client's home. In addition to hands-on treatment to facilitate the patient's healing, our qualified neuro-physiotherapists will advise on optimal positioning and liaise with carers & family members to ensure that everything is being done to aid recovery.
Other benefits of Home Visit Physio are as follows:
A familiar & known environment helps patients feel more comfortable & relaxed.
A relaxed state of mind can enhance your treatment.
Fewer distractions can lead to more focused treatment & also improves progress.
Highly personalized care that takes your home environment into account.
It saves time & money due to not having to travel to the clinic.
The added benefit of supervised rehabilitation in the client's home is that we can work on the functional activities that the person needs to do most often during everyday life, like getting in & out of bed or up off a chair. Later, as they progress, they will be able to practice more intensive activities such as stair climbing under the supervision of our mobile physiotherapist in Melbourne.
If you want to learn Physiotherapy Falls Prevention Exercises to protect yourself from accidental falls, you should choose Rehab Ready Healthcare, whose physios will help you learn various beneficial exercises.
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musculoskeletalphysio · 9 months
Your Route to Optimal Performance: Sports Physio in Melbourne Unveiled
Sports physio in Melbourne deals with individuals of all ages and activity levels, specialising in the treatment and avoidance of musculoskeletal disorders. Contrary to popular belief, physical therapy is not necessary exclusively following a sports injury. In addition to helping patients with chronic conditions, post-operative recovery from surgery, injury prevention, and posture and strength improvement, physiotherapy offers a wide range of treatments.
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Explore the Safety Advantages and Security Offered by Professionals
The primary benefit of home physiotherapy service is safety since they relieve an injured and probably anxious person of the burden of transportation. As a conventional, on-site physiotherapist for many years, they frequently pondered how patients in excruciating pain managed to get to their appointments, especially for consultations on the weekends.
Travel is eliminated with in-home aged care physio treatment. The therapist visits the patient at home and attends to his or her needs. Additionally, home therapy is very helpful for treating problems like stress and discomfort because time is a crucial factor in treatment.
There have even been accounts of patients with neck stiffness who drove without being able to visually inspect their blind spot! Even if patients' perseverance is admirable, travelling to and from a clinic is risky and can result in catastrophic, if not fatal, traffic accidents.
Advancement Owing to Home Comforts
It is indisputable that having treatment at the convenience of your own home is beneficial. You feel most at ease in your own home because it is a familiar place for you. Because you are more at ease, the extra comfort that comes with undergoing physical therapy at home might improve results. It has also been demonstrated that removing distractions results in a more concentrated course of treatment.
Although the increased comfort was mentioned previously, it merits its consideration because it is one of the benefits of in-home physical therapy. For several reasons, many people dislike clinical environments, so having treatment in the comfort of their own home is ideal.
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southeastpelvic · 2 years
Website : https://www.southeastpelvic.com.au/
Address : Complete Health & Wellbeing - Shop 4/ 115 Hall Rd, Carrum Downs, VIC 3201
Address : Southern Consulting - Mulgrave Private Hospital, Blanton Dr, Mulgrave, VIC 3170
Phone : +61 414 892 611
South East Pelvic Physio is based in the South East Suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. Our physiotherapists have expertise and postgraduate training in a full range of women’s, men’s and pelvic health physiotherapy. We take a holistic and person-centred approach, which can include pelvic floor exercise, hands-on treatment, whole body exercise and lifestyle advice. Our focus is on giving you the skills and the confidence to achieve your best with your pelvic health condition.
At South East Pelvic Physio, our Physiotherapists have post-graduate qualifications to assess, diagnose and treat pelvic conditions in adults and children of any gender. Our therapists operate with dignity and care, to help you overcome incontinence, prolapse, pain or weakness.
We take a holistic and person- centred approach, which can include pelvic floor exercise, hands-on treatment, whole body exercise and life- style advice. Our treatment style is informed by the latest research into pelvic health, as well as the experiences and goals of our patients.
We are able to work closely with you, your medical specialists and any other allied health practitioners that you see to help you achieve your best.
Business mail : [email protected]
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Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/SouthEastPelvicPhysio
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/southeast_pelvicphysio/
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jetlaggedinparis · 5 years
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My mother with Alzheimer’s: not a unique French story
The perks of sharing: A French woman and a lady from Melbourne meet on holiday in England
A week ago, as I was visiting my son in Norwich, England, I made an unexpected new friend at the Bed and Breakfast where I was staying, a lady from Melbourne, Australia. Every day we would sit in the same dining area and engage in a conversation as we had our ‘very English’ breakfast (therefore much more nutritious and taking more time than a French one). Casual chitchat among tourists staying at the same place usually doesn’t go beyond the borders of its walls. This time it went differently.
Finding solace - sharing with strangers
We spoke about our respective mothers. And found out that they are both stricken by the same degenerative disease : dementia or Alzheimer’s… Whatever the name, our mothers have both gradually lost their memory and are incapable of taking care of themselves anymore.
Knowing this made us share the ordeal we, as both care givers and daughters, were going through. This disease has no particular language or place, it’s universal, and our telling to each other our experience and what it implied - the huge responsibility, including the guilt, the considerable amount of time spent, the worries, the struggle, the solitude, the devotion, the constant evaluation for what is best for our mothers - meant we connected quickly and in a very emotional way. It felt extremely comforting to hear the same words of empathy uttered by another woman of my generation who usually lives poles apart.
It was never planned
We hear everywhere that ‘boomers’ in the Western world are supposed to be blessed because they lived their younger years and professional life in a prosperous society and that on the eve of retirement, with an empty nest, a still fit body and a sharp mind, they’re expected to have the best time of their life.  Well, a tiny detail is missing from this near-perfect picture. If life expectancy has increased to over 80, so has the rate of elderly people with dementia.
At this stage, we, the ‘bookers’, the next of kin of the older generation, the lucky ‘60 is the new 40’, are directly held responsible for our parents. in France it’s also the law. We normally do not need to be reminded of the law to take care of our parents, but the love and sense of duty we have for them and the normal payback attitude that ensues,  may gradually become a burden , if not a nightmare.
The conundrum
-          To stay at home
Six years after my mother was diagnosed with this degenerative disease, I might have reached a burnout . As a matter of fact, the breakfast sessions with the lady from Melbourne had a salutary effect. I could envisage my lassitude and feeling of helplessness not as bad luck anymore. We even admitted we had in common some hard and cynical truth: “the people who might attend our mothers’ funeral one day, we confessed, had long buried them already”.  I sometimes wonder if what makes us human and therefore sociable is first and foremost our capacity to remember. No one is to blame in this though. It’s but a fact.
Of course, in a country like France that prides itself for its welfare and free health system, there’s a whole array of artillery deployed (state institutions, associations) to take care of the elderly. My mother is no exception, she benefits from such services.  Twice a day a care-giver comes to dress her, wash her, gives her medication in the morning and changes her into her night clothes in the evening. She has two weekly physio therapy sessions, all this covered by the French Health Insurance ‘la sécurité sociale’ and she has a cleaner too. But this is the tip of the iceberg of the attention she needs. I do the rest, I‘m the boss, I make the decisions, do the paperwork, make sure this little enterprise works well (always on the brink of dysfunction), take her to the doctor, do the food shopping, buy the clothes, do the washing… I say she is my Benjamin Button, my old baby, in my best effort to find figures of speech to avoid feeling sorry for myself.
-          Or not to stay at home: the ultimate heart wrenching solution
I hear it well from close circles ‘”you should consider a nursing home”, “you can’t keep on exhausting yourself like that”. In France, places which welcomes such patients are called EPHAD (Etablissement d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes) . They have long waiting lists, and even though one mustn’t generalize what are often rumors or exceptions, they suffer a not so good reputation: the staff is underpaid and outnumbered,  patients are given medication to sleep and are put to bed at 5pm, some articles report testimonies of ill-treatment… and since my mother still recognizes me and tracks the date everyday on her daily newspaper, begs me not to abandon her each time I leave her house, this is not a possible option… as of today .
The silver lining
If I’ve learned one thing since my mother’s decline, it is this: that I should take one thing at a time. 
However, this is not the only lesson.
Indeed, despite the few sacrificed bits for a more comfortable, carefree and entertaining life I could aspire to have otherwise, this unplanned twist of fate also allows me to mark a pause, to reflect on my life and assess the new direction I am taking. All this would not have been possible without my mother’s help, presence, disease.
I am therefore all the more convinced that I am doing the right thing.
This is also a strong statement upon which we agreed: me and my new friend, the lady from Melbourne.
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loadingluke · 5 years
2 months post stage 1 update
I had first stage radial forearm flap phalloplasty with Dr Hans Goossen in Brisbane, Australia on the 1st of February 2019. I’ve decided to split this update into several parts to reflect the different areas of healing etc. if you have any questions or wish to clarify anything let me know.
Here is how I’m healing up now, 2 months post stage 1.
Since I’d say about 5 and a half weeks post op, my arm has been healing and changing very rapidly. Every time I see it, it looks completely different. I’d say that now at 2 months 95% of my arm is completely healed. I have 2 small scabs healing on the seam line which would combined be no larger than a 5 cent piece. I also have a larger scab on the corner of my graft that is pretty much hanging on by a thread. I’m just leaving it there for the time being, and I’ll let it fall off when it’s ready. I’ve got a little bit of a blister by the looks of it on the seam line too, but I’m also leaving that be.
At 8 weeks, I stopped bandaging my arm, and only used island dressings on the problematic bits. Before this, I was having my dressings changed biweekly, once at my GP and once at hand therapy. Dressings changed pretty frequently with my arm, but we played around with jellonet, silver dressings, some more absorbent non adhesive dressings and loooooots of gauze. It is definitely nice feeling not being all bandaged up as I was pretty sick of it after 2 months. I’m able to dress my arm myself now too, so I’m changing the island dressings every few days. I still need to keep it covered when I shower until it is all healed, but they predict it really won’t be too much longer.
My arm mobility honestly has been a complete non issue. I was lucky in that I never had any loss of sensation or very much swelling. My hand in general has been minimally affected. I was allowed to be majority out of the splint at 6 weeks, and then began some physio on my arm. My hand therapist Nicola was pretty impressed with how my movement was looking, and so I didn’t have to see her at 7 weeks. I was given some exercises to do at home and was sent on my way.
At 6 weeks, my movement was looking like this:
Wrist flexion/extension:
Right (donor arm): 50/40 degrees
Left (for comparison): 75/55 degrees
Ulnar deviaton/Radial deviation:
R: 35/15
L: 35/20
R: 75/85
L: 75/90
Grip strength (not super accurate as I was told to go gentle and not push it too much)
R: 5kg
L: 30kg
I was pretty close to matching my left side by 6 weeks, which was a pleasant surprise as I had not done any exercises and my arm was still splinted up up until this point. By 8 weeks, I was completely matching my left dominant arm in all tests besides being 5 degrees off in wrist extension, and my grip strength was still a little weaker at 18kg. Since I am left side dominant and usually your grip strength and mobility is weaker on your non dominant arm, Nicola is pretty happy with my progress and how my movement is looking, and so now the only exercise I’m really needing to practice is to work on grip strength and stretch. I have an appointment next week to see where I’m going and to touch base, but once that is closer to about 25-30, I’ll not need to keep going back which is exciting.
Mobility was a factor I was very concerned about leading up to surgery. As someone who wants to go into the medical field and is considering practicing as a surgeon, my fine motor movement was definitely something I was scared to risk. I am by no means saying that that fear was unfounded, as I know many people who have not been unaffected, but I’m very happy with how I’ve healed up in this department and that it didn’t end up being affected long term. I’m still working on my strength in general, and as I’m still not back at the gym I’m not sure if I’m completely unaffected or if more strenuous situations may leave me limited. I’m just taking it as it comes, doing my exercises and hoping for the best.
Scar care
Now that most of my graft is healed, I am finally allowed to begin actively managing scar care. It’s really nice mentally to have some agency in a process that by in large is completely out of your control, so I’m definitely liking that responsibility if that makes any sense. It was super frustrating watching my arm heal and knowing there’s absolutely nothing I can do to help it along!
I have begun scar massaging, all over the healed bits of the graft. I’m using a vitamin e cream, and just massaging it for about 5 minutes every couple of hours. It’s a bit too early to tell if it’s made much of a difference just yet, besides the graft feeling a smidge softer in some areas.
I have some other lotions and potions that I’m keen to try out, but I want to wait until I’m completely healed up and all the scabs are gone before I do. I’ll let everyone know what I found to work best once I figure it out. Nicola suggested a silicon and sunscreen blend stick to rub on my arm, which has been super easy to apply and use compared to other silicon products I’ve used in the past. It’s a bit too early to say if it’s made much of a difference, and I still have to be careful with where I apply it, but having some SPF built in definitely eases my mind. Although it is autumn now and my arm is always covered, UV is a constant menace and I don’t really want my very sensitive graft skin to get sunburnt. Nicola is also looking to find somewhere to get a custom silicon sleeve fitted, and will update me on that process at my next appointment.
As for compression, I’m doing a bit of both. During the day, I’m using a pretty light sock so I can let the skin breathe a little. It’s been bandaged and under compression for the past 2 months, so I’m happy to let it live a little. I’d say I’m at about 60% compression (mainly overnight and with a tubigrip sleeve) and 40% freedom. For how I’m healing now, that’s what Nicola suggested and is happy with, so I’m not complaining.
Final thoughts Arm wise
Everything is going well, and I’m looking forward to being able to stop dressing it and just going gung ho into scar care. Patience is key though, and now that it’s so close it’s easy to see how much has changed in such little time. The human body is amazing.
I’m seeing Nicola, who is an OT at Melbourne Hand Rehab opposite the Alfred in South Yarra. I honestly can’t recommend them enough. It’s definitely been a learning experience for everyone as they have never treated phallo patients before, but the care and support they’ve given me has been great. They definitely are very patient focused which I’m super grateful for. I don’t get the feeling like they’re trying to squeeze money out of me which is often what I’ve felt at some physios/allied health practices in the past (not ECKO, they were great too). Nicola and Isabelle (another OT at MHR) have both been super helpful, and so willing to explore solutions to help benefit me and my healing.
I was very flustered and stressed coming back to Melbourne as I knew that I was going to be away from Goossen and EKCO, and literally anyone who has experience with phallo, and so I felt very vulnerable. If you’re in Melbourne I totally recommend them, especially now that they’ve got some experience with me and will have established connections to help organise sleeves etc.
My team at the Prahran Market Clinic, especially Dr Doyle and RN Dianne have also been super. Hats off to all of them for supporting me and being so willing to learn and set up a system that before me (to my knowledge) was nonexistent here. Hopefully this will mean it’s easier for those in Melbourne in the future.
General healing
At 2 months, I’m pretty sure all of the swelling in this area is completely gone. All my stitches are dissolved and out, and have been for a while. Redness and irritation are all completely gone. The end of my neourethra (which is located left side under the phallus) healed superbly and Goose is super happy with it. I am pretty sure I’m completely healed in this department in general.
I haven’t experienced a change in length, but I’ve had a slight reduction (maybe half a cm?) in girth as the swelling went down. I haven’t had any tightness in the underside scar, but I will start to massage it along with my arm to keep the scar loose to prevent any issues. I have no issues wearing underwear, and I prefer pouch undies from an American company called seperatec. I find they keep me the most supported whilst at the same time not squishing it. When I’m wearing pants I get pretty uncomfortable if they’re tight in the crotch area, and occasionally after a long time it’ll feel kinda sore, but manageable. Over time this has gotten much better, so I’m definitely not feeling super restricted. I was never a super skinny jeans sorta guy anyway so I’m not having too many issues. I defs look more forward to coming home to take my pants off though 😂
The hole
I’ve mentioned previously that I had a little hole that formed on the underside of my phallus at about 3 weeks post op due to some small haematoma/seroma. Well, it’s been a wild ride, but it is FINALLY closed up. Like my arm, this was changing pretty frequently and honestly half the time I had no idea what was happening. It looked like hypergranulated tissue for about a week, then it started swelling quite a bit and there seemed to be a buildup of fluid underneath that eventually just all came out. After, it looked a little like a fistula, and to this day I still have no idea if it was or not as it was hard to tell. After this it healed over again, popped (?) again, and then looked like an open blister. It was really strange and I didn’t really know what to do. Goossen said he was happy to wait and see how it was looking at my post op. I was just changing dressings every day to keep it dry, updating Goossen with its progress, and using saline to clean it every few days. It was taking weeks to look better, then one day last week I looked down and it was gone? Real weird.
The wound is healed, but there is still quite a larger incision due to it stretching, which aesthetically I’m not super happy with. I may look into a revision on that scar line during stage 2 or 3, but it’s not super pressing.
The urethra is healing fine. I have begun flushing it every so often, as a bit of gunk builds up over time and that comes out the tip of my penis. It’s not an infection, and is totally normal (just a buildup of dead cells and other debris) but until my urethra is hooked up, I can’t really get rid of it without flushing it. I use a little syringe and just use a little bit of warm water every few days (mainly when I’m leaking quite a bit) and squeeze that in the tip of me penis so that it flushes it out. The water comes out of the constructed end of the urethra. This is all completely seperate from my natal urethra, which hasn’t been altered at all yet. I try to limit flushing as I don’t want to irritate the urethra or anything when I don’t need to. I’ve noticed the leaking increases after wearing tight pants, being hot and sweaty down there and standing for a long time. Usually it doesn’t drip out or anything though, and isn’t a huge deal.
I do have some hair that seems to be in my urethra. Maybe one or two that I just pluck out the end. They aren’t obstructing the urethra, and everything is still nice and clear, so I’m not super stressed about it or anything, nor is Goossen concerned.
The exciting one! Definitely wasn’t expecting it, but I started getting a little bit of sensation on the phallus at 7 weeks post op. It is VERY patchy, and it definitely doesn’t feel good yet. It’s only in one very particular spot on the left side of my phallus, near the base. When I touch there, I feel a shock like feeling in my natal genitalia. It’s almost like a referred feeling, so I don’t really feel it directly on my phallus, but I also kind of do a little. It’s a pretty hard feeling to expain, but it felt a little like my nipple sensation after top surgery. Since then, I occasionally feel spontaneous shock like pains randomly in my penis and original junk. I’m starting to feel a little bit of something along the scar on the underside of the penis too. It’s not much, but I’m happy it’s something! I definitely wasn’t expecting anything until I was a lot further down the track. I’m using vibration to try to stimulate the nerves, and I find that I feel the sensation strongly when it is from that compared to just touching. I don’t know how much that will help or anything, but talking to friends and some anecdotal accounts from others have been promising so I might as well try it out.
I had laser hair removal pre op on my donor arm, and that did work quite well, however I did have quite a bit of hair grow back post op. This was expected as laser is not permanent, and often surgery and increased blood flow can stimulate this to grow back more than normal. It’s pretty frustrating as it does feel like I totally wasted my money, but compared to my left arm it is definitely a lot thinner and more sparse, just not *hairless*. Because of this, I’ve started looking into getting some electrolysis post op as soon as I can before I start getting more sensation. I’ve got my first appointment on Thursday, and will update with how it goes.
If you have the time and funds, I’d suggest starting hair removal as soon as you can. I definitely didn’t start early enough (I was able to have surgery 9 months earlier than I was planning for, if I'd known I would have started at least 6 months earlier than I did) And if I had the time and money I would have tried to get more in, and probably would have opted for electrolysis. Laser does work, but is definitely not as effective as electrolysis and is not permanent. Make sure you’re managing expectations as it can take a long time to see long term results, and can’t be rushed. Not looking forward to whipping my dick out for hours on end, but for me it’s worth it to not have to worry about unwanted hair.
Other Incisions
My incisions are healing nicely. The ones on the inside of my thighs are still pretty thin, and are healing nicely. The scar on my abdomen is also healing well. I’m keeping a little fixomull on it to help reduce tension and to help keep it thin. I’m happy with how it’s looking. I’m still a little shocked by how thin they all are. Goossen is an artist.
Butt Incisions are also all good. I’m keeping fixomull on them for the time being, and changing that every 1-2 weeks depending on how well it sticks. Like on my abdomen one, it’s just to relieve tension and to help the scar heal nicely. Having the fixomull really isn’t a huge deal, and so I’m gonna continue to do so until I run out of fixomull (which will be a while as I have a very long roll lol). I don’t have any issues sitting, though I don’t like sitting on hard surfaces for an extended period of time as that can still cause some discomfort. Sitting on anything with a little cushion is a non issue at this point which is good. I’ve got full range of motion and I’m able to squat and move as much as like.
I started back at work at 6.5 weeks post op. I work as a pharmacy assistant at chemist warehouse, so it’s a lot of walking around, stock take and customer service. I wanted to give myself at least 6 weeks so I wouldn’t have to rush, but I probably could have gone back earlier. I’m glad I had the time to relax and recover though.
The first few shifts were a little hard to manage, as I kept wanting to lift more and I wasn’t used to standing for that long without sitting down so it was pretty tiring. It got easier over time though, and I feel pretty much back to normal now. I’m still being careful as I don’t want to lift anything too heavy or to injure myself. I’m stealth at work, and I’ve had some customers/coworkers ask about why my arm is covered. I just say I had to have surgery and usually people leave it after that.
Appointment with Goossen
I had my 2 month post op yesterday in Brisbane. It was a little bit of a rushed morning as my flight was changed about 48 hours before the day of my appointment, from leaving at 11am to 1:10pm. My appointment at Greenslopes was booked in for 2:45, with no chance of pushing it back or rescheduling. After almost missing my flight (it had been changed a few times and I just misread the time it I guess, completely my bad) I landed at 2:25, and ubered to the hospital. I ended up arriving at about 3:05, and for once doctors running late worked to my benefit as I ended up arriving just in time!
Goossen has a look at everything and was super thrilled with how I was healing. He was really impressed with how my arm was looking. He said it looks like everything is healing ahead of schedule, and has healed really well. We confirmed my stage 2 date for the 1st of August which is exciting! I’m seeing him again at the end of June as a final pre op just to make sure everything is all good. Exciting times! Only 4 months away 🥳🥳
Anyway, that’s it for now. Again if you have any questions leave them down below 😊
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charlesandmartine · 6 years
Thursday 31st January 2019
The prediction from the BBC for today was cool, ie about 20 degrees or 17 less than yesterday. With this in mind, we headed for the big city on the 109 tram. The plan was to have a tour around the Melbourne Cricket Ground, MCG or just 'G' for short. First, there were no concessions for non Australians. Because state pensions are means tested, its only poor pensioners that get the deal. So 50 bucks later in we go for an hour and a quarter guided tour. This stadium is like Trigger's broom. It's still a cricket ground, but its had all the bits changed over the years. Fascinating fact 1 is that they first played cricket on that site in 1838. Now this is only 3 years after the start of the colony! The first proper cricket ground built was in 1853 and over the years the site has developed into what we saw today. The comparison with the WACA in Perth was irresistible, but there were few things in which the WACA compared favourably with the MCG. The G is huge; 100,000 seating capacity compared to just 15,000. Staggeringly they also play Australian rules football here as well as test cricket. Can you imagine the MCC allowing football matches at Lords? Where would it end, ploughing contests at Wimbledon? The wicket is grown across the road and lifted in one piece into place, ensuring there is always a green wicket at the start of the series. The whole of the pitch is fully drained and water run-off is recycled for toilet flushing etc. Football matches regularly fill the stadium whereas cricket gates may only sell 85,000. The facilities for players are impressive with physio rooms, water treatment baths, drug testing suites (4 random players to be tested each match). As we toured, it was clear that Don Bradshaw was their all time favourite, although Bill Ponsford came a close second. In a stand there is one beige seat which marks the 122m 6 hit by Simon O'Donnell in 1993. An unbroken record to this day. Our guide was an MCG member, a privilege which costs $700 per annum. However, you need to get your name down at birth, literally, to get the opportunity to become a member. Our guide's son's application went in as he left the delivery suite and there is a chance he will get his ticket in a year or so. He is 27 now. Great morning, very tiring, so we headed towards the Queen Victoria Market in town to get a bit of lunch.
Tram 35 does a circular tour of Melbourne City centre for free with a bit of a recorded commentary. Good value. Sitting opposite us was an older couple from Geelong which is a train ride out of town. They were here primarily to see Phil Collins in concert. I didn't know he was still going! Martine mentioned that the last time she had seen PC was in Birmingham in 1973: 46 years ago! Apparently he has just turned 68 and most likely still doing the same songs. Well they were looking forward to it. All this was quite tiring, so we switched the 35 tram for a 109 and went home via Coles.
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sergiodjud313 · 2 years
Physiotherapy Clinic in Ivanhoe
Australian Sports Physiotherapy is below that can assist you get again with your feet.
No matter if or not it's an personal injury from exercising, athletics relevant suffering or perhaps niggles that will need dealing with we hold the practical experience necessary for healing!
Australian Sports Physiotherapy is your local supplier of providers. We provide an array of Physio treatment options to the communities bordering East Ivanhoe, Heidelberg, Bulleen, Kew, Reduce Lots and Balwyn North.
Care for all of your injuries by booking an appointment these days!
Our Physiotherapy Products and services
When factors go Improper and you’re in suffering, you need to know that the treatment and assistance is in the appropriate hands. That’s why we’re below.
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy
Restriction of bodily motion can be very a disheartening experience, significantly should you don’t fully grasp the reason for the discomfort.
We will let you.
Hip & Groin Clinic
In the event you’re currently suffering from hip and groin suffering, our physiotherapists have specialist skills in helping you minimize that discomfort, rehabilitate, and transform your wellbeing.
Pre & Publish Operative Physiotherapy
Combining both of those Preoperative Physiotherapy Ivanhoe and Postoperative Rehabilitation is usually the best determination you make all around your surgery.
Harm Rehabilitation And Avoidance
We’re here to market healing and that may help you Recuperate with the odd niggle to exercising, perform, or sports activities relevant accidents, and to assist reduce the probable of foreseeable future injuries.
Return To Sporting activities & Operate Assessments
Formulated in-home by our physiotherapists, our Return To Sport Assessment is a set of complete tests accustomed to assist take a look at an Original baseline amount of mobility, electrical power and Manage, enabling us to assess your readiness to return for your specific level of exercise/overall performance.
Work out Therapy
We provide exercising therapy sessions personalized to fulfill your person targets, maximise wellness and help you to exercise successfully even though also taking care of any earlier or existing injuries.
Why Pick Australian Sporting activities Physio?
We think that you might be The key section of the procedure system. Our staff is here to hear and provide a thorough evaluation, tailor-made just for YOU!
At Australian Sports Physiotherapy, we feel that each individual affected person justifies therapy in their very own language. We’re listed here to suit your needs Regardless how massive or small your ache is and possess a various array of expertise to manage differing kinds of injuries.
At this clinic situated in Ivanhoe (and plenty of a lot more all over Melbourne), all sufferers are supplied assistance for all your physiotherapy desires like training and assistance, palms-on mobilisation and handbook manipulation, therapeutic massage and stretching, personalized training packages, equilibrium and coordination retraining, and power and conditioning.
It doesn't matter how significant or compact the injuries, we possess the experience to deal with a various number of suffering circumstances.
What to anticipate Once you See Us
As Portion of the in-depth session course of action, our physiotherapists will decide the exact reason behind your injury and establish a customised plan to most effective regulate your discomfort transferring ahead.
If you see us, you can expect:
thirty min typical consultations
Complete Bodily evaluation and analysis
Specialist information & interpretation of health care imaging & tests
Hands on mobilisation and manipulation
Massage and Stretches
Training and information relating to your prognosis
Tailor-made and progressive exercise applications
Clinical Pilates (one particular on a person consultations) if vital
A detailed partnership with GPs, class leading Orthopaedic surgeons and Sporting activities Physicians
Productive referrals for tests & professional medical imaging which include Bone Scans, Blood Checks, MRI & CT Scans if required
No prior referral is needed. Take note: EPC/Workforce Treatment preparations, TAC, Workcover or DVA clients demand a referral from their medical professional
Ivanhoe is actually a suburb of Melbourne, Victoria with its individual identification. It maintains retail dominance and features both of those strip searching plus the Ivanhoe Plaza (5 min stroll to our clinic) which gives an assortment of facilities for inhabitants in have to have.
There are many attractions including a bowling club and tennis court docket close by together with a formidable array parks unfold across this spot once you’re emotion like some fresh new air.
When you’re sensation like something to consume head over to Pinkie’s and get 1 in their Snickers protein smoothies!
At Australian Sporting activities Physiotherapy, , we feel that an individual stage forward in the appropriate direction could make all the real difference in maximizing your quality of life. Speak to us at 1300 651 256 or [email protected]
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