#homeschool survival guide
kimboo-york · 9 months
Not commonly known is that I was homeschooled for the majority of my youth, with a couple of catastrophic attempts at public schooling in the 8th/9th grades.
I got off better than most homeschooled kids, in that I got into college and graduated and held down jobs like a good capitalist drone. My parents were not physically abusive, or in a cult.
But the cost, socially and emotionally, was high. I was completely unprepared for the "outside world" as Mother called it. Socially, financially, and psychologically I was the living equivalent of showing up with a knife to a gun fight.
Please share these resources far and wide, to help other ex-homeschoolers. These would have made such a difference in my life.
[and also, support regulations for homeschooling where you can.]
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drdemonprince · 10 months
hi! i listened to your interview on gender spiral & have already devoured a couple of your posts on substack/medium, & was wondering if i could get some advice? i'm autistic & adhd & dealing with severe burnout, and just recently moved to a new city where the only people i know are my wife & coworkers. i know finding my people is one of the best things i could do for myself, but i'm so tired and have no idea how to actively build a support network when i barely have the energy to feed myself most days. (i also spent most of my life profoundly isolated as a queer autistic homeschooled military/pastor's kid + ran headlong into a codependent & ultimately also completely isolating relationship that lasted through college)
i just like... don't know what to do? i want to have people around me, but i don't know how to get them here, and i don't know how to get myself to keep interacting afterwards. it's all so out of my depth and terrifying.
tsym for listening & for responding if you do <3
I have an article just for you! But the answer is not easy. I am a big believer in giving people realistic expectations rather than comforting platitudes, and the reality is that we do not "find" or "get" friendships or community, we make them, through enduring, committed work. It's very hard to find the energy and time to put that work in due to the demands of capitalism and the fierce individualism of the world. But in order to survive in this hellscape, we have to become more mutually interdependent, and that starts with consciously making a place for others in our lives.
Making new friends takes months if not years of regular effort. But it's worth it. Here's a guide on how to get started:
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magnus-falafelking · 7 months
OOC (fierrochase high school au fic im starting)
Chapter 1
Blue Jolly Ranchers Rock
“Come on, Magnus, it won’t be that bad. It’s just a school.” 
“I was homeschooled my whole life, Annabeth. This is bad.” I crossed my arms.
Annabeth Chase smiled serenely, “I promise you it’s not. You’ll make new friends and stuff.”
“I thought you were gonna introduce me to your friends,” I raised an eyebrow.
“I am,” Annabeth hesitated, “But you should make other friends as well.”
“Hmph,” Was all I said to this. What I really wanted to do was ask Annabeth if she was embarrassed by her weird cousin with chin-length unkempt blonde hair. Oh right, I reminded myself, that’s me. I looked up at the big bricked building. I definitely did not want to be here. After my mom, Natalie Chase died, I went to live with my cousin Annabeth, her father, and step-family. 
I was thankful for them of course, but I always hated the pitied looks from my relatives. 
My mom was dead and that was that. End of discussion. Don’t feel sorry. It’s fine.
“Come on, Mags, we gotta get to the front office to get your schedule and meet your guide,” Annabeth said, starting up the sidewalk to the front door.
Her words sent panic flowing through my system.
“Wait, what guide?” I asked, stopping my cousin by grabbing her arm.
Annabeth sighed and yanked away from me gently, “I forgot to tell you, I’m not gonna be showing you around the place. I can’t, I’ve got an algebra test first period!” Annabeth looked at me with, sorry Magnus, work always comes first because I'm such a nerd, but you’ll survive!! still sorry though! grey eyes. Grey eyes were pretty much a Chase family trademark. Mine were the same shade.
“It’s fine,” I muttered. And maybe it was. Maybe the guide would be totally cool. I’d be friends with them and I would have a not-so-horrible first day. Or maybe the guide would be a total jerk and I would have a miserable day.
It was a 50-50 chance.
Unfortunately, I had no choice but to take the chance.
Annabeth swung the door open and I saw an old lady secretary sitting behind a computer, typing away.
The lady smiled when she saw Annabeth, “Good morning, Ms. Chase,” she said to her.
“Morning, Mrs. Davidson!” Annabeth said and then whispered to me, “Get on her good side. She’s got a whole jar of blue jolly ranchers on her desk.” 
“Uh,” I started my sentence in a very cool, impressive way, “Morning,” I said to the old lady.
“You must be Magnus Chase, our new student,” Mrs. Davidson glanced at me once before pulling open the desk drawer and pulling out a slip of paper—my schedule.
“Here you go,” she handed me the paper and peered at me over her glasses, “Welcome to Half Blood High.”
Chapter 2
Samirah Studies me Like I’m Her History Textbook
As a new student, I certainly did not get the fresh pick of classes for my sophomore year.
Biology, Algebra, Geography, English, PE, and Spanish
Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, and boring.
And then for my elective, I got…art?
Art. Magnus Chase and art? I was sure the people who arranged this schedule were messing with me. 
I would’ve much preferred choir or something. I liked to sing. And I was actually sort of good at it.
I didn’t have anything against art, I just kinda sucked at it. 
I guessed I’d have to get over the sucking if I wanted to pass.
My mother, however, was great at art. She’d paint me pictures every birthday, and hang them on my bedroom wall.
By the time I was 13, 13 painted pictures were hanging above my bed.
And now there were none. All the paintings were burned in the fire. Along with Natalie Chase.
I turned to Annabeth.
“Where my guide?” I asked.
“She should be- “
The office door swung open.
A girl with dark olive skin ran in. She wore a green hijab, jeans, a dark purple hoodie, and black sneakers. She wore an exhausted expression.
“Sorry I’m late,” the girl panted, and then her eyes met mine, “You must be Magnus,” She sighed.
“Uh, yeah,” I cleared my throat, “Hey.”
The girl looked at me like she was trying to figure me out.
Good luck! I wanted to tell her. I can’t figure me out myself!
“I’ll be your guide. My name’s Samirah,” she finally said, “But call me Sam.”
“Cool. You can uh, call me Magnus,” I stammered.
Sam laughed, which meant she thought I was funny, or an idiot.
The second option was probably the one.
“Well Magnus,” Sam glanced back up at me, “I guess I should start showing you around.”
After about an hour of a tour from Sam, I got a pretty good idea of the place.
“Any questions?” Sam asked when we returned to the main foyer. 
How do I get out of this? But I didn’t actually say that. I asked my brain, which didn’t have an answer. What an unhelpful brain.
“No,” I cleared my throat, “Thanks for uh, showing me around.”
“No problem,” She said, “It’s about to be lunchtime so we should get to the cafeteria,” Sam started down the hall.
“Oh. Yeah, okay,” I followed behind Sam.
I wondered if I’d get to meet Annabeth’s friends. From what I had heard, they were kind of popular at school and were really nice. 
I had already met her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, who was super cool and was on the swim team.
But there was also Jason, Leo, Frank, Hazel, Nico, and Will, who were mysteries to me.
I also wondered if they were too cool for me. Which was cringey, but just how I felt. I wondered what Annabeth had told them about me.
And ultimately, if I were to join the group, 9 was an odd number.
Woah. I was kinda jumping the gun. 
I hadn’t even meant them yet and I was worrying about being a ninth wheel?
Calm down, Magnus, I told myself.
Someone else said my name.
It was Sam, who had stopped walking and turned to face me.
“You okay?” She asked.
“I’m- yeah im good.” 
I wondered why she cared. Sam was nice, but she’d only just met me.
Sam considered me, her brown eyes interlocking with my grey ones. 
Now, usually if I were to make such serious eye contact with a cute girl, I’d be a complete mess. But Sam looked at me with eyes that were narrow and accusing. 
“I’m trying to figure you out, Magnus Chase. This whole time, you’ve barely said anything to me. Are you sure you’re fine?” 
I hesitated but quickly nodded. I jumped as the loud bell rang.
A look of realization came over Sam’s face.
“Are you nervous?” She asked.
Embarrassment washed over me.
“Uh, I don’t know,” I said.
“Ok. So you’re nervous. I get it. First day can be hard. But Half Blood High is a relatively open minded and friendly place.”
“You just…have to look out for the right people is all,” Sam’s expression softened.
I could tell she was one of the right people.
“Thanks, Sam.”
“Now let’s go to lunch.”
“Annabeth!” I spotted her by her curly blonde hair.
She was walking into the cafeteria with Percy and pretty cocoa haired girl with light brown skin.
Annabeth glanced at me wore a tight smile and gave me a small wave.
I told Sam thanks and bye, and waked up to Annabeth.
“Is this Magnus?” The girl beside Annabeth asked.
Annabeth sighed, “Yep. Piper meet my cousin, Magnus Chase. Magnus, meet my best friend, Piper McLean.”
“Sup,” I said to Piper.
“Sup,” Piper smirked.
“Sup,” Percy added in, giving me a fist bump.
Annabeth rolled her eyes. She grabbed my arm and led me into the cafe, Percy and Piper following right behind.
Annabeth led me to a circle table in the middle of the cafe where 5 other students sat.
She pointed her finger at each of them and told me their names.
The dude Piper sat next to was Jason Grace. He was a tall guy with short, straight blonde hair and glasses. He had a small scar on his upper lip and greeted me with a small smile. 
Next to Jason, sat Leo Valdez. He had light brown skin and dark but wide eyes that seemed to have a spark in them. 
“Uh uh uh,” Leo interrupted Annabeth, “Not just Leo Valdez. I’m Leo Valdez bad boy supreme.”
Annabeth just sighed.
“If Calypso was here she’d agree!”
Next to Leo was Will Solace, who seemed like a ray of sunshine with his tousled curly blonde hair and cheeks littered with freckles. He smiled at me and waved.
Nico di Angelo leaned against Will’s shoulder. He looked at me with dark calculating eyes. The look wasn’t so much hatred, as it was how Sam looked at me a few minutes ago.
Speaking of Sam, I wondered where she sat. My eyes darted around and saw Sam sitting with a red haired girl, an African American guy, and a muscular guy. They were laughing, joking and smiling and having a good time. They seemed nice. 
But I turned back to Annabeth’s friends.
“Okay well that’s everyone. Hazel and Frank aren’t here right now. They’re at a Save Our Strays meeting. Bye now,” Annabeth told me.
“I thought I was-“ 
Annabeth gave him a warning look but with a bit of exasperation.
“Go sit with Sam,” she told me.
A rush of irritation flowed through me.
I went to sit with Sam.
“Oh! Hey there Magnus,” Sam was surprised as I set my lunch bag down.
“Can I sit here?” I asked her.
“Of course,” Sam pulled out the chair for me and then turned to her friends, “This is Magnus Chase.”
“The guy you were showing around? Aka the reason you were absent in calculus this morning and I couldn’t copy off of ya?” The girl with curly red hair asked Sam with a smirk.
“Yep,” Sam replied and then introduced me to all her friends.
The red haired smirking girl was Mallory Keen.
The muscular guy who seemed to be close with Mallory was Halfborn Gunderson. He held up an hand and waved at me.
The African American guy with short girly brown hair and light eyes was T.J.
As I sat down and said hi to them, I noticed an object sticking out of Mallory’s book bag. It looked like a…
“Mallory,” I started, my eyebrows raised, “What’s that?” I asked.
Mallory looked from me to the knife.
“Oops,” she stuffed the knife in a different pocket so that it was hidden, “Silly me.”
Silly me?
“What were you gonna uh, use that for?” I pressed.
“Just a precaution,” Mallory assured me, “Sometimes us girls have to take certain precautions,” And she ended the conversation with a one syllable laugh.
“There’s so many people transferring to Half Blood High,” T.J told me, “First you and now Sam’s…”
“Brother.” Sam finished after a bit of consideration.
I thought about that. Why would Sam attend Half Blood High but her brother is just now transferring?
Sam seemed to read my mind.
“He’s my half brother. He just got out of a…situation and moved here,” Sam shifted uncomfortably.
I nodded. I understood situations very well.
“Anyways,” Sam cleared her throat, “We’ll get to that tomorrow.”
“Where’s your schedule?” T.J then asked, “We should see if you have any classes with us.”
I dug in my somehow already unorganized book sack and pulled out my schedule.
“Cool! We’ve got calculus together!” Mallory pointed at his second period class and glanced at Sam, who was also in that class.
“Thank god,” I muttered.
I really didn’t want to go through 10th grade calculus alone.
“We’ve got PE,” Halfborn noticed.
With his muscles, I would’ve assumed Halfborn was on the football team or something like that. But he wasn’t and that’s fine. That just meant I wouldn’t endure physical torture alone either.
“And we’ve got history together along with Sam and Halfborn,” T.J smiled at me.
“Cool,” I nodded and picked up my schedule.
I ate my sandwich as I watched Mallory and Sam get into a deep conversation about alternative bands. 
“You like twenty one pilots?” I asked when she mentioned them.
“Yeah. I also like Weezer and The Killers,” I told her, unscrewing the cap on my Gatorade bottle.
“Me too,” Sam smiled.
“Oh great. Now they’re going to geek out.,” Mallory sighed.
“Now,” Sam looked at me with a glint in her eyes, “Blue Album, Green Album, or Teal Album?”
“Oh, Blue Album all the-“
The bell rang.
We groaned.
“Well, I’ve gotta get to English. You better hurry, Magnus. The art room is upstairs,” Sam informed me.
So I rushed to my class.
Chapter 3
Nico Di Angelo is a Dam Good Artist
“Sorry…I’m…late,” Magnus said between tired breaths.
“It’s only your first day, Chase. I’ll let it slide,
The teacher, Mr Blitz, told him. He was a stout man with dark skin, long dreads and an interesting fashion sense.
I studied the room and I found an empty seat next to one of Annabeth’s friends, Nico di Angelo.
He looked at me with the same dark eyes he had given me at lunch.
I sat down next to him.
It was the only open seat.
“Today, class, you will be continuing the portrait project,” Mr Blitz told them, “For those of you who have just joined us, you will draw a portrait of someone special in your life. Now, get started and get creative!”
I grabbed a sheet of blank sketch paper from off the counter and started to sketch the shape of a head. 
Though, I wasn’t sure whatever shape I drew sufficed as a head but it would have to do.
I glanced over at Nico, who was working on two portraits. One was visibly a girl, the other a boy. If there was anything Nico was, it was a dam good artist.
He seemed to have finish the boy before the girl, because I could tell who the boy was— Will Solace. 
From their body language at lunch, I wondered if they were together. 
“Are you judging my art?” A gritted voice spoke.
I looked up. Nico was glaring at me.
“I- well- um- you see-“ I spluttered.
“I’m kidding,” one side of Nico’s mouth upturned ever so slightly, “I like to joke.”
I couldn’t tell with the way Nico presented himself as dark and brooding. I guess all that “Don’t judge a book by its cover” crap pays off.
“Your portraits are good,” I told Nico, glancing back down at them.
“Thanks. I’m going to give this one to Will,” Nico said, gesturing to the finished product.
Nico had a slight Italian accent that was very prominent when he said his i’s, making “Will” sound like “weel”.
“Is- is Will your…” I left the words hanging, hoping Nico would finish for me. He did.
“My boyfriend,” He raised an eyebrow, “Yeah. He is”
Nico seemed the defensive with these words.
I, personally had no problems with information. Boy dates a boy, girl dates a girl. Whatever. It didn’t matter. 
But from how uptight Nico seemed about the subject, I assumed he’d gotten judged in the past.
So I said, “That’s cool.” 
Nico relaxed. “Yeah. It is.”
As time in the class ticked by, I was busy with my portrait. I decided to make it of my mom. Surprise, surprise.
Nico ended up helping me with the head since I guess I did it wrong or something.
At the end of class when the bell rang and Nico waved bye, I had to wonder, were me and Nico di Angelo now friends?
The rest of the day passed by relatively quick. I had biology, PE, and Spanish in the afternoon. 
When the bell rang, I met Annabeth at her car. 
I wasn’t that happy with her after lunch, but she was my only ride home.
I slid into the passenger seat and closed the door. Annabeth got in, turned the key, and pulled out of the parking lot.
“Are you mad at me?”
“Sure, I believe that,” Annabeth’s tone was sarcastic.
“You should,” I told her.
“Is this about what happened at lunch?”
I shrugged. 
“Magnus,” Annabeth turned to me when we pulled up at a stoplight, “I was just-“
“Are you embarrassed by me?” I had to ask.
“What? Mags, no. Of course not.”
“Then why'd you push me away from your friends? They're too good for me?”
“No!” Annabeth groaned, “You're taking this out of context. Magnus, I just want you to branch out. Have other friends rather than mine! Is that so bad.”
I shrugged.
“Would you stop that?” Annabeth said, “I'm trying to help you be independent, meanwhile you're stubborn.”
“I just thought you'd be by my side.”
“I'm not holding onto your leash or anything. I'm not your caretaker. For gods sake, I'm not your mom, Magnus!”
I don’t know why, but when Annabeth said this, something inside of me just snapped.
Not snap as in yell at her.
No. I just stayed silent, letting Annabeth’s guilt sink in.
Her face paled, considering her word choice, “Magnus, I-“
I shook my head. Hard. Tears threatened my eyes but I didn’t give in.
I stayed silent the rest of the car ride. So did Annabeth.
Chapter 4
Percy Mourns Over his Car
I woke up at 6 am to get ready for school. I ate breakfast across from my cousin in silence. But I was kinda tired of it.
Don’t get me wrong, I was mad at Annabeth, but I couldn’t stay salty forever.
It just wasn’t possible. Not when Annabeth was as kind and cool as she was.
“Uh,” I cleared my throat, “I heard there’s a dance next week. You taking Percy?”
Annabeth looked up at me with surprised eyes, “Yeah. The whole group’s going.”
I nodded. Personally, dances weren’t my thing. So I’d probably stay home.
“You could, um, tag along,” Annabeth offered.
I smiled. I really did appreciate Annabeth’s offer. And I was about to take it but, as I said, dances weren’t really my thing. 
What can I say? I’m a homeschooled kid. Big events freak me out.
Annabeth smiled.
I liked the terms we were on now.
Even if they just covered up a problem. Better than having the problem stick around.
After I got ready and Annabeth finished up doing whatever takes girls so long to get ready, we headed out the door to Annabeth’s car.
“Oh, Mags, I meant to tell you earlier, we’re gonna pick up Percy,” She told me, sliding into the driver's seat as I got in the passenger side.
“Cool,” I nodded, “Why?”
Annabeth smirked, “His car broke down.”
“So that kinda means you gotta move to the back.”
“Will I have to watch you two kiss?” I asked, moving to the back.
Annabeth scoffed but smiled, “Shut up.”
I just smirked and laid back in my seat.
When we pulled up to Percy’s apartment complex, I could see Percy jogging out. He got in the car and said, “Hey.”
“Hey,” Annabeth kissed his cheek.
I joked about a fake gag.
Percy turned to me, “Sup, Magnus?” He smiled.
“Nothin much. You?”
“A lot. I’m starting a job at the public pool to make some money to pay for a new car,” Percy grimaced.
“Yeah- how did that even happen?” I asked him.
“It just gave out on me!” Percy threw up his hands.
He sighed, “Man, and I liked that car.”
“There are other fish in the sea,” Annabeth smirked.
When we got to school, Percy went to walk Annabeth to class. I knew he loved his girlfriend, but the really advanced AP classes were at the far end of the school. If I were him, my legs would be screaming.
I made my way to first-period history, where I reminded myself I’d see some of my friends, TJ, Sam, and Halfborn.
Halfborn and TJ were already in the classroom when I walked in. 
They came up to me and we started chatting.
“Hey, Gunderson!” A rough voice called to Halfborn. 
Halfborn’s face twisted with exhaustion and frustration, “What do you want X?”
A big, strong guy with shaggy blonde hair walked up to them.
X’s lips curved into a sour smirk, “I was just wondering who this here is,” he glanced at me, “And apologize to him for having to join your pathetic band of weirdos.”
“Just leave us alone, Xander. Magnus chose to hang with us,” But TJ looked at me after saying that, his eyes asking: right?
“Yeah,” I said quietly, “I did.” 
I wasn’t quiet because I was ashamed.
I was quiet because I was nervous about the guy looming over my friends and me.
“Hmph,” Said X.
“Whatever, X,” Halfborn glared at him, “You’re just salty because I left the team.”
X opened his mouth, but whatever he was going to say was cut off by the teacher telling the class to quiet down. X grunted and went back to his seat while TJ, Halfborn, and I sat down in our seats.
I got worried when Sam didn’t show up to class. Was she sick? Was I allowed to worry? Were we, like, friends?
When class dismissed, I asked TJ about Sam. 
“She’s showing around her brother, remember?”
“I forgot,” I said. But of course, Sam would be the one showing her brother around. I wondered what he was like. I wondered if we might be friends. Sam was in 11th grade. What grade was her brother in? Would he be in any of my classes?
Halfborn walked next to us, looking sort of dejected.
“Uh, you okay?” I asked him.
“I hate X,” He told me
“He seems like a jerk. Is he mean to you a lot?”
“Ever since we got into a fight and I left the football team.”
“Why’d you leave the team?” I wondered.
“Because I hated him. He talked about Mallory,” he replied.
“He was mad because she turned him down.”
“He liked her?” I asked.
“A lot. But Mallory was already dating me and she wasn’t interested. So she turned him down.”
“And he blamed you.”
Halfborn snorted, “He said I was “holding her back” Mals got mad at this of course, and wanted to murder him, but I handled it.” He said with a grin.
“But now he taunts you mercilessly,” I nodded.
“Every. Single. Day,” TJ said, frustration in his voice.
“Sorry,” was all I could think to say.
“No one's fault except that jerk’s” TJ assured me.
We stayed silent, the three of us walking side by side, until I had to go to calculus. So we parted ways and I made my way to the classroom. 
I sat next to the apparently murderous Mallory Keen and pulled out my workbook to do the problems on the board. 
We ended up working on our books all class. I watched the clock longing for the minute hand to just speed up. Would that be too much to ask? I ended up giving Mallory free answers because, you know, friendship.
When the bell rang I was glad to leave. Not Mallory, the class. In fact, I walked with Mallory to English and talked to her, asking about Sam’s brother and the jerk X.
Mallory sighed, “Did Halfborn mention this crap with X happened like, two years ago? When we were freshmen?” She asked.
“No,” I answered, surprised. Why was the dude so hung up on a 9th-grade unrequited love?
I went to English, where I found Piper McLean, Will Solace, and Jason Grace. They invited me to sit with them and I accepted their offer. I soon learned they were a fun bunch. I also learned they had some sort of loathing hatred for our English teacher, who was tight-faced and had a nasal voice that gave me a headache. Seemed as if everyone did. I assumed I would soon.
I practically zoomed out of that classroom when the bell rang for lunch.
Chapter 5
The New Kid Punches me because I am an Idiot
I met Halfborn, TJ, and Mallory at the lunch table.
“Hey Mags,” Mallory nodded at me.
“Have you seen Sam and her brother yet?” TJ asked me. 
“No,” I replied, “I thought they’d be here.” 
Halfborn shrugged, “Maybe she’s still showing-“
But he was cut off by Sam’s voice saying, “Hey.” Behind me. I turned around to face her, but when I saw the kid next to her, I forgot how the breathe.
The kid’s features struck me like lighting. A charismatic expression, wryly smile, green hair sprouting from dark roots, and two-toned colored eyes. The right eye was brown and the left one seemed to be a bronze-ish gold. There was a name for eyes like those, but I didn’t remember what it was. My mom always called them David Bowie eyes.
The kid wore a checkered sweater vest on top of a collared shirt, lime green jeans, rose-high tops, and a pink sweater wrapped around his waist.
“You can stop staring now,” The kid told me.
“I- I wasn't- you-” I blushed and looked away.
Sam whispered something to the kid, who went, “Yeah, yeah I know. I’ll introduce myself.”
The kid turned to the rest of us, “I’m Alex Fierro. Nice to meet you I guess.”
Alex pulled out the seat next to mine and plopped down, making himself at home. 
“Is he-“ Mallory started 
“She,” Alex corrected.
“What?” Mallory asked.
“Call me she unless and until I tell you otherwise.”
“Yeah but-“
“She and her,” Alex said firmly.
“Alex is genderfluid,” Sam told the group.
A stuffy, uncomfortable filled the area.
I hated awkwardness.
Maybe a joke would make things less tense.
“Genderfluid? So you uh, switch between genders? Do you assign a gender for each day of the week? Monday you’re a dude, Tuesday you’re a girl?” I attempted to crack a smile.
And apparently, my joke was so unfunny and idiotic that I earned a punch square in the face from Alex Fierro.
It wasn’t a horribly hard punch that would result in my nose breaking or bleeding.
It still hurt like hell. I’d probably have a bruise.
I didn’t blame Alex for hitting me. It was a lame joke. But why oh why did she have to have such a good punch?
“Agh,” I held my head in my hands.
“Magnus!” Sam exclaimed and then turned to Alex, “Why’d you do that?” She asked her.
“I- well he was being sort of stupid,” Alex pointed out.
“Maybe, but you shouldn’t have punched him.”
“The guy can take it, Sam.”
And she was right, I could take it. But that doesn’t mean I wanted it.
“Fine- it’s fine-“ winced, putting up my hand.
“I should still take you to the nurse,” Sam said.
She glanced around the cafe. Everyone was staring.
“Get back to your lunch, people!” Alex announced.
And they did. Because Alex Fierro was the kind of person you wanted to listen to.
Sam sighed. “Come on, Magnus, let’s go tell the nurse you ran into a wall.”
The nurse gave me an ice pack for my supposed run-in with the wall. 
“Sorry, Magnus,” Sam apologized as we made our way down the hall. 
“It’s not your fault,” I said.
“I know. It’s Alex. She’s just-“
“No it’s fine, I was being stupid.”
“I won’t deny or confirm that but Alex shouldn’t have punched you.”
I just shrugged.
“She hates this whole thing, you know?”
“Hates what?
“Being at a new school. Getting judged,” Sam replied, “She’s been judged by everyone her whole life. Classmates, adults. Even her own family was…toxic.” That hadn’t seemed to be what Sam wanted to say at first but she left it at that.
“Oh. So she’s wary of people. That’s why she punched me,” I guessed.
“Probably. But maybe she just didn’t like your comment. I didn’t really like it either. You need to work on your humor, Chase.” She shot me a smirk.
I smiled, “Yeah, I do.”
The bell for 4th period rang before we could even get back to the cafeteria. Luckily, Sam and I had brought our things with us in case of this. So we just headed to class.
I had hoped to avoid Alex Fierro for the rest of the day. Not because I hated her for punching me. Because I wanted to give her time to cool off so that I wouldn’t need to go to the nurse for a second time.
But luck is never in my favor, since Alex Fierro was who I saw in my art class, chatting with Mr Blitzen.
Mr Blitzen pointed at me and Nico’s desks, which couldn’t be a good sign, and turned back to Alex and continued speaking.
The horror only got worse.
Alex sat down in Nico’s empty seat. Where was Nico? I silently cursed him, as his absence would most likely result in another bruise.
I slowly made my way to his seat, not saying a word to Alex. 
That was until she slapped two crisp dollar bills in front of me. One was a ten, the other a five.
“Uh, what’s this?” I asked.
“Payment, duh,” Alex smirked.
“For-for punching my face?” I pointed to my bruise.
“What else?”
“You don’t have to pay for my face,” I shook my head.
Alex snorted, “That sounds weird.”
“It does.”
“Anyways, if you don’t want my money then I guess…”
I sort of did want it. I’d probably be able to get a new comic book with that money. But Fierro didn't need to give me apology money.
“You can take it back,” I told him.
“Whew. That's a relief. I kinda need that money anyways,” Alex said. I wondered why but decided not to ask. Maybe it had something to do with the “situation” she had gotten herself into.
We stayed silent. Alex had gotten a paper to work on her own portrait. I couldn't quite tell who she was drawing. A boy, but he wasn't familiar. Of course not, since I wasn't connected to Alex in any way except for Sam. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized. I had seen Fierro before. I wasn't sure exactly when or where, but I was pretty sure I might've seen her on the street or in an aisle at a store in my old neighborhood.
“His name is Adrian,” A voice broke my train of thought.
“What?” I looked up at Alex.
“The guy in my portrait,” she clarified, “His name was Adrian.”
“Oh, cool,” was all I could say. Because I caught the “was” and wanted to talk about it. But I didn't want to make Alex uncomfortable, or worse, earn another punch.
She looked at my paper, “May I give you a suggestion? Outline the proportions before you start on the features.”
I looked at the portrait. The proportions were out of place. That's why my mom's eyes looked so weird.
“Thanks,” I told her.
“Least I could do since I kinda gave you a black eye,” Alex shrugged.
“Is it that bad?” I asked.
“Nah not really,” Alex answered, “The bruising is only under your eye,” she said.
And we were silent while working on our projects for the rest of class.
I didn't know what to do with Alex Fierro. She was intimidating. Intense. But at the same time, she was intriguing. I wanted to know Alex Fierro. I wanted to figure out what she was all about.
But how could I dig deeper without hurting her? (which would result in hurting me)
After class, when the bell rang, I decided to do something.
I stopped Alex Fierro on the way out.
“Can I have your number?”
Alex raised an eyebrow, “Why?”
“Uh, because I wanna text you,” I replied.
“Because that’s what friends do?”
“We’re friends?” Alex raised her other eyebrow.
“I mean, do you want to be…?” 
Alex shrugged. “I guess.”
She gave me her number.
Chapter 6
Sam lets me Have the Aux Cord
“Magnus!” Sam called to me. 
I was walking in the student parking lot, heading to Annabeth’s car, when I spotted Sam and Alex standing by a blue Mazda.
I walked over to them.
“I didn’t know you could drive,” Sam said, “Are you sixteen?” She asked.
“No, I’m fifteen,” I answered.
My birthday was in January. It was currently March.
My mind went back to the time when I was thirteen. My mom promised me she’d get me a car for my birthday. She’d already started setting money aside when I started junior high. 
“I want to get you a sports car,” She told me one day when we were on the road.
“Why?” I asked, “Aren’t those expensive.”
“Maybe,” mom sighed with a sad smile, “But you know, high school girls like riding in sports cars. With the top down, a cute guy next to her.”
“Ew,” I said.
My mom gave a soft laugh, “You might say that now, but that’s how I met your father.”
My mother’s eyes looked tired and sad. That’s how they always looked when she talked about my dad.
“Uhh, Magnus?” Sam waved in front of me.
“Oh, sorry,” I apologized and looked at her car, “Nice ride,” I told her.
“Thanks,” Sam smiled, “Alex and I were just about to head back home. You need a ride?”
I hesitated, but then said, “If it’s not too much trouble.”
I wondered if Annabeth would mind. Probably not. She was driving Percy home anyway and I really didn’t feel like being a third wheel.
“It’s not. And I’ll let you have the aux,” Sam smiled.
“But I thought-“ Alex started.
“Let the guy with the black eye pick the music,” Sam said firmly, “Besides I’m tired of listening to Odetari.”
Alex rolled her eyes.
“Whatever. But I call shotgun!” Alex slid into the passenger side seat.
Sam looked at me with exhaustion. Being Alex’s sister must be tiring.
I got into the back seat and Sam got in the drivers side.
After buckling up I pulled out my phone and texted Annabeth that I was riding with Sam.
Me: I’m riding with Sam. She’s gonna drop me off. Don’t be mad.
Annabeth: why would I be?
Me: idk tell Percy hi for me
Annabeth: k see you later
“Well, Maggie, ready to play us some sick tunes?” Alex asked, glancing back at me before opening the top mirror, pulling out a tube from her bag and touching up her eyeliner.
“Don’t call me Maggie,” I said, taking the cord as Sam handed it to me.
I plugged my phone in and opened Spotify.
I tapped on my main playlist that included my favorite bands. Arctic Monkeys, The Neighbourhood, Weezer, and The Killers.
The first song that came on shuffle was 505.
Alex put her eyeliner away and grinned, “I absolutely love this song,” she said.
“Is this…Arctic Monkeys?” Sam asked, “I have their AM record.”
As the song went on, I started singing quietly. Not too loud, or I’d probably ruin the song for Alex and Sam. But still, I sang. I loved singing this song. I felt a rush of satisfaction as I hit the notes perfectly.
My favorite lyric was about to come up and I sang my heart out when the singer sang: I crumble completely when you cry
When the song ended, I found Alex turned around in her seat, looking at me with a daring glint in her eye.
“I didn’t know you could do that,” She exclaimed.
“Yeah,” Sam looked at me in the rear view mirror, “Magnus that was…awesome!”
“T-thanks,” I told them. I didn’t know what to do with this compliment. I had a love for singing since I was little, but nobody had ever told me my voice was awesome.
“I wish I had my guitar with me. I learned to play that rift a while ago,” Alex told me.
“And I could totally learn that on drums,” Sam added.
We were all quiet for a second, deep in thought.
“Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking?” Sam asked over Weezer’s Sweater Song.
Alex smirked, “We should start a band.”
“What?” I asked. I was thinking it too, but I didn’t know they were serious.
“We totally could,” Sam agreed.
“I’m in, obviously,” Alex said.
“So am I,” Sam looked at me, “You in Magnus?”
“I-“ I paused. Maybe this was good. Maybe a band would be the perfect way to get my mind off of things, “I’m in.” I made up my mind.
@imasimpdealwithit i think you wanted to read this lol
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rcsebvds · 8 months
If  you  want  me  to,  I  will  be  the  one  that  is  always  good  and  you'll  love  me  too  but  you'll  never  know  what  I  feel  inside  that  I'm  really  bad.  .  .         little  trouble  girl
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───── G  W  E  N  E  V  I  E  R  E  ' GWEN  '  S  L  A  T  E  R ─────
── ( zendaya. cis woman, she / her. ) * ︰ gweneviere ‘gwen’ slater. chiron often praises their vehement temperament, but mr. d's always going on about how they can be pretty venomous. that comes as no surprise, knowing that they've been at camp now for nine years and they turned twenty-five this year. they're always humming femme fatale by the velvet underground when they're on strawberry picking duty, and people around here can always tell they're a child of demeter because of the dreamy look in her eyes and the ardent need to protect her loved ones. during capture the flag, i saw them using chlorokinesis and plant teleportation — it totally makes sense that their godly parent claimed them after she put poison ivy on the pillows and blankets of the campers who were giving her and some younger kids a hard time . the entire camp knows them to carry a golden xiphos blade that was a gift from her mother, and no matter who you ask, they'll tell you gwen reminds them of the sweet scent of jasmine flowers, the way the light peaks through the leaves of the trees on a sunny afternoon, the threat of a buzzing wasps nest hanging overhead. thank gods they're around now that the mist is parting.
S  T  A  T  S
Name:  Gweneviere  Slater Pronouns:  She  /  Her Age:  twenty  -  five Birthday:  July  3rd Godly  Parent:  Demeter,  Goddess  of  the  Harvest Sexuality:  Lesbian Hometown:  New  Haven,  Conn. Face  claim:  Zendaya
B  I  O
In  the  embrace  of  a  world  where  emotions  loomed  large,  Gweneviere  grappled  with  a  guilt  woven  into  her  existence  since  birth—a  longing  for  something  more.  Her  first  memories  were  of  her  father’s  office  at  Yale.  His  dark  hair,  subtly  graying  on  the  sides,  framed  a  face  obscured  by  thick  glasses  as  he  hunched  over  the  papers  of  his  graduate  students.   Gwen  sat  in  on  his  lectures  where  he  spoke  of  exotic  plants  that  digested  insects,  of  flowers  that  bloomed  once  in  their  lifetime,  and  of  crops  that  were  domesticated  over  generations.  She  found  it  all  incredibly  boring,  of  course.  Her  father,  driven  by  an  unspoken  duty  and  fear  for  her  safety,  opted  to  homeschool  her,  shielding  her  from  the  dangers  that  lurked  beyond  their  controlled  environment.  Despite  the  comfort  of  his  lectures,  Gwen  yearned  for  the  outside  world.  Her  pleas  for  freedom  reached  a  breaking  point  at  the  age  of  16  when  she  begged  her  father  to  revisit  the  botanical  gardens,  a  cherished  memory  from  her  early  childhood.  Reluctantly,  he  agreed,  unwittingly  setting  the  stage  for  a  life-altering  event.
The  tranquility  of  the  gardens  shattered  as  monstrous  creatures  attacked  Gwen,  forcing  her  to  confront  a  reality  she  never  knew  existed.  In  the  chaos,  she  discovered  her  ability  to  manipulate  plants,  a  power  inherited  from  her  divine  lineage.  In  the  struggle  to  survive,  her  father  was  injured,  leaving  Gwen  no  choice  but  to  accept  the  truth  he  had  hidden  for  so  long.
With  her  world  unraveling,  Gwen's  father  revealed  the  secrets  of  her  lineage.  Her  father,  too  injured  to  accompany  her,  urged  Gwen  to  seek  Camp  Half-Blood.  Along  the  way,  she  faced  relentless  attacks  from  monsters,  but  she  was  rescued  by  other  demigods  who  helped  guide  her  to  safety. 
  Once  at  camp,  she  struggled  to  find  her  place  in  this  new  world.  This  wasn't  what  she  had  in  mind  when  she  yearned  for  more,  in  fact,  this  was  all  too  much.  Her  days  unfurled  in  devoted  training,  longing  to  be  reunited  with  her  father  and  to  safeguard  him  from  the  perils  tethered  to  her  very  being.
  While  in  Hermes'  cabin,  Gwen  forged  a  connection  with  a  pair  of  demigods  who,  though  not  significantly  younger  than  her,  had  arrived  shortly  after  her  own  arrival.  She  shared  what  little  knowledge  she  possessed,  extending  gestures  of  kindness  to  ease  their  transition  into  the  camp.  When  older  tormentors  sought  to  cast  shadows  upon  the  newcomers,  Gwen,  armed  with  her  father's  botanical  wisdom,  retaliated.  Poison  ivy  discreetly  found  its  way  into  the  bullies'  bed  linens,  unveiling  a  poetic  retribution  as  morning  revealed  their  affliction.  Unfazed,  Gwen  proudly  claimed  responsibility,  and  in  that  moment,  a  golden  sickle  and  wheat  materialized  overhead  —  Demeter,  her  mother,  laying  claim  to  her  daughter.
P  E  R  S  O  N  A  L  I  T  Y
Her  struggles  manifest  most  prominently  in  her  attempts  to  rein  in  her  anger  and  the  haunting  shadows  of  fear  that  dance  within  her.  The  fragility  of  her  emotional  balance  manifests  in  the  unruly  surges  of  her  powers.
Fiercely  loyal,  Gwen's  passion  runs  deep,  weaving  an  intricate  tapestry  of  connections,  but  her  emotional  turbulence  makes  her  a  force  to  be  reckoned  with,  both  socially  and  in  battle. Beneath  the  stormy  exterior,  Gwen  is  remarkably  loving,  harboring  a  maternal  instinct  that  defies  the  stereotypical  mold  thrust  upon  the  children  of  Demeter.  A  beautiful  contradiction,  she  embraces  her  affections  fiercely  yet  rejects  the  notion  of  embodying  a  traditional  mother  figure.  Her  loyalty,  a  testament  to  her  caring  nature,  extends  to  those  who  earn  her  trust.  Like  a  rose  with  thorns,  her  exterior  guards  the  tender  bloom  within.
Amidst  the  complexities  of  her  divine  lineage,  Gwen  navigates  an  internal  struggle,  a  flower  waiting  to  bloom  in  the  sunlight  of  her  true  self.  Closeted  and  hesitant,  she  fears  the  tumultuous  path  love  might  lead  her  down,  a  delicate  bud  yearning  for  the  warmth  of  acceptance  and  understanding.  Her  journey  unfolds  as  she  grapples  with  the  dichotomy  of  her  powers,  emotions,  and  the  longing  for  an  authentic  love  that  may  one  day  set  her  free.
W  A  N  T  E  D    C  O  N  N  E  C  T  I  O  N  S
found  family  :  the  demigod(s)  who  saved  her  on  her  way  to  camp  and  helped  her  find  her  way  &  the  younger  demigods  she  stood  up  for  when  she  first  arrived
homoerotic  friendship  that  ended  poorly  :  ifykyk.  possibly  the  first  girl  gwen  had  feelings  for  but  had  no  idea  how  to  go  about  it  that  led  to  an  unresolved  falling  out.  could  have  been  an  unrequited  love  or  possibly  more.
rivals  :  gwen  plays  dirty  and  to  win  no  matter  the  cost.  would  love  to  see  her  dynamic  with  someone  who  she's  always  competing  with  or  trying  to  outdo.
anything  and  everything!!
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(Kyleigh's POV)(AN: A lot of the time I go into gameplay with an idea for what screenshots I want, but sometimes the game has other ideas and I get a whole new gameplay idea as I'm playing and I just go with it. This is an example of one of those days.)
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Time is just flying by! Having the whole family in town is such a great time where all of our spirits are upbuilt and refreshed until we next see them again. We're heading down to see my parents for the Christmas and New Year period, so it's another season of preparing and packing for the drive to see them. My OB scheduled my glucose test at her clinic, which is a 45 minute drive away, and since I'd be gone for basically the whole day, it was going to be Barrett alone with all of the children. We figured it was easier to have one of us stay home with the kids than to ask one of the sisters to babysit, so Macie came to get me and we drove over for a day of testing.
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I did the testing over a weekend so we didn't have to coordinate the homeschooling efforts for the kids, so it was essentially just a free day for them him to keep the children fed and the house in one piece. I had to leave just after breakfast, so everyone was eating and distracted when I made my hasty exit, or else little Preston and Jefferson would've thrown the biggest of fits.
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With the littles being in a constant state of growth and development, we're all learning new things about them with every day that passes, both the good habits and bad habits. Olivia recently discovered that she loves feeding the floor as well as herself, so that will be something that she needs to be guided out of because food waste isn't something we endorse in our house.
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It seems that all the big events happen when I'm not home, as while I was away both Chloe and Benji lost teeth. It wasn't the first tooth being lost for either of them, but it's still quite a big thing to happen. They both had been complaining of a loose tooth for the past few days, but I didn't think they'd both bite the bullet and deal with it themselves - I attribute the decisiveness to their dad being the one at home with them.
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These are the pictures that they used Barrett's phone to send to me, and both sets of grandparents. They love being able to document different milestones in life and send them to their grandparents, especially my parents since they live so far away. I love that their bond as siblings is so close, especially between the triplets - it's just a surprise that AJ didn't lose a tooth as well.
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With a family as large as ours, wear and tear on the various items in the house is tremendous, so Barrett makes it a point to always be doing something to fix and/or upgrade the various items we have around the house. Recently Barrett and I have made our housing a persistent point of prayer; one option is buying a house that is larger than this one that we can further grow in, another is buying land and building a house that caters specifically to our needs as a large family. Another option is just adding another level to this house so we can grow upward, since we can't expand the walls any further.
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The kids have definitely learnt the value of teamwork, and I'm happy that they were able to work together to clean up after the meal. Whilst dad was off tinkering around the house, the kids banded together to clean up the mess after lunch time.
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Barrett sat and read all the kids a bible story in the afternoon before they had a free afternoon. Before we married, we used to talk about what we wanted for our future children and how we planned on raising them up in the Lord, and seeing it happen all these years later brings my heart so much joy. We do scripture memorisation with the kids, and the more we focus on it, the better they get with it.
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Casandra came over for a bit in the afternoon before I got back, she has other commitments which stopped her from coming over to help earlier, but she was happy to find that everyone had survived the day with dad. The toddlers were down for their naps so she was able to spend some time with the big kids whilst Barrett was working on the 'honey-do' list that he usually tackles over the weekend.
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After a long day at the doctor's office, with loads of scans, blood draws, and loads of drinking that glucose mixture, I finally got my diagnoses. Thankfully baby is doing great and growing well, but today my doctor confirmed that I've developed gestational diabetes, anaemia, and that I've got preeclampsia. So far the only thing to be heavily on the watch for is the preeclampsia, and have a general watch over the diabetes. It's taken to me 9th pregnancy to have pregnancy-related issues, but I'm thankful my doctor is great and we're working on getting baby here safely with both me and baby okay.
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devonjwerkheiser · 1 year
Ep 8: “Seating” | Ned's Declassified Podcast Survival Guide
Get ready to battle for the cool table, because this week we’re watching “Seating.” Moze gets moved to the front of the class, Cookie creates the perfect butt bounce and Ned devises a plan to sit at the cool table. The gang talks about the cliques they hung out with in school and the horrors of homeschooling, and Devon shares some crazy European party stores that you don’t want to miss. Which actor from Ned’s was a Fairly Odd Parent? Why does Lindsey hate flying? How did Devon almost chop off his foot?! Tune in to find out!
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flandersfamily · 2 months
Back-to-School Survival Guide
Our Back-to-School Survival Guide is a great resource for homeschoolers and classroom teachers alike. This collection features 74 school-themed printables, many of which I’ve never published anywhere else, designed to celebrate the start of another school year and keep your students organized and motivated to learn. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Back-to-School Prayers – 2 printable prayer guides to help…
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sakuraswordly · 7 months
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Poara: Rose made me feel... like I was everything. But in the end she left me. I feel so empty. Without her....I feel nothing...
Neil: (I'm not hear anything. Here! Fake ✌!)
Punch: (I know.... Shhhhh!!) So what are you going to do now? I mean with us….?
Neil: (Don't forget about yourself...Don't forget about yourself, Miss Pearl.)
Punch: (Neil...Shut up.)
Poara: I won't go anywhere now because I had to find a place for me and my freedom.
Punch: The heart that says this is you, right? Something that really comes from your heart
Poara: Heh...with Jerk and Useless Neil I guess?
Neil: 😰!!!!
Punch: (He's finally quiet.....)
Poara: I'm joking. Hope that he didn't hear anything that I said earlier.
Punch: (He did hear you........)
Poara: I chose to be strong to move forward and this time I do it for myself. Nothing is holding me back now. No one is pushing me around now. I am the only one, Pearl.
Punch: And this is your real name, right?
Poara: Let me tell you a story from the past to earn my trust.
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"Prophets protested that the end has come too soon. Rulers call upon their people to fight. Scholars say it is only too late." "A few still cling to hope, believing that some of them can still endure . . ."
"Until the true threat makes its appearance."
"It feeds from beyond the stars."
Poara: Sefar arrived and destroyed the then-greatest and most advanced civilization and defeated the Gods, killing many of them, and was the direct cause of the God's decline. Sefar's actions literally knocked humanity back into the stone age, and also led to the whole deal with God's creation King Gilgamesh as a last effort to reclaim their glory. She was quite literally a "Destroyer of Civilization" and the "Scourge of Gods". Attila the Hun arrived and destroyed what is regarded as the then-greatest and most advanced civilization of its time. Attila's actions damaged Rome so significantly that any chance of recovery it may have had was wiped out. Attila's actions caused a decline of civilization in Europe, leading to the Dark Ages, a period of some 500 years where little to no learning or advancement occurred. Attila was quite literally a "Destroyer of Civilization" and was commonly called "The Scourge of God".
Neil: (................!! That's.......!!)
Punch: ........!! That was from my dream!
Poara: Yes....This is...
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Punch: Are you sure about this?
Poara: Yes, I am certainly sure. I had no regret no matter what happened. I think it's time I should be free from Rose. Thank you for always guiding me.
Neil: (Wait.....what about me?! Ah! Eva! Let me gooooo!)
Source Character:
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Pearl is a member of the Crystal Gems. She was Pink Diamond's second Pearl, one of Rose Quartz's closest followers and her sole confidant. Pearl is one of the last surviving Gems on Earth who joined the Crystal Gems in their rebellion against the Gem Homeworld. Pearl would afterwards protect the Earth with her friends over the next several millennia, while later teaching Steven the ways of Gems. Years later, Pearl no longer suffers from issues of self-worth and finds her way, knowing she is herself. Though she is struck and has her memories wiped by Spinel's rejuvenator, she gets her memories back by having Greg and Steven fuse into Steg, who reminds her of her independence. Pearl now teaches at Little Homeschool, teaching Gems how to interact with human beings. While she previously seemed to find interaction with humans uncomfortable, Pearl now actively partakes in it and encourages other Gems to do the same.
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She is Velber 02, also known as the White Titan, or the Ark of the Stars, one of the ships that surround the main Velber "Harvester Star." The ship entered the solar system with her "older brother" and "younger sister" fourteen thousand years ago, Velber 01 and Velber 03, and she eventually landed on the Moon. She invaded the Moon Cell and Earth simultaneously, becoming known as Sefar. She invaded SERAPH as an Anti Cell, and also sent her own data to Earth to create a material body (avatar), invading both at the same time. She did huge damage to the Moon Cell but was ultimately beaten; however the Moon Cell had no way to wipe her out and thus she was sealed away. The Altera (Moon) stayed in the Star of Tears which became the separated territory known as the "Zero Dark". On Earth, Sefar destroyed most of mankind's earliest civilizations, including Atlantis in an event that would be remembered as the Leukosmachia. Because the Twelve Machine Gods of Atlantis abided by their territory, they were unable to defeat Sefar by themselves whilst they would have as a group. Sefar in particular claimed Ares' personal sword as a trophy, after which the remnants of the gods survived minus their true bodies. Before Sefar could destroy the world, she was killed by the wielder of the holy sword on Earth. Her corpse became the basis for several beings such as the Gigas who fought in the Gigantomachia and the Valkyries (such as Brynhildr) who became Odin's daughters. Karl der Große encountering the mummified remains of Sefar in the Alps gave him his desire to unify the world, and Astolfo describes how after coming in contact with Sefar Karl became like a different person. The core essence of Sefar's body then became the Altera of Earth who would be eventually found by the Huns. On the Moon however, 14000 years past and Altera of the Moon wakes up as the Velber approach the galaxy again.
Explanation 14(Analysis)
Pearl is an idealist with knowledge of a variety of topics. Many things provide value to the organization. Pearl likes symmetry. Although she is a perfectionist and boasts from time to time, Pearl also suffers from low self-esteem. In "Friend Ship," she admits that she relies heavily on others to validate her. which revolves around a strong inferiority complex Pearls are viewed as property rather than gems. This forces her to take decisive action to prove herself. But instead of letting other people's words define Pearl, she took the initiative. Pearl seemed to understand this in her heart. She is willing to risk her life to protect Rose to prove her worth. This goes so far as to almost turn Connie into a replica of her low self-esteem during the sword. Training If it weren't for Steven's intervention, Pearl would be easily confused and overwhelmed by the unknown or when her plans failed. This can lead to her judgment being clouded or cause her to act on impulse rather than thinking logically. Her inner turmoil regarding her love for Rose (and subsequent disappearance) caused Pearl to lash out at Steven and the Crystal Gems more than once. At times, Pearl didn't realize she was being selfish because she thought she always did everything for others. Her burning desire to feel "stronger" and more victorious as a Crystal Gem leads her to further betray the trust and basic principles of her friends. When she realized how much she had hurt others. Pearl will apologize and do her best to make things right and work hard to counteract any harm she may have suffered. This is why she is still stuck in the past that she will never forget. Despite her pessimism about humanity, Pearl is extremely dedicated to her mission of protecting humanity, more or less out of love, loyalty, and Admiration for Rose Quartz, however, she found some aspects of the world quite fascinating. Even though she doesn't understand human society very well, She can pay for stolen amethyst, cat cookies and garnet in "Gem Glow", drive Greg's van in "Ocean Gem", and make repairs in "House Guest". type In "Back to the Barn", it is revealed that the Pearl was not created for fighting. But to follow orders, however, Pearl was trained to fight Rose. Peridot also refers to pearls as jewellery or just tools that are displayed as a status symbol and used to perform menial tasks. Pearl's appearance does meet this standard, though. In addition to her pessimism and perfectionism, Pearl is also polite and reserved towards others. She keeps everything tidy. Her extreme attention to order and order.
"I want to feel that I am important. I want her to acknowledge me that I am worthy."
In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Garnet, Amethyst, and Steven never existed and left Pearl alone without a companion. She survived alone and took Rose's legacy without saying "Good Bye" and "Thank you" Pearl doesn't know anymore what she will do if Rose's task given to her is finally complete. What will she do now without her? She is still stuck in the past that she will never forget. Until Punch admits that she is the best manager in the organization as an alien. Even Skinner himself acknowledged her. Pearl is more laid back and confident, as when Skinner says she's the boss she agrees, showing that she's accepted she's a part of this team even if she's different.
In Tsofph Season 8(Story of Daily Life)
Tsofph's story in this one with the Steven Universe timeline was never ever to have existed because, in Tsofph's story, Pink Diamond or Rose Quartz was dead and left her legacy to her beloved servant, Pearl. Pearl was the only the Norns species left in this world. She was the smallest of them all. Titan Aliens in the past were named for their various elements, crystals and gems.
After that Kujaku created new titans called White Titans and Umbral Star.
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Sefar or Giant God Altera was felled by Peter Pan in Tsofph season 11 who wields Excalibur.
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After Punch's group from Tsofph season 11 defeats all white titans Pearl creates an artifact for those ancient aliens to return home to the earth and Pearl lives together with the ancient aliens. However, their settlement on the islands was short-lived because the threat that destroyed their planet followed them, causing them to flee towards the location of what is now known as Angel Island. However, the Ancients were wiped out from the earth due to unknown circumstances, leaving nothing except their creations on the Starfall Islands and Angel Island as their spirits began inhabiting their good luck charms which became Koco, their characteristics and appearance are inherited by their descendant: Chaos.
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two-oaks-farmstead · 10 months
Family Feast Pt 5: Create Comforting Cozy Spaces Where Relatives Can Retreat from the Festive Frenzy (or Nap Off Their Food Coma)
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Cozy Spaces are a Must Ah, the holidays. A time of joy, laughter, and...family chaos. We all love our relatives, but let's face it - sometimes we need a little break from the festive frenzy, and where best to escape than to cozy spaces? Whether it's to escape Aunt Mildred's questionable fashion choices or to nap off that food coma after devouring your weight in holiday treats, having cozy corners in your home is an absolute game-changer. Think of these cozy spaces as your personal oasis amidst the chaos. A place where you can retreat and recharge before jumping back into the family festivities. It could be a snug reading nook with a plush armchair and a stack of your favorite books, or perhaps a corner filled with soft blankets and fluffy pillows for the ultimate power nap experience. Creating these havens doesn't have to be complicated. Just find a quiet spot in your home, add some soft lighting, throw in some cozy textures like faux fur or knitted blankets, and voila! You've got yourself an escape pod from family drama. Blankets & Throws Make Cozy Spaces Even Closer Chenille Chunky Knit Blanket Throw Sherpa Fleece Throw Blanket for Couch Think About Seating for Cozy Spaces Scented Candles Set the Mood So go ahead and set up those cozy corners this holiday season. Your sanity will thank you as you sip on hot cocoa while secretly enjoying some alone time away from the festive frenzy. Bonus Tip: Stock Up on Extra Wine to Survive Uncle Bob's Terrible Jokes! Embrace the Chaos and Create Memories to Last a Lifetime During Your Family Feast at Christmas If you missed Parts 1-5, …then you really missed out!!! Jump over there and get caught up… You can get them right here! The Ultimate Guide to Preparing and Decorating Your Home for a Wild Family Feast at Christmas-Part 1 Family Feast Part 2: Declutter and Clear the Way for Feasting Fun Family Feast Part 3: Getting those Christmas Decorations On Point Family Feast Pt 4: Setting the Table for a Feast Fit for Royalty (or at Least Your Quirky Uncle) Family Feast Pt 5: Preparing the Kitchen for Cataclysmic Culinary Chaos (and Avoiding Turkey Emergencies) MORE WAYS TO CONNECT We also, as a homesteading family, have a variety of blogs that might interest you. A Life on the Farm focuses on the more personal side of the homesteading life. We discuss subjects like family, parenting, relationships, homeschooling, cooking, canning and so much more. Two Oaks Farm Talk concerns the more technical side of homesteading. We discuss subjects like gardening, food prep, and farm building and construction with lots of tutorials! Farm Raised Family is basically a hub for everything under the Two Oaks Farmstead umbrella. You can learn a great deal about all parts of the farmstead there. The Farm Raised Family blog focuses on financial matters such as budgeting, saving, and more and on current events affecting families. You can also have a more in depth look at all that we do by visiting our Two Oaks Farmstead YouTube Channel and be sure to subscribe so that you don’t miss a thing! Farm Life and Freedom is the new podcast we are in the process of launching! It is going to be so much fun! You could also check in with our Farm Life and Freedom Youtube Channel. Two Oaks Farmstead is the farm store… the one that holds the umbrella! Check us all out and join us, not only on our blogs and Farm Life and Freedom podcast but come join the fun on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter… wherever you get social! Read the full article
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Cultivating Lifelong Learners: A Look at Experiential Education in Alaska's Homeschooling
 Homeschool programs alaska has become recognized as a unique educational strategy beyond textbooks and traditional classroom settings amid Alaska's expansive and stunning landscape. Alaska's homeschooling programs have embraced the concept of experiential learning and are fostering lifelong learners by harnessing the state's rich cultural heritage and abundance of natural resources. This article provides a thorough analysis of experiential education in Alaskan homeschooling, as well as how this approach supports children's learning via active involvement, investigation, and discovery.
The Essence of Experiential Education
The core of experiential education is active student involvement and learning by doing. Students must actively engage in their studies rather than just receive information, which promotes a deeper comprehension and a strong connection to the subject. Initiatives for the Alaska homeschool program have used the state's distinctive features to provide a dynamic, all-encompassing learning environment. Learning from the Land: Environmental Education
Alaska's breathtaking natural beauty for homeschooling pupils provides an excellent educational experience. In Alaskan homeschool programs, outdoor activities like hikes, wildlife viewing, and camping trips are frequently included in experiential learning. Students may learn about biology, ecology, and environmental science while also increasing their understanding of how fragile the state's ecosystems are by taking advantage of these opportunities. Embracing Cultural Heritage
Diverse Indigenous cultures with extensive traditions can be found in Alaska. Alaska homeschool programs that emphasize experiential learning incorporate cultural events to offer a comprehensive education. Students may participate in cultural activities, study the area's language, or attend storytelling sessions hosted by local elders. This strategy promotes knowledge transfer and respect for and understanding of cultural diversity.
Real-World Connections: Practical Skills
Experiential education extends beyond academic subjects to practical life skills. In Alaska's homeschooling programs, students can learn essential fishing, hunting, and wilderness survival skills. These Alaska homeschool program hands-on experiences teach self-reliance and foster problem-solving skills, critical thinking, and adaptability – valuable qualities throughout life.
Parental Involvement and Guidance
One of the cornerstones of homeschool programs alaska is the close bond between parents and their children. Experiential education reinforces this connection as parents actively participate in their child's learning journey. Parents become facilitators of learning, guiding their children through various experiences and discussions. This approach strengthens the parent-child relationship and creates a personalized educational experience. Challenges and Considerations
While experiential education in homeschool programs alaska offers numerous benefits, it's not without its challenges. Logistics, access to resources, and varying learning styles are considerations that educators and parents must address. Additionally, finding a balance between experiential learning and meeting educational standards can be a complex task. Fostering Lifelong Learners
The ultimate goal of experiential education in Alaska's homeschooling programs is to nurture lifelong learners who are curious, adaptable, and passionate about learning. By engaging with their surroundings and experiences, students develop a natural thirst for knowledge that extends far beyond the classroom. This approach instills a love for learning that stays with students throughout their lives, empowering them to seek new experiences and continue growing intellectually.
Experiential education is transforming homeschool programs alaska landscape, offering students a unique pathway to becoming lifelong learners. Through hands-on experiences in nature, immersion in cultural heritage, and the development of practical skills, students are not just learning facts but building a deep connection to their education. As Alaska's homeschooling programs continue to embrace this philosophy, they contribute to the development of individuals who are not only well-educated but also empowered to thrive in an ever-changing world.
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Title: Thriving Together: Your Comprehensive Guide to Parenting During a Pandemic
Introduction: Welcome to the world of parenting during a pandemic, where resilience, adaptability, and support are essential. Explore the crucial strategies, expert insights, and actionable tips that will empower you to navigate these challenging times while fostering a healthy and happy family environment. Embrace parenthood with confidence, knowing you can overcome the unique challenges of parenting during a pandemic.
Understanding Parenting During a Pandemic: Before we delve into the strategies, let's acknowledge the importance of understanding parenting during a pandemic. According to Wikipedia, "Parenting during a pandemic refers to the challenges and adjustments parents face while raising children amidst a global health crisis."
1. The Challenges We Face: Recognize the unprecedented challenges brought about by the pandemic, from remote learning to social isolation and health concerns. It's not just about survival; it's about thriving as a family.
2. Prioritizing Mental Health: Understand the significance of mental health for both parents and children. Learn how to identify signs of stress and anxiety and seek support when needed.
3. Creating a Safe Home Environment: Establish a safe and hygienic home environment to protect your family's health. Implement guidelines for sanitization and minimize exposure to risk.
4. Remote Learning and Homeschooling: Navigate the world of remote learning and homeschooling, supporting your child's education while managing your own responsibilities.
5. Managing Screen Time: Find a balance between screen time for education and leisure, ensuring that technology doesn't become a source of stress.
6. Maintaining Social Connections: Discover creative ways to maintain social connections for your family, even when physical distancing is required.
7. Parental Self-Care: Prioritize self-care for parents to ensure you have the energy and emotional resilience to support your children.
8. Fostering Resilience in Children: Learn how to teach your children resilience and coping skills that will serve them well during and after the pandemic.
9. Family Bonding and Activities: Explore enjoyable family activities that promote bonding and create positive memories.
10. Staying Informed and Safe: Stay updated with reliable sources of information to make informed decisions about your family's safety.
11. Seeking Professional Help: Know when it's appropriate to seek professional help for your child's mental health or behavioral issues.
Why You Should Invest in Parenting During a Pandemic:
Family Well-being: Ensure the physical and emotional well-being of your family.
Resilience and Adaptability: Equip your children with skills to thrive in challenging times.
Parental Support: Find guidance and support in navigating the unique challenges of parenting during a pandemic.
Family Unity: Strengthen your family's bond and create lasting positive memories.
Parent Testimonials: "Parenting during a pandemic has been a journey, but with the right strategies, we've managed to create a safe and happy home for our children." - Sarah M. "Investing in resources to navigate pandemic parenting has been invaluable. We've learned how to support our children's mental health and keep our family strong." - Alex T.
Navigate Parenthood During a Pandemic: Are you ready to navigate the challenges of parenting during a pandemic while fostering a resilient and happy family environment? The pandemic doesn't have to define your family's experience; you can thrive together.
Take Action Now: Visit our website to access a wealth of resources, expert advice, and practical tips for parenting during a pandemic. Invest in your family's well-being and build lasting resilience today.
"Our website is a treasure trove of knowledge on Fitness. Start exploring today!"
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prep4tomoro · 2 years
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Strengthening Family Survival Skills:
Are you looking for an effective way to put your family's survival skills and teamwork to the test while strengthening the family bond? Build it into a family "roughing it" camping adventure while appreciating nature and the world around you. You may have spent a great deal of time doing everything to prepare for a disaster and may have begun learning many critical survival skills and, of course, stocked up on all the necessary emergency supplies that you may need. The question is not "do we have all right supplies and knowledge" but "could we actually survive this way in real life if circumstances forced us into it"? It's time to put planning into practice. Here's how. [Reference Link] Resource(s): The Survival Savvy Family at Amazon Related Resources: Outsourcing Our Family Values Back-to-School Safety Training for Our Children Couples Defense - Staying Safe Together Practice Skills Over Gear Regularly Practice Your Emergency Plan 30-Day No Grocery Shopping Challenge Preparing Our Children to Face a Crisis With Confidence Prepare Together - Help Family, Friends & Neighbors With Their Preps Family Camping Tips | Roughing it with The Kids How to Prepare Your Children for Emergencies, Disasters, and SHTF How to Prep When Your Family is Against it A Simple Guide to Teaching Resilience HomeSchooling - A Better Way to Educate Our Children Emergency Preparedness for Children Preparing Kids for Natural Disasters Making Disaster Preparedness Fun How to Make sure your kids are ready to face Disasters Teaching Children to Stand Up for Their Values and Beliefs (Raising Dragon Slayers) Prepping for Our Pets
[11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [Immediate Steps to Take When Disaster Strikes] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [P4T Main Menu]
This blog is partially funded by Affiliate Program Links and Private Donations. Thank you for your support.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Free printable Atomic Habits cheat sheet and worksheets in PDF format and a printable scorecard. Free printable page journal/workbook. The course includes a page PDF workbook (including templates and cheatsheets), plus new examples and applications that you can't find in Atomic Habits. ATOMIC HABITS BONUS THE HABIT LOOP The Habit Loop The four stages of habit are best described as a feedback loop. Views 14, Downloads 1, File. Printables & Digita's board "Atomic Habits Cheat Sheet", followed by people on Pinterest. See more ideas about habits, habit quotes, good habits. 9 When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Log in. Sign up. Atomic Habits Cheat Sheet. Collection by Flor Cami. Similar ideas popular now. Habit Quotes. Life Quotes. Quotes Quotes. Financial Quotes. Leadership Quotes. Discipline Quotes. Best Online Jobs. Motivational Quotes. Book Quotes. Me Quotes. Great Quotes. Inspirational Quotes. Productivity Quotes. Behavior Change. Life Rules. Read the full book review of the book Atomic Habits to find more information about the book and great quotes like this one! New York Times. Highly Effective People. Reading Lists. Book Lists. Book Worth Reading. Reading Notes. Reading Habits. Happy Reading. Reading Room. Good Books. Books To Read. Best Self Help Books. The Knowing. Lack Of Motivation. This Is A Book. Daily Inspiration Quotes. Quotes To Live By. Cool Words. Wise Words. Words Of Wisdom. Keep On Keepin On. When you're trying to change, the first thing to focus on is WHO you want to be, not how to go about changing. This quote is from the book Atomic Habits, by James Clear. Click through to see a review! Coffee Grit and Inspiration. Printable Writing Prompts. Printable Worksheets. Habit Formation. Daily Journal Prompts. Quotes Motivation. Good Habits. Avery TarcherPerigee. Words Quotes. Funny Quotes. People Quotes. Lyric Quotes. Quotes Deep. Positive Quotes Motivation. Writing Motivation. Guided Journal. Classroom Tools. Coping Skills. Deep Books. Human Behavior. Life Changing Books. Favorite Book Quotes. Giving Up Smoking. Quit Smoking. Smoking Weed. Break A Habit. Check Box. Goal Tracker. Eyes On The Prize. Therapy Tools. The Plan. How To Plan. Leader In Me. Counseling Resources. Mental Training. Art Therapy. Healthy Habits. Healthy Man. Trim Healthy. Fitness Workouts. Self Development. Personal Development. Real Men Quotes. Strong Women Quotes. Woman Quotes. Famous Movie Quotes. Quotes By Famous People. Book Outlet. Negative Self Talk. I Can Do It. Survival Skills. Book Wallpaper. Wallpaper Ideas. Self Help Books. Business Leader. Healthy Snacks For Kids. Healthy Dinner Recipes Easy. Healthy Life. Excel Budget. Video Games For Kids. Dinner Recipes For Kids. Macros Dieta. They say it takes twenty-one days to make or break a habit. Are you ready to change something, but you need that extra little motivation to keep you going? This printable, reusable document will help you research, plan, motivate, and execute that nasty little habit right out of your quitsmokingtips. Productivity Infographic. Productivity Hacks. Increase Productivity. Time Management Tips. Program Management. Work Smarter. Study Tips. Getting Things Done. This infographic from Luxafor covers 10 habits you may want to ditch to become more productive:. Tracker Free. Time Tracker. Physical Education Games. Health Education. Physical Activities. Science Education. Life Skills. Life Lessons. Boss Quotes. Mindset Strategies. New Year New Me. Self Care Activities. Book Summaries. How to create a good habit. James Clear, "Atomic Habits". Coaching Questions. Job Interview Questions. Journal Writing Prompts. Personalized Learning. School Counselor. Social Emotional. Homeschool Worksheets. Budgeting Worksheets. Worksheets For Kids. Money Worksheets. Therapy Worksheets. Phonics Worksheets. Writing Worksheets. Alphabet Worksheets. Atoms And Molecules For Kids. Worksheets, templates for Atomic Habits. Sara Kratz.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Free printable Atomic Habits cheat sheet and worksheets in PDF format and a printable scorecard. Free printable page journal/workbook. The course includes a page PDF workbook (including templates and cheatsheets), plus new examples and applications that you can't find in Atomic Habits. ATOMIC HABITS BONUS THE HABIT LOOP The Habit Loop The four stages of habit are best described as a feedback loop. Views 14, Downloads 1, File. Printables & Digita's board "Atomic Habits Cheat Sheet", followed by people on Pinterest. See more ideas about habits, habit quotes, good habits. 9 When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Log in. Sign up. Atomic Habits Cheat Sheet. Collection by Flor Cami. Similar ideas popular now. Habit Quotes. Life Quotes. Quotes Quotes. Financial Quotes. Leadership Quotes. Discipline Quotes. Best Online Jobs. Motivational Quotes. Book Quotes. Me Quotes. Great Quotes. Inspirational Quotes. Productivity Quotes. Behavior Change. Life Rules. Read the full book review of the book Atomic Habits to find more information about the book and great quotes like this one! New York Times. Highly Effective People. Reading Lists. Book Lists. Book Worth Reading. Reading Notes. Reading Habits. Happy Reading. Reading Room. Good Books. Books To Read. Best Self Help Books. The Knowing. Lack Of Motivation. This Is A Book. Daily Inspiration Quotes. Quotes To Live By. Cool Words. Wise Words. Words Of Wisdom. Keep On Keepin On. When you're trying to change, the first thing to focus on is WHO you want to be, not how to go about changing. This quote is from the book Atomic Habits, by James Clear. Click through to see a review! Coffee Grit and Inspiration. Printable Writing Prompts. Printable Worksheets. Habit Formation. Daily Journal Prompts. Quotes Motivation. Good Habits. Avery TarcherPerigee. Words Quotes. Funny Quotes. People Quotes. Lyric Quotes. Quotes Deep. Positive Quotes Motivation. Writing Motivation. Guided Journal. Classroom Tools. Coping Skills. Deep Books. Human Behavior. Life Changing Books. Favorite Book Quotes. Giving Up Smoking. Quit Smoking. Smoking Weed. Break A Habit. Check Box. Goal Tracker. Eyes On The Prize. Therapy Tools. The Plan. How To Plan. Leader In Me. Counseling Resources. Mental Training. Art Therapy. Healthy Habits. Healthy Man. Trim Healthy. Fitness Workouts. Self Development. Personal Development. Real Men Quotes. Strong Women Quotes. Woman Quotes. Famous Movie Quotes. Quotes By Famous People. Book Outlet. Negative Self Talk. I Can Do It. Survival Skills. Book Wallpaper. Wallpaper Ideas. Self Help Books. Business Leader. Healthy Snacks For Kids. Healthy Dinner Recipes Easy. Healthy Life. Excel Budget. Video Games For Kids. Dinner Recipes For Kids. Macros Dieta. They say it takes twenty-one days to make or break a habit. Are you ready to change something, but you need that extra little motivation to keep you going? This printable, reusable document will help you research, plan, motivate, and execute that nasty little habit right out of your quitsmokingtips. Productivity Infographic. Productivity Hacks. Increase Productivity. Time Management Tips. Program Management. Work Smarter. Study Tips. Getting Things Done. This infographic from Luxafor covers 10 habits you may want to ditch to become more productive:. Tracker Free. Time Tracker. Physical Education Games. Health Education. Physical Activities. Science Education. Life Skills. Life Lessons. Boss Quotes. Mindset Strategies. New Year New Me. Self Care Activities. Book Summaries. How to create a good habit. James Clear, "Atomic Habits". Coaching Questions. Job Interview Questions. Journal Writing Prompts. Personalized Learning. School Counselor. Social Emotional. Homeschool Worksheets. Budgeting Worksheets. Worksheets For Kids. Money Worksheets. Therapy Worksheets. Phonics Worksheets. Writing Worksheets. Alphabet Worksheets. Atoms And Molecules For Kids. Worksheets, templates for Atomic Habits. Sara Kratz.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Free printable Atomic Habits cheat sheet and worksheets in PDF format and a printable scorecard. Free printable page journal/workbook. The course includes a page PDF workbook (including templates and cheatsheets), plus new examples and applications that you can't find in Atomic Habits. ATOMIC HABITS BONUS THE HABIT LOOP The Habit Loop The four stages of habit are best described as a feedback loop. Views 14, Downloads 1, File. Printables & Digita's board "Atomic Habits Cheat Sheet", followed by people on Pinterest. See more ideas about habits, habit quotes, good habits. 9 When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Log in. Sign up. Atomic Habits Cheat Sheet. Collection by Flor Cami. Similar ideas popular now. Habit Quotes. Life Quotes. Quotes Quotes. Financial Quotes. Leadership Quotes. Discipline Quotes. Best Online Jobs. Motivational Quotes. Book Quotes. Me Quotes. Great Quotes. Inspirational Quotes. Productivity Quotes. Behavior Change. Life Rules. Read the full book review of the book Atomic Habits to find more information about the book and great quotes like this one! New York Times. Highly Effective People. Reading Lists. Book Lists. Book Worth Reading. Reading Notes. Reading Habits. Happy Reading. Reading Room. Good Books. Books To Read. Best Self Help Books. The Knowing. Lack Of Motivation. This Is A Book. Daily Inspiration Quotes. Quotes To Live By. Cool Words. Wise Words. Words Of Wisdom. Keep On Keepin On. When you're trying to change, the first thing to focus on is WHO you want to be, not how to go about changing. This quote is from the book Atomic Habits, by James Clear. Click through to see a review! Coffee Grit and Inspiration. Printable Writing Prompts. Printable Worksheets. Habit Formation. Daily Journal Prompts. Quotes Motivation. Good Habits. Avery TarcherPerigee. Words Quotes. Funny Quotes. People Quotes. Lyric Quotes. Quotes Deep. Positive Quotes Motivation. Writing Motivation. Guided Journal. Classroom Tools. Coping Skills. Deep Books. Human Behavior. Life Changing Books. Favorite Book Quotes. Giving Up Smoking. Quit Smoking. Smoking Weed. Break A Habit. Check Box. Goal Tracker. Eyes On The Prize. Therapy Tools. The Plan. How To Plan. Leader In Me. Counseling Resources. Mental Training. Art Therapy. Healthy Habits. Healthy Man. Trim Healthy. Fitness Workouts. Self Development. Personal Development. Real Men Quotes. Strong Women Quotes. Woman Quotes. Famous Movie Quotes. Quotes By Famous People. Book Outlet. Negative Self Talk. I Can Do It. Survival Skills. Book Wallpaper. Wallpaper Ideas. Self Help Books. Business Leader. Healthy Snacks For Kids. Healthy Dinner Recipes Easy. Healthy Life. Excel Budget. Video Games For Kids. Dinner Recipes For Kids. Macros Dieta. They say it takes twenty-one days to make or break a habit. Are you ready to change something, but you need that extra little motivation to keep you going? This printable, reusable document will help you research, plan, motivate, and execute that nasty little habit right out of your quitsmokingtips. Productivity Infographic. Productivity Hacks. Increase Productivity. Time Management Tips. Program Management. Work Smarter. Study Tips. Getting Things Done. This infographic from Luxafor covers 10 habits you may want to ditch to become more productive:. Tracker Free. Time Tracker. Physical Education Games. Health Education. Physical Activities. Science Education. Life Skills. Life Lessons. Boss Quotes. Mindset Strategies. New Year New Me. Self Care Activities. Book Summaries. How to create a good habit. James Clear, "Atomic Habits". Coaching Questions. Job Interview Questions. Journal Writing Prompts. Personalized Learning. School Counselor. Social Emotional. Homeschool Worksheets. Budgeting Worksheets. Worksheets For Kids. Money Worksheets. Therapy Worksheets. Phonics Worksheets. Writing Worksheets. Alphabet Worksheets. Atoms And Molecules For Kids. Worksheets, templates for Atomic Habits. Sara Kratz.
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💾 ►►► DOWNLOAD FILE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Free printable Atomic Habits cheat sheet and worksheets in PDF format and a printable scorecard. Free printable page journal/workbook. The course includes a page PDF workbook (including templates and cheatsheets), plus new examples and applications that you can't find in Atomic Habits. ATOMIC HABITS BONUS THE HABIT LOOP The Habit Loop The four stages of habit are best described as a feedback loop. Views 14, Downloads 1, File. Printables & Digita's board "Atomic Habits Cheat Sheet", followed by people on Pinterest. See more ideas about habits, habit quotes, good habits. 9 When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Log in. Sign up. Atomic Habits Cheat Sheet. Collection by Flor Cami. Similar ideas popular now. Habit Quotes. Life Quotes. Quotes Quotes. Financial Quotes. Leadership Quotes. Discipline Quotes. Best Online Jobs. Motivational Quotes. Book Quotes. Me Quotes. Great Quotes. Inspirational Quotes. Productivity Quotes. Behavior Change. Life Rules. Read the full book review of the book Atomic Habits to find more information about the book and great quotes like this one! New York Times. Highly Effective People. Reading Lists. Book Lists. Book Worth Reading. Reading Notes. Reading Habits. Happy Reading. Reading Room. Good Books. Books To Read. Best Self Help Books. The Knowing. Lack Of Motivation. This Is A Book. Daily Inspiration Quotes. Quotes To Live By. Cool Words. Wise Words. Words Of Wisdom. Keep On Keepin On. When you're trying to change, the first thing to focus on is WHO you want to be, not how to go about changing. This quote is from the book Atomic Habits, by James Clear. Click through to see a review! Coffee Grit and Inspiration. Printable Writing Prompts. Printable Worksheets. Habit Formation. Daily Journal Prompts. Quotes Motivation. Good Habits. Avery TarcherPerigee. Words Quotes. Funny Quotes. People Quotes. Lyric Quotes. Quotes Deep. Positive Quotes Motivation. Writing Motivation. Guided Journal. Classroom Tools. Coping Skills. Deep Books. Human Behavior. Life Changing Books. Favorite Book Quotes. Giving Up Smoking. Quit Smoking. Smoking Weed. Break A Habit. Check Box. Goal Tracker. Eyes On The Prize. Therapy Tools. The Plan. How To Plan. Leader In Me. Counseling Resources. Mental Training. Art Therapy. Healthy Habits. Healthy Man. Trim Healthy. Fitness Workouts. Self Development. Personal Development. Real Men Quotes. Strong Women Quotes. Woman Quotes. Famous Movie Quotes. Quotes By Famous People. Book Outlet. Negative Self Talk. I Can Do It. Survival Skills. Book Wallpaper. Wallpaper Ideas. Self Help Books. Business Leader. Healthy Snacks For Kids. Healthy Dinner Recipes Easy. Healthy Life. Excel Budget. Video Games For Kids. Dinner Recipes For Kids. Macros Dieta. They say it takes twenty-one days to make or break a habit. Are you ready to change something, but you need that extra little motivation to keep you going? This printable, reusable document will help you research, plan, motivate, and execute that nasty little habit right out of your quitsmokingtips. Productivity Infographic. Productivity Hacks. Increase Productivity. Time Management Tips. Program Management. Work Smarter. Study Tips. Getting Things Done. This infographic from Luxafor covers 10 habits you may want to ditch to become more productive:. Tracker Free. Time Tracker. Physical Education Games. Health Education. Physical Activities. Science Education. Life Skills. Life Lessons. Boss Quotes. Mindset Strategies. New Year New Me. Self Care Activities. Book Summaries. How to create a good habit. James Clear, "Atomic Habits". Coaching Questions. Job Interview Questions. Journal Writing Prompts. Personalized Learning. School Counselor. Social Emotional. Homeschool Worksheets. Budgeting Worksheets. Worksheets For Kids. Money Worksheets. Therapy Worksheets. Phonics Worksheets. Writing Worksheets. Alphabet Worksheets. Atoms And Molecules For Kids. Worksheets, templates for Atomic Habits. Sara Kratz.
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