#homestuck 2 canon call
yoitscro · 1 year
Homestuck Beyond Canon
Just as a side note,
Regardless of how you feel about Homestuck 2/Beyond Canon from the past, the new team should be treated with basic decency.
If you're not interested, then look forward to other future Homestuck projects, or other franchises that you enjoy entirely. But don't be one of those people who wish for the downfall of another indie thing that isn't made for you.
It is arguably made for people who like Homestuck Beyond Canon versus the entire fanbase. Just like how Hiveswap is made for Hiveswap fans. You can say it doesn't need to exist, but you can dismiss any kind of art like that.
I highly doubt this new team is coming back to cause strife. They're here to make something for fun regardless of its previous footprint. It is, at this point, an officially acknowledged fanventure. I assume yall know how to respect fanventures.
Be normal and keep your past grievances out. Obviously, critique will come, and isn't outlawed, but don't be daft. Since we all have had over a year to do other things and hopefully have a healthier way to interact with this series as a whole, I hope people realize that repeating the same behaviors as before, whether or not they like the direction of things, will only bring back familiar toxicities. At that point, you'll be straight up stupid to scratch your head and wonder why things die out if you start scrutinizing the character of artists and writers that are a degree away from (if not already in) your same fan space.
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doyouremem8erme · 3 days
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i did this with my trackpad
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trustworthycinnamon · 5 months
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Howdy Ultimate Dirk nation how are we doing today I'm sorry for my evil crimes (or am I)
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badlydrawnvrissy · 10 months
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techiedualdreamer · 2 months
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part of my earth c au where yiffy just has three moms and her name is ruby
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thewebcomicsreview · 10 days
Hamsteak Liveblog
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A'ight hell tier update, and the first update is that they've changed the chapter select menu. It's now explicitly a chapter select where the chapters are numbered, whereas the old menu made it look like you were meant to choose your own order. Up next is "Chapter X", which appears to be Davepeta. My prediction is that we're done with the ghost cameos and Davepeta is going to give the moral of the story and then the final 8-ball update with be Vriska vs Vriska to bring it home.
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I am almost immediately proven wrong. This is a "Meanwhile" where Davepeta is up to something. Is this screenshot even legible? Well, if you can't read it, computers can.
*dp hesitantly crawls up to their phone, curiously pawing at the device and feigning ignorance as though they don't know what the fuck it is because theyre kind of embarrassed to talk to the sprite^2 they know is at the other end*
Hm. What's "sprite^2" would be at "the other end" and not there. Jasprose? I guess it's basically only Jasprose it could be.
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Oh shit I was able to guess which of the one possible people it could've been. I'm a fucking genius. This is why people read my liveblog, for the glaring insights that only I provide. Second question: Where the fuck is she? That background kind of makes me think of the Midnight Crew, but like the original Problem Sleuth bonus comics that introduced them where they were in some Problem Sleuth-y looking city.
Sort of interesting that Jasprose and Davepeta apparently don't like each other. Jasprose's main character trait in HS1 was being uninhibited and kind of uncomfortably horny, and she's Davepeta's....um....cousin? I guess? Where did I put that Homestuck family tree. Oh, I didn't add her, lemme do that.
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The most cursed thing about this chart is that it's simplified.
The reason Vrissy's in "adoption jail" was because I made this chart for someone complaining that Vrissy dating Tavvy was incestuous, when Vrissy is basically the only character not related to anyone (this blog's tagline was "It's not incest if she's from space" for a bit as a result). Which makes this ironic because I think the reason Davepeta doesn't like Jasprose is that Jasprose keeps trying to fuck them.
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Hey, I was right, it was the Problem Sleuth bonus comics.
One thing that's been bugging me a lot about HS2 and the epilogues is Homestuck already had a metaphor for canon in the form of the Alpha Timeline, and HS2 never really separated "canon" from "the alpha timeline" in a meaningful way, but now we're having the snapchat comics and the Problem Sleuth bonus comics references as "canonically deniable", so we're actually doing something new with the concept.
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"Tall, dark, and loathsome" is the name of a song in the Midnight Crew: Drawing Dead album, so it's likely Jack Noir. The "Crocker Patriarch" is weird though. It can't be Jake, and Jane's dad is de-
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Wait, hold on. Is this referring to the bonus comics? Dad Crocker is chasing after Jane who was kidnapped by Jasprose....but that's all in Meat! So this Jasprose is currently with the Meat version of Jane Crocker, being chased by Dad, Diamonds Droog, and possibly Problem Sleuth, and is somehow able to interact with Candy.
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Maybe it's because Jaspers barely had any lines, but it's interesting how Jasprose is a unique individual with her own unique quirks while Davepeta is still very clearly Dave+Nepeta. She doesn't really talk like Rose at all. She's a little flowery in her language, but in a very different way.
Davepeta: Jasprose....you've been drinking? Jasprose: Please. You know it's only milk bars for me. Well, perhaps the occasional martini bar. Though with them, it's more difficult to find bartenders that won't bat an eye when I order a glass of that delectable matronal ambrosia Jasprose: Speaking of, I've made fantastic progress with the enchanting, yet problematic Ms. Crocker.
Man, that leap from "matronal ambrosia" to Jane Crocker is one of the most convoluted boob jokes I've ever seen. Speaking of, Jasprose finds Jane "enchanting". I kind of want to re-read the bonus comics to refresh myself on the context but they're glitching the fuck out for me right now and also....aren't very good.
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This is referring, presumably, to Meat Jake, who I don't think has appearing in HS2 at all so far, having been ditched in the epilogues. I honestly thought we wouldn't be seeing Meat Jane/Jake again. Also, "pass her off"? To whom?
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Anyway apparently Davepeta thinks the "therapy shit" isn't working well. Interesting to see them dropping the wise mentor act a little here. They also make it sound like this is something they're being compelled to do. Jasprose notes that it's been four years in there and that being Vriska it'll probably take 4 more to make it 8 and Davepeta is all "Ha ha, can you imagine" so the final chapter is obviously going to start "4 years later". This was a fairly short little chapter with a ton to speculate on. The sprites are working together and they're maybe working with (or for) someone else that Jane is going to get passed off to. Who could that be, I wonder? Dirk's made reference to having agents on the outside, but why would the sprites work for him? It's not Al, who was actively opposed to this. Could it be....
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I don't know to what extent real-life person Andrew Hussie is involved with Beyond Canon, but his fictional stand-in has been mostly absent outside of the bonus comics, and has not yet appeared on-screen, but considering that Al has been shown to be nigh-worshipful of the original comic, it'd be interesting for her and AH to interact.
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softesteshouten · 3 months
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pyrobot1cs · 1 year
now that Homestuck: Beyond Canon will be updating I sure hope there won’t be any more people saying (female) characters are ruined when they’re just growing up and maybe making some morally grey choices !!! Especially when those people who say they’re ruined haven’t even read the material and are just getting it from the fandom’s warped opinions! man i sure hope!!!!!!!!
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dyrehound · 6 months
Can you draw Travros Crocker
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yeah but i havent read beyond canon
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abdlstuck · 1 year
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cheshire-creeper · 4 months
btw do you know I have a spreadsheet for HSBC? It's got it all: Word Counts, Page Counts, Date of Posting, Who's in the update, Which Subplot it has in it...it's all there. It's pretty interesting stuff, actually. I might post it one day (what am I saying, now that I'm talking about it I probably will post it...if it doesn't impact the current writing team, that is. Don't want to Hawthorne Effect myself out of some quality content...)
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hskinhome · 6 months
hii! im a roxy lalonde fictive looking for harry anderson!!
i dont remember much but i know we used to have vrissy over for dinner sometimes annnd when i cleaned the house we used to blast musicals and sing them together :'3
also we looked like this!!!!
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if any of it is familiar plsplspls add us on discord @radicalarchivist there too :'33
Go message them if this sounds familiar!
-Mod Nepeta
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Wow I loved that moment in the homestuck epilogues where it was revealed that even though they never god tiered all of the trolls are also immortal in the same way the god tiered people are since they also made the universe and also all of the trolls who died came back to life and were given immortality as well isnt that so cool I loved that moment haha
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doomsdaydicecascader · 7 months
after about 2 years in direct contact with homestuck fans i have this to say: it's good that jade has a dog dick in homestuck post-canon.
this is not for its innate qualities, but because it is so unbelievably reliable as a red flag. people cannot stop themselves from talking about trans women's genitals. like. if someone's first reaction to post-canon is "they gave jade a dog dick" you have my permission to call them a transmisogynist. you will be right about 99% of the time
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meraki-sunset · 1 year
In the au with the different spritefusions (Vrita, Equdan, Haleri, Tavlux) what would be the davepeta/jasperose equivalents?
Oooooooooooooooooh let me see.
Okay so in canon, the alpha session pre scratch has 4 kernels and the 6 elements thrown at them are 6 people. 5 trolls and an AI. Resulting in Arquius, Tavris, Erisol and Fefeta, all of which die in their timeline in diferent ways
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Now for the diferent sprite fusion you're talking about, i used the exact same people from canon, but mixed them in a diferent order. Creating Haleri, Vrieta, Tavlux and Equdan. You can find the post about them HERE
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Who most likely didn't exploded and followed Davesprite and Nanna to John's planet and survived te timeline's errasure.
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Pic fo their Godtiers just for fun.
Now, Davepeta and Jasprose come from Post-Retcon, which means the 6 elements conforming the sprites are diferent this time around, forming, not only Jasprosesprite^2 and Davepetasprite^2, but also GcaTavrosprite and Arquiusprite (again).
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SO! all i need to do is pick all the canon people/creatures from the Post-Retcon Sprites and mix them in a diferent way. Like this!
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Giving us as a result something like this
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The fussion of Davesprite and Lil Hal, ultimate self and ultimate Strider, would most likely romantically pursue canon Jade, like Davepeta did in homestuck, but more successfully. Also be an amazing sword master due to the knowledge from all timelines.
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I mean, it would just be Cat-Equius, doesn't have the cool character develompent that Arquius had, but has nice guardian powers and he's not alergic to himself. Plus he's a cat like his moirail Nepeta
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Oh boy, Tavrospersprite^2 has by default achieved ultimate self and is afraid of nothing, because he has knowledge of all Tavros and has learned all their lessons in a second. Will call Vriska a bitch and proceed to kiss Gamzee in one breath, to inmedialty go fight some villain and disappear like a Cheshire cat (isn't alergic to himself because he now knows it's in his head)
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RosepetaSprite is a chill gal, and now has the habilities of drawing and writing, making her the ultimate autor. She's a little heartbroken about not being able to be with Kanaya or Karkat, because this timeline's Rose and Dave are dating them, but she won't let that bring her down
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Ironically Rosepeta is now conected to the other three sprites. Tavros having the memories of her cat and guide, Equius being her moirail and Davar being a fussion of a copy of her father and of her doomed brother who wanted to see her again. She has some heavy back-up now.
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