if-loki-was-a-fox · 4 months
Thinking about it/it's pronouns and not being human and how freeing it is to look at society and expectations and formalities and etiquette and just say nah fuck this shit I can keep myself and those around me just as happy if not more being cat or a rabbit or a fox or a mouse or whatever critter I want and doing what ever silliness comes with that
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queenlucythevaliant · 2 years
There is only one acceptable modern AU for the Pevensies: eccentric homeschoolers.
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sheltered-solomon · 6 months
Arranged but not Unwanted
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Solomon had been sheltered his entire life, never really getting to leave the mansion or experience life. His future bonus mom honeschooled him, and he had round the clock supervision complete with bodyguards. He longed to experience life outside of the estate, to meet new people, and to just be a normal person. But after Tyche went a little wild, his parents decided that they were going to be more proactive about keeping him under lock and key. They even told him when he was 13 that they had chosen someone they wanted him to marry. He had never met this person, but he had hoped he would be offered the same luxury as his siblings to be able to meet someone and fall in love before getting married, not marry a complete stranger. Shortly after he turned 18, his parents started talking about him getting married again, and the idea of being married off to a stranger made him cry himself to sleep more nights than not. One day, he came down to get a snack and found his parents, all 4 of them, with two men he had never seen pouring over wedding details. "I thought you finalized the details to your wedding." He says, and all eyes turn to him, making him shrink into himself.
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frog-pokemon-friend · 8 months
hey hey hey
Sorry if this is random but I just got a thought
So you know how flare wants to know more things but is nervous about going to actual school?
Well you're smart and know things you could honeschool her!! That way she wouldn't have to actually go!! And it could help you two bond
I could NOT homeschool someone
I am NOT that smart plus I'm still in school
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eroticcannibal · 2 years
I know they meant "fetishist who home schools" but i read that as "has a honeschooling fetish" which, me
Also can ppl please learn the difference between home ed and homeschool already
(Also home edders and ppl w kinks have good reasons to hate cops???)
Honestly I am TIRED of ppl not knowing the difference. I use home ed for a fucking reason! Jfc
And yeah hating cops is based. We also hate the government and bootlickers (not the sexy kind we stan kinky bootlickers)
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computerpeople · 1 year
can the government just start paying me for being honeschooled cant it be enough that my parents hated the government and taught me no social skills and i have no life skills and an intellectual disability and a physical disability and cptsd and did and i can't drive and i cant make friends and i dont have a ged because i didnt graduate and i have no family and i ha
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bandofchimeras · 2 years
Puddleglum = JarJar Binks for Christian honeschoolers
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acorntops · 3 years
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When life imitates art... #BubbeDiddles just so happened to pose like Basil from The #BasilBasset #BooksSeries! #TheButterThief and #TheLionsTooth is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books A Million, Walmart, or ordered through your local #indiebookstore and #locallibrary! #SignedCopies are available in my #EtsyShop! #childrensbook #kidslit #childrensbooksofinstagram #kidsbookstagram #kidsbooks #dogsofinstagram #pointerpuppy #pointersofinstagram #bassetsofinstagram #homeschoolofinstagram #honeschooling #pointerpuppyofinstagram #puppiesofinstagram #puppydiddles #teachersofinstagram #learningfromhome https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ9zEwwlOWD/?igshid=b7tdxakep4k8
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Good morning sunshine! 🌞 At this time of the year I will take whatever sunshine I get. Got breakfast ready for my homeschoolers now it's me time, in the studio, Shoppe and garden! 🤣😍♥️🇨🇦🙏 #sunshine #sunrise #covid_19 #pandemic #honeschooling #thenewschool #school #virtualschool #gardening #designing #arting #thankful (at Baptiste Lake, Bancroft) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFMvA8rgz5c/?igshid=1bzy958kvi22l
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plastography · 4 years
the homeschooled kids always find each other
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grandma7t7 · 4 years
Psalms 7
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"If Gabriel wants Adrien to be homeschooled, he has to ask for the mayor's permission as well as the national education department." I don't know a ton about countries outside the u.s. in terms of honeschooling but I do know it's pretty much illegal in Germany is it similar for France?
To keep all of our info as factual as possible, all of our information comes from the site of the French public service, and in this case, from this link.
It mentions :
"The mayor must lead an inquiry about the homeschooled child, starting from their first year. This inquiry must be conducted every 2 years until the child is 16. The goal of this inquiry is to control the reasons you asked to do this teaching method. The inquiry must also determine if homeschooling is compatible with the child's health conditions and the family's life conditions."
So in France, homeschooling is legal but the mayor has to take a look into this, it's the law. In real life, Mayor Bourgeois wouldn't be involved, as he is the mayor of all Paris: it would probably be the mayor of Adrien's arrondissement (so Paris 1st). But since it is MLB, it is not as important.
Hope that helped !
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llamaonesie · 2 years
im honeschooled and thus have no concept of time so you reblogging that with "me who just got out of school" i was like "wait.... isnt it like 10???" but NO its NOT
oof haha yeah i guess it’s like summer year round for you cuz for me at that point i have no concept of time and also lunch doesn’t really exist other than sporadic snacks so i’ll be all over the place. does your schooling have any schedule or is it just you do the work whenever you feel like it?
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eroticcannibal · 2 years
The child has just come charging down the stairs demanding a maths lesson at 5 to fucking midnight
I tell u what them american Christian honeschoolers write some good books
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cl-babydew · 3 years
Wow!! It's amazing that you can make your own stickers! 😲 I wonder how someone would even be able to make their own stickers at home. 🤔
Like what materials do you use? Do you have a special type of... double sided paper, that has a sticky underside? Idk. Where do you get that? And do you just design the images you want on some drawing/painting app on your computer and then print it out? Hmm.. 🤔 How does it work?
Now I want to see that video! Do you have a link?
(Does this also mean you can draw or paint stuff too?)
In any case, it is impressive that you know how to make stickers; I guess that makes both of us artists. 😁
I am interested in seeing what they look like now. Hmmm...
Hey, how about this, you can show me in the DM a photo of some of the stickers you've made, and I can show you some of my artwork. Would you like to?
Yep!!!! Thx!! XD
It’s pretty easy once you understand what to do! And if you have steady hands, and are willing to put in the work! XD
So the video I used, well kinda anyway, was this one:
The only thing is, the first vid I found before this one, was how I mostly did this, but this one helped as well! (I couldn’t find the first vid anymore when I tried looking for it when I decided to do stickers! XD)
Anyway the things you’ll need:
Really, any kinda of printer paper works!
And most of all you’ll need a printer! We have one mostly cuz we are honeschooled (well I finished school now, but my other sis still is in school), so we sometimes need to print things! So I was pretty lucky to have one!😅
Then you’ll need scissors of course, and hopefully you have a steady hand! Thankfully I did! I used to be terrible at cutting things, so I was surprised that I did pretty well! XD
Then you’ll need clear tape! Like clear clear! And you’ll need A LOT of it! XD
Lastly, you’ll need parchment paper
So that’s basically all you need!
The video also shows you can draw your own stickers, and then cut them out and etc! Just follow the vid! XD
Oh and another thing!!
To make it easier on your life!
If you aren’t drawing your own, and just looking em’ up!
Look up stickers! Like for example:
Type: “Izuku Midoriya stickers”
And a good bit should pop up!!
Sometimes you’ll have to type the show their in to be specific! XD Sometimes even typing the name different can get you more options! Like
“Deku stickers”
And you may get more options! X3
And make sure they have the sticker look to em’!
Here’s one of my own I have saved to make later, as an example:
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X333 So I have a “random wall” aka, the area behind my main door in my room! XD (It was suppose to be on the other closet door, butttt I’ll need it for all the other stickers! XD) Anyway! This Izuku will be on the random wall, along with a lot of other goofy, cute, or cool looking stickers of certain characters! X3
Ooooo!! Yeah that’ll be fun!!!
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magsdomino · 5 years
HCs for Gosalyn and Webby 2017.
I actually did Webby for you last time I did these but I can do it again.
Headcanon A:  Ends up joining the junior woodchuck with help from her grandma and Huey.
Headcanon B: She loves nnime
Headcanon C: Before Lena gets restored to "flesh and blood" form, Webby will cry at night and think of her lost friend. She even stops short of whispering "I love you"
Headcanon D: She asks Lena to be her date to her junior prom. She is honeschooled, so she asks the McDuck family to make a prom for them. Dewey jumps at the chance.
Headcanon A:  Tries persistently to be Darkwing's sidekick. She even pulls a Jason Todd and tries stealing the hubcaps off the ratcatcher in order to get his attention.
Headcanon B: Gosalyn ends up becoming friends with Fenton and Gyro, having previously lived with a scientist grandfather.
Headcanon C: She sometimes believes she is destined to be left behind and that it is her own fault she has no family.
Headcanon D: Takes on the mantle of Quiverwing Quack and forms a superhero team with the Duck kids.
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