#honestly Never change
wow-van-aert · 8 months
Wout van Aert,I’m screaming:
First this Instastory with find the flaw ,followed by the official leaderboard (winning time 4:53) and his Garmin that shows his time on the bike was 4:51😂
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Jsyk I was shaking while writing this
Oh my god, I’m back boo, disclaimer tho. Anything and most definitely everything will not make any sense, BUT THINK THATS THE POINT. Honestly this might just be a rant. I honestly don’t know any way that I could interpret Casey’s segment other than the way it’s already written, because the out of all the things that got to me from Casey’s segment, was that none of what he was feeling made any sense. He could define his jealousy and despair but yes, he could not explain why he felt that way in any form that would make sense. THAT IS GRIEF, BUT YOU VALIDATED IT SO PERFECTLY, like I thought I was the only one. Because for some reason it does feel like your missing out on something, and it gets so frustrating.
There is something so unique about this kid that just makes be want to stop existing so that he can take my spot (in a very positive way).
I think what separates Casey from Nardo even if they have the same time displaced experience, is that Nardo knows that he is (was) the future. Of course Jr comes from the same year he does, but he spent his entire life being told that his surroundings weren’t what they were supposed to be, and he wasn’t meant to grow up the way he did. I feel like It’s best and it makes so much of the sense it’s not supposed to if Casey is not defined, and only acknowledged for what he is. Because his life transcends time and space, his heart and mind break the barrier meant to keep both aspects of his life separate. People can say that he comes from one and now living in the other, but he is a unity of both, and I can completely get how he feels like isn’t bound to anything but himself.
Omg, the way you explained it was so real, despite his isolation he finds a way to coexist with the circumstances and acknowledges his displacement even in the simple things he does. Learns to live with and become aware of his emotions. That little segment really got to me and every time I read it I wish that I could gift you my heart and mind so that we could somehow find a way to discuss it or just feel it further. Like a ninja mind meld but with emotions as well. I CAN’T EXPLAIN IT, I REALLY WISH I KNEW HOW THO.
Just know that if you read Casey’s segment again, everything conveyed in those letters I cried over because yes, you get it, I get it, and our poor beloved Jr gets it (even the stuff he doesn’t get because, yes) That’s all I can say and I have no idea if this will give the same weight as all of the other things I’ve flooded your inbox for. Just know I have a tissue box near at all times because of you, YOU’VE ROTTED MY BRAIN, Idk if there’s anything left to rot boo ╥﹏╥
THIS KID IS SO ME CORE. I will never forgive the universe for not giving me a chance to cry the ugliest tears with him and share them together. HE DESERVES COMFORT AND HAPPINESS, he is my beloved.
THANK YOU for the insight on the daddy with a shotgun situation btw, it makes me love the fact that the trope is switched between father and son so much more like- (ಥ﹏ಥ) YES JR, GET THAT BITCH (I swear, I love Yuichi too)
I love and appreciate you so much boo (´Д⊂ヽ
-If you can, listen or read “Glide- Mitski” the cover, I think- it just- KBADGHIGKNVFD
(Jr with a shotgun real)
I guess there's two of us shakers now cuz I am literally unable to read any ask abt Full Lair without having to take a moment to walk around the room in excitement or flap my hands at a compliment but YOUR asks are a whole lot different case and I have to clear out my schedule for at least the next three business days to recover
I am feeling so many feelings about you getting the feelings that Casey is getting to feeling because we're all feeling the same thing, and just like you said, you get it.
especially the thing about knowing the feeling and acknowledging it but still not being able to understand why is it still there because honestly that's one of the first things that fucked me up when I first encountered grief.
cuz like grief it misinterpreted a lot but what is it if not loose thread of someone's lifeline, sticking out of your life like out of a corner of a completely new t-shirt? it's not supposed to be there. you're not supposed to feel it. it's out of place. and yet here you are, staring at it, unable to shift your focus to anything else because it touches your skin and ruins your look, even if no one else is aware of it.
sorry, got into rambling again.
so, Casey! baby boy Casey, oh how I love him! honestly the whole "shovel talk" being switched is just so funny to me because imagine this 16 year old in his battle gear appearing out nowhere Just To Talk 😇 (the dude can literally terrifying when he wants to be, just look at his mask). especially considering he grew up listening to Nardo tell him stories about his exes. I mean Usagi REALLY should check where are his swords cuz Jr is not playing games.
only hokey.
anyway, I had something else to say, but I don'ts remember what exactly, so just. THANK YOU FOR EXISTING, BOO 💕
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dunmeshistash · 26 days
Something I really appreciate in Dungeon Meshi is how much "restraint" Ryoko Kui shows when telling this story. It's so clearly crafted to be the best story it can be.
By that I mean how she had SO MUCH world building for this story but still kept it as contained as it needed to be, it's a story about a few characters inside one dungeon, even if the world is expansive the story isn't. And even with the amount of characters she clearly loves so much she never got side tracked as I see so many other mangas get. The world is alive, other people exist fully with their own lives, but it stays true to the story that's being told in this universe.
I think it really shines through with how the world building relevant to the story is slowly shown to us in a non expository way, that's also something I see a lot, especially in movies, just stopping everything on it's tracks so they can info dump about the world to you, but in dungeon meshi its all so organic... magic is explained because some characters are ignorant, cultural differences are shown through cultural clashes, world history is implied through relevant conversation (monster facts are info-dumped to us but even that is in character) it's all really good and I don't think I could have gotten this into it if everything was just laid out in front of me right away.
This is all to say I'm glad we have the adventurer's bible and all this extra content that didn't fit into the story but I'm glad they weren't forced into it in detriment to the storytelling.
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afterartist · 15 days
IVE DONE IT!! (not exactly sure what it is in this situation but it sure is done)
Rumble n Frenzy would bully screamer any chance they get
Soundwave on the other hand needs payed vacation because that man has to put up with so much crap
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clarisimart · 1 year
Damn tumblr gives me whiplash sometimes, because somedays there are threads on my dash shitposting about a complete random topic complete with memes and gifs, and suddenly you realize the last person on the chain is Hugo Award winner Neil Gaiman
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hellcifrogs · 5 months
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Did... Didn't I ever post this one??
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thhecaptainschair · 5 months
Watching Percy kill a Fury with Medusa’s head through Annabeth’s eyes permanently altered my brain chemistry
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killlerfang1 · 1 year
After all these years the original Owl House trailer and test footage with audio has been found!!!
(idk who found this or how they did it btw, I'm just reposting this from twitter)
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sophsicle · 2 months
time is so fucking scary. because it does not care if you are happy. you will think I wish to stay like this, right here in this moment. i have found my place. but then time comes like a wave and pushes you forward. you cannot stay. and neither can the people you love. forward forward forward. time has ripped the claws from my hands, and the teeth from my mouth, as I have tried to cling to yesterday. but you must move forward forward forward. Forward forward forward. Forward forward forward. Forward forward forw—
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kesoyotes · 7 days
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@tmaynt Challenge: Day 26 - Favorite Series
I wouldn't be half the artist I am today had it not been for me catching the premiere of the 2012 series all those years ago. that show still means everything to me
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jadedloverart · 6 months
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El Mayarah :')
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fantasykiri5 · 6 months
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Hey, if it ain’t broke don’t fit it ammirite?
(I drew this completely of my own volition thinking I had an ask to draw her… ZombieCleo is so powerful she made me think I had an ask asking to draw her and I did it… how magical.)
These asks ARE still open btw! It may take me a long ass time to get to them, but I’ve started working on the other three I currently have and I think these are really fun so feel free to send more in!
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ivppiter-06 · 7 months
Sometimes (every single day) I just think about how we were ROBBED of having long curly hair Carlos.
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Like I understand that this specific color would probably burn his hair but I need his curls to be there Tell me, what was the point in NOT using a curly wig???
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getgriddled · 5 months
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best griddlehark modern au 100%not even exaggerating
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simplykorra · 1 year
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it was everyone but you
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ruporas · 10 months
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honeymoon phase! (ID in alt)
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