#with cassettes like you who needs autobots
afterartist · 4 months
IVE DONE IT!! (not exactly sure what it is in this situation but it sure is done)
Rumble n Frenzy would bully screamer any chance they get
Soundwave on the other hand needs payed vacation because that man has to put up with so much crap
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Hiiiii! I read your cozy Starscream comfort fic on Ao3 and have followed you here :3
You mentioned being open to writing prompt requests; if this one strikes your fancy, I have one for you!
Something comforting about a Human!Reader who lately feels overlooked because they are inclined to be quiet in a group, and their shyness means they don't speak up or assert themselves unless something is really, really important. They listen far more than they speak. And even when they do speak up in a group... it's like no one hears them often times, and they get talked over.
Starscream, Soundwave, Optimus, or Mirage, if either of those four 'bots stir your muse?
Ahhh! Thank you for your request, and I’m sorry for the wait. I haven’t had the opportunity to write for Soundwave, OP, or Mirage so I’ll do blurbs for all four, but you mentioned Screamer is one of your favorites, so I made his a little longer! I hope you enjoy!
Soundwave (G1) WC: 608
The Decepticon site of operations is lively in the face of the most recent win against the Autobots, meaning high grade is being passed around like no one’s business. As the resident human, on site to assist the Decepticons with tasks that only small hands can manage- even smaller than the minis and the cassettes can manage. Only problem is- with how tiny and squishy you are, it is important that the cons watch their step- a task they frequently forget to do, even the Leader of the Decepticons himself, who made the declaration. 
With the high grade flowing and inhibitions lowering, the pedes around you hold no caution, making it obvious your… friends(?) have forgotten your existence… again. Having had enough of nearly becoming a smear on the floor, you make your way to the side of the room and press yourself to the wall as you scooch your way to the doorway. As soon as you make your escape from the room, you slam into someone’s shin and fall back on your rear.
“Inquiry: Why are you distressed?”
Looking up, the one and only Soundwave looking down at you with his helm tilted, a reminder that you’re so small and often forgotten surges through you and forces your eyes to well up with tears. It was such an odd feeling, crying at the pedes of one of the high command officers, who you can only imagine is staring blankly at you through his visor. Instead of waiting for any answer, the mech lifts you with his thumb and index digit and carries you away from the scene. It’s hard to keep track of where he’s taking you, your blurred vision keeping you from mapping his walking patterns.
After a few moments, your tears have slowed enough for you to wipe them away, just in time to see Soundwave briefly stop before a door and have him open it with a couple of buttons on the wall. Walking in, you notice Frenzy and Rumble in a halfhearted argument, Lazerbeak perched on the edge of the rather large berth, and Ravage curled up in the middle who, upon hearing Soundwave’s return, lifts his head to regard him. The Commander approaches his berth, Ravage moving temporarily before curling up in his master’s lap, once he made sure you were comfortable. Rumble and Frenzy grinning, their previous conversation dropped at the prospect of a recharge of a new entertainment source, run and climb their way onto the berth on either side of Soundwave, and on his shoulder, Lazerbeak finds his new perch.
“Ooo, is the human going to tell us about human stuff?” Frenzy’s grin doesn’t waver as he leans in toward you. Normally, the cassettes are much too wrapped up in either infighting or Soundwave’s orders, so they don’t really talk to you much, unless you’re needed for something.
“They will speak if they want. Or they can recharge.” Soundwave, as per usual, speaks plainly- it would be easy to misunderstand his tone for uncaring curtness, if you didn’t know him and the care for his cassettes better. 
Rumble and Frenzy both look to you, hopeful, and even Ravage, with his head in your lap, looks up to you in mild interest. It was a nice change of pace in comparison to the giants who would often forget you were even there. It briefly occurred to you to thank Soundwave later for not only helping you get away from the so-called party, but giving you some well-needed attention. You smile gently to the cons looking to you and clear your throat,
“Um… well, what would you like to know?”
Optimus (TFP) Gender-neutral reader WC: 692
“I’m not sure if that’ll work, Ratchet.” Arcee peeks around the medic’s frame, looking at the plans for intercepting a possible shipment of energon the Decepticons were planning on transporting, if their movement patterns indicated anything. You look at the computer from your spot on the raised platform, trying to make sense of the plan Ratchet had input.
“Maybe if-” You spoke up, albeit softly, trying to find a compromise, though you’re promptly cut off by the previously mentioned mech.
“And I’m not sure when I asked for your opinion, Arcee. Shouldn’t you be looking over your ward?” Ratchet snaps back, tired and obviously agitated by the state of the Autobot’s own energon storage. 
“Ratchet, that seems a little-” You try again.
“I’m just saying. It’s not like you’re on the field much- there are better ways to plan an interception of Decepticon forces.” The blue and pink femme argues, tensions rising as her optical ridges furrow and a servo finds its way to her hip. 
“Don’t forget who-”
You don’t stay around long enough to hear whatever snide comment the older bot was going to spit at Arcee, tired of feeling ignored and make your way down the hall, wanting to be anywhere other than the main silo of the base. Passing by Optimus, you don’t say anything, not wanting the feeling of anyone else not acknowledging your existence to sting you yet again today.
“My friend, you seem disheartened.” Optimus’ deep voice reverberates through the hall, less of a question and more of a statement, not giving you the chance to pretend you didn’t hear him. You turn around and grant him a half smile, before it drops and you avert your gaze.
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about, Optimus. You might want to lend Ratchet and Arcee a servo- they’re caught up in a bit of a feud about the next mission.” Tapering off at the end, Optimus briefly glances towards the main part of the Autobot headquarters, where he can faintly hear the aforementioned pair squabbling about details he would hear about and consider later.
“Those two have been fighting this war for many stellar cycles and will come to a solution. For now, I believe I have something much more pressing to focus on.” Taking a knee, the leader of the Autobots holds down a servo for you to step onto. Once you have taken a seat and braced yourself against one of his digits, Optimus stands and holds you close to his chassis for further stability and begins walking back to his habsuite. “You do not have to tell me what is troubling you, but you are free to do so.”
It takes you a moment- you feel silly singing your woes to someone who has been fighting in a civil war for longer than you can conceive, but the feelings simply bubble up, “I feel small… smaller than I am, I mean. I can’t imagine the stress and exhaustion everyone faces from fighting for so long, but it feels like no one sees me. And if they do, they can’t bring themselves to care.” You curl up in Optimus’ hand and take a shaky breath through your welling tears, “I must sound so selfish- you all have so much more important things to do than worry about the feelings of some human.”
“One of our human friends.” Optimus chimes in, drawing your eyes away from boring holes into your knees to his optics, “It is true that we are anxious for the end of this war, but know this, you are our friend, and we care so deeply for you. You matter just as much as any other autobot, Cybertronian or human. I can assure you, I am not the only one who holds this belief.”
Before you say anything, the mech stops in front of his door, punching in his code and sitting you on a desk that must have been built for his size and he sits himself on his berth. He gives you a rare, gentle smile that fills so many with hope.
“Would you like to tell me about your day?”
Mirage (ROTB) Gender-neutral reader    WC: 533
“Woah, woah, woah! What’s got you down in the dumps?” Mirage looks through your apartment window, forcing a yelp from your throat. You leap up from your bed and rush to the window, motioning for him to get down. 
“What are you doing?! Get down before someone sees you!”
It’s pitch black out, wherever the street light doesn’t touch, but you still worry about the possibility of Mirage being seen, like he was when you met him as he was standing outside of Noah’s apartment- which then basically sucked you into this crazy adventure of saving the world from other space robots. You had stayed behind with Bumblebee to watch over him until a sudden surge in the energon brought him back, so you unfortunately missed all of the action of the final battle.
“Nice try, but no avoiding the question. Besides, no one’s walkin’ around at like… 2:50 am.” Despite his counter, Mirage lets go of the fires escape’s railing, his new frame rattling and resulting in a resounding thud and more than a couple of cracks in the pavement below. One of his servos comes into view for you to jump on, “Come on, small fry, I wanna go for a ride while the streets are as empty as they’ll get.”
“Why not get Noah to go with you? He too busy?” Your questioning would lead the bot to believe you wouldn’t be joining him for a spin, if he didn’t feel you carefully climb aboard. He lowers you to his eye level and shoots you one of his contagious smiles.
“Naaah. I felt like a you and me kind of night. I want to hear about what you’re up to, now that I’m not locked up in that garage anymore.” For further emphasis, he stretches his arms out wide and groans in relief. It had been a few months since Peru, and while you had visited Mirage while Noah had been fixing him up, it definitely wasn’t the same as him being out and in his element.
He doesn’t wait for any further response and transforms, quickly making his way down the road, no particular destination in mind, knowing him. The city passes you by quickly, Mirage not giving a second thought to any speed limit signs he sees, remembering he considers them suggestions, not law. Snapping you out of your thoughts, Mirage clears his throat, “Well? The tread on my tires isn’t getting any thicker- what’s my favorite human been up to?”
“Your favorite, huh?” Whether or not he really meant it, the thought brings a smile to your face. 
“Well, duh. I got out of that garage, and the first thing I did was come see you, so spill the oil- gimme drama.”
“...You won’t believe what Elena told me happened at the museum the other day-”
The rest of the evening was spent driving the backroads outside of the city, telling Mirage anything and everything. Mirage listens aptly, responding when needed, and takes pleasure in knowing he’s distracted you from whatever was dragging you down. You’re part of his home team, and he’s not just going to stand by while you fall victim to your thoughts.
Starscream (TFP) Gender-neutral   WC:1431
“Starscream! I have something to-” Running towards the seeker, his back plate remains facing you as he keeps his focus on Megatron. He normally turns to you, happy to see what his little human has to tell him. Your smile faltering after recognizing he has no plans to turn toward you, “Starscream? Are you ok?”
Megatron glances briefly towards you, but doesn’t say anything to neither you nor his second in command, likely due to the fact that they were waiting for Soundwave to return with more information before choosing any action, so your presence isn’t much of an interruption. Trying to hold onto the hope he just has yet to hear or notice you, you give his heel strut a tap, remembering how he had once told you he keeps special attention to that area for you. You furrow your brow at the confirmation of him ignoring you, your voice lowering in volume, “Starscream, what’s going on?”
“Starscream, I suggest you see to your… pet, before it becomes too much of a distraction.” Megatron growls at him, not bothering to glance back down at you.
“Of course, Lord Megatron. It was just leaving.” He still didn’t look down to you, keeping his optics glued to his leader.
Without further ado, you quickly leave the room, not having any desire to stay where you are not wanted. Storming down the hall, you aren’t sure where you’re heading, but the plan was getting out, even if just for a few hours. There was no leaving the Decepticons- especially not with everything you’ve overheard, been told, and seen- you’d be hunted down in less than a day. 
“Woah-ho-ho! Where are you headed off to?” Breakdown, despite standing to the side to allow you to pass without the possibility of disaster occurring. The blue mech and his partner have been a nice comfort and support system ever since Starscream first brought you onto The Nemesis, often shielding you from Megatron’s ire when Starscream wasn’t around. 
“I’m finding a way off this ship, since I’ve obviously worn out my novelty.” You sniffle, refusing to shed a tear over someone you thought cared about you. 
“...How about I take you to the lab, so you can tell Knockout and me about what happened.” Breakdown smiled down at you, letting it grow when you nod and allow him to lift you up and onto his shoulder. And before long, you were sitting in front of Knockout and Breakdown explaining what happened on the bridge. 
“-and then he goes, ‘it was just leaving’. He called me an it.” Whispering, you were sitting on one of the medical tables while both mechs lean against a parallel table. You fiddle with the hem of your shirt, finally looking up to gauge their reactions. There stood Knockout with his mouth slightly agape, and Breakdown’s frown was deeply set in his faceplate.
“That slimy, scrawny-”
“Now now, Breakdown. I think there’s a lesson we can teach our superior.” Knockout, being broken out of his aghast stupor, rested a servo on his partner’s shoulder and smirks. He returns his attention to you and raises an optical ridge, “How does that sound?”
“Depends on what you mean, I guess.”
“Well, I deduced that you likely ran from the room after you were disrespected, am I right?” As you nod, he continues, “Right, so the last time Starscream saw you, you were in quite the distressed state. My idea is to let him believe that you left and let the slagger squirm in a panic.”
“He won’t. He didn’t even look at me earlier. Why would he care now?” The hem that you’ve been playing with during this conversation now scrunched in your fingers, hating the thought you’ve been discarded with so little thought.
A digit lifts your chin, forcing you to face the medic and his assistant, who smile down at you, “Trust me, dear. Starscream will care, he’s just an aft.
*        *        *        *        *        *
“Starscream, sir.” Breakdown hastily walks onto the bridge, mentally noting the lack of Megatron. 
“Breakdown… what is it?” Starscream turns to face the destructive warrior, face obviously in no mood for foolishness.
“The human-”
“What’s happened?” Starscream’s optics widen, panic already setting in.
“They’re gone, sir.”
“What do you mean, they’re gone?! They are to remain on this ship at all times, unless they are accompanied by myself!” Starscream grabs Breakdown by the edge of his chassis plating and pulls him forward to better snarl in his face. 
“They said something about being done with their stay here and made their way to one of the storage bays with the airlocks.” Breakdown shrugs, not showing any care for the mech who is beginning to dig his talons into his frame. Knockout wouldn’t be happy about his partner’s scratched paint and plating, but that would be a problem to deal with later. 
“Why would you not stop them, you incompetent-” Starscream pauses, unlatching himself from the larger mech. His optics narrow and he sneers, “They haven’t left this ship, and I’m willing to bet my next share of energon that they’re in that lab. Get out of my way!”
Shoving his way past Breakdown, he passes through the doorway and changes to his alt mode to faster get to the doctor’s lab, Breakdown quickly following behind him. Reaching the lab in record time, Starscream slams his fisted servo into the doorframe as the metal door swishes open, revealing Knockout gently speaking with you about how everything is going to get worked out one way or the other.
“What is the meaning behind trying to fool me into believing my star has left this ship?!” 
“I don’t know, screamer. Why do you make your star feel ignored and unwelcome?” Knockout stands to his full height and crosses his arms.
“Know your place, doctor.” His voice is low and holds promise for consequences, if your friend continues to display disrespect.
“I know my place, Starscream. Do you?”
“Why you-”
“Would you both stop it?!” You yell, startling everyone in the room. It isn’t common for you to raise your voice, always preferring to stand down, listen, and stay calm. But this was just all too much. 
The room was quiet, everyone not knowing what quite to do next, all mechs looking between themselves, then turning their optics to you. Another moment passes and Starscream turns to Knockout, much more calmly than before, “Knockout, I would like some time alone with them… please.”
The flashy Decepticon makes sure you’re ok before taking his leave, with Breakdown close behind.
“My star-”
“I’m not your anything. I am not some object or a pet, as Megatron so quaintly put it.” You snip, putting on the show of having no desire to hear what he has to say, despite wanting nothing more for him to give you a good reason for his behavior earlier and for him to apologize. “And you didn’t- … you - do I really matter so little to you?”
“Of course not. My star, you are the most important being in my life. But it is becoming increasingly difficult as Megatron’s fury and impatience grows. He anticipates my betrayal at every turn and has, on more than one occasion, threatened your life because of this.” Starscream gently scoops your figure up and presses his derma to the crown of your head, “I am sorry I have hurt you in my attempts to protect you, but I cannot fathom surviving this torturous world without you. Please… forgive me, my brightest star.”
“You’re such an idiot, Starlight.” You bring your arms up to cling to his face plate and lightly cry into his chin. You didn’t expect the weight that was lifted off your shoulders at his confession, but you were so grateful for the fact that it was just Starscream making a foolish decision.
“I would have to agree with you in this instance.” Starscream’s small, airy chuckle blows past your hair, and he presses yet another kiss to your forehead. “Will you forgive me, my dear?”
“I’ll forgive you just this once, but don’t ever make such a decision without telling me again.”
“You have my word. Now, why were you so excited earlier?”
“Well I…”
You spent the next few cycles regaling him about what the vehicons were up to and how silly Steve was behaving, knowing their idea wasn’t going to work. You love being able to talk to Starscream, knowing you were one of the only people he would give his full attention to. You love your mech. Your silly, silly mech.
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lunarbreaksblog · 8 months
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G1 Soundwave x reader || Cheri Cheri Lady ||
Note: this is for all my autistic girlies ( I'm the girlies)
You are human, Soundwave is a alien robot. It's weird. However, he could care less what other people think. He loves you for who you are.
He knows that you are a little different to the other humans. Your processor thinks more quickly than other humans. You seem to fiddle with your hands and sometimes you sound like you have no emotions, but he knows that you care.
You are independent as well, he can count on you for things. It was a bit rough for you at the beginning, having to get accustomed to the base and the others. But you plowed through. You mostly like the cassettes.
He loves that you like them even if though, Rumble and Frenzy can be menaces.
He actually trusts you enough to help with his admin. Megatron could care less as long as it's done.
Soundwave won't admit it, but he loves you body. His people are so solid. You're so soft, he loves just holding you but he won't if you're feeling overwhelmed, though he will look from the corner at you and repress his need to just squish you.
The cassettes don't really hate nor like you at first but then as they get to know you. They find out why Soundwave likes you so much. You just seem so much smarter and more caring, even if they are cons. They need love to live.
The cassettes also love being near you, you're like a pillar of warmness and love. Ravage love sleeping on you, specifically between your breasts.
You like become a second carrier to them.
Soundwave is quite happy that the Autobots lead them to earth, because if they didn't he wouldn't be able to find the love of his life
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sonicasura · 1 year
Transformers: Analog Horror Style
I've been talking about this on a non fandom related Discord and decided to bring it here. There are various analog horrors that utilize non horror series such as Splatoon 3 or Jurassic Park. It felt only right to add something like Transformers to the mix.
Extraterrestrial mechanical beings who can disguise themselves as various machinery, grainy footage and videotapes that only hold clues??? Perfect material for a horror. Here's some ideas that came to mind.
Nowhere is safe and one wrong move can potentially be your last. The Internet is a stalking ground so post or search with caution. Lest you wind up on Soundwave's radar. This Decepticon will be happy to light up his targets for one reason: an insidious hunt for the spy master's cassettes to enjoy.
Ever seen a beautiful sports car parked by the side with a sleek blood red paint job? DO NOT TOUCH. Unless you want to meet the same fate as all the others who run afoul with Knockout.
A terror in the skies that signals disaster wherever he appears. Pray the lone jet doesn't reveal it's true form. Don't look and hope he hadn't spotted you if a glimpse occurs. Survivors of Starscream are miniscule.
Results are all that matter. Morals? Worthless. Lives? Another opportunity to experiment. Emotions? Not needed. Shockwave only serves for the cause with lethal efficiency.
It is useless to hide. This will only excite him. Run as it chips away at his boredom. Fight and he'll be merry to slaughter the lamb caught in his gaze. All Hail Megatron as humanity is nothing but a plaything.
The only way this information can get through is by the way of analog. Find these tapes at your own risk. There is no turning back the moment the video starts. Decepticons don't lose their prey easily.
It's nearly impossible to tell if they have good intentions unlike their more violent counterparts. The Internet is a double edged sword that needs to be regarded with caution. Autobots are at a greater disadvantage than you think. What little information about them is scarce.
Communication and knowledge is minimal. Some can speak but how comprehensible they are varies. The most understandable share only broken sentences that rarely blur into inhuman language. A few offer a 'soup' of linguistics which share little to no connection. Some play by the ear but don't understand what every word means. The remainder are mute, either speaking in their language or have no voice box to respond through.
Most don't understand how humans function. A situation that has led to people being slaughtered by Decepticons, accidental harm to the innocent, or danger by their fellow man who believe they gone insane. This has led to a decision from their leader, Optimus Prime.
Human help is REQUIRED. They need a liaison if the Autobots hope to even catch up to the Decepticons. Government related officials won't do as these humans are too volatile and always under Soundwave's surveillance.
What they need is a teacher. Someone who can offer such knowledge and not marked as a person of interest to their enemies. A bystander will do.
Pay attention to the car that appears outside your driveway. Look closer at the one following behind on the road. Did another join each car? Flee foolishly and they will give chase.
If the lights behind you disappear, DON'T RELAX. The Peterbilt is coming. Avoid him as he will trap you. Stop and the chance of escape dwindles. Turning off the engine was a bad mistake. DO NOT RUN. Optimus Prime will catch you and escape is impossible.
Welcome to the war. You can't escape until one side wins. The Autobots are guardians but also prison wards to their chosen liaison. You will be protected yet caution is still advised. Welcome to this new dangerous life.
That's it for now! Until next time folks, I'll see you later. Transform and Roll Out!
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automaticmercy · 2 months
Anyways something I’ve been musing for a while is ES Megatron being accidentally extremely charming. When he’s not his usual angry, tyrannical self, he’s so well spoken, and as of recent he’s been trying harder to be nicer, more patient, with the ones around him.
He’s even learning to be nice ! It’s a start.
It’s a rough idea where the former Decepticon prisoners and the Autobots call a temporary truce , and room together at the former Ghost headquarters - cue ridiculous harem-trope scenes ofc ofc.
Megatron , completely by accident , feeding into exactly what everyone needs - whether they know they need it or not.
Shockwave who is struggling with his feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty in, well, everything, vs Megatron who has been practicing giving out praise where it’s due.
“You made this? It’s brilliant, Shockwave.”
And Megatron doesn’t say it in that sappy, kiss-up tone, he means it when he says it , and Shockwave just kind of. Stares at him. Expressionless as he is , you wouldn’t be able to tell at first glance , but he is just SO pleased. And confused. He tries to ignore it and push the feelings down, but Megatron just /keeps/ complimenting him and praising him + Shockwave just slowly getting used to it and even seeking out his praise. Megatron is the first to see any new scientific discoveries he makes , and showers him with well earned praise. All the while Megatron just thinks he’s making up for old wounds, and being a good friend, meanwhile Shockwave is experiencing what the organics call ‘butterflies’ in his midsection.
Soundwave , all bitter and angry and doing his best to be detached vs Megatron who’s very patient and attentive etc. One time , Soundwave couldn’t find Ravage. He looked all over HQ and she was still nowhere to be found. Only for Megatron to appear with her in tow, explaining they were both eager to stretch their legs , and had gone for a walk. Soundwave who only glares and walks away with Ravage, not even sparing a word to his former leader.
But Megatron doesn’t take this as a deliberate insult - Soundwave has always been a less-than-talkative mech anyway. Anyways, he keeps going for walks with Ravage , and sometimes even Frenzy and Laserbeak join them . Soundwave who gets all possessive because who the hell is Megatron to be attending to /his/ cassette’s needs ?
Soundwave eventually joining them on their walks and finding he actually really enjoys them. For the first two outings, none of them say a word. The third time though, Megatron is the first to break the silence, and eventually Soundwave warms up to one word responses. Megatron, who is thrilled to have his former TIC talking to him again, begins to talk… a lot. And Soundwave just listens. Sometimes even offering up not one, not two, but three word responses ! Eventually their outings become a routine, and at some point, the little cassettes stop attending and it’s just Megatron and Soundwave, walking along a cement path as the sun sets in the distance. Megatron making some half-thought out comment that Soundwave is a lot like the moon, gleaming and silent - its usefulness and beauty often underappreciated. Etc. and Megatron spewing out an apology for underappreciating Soundwave in the past - being all sincere and genuinely sympathetic. Though, most of his words are unheard, seeing as Soundwave is short circuiting because Megatron just insinuated that he was beautiful.
And Starscream, too, will fall victim to these silly harem tropes. I��ve been thinking he takes way longer to even look Megatron in the optics - watching from afar as he ‘shamelessly flirts’ with the rest of the former Decepticons , insisting that he himself won’t fall for such obvious tricks and lies.
Anyways, Starscream who still gets all nervous in Megatron’s presence, though he swallows this all down and hides it with his impressive anger. Vs Megatron who just sighs and relents, keen to leave the little seeker to his lonesome etc. lest he invoke his wrath and ruin what little semblance of peace they harbored
Hashtag, just wanting to help ofc ofc , keeps setting up moments for Megatron and Starscream to meet ‘accidentally’. She’d seen it in a movie , when two friends are fighting and yet keep accidentally meeting, eventually learning to their reconciliation.
It doesn’t end so well the first few times, ofc, but they’re slowly getting somewhere!
One of the times, they end up in an elevator alone, and Starscream is glaring holes into the floor buttons. Hashtag had synced into the HQ’s WiFi and activated every button. Damn this place for having so many floors.
“So…” Megatron begins and Starscream holds up his servo in a ‘stop’ motion. Telling him not to even start. That he wont fall victim to his lies too, that he isn’t as much a fool as everyone else is.
“They may believe you’ve changed, but I know you - I know you haven’t changed a single thing, besides the insignia you bear.” And Megatron just stands there stupidly for a while, mulling over a thousand responses. His first instinct is to argue and defend himself but Starscream clearly doesn’t look like he’s in the mood to listen to that. When the elevator dings it’s on the second to last stop, Megatron sighs. “I’m sorry, Starscream.”
It’s a shitty apology, yeah, but it’s a start. “Save it.” Starscream would snap , and as soon as the doors slid open, he’d storm out of the elevator.
And from that moment on , every time Megatron runs into Starscream, he already has a speech of an apology ready. Starscream, at first, just gets angrier and angrier every time he hears that pathetic word drip from his former leader’s vocalizer. As if ‘sorry’ would fix anything !
But eventually , ofc , it starts to work. Starscream who lingers just long enough to hear the end of Megatron’s speech of atonement, but leaves without a word.
Around the fifth apology though, Starscream asks “how many times are you going to try and trick me with this ‘apology’?” And grumbles something about never, ever forgiving Megatron. That no mere apology would ever atone for everything. And Megatron just hums. “I dont seek your forgiveness, Starscream. I will apologize as many times as you like, for the rest of my life cycle if you’d like, and you dont ever have to forgive me even a little bit.”
Starscream just cant understand why his former leader would sink so low, this was a humiliating performance, and yet… it was charming in its own way.
Anyways, I have not fully fleshed it out but some stupid, cheesy scene where Starscream trips and falls next to Megatron but before he can kiss the floor with his pretty face, Megatron catches him - by the waist. And when he resettles Starscream on his pedes, his touch lingers, and Starscream's processor seems to fizzle out of coherency.
Agh, big, dumb, charming Megatron is my weakness I tell you. I want nice Earth spark Megatron. Someday, I'll get around to writing this hehe.
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megolololo · 11 months
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why shockwave is the most fatherly decepticon (even more so than soundwave):
(aka i’m delusional and smitten)
every character in every medium revolves around a theme. a theme in a novel or a show or a film tends to be an idea that will be explored in both the subtext and text of that medium.
shockwave’s theme, surprise, surprise, is creation and rebirth (in most tf media). his whole character is concerned with the parenting of either himself (as a way of rehabilitating after empurata) or of others (predacons, his little bots in cyberverse, or even his subordinates like tarn)
now, you might ask, what sets shockwave’s fatherliness apart from soundwave’s? how is he any more fatherly than soundwave?
allow me to demonstrate with the following screenshot from guardians of the galaxy:
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shockwave was everyone’s father, but soundwave was everyone’s daddy (no not like that)
still not convinced? allow me to introduce you or remind you of the concept of nature vs. nurture. ironically enough, for someone who is only a father, shockwave is the more nurturing one. soundwave is considered a father because he is a cassette player and his “children” are cassettes
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in idw1 soundwave was actually more so adopted by his cassettes rather than the other way around. shockwave, on the other hand, birthed - even if not literally - and raised all the subjects he needed to raise to prepare for either war or for life
in idw1, shockwave was like a father to tarn. post-empurata, he still chose to call tarn the name that defined him the most: “damus.” not “glitch”, not “tarn”, which are all personas and not real identities (glitch = associated with his outlier power, tarn = leader of djd) but “damus.” shockwave knows the real tarn because he was there to raise him.
(extra note: to really drill in the fact that shockwave was fatherly to tarn, shockwave thinks “damus” is tarn’s real name while megatron, right before killing him, implies that “glitch” is. megatron is a military leader; he will favor the identity that holds the most militant potential. shockwave cared for tarn; he will favor the boy he knew when he was still in the academy)
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we can even still see the effects of pre-empurata shockwave on tarn, who takes great pleasure in the arts and everything conceptually and fundamentally beautiful like poetry or literature or music. and guess who wanted to be remembered for “both his brains and his beauty”?
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in cyberverse, he was actually kinda like a father to shadowstriker. he took her in after she was severely injured and placed her in his unit as a form as rehab, if you will (she wouldn’t have been able to go to more militant and armed units in such a condition). though he was less there to nurture shadowstriker, as she was already a developed adult, he was there to protect her. iirc, in a scene where they get frozen by this immobilizer, shockwave pushes her behind him.
it’s the same in tfp, where shockwave, near the end of the series, shoves ratchet behind him during the spacebridge battle and fires at other autobots. the enemy is LITERALLY next to him and yet he chooses to protect ratchet from stray bullets. and to address the predacon elephant in the room, he literally raised predacons. he petted them and comforted them and gave them sustenance to live and thrive.
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shockwave is cold, rational, and is obsessed with logic, yes, but he assumes this logic from what he has observed and what he has experienced before, whether that before be pre-empurata or before the war.
could he have had a fatherly and caring figure before the war? possibly. could he have picked it up from how animals assume this role automatically, as if it was biologically and universally a logical thing to do? possibly. but have we ever considered that… it’s just part of his personality?
BuT but shoCkwAve dOesnT have EmoTions
if he didn’t have emotions and therefore no personality, he’d never feel compelled to lie or have any will to do anything. he is driven. a computer is not. a computer is told to do something and will output the most logical output based on its coding. he’s self-driven and autonomous with his decisions.
so, to sum it up, shockwave is nurturing, but because he is often overruled by the need to follow a strict diet of reason and self-motivated curiosity for knowledge, this part of him is always overshadowed. he’s not a good man. he will frankly never be. but he can be a good father if he only let himself be. thank you for coming to my ted talk
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ao3wasntenough · 3 months
Coughs ckHgah that's alot of dust
Anyway throw any AUS u wanna rant in this ask.
I'll gladly listen :3
-🏍️ Anon
( T_T)\(🏍️ ) thank youuuu
(Keep in mind this is based around transformers Prime but before the events of the show and takes elements from bayverse)
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He was found by Soundwave while he was dying as a human, due to the allspark creating a cyberorganic virus to try and adapt and create transmetal, Soundwave was curious if such a pathetic live form could survive the influence of such an ancient power. And thought it would be interesting to provide Megatron a trophy of the corruption of the human who stood next to Optimus. Though Soundwave hasn’t disclosed the human turned cassette to Lord Megatron yet, and keeps details explaining everything private.
He's referred to as Echo by Soundwave, and it catches on amongst the few who happen to catch him being debriefed by Soundwave
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(This is a frame from a janky animatic I made of yous would be interested in watching it but it’s rough)
He has the coyote form, a transportable compact form and a human form, which closely resembles his human appearance but it’s entirely inorganic quite like a pretender
Soundwave doesn’t keep Echo on him or around base for long. Deploying him in a crate like pod, to wonder, record and gather data about autobot and government movements across Nevada, when in need of recovery and recoup time he returns to the crate which signals Soundwave to send a pick up.
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He’s furious about the way things ended with the autobots and once learning kids are once again in their folds is even more enraged, though he would never directly harm the children.
His coyote form has generated a small amount of notoriety in climbing/hiking/camping communities as a odd cryptid that leads lost back to traceable areas. And his been caught a few times in human form by local authorities or the odd government agent for trespassing and tells them He's a nature photographer.
And here is a meme of him and the other cassettes
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theoceanoasis · 27 days
I hope your surgery was successful. Hmm During the Quinteson attacks, Lazebrick liked the hot rod. He sometimes asked Hot Rod to pet him.
He was sitting at the bar when Laserbeak came over and stood by him.
"Do you need something?"
He glanced around looking for Soundwave but didn't see him.
Laserbeak ignored his question and climbed into his lap instead.
"Woah. What are you doing?"
He stared at the cassette in shock wondering if this was some kind of trap. He looked around again but didn't see Soundwave anywhere which was odd. Ever since Soundwave had been freed the two were never very far from each other.
He was brought out of his thoughts by Laserbeak who bumped her head against his hand giving him an expectant look.
When he didn't react she did it again until he cautiously pet her expecting to get bit because he didn't know what she wanted. Only to be surprised when she snuggled against him happy that he was now petting her.
Soundwave who'd been training downstairs watched as the elevator doors opened and spotted Hot Rod sitting at the bar.
He stepped out looking the Autobot over only to freeze when he saw Laserbeak sitting peacefully in his lap.
He stiffened and Hot Rod must have noticed someone staring because he looked over and gave him a sheepish look.
"She came to me wanting to be pet."
Laserbeak nuzzled against Hot Rods hand giving him a look and it was a good thing he wore a mask, which covered the blush on his cheeks.
Laserbeak had noticed his crush and was calling him out. She was also trying to force him to talk with the Autobot.
Hot Rod shifted looking uncomfortable and then he patted the seat next to him.
"Come sit down. Maybe she'll climb into your lap instead."
Even though he knew Laserbeak wasn't going to do that he still found himself sitting next to the Autobot while Laserbeak gave him a smug look.
He made optic contact with Hot Rod and the two quickly looked away. They sat there in an awkward silence until Hot Rod started talking out of nervousness. If was cute and he found himself listening even if he didn't say much. Not wanting the Autobot to think he liked him or anything after all he was still his enemy.
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nothanksjohnny · 3 months
At times the nemesis is calm. It's mechanism are soft in their churrs and hums as they repeatedly do their functions to keep the ship running. The vehicons are hushed and move smoothly through the halls. Some try to play to part of a empty minded machine. It's easier that way at times. Do your job and leave. It echos repeatedly. They try to ignore the pitted glances they get. They tuck away thanks of any fellow decepticon that is more gentle with them.
Its these days. Maybe weeks when starsscream stands empty beside Megatron. He's quite. It's so irritating to the past gladiator when he's like this. When he has to let a flicker of acknowledge run through his processor that he has damaged the seeker. And by his side starscream continues to remain. Wings high but optics dimly lit. Mouth in a soft thin line and his only inputs are genuine. It's frightening to Soundwave. For even on cybertron even when ridiculed for even dreaming of being a scientist the seeker never lacked in giving backlash. And yet here he stands a hallowed version. And yet if you catch the seeker is lucid moments you may meet one of few truest versions of himself. If you walk slowly through the halls you'd hear true apologies to Megatron. You'd hear him reminiscing with the leader. And maybe when he's left the room you'd hear the war lord apologize to. And maybe you'll hear heart broken screams as a crash screams through the walls from a room.
Its these soft moments that cause knockout to weep in remembrance of all his patients that have passed in his servos. His frame shaking with silent sobs and pleas for the war to end. His rechage spent drowning in the memories of all those who died. Not all decepticon either. Yes the extremely polished medic has helped neutrals and autobot alike. He swore on his oath he'd held any in need on cybertron. He finds himself leaning into breakdown pleading in forgiveness that his conjux won't leave him. He'd understand though. He's no longer a mech that has done petty actions. No now he's got energon on his servos that won't go away no matter how much he scrubs and scratches at his servos. He was once caught in such condition by the second in command. All the the seeker did was let his wings fall as he slowly lifted the medics servos out of the cleaning solution and dried them as he remained by his side aiding in tasks around the small sharp edged clinic until he was called upon. It's one of the reasons why the medic kept giving aid to the seeker.
Its these silent days that cause Soundwave to hold his cassettes closer. So fearful to let them out of his sight. He saw it. So many cassettes targeted or simply torn apart because their docking companion was killed. He can still hear their sobs if he walks the halls. He csn almost see all the bods and limbs as a sea of energon kissed the ground in quickly growing pools. He tried to help them. Tried to move them to safety to find others they could dock with but it was to no avail. So many perished. So many more begging for a chance willing to serve if it meant they could live . It isn't often he questions Megatron but when he does a Never ending anger seems to always follow.
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mychlapci · 3 months
I just realised something.
In IDW didn't Tarantulas make Springer out of Prowl's DNA? (When Tarantulas was Mesotulas) Is he canonically a mild then? I mean I know he gave Springer to Kup real fast but imagine this.
Instead of Prowl giving away Springer he raised him. Bot's could come in Prowl's office and see him nursing Springer. They could see him holding him during meetings, see him feed Springer in the open.Some bit's at the start would think of how unashamed Prowl is but still found it hot.
As more time goes on more and more bot's just stand and watch Prowl being a good mom. And wanting the treatment that Springer gets. As older as Springer gets the more Prowl get comfortable whit other younger bot's. (Orphan's that need parents.) So he just adopts them and nurses them aswell. Then it moves from children to bot's that look like children (minibots, cassettes).
After a while everyone gets their Energon from Prowl's titties, and are being treated like kids from Prowl. And they try to court him but it flies over his head.
I just imagine Adult Springer trying to keep all the bot's away from his mom.
oh yeah Springer as Prowl's baby is a popular thing on here, you know it man.
I can imagine Prowl holding his big chunky baby to his tit while acting like nothing's wrong, ignoring the bots staring at his big pouches and cursing themselves for not being around when Prowl was still pregnant (not that he was really around during that time...) because that would have been so hot. Anyhow... now you have mommy Prowl with a hungry toddler on his hip, his tits constantly out because Springer wants milk all the damn time! More and more bots end up taunted by those fat nozzles until one thing leads to another and Prowl ends up letting others feed from him as well...
After all, Springer is growing up and drinking less, and his tits keep filling out. Prowl basically becomes the autobots' "wet nurse", but he doesn't have the patience for bots' boners pressing up against his leg when he nurses them. This is why everyone who drinks from Prowl ends up limping out of the room and straight into the washracks to jerk off their spike...
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crying-fantasies · 3 months
that fic from previous anon where Mayhem goes to meet his other vers of his dada really had me gripping (your other fics and sparkling related fics too) make me want more of this boy traveling around
I'm in the mood for ES so.. but you can hold this request if you're not in the mood, my friend
Thank you for the ask! Mayhem's multiverse adventure continues even when Springy already saved his ass, more like what happened in between before the valiant rescue by our ex wrecker captain.
Okay, Earth Spark Soundwave is KIND of tricky for me, he has lost so much, he lost some of his cassettes, he lost his former leader, he lost his guide as a decepticon and back home, he lost part of his own sanity in all the mess (I've never in my life heard Soundwave growl like he did in that ES episode).
And, now, when everything seemed lost for his species in general, the Terrans happened, and, even in this black water planet, there is hope, just that said hope is in the servos of the autobots and, worse, Megatron.
ES Soundwave isn't blind, he knows how Megatron used to treat Starscream, back in the moment he couldn't do much about it, he even behaved like it was normal, and now he sees Starscream being like he is, it's obvious to say that he can't rely fully on Megatron to raise and guide the next generation.
Apart from it, and a nice change on the usual madness, Mayhem falls with the Autobots, who seem to mistake him as a displaced cybertronian from the war, the mech chooses to not correct them, because they seem like the bots he knows, but he isn't sure.
Megatron looks at him and is definitely sensing something is off.
Mayhem gets in touch with ES Soundwave, not because he wants to, but by the curiosity of why he feels a strange pull towards this new mech, ES Soundwave knows how to appear from nowhere, and while holding down Mayhem long enough to do a quick scan on him he says something that not even his cassettes can understand, "Ravage?", but said cassette is helping him keep the young mech down before he just sent them flying with force, Mayhem may be a medic but as a field medic he has the force to carry two or more heavy duty mechs if the situation requires so.
Getting away from ES Soundwave is hard, since he keeps on sending Laserbeak to track him down and try to talk to him, trying to get information out of him, like, why does his signature is so similar to Soundwave? Or why Is it his spark feels like Ravage's? And Mayhem just shouts at him that he doesn't know.
ES Soundwave gets near enough at some point, ask him if he is fine, for a change, if the autobots are uptight enough to make him starve in order to give more to their own, Mayhem needs a moment to stop asking himself since when his dad looks like that, because damn, if you also existed here then he now realizes why he has been here so long, he can only assure this version that yes, they taking care of him, yes, they are kind with him, ES Soundwave seem to try and approach him, almost about to touch above his cassette dock, just to stop centimeters away and touch his own, his EM field turning close to his frame, guarded, Mayhem wants to ask what's wrong, but end up not saying anything as the mech just goes along his way.
Chaos ensues as always, and Mayhem keeps on jumping realities after on, asking to himself how could he be mistaken for Ravage, because it is simple way too strange.
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gatorseverywhere · 2 months
I will send you Transformers thoughts.
- Tarn wants Megatron, but what he needs is a dommy mommy. Or a cat.
- Overlord is a sub.
- Cold constructed mechs would have really fucked up ideas about sex and intimacy. The differences are incredibly pronounced between the survivors of the first batches versus the last ones under the "3 step class"
- Prowl's longest lasting relationship is a monstrosity of a coffee machine that he salvaged from his old station's trash because it, in his opinion, was still operational and gave him the best brew for breakthroughs. Said machine produces a sludge that unfit for most mechanisms consumption and can be classified as a food war crime. Not to Prowl though. He knocks it back with a straight face.
- Megatron most definitely fucked the cassettes.
- Nautilator has a sheet for mechs to fill out their kinks and icks because of the Voice. He also memorized a variety of Megatron's speeches and speaking mannerisms so he could nail the imitation and do things on the fly.
- Riptide has two dicks.
- There should be more cultural misunderstandings between the Lost Colonies and Cybertron. Or have a language barrier.
- Solus Prime was a buff femme with shoulders to bench Megatronus.
- Liege Maximo is a short king with heels.
- Starscream could be trans. All his frame works and trades versus his True Form.
There is a mention of nsfw, proceed with caution
I love all of these-
Tarn definitely wants megatron, he's so down bad for him, Megatron is the only mech who could ever truly put tarn in his place, but the angst possibility is also phenomenal, especially with Meg's defection.
Im not quite sure what you mean by the cold construct bit, but i agree about the fucked up part.
I can not say i agree with overlord being a sub, but maybe when it comes to certain mechs. He's dominant until someone who isnt scared of him actually steps up to his authority. At first, he definitely considers killing the mech, but he decides it could be a fun challenge to let the mech try to dom, then he finds out he definitely does not mind it-
Prowl can stomach the most VILE coffee ever. As long as it keeps him wide awake, he'll drink it. He's tried the alternative, calming things to help him sleep better, like tea (decaf), but it never helps, so to cope with his inability to sleep, he just forces himself to stay awake. Also, yeah he can't hold normal relationships to save his life. Most mechs can't handle his lifestyle.
Meg's and the cassets would be a sight to see bro, he rewards them for doing so well, especially on infiltration missions where they're small enough to sneak into autobot base.
I'm sorry i dont no nautilator very well unfortunately 😔
Two spiked riptide, i love it, he looks like a shark so ofc he gets the double dicks.
Culture difference, i love it, especially when practices are so different, and it's just a culter shock.
Buff femmes is my kryptonite, i need solus to bench press me
Leige maximo is so fine for no reason
We all know starscreams original name was Pretty Poison, so now that means he used to be a femme with that name and changed his name to Starscream. We love a trans king.
Thank you for the asks, i adore all of these ❤️❤️❤️
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Does Soundwave get to see sparkling Rafael from time to time? He deserves some Baby Time on occasion
For the sake of the timeline of this Au, I am breaking request order to answer this. But simply put, yes. Soundwave gets babysitting rights sometimes.
Little Cassette
The moment he saw Rafael, Soundwave was sold on the idea of taking care of the little cassette even if he had to fight Optimus for the right. Rafael was so small, so vulnerable, and so very much in need of a carrier. A Sire can only do so much for a cassette or any minicon really. Sooner or later the minicon in question will need a carrier to instruct them and to nurture them in a way that no other can. However Soundwave has never been one to rip sparklings away from their caretakers, hence his meeting with the Prime coming as soon as Megatron had his back turned.
It was a dark rainy night when he met Optimus out in a secure location. Both were wary of the other and for good reason. However after a while of tense staring, Soundwave broke down first.
Soundwave: Sparkling Cassette: Requires Carrier Unit.
Optimus: What are you getting at Soundwave?
Soundwave: Soundwave is Carrier Unit. Can provide services.
Optimus was of course incredibly skeptical. Soundwave was nothing if not loyal. Letting the Decepticon into base to interact with Rafael was asking for Megatron to find their location. And yet as he looked at Soundwave, he found himself oddly compelled. He could see the sincerity in the spymaster, the pure desire to care for a sparkling not too dissimilar from Optimus's own. Besides, he wouldn't have put it past Soundwave to steal his youngest sparkling from him should he fail to come to some sort of agreement.
As such after several hours of hashing out the details, Soundwave was granted access to Rafael on a few conditions. 1. He may never reveal the location of the base. 2. He may not use any consoles or touch Autobot data. And 3. He may not take Rafael out of the base without express permission or supervision. They were simple rules, but if Starscream of all mecha was willing to follow a similar creed, Optimus was willing to give Soundwave the benefit of the doubt. And it didn't take all that long for the spymaster to begin making his visits. He always appeared the in the dead of night, never coming to base during the day for reasons he never bothered to specify. The team were mostly recharging whenever Soundwave came by, but since Optimus was going to be up anyway to care for Rafael, he was the one who opted to keep an optic on the spymaster during his visits. Soundwave for his part never made any noise and kept quiet when he visited.
It started small at first. Soundwave would only watch Rafael and play with him while Optimus prepared the sparkling's fuel in the dead of night. Then he began carrying Rafael around, rocking him and playing Cybertronian lullabies as the Prime worked. Soon after he began assisting in everything Rafael needed in relation to his care. Things that were once done during the day like cleaning his growth plates and gears became a nightly activity instead since Soundwave began visiting and took over the chore. Before long Rafael became more and more nocturnal to facilitate this change, causing him to also become more active much to Soundwave's delight.
The next thing Optimus knew, Soundwave began turning off his alarms and completely took over Rafael's care at night. The first time it happened he almost had a spark attack for a plethora of reasons. Did he leave Rafael to starve all night? Did Soundwave steal him? What if something terrible happened because he was stupid enough to sleep through his alarms?!?!?
Optimus: *Flying down the hall and into the main part of the base* WHERE IS MY SPARKLING!? Soundwave: *Staring at Optimus with a spoonful of jellied energon halfway to Rafael's mouth* ...
Optimus: ...
Soundwave: Cassette: Healthy. Fueling: Taken care of.
Optimus: ...
Soundwave: Prime: Needed rest. Soundwave: Took care of cassette.
Optimus spent the next three weeks staying awake just to make sure that Soundwave wasn't trying to trick him and find an opportunity to do something. When he physically couldn't remain awake due to the stress of the day, Ratchet took over his role of faithful watcher. And Ratchet was far more critical. He looked for any and all excuses to call out Soundwave and get him the frag away from Rafael. But no matter how long Ratchet watched, even prodding at times, Soundwave never did anything that wasn't in Rafael's best interest. The spymaster became Rafael's carrier and not a spark could stop him with how quickly the sparkling bonded to him.
During the day, Rafael was Optimus's and Optimus's alone. But at night, the tides shifted and Rafael was in Soundwave's care. The spymaster brought things for Rafael once the team were comfortable enough with him to recharge while he looked over the minicon sparkling. He brought small toys, old Cybertronian Knick knacks that he had held onto, story datapads to read to Rafael, and he even began bringing Laserbeak with him. Laserbeak came to quickly adore Rafael, often rubbing up against her new little brother with contented chirps, much to Rafael's joy.
Eventually Soundwave began his real work as a carrier. Minicon's need someone to bond to in order to feel safe and to regulate their highly emotive mental states. Those that had gestalts did not require this, but since Rafael only had his Sire, Soundwave did not feel bad at all beginning his work. He began slowly allowing Rafael inside of his carrying compartment, and while Rafael could not yet transform, it was a good start for him to get used to the idea of being carried by another mech. Rafael took a while to get used to the idea, but grew to be comfortable being carried around by Soundwave in his compartment. Then once he was content, Soundwave began to process of reaching out to Rafael, tentatively attempting to establish a bond. He would never dare try to take Rafael away from Optimus, but he also would not leave the small minicon sparkling without a proper guardian. After all, if Optimus and his Autobots were to fall, he wanted Rafael to be comfortable with him and thus be able to move on should the need arise.
With time, Rafael came to accept this offered bond bit by bit. Soundwave never rushed the sparkling, taking all the time in the world to bond with him and allow Rafael to relax. For if nothing else, Soundwave was loyal. He would wait for his little cassette to calm. And then when Rafael was older, he would begin the process of bonding to the sparkling completely (with Optimus's consent of course).
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askvectorprime · 11 months
Dear Vector Prime,
Did Soundwave have to remodel to accommodate his cassetey pals? What's it like in there for them? Are they conscious, or is it like a recharge until he gives them the old '____, eject!'
Dear Caring Compartment,
Even though Soundwave's cold behavior is well-known to most Decepticons, most of the cassettes regard Soundwave as the opposite. His tape storage system is something like a pitstop, or a boxing trainer in your corner giving you advice as you get patched up. Soundwave has several auxiliary data transfer cables and capillary energon lines to replenish his cassettes' energy while reading data from them.
Each cassette experiences this restoration differently within his storage system. Frenzy needs to relax and focus, and Soundwave is happy to provide him with media uploads of failed Autobot missions to reassure him of success. For Rumble, Soundwave instead curates a playlist of footage involving demolitions, earthquakes, or any kind of disaster causing large-scale urban destruction, which Rumble enjoys watching while venting to Soundwave about those who’ve wronged him. Buzzsaw likes his "sculptures" to be admired, Laserbeak enjoys reviewing flight plans, and Ravage likes to receive feedback on his assessment of the state of the war, honing and refining strategies and spy tactics that they may need to use against other Decepticons and stay within Megatron's good graces. Squawktalk, who spends more time inside Soundwave than any of the others, never, ever stops talking—in fact, Rumble swears blindly that the reason for Soundwave’s perpetual frown is that he’s always internally trying to tune out this endless stream of chatter.
Thanks to mass-shifting, Soundwave is able to compress many cassettes inside his chest simultaneously, and he himself benefits from all their individual abilities and inclinations: for example, Buzzsaw's precision, Ravage's stealth, Ratbat's fuel conservation, and Overkill's penchant for cruelty.
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blueikeproductions · 7 months
Y’know the more I think about it, if EarthSpark has such an infatuation with the Decepticons, why aren’t they using Decepticons better suited to the story it’s trying to tell.
To me the Decepticons’ role really should’ve been a mix of IDW and RiD15. Most are left rudderless, cranky and confused, still willing to continue the cause and hurt people in an attempt to conquer. Some meanwhile are willing to work with humans in some capacity, good or bad.
Like where’s Sky-Byte, Knock Out, Clobber and Drift?
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Never mind Drift’s Husbando thing with Ratchet, shouldn’t Megatron, as a GHOST operative, have his own little group of turn coat Decepticons who willingly followed him to the Autobots (and that it’s specifically ones who willingly became Autobots in past series helps this make sense). I get the intended idea was to make Megatron something of a fish out of water among the Autobots, but technically speaking, shouldn’t a few reasonable Decepticons have tagged along with him?
For that matter, where’s guys like Lugnut and Demolisher having an existential crisis over their leader abandoning them?
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That’s gotta be fertile ground for shenanigans and character work with Megatron and the Terrans. I know they kinda toyed with it with the ‘Waves, but boy did they not commit to the bit.
I can also buy that there’s a few Decepticons that are trying to make due on Earth and even work jobs with humans, we’ve seen that before.
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Not to mention Decepticons working with the human criminal element (or at least morally dubious types).
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And of course there’s my personal favorite, the Decepticons doing whatever it takes to get off Earth.
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Like really, the RiD15 Decepticons were able to build/repair ships using comparable human hardware, what in the ever loving skrud was preventing the ES Decepticons from doing the same. And don’t say GHOST, they’re too stupid to be a problem on their own without the Autobots. Maybe the Arachnamechs, but even so what’s stopping an opportunistic Decepticon from capturing and reprogramming them for their own ends?
The writers have such a fixation on the Decepticons, why NOT have this more nuanced take on them that ISN’T just purely making them into giant teddy bears. Fun aside, but they actually had those via Brickbear.
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Hey ES writers, I know some of you are reading this, on the off chance you guys continue to write for TF in the future, I triple dog dare you to make a Brickbear Decepticon canon in-show. I don’t care what you have to t’do, you want teddy bear Decepticons? Make this work. The blue print is right here. Basically make him or her the Peter Puppy (Earthworm Jim) of the Decepticons: cutesy in beast mode, a monstrous Hibernation Sandy Cheeks in robot mode. You’re welcome.
The point remains that modern writers NEED to stop sympathizing with the Decepticons and stop writing them as misunderstood Millennials and Zoomers who need a hug. I’M a bi-slagging-sexual Millennial from the 90’s and I’m among those telling you to knock it off, most of us want fun villains who revel in being murderous gearshafts, stealing Energon from refineries and drop kicking cassettes cats. Not everyone needs to reform like it’s Dragonball or Steven Universe, and I say that liking Vegeta and Beerus.
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cozzzynook · 4 months
I like the idea of bee being a diplomat, like think about it. guy’s one of the most known bots for being nice, open minded (sorta), empathetic, and respectful bots. to most. bots who know him personally knows he’s a lil’ bitch, but he’s respectful and shit when needed to keep a neutral stance in a situation. and I’m mostly basing this off my own bee in one of my AUs where at first he started as a courier bot, upgraded to a spy and scout, then a commander for the autobot army, and then a diplomat. and almost everyone knows the guy!!
I just think he would be a great candidate for that job, I also hc that as a scout/spy he would need to learn a handful of languages from cybertron. y’know, for spy and stuff, to ensure he gets all the information he can. and because he knows a few languages, it makes it slightly easier for him to pick up other languages outside of cybertron. and look at bumblebee!!!
he’s short and yellow, with a kinda bubbly personality!! he’s approachable, say if you didn’t know the guy beforehand. at first glance, he looks defenseless and inexperienced, you wouldn’t know this bug would be an espionage agent and scout. I just think he would be a very successful guy for the position of diplomat because of his communication skills and approachability.
oh, and possibly potential prowlbee or soundbee?? no idea, you can choose, I just say those two because they hold positions that would probably have them involved with diplomatic relations. like prowl in IDW, in those comics prowl acted as an advisory or second hand man to bee, helping him make decisions and shit I have no idea I didn’t read the comics yet. and soundwave is commonly depicted as a communications officer, I think megs would have the common sense to get his CO as a diplomat for his faction to be properly represented.
so prowlbee; working in the same environment, different positions, possible angst with them not being able to have a relationship because of their positions?? I think that’s how it works, no clue. anyway, soundbee; again working in the same environment, almost similar positions, potential angst being the same with prowlbee or because of their different factions.
thanks for listening to me yap <3
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I really like this headcanon.
Bee is definitely a harmless little bug that hasn’t committed atrocities in war like all the other minis & bigger bots. Of course not. He just happens to know how to snap a mechas neck cables with two fingers because he learned it as a silly little hobby, nothing more :). Jk jk lol
Bee as a diplomat is pretty good but i like to imagine he’s a diplomat behind the scenes because he likes his privacy and doesn’t want that pressure. Also him with prowl is so interesting because Prowl is so evil in the comics but him being a deep down good inside bot with known sweetheart sassing bee is so funny.
I imagine bee in a secret relationship with soundwave and they are such an odd couple yet compatible in a way most bots didn’t see coming. They think Bee drags Soundwave to raves when in fact the music master himself is the one who planned and hosted it. Bee is just there for fun times and moral support along with making sure the cassettes don’t offline anyone who says something about Soundwave or Bee.
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