#honestly a bit surprised that not even like. gino stepped in to stop it getting to the point it did tbh
thedissociatives · 10 months
seen hockeyfights posted that time pavel bure wiped out shane churla and oh boy do some of the people in the comments not seem to know why it happened
0 notes
keanureevesisbae · 3 years
sugar sugar - october.
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Summary: Henry invites her to a rooftop party and that is only the beginnings of a whole lot of changes for Becky.
Sugar Daddy!Henry Cavill x Becky Kim (asian OFC)
Warnings: Just an idiot who doesn’t take no for an answer, but that’s it.
Wordcount: 8.5k 🙈
A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter (and please Tumblr, don’t eat comments anymore, thank you very much)
Masterlist // Sugar Sugar Masterlist // Previous chapter // Next chapter
October 1st 8 p.m.
Henry asked me if I wanted to go with him to a rooftop party. I mean, of course I wanted to go with him, because I’ve never been to a party like that. However, as I try to find something to wear, I’m left with barely anything. The money he gave me, went straight to the bank to pay off a tiny bit of my severe debt. I kinda want to ask Henry to just pay it all off, but I’m too scared to ask him.
But now I sorta wished I spend it on clothes. I don’t even know what one wears to a rooftop party.
I slip on my black heels after I put on a simple black shirt with long sleeves, that’s tugged in a grey checkered pants. This looks sort of sophisticated.
I hope.
With my purse in hand, I walk out of my door. I know Henry is already here, so now I only need to sneak passed mister Del Rossi.
Let’s just hope he is watching some series again.
After I peeked around the corner, I see he is too invested in a different movie, so I shoot out of the building without him noticing me. Once I’m outside, I see Henry leaning against his Range Rover.
He looks so expensive. I think his belt is probably worth more than my entire outfit. The black slacks accentuate the firmness of his legs (and probably the firmness of his ass too, but only time will tell) and he paired it with a tight white blouse, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, revealing his strong underarms and probably severely overpriced watch.
Instead of greeting him, like you usually do when you see someone you know, I let the words: ‘I’m severely underdressed,’ slip, whilst stopping in the middle of the curb.
’No, you’re not,’ Henry says. ‘You look perfect.’
Perfect isn’t a word I would associate with me. Ever. Even my parents and siblings would agree that perfect and I don’t go hand in hand.
‘Excuse me, what?’
‘You look perfect,’ he repeats. ‘If you think you’re underdressed though, you and I could go shopping first. We have time.’
‘Really?’ I ask. ‘I mean, you wanted to go to the party tonight. Don’t you wanna be on time?’
‘There is a thing called fashionably late,’ he says. ‘Besides, I don’t want you to feel underdressed.’
Is this honestly my life now? I sort of say I want something and he just puts his life on hold, simply to give it to me?
I could get used to that.
‘How much time do we have left?’ I ask. ‘I mean, is there even a store open now?’
‘We have all the time in the world. Now get in, Becky,’ he says with a smile, ‘I know a place that is still open.’
✤ ✤ ✤
When Henry says he knows a place, he really does know a place. He takes me to the most luxurious boutique in the entirety of Manhattan and the owner (who is a lot smaller than Henry, but wow, is he very handsome. Totally someone I would break my neck for if I saw him passing me) holds up his hand when he spots us. ‘Henry, what a surprise.’ His brown eyes land on me and he smiles even brighter than before. ‘Hi there, I’m Peter.’
He holds out his hand and I carefully take it. ‘I’m Becky, nice to meet you.’
‘What can I do for you today?’
‘We’re going to the rooftop party at Gino’s,’ Henry says, his hand possessively in the dip of my waist, almost as he wants everyone in the store (and that includes the four rich looking guys in the back of the store) to know I’m with him. ‘And we want something for her to wear. Though I think she looks beautiful already, she should feel comfortable.’
Excuse me, my legs should not feel this wobbly.
Peter nods. ‘Well, I have just the thing for you. Walk with me, Becky.’
Henry squeezes my waist, before I walk with Peter to the left of the store.
‘So,’ Peter says, ‘are you enjoying this type of lifestyle?’
How does one respond to this implication, especially when it’s true? ‘Hm, what?’
‘Oh love, I know all about what you two have,’ he says. ‘Henry and I go way back.’ He goes through the clothing racks, as his eyes scan every item on the it. ‘We went to high school together and became best friends. We still are. So, after college, he goes to start Midnight and became filthy rich and I didn’t. I worked in cheap clothing stores after studying fashion and when he saw me struggle, he gave me the head start I needed. And now, look at me. One of the greatest boutiques here in Manhattan.’
‘Really?’ I ask him. ‘Does he give away money like that all the time to anyone?’
He shakes his head as a chuckle leaves his lips. ‘No,’ Peter answers. ‘He barely does it. Only to charities, but he always does it anonymous. You know, it was my idea to sign him up for Sugar Sugar. He is getting pretty lonely.’
‘How?’ I ask. ‘I mean, how does someone who looks like that, doesn’t have someone in his life?’
‘He is…’ Peter starts, ‘wait a minute, how do I say this? Keen on a solitary life.’
‘But why did he sign up then?’
‘Because the solitary life isn’t doing him any good.’ He smiles and says: ‘Becky with the good hair was the first profile to pop up on his feed and it was all he needed to see.’
I’m oddly flattered. ‘Really?’ I ask. ‘Why?’ I try to think about my profile picture, which was a very plain picture of me sitting in the grass during a picnic with Genevieve and Viola.
‘I don’t know. We signed him up and he was sold the second he saw your pictures and read your profile. He didn’t even check other profiles, just clicked on yours to send you a message.’ Peter has obtained a set: a tight black skirt with a white long-sleeved crop top. He ushers me to follow him and like a puppy I trail behind him. He grabs some black shiny boots, with a high thin heel after he asked for my shoe size. He even takes some jewelry with him.
Peter hangs everything up for me in the dressing room, as Henry takes a sit in a chair. ‘Show me when you’re dressed, okay?’ he says to me. I nod and when Peter stepped out of the dressing room, I close the curtain behind me.
While I’m changing, I hear them softly talking. I lean towards the curtain with my ear and try to decipher what they are talking about, but I can’t understand what they’re saying.
Is it true though, what Peter told me? Was Henry really sold the second he saw my profile? Meaning, he is not lying when he calls me beautiful?
I look at myself in the mirror and grab the silver collier and the matching ring. This looks amazing, I think to myself, as the skirt and top give my such an hour glass figure. My work attire is a star in hiding the few curves I have and my other clothes don’t quite accentuate it. I put on the heels and open the curtain.
‘My oh my,’ Peter says as I step out. ‘You are stunning.’
‘Thanks to you,’ I chuckle. ‘I absolutely love it.’
Peter walks over to me, pulling the skirt a little straighter. ‘You know, I love every piece of clothing in this boutique, but it’s always the model who makes it work. You sure you don’t want to model for me?’
I should not be blushing. ‘I don’t think I would be good enough for that.’
‘Nonsense,’ Peter says. ‘You don’t have to say yes straight away, but think about it.’ From the looks of it, he is dead serious.
Henry stands up and gets closer to me, causing him to literally tower over me. He grabs his hand in mine, inspecting the ring. ‘Peter,’ he says, ‘do you have a ring that is a little bit more delicate?’
His friend nods and walks into the store to grab a different ring. Henry gently pulls the ring off my finger.
‘What do you think?’ I ask him. ‘I mean, you’re probably gonna pay for it.’
‘I am gonna pay for it,’ he says with a smirk. ‘What Peter said: you’re stunning. I think I’ll be making everyone very jealous with you by my side.’
I highly doubt it, but this sure is a nice compliment.
Peter comes back with a different ring and after they exchanged them, Henry slides on the other ring around my finger.
This sure gives me enough to work with for my next dream, I can tell you that. The ring is a little bit more delicate, but when I look at it, it’s indeed better around my finger. ‘Perfect,’ Henry says. ‘You want a clutch to match with this?’
‘I’d rather have a purse,’ I mumble.
I don’t have to tell Henry twice. ‘Peter, could you grab some purses for her to check out?’
The store owner hurries back to the store once again, this time to fetch us some purses.
‘Should I put my other clothes in a bag?’ I suggest. ‘I can do that, while we wait.’
I already turn around, but Henry pulls me back. ‘No,’ he sternly says, ‘stay here.’
While Peter gives us four purses to show, he is actually the one that puts my other clothes in a bag, neatly folding it in a way I never do that. I pick a black and white purse, though I really like the pink one. It’s just that I’m not confident enough to pull off a bright pink purse with this outfit.
After Peter cut out the tags off my clothes and Henry paid for them (it was a good two thousand dollars, my poor heart), he receives the bag with my clothing from his friend and we say our goodbyes to Peter. ‘Can we go here more often?’ I ask Henry, as he opens the door for me.
‘If you want that, of course.’
Once we’re seated in his car again, I look to the side. ‘Thank you, I absolutely love it.’
‘Good,’ he says, starting the car. ‘You look like an absolute vision, Becky.’
✤ ✤ ✤
I know about how valets work, but I’ve never seen it happen in real life. I actually thought about working as a valet, but then I remembered I don’t have a drivers license, so that possibility went off the table fairly quick.
Henry held up his hand when a valet guy wanted to walk around the car to open my door, only to do it himself. He offered me his hand and once I took it, he helped me out of the car. Now, we’re stepping into the elevator that’s prettier than the entire apartment building I live in.
‘Gino is a good friend of mine,’ he says. ‘His parties are usually pretty okay, but if you want to leave, just let me know.’
‘Okay,’ I say.
‘And I don’t know how your alcohol tolerance is,’ he continues to say, ‘but his drinks are pretty strong, so watch out for that.’
Good to know. I can’t handle alcohol very well, except maybe a nice wine. ‘Is there wine?’ I ask him.
‘I’ll check for you. Also, remember not to take drinks from anyone, but me, okay?’
I scoff. ‘How old do you think I am?’ I ask. ‘I’m a grown woman, Henry.’
He smiles. ‘Well, you know, Becky,’ he continues to say, ‘Gino might be nice, but his friends are not always.’ He looks to the side. ‘If I were you, I’d stay close.’
‘I was thinking the same,’ I mumble, my cockiness dissolving as we speak. ‘I’m not really good at parties,’ I admit. ‘My last party was prom and it was horrendous. And that with people I actually knew.’
He nods. ‘Another reason to stay close.’
We step out of the elevator and oh my gosh, the aesthetic of the rooftop party is beautiful. I see golden lights everywhere and with the terrace heaters, the place has a nice temperature, so I’m not freezing to death in this outfit. I hear some music, watch some people dancing in the middle of the roof, whilst other are standing near the bar or sitting on large lounge sofa’s.
Okay, the people seem okay, just they all look so expensive, while I on the other hand look really poor, even in this two thousand dollar outfit. Is Henry absolutely sure he wants me to interact with these bouche people? I mean, I am part of his reputation now. If they think low of me, I honestly don’t mind, since I’ll probably ever see them again, but if they think low of Henry, because of me… That can’t be good, especially because he pays me to be by his side.
Henry must sense my discomfort, because after he places a heavy hand on my lower back, he leans down to my ear and whispers: ‘If I were afraid you were gonna embarrass me, I wouldn’t have taken you here. Just be yourself.’
‘Are you sure?’ I ask. ‘Henry, I’m not even content with myself. I can fake something, get an alter ego. Just give me a minute to prepare.’
‘No,’ he says sternly, ‘I want you.’
My knees barely recover from that comment. He wants me…
…to be by his side, without putting up an act. This has no sexual meaning what so ever. We agreed on that, I know that. ‘Okay,’ I say. ‘Just me. Sure?’
He chuckles. ‘Sure,’ he confirms. We walk towards a table and he hands me a glass of wine, before getting himself some whiskey.
Rich men really drink that?
His hand has risen from my lower back, to the midst of my back, his thumb caressing the bare part between my skirt and crop top. It’s such a casual and simple gesture from his side, but it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, with added heart palpitations.
‘If anyone asks,’ Henry says, ‘you’re my date.’
I actually wonder if anyone is even gonna notice me, because has Henry seen himself? Right when I want to say something to him, a man walks up to us. ‘Henry, you made it!’
‘Gino, nice to see you again.’ Henry holds out his hand and the two shake hands.
Oh, Gino is quite handsome as well. Does Henry only know beautiful people? I thought Peter was to die for already, but Gino sure is a sight for the eye as well. ‘Hello there,’ Gino says, a lovely smile appearing on his face.
‘Hi,’ I say, not quite sure if I should introduce myself or wait for him to ask my name.
‘This is Becky,’ Henry says, when he senses my incapability to be polite. ‘Becky, this is Gino.’
‘Nice to meet you, Becky,’ Gino says, shaking my hand with full enthusiasm, that my shoulder nearly gets dislocated. But it’s nice to be welcomed to someones party with this much excitement. Especially because I have never met the man before.
‘Nice to meet you too,’ I finally manage to say. ‘I love the aesthetic of the party. Very warm and beautiful.’
Gino smiles. ‘You know, you’re the first one to actually say something about it.’ He looks at Henry. ‘I like her.’
He ushers us to follow him to a lounge couch in the corner and while we trail behind, I tug Henry’s hand. ‘He likes me?’ I ask him. ‘Did he really say that?’
‘He did,’ Henry says with a smile.
I watch Gino shooing people away from the couch and holds out his hand, gesturing for us to take a sit. Henry and Gino both wait till I’m seated and I place my purse on my lap, since I’m not sure how far up my skirt you can look if I just normally sit. When I crossed my legs as well, Henry places his hand on knee, as he talks business with Gino.
My entire skin burns, even the part where his cold ring is making contact with my leg.
While I’m slightly disappointed that Henry and Gino aren’t involving me in the conversation, I realize it’s not about me. Of course it’s not about me. I’m tagging along with Henry, who is much more important than I am and who has business to do, even at a party.
I let my eyes wander over the people, who all seem to know each other. People kissing each other on the cheeks as they approach someone. Women wrapping their arms around some guy, who pulls them close as they clink their glasses.
‘Where are the restrooms?’ I ask them.
‘Near the elevators,’ Gino answers. ‘On your right hand.’
‘Okay, thanks.’ I look at Henry and softly say: ‘I’ll be right back.’
I place my empty wineglass on a table and walk through the people towards the restrooms. Not to pee or anything, but to regain my thoughts. Everyone here is so pretty and gorgeous and I feel so out of place.
I mean, even the bathroom is decorated in such a pretty and rich manner, and I’m none of that. I look into the mirror and decide to touch up some of my lipstick. I do some breathing exercises, because I feel like I’m totally working myself up.
After a short break from the party, I decide to walk back to the lounge couch. I push myself through the enormous crowd of people, but when I’m really close to Henry and Gino again, I bump into someone.
‘Oh, shoot, I’m so sorry,’ I say.
The guy who I bumped into smiles at me and all of the sudden I’m in desperate need of a pair of sunglasses. Why are his teeth so white? Is that even healthy? ‘No, it’s okay,’ he says. ‘Who you here with?’ he then asks me.
‘I’m with him,’ I say, pointing at the lounge couch, only to see Henry already looking at us.
‘Want something to drink?’
Yeah, that’s a no. I’m not accepting a drink from someone who clearly has had one too many. ‘No, but thank you for offering,’ I say, taking Henry’s advice on not taking drinks from anyone, but him to heart. ‘I’ve gotta go.’
I want to walk passed him, but the man grabs my wrist tightly. ‘Come on, one drink.’
I barely learned anything in juvie, but there is one thing I learned pretty damn quickly: if you want to break yourself free from someone’s grasp, rotate your arm towards their thumb. They can’t hold onto you, even if they wanted to and seeing this man’s level of intoxication, I think it’ll be doable.
I twist my arm towards his thumb and like I predicted, he lets go of me. ‘No thanks,’ I say, quickly walking up to the lounge corner. Henry is on the edge of his seat and when I approach him, he stands up. ‘Was he harassing you?’ he asks me, his eyes a few shades darker, as he places his hand on my upper arm.
Why does Henry look like he is ready to skin the guy alive and why is that so hot?
‘No,’ I say.
‘It sure looked like it to me.’
He wants to pass me, but I place my hand on his chest (okay, that was the original plan, but it lands on his stomach). ‘I took care of it, Henry,’ I say, as we both look at the guy who is still rubbing his hand, meaning I took him by surprise. ‘I promise you, I’m fine.’
He clears his throat, almost as if he has to restrain himself not to do anything about it. He simply nods and when the two of us sit down again, he places a heavy hand on my leg, as he talks to Gino about more business stuff. His grip on my leg slightly tightens every time the guy looks our way.
While I might not understand a lot of it, I am completely drawn in by the way Henry speaks. He sounds so confident when talking about something of his own field of expertise. Tine goes by, but there isn’t a second I’m bored.
I wrap my arm around his and place my cheek against his thick upper arm.
That sparks his attention. ‘Look at you,’ he says with an endearing smile on his face. ‘You tired, Becky?’
‘No,’ I say, but that’s a lie. In all honesty: I’m dog tired.
‘We’ve been here for quite some time,’ he says, looking at his watch. ‘Two hours nearly.’
‘We’ve been here for two hours?’ I ask him. It sure doesn’t feel like that. No wonder I’m tired, it’s way passed my bedtime. ‘Really?’
‘Yeah,’ he says. ‘I think we should go.’
‘No, we don’t have to, not if you’re still busy.’
‘We’re going,’ he tells me.
Yeah, I can’t argue with that.
I sit up straight and when he is standing, he holds out his hand for me to take. While I’m perfectly capable to get up myself, I gladly take him up on his offer. We say our goodbyes to Gino (who actually pulls me into a hug, as apparently you do when you’re rich? I don’t know) and once we’re in the elevator again, I can’t hide my smile. ‘Gino’s nice.’
‘He is.’
‘You’re not mad about the other guy, right?’ I ask.
He scoffs, but I feel like that is the answer to my question.
‘It’s not that bad, Henry.’
‘It was to me,’ he says.
The valet pulls up the car and Henry helps me in the car again, a trait I very much appreciate and hope it never stops. Whilst Henry drives me home, I lean back against the seat and turn my head to the side. ‘What’s up?’ he asks me, turning the steering wheel with just one hand.
‘I never heard you talk that much about work,’ I say. ‘It’s nice to hear you talking about something you’re passionate about. You know, you talk a lot with your hands, once you get thrilled about something. It’s endearing.’
Henry laughs. ‘Endearing you say?’
‘Oh, right, you’re a tough guy. Endearing doesn’t match with your reputation.’
He stops the car in front of my building. ‘Thanks for going with me.’
‘Of course,’ I say. ‘If Gino has another rooftop party, please invite me. I love the way he decorates it. Or lets it decorate, I don’t know. I feel like there should be a little bit more orange and yellow added to it. Not those neon colors, but those warm and soft— Henry, why are you laughing?’
‘It’s nice to hear you talking about something you’re passionate about,’ he says with a smile. ‘You want me to walk with you?’
’No, if my landlord sees me walking in with a man like you, I have no idea how he is gonna react and I don’t want to find out.’
He opens the door for me after he got out himself and hands me the bag with my old clothes. ‘I’m taking you shopping soon,’ he says.
I like how he tries to formulate it as a question, but fails. Shows me that no matter how much money he has, he is still human. ‘Really? We’re going to Peter again?’
He nods. ‘Among other shops, yes.’
‘Great, sure. Thank you for tonight. I really had fun.’
‘Me too,’ he says.
I don’t know how to say goodbye to him, so I simply smile and walk towards the entrance of the apartment building. I look over my shoulder one more time and shyly wave at him.
I quickly run up the stairs and once I’m in my room, my phone beeps in my purse. Henry transferred a thousand dollars to me? Thank you for your company tonight, Becky it says in the description.
I can’t help but smile, though it doesn’t last very long, because I know that I have to save part of this money to pay off mister Del Rossi and the rest for my debt.
Meaning that I can’t enjoy it yet.
But that’ll come soon, I’m sure.
October 3rd 2 p.m.
Henry takes me shopping like he promised, but after the morning I had in Retro House, I continue to yawn and feel absolutely exhausted. Even in the dressing rooms, I sometimes just sit on the little stool, hoping to regain some energy. However, I pull myself together fairly quickly when I realize Henry is here to pay for everything my heart desires. The least I can do is be a nice shopping partner.
We decide to take a bit of a coffee break at a nearby cafe and thankfully that means I can get some caffeine in my body. I sure need it.
‘You’re tired,’ Henry notes.
Okay, I’m not doing a very good job at hiding it apparently. ‘Yeah, I’m sorry. Rough morning at the restaurant,’ I say. I lean back in the chair and close my eyes as the soft sun rays shine on my face. ‘I also slept like shit last night.’
‘You want another job?’ he asks.
I open my eyes again, to look at him. ‘Oh absolutely, but I have very little to offer,’ I say. ‘I’m not qualified for anything.’
‘How about you just quit your job?’ he suggests.
I choke on my own spit. Did he honestly just say that I quit my job? As lousy as working at Retro House is, I can’t just stop. ‘Excuse me, what?’ I ask. ‘That I’m pretty dependable on you already is out of my own comfort zone, but quitting my job? Seriously? What do you want me to do with my time? Take your credit card and shop till I drop?’
Come to think of it, that actually sounds like something I would thoroughly enjoy.
Henry chuckles. ‘I was going to offer you a different job,’ he says.
While the fantasy of me walking downtown with Henry’s credit card in my thousand dollar purse, an assistant who carries my bags and a little chihuahua walking next to me in a matching outfit runs through my mind, I realize that another job might be better for my pride.
‘Oh,’ I say, as the idea of a new job sparks my interest. ‘What type of job?’
‘Midnight is looking for someone who can work in the archives. It’s currently a mess there and it’s only getting worse, unless someone is there to organize it.’
I think I can actually do that. ‘Are you sure?’ I ask. ‘I mean, I don’t want to work for you because you feel sorry for me.’
‘I don’t feel sorry for you,’ Henry tells me. ‘I want to give you an opportunity to make money, before your writing career takes off.’
I snort. ‘Yeah, like that’ll ever happen
He tilts his head. ‘It’ll happen, Becky, I’m sure of that. You know, the money you earn with this job, can go to your bank account and you save up.’
‘Are you serious?’
He nods. ‘Otherwise I wouldn’t have offered.’
This is an amazing opportunity. I mean, working in the archives, that’s a job I would actually quite love to do. This will give me the opportunity to provide for myself and work on my books, while Henry still does what he does as my… I really don’t want to think about the word…
The things he does as my sugar daddy.
But there is one thing that is holding me back. ‘I can’t take you up on that offer,’ I say. ‘You see, your office is too far from my place. It’s around an hour by car. I don’t have a car, nor can I drive and… Going with public transportation is just something I can’t afford.’
‘You can’t drive?’ he asks me.
I shake my head.
‘You want to be able to drive?’
I shrug. ‘Maybe on abandoned roads somewhere else, but not here in New York. That just gives me stress.’
Henry nods. ‘Well, I’ll arrange a car for you to pick you up whenever you have to go to work. However, on your first day, I’ll pick you up, so I can help you around, get you a bit more familiar with the place.’
My eyes widen. ‘Seriously?’
‘Of course,’ he says.
‘Isn’t that a hassle? I mean—’
‘I don’t mind driving,’ he interrupts me, ‘and I don’t mind picking you up.’
I feel like I can’t argue with that, so I nod. ‘How much money would I make?’
‘Around three thousand a month, but you and I can negotiate about that.’
I think three thousand a month is absolutely fine, especially because I can pay back mister Del Rossi in no time once I have a steady salary. ‘Henry, I don’t know how to thank you. This is absolutely amazing.’
‘You can thank me by accepting the job. We’ll sign something tonight.’ He pulls out his phone and says: ‘I’ll have my assistant working on that. I’ll call him right now.’
✤ ✤ ✤
Becky: I quit my job!!
Genevieve: You’re a full time sugar baby now?
Genevieve: I mean, I thought the sites told you not to do that?
Becky: No, I have another job.
Viola: Oh really??? Tell us all about it!
Becky: Meet Midnight’s new archivist: Miss Rebecca Kim.
Genevieve: Beck, you serious? You’re gonna work for your daddy?
Becky: Yes I’m serious and whenever you refer to Henry, either use his full name or the term SUGAR daddy.
Genevieve: I’ll think about it 😉
Genevieve: It’s just that daddy has a nice ring to it.
Genevieve: Daddy Henry omfg
Becky: I’m gonna make 3000 a month!
Viola: I love my bf, but at this point I want what you have.
Viola: I want to make $3000 a month, whilst also getting lovely gifts too.
Viola: I’m so happy for you!!
Genevieve: BECKY!!! I HAVE A GOOD IDEA!!
Becky: GEN, NO!!!!
October 7th 7:30 a.m.
We settled on the normal three thousand a month, since I don’t want special treatment simply because I am Henry’s sugar baby. We also decided that Henry offered me the job, after visiting Retro House a few times and we got to talk about something I want to do with my future. I mean, it’s not a total lie, so it’s easy to sell if anyone asks.
After he called his assistant, we went to even more stores, because I need to dress to impress, especially on my first day of work.
And today is the day. I would lie if I said I wasn’t nervous, because last night I couldn’t sleep at all. I was tossing and turning, to a point I fell off my bed.
Henry kept his promise and picked me up and we’re already ten minutes on the road. But the traffic is really bad today, however I feel like it wouldn’t matter if I was late on my first day, when you drive along with your boss, a.k.a. the CEO of the entire company.
Henry leans back in his seat, as he watches the road. We’re standing completely still and that makes me even more nervous. ‘Don’t worry,’ he says, ‘it’ll go fine today.’
‘Really?’ I ask him. ‘I mean… I don’t know why I’m so nervous. What if no one likes me?’
‘Impossible,’ Henry retorts within a second. ‘You have a very likable personality, Becky. If someone doesn’t like you, maybe I should fire them.’
That should not make me this giggly from the inside, but it still does. ‘You don’t need to do that.’
Henry pulls up, only to stop shortly afterwards. The road is jam packed and he is getting very frustrated now, though he tries his best to hide it.
‘Do I have breaks?’ I ask him.
‘You can have as many breaks as you want,’ he says.
‘Henry, I don’t want special treatment just because I’m your… You know what. I want to be just like one of your other employees.’
He chuckles. ‘Well, since you work from eight—though I think today you start at nine, with this traffic—till two or three, you should have two breaks of thirty minutes.’
‘That’s long,’ I note.
‘I like to give my employees a lot of breaks,’ he says. ‘Helps them to keep concentrated. You can grab your lunch in the cafeteria, it’s all free, so don’t worry about that. You can hang around there, but the view from the archives is lovely, so who knows you want to stay there. That’s up to you.’
I look to the side, at the exact moment Henry runs his tongue over his bottom lip. ‘On normal days,’ I say, ‘do I see you?’
‘You can come up to my office whenever you want.’
‘Henry,’ I mutter, ‘I’m just like your other employees.’
‘I know that,’ he says. ‘But I literally personally hired you. Meaning you’re not like my employees to begin with.’
I let out a chuckle. ‘Mhm, we’ll see.’
✤ ✤ ✤
The exterior of the Midnight building is magnificent, but the inside is even more ravishing. The floors shine, the walls are either painted or covered in wallpaper, I can’t tell the difference and even the ceiling is decorated.
I receive my own pass that gives me access to any room, including the upper floor, which is Henry’s office where only he, his assistant and people who are invited are allowed. He shows me the floors and I try to ignore every glare I receive from people who are obviously surprised and confused by the CEO giving me a tour of this place.
We finally arrive on the seventeenth floor and after we walked through a long hallway, we arrive at the archives.
And to call this a mess, is an understatement. I don’t think I have ever seen this much paper unorganized on the floor in my life. ‘How is your company this successful?’ I ask Henry, who stands behind me, taking in the mess. ‘This is absolutely appalling.’
‘It is,’ he admits. ‘You’re still up for the job?’
‘I think I am,’ I mumble. ‘Just tell me how you want it and I’ll start right away.’
Henry explains he wants everything put in folders, boxes and preferably both alphabetized and sorted out by year. That is something I totally agree with.
After I placed my bag in the only free space of this room (the right corner), I crouch down to collect some paper, making sure the entrance is sort of free from paper. Henry walks around the corner, trying to find a label maker, stapler and other office supplies I might need.
The door creaks and I feel this enormous pack of paper land on my back. I wince as I look over my shoulder, to see this guy with such a smug grin on his face.
‘Excuse me,’ I ask, ‘what’s your problem?’
‘Just bringing some paper,’ he says.
‘Are you blind? Can’t you see I’m trying to organize this place?’
‘Sorry, sweetheart, just giving you more to do.’
I clench my jaw. Is this man for real? Firstly, he attacked me with paper. Secondly, he has the audacity to call me sweetheart. What’s next? He asks me to take off my clothes and organize this mess naked, while he grabs some popcorn, to enjoy the show and gives me more to do here?
‘Well,’ I say, ‘since it’s my first day here, I don’t think it would be nice of me to ram this pack of paper up your ass, but let me tell you this: if you ever have the nerve to throw a something in this room, I swear to—’
‘Mister Miller,’ I hear behind me. ‘Causing trouble again?’
The color in Miller’s face disappears, as he gulps, realizing Henry has both seen and heard what he said. ‘No, sir, absolutely not,’ he stammers.
Henry walks over to us, placing a box next to my feet. ‘Let’s have a talk outside,’ he says, placing his hand on the guy’s shoulder, ready to escort him out of the room. ‘I’ll be right back,’ he says to me, before walking out.
I open the box Henry placed next to my feet and I see a lot of supplies. I massage the spot on my back, where the thick pack of paper hit me. I bruise like a peach, I know that. A strong wind could break my nose and I’m sure I’ll feel this unfortunate meeting of this pack of paper against my back for awhile.
‘You’re alright?’ I hear Henry ask, when he comes back.
‘I’m okay,’ I say. ‘What happened to him?’
‘Just a small downgrade of his job description.’ The nonchalance in his voice cannot be missed. He seems like a tough boss, someone who applies the rule ‘one strike and you’re out’, but at the same time, he seems like the boss that would give you as much time off as you need, when you have a personal matter and actually visits you to check in with you. ‘I have a last minute meeting,’ he tells me, ‘but you’ll manage, right?’
‘I’ll manage.’
‘If you need anything, just text me. I’ll arrange something for you right away.’
Of course he will. I nod. ‘Okay, thanks, Henry.’
He opens his mouth to say something, but no words come out. He simply nods and walks out of the room.
✤ ✤ ✤
Working at Retro House, left me with defect: I can’t take a long break, not even one. If I took a fifteen minute break during an eight hour day, that would be a reason to celebrate. Now, I can take breaks whenever I want, how long I want.
That’s too much freedom in the work environment.
It just doesn’t feel good to chill around, while I could also be working. However, at around one in the afternoon, my lack of sleep is slowly catching up with me and I sit in the corner, stapling some papers together. It’s just that the way the sun shines onto the spot, that makes me even more drowsy than I already was.
As I stare out of the window, I realize Henry’s right. The view is beautiful here. My eyelids become heavier and heavier and I slowly drift off to sleep.
I don’t know how long I’m sleeping, but I wake up when I feel someone’s hand on my shoulder. I jolt awake, ready to karate chop the person who touches me, only to see it’s Henry. ‘Oh,’I say, ‘I’m so sorry. Don’t think I’ve slept the entire time. I just felt a bit tired and I guess I drifted off to sleep and—’
He shushes. ‘No, no, none of that. I can see how much work you’ve done in one day.’
He’s not mad? ‘You’re not mad?’
Henry frowns. ‘Why would I be mad?’
‘I don’t know,’ I stammer. ‘Just… Never mind. How was your day?’
‘It was good,’ he says. ‘I think you’re done for today. You’ve done enough.’
‘Henry, my shift isn’t over.’
He smirks. ‘Well, the boss says it is.’ He holds out his hand and helps me up. ‘I’ll take you back home.’
When we’re in the car, Henry doesn’t quite say anything. While I’m figuring out what to say to him, he takes a deep breath and says: ‘I’ll be busy for the next two weeks or so.’
I should not be disappointed, yet I am. ‘Oh, okay.’
‘I won’t be able to meet up or see you at work.’
That’s a bummer. ‘That’s fine,’ I say to him.
‘Tomorrow a driver will pick you up,’ he continues. ‘His name is Laurence, he drives me around from time to time. Very nice man.’
‘Alright,’ I say.
‘And if you need anything from me, you can always text me.’ He looks to the side as he waits for the red traffic light. ‘Promise me, Becky.’
I chuckle as I nod. ‘I promise, Henry.’
October 21st 9 p.m.
Working in the archives is pretty much a solo job. I’ve snapped at people multiple times, before they get a chance to throw papers into the room and now, everyone gently places their papers on a designated table.
Maybe people don’t like me because of I yelled at them, but come to think of it: I only yelled at men.
A group of women asked me to join them on their lunch breaks. While at first glance, they didn’t seem like the type of people I’d personally pick out to eat my lunch with, they are very pleasant to be around with and I’m happy they invited me.
They, of course, all have their own lives, with husbands and children, but it’s nice to not spend my time alone.
I do however have slight issues with stopping today, because the room finally looks a bit more presentable. It’s nowhere near done, don’t get me wrong, but it’s nice to see the entire floor.
With my bag over my shoulder, I wait for the elevator doors to open. These passed two weeks, I indeed barely saw Henry, but he did transfer a thousand dollars to my bank account (with the description ‘just because’). He sometimes texted me, reminding me to take my well deserved breaks and to not only work on organizing the archives, but also work on my book, as it—and I quote—“doesn’t write itself”.
While the elevator takes its sweet time to come up to the right floor, I see that Laurence texted me that unfortunately he has a family matter. I quickly text him back that it’s okay and that I hope everything will be okay for him soon. I step into the elevator. I want to press the button to go to the ground floor, but my eyes land on the button for the upper floor.
I know Henry is in the office today and I could… You know… Talk to him.
I’m not gonna lie, but I missed him. I really wished it wasn’t like that, because I don’t think you should attach to your sugar daddy that much, but I can’t help it. I miss being around him.
When I press the button to go to the upper floor, I have to scan my pass, granting me access. The elevator takes me all the way to the top and when the doors slide open, I can already see Henry sitting behind his desk.
He looks up and smiles when he notices it’s me. ‘I was wondering when I would see you up here.’
‘Well, I don’t have a ride home. Laurence has a family matter.’
‘Yeah, so I’ve heard,’ he says. ‘He texted me a second ago. It’s pretty severe, so he won’t be able to drive you for a while.’ He nods for me to come closer.
‘Oh, that’s too bad,’ I say. ‘If you give me his address, I’ll send him a card.’
‘I’ll text you the address.’ He pats on the wooden top of his desk and I carefully take a seat. ‘You know, I’ll drive you back to your place, just have to save something and log out. Tell me: how are you?’
‘I’m good,’ I answer. ‘I really like it at the archives and it’s finally getting a bit more organized, meaning I can properly start very soon.’
‘I’ve seen it this morning, before you arrived,’ he says. ‘It looked good, Becky. Very proud of you.’
When was the last time I heard those words? I don’t think someone—besides Viola and Genevieve—has ever been proud of me. ‘It’s nothing,’ I say.
He leans back in his chair. Henry looks tired, as if these last two weeks have been pretty hard on him.
‘How are you?’ I ask him.
‘Better now you’re here,’ he quietly says, almost like he doesn’t want me to hear it, but I heard it and I’m so gonna text this to Genevieve and Viola. ‘You know, I have an offer for you.’
‘Oh, okay,’ I say. ‘Tell me.’
‘I could buy you an apartment.’
My eyes nearly roll out of their sockets. ‘What?’ I want to add a ‘No, that’s not necessary’ to it, but I know Henry long enough to realize that’s not gonna work. ‘Where?’ I ask.
He seems surprised by me not resisting the idea (believe me, I’m quite shocked myself), but he quickly regains his composure. ‘Madison Square Park Tower.’
I gasp out load. ‘What? That shit is expensive,’ I exclaim.
‘I can afford it,’ Henry says with a smile.
‘I’ve checked those apartments out before with Viola and Genevieve. It’s very very expensive, Henry. Isn’t it even a bit out of your price range?’
He frowns. ‘What do you mean?’
‘Well, your profile said your fortune was ten million.
Henry scoffs, almost like he’s offended. ‘Well, you can multiply that by a few.’
I am in shock. By a few? What’s a few? How much money does this man have? I don’t think I can respond to this. He is honestly that wealthy? Oh my, this is unbelievable.
This man is a catch.
‘I have a penthouse in the same building,’ he says, ‘so you can travel with me to work if you want.’
‘Of course you have a penthouse,’ I mutter. ‘If I were to say yes, just know that I don’t want a penthouse. An apartment is more than enough.’
‘Are you sure?’ he asks me. ‘I can buy you a penthouse.’
‘Promise me, only an apartment,’ I say in the same tone I use to everyone who walks into the archives, before they throw their paper in the room.
He smiles. ‘Okay, only an apartment. Want to check it out?’
‘Yes, now.’
I clear my throat. I should be asleep, but going to Madison Square Park Tower weirdly does not happen to me a lot, so I nod. ‘Okay, sure.’
✤ ✤ ✤
My jaw is probably dislocated by the time we finished our tour on the twenty-fifth floor in apartment 25B of Madison Square Park Tower. Henry is that rich, he can literally ask the receptionist for a key, because he wants to check out an apartment and she just gives him it!
What kind of sorcery is this?
The place is totally up my alley, if I were rich and able to afford it. There are so many opportunities and possibilities to redo this place with the walls and the floors. Decorating the interior to my likings.
‘You want it?’ Henry asks me.
Yes! ‘I don’t know,’ I say to him. ‘I really don’t know, Henry.’ I stand near the window, admiring the view.
Becky, you so want this apartment. Just listen to your gut, ignore that voice of reason.
‘It’s a lot of money and I feel like you are losing yourself,’ I say to him. ‘Remember, I am your sugar baby, not your best friend like Peter, or your girlfriend. What if you and I stop for this arrangement? I can’t afford this apartment, even with all the money I’m saving and are gonna save.’
Henry lets out a deep sigh, but doesn’t say anything.
‘I very much appreciate all the things you do for me. Really. The laptop, the phone, the job. You are giving me the opportunities in life I never knew I could have. But… This is not just a studio. This is millions of dollars.’
He sits on the windowsill, crossing his arms.
I have probably fucked up big time, but that doesn’t stop me from adding: ‘You only know me for a month, Henry. I can’t accept it.’
‘I’m paying for the place,’ he says, ‘and how you want to furnish it, allowing you to save the money you make and I give you. When you and I stop our arrangement, I’m selling the place again, probably with profit and you have the kick start you need on your bank account.’
Okay, I think I can live with that. Emphasis on think. ‘You really want to do that?’ I ask him one more time. ‘Absolutely positive?’
‘Of course, otherwise I wouldn’t have offered it, Becky. I want to buy you this place, so you can move out of… the place you’re currently living in.’
‘For someone with my former salary, it was a great apartment. It even came with a hallway rat.’
He looks to the side, slightly mortified. ‘Please accept my offer.’
I take a deep breath. I know if I say no, I’m going to regret it and Genevieve will kill me. ‘Okay,’ I say. ‘I accept your offer.’
‘Good,’ he says, ‘it’s yours next week.’
✤ ✤ ✤
‘Mister Del Rossi,’ I say, as I run into the his condo. He lets out a loud scream from his bed and then I realize, it’s almost midnight. Of course he was sleeping. I should’ve knocked or he should’ve locked his door, because it’s not safe that I can just barge in.
‘What are you doing here?’ he asks me. ‘Unless you have the money—’
‘That’s what I wanted to talk to you about,’ I say. ‘I’m moving out soon.’
While he first looked slightly pissed because I woke him up, he now seems furious and ready to strangle me.
Which is very understandable.
‘But,’ I quickly say, ‘if you have around one more month of patience, I’ll pay you five months worth of rent and you can keep my deposit.’
Now I have piqued his interest. ‘Really?’
‘Yes, really. I have an amazing job now, an opportunity to move to a different place and I promise you, I’ll pay you. Like, at the end of November probably.’
He thinks about it, but knowing he can keep the deposit, must make this decision quite easy to make. ‘Okay,’ he says, ‘but I need you to sign something, miss Kim. I’ve had it with you and your promises.’
I totally don’t blame him for that. ‘Of course, mister Del Rossi. Thank you so so much!’
‘And now get outta here.’
‘Oh yes, of course.’ I walk towards the door and before I close it I say: ‘Sweet dreams, mister Del Rossi.’
October 22nd 7 a.m.
Becky: Girls, I’m moving
Genevieve: What? Seriously? Daddy Henry bought you a place?
Becky: 🖕🏼🖕🏼
Genevieve: I’ll take that as a yes 😉
Viola: Finally you’re moving out of that dump.
Viola: Where are you moving to?
Becky: Madison Square Park Tower
Genevieve: You need a roommate? I’ll dump Greg right away to move in with you.
240 notes · View notes
jawritter · 4 years
A Thousand Years...
Chapter 2
Heart beats fast. Colors and promises. How to be brave. How can I love when I’m afraid to fall. But watching you stand alone. All of my doubt suddenly goes away…..
Summary: A soulmate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master. – Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
A new town, a new job, and a new life, one that you didn’t even expect……
Pairing: Reader x OFC Crystal, Reader x OFC Jessie, Jensen Ackles x Reader, Gino x Reader, Danneel x Reader
Word Count: 3039
Warnings will include… Smut, language, unrequited/ requited love, cheating, and possibly more. This is gonna be a slow burn y’all!! This is brand new, so I will add to it as I know. Chapters will have warnings of their own if need be….
A/N: So my little cousin was watching breaking dawn in the living room, and I was folding clothes in the guest room… When the credits rolled and this song started, this fic hit me right in the face… I couldn’t escape it.. I don’t know yet how many chapters it will be! But If you want to be tagged let me know!! As always all mistakes are mine!! Feedback is gold!! Hope you guys enjoy this one!!
Fic Based on the Song A Thousand Years, by Christina Perri
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Nervous, why the hell were you so nervous? It was just a trip to a brewery. It was very unlikely they were going to give you a job there. So it’s not like you were going in with your hope high here, that would be just stupid. 
If Justin had done anything in that facade that you thought was a relationship, it would be to never get your hopes up on anything. Those that expect little were seldom disappointed. 
Nothing happens for a reason. There is no such thing as a higher power. People tell you that they love you when really they are just trying to use you to get what they want from you. The bottom line there is love doesn’t exist. It’s just a gimmick. 
The only thing that is real and constant is yourself. No one is going to look out for you, no one is going to care about you, at the end of the day when things fall apart you are the one you have to face in the mirror and go to bed with at night. You have to live with your decisions, not family, not friends, not “lovers”, no one…It’s just you. It’s always been you. It will always be you, and there is nothing in this life that will convince you to change your mind on the subject. 
“You ready,” you heard Crystal call from the living room of your apartment. You all had decided to go early to the brewery before people really started to get there for the day so that you might have a chance to talk to whoever was managing it about possible job openings. 
Standing there looking at yourself in the full-length mirror you couldn’t help but wonder why even bother. You wouldn’t hire you. Even though you were in your 30’s you looked young. Younger than you would have liked and employers usually look at young as lack of experience. 
You wore only a light coat of foundation because it was rainy today, and you didn’t see the point in painting up like a french whore just to go to a brewery. You wore a black spaghetti strapped shirt with a grey and black flannel you had bought from Target, a pair of black ripped jeans, and black and white converse with your hair pulled up in a messy bun. 
You vaguely wondered exactly when it was that you just stopped trying when it came to your looks, and if it was normal for people your age to just stop caring at this point. You were who you were, and that was it. There was no point in trying to fight it, and if they couldn’t expect you for who you were, you didn’t want anything to do with them. 
You’d spent your whole life trying to please everyone. School was about pleasing and keeping up with the other classmates that were more popular than you were. In your relationship with Justin, it was always about him. Pleasing him, doing what he wanted to do. Being who he wanted you to be. 
Growing up it was about your parents. Trying to be the golden child. The kid they could be proud of. Well, that sure got you far didn’t it?
So you decided that you were done with all that nonsense. You were going to be you, dress how you wanted to, talk how you wanted to, listen to what music you wanted to listen to, and do whatever you felt like it was you wanted to do. End of discussion. What you see is what you get. 
Turning away from the mirror mumbling something to the effect of, “this is as good as it’s gonna get”, you walk into the living room where you found your brother and sister-in-law waiting for you. 
“Okay, let’s get this show on the road,” you say without much enthusiasm, grabbing your cell phone and shoving it in your pocket before getting your Id, your liquor license just in case you got lucky and they decided to give you a job, along with a little cash and stashing it in your other back pocket as well.
You hated carrying a purse when you went somewhere like a bar or brewery where people would be walking around drinking. You’d seen people lose their shit too many times at the bar you used to work for back in your hometown. It just wasn’t smart. 
Crystal looked at you and took a deep sigh, but said nothing. She was the girly, girl, always has been, always will be. If she had her way about it, you would have thrown on a flowy, girly, sundress that showed off your “assets” and applied enough makeup on to scrape off with a butter knife along with a cute hairstyle and maybe a hat before she would have even stepped out of the house.
Which oddly enough was exactly what she was wearing…go figure…
Less than an hour later you were parking at the parking lot of the surprisingly expansive grounds of the brewery. This place was shockingly huge. You did not expect this at all. You expected a bar with a brewing system in the back. There were also more people there than you expected, and it was also only around noon. 
“I wonder if Jensen is going to be here today?” Crystal turned and asked Jessie as you three started to take a walk toward the big red building that you assumed was the main part of the brewery. 
“I don’t know. You really never know when he’s going to be here,” Jessie said with a shrug.
“Uh…who’s Jensen?”
That question made them both stop dead in their tracks and look at you like you’d just grown a second head or something.
“Who’s Jensen? Seriously? You're shitting me right?” Crystal said, her mouth was all but gaping open.
“Yes, I’m serious. Who is Jensen?” 
Jessie and Crystal turned to look at each other for a moment.
“One of the leads on the TV series Supernatural. Don’t tell me you’ve never heard of Supernatural?” Crystal asked. “It’s been on TV for like 15 years…” 
You said nothing, just shook your head no.
Pulling out her phone, she quickly started to google before finding what she was looking for and shoved it under your face. 
“That guy with the short hair and the insultingly beautiful face,” she said a little too loudly, causing two girls passing to stare at you as they walked past.
You looked down at the phone and you saw two men on the cover of a TV guide magazine photo. Both of them attractive, but there was something about the one with short hair. His eyes…They were just …captivating.
“He’s cute, but how much of that is a filter, and computer-generated muscles,” you ask, handing her back the phone. 
“Very little. That’s all him babe, if he’s here today you will see for yourself,” she said with a smirk.
“You do know your married, right?” Jessie asked as the three of you started to make your way closer to the brewery. 
“Just 'cause I’m on a diet doesn’t mean I can’t drool over the menu,” she retorts back to her husband with a smirk. 
“He’s not even on the menu he’s married too!” Jessie said, aging her on more. 
“That’s a flexible arrangement, Hollywood marriages never last,” she said with an absolute tone. 
You walked a little ways behind the couple as they “couple bickered” all the way to the front doors of the brewery.
You were impressed by the massive size of this place. It wasn’t what you expected it all. It was peaceful, beautiful. It didn’t have the bar feel that you expected. It was almost homie. 
You walked past the solid wood tables towards the bar, taking in the sites around you. You didn’t want to get our hopes up, but you honestly would not mind coming to work here every day if it stayed this quiet and peaceful. Even in the gloomy, rainy weather, you were having today. 
There were more people hanging around outside than there was in the actual main building. When you walked in you were impressed by the modern feel of the place. It was brighter than you expected. There were no drunk men hanging all over the place, hitting on anything that moved. There were no creeps hiding in dark corners. It was clean. You hated to admit it, but you were downright impressed, and starting to get a little wistful, which you really didn’t want to do because you knew if you got your hopes up, more than likely this was never going to happen, and you’d lived through enough rejection in your life, you didn’t want to live with yet another letdown.
Jessie and Crystal walked up to the bar to place an order, and you hung back a little taking in the room and the furnishings around you. 
“Hey, what can I get for you?” The woman standing behind the counter asked you, and you blinked for a second, surprised that she’d addressed you directly because you weren’t really paying attention up until that point. 
Actually, not right now, but I was hoping to ask someone if you guys were looking to hire someone,” you tell her, not getting your hopes very high.
She looked at you and thought for a moment, shaking her head slightly. 
“I’m not sure if we are, but let me give you this to fill out real quick, and I’ll give it to Gino, he’s the one that kind of gets to hire and fire around here.” 
You nod and thank her as you take your paper to a nearby table to fill out the job application. Crystal and Jessie were walking around looking at the different merchandise that was for sale giving you a little bit of space.
You were just about to get up and go bring the Job Application back to the blonde behind the counter when a man came and sat down across from you. His name that was embroidered on his shirt informed you that this man was Gino. 
“Hey, I’m Gino Graul,” he said, extending his hand for you to shake it, which you did.
“Y/N,” you tell him, putting on your best smile. 
“I’ll go ahead and have a look at that while I actually have you right here in front of me,” Gino said, taking the application from you.
He looked over it quickly, nodding his head as he read. You held your breath. You couldn’t believe how nervous you were right now, but it felt like your whole future was riding on what this man was going to tell you. 
“I see you have on here that you have a license to distribute alcohol. Can I see that?” He asks, and you pulled out your license and handed it to him. 
Gino looked it over and smiled when handing it back to you.
“It’s rare that you find someone that wants to work here that not only has experience working around serving alcohol and things, but to already have a license is almost enough to make me hire you on the spot, I just have one question though, and I ask that you please don’t take this the wrong way. Well, two questions really.”
You nod your head slowly, afraid of what was going to come out of his mouth next. “Okay, I’m listening.” 
“Are you a fan of Supernatural, Jensen, Jared, or anything like that? I know that seems like an odd question, but I ask you to answer me honestly, please. Jensen is around here a lot, especially during the summer. He’s part-owner of this place, and If I’m going to hire you I need to know that you can conduct yourself like a professional, and not a fangirl.” 
You stopped him before he could go any further. 
“I’m not a fan, I didn’t even know of his existence until my sister-in-law was telling me about the place a little walking in here. I’ve never seen the show, I don’t know who Jared is, and I probably couldn’t even pick Jensen out in a crowd. I have no problem working for him, or around him. I’m not one to “fangirl” over anyone or anything. That’s not going to be a problem for me.”
Gino seemed to breath a visible sigh of relief. Apparently fans tend to constantly bug them about working here to see Jensen. 
“Okay, last question, and if you answer this correctly the job is yours if you still want it. Are you willing to sign a Non Disclosure Agreement? It protects our secrets for brewing, and it also will have a gag order of sorts to protect Jensen and his family. Jensen’s children tend to be up here when my sister, who is his wife, is here. It states that you can not give out their physical address to anyone. You can’t give out their phone numbers, because you will probably end up with at least Danneel’s number for work purposes, and you can’t take pictures of their children. No posting to social media about the job, anything like that, that could be dangerous to Jensen or his family, because not all fans are good people, and the protection of his children is our first priority. “
You thought it a little strange that an employer was asking you to sign an NDA, but you also never worked for anyone that was famous before, and you really needed this job. Also, he did make some valid points as to why he wanted you to sign one. 
“I have no problem with that whatsoever.”
“Good, then the job is yours. Give me your ID and I’ll go make a copy of these and I’ll print out the paperwork for you to sign. After we’re done with all that I’ll give you the tour of the place…Jensen is in the back. He will want to meet you as well.”
“Thank you so much! You have no idea how much I appreciate this opportunity,” you tell him, shaking his hand. 
For once in your life, it seemed like things were starting to go right. Even though you were afraid to let yourself hope, because it seemed like everything you had ever hoped for, ever dreamed about, had fallen apart at your feet. 
This time though, this time something just felt right, even if you were afraid to admit it to even yourself. Something deep down told you for the first time ever you’ve walked right into where you need to be. That a piece that was missing just maybe was about to be filled, and you just maybe could walk away from all this mess that you called life so far whole after all.
An hour later you had toured the entire brewery with Gino, which had a whole lot more to it than just a brewery, and had filled out all the paperwork needed to go to work tomorrow. 
“So, what do you think so far? Gonna like working here?” Gino asked as you rounded the corner to go to the back where they were brewing the beer. 
“Yeah, I actually think I’m really gonna like it,” you tell him, following Gino through the brewery to the back office where only employees went.
“Good. Well, there’s one more thing I got to do before I turn you loose for today so you can go get yourself ready for tomorrow,” Gino said, coming to a stop in front of the office door. 
“You have to meet Jensen and my sister.”
Opening the door there were two people waiting on the other side. A skinny woman who Gino introduced as Danneel, and a man that honestly knocked the wind out of you without saying a word, all he did was turn around in his chair and look at you. 
“Hey, I’m Jensen,” He said, getting up from behind the desk, and walking around it to shake your hand. 
His grip was firm, his hands were a little calloused and warm, just the touch of his skin to yours made your stomach do a backflip. The picture that Crystal showed you before did NOT do this man justice at all. 
In person he was breathtaking. His emerald green eyes searched yours with his grip firm on your hand. His t-shirt did little to hide the muscles that covered his arms and chest. His tall frame towered over you He had a light dusting of freckles that seemed to stick out under the florescent lights in the office, and a strong jawline that seemed soft under his light beard. 
Mentally slapping yourself because you had already promised Gino that you wouldn’t “fangirl” all over him, you smile at him like you would do any other employer on your first day or interview for the job.
“Y/N,” you tell him simply, hoping your voice didn’t give you away, it was so hard to concentrate though, he smelled so amazing. 
“So Gino told me he hired you today, when did he tell you to start?” Jensen asked, walking back around the desk. Danneel was leaning up against the back wall, saying nothing, but watching your every move. 
“Tomorrow,” you tell him, watching him pick up his phone and start scrolling through it.
“Good, 'cause tomorrow we’re having local vendors out and there will be more people here than normal. Especially because I’m going to be here as well. Looks like we might even be working together tomorrow, because I like to get to know my employees.” Jensen said, and all you could do was nod your head, wondering to yourself how in the hell you were going to survive it.
You didn’t understand it, because you had never experienced it, but there was something about this man. It struck a chord deep in your soul the moment he put his hand on yours. It dug itself in deep and made itself at home. There was no getting rid of it now, even though you didn’t know exactly what it was yet. Almost like an invisible cord that jumped out and tied yourself to him.
With only one touch he’d intoxicated your very spirit and nearly knocked you off your feet. No man alive had ever done that before, and you wondered what made this man so much different.
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@deanwanddamons​​ @imabitch4jensen​​ @rvgrsbrns​​ @bi-danvers0​​ @onethirstyunicorn​​ @i-love-superhero​​  @akshi8278​ @alanegaming​
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pink1031 · 6 years
Dirty Little Secret -Chapter 18
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader, Jared Padalecki x reader, Jensen x reader x Jared
Other Characters:  Danneel, JJ, Gen, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Norman Reedus, Gino Graul
Warnings: Married! Jensen, smut, oral both male and female receiving, cheating, anal, Dom Jensen, angst, fluff, rough sex,Daddy kink, some asshole Jensen moments, spanking, bondage, threesome, double penetration, NSFW.
A/N:  Gifs are not mine, they were all found on Google.  Aesthetic made by my lovely and talented friend @prettybubblesintheair. All mistakes are mine, *I am not really happy with how this chapter turned out but there was a lot that needed to happen since we only have two more chapters left in this series. I probably could have broken this down into a couple of chapters and elaborated some more on some issues but honestly I am looking forward to ending this series and working on some other ideas that have been gnawing at me lately,*   
Chapter 1,  Chapter 2,  Chapter 3  Chapter 4   Chapter 5  Chapter 6   Chapter 7
Chapter 8  Chapter 9  Chapter 10  Chapter 11  Chapter 12   Chapter 13  Chapter 14   Chapter 15  Chapter 16   Chapter 17 
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When morning came you were still giddy from last night’s events. You couldn’t stop staring at the ring on your hand as you readied yourself to head to set.
You stole a quick kiss from your now fiancée before he stepped into his trailer and you headed to your own.  A startled squeak fled from your lips as you walked into your trailer to see Jared sitting on your couch. He had an earlier call than either you or Jensen so you had not gotten to see him at the house this morning.
“You scared me.” You laughed as your hand clutched your chest.  
Jared smiled a tight lipped smile as he looked at you.  “So, let me see it.” He nodded towards your left hand and he stood up making his way towards you.  
You slowly held out your left hand as you bit nervously at your bottom lip.  You were trying to read the expression on Jared’s face as he stared at the diamond while holding your hand softly in his.  
He nodded his head and looked at you with a soft smile on lips but the smile didn’t match his eyes. “I’m happy for you kitten. It looks good on you.”
You frowned as you tilted your head back to look up at him. “Are you okay Jare? Are you okay with this?”  
Jared let your hand fall from his own and he turned his back to you, his long fingers tunneling through his chestnut locks before he set back down on the couch.
“Of course I am.  I’m happy for you and Ackles.” He nodded again.  
You quickly moved to his side and sat down facing him.  “You don’t seem very happy Jare.”  Your small soft hand reached out to land on his forearm, your fingers gently squeezing. “Talk to me.  Tell me what’s going on.” You encouraged him.  
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“I…” He paused and huffed, his nostrils flaring as the puff of air passed through them.  “I am happy for you both, really. I just feel like things between us will change now.”
You were already shaking your head as the last words fell from his lips. “Nothing is going to change Jare. Jensen and I getting engaged didn’t change my feelings for you.”
“What if Jensen changes his mind once you are married. What if he doesn’t want to share anymore?” He asked, his brows creased with worry.  
You shifted against the couch, rising up to throw one leg over Jared’s thighs and you settled against his lap. Your hands came up and you cupped his cheeks making him hold your gaze while his hands rested on your thighs. “Do you remember what you told me a while back when I asked you if I had any say in this relationship?”
Jared nodded his head softly. “And what did you tell me?” You asked with a grin on your face.
“That you would always get what you wanted.” Jared tried to smile.
“That’s right. And I am always going to want you.” You leaned forward and pressed your lips to his in a slow tender kiss, gently sucking at his bottom lip as his mouth melded with your own.  
Jared’s strong arms wrapped around you and he held you close as you shared soft sweet kisses.  When you finally pulled back you expected to see Jared’s bright smile staring back at you but he still looked worried.
“Now why the frown?” You gently stroked his cheek.
“I just,” Jared began, but stalled by clearing his throat as his hands gently stroked up and down your back. “I love you kitten and you know that but, it’s not like what you have with Jensen. You know? And I don‘t want you to think that uh, I love you any less. It‘s just that I, I don’t think …” He shook his head while his words trailed off as he fumbled over them.
You studied the man in front of you for a moment, the confusion evident on your face before the real meaning of his words slowly sank in.  “Are you trying to tell me you don’t want to marry me Jare?” You laughed softly.
Jared ducked his head and brought one of his large hands up to rub the back of his neck. “Um, yeah, something like that.”
Your laugh grew and Jared looked up at you with raised eyebrows.  “I know that silly.  I know you love me and I love you, but I know that the love you and I have is different from what I have with Jay and even what you have with Gen.  I wasn’t expecting you to propose just because Jensen did.”  
“Oh.” Jared’s shoulders visibly relaxed and it made you giggle again.  “It doesn’t mean I love you any less kitten, it’s just different.”
“I know.” You reassured him. You would never truly be able to define exactly how you felt about Jared. You both loved each other but realistically it was not a ’til death do us part’ kind of love. Would you say no to Jared if he ever did propose? Probably not, but you knew he wouldn’t so you pushed that thought out of your mind.  You returned your attention to the big man by leaning in and giving him another soft kiss to his thin lips and this time when you pulled away Jared was grinning.  
“So, are we good?” Jared asked.
“We are perfect Jare. Just how it should be.”
“Good.” He gave you a quick kiss to your forehead before leaning back against the couch, a mischievous grin on his face.  “You know I am going to give Ackles a hard time about this though, make him think I am going to propose? I mean, the opportunity to mess with him is just too good to pass up.”
You laughed again as you ran your fingers through his soft hair. “I wouldn’t expect anything else from you.”  
Jared chuckled and pulled in you tighter against his chest as his lips met the curve of your neck and he playfully nipped at your flesh.  You giggled and squirmed against him earning a growl against your skin as you wiggled in his lap.  Your hands tugged at his silken strands of hair as his mouth left hot wet kisses up your jaw until his lips found yours once again.  
What started out as playful kisses and nips quickly turned to heat between the two of you. Jared’s mouth claimed yours, the kiss hardening and deepening until you were rocking your hips against his lap while his large warm hands moved over your body.  His hands palmed at your breast through your t-shirt, your nipples hardening to stiff peaks instantly.  You ground harder against his lap, a animalistic growl rumbling up in his chest as you rocked your covered core back and forth against the growing bulge trapped between your bodies.
“Fuck kitten.” Jared panted softly as he broke the kiss. “We don’t have time. I have to be on set in ten minutes.”  
You groaned softly as you collapsed against his chest trying to regain your composure.  “Make it up to me later?” You grinned.  
“Definitely.” Jared cupped your chin and tilted to your face up to his once more to kiss your soft lips.  
At that moment your trailer door swung open and Jensen sauntered in.  “Y’all ready to get to work?” He asked without batting an eye at your curled up on Jared’s lap.  
You had felt Jared’s body tense as Jensen had walked into the trailer.  You knew he was expecting Jensen to immediately stake his sole claim on you now that you had agreed to be his wife. When that didn’t happen Jared blew out a soft breath that he had been holding.
You smiled warmly at both of your men as you slid out of Jared’s lap, offering him and hand and tugging on his large frame as he stood. Jensen took your other hand in his and pulled you against him softly as he took your lips with his.  
“C’mon future missus Ackles. Time to earn your keep.” Jensen chuckled as he lead you towards the door.  
“You mean missus Padackles? Right?” Jared eyed his friend questioningly.
“What?” Jensen frowned as he looked back over his shoulder at Jared.  
“Why does everyone call it Padackles, why can’t it be Acklelecki?” You giggled and Jared laughed a full belly laugh behind you making your grin even bigger.
“Wait, what?” Jensen said again but you shoved at his shoulder making him head out of the trailer with you and Jared giggling close behind him.  
Jared teased Jensen non-stop for rest of the week, always alluding to him proposing to you at some point. Jensen tried to act like the idea didn’t bother him but you could see his jaw clench every time Jared brought it up.  By the end of the week however, Jensen had caught on to the fact that Jared was just messing with him and the tension eased from his shoulders whenever Jared made it a point to call you Mrs. Padackles.  
Before you knew it the week was over and three of you were on a plane home for the holiday break. Two full weeks off.  You were excited about the time off and Christmas approaching but at the same time an uneasy feeling had settled into the pit of your stomach.  Jensen had asked you to move in with him and Danneel and you knew he had not asked her about it before hand.  You had high hopes that she would be happy about the idea or at least open to it but life was nothing if not unpredictable so you had no clue how it was going to go.  
You walked into the house before Jensen while he spoke to Clif and gathered up his bags with your own.  You were surprised to find Danneel had waited up to greet both you.  
She smiled brightly at you as you entered the kitchen and she greeted you with a big hug.  You smiled and hugged her back.  
“How was the flight?” Danneel asked as you pulled back from the hug and she took both your hands in hers.  You didn’t get a chance to answer because as soon as her right hand gripped your left and she felt the ring on your finger her eyes darted to the diamond and you watched as her face fell.  “What’s this?”  The smile was gone from her face and her lips pressed together into a hard line as she looked at you.
“It’s my Christmas present from Jay.” You replied softly, your voice wavering slightly.
“Jensen what the hell is this?” Danneel blind sided the man as soon as he walked into the room.  She held up your left hand towards him as she scowled at her husband.  
You watched as Jensen swallowed and his jaw clenched.  He was at your side in two powerful strides of his bowed legs.  “It’s my Christmas present to Y/n.  I asked her to marry me and she said yes.  I also asked her to move in with me, us, and she said yes to that too.” Jensen laid everything out on the table all at once.  
Danneel’s bright eyes were wide and she dropped your hand, taking a step back and sitting down abruptly in the chair behind her like her legs wouldn’t hold her up anymore.  
“D.” You began to speak but she cut you off.  
“You didn’t think that maybe you should have talked to me about this first?” Danneel’s eyes were solely on Jensen. “Maybe asked me if I was alright with this before you made big decisions that affect all of us?”
Jensen looked at his wife with harsh eyes before turning his gaze to you. He could see the distress on your face and it hit him hard.  He had put you through so much in the last four months and he felt guilty and his heart hurt for you.  All you had done was try to love him and it had brought pain and drama into your life.  He wanted to spare you more of that if he could.
“Y/n, baby, go to bed.  I need to talk to Danneel.” His voice was soft and caring as his jade eyes locked on you.  
“But Jay, we all need to talk.” You protested weakly.  He could hear how you already sounded defeated in your tone.  
“No babygirl. I need to talk with Danneel and you need to go rest.  Everything will be fine.” Jensen’s hand moved to curl fingers around the nape of your neck and he pulled you close placing a kiss to your forehead. “Now go to bed.  I’ll be up later.”  
The tone of his voice at his last command left no room to argue and you nodded softly before turning and leaving the room.  
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Once you were out of sight Jensen’s eyes turned back to his wife. He huffed softly and crossed his arms over his chest. “No I didn’t think I needed to talk to you about it first.” He picked up the conversation where it had left off. “You said you wanted to make this work and this is what is going to make this work.”  
“No, this is not how this is going to work.” Danneel raised her voice. “You can’t make decisions like this without asking me first.”
Jensen’s eyes narrowed as he looked down at Danneel.  “I didn’t need your permission to ask Y/n to marry me. Do you think I asked anyone’s permission before I proposed to you?” Jensen’s own voice was raising as his anger grew. “Stop being so damn selfish.” Jensen barked but as soon as the words left his mouth he regretted his tone, not the words themselves, but his anger. He drew in a deep breath to calm himself before he continued. “Do you remember what you said to me the night you found out about me and Y/n?  You told me that she was a better person than you because you stole the love of her life and she said she was happy for you.”  His voice was softer as he looked into his wife’s eyes. “Well now is your chance to be that better person, to be happy for her and let her be happy.”  
He watched as Daneel lowered her head and stared down at her hands in her lap. He knew he had gotten to her.  
“Sweetheart I know this is hard and what I am asking of you and Y/n is not normal, hell it may be a little bit insane and I know it is definitely selfish on my part to want it all. But we all have a chance here to be truly happy and Y/n needs to know that she is just as important to me as you are.  She needs to be my wife, she needs to know she is equal to you in my life.”  Jensen squatted down so he was eye level with Danneel.  He smiled softly as he took her hand into his own.  
Danneel nodded her head slowly. “It is hard.  And I know you’re right.  I do want to be a better person for you and Y/n.  It just caught me off guard I guess.”  
“I know sweetheart.”  Jensen rose back up to his full height and pulled Danneel up with him wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest.  “We can make this work if we all try.” He spoke softly against the top of her head.
“I’ll try.” She smiled as she hugged him tight. “I love you babe.”
“I love you too sweetheart.” Jensen kissed the top of her head softly.  
The next morning you and your sister sat down and talked To your surprise she apologized for the night before.  You had told her you completely understood her reaction.  You both talked things out calmly and rationally and by the end of the conversation things were good again.  Danneel even wanted to hear how Jensen had proposed and although you didn’t tell her all the details, you told her most of it.  She had laughed about the Dean role-play and even joked that it was Dean who had proposed and maybe you should change your last name to Winchester.  
*************************** Christmas day was coming up quickly.  Your stomach was knotted at the thought of the upcoming holiday.  You, Jensen, Danneel, Gen, and Jared had finally sat down to discuss how you were going to deal with family.  It had been decided that with the new engagement this was going to be the time to tell both of your families about your relationship with Jensen and Jared.  You honestly had no clue how they were going to react.  You knew not everyone would be accepting but you were hoping that maybe at least they wouldn‘t disown you.  
You were shaking as you sat down on the long sofa between Jared and Jensen. Danneel sat beside Jensen and Gen perched on the arm of the sofa beside Jared.  Your stomach churned as you stared across the room at your parents and brother and Jensen’s parents along with his brother and sister.  This was it. The moment of truth, literally.  
“So, we wanted to talk to everyone. I guess we uh, have an announcement.” Jensen looked at his family that sat staring at all of you.  You however were staring intently down at the floor.
Your boys could feel the tension and soft trembling of your body between them and Jared automatically reached for your hand just as Jensen did the same with your other hand.  
“Y/n and I have been dating for about 4 months now and we are in love.” Jensen blurted out and you closed your eyes, preparing yourself for the chaos you expected to erupt.  
“And Y/n and I have been seeing each other for about three months now.”  Jared added as he gave your hand a squeeze.  
No one said a word for a long few minutes and with your eyes closed you could imagine the look of shock and horror on their faces as they looked at you.  
“I’m sorry, what?” It was your father that spoke up first.  
“Jensen and Y/n are involved, romantically.” Danneel was the one to answer, her voice calm and soft. “In fact, Jensen just proposed to her last week and she said yes.”  
“So you and Jensen are getting divorced?” Gino asked with wide eyes as he looked at your sister.
“No.” Jensen answered with a shake of his head.
Another moment of silence. “I think we are a bit confused here son.” Alan spoke up.
“We know that this is a surprise, and it’s not conventional but I’m in love with Danneel and Y/n, and they both love me, and we are going to be a family, together, all of us.”  Jensen bit at his bottom lip as he looked at his parents, siblings, and in-laws.  “I’ll be married to both of them.”
You dared to open your eyes and look up, your families sat staring, looking dumbfounded at all of you.  Jared shifted at your side and wrapped his arm around your shoulders.  
The movement caught your father’s eyes and he spoke again looking at Jared. “And you are with our daughter as well?”  
“Yes Sir.” Jared nodded his head but you heard him take a shaky breath.  “I love her.”
“You know about this?” Your Dad’s eyes turned to Genevieve.
Gen nodded and smiled. “Yes, and I am okay with it.”  
“How would that even work?” Jensen’s brother, Josh, spoke up. “You can’t legally be married to two women.”
“We know it won’t be a legal marriage between us but that’s not really the point.” Jensen answered. “We want to get married because we are in love and I want to make her my wife whether the law recognizes it or not.”
Your mother was the next to speak up. “Danneel are you okay with all this sweetie? You haven’t said much.”  
Danneel smiled. “Yea Mom, I’m good.  We have all talked about this a lot and we have worked things out so that we can all be happy.”
You could tell your families were trying to soak up this new information but surprisingly everyone was calm and other than being completely surprised, they seemed okay.  There were some more questions, mostly from your family. They asked about your new house that you had just renovated and you had told them you were going to put it on the market.  There were questions about JJ and you all assured them that this was not going to affect her negatively at all. She would still always have her loving parents and her Auntie Y/n.  
The question that shocked you the most and actually made you giggle was when your father looked directly at Jared and asked. “And just what are your intentions with our daughter young man?”
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Jared almost choked on his drink as your father interrogated him like he was a teenage boy.  Jared stuttered over his words as he tried to answer. “I don’t have any intentions.  I mean I love her and I want to make her happy.  We are just um, dating I guess. I mean…we aren’t going to get married or anything. I just.” He looked you with wide eyes pleading for help but it was so adorable seeing him flustered that you just smiled at him and offered no assistance whatsoever. “It’s not that I wouldn’t marry her but I’m already married and she is marrying Jensen and we have two separate houses and it would be complicated and…” He was rambling now.  
You laughed softly and patted Jared on the knee deciding to give him some reprieve as you spoke up for the first time. “Dad, Jared and I don’t want to marry each other but I can assure you he wants nothing but the best for me. You have known him for a long time now and you know he is a good person who isn’t going to hurt me.”  
Your father huffed softly in response but he let the conversation die off.  The room grew uncomfortably quiet once more, everyone just staring at each other.
“Okay, so now that this is over. Is everyone ready to eat?” Danneel smiled cheerfully and rose from the couch to head into the kitchen.  
It was by far the most uncomfortable Christmas dinner you had ever sat through but you knew everyone was still processing the bomb you had just dropped on them.  At least no one was being negative so that was a good thing.
Everyone was saying their goodbyes at the end of the day when your mother approached both you and your sister. “Are you both sure that this is what you want?” She looked at both of you the concern evident in her eyes.
“Yes momma.” You answered quickly. “Jensen has always been the man for me.”
“I know that baby.” Your mom smiled. “I knew you were in love with him the first time I saw the two of you together all those years ago.” Your mother turned her gaze to your sister. “Are you sure about this Danneel?”
“Yes mom.” Her smile was genuine.  
“Okay.” Your mother nodded as she patted you both on your cheeks. “I just don’t want to see either of my girls getting hurt.” She hugged you both to her before she turned to her son-in-law. “And you,” She looked up at Jensen, “you better take care of my babies.”
“You know I will.” Jensen grinned, his eyes crinkling with his smile as he hugged her.
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You watched as your mother moved towards Jared next. Her brows furrowed softly as she stared up at his towering frame. “I’m not sure what to make of you and my daughter just yet but all I care about is her happiness so you better be good to her.”
“Yes Ma’am.” Jared nodded enthusiastically making your mom chuckle.  
Once everyone was out the door you could finally breathe a sigh of relief. “Well that went better than I had imagined.”
“I told you everything was going to work out squirt.” Jensen smirked as he tugged you into a hug. “You just gotta have faith.”  
You couldn’t believe you were back at work already. The two weeks off had went by so quickly.  You did manage to get your house on the market despite your realtor’s dismay at just having sold it to you.  Financially it was actually going to be a good thing.  With the renovations you had completed it dramatically upped the value of your home and you stood to make a consider profit.  
You had finished your first day back on set and now you found yourself relaxing on the large sectional sofa sandwiched between your two men.  Jared was reclined back against the arm of the sofa with one of his legs stretched out and the other bent with his foot flat on the floor while you were nestled between his legs, your back against his chest.  Jensen was in a similar position resting between your spread thighs with his head against your chest and his legs stretched out in front of him while you all watched a movie.
Things were comfortably quiet and relaxing for a long time before Jensen broke the silence.
“I want to go public.” Jensen suddenly spoke up.
“What?” You asked, you voice higher pitched with your surprise.
“I know it scares you but I want to go public.” Jensen’s olive green eyes were soft as he pushed up from his reclined position, swinging his legs around so he could look into your eyes. “If you are going to be my wife then I want the world to know. No more hiding. Our families already know so this is the next step.”
You swallowed hard as you thought about his words.  Before you could open your mouth to speak Jared spoke up from behind you.  
“I want to go public too.”
“Huh?” Your eyebrows almost shot off your forehead as they raised in surprise. You had never even considered going public with your relationship with Jared. You didn’t know it would be a possibility.  You sat up straight on the couch so you could look at both men and Jared shifted his body around too so that his feet were on the floor.  
Both men looked at each other, having one of their silent conversations before they each took one of your hands in their own.
“Baby, we love you and we want the world to know how much you mean to us.  I can’t hide you away anymore. I won’t.” Jensen smiled at you.  
“It kills me when we are out in public and I have to act like there is nothing going on between us.  There are times when the urge to kiss you or touch you is so overwhelming and I hate that I can’t.”  Jared’s hazel eyes met yours when you looked up at him.
“We won’t do it if you are dead set against it babygirl but just know if you let us, no matter what happens, we will be right here with you.” Jensen reassured you, his thumb stroking soft circles against your hand.  
“And Gen and Danneel are behind us as well.  We all have our families supporting us, and supporting you. Like Ackles said no matter what happens we will be together and that is all that matters.” Jared smiled warmly.  
You took a deep shuddering breath and then blew it out slowly as you looked back and forth between your two boys.  You gave their hands a squeeze and a soft smile curled your lips.  
“Okay.”  You answered softly.
“Okay?” Jensen asked, the surprise evident in his voice.
“Yeah, let’s do it.” Your smile grew wider.
“Are you sure?” Jared asked, his brows furrowed a little.  Apparently both men thought you would argue the issue.
“Yes I’m sure.  I love you both and I know that with both of you by my side we can get through whatever comes, together.”  You felt tears prickle at your eyes. “I am so lucky to have both of you.  I never thought I could be as happy as I have been since being able to call you both mine and if it‘s what you want then it‘s what I want too.”  
You quickly found yourself wrapped up in two sets of arms as they both hugged you tight almost crushing you between them until you squirmed.  “I need to breathe.” You giggled and they finally pulled back.  
Jensen peppered your face with kisses, his face was beaming with happiness as he practically jumped up from the sofa. “I’m going to call Kelly right now, give her a heads up about all this and see how she thinks we should handle it.”
You laughed softly at his eagerness but your giggle was cut short as Jared pulled you to him and his lips covered yours in a sweet tender kiss.
“Thank you for doing this kitten.”
“I’d do anything for you guys Jare.” You smiled against his lips before kissing him again.  
Ten minutes later Jensen walked back into the room with phone in hand, the smile had somewhat faded from his face.
“What did your publicist say?” Jared looked up from his seat.
Jensen chuckled softly and rubbed the back of his neck. “Well she was a little surprised and I think she used the words “publicists worst nightmare” but basically she said there was going to be no subtle way to do this so we should come out with it and see what reactions we get. She knows that it isn’t all going to be good so she will help us with any backlash that might happen.”
“So how do you want to do this?” You asked as you looked at both of them.
Jared grinned a mischievous grin as he pulled out his phone.  “I say we be as blunt about it as possible.” He waggled his eyebrows.
Jensen seemed to get his meaning before you did and he smirked as he slid onto the couch close to your left side as Jared slid closer to you on your right, sandwiching you between them.  Jared opened the camera on his phone and aimed it at the three of you.  
“Just posting a pic of the three of us together doesn’t say anything. We are always together.” You laughed.  
“Depends on what kind of picture it is.” Jensen’s deep baritone rumbled against your ear as he moved in closer and pressed his lips to your cheek. Jared quickly mirrored him on the other side and you smiled as Jared snapped the picture.
“Too subtle.” Jared chuckled as he looked at the pic he had taken.  “Need something more dramatic.”
‘Wait.” Your eyebrows raised. “You guys don’t do dramatic.  I mean you both have very clean cut reputations. You are both ‘family men’.” You made air quotes as you spoke.  “You don’t want to mess that up.”
“Kitten, it’s not like we are going to strip you naked right here and take pictures of us ravishing you from head to toe. Although that would be fun and might be an idea for later.” He smirked. “But I think I can speak for Ackles here when I say that we want the world to know you are ours. We don’t want to leave a shred of doubt that you belong to us and we love you.”
Jensen hummed softly in agreement before his hand gripped your chin lightly and he turned your head towards him, his lips capturing yours in a tender kiss.  Jared held up his phone again as he leaned in and his lips met your neck.  Jared took several pictures as he nibbled and licked at your skin while Jensen’s mouth claimed yours.  
“My turn Ackles.” Jared moaned softly as he turned you to face him.  His lips crashed against yours in a heated kiss as Jensen’s mouth moved to latch onto the sensitive spot below your ear.  The three of you made out on the couch for long blissful moments, all the while Jared snapped pictures.  
You had almost completely forgotten about his camera so caught up in their lips on yours until Jared pulled back with a satisfied hum. “Let’s see what we got.”  He began to scroll through the pictures he had just taken.  
“Send me that one.” Jensen nodded to the picture currently on the screen.  It was a picture of Jensen’s lips on yours with a clear view of Jared’s bared teeth against your neck.
Jared picked a similar photo, one where he was kissing you while Jensen licked a wet line to the soft shell of your ear.  
You however decided to go more subtle and picked the picture of the both of them kissing your cheeks.  
Jared and Jensen sent out texts to Gen and Danneel giving them a heads up that you were all getting ready to come out of the proverbial closet and to keep an eye out on Twitter and Instagram for the posts that were coming.  
Your hands were shaking as you stared down at your phone.  The picture poised and ready to be posted.  You bit at your bottom lip, fear suddenly stopping you from posting.  Jared was the first one to get his post out and you discarded your post to look at his.
There it was for the world to see.  The picture he had chosen with the caption that read ‘Dad always taught us to share. Not sure this is what he hand in mind though. Love this woman, @yourtwittername. #mykitten #sharingiscaring #polyproud’
You stared at the photo and a grin curled your lips even as the butterflies filled your stomach.  You had no idea how people were going to react and there were already comments popping up below it but you couldn’t bring yourself to read them.  You were excited and scared all at the same time.  
While you stared at Jared’s picture you received the notification of Jensen’s post.  You pulled it open and smiled again at the photo.  So thankful to have this wonderful woman in my life. Love you @yourtwittername #mybabygirl #futuremrsackles2 #sharingiscaring #polyproud’
Tears welled up in your eyes at the sheer joy that you felt to finally reveal your love to the world and seeing how Jared and Jensen so eagerly wanted everyone know they loved you gave you the courage to finally make your own post.  
You quickly loaded up the photo of you and the men once more and typed out your comment.  ‘The two loves of my life @JensenAckles @jarpad You both make me happier than I have ever been and I am truly blessed to call you mine. #truelove #polyproud’
Comments immediately began to flood in to all three accounts and you were scared to look.  Jared and Jensen however were immediately scrolling through and reading them with ease.  Jared chuckled softly at your side and you looked up at him with raised eyebrows.  
“Check out what Jeff said.”  He chuckled and held his phone out so you and Jensen could both read.  
Jeffrey Dean Morgan replying to @jarpad  Well son that wasn’t exactly what I had in mind when I told you to always share with your brother but I’m glad to see my boys are getting along so well. Happy for you all. XoJD
Jensen laughed softly and then looked back down to his phone. He held it up to you to show you the reply Danneel had left under his photo.
Danneel Ackles replying to @JensenAckles The two most important people in my life.  Love you and miss you both. Can’t wait until you come home.  #realsisterwives #polyproud
As you were looking at Jensen’s phone another comment quickly popped up under his photo.  
Jared Padalecki replying to @JensenAckles Shouldn’t that be #futureMrsPadackles ?
When you began to giggle at Jared’s reply Jensen took his phone back to see what you were laughing about. His brows furrowed as he read Jared’s reply and he quickly began to type out his own.  
Jensen Ackles replying to @jarpad No because you aren’t the one who proposed to her.  
You sat between the boys and watched them both typing, your eyes darting back and forth between the two of them until you finally picked up your phone again to see what they were posting.  
Jared Padalecki replying to @JensenAckles  She would say yes if I did. Jerk. #future Mrs Padackles
Jensen Ackles replying to @jarpad In your dreams. Bitch.
You laughed and shook your head. How in the world had you ever gotten so lucky? You quickly began to type in your own comment.
Your name replying to @JensenAckles @jarpad  Why does it always have to be Padackles why can’t it be Acklelecki? #future Mrs Acklelecki
Jared laughed softly and turned to look at you then. His long arm wrapped around your shoulders and he pulled you in against him as his head dipped and he placed a sweet kiss to your lips.  “I love you.” He whispered softly against your mouth.  
“Love you too.” You grinned and kissed him again softly.  
Your phone buzzed in your hand and you looked down to read the newest comment on your photo.  You were both surprised and apprehensive as you saw it was from Norman.
Norman Reedus replying to @yourtwittername Seriously?  #can’t compete with two of them
You stared at the comment, a frown forming on your face.  You weren’t exactly sure how to take Norm’s comment and it honestly worried you a little.
Jared was quick to push his phone back in front of  your face. Genevieve had also commented on Jared’s post and it brought your smile back at the solidarity of your family.  Her post was simple but heart felt.  Love is not always conventional but love is always the answer. #polyproud
This time your phone dinged with a text message and you opened it.  It was Norman.
N: I can’t believe you just went public with that bullshit. You really been fucking them both? Shit girl no wonder I wasn’t good enough.
You stared at the text and knots formed in your stomach. You didn’t know what to say back to him and you didn’t get the chance before another text popped up.
N: Maybe if I was fucking married you would have been interested since that seems to be your thing.  Maybe I should’ve had Jeff join us.  Would that have worked?  
You stared wide eyed and opened mouth at your phone as it chimed yet again.  
N: The whole world is going to think you are a fucking whore. Hope you are happy with that shit.  
Tears sprang to your eyes as you read the last text and your bottom lip began to tremble.  Jensen looked over just as a single tear slid down your cheek.  He was quick to pull your phone from your hands to see what was making his girl cry.  
Jensen’s face contorted with anger as he read the texts from Norman. “That son of a bitch.” He cursed as he stared down at your phone.
“What is it?” Jared asked, concerned etched on his face as he drew you into his side protectively.
“Fucking Reedus.” Jensen grumbled before showing Jared the texts.  
“He is such an asshole.” Jared shook his head. Your phone chimed again as Jared was handing it back to Jensen.
N: You know you’ll never be able to get another fucking job after this. Everyone will think you are a fucking joke and you just got the part cuz you were fucking both of them. You just threw your career away.
You leaned over and read the text over Jensen’s shoulder before he could stop you.  Tears instantly streamed down your cheeks and you rose from the couch quickly and stormed off to your bedroom before either man could stop you.  
“I’m going to kill him.” Jensen growled between clenched teeth. “I swear if I ever see him again.” He seethed but Jared cut him off.
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“Forget about him for now. Let’s just turn the phones off. We need to take care of Y/n right now.” Jared frowned.  
“You’re right man.” Jensen nodded before shutting your phone off and then turning his own off. Jared did the same and both men rose and headed towards the bedroom to check on you.  
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demes-tumbled-sims · 5 years
The Avyan Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 7: All This Feelings Junk
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So, the wedding had another little story, right? The sun is setting slowly over the party. Miko wants to socialize, I’m taking care of the bar. It’s been a perfect wedding. And up walks Gino, a little slower than usual.
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“I got my notice today,” he said with a little sigh. “Time to get the ol’ affairs in order.” Now, I could ask the reasonable question, which is whether he was just going to take that lying down. But I’d wreck my whole gig.
“That’s rough. Anything I can do with that?”
“Probably not. I’ve been enjoying the liveliness! I’ve been enjoying the company… All the company, if you understand me. I’ve got a little boy, you know. Julian.”
“Congrats!” So, this glass for my sympathetic bartender shtick has gotten really, really clean in the time I spent waiting for him to say anything more. “What’s your drink, Gino? I’ll make you a double.”
“I don’t think you can make a double of a Sour Punch, but sure! I’ll give it a shot!” This gets a smile out of the old guy, at least.
“If someone told you that, they’re just afraid to try. If it’s double the liquor, it counts. Break out a taller glass.” I start mixing it up as he settles back down and says, into the silence:
“Have you ever really wondered about what it means to get your affairs in order?”
“I refuse.”
“Fair enough, little missus,” he shakes his head. “What I mean is… Let’s say you love someone. Like you’ve never loved anyone.”
“Like you love Mila,” because there’s no such thing as a real hypothetical anymore. Also, because I just got married, so, you know.
“She’s a wonderful lady! A hard worker! A sweet woman. And it’s...it’s real fun. Just being around her.” The promised drink arrives at his seat. “Maybe I’m just being sentimental, on account of your wedding. Sweet wedding… But there are things I’d like to say to a woman like that… But then I’d leave her a widow, just like that! That seem fair to you? Is it settling my affairs to go all in -- or to keep things settled?”
“I think you asked me because you know what you want -- and if you didn’t want to do it, you wouldn’t even need to be asking this question. If she won’t be happy, she’ll say no. If that’s fine with her, she’ll say yes. Go get her, tiger.”
I won’t ask why he was in PJs. I think he might have slept through the start of the party.
“Oh, yeah! No moving her in!” I shout after him.
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“Mila! I’m glad you came!”
“It’s always a delight. And a fine sartorial choice you’ve made, dear.”
“Every party can be a pajama party if you want it to be! Besides, it’s a perk of being an old guy.”
“I’ll have to try it sometime.”
“ I want to ask you something. It’s important.” He takes a deep breath, holds it a while. “We both know we -- there’s just not enough room for us to ever live together.”
She nods, sadly.
“But all the same: you’re a beautiful, excitin’ part of my life. And I want everyone to know it. I want you to know it, now and forever, from the bottom of my heart.”
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“So I’m asking you to marry me.”
“Oh?” A little waver in his voice tells its own story. But then the ring is swept up onto her finger, dazzling.
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“Don’t worry! Yes, of course I’ll marry you!”
“Arright! Off we go to the arch!”
“Right now?”
“Life is short! Up you go!”
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“Gino!” She says it like a scolding, but then the lift throws her head back; her laughter throws her head back, her braid draped over his arms. “Hahahaha! You stallion! This can’t be good for your back.”
“...No,” he admitted, in a slightly strained voice. “Not really.”
“I can walk there just fine.”
“We’ll run, then,” he said, swinging her back down.
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And so they end up running; when Mila runs by I can hear her making a noise somewhere between a pant and a laugh, outpaced by a man a whole life stage ahead of her.
“I -- I didn’t think of myself as the marrying kind. I’ve got to admit, I don’t know what to say.”
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“Except that I love you. And I didn’t think my heart would be settled, not if you weren’t sure of that. I’ve seen the sea in a million moods, I’ve fought fish the size of me! But I feel like this, right here -- you, right here --  is the most thrilling, amazing thing I’m going to find, and my… Well. My biggest catch.”
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“I think that’s just right. I’m honestly very surprised. I’ve thought of myself as, oh, splendidly lucky; lucky to have loved someone once, and with him having a wonderful family. If that was all the love allotted to me, I’d have been happy.” She guides his hand into hers. The dusk between them is bridged. There’s an outside world, sure, but it was miles away.  “You’ve given me far, far more than my share. No matter how long it lasts, I’m so happy to share my love with you, to share a family with you.”
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“As long as we both shall live,” Gino said, his voice breaking huskily over the sentiment, like water over river rocks. “...And as long as you care to remember.” “As long as you’ll have us,” she answers.
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“I now pronounce us man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
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And Gino Levin and Mila Munch marry alone in the dusk; I think they liked the privacy, a little moment -- a series of moments -- carved out just for the two of them, like the sudden elopement of young lovers.
When the night’s gone very still and dark, and the party’s dispersed, Gino goes out fishing again.
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And maybe the fish sense something; maybe there’s something a little faster to the twitch of his fishing rod, a lightness to his step that doesn’t drive away the fish. How should I know?
But apparently, a newlywed can catch a lot of fish when he’s happy; he fills out his first aquarium’s worth of angelfish.
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I can just tend my bar in the night, and I’ve got to laugh. I’m in such a sappy mood. All this feelings junk. It’s really alright.
Mila probably understands just how short time is running there. Sure, active might add a little extra. It might not. But this is probably why, the next day, they go out to celebrate, and spend a little time together. And I came, too.
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Oh, and Zest is here with a pretty thing. He has embraced this philosophy of bad humor and fairly white-bread debauchery.
Me? Miko’s at work. So I’m just here for the pictures of experimental food! 
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Don’t know if I’ll keep the experimental food pictures as a museum thing. They’re not worth a whole lot. But hey! It’s an idea for now.
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The actual happy couple gets their own table, away from this whole business. As they deserve, and can talk about this and that -- more sailing stories, Mila’s first three kids: little Julian, too. “Of course, I do intend to make his food. I think it’s an important touch, even when you’re just considering baby food.” “That boy’s going to be spoiled rotten! I need to come see him.” “...You do.”
Before we leave,  Johnny tells me he picked up some Lilies and Snapdragons. How good!
Just after dinner, because when you’ve resigned yourself to the so-called “fact,” like you’re just going to take what’s given to you even when that’s losing, you know, existing, you’ve got to gamble on when the last time is, she invites Gino to the chateau.
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Well... I can’t think there’s anything wrong with making every second count.
and I’m there, too, because I hate being left behind when people are out and about. Gets me behind on all the good gossip. Besides, my wife gets to come join when she’s done working. I’ve got seconds to make count, too.
And we can enjoy some time together. Just me, her…
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“And the tickle monster!” “Ahahaha~ Ow, my sides! Ahahahah Hey, that’s not -- Miko!”
I’ll have to get payback!
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And a powerful smooching, to close out the night peacefully.
Little did I know, the true horror that awaited me in the morning…
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“Akira Kibo, what is that?” Whatever it is, it’s going in the blackmail folder. “Casual friday?” “Too casual. Put it back.”
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I can get another turn closer -- yeah, that’s right, another mixology level. They certainly fly by… This is a solid 7: nothing to worry about but hitting the career branch for this level.
Later that day, Gino stops by our dear neighbor’s to see his son.
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“Hey there, little man. Hey there… Look at you. How tiny! You’ve got to grow up big and strong, alright? And be good for your mom, OK? What else… Oh. Yeah.” He bounces the boy up once more, and holds him as tight as he can. “I love you. Remember that.”
Julian probably would never remember this moment. It’s all kind of unfair, isn’t it? Well, that’s why I’m getting out.
Miko’s giving stuff some thought. Because she heard about that, and she let out the biggest, goopiest “Awwwww” you’ve ever heard.
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I know it looks like she’s mopping, but that is a zone right there, and she is in it. “Alright! Bathroom’s washed! Dishers are in the dishwasher! Teapot’s clean! I am doing my best thinking, I am living my best life! ...What do I want?”
She takes a deep breath, and she smiles a big, bright smile.
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“Keeestraaal~ Are you ready?” “I think we’re ready. Soo… The marriage bed’s still pretty new. We might still need to… Try it out.” “And try for a bit more than that, teehee.”
That’s right. We think the days off are getting decent; the pay’s getting manageable.
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“Yes!” We’re going to have a baby!
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crystalelemental · 7 years
Atelier Totori Plus Opinions
Those who paid attention to my rankings are already aware that, at the end of the day, this is my least-favorite Atelier game in the series.  Which is something that really bothers me, because there are a lot of great elements to this game. The game has a strong alchemy and combat system, and introduces a serious storyline that spans the whole game (sort of).  Totori herself also winds up being my favorite of the Arland alchemists, and characters as a whole are fairly strong, barring a few exceptions.  There are just a lot of things that, I feel, hold it back. The game is still fantastic, and even the lowest-ranked Atelier game is more enjoyable to me than most other games out there, but, well, someone had to be at the bottom of a list.  And unfortunately, that's Totori.
CHARACTERS As a whole, characters are fairly solid, with a few that stand out as among my least-favorites in the entire series.  Those who are good are fantastic, and those who are bad are intolerable.  Thankfully, the good outweighs the bad.
Totori - Totori is adorable.  She's the most serious of the Arland alchemists, and shows a level of competence that we didn't get too often with Rorona, who was portrayed in a more joking fashion despite her talents.  Yes, a lot of characters talk down to her about her abilities, but I think what she accomplishes ultimately shines past Gino being an insufferable little shit all the time.  Totori is incredibly precious and enjoyable, and is a great mix of serious and studious with goofy and somewhat awkward.  I love her to pieces.
Gino - We begin with the bad. Gino is insufferable.  He's just obnoxious.  He is hyper to a fault, and is direct to a very dire fault.  Instead of a fairly endearing portrayal, they went for the option where he has zero social skills, is constantly a rude little shit, and does nothing of value but be a putz and whine about when Totori starts out-performing him.  His entire character story is him being a butthurt baby over Totori being stronger than him now.  Gino is awful.
Melvia - but he was not the worst.  Melvia gets that spot.  She would be generally fine.  She's portrayed as the strongest of the group, and is very direct in her interactions with others.  However, she loses massive points for the same reason that, say, Nozomi from Love Live loses points: the groping other people gag.  I think it only happens with Rorona when you have them explore together, but trust me, once is enough.  In fact, most of her initial interactions with characters when you go exploring are unpleasant.  Melvia is basically just a sexual deviant, and quite frankly, that's an automatic failure in my book.
Mimi - The best girl of this game.  Mimi is basically Cordelia 2.0, but with a bit more of a history.  Mimi's mother died of illness, and she's very focused on making her family name famous.  She's abrasive toward Totori, while at the same time being very clearly attached to her.  It's really cute, to the point it’s honestly one of the few ships I have attachment to at all.  Mimi tries her best, but has the same issues as Cordelia of being unable to honestly express her feelings toward others.  Unless that feeling is anger.  Then she's fine.  Like I said with Cordelia, struggling with their own emotions is a character trait I adore in all its facets, so surprise that I like Mimi best.
Marc - Marc is hysterical.  He's all about robotics, and is a man of science.  Of course, that comes with not always understanding the intricacies of social etiquette (”What, you didn’t know I was joking about using a live cat’s skin to cover the cat robot?”).  He just winds up being funny and engaging, and I generally appreciate his presence.
Rorona - Rorona returns, and she's fantastic.  Seeing Rorona in a teaching role really is something else.  She's still her air-headed self.  Very competent and skilled, but cannot teach for the life of her.  But, she's trying her best, and really wants to be a good teacher. It's sweet to see her interactions with Totori, literally the only one who understands her inane directions.
Cordelia - YEAH, CORDELIA!  Cordelia returns, as head of the adventurer's guild.  She's just as forceful as always, but has calmed down a bit since Rorona. She's more in control of her anger, and seems a bit more honest with herself, which is great.  I love to see that kind of development.
Iksel - Iksel came back!  I'm sure all five of his fans are very happy.
Sterk - The final returning character, and possibly the most involved?   Arland is a republic now, and thus Sterk has lost his standing as a knight.  Sterk is less than thrilled about it, and continues to insist he is a knight and acts accordingly, while hunting down Gio to establish the old monarchy once again.  Sterk's character is one burdened by regrets and the loss of his only perceived calling in life, and this really shines with his interactions with Gino.  While Gino winds up being obnoxious because he's just sad Totori beat him, Sterk presents as someone who is understanding of his position, having lost to Rorona and felt the blow to his pride as a knight who is weaker than the one he's protecting, but also forceful in how to overcome it.  It's a good balance, I feel.
Ceci - Totori's sister can be precious, though she doesn't have a lot of presence, I feel, until you start getting into her own history as an adventurer and why she stepped down. She's good, just not super interesting to me.
Guid - Can I just remark how much his recurring gag of being invisible irks me?   Because it does.  Still, he's alright.  Like Ceci, nothing interesting about him until he starts building the ship and re-kindles that passion he once had.
Gerhard - or whatever his name was.  Bartender man.  He’s okay.
Pamela - the ghost girl returns, but alive this time?  Or something?  We’re not too sure.  She sure continues to be a great source of entertainment though.
Peter - So my housemate Pat has this really hilarious nerd voice he does for characters like Peter, and I wish I could project it through text, but instead, here’s a link to Peter’s actual english voice.  They’re almost the same tone anyway.  Peter’s a nerd loser, and thankfully the game treats him as such.
Tiffani - She’s back.  Same issue as before.  I really don’t care for the drunk Tiffani trophies...
Hagel - Hagel has been promoted to the best shopkeeper of all time for commenting that if Totori is feeling embarrassed about the clothes she wears that she should maybe put on a pair of tights.  While part of me is definitely just happy that someone suggested a more conservative look (which I always appreciate), the specific suggestion for tights is an immediate bonus.  Hagel knows what’s good.
Filly - Esty’s younger sister.  She’s an oddball.  Nothing against her at all, but she doesn’t really stand out beyond the super relatable characteristic of hating her job.
STORY Totori has a real story!  Totori's mother was an adventurer who once went exploring across the ocean, and never returned.  Totori is sure that her mother is alive out there somewhere, and is determined to become an adventurer to search for her mother.  The people in her home village of Alanya are worried, but ultimately Totori persists and becomes an adventurer and begins her search.  It's easy to get sidetracked from this, but after three years and renewing your license, the search begins in earnest as you construct a ship and start to re-trace your mother's footsteps, straight into a village designed to be sacrificed to a demon within the tower nearby.  Your goal then is to fulfill the mission your mother could not and defeat the demon within.  Your path winds up encompassing both your quest to become a proper adventurer, but also to succeed your mother.  It's honestly a really strong element to the game.  I’ve said this before, but it bears repeating: you don’t need a super complex plot to be a successful one, and Totori is a good example of that. 
SETTING It's still Arland, only expanded to include Alanya as well.  Both locations do feel highly distinct, with Arland being a clear city compared to the small town of Alanya.  What really makes this world feel open is that you stop at several points along the way, and it has a much more significant feel of adventure.  When the ocean opens up, it really feels like there's a ton of extra metaphorical ground to cover, and seeing only a piece of the other continent opens up the potential for the Totori and Mimi Adventures ending, where they seek to travel beyond the areas already known.  The only drawback is that there still isn't much that's been dug into.  Arland is a republic now.  Nothing has changed.   Gio commented that it wouldn't, but it's still obnoxious to see how literally nothing about this dramatic shift in government structure had an impact on the region.  It's just those kinds of things that could be explored to some degree that would make for interesting story points that just...are never addressed.
SYNTHESIS SYSTEM Unlike Rorona Plus, Totori Plus has a very simple synthesis system, in that there's no combining of traits.  This allows for the perfect traits to show up way earlier than usual, and require little to no chaining of items to obtain what is needed.  In a way, this is kinda nice.  It simplifies the system considerably, and removes unneeded anxiety around getting just the right skills.  On the other, it takes away some of the engagement of trying to find the optimal assortment, and chaining items to achieve a goal.  The Cost system returns, but with no traits to increase cost, so it's all just a matter of having the better ingredients, which is how they get you to chain traits to other items.   It's not bad, necessarily, but it does feel much more simplified and bare-bones than the other games.
BATTLE SYSTEM Totori is like an inverse Rorona.  Equipment matters, but nowhere near as much as items.  In early-game, you are going to use items constantly, because they are hyper-vital.  In late-game, equipment and skills can account for a lot, but ultimately your items are going to determine what's best. A good N/A and Himmelstern combined with a good Dimension Egg is how you beat virtually every major boss, with everything outside of Orthogalaxen going down to this combo without even getting a turn.   When you use Rorona to double up on the fun, basically nothing in the game stands a chance.  This is an element I adore. I really feel like it's appropriate for the items you craft to be the thing that leads to victory.  It just feels right, you know?
OTHER MECHANICS Unfortunately, wholesale will not retain the best traits, which means you cannot register your ultimate bombs and buy them back infinitely.  Instead, you need the Chims!  Rorona creates her own versions of Hom called Chims, and you can get up to five if you find the Water of Lifes. Waters of Life? The Chim-Maker items. Each Chim can then duplicate ingredients or items you have in your inventory. Unlike Hom, Chims are best used to duplicate synthesized items, as they make exact copies without having to use ingredients.  As a result, you can make a few good N/A, and have Chims copy them to maintain your stock.  The only downside is that they're fairly slow.  It can take a tremendous amount of time to copy the good bombs and Elixers, which means your stock is never too high.   So resources need to be used conservatively and only as needed.  Which isn't too tough, considering how quickly you run train on the post-game superbosses with the right trait setup.
There's also the license points.  License points are used...primarily just to increase rank.  Rank increases will open up new areas and new explicit tasks to complete.  Sometimes, this involves making stronger boss enemies appear in previous locations, and other times it's opening up new large areas. It's basically how you determine where you can and cannot go, one step at a time, without opening up the entire map at once.  I really don't know how I feel about it.  It's a little...arbitrary?  But I can't complain.  I do think Meruru had the more interesting way to open up a world map, though.
ADDITIONAL COMMENTS I mentioned in Rorona that the Arland trilogy is the trilogy with a few more uncomfortable fan-service moments than I would like.  None are as bad as Totori.  Comments on "sex appeal" are more frequent than I'd like (read: above 0), Melvia is the way she is in most interactions with new female characters, the swimsuit contest is a thing that happens, and oh god the Guardian hunt...  The raw number of times this game made me wish it would stop is unfortunate.
There's also a bigger issue in the events.   Like Rorona, character events occur when they reach certain friendship levels.  Unlike Rorona, Totori has two central areas, and events are exclusive to each location.  Often without any indication that they're happening, and frequently with time-specific activation periods.  So you can miss entire events just by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. The conditions are also super obtuse. At one point in my playthrough, I tried setting up for the Spring Cup trick, only to realize I didn't have the recipe for the Spring Cup.  Rorona was supposed to give it to me, but hadn't.  Why?  Because I had to synthesize a specific item in the OTHER atelier, to activate a scene with Ceci, before Rorona's scenes would miraculously start occurring.   Then there's the time I completely lost access to Pamela's shop for the rest of the game because I went to one place first before going to her shop, and the scenes played out of order and locked me out of her return.  It's that level of obtuse nonsense that drove me up a wall while playing, and it's honestly this piece that causes it to rank at the bottom.  I can tolerate a lot.  But I cannot tolerate being constantly frustrated by not knowing where or when things will happen. Just a simple indication through an exclamation point over the town things are happening in would ease problems a lot.
There's also no development items, which I guess is fine, but I love those things and think it's nonsense that they didn't add them in the Plus version.  At least let me travel faster on the map, you butts!
CONCLUDING THOUGHTS Atelier Totori Plus is still a fun game, but it is, bar none, the most obtuse and frustrating of the games.  There are pieces that I enjoy tremendously, but there are also pieces that are just incredibly irritating to experience.  I still love the game, and I'm at a point where I think I've figured out the obtuse portions of the game and how to get events to activate.  But wow, it's such a frustrating learning curve at times.  Definitely worth playing, but also definitely worthy of the least-favorite spot in the series.
If you enjoyed this (for some reason), consider checking out the write-ups for the other games in the series as well!
Atelier Rorona Plus Atelier Totori Plus Atelier Meruru Plus Atelier Ayesha Plus Atelier Escha and Logy Plus Atelier Shallie Plus Atelier Sophie Atelier Firis
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cinephiled-com · 5 years
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The Judges and Top Four Dancers of ‘So You Think You Can Dance’ Prepare for the Season Finale
When I last attended the set of Fox’s So You Think You Can Dance several weeks ago, all ten of this season’s amazing dancers were still in the competition. In my opinion, this has been one of the most talented group of dancers in the show’s 16-season history. And one of the youngest, ranging in age from 18 to 21. Since then, six of the dancers have been eliminated: Stephanie Sosa, Eddie Hoyt, Benjamin Castro, Anna Linstruth, Ezra Sosa, and Madison Jordan. A few of these cuts had me screaming “NOOOOO!” like I was trapped inside an Edvard Munch painting but, alas, that is how the show works — two people have to be eliminated each week until we find out on next week’s season finale who will be crowned America’s Favorite Dancer.
Bailey, Gino, Mariah, and Sophie
There are four dancers still standing: Bailey Munoz, an 18-year-old hip hop dancer and B-boy from Las Vegas; Gino Cosculluela, an 18-year-old contemporary dancer from Miami; Mariah Russell, a 19-year-old contemporary dancer from Nashville; and Sophie Pittman, an 18-year-old contemporary dancer from Collierville, Tennessee. Happily, no one was eliminated during last night’s show, they were just dancing their hearts out in anticipation of next week’s finale. As of now, the final decision is out of the judges’ hands and “America” will decide the winner, with votes cast by text or on the Fox app. All four of the dancers were so spellbinding last night that I’m glad no one was cut because I might have started shouting from my seat and been forcibly ejected from the soundstage! Following the naming of next week’s winner, the Top Ten dancers will reunite for the 2019 So You Think You Can Dance Live Tour, kicking off on October 12 and stopping in 40 cities across the country through December 6. Click here for more info about the tour including dates, cities, and ticket prices.
Despite the agonizing nature of the competition, I have to say that this is the most positive TV show set I’ve ever been on. The support and love that the dancers feel for each other is palpable, as is the good will aimed at the four judges, host Cat Deeley, the talented crew, and the studio audience. It’s also one of the best-produced shows I’ve ever seen (the set design, lighting, camera work, and costumes are beyond compare) and certainly one of the most riveting. It’s astonishing how many extremely difficult numbers these dancers must learn each week and then perform with confidence in front of millions of viewers. I simply don’t know how they do it. Immediately following last night’s broadcast, I talked to three of the judges and all four of the talented dancers still in the running.
With Nigel Lythgoe
Danny Miller: Nigel, I have to admit that before I started watching this show, I knew absolutely nothing about dance, but now I’m all in!
Nigel Lythgoe: It’s crazy how it gets you, isn’t it?
I just think this is exactly the show that America needs right now.
There are no barriers here. No walls.
All of the dancers this season are fantastic, but I still feel devastated when some of my favorites are eliminated. Seeing people like Madison and Benjamin being voted off was especially hard.
Yes, that’s what the show is, I enjoyed that tension for many years with American Idol [which Lythgoe also produced]. At this point, I’ve learned how to step aside a bit, otherwise I’d be heartbroken every week!
I’m continually surprised by how moved I am by these dancers — their powerful work just brings up a lot of emotions in me. I’m stunned by the vulnerability showed each week by these talented young people.
It’s important, isn’t it? I don’t think a lot of people understand how important it is to show your vulnerability.
How do you think this show prepares them for the real world? 
Over a number of weeks, I think it does. As hard as it is for them here, the real world is twice as tough, and as much as a choreographer might love you this week, when you go and audition for the same choreographer next week, he or she may not want you. It’s just a fact of life that you are auditioning for every single job that you go for. Bank managers don’t have to do that, secretaries don’t do have to do that, most people don’t have to go to every single job and say, “Hello, this is my talent. I’m opening up my life for you!” In many ways, it’s a horrible, difficult trade. I’ve advised both of my boys not to go into it, it can be a very ugly business. But if you love it, you cannot stop yourself. That’s why their emotions are on their sleeves.
I have to say I could not be more impressed by this year’s dancers.  
Yes, I honestly don’t think we’ve had a Top Four in past seasons that actually compete at this level on every single dance, every single style. We’ve done Tahitian and Indian and hip hop and ballroom, and they’ve all brought themselves up to a level that is just tremendous.
And the growth of some of them has just been incredible. I think of someone like Gino, for instance, who is obviously a remarkably skilled dancer, but he’s been blowing me away for the past few weeks, I cried tonight during his solo.
He’s releasing his emotions now. As we’ve spoken about, it’s so important to show your vulnerability. And America sees that, too. If it’s just a veneer that they’re putting on, people will see right through that.
With Mary Murphy
Mary, I’ve never seen such a loving environment at a TV show, it’s just remarkable. I’ve been near tears all night long.
Mary Murphy: Awesome. You’re gonna get me going in a second. (Laughs.)
Is it hard to see certain dancers go each season that you think have something really special?
Oh, during the first few years that was very difficult. You break through that eventually and just hope for the best for each of them. We never know how it’s going to end. I thought they were all tremendous dancers this season and I was sad when some of them left, but then the next show comes along and everyone does such a great job and you move on. I think the fans at home love this show so much, they really support these dancers. It’s a hard life but such an enriching one.
Do you think after being here they are in a better position to go out into the dance world?
It’s different, however I do think this show is one of the best preparations. I don’t think there’s anything as hard as So You Think You Can Dance out there, to be honest with you. In the real world, you don’t have to learn so many new things in such a short period of time. And most dance gigs out there are not on live TV in from of millions of people. This show forces dancers to face their fears flat on, look them in the eye and annihilate them, and not listen to that chatter in your head that says there’s no way you can do five or six numbers in one week. They only get five hours to learn those duets, my brain explodes just watching them. I forget sometimes that the dancers have such a short period of time because it looks so good. Some of them have chemistry and it looks so well-rehearsed, it looks like they’ve been dancing together for months and months.
With Dominic “D-Trix” Sandoval
Dominic, you were a contestant in Season 3, a choreographer, and now you’re a judge. What do you think these dancers will gain from this experience?
Dominic “D-Trix” Sandoval: I’m so happy you asked that because I feel like for myself and so many of the dancers who have gone on to become household names in the dance world, this show really birthed our careers. So You Think You Can Dance is the first show that really set off dance in the mainstream media and gave dancers the ability to make an income and support themselves at a time when it was hard to imagine having an actual career as a dancer. This show has done more for the dance world than anything I can think of.
I knew nothing about dancing before this show, to be honest, and now I’m completely riveted by these dancers and the different dance styles, I’ve learned so much.
I mean, has there ever been a time when dancers like the ones we showcase are seen as artists in their own right to this degree? Before this show, the best many dancers could hope for was to be featured behind a star, this kind of attention was unheard of. It’s really cool to know that dancers are finally able to stand at the forefront of their craft.
How do you think the show helps them as they move on in their lives and careers?
You learn so much and you have a chance to work on many different routines with literally the greatest choreographers in the world. People like Mandy Moore and Travis Wall, all of them, it’s such an unbelievable honor. I think this show helps dancers learn what they can actually do, not just in dance but in life.
  Gino and Sophie, I talked to you several weeks ago when you had both just lost your partners and were paired together for the following week. We’ve seen the results of your amazing partnership since then. Was it just like you thought it would be then?
With Gino Cosculluela and Sophie Pittman
Gino Cosculluela: From the second we got into rehearsal, I knew it was going to be an amazing partnership and it hasn’t failed.
Sophie Pittman: I wasn’t sure how the judges were going to respond to us together. I was hoping for this kind of partnership and I’m so grateful.
I couldn’t even believe my eyes when I saw what you were both doing tonight. Are you always in pain the next day?
Oh, yeah.
Gino Cosculluela: For sure, but at this point we know how to get over it. That’s probably the hardest challenge, doing so many things back to back.
Sophie Pittman: Yeah, it’s like dance boot camp.
Do you already know what you’ll be doing next week?
No idea. We get a day off and then we start all over again!
  Mariah and Bailey, I can’t believe what you did tonight, one extraordinary routine after the other. Are you exhausted?
With Mariah Russell and Bailey Munoz
Mariah Russell: It’s definitely challenging but I’m just so grateful to be here and soak up every moment. Doing that many dances in one week gets stressful, but at the same time it gives us more chances to prove ourselves to America and to just have more fun on stage. I’m glad we do that many each week.
Bailey Munoz: Yeah, no pain, no gain, right? This has been a dream for all of us and we’ve worked so hard to get to this point. So we all have to put it on the line every single time we step on that stage.
What’s it like getting that much attention from the public? That has to be way more than you’ve ever experienced, right?
Mariah Russell: Absolutely. I’m definitely not used to it but it’s a great feeling. I’m just so thankful to have such a great support system. It can be a little scary sometimes because it’s like, “Oh my gosh, someone is actually obsessed with me!” But overall it’s a great feeling to know that people love what I do and that I can actually inspire people.
Bailey Munoz: The fact that we can have an impact on people’s lives is just insane. And just being part of the history of the great dancers I’ve seen on this show for most of my life is really incredible.
  Be sure to tune in to the live season finale of  So You Think You Can Dance on Monday, September 16 on Fox.
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