#honestly dont even get me started on hot fuzz cause there are so many quotes from that thing that i repeat daily
sprinklethetangerine · 10 months
I don't know about you, but my entire life REVOLVES around quoting shows and movies and whatever I know. If I never quoted things... then I just wouldn't be me anymore.
Just now, I suffered through 3 and a half hours of studying before finally calling it a day and going to eat and maybe watch something with my sister only to find the bitch asleep and doing exactly what I wish I was doing for those 3 hours I studied in. Absolutely nothing. So I, with no one but me around to hear, said "boo, you whore."
I quoted mean girls. For no reason other than I fucking wanted to. And if I didn't do that in that very moment... I don't think my life would be complete rn.
Literally 50 times through an average conversation, I will quote SOMETHING from SOMEWHERE.
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