#ive probably memorized every single line in that movie
sprinklethetangerine · 10 months
I don't know about you, but my entire life REVOLVES around quoting shows and movies and whatever I know. If I never quoted things... then I just wouldn't be me anymore.
Just now, I suffered through 3 and a half hours of studying before finally calling it a day and going to eat and maybe watch something with my sister only to find the bitch asleep and doing exactly what I wish I was doing for those 3 hours I studied in. Absolutely nothing. So I, with no one but me around to hear, said "boo, you whore."
I quoted mean girls. For no reason other than I fucking wanted to. And if I didn't do that in that very moment... I don't think my life would be complete rn.
Literally 50 times through an average conversation, I will quote SOMETHING from SOMEWHERE.
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xmxisxforxmaybe · 5 years
Remnants, Part IX
Chapter Summary: This chapter is transitional, so bear with me. I’ll be borrowing some ideas from the NATM movies, but mostly doing whatever I want to the plot to make it more Ahk-centric. Part X will be the final, action-packed chapter, but I do have an epilogue outlined, too. 
Part I,  Part II,  Part III,  Part IV,  Part V,  Part VI,  Part VII,  Part VIII
Story Summary: You are in the midst of formulating your dissertation, but you’ve hit a wall. Your doting aunt, Rebecca, has a solution that brings you face to face with Ahkmenrah, Fourth King of the Fourth King. As the connection between you and Ahkmenrah grows, and as the secrets of his ancient tablet unlock, the once-king will find himself faced with a difficult choice.
Thanks so much to @kitkatcronch  @kpopperotp12  @seafrost-fangirl  @sassystrawberryk  @perfect-rami  @txmel   @limabein   and  @rami-malek-trash for reading : ) If anyone else wants added to the taglist, let me know. I’ve greatly appreciated the feedback!
Warnings: None
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It was mid-April, and you smiled as the sun warmed your skin. Although the air still held a chill, it was clear from the budding trees lining the courtyard that summer would soon make an appearance. It had been a particularly brutal east coast winter, and even though the thought of summer brought forth deep pangs of nostalgia, the sun was a welcome change.
“Okay, Y/N,” Chelsea said as she flicked a long strand of hair over her shoulder. “One more time from the top.”
 You began the introduction to your thesis defense for the tenth time that afternoon. In two weeks, you would be in front of a room of both your current and potential peers delivering your defense. The details of your work had drawn a lot of curiosity, so your chairs warned you that it would be a full house. You felt your work as a TA prepared you pretty well for addressing a full auditorium, but you knew that you probably wouldn’t sleep properly until this was all over. To secure job offers, your delivery needed to be stellar.
 In addition to professors, a variety of museum directors and field experts, including the museum director of Cairo, were flying in to listen to your defense. Thanks to Ryan, your name had become familiar to the director in Cairo, and he began to closely follow your publications. If your defense went well, you could be fielding offers not only from all over the states, but globally.
 After Ryan’s six months in Africa, he transferred to The University of Sydney to finalize his thesis and finish his PhD. You always had a hunch that he’d return home, and you sent a text congratulating him, wishing him the best. He’d responded something similar and that was the last you had talked to him in a while. As much of a presence as Ry once was in your life, it was shocking how quickly you could put a person behind you.
 Unless, of course, you were still in love with that person. Despite Ahkmenrah’s last words and his desire to no longer see you, your feelings had not waned. The days did get easier, and you were actually prone to smiling and going out with your friends, but when it got quiet, when you ran out of things to keep your mind occupied, your mind flooded with your memories of him.
 It had been eight months since you had seen Ahk, nearly double the time you had actually spent with him. That was one of the reasons you knew your feelings were real, unlike anything you had experienced before. Normally, like with Ryan, when someone was out of your life, they were just that—out. You thought of them less and less until you never thought of them at all. That was the nature of life—people came and went, just like in that verse from the “Prufrock” poem by T.S. Eliot: “In the room the women come and go. Talking of Michelangelo.”  
 You still had to work every single day to keep thoughts of Ahkmenrah at bay.
 Chelsea finalized her markings in your notebook and handed it back to you.
 “I really think you should stick to opening with that in-depth description of the Nile—the sight, the sound, the smell—it’s riveting. It sets up the scene for the Egyptians acceptance of Akhenaten’s proposal—one river that gives life, one god that gives life.”
 You nodded, drawing a star by Chels’s note.
 “I’ll rework the PowerPoint tonight. Can I buy you dinner as a thank-you?”
 Chelsea laughed, “You don’t need to keep feeding me. I’m happy to help. God knows you’ve proofed enough of my papers over the years.”
 You grinned and shrugged your shoulders.
 “Does that mean you aren’t hungry?”
 Chelsea shrugged into her backpack and said, “Hey. Let’s not get hasty now.”
 The two of you giggled together as you decided on a place for dinner.
 * * * * *
 After latching your door and sliding the deadbolt into place, you dropped your backpack by the coffee table and headed to the fridge to grab a water. You wanted to make Chelsea’s suggested change to your PowerPoint presentation and then settle in to do yet another round of edits.
 You nearly had each slide memorized, but when you got to the part of your presentation that challenged your field’s previous notions about Egyptian royalty and argued that the emergence of monogamy in marriages made for a natural evolution to Akhenaten’s monotheistic cult, you paused, your mind swirling with thoughts of Ahkmenrah and his parents.
 You knew once your mind began swirling with memories of Ahk that your proofing skills were rubbish after that, so you shut your laptop and made a cup of tea, sipping it while you watched some light television.
 This was your nightly routine; the more you could push away your thoughts of Ahkmenrah and the museum, the easier it would be to fall asleep.
 You settled into bed, and after about a half an hour of tossing and turning, you fell asleep.
  ~ ~ ~
The cat in your lap purred, its sleek, warm body a welcome weight. You smiled as you stroked the fur behind its ears, noticing that the cat was curled tightly in your lap, settled on your white linen dress that fluttered around your ankles; golden bangles intermixed with brightly colored beaded bangles adorned both of your arms and jingled pleasantly as you moved.
 As you looked up from the sweet creature snuggled on your lap, you smiled as you took in the scene before you. Below, the Nile sparkled in the sun, its lifegiving waters reflecting a deep blue that reminded you of a stormcloud plump with rain. Palm trees littered the banks, grouped in clusters that shaded the grass underneath.
 A strong, but soft hand, one that you knew well, slid over your bare shoulder. Your eyes closed to your husband’s loving touch, his fingers eliciting goosebumps as they slid down your upper arm.
 “Still so sensitive to my touch, love?”
 “Mmm,” you hummed, eyes still shut as Ahkmenrah’s presence enveloped you.
 “Would you like to join me for the meeting with the builders? They believe they have figured out a way to extend irrigation channels into Fayyum to revitalize the fields there.”
 “Oh? That’s excellent news!”
 Ahkmenrah returned your grin, reaching to take your chin in this hand, his fingers grasping the point to tilt your head up. He leaned down for a kiss, sweet, at first, but with a quick swipe of his tongue across your bottom lip, it occurred to you that it was odd for the king to be visiting you mid-afternoon.
 You licked across your lower lip, relishing in the taste of him.
 “Is there something else that you wanted, my king?”
 “I missed you,” Ahkmenrah said with an earnestness that squeezed your heart.
 “I always miss you,” you said, gently prodding your sleepy companion until they leapt off your lap, allowing you to stand and stretch before turning to face your husband.
 You slid your hands up his biceps and locked your eyes onto his. His eyes were particularly blue today, not unlike the Nile. Words weren’t needed as you looked at each other, love etched across both of your faces.
 Ahkmenrah pulled you close to him and closed his lips over yours once more. Soon, you were lost in the passion of the kiss, in the way his body felt against yours, and in the warmth that radiated from his love.
 ~ ~ ~
You gasped as you bolted upright, sweat pooling at your lower back and across your temples. It was the third night in a row that you had this same dream and its vividness continued to overwhelm you. Similar dreams had plagued you over the months, but there was something about the clarity and the purity of emotion within this dream that made it much worse than the others.
 The tears were already formed and as you laid back down, they silently spilled onto your pillow. You knew that no matter the results of your dissertation, you would have to put distance between yourself and Ahk.
 When you loved someone, sometimes you really did have to let them go.
 * * * * *
 Normally, you weren’t one for big parties, but the laughter and spontaneous emission of congratulations along with the buzz of the bar, the clang of glasses, the din of the band in the next room, were all a welcomed cacophony. You hadn’t a clue how many drinks had been bought for you and even worse, consumed by you, but you were the happiest you had been in months.
 You passed!
 You earned your PhD and you had a small pile of job offers to sort through, although you already knew which one you were going to take. It wasn’t quite as much money as some of the others, but it was your dream; and even better than fulfilling your dream, you would be able to give something back to the person who had helped you in your hour of need.
 After you had presented your defense, as you were shaking hands with Dr. Omar Gamal, the director of the Museum of Cairo, an idea took shape and you weren’t ashamed to think that it really was brilliant.
 As you finished the drink in your hand, you gathered everyone’s attention to announce that you were taking the job in Cairo. Cheers erupted and you couldn’t stop grinning as your friends and family took turns congratulating you and peppering you with questions.
 What you didn’t tell anyone was that you already knew exactly what you were going to do once you got there, thanks to Ahkmenrah’s papyruses and your journey through his memories. If you couldn’t be the one to bring happiness into Ahk’s life, then perhaps a reunion with his parents could.
 * * * * *
 By early September, you were well settled in Cairo. Finding Merenkahre and Shepseheret proved to be easier than you expected. In the basement of Cairo’s museum, there was a repository of unidentified mummies, most proving to be average Egyptians who had just enough money to build a decent tomb.
 Apparently, as a final insult, Kahmunrah had buried his parents as commoners to ensure their afterlife would be the opposite of the glorious affair normally reserved for the royals. To Kahmun, a life without luxury was the true punishment, so you really weren’t shocked to find that he did bury both of his parents together. Of course something like love wouldn’t have been valuable to him.
Villains. In the end, they’re all the same.  
 At first, Omar thought you were crazy, and you thought that you were going to for sure get fired. One of the most prominent kings of the Middle Kingdom and his beloved wife were Unidentified Mummies #17 and #18? Impossible.
 But after extensive tests, you were able to prove that the ages and the causes of death matched that of Merenkahre and Shepseheret. What you weren’t able to do was reveal your exact source. It took a lot of cross referencing and circular explanations, but Omar was diverted when you made your proposition for an exciting new exhibit, and even more diverted when you made your proposition to reunite Merenkahre and Shepseheret with their son, Ahkmenrah.
 Omar’s dream was to return all major Egyptian exhibits to their homeland in order to declare them property of the Museum of Cairo. Lending them out to travel the world was one thing, but it was a true indecency when colonizers were the ones who still owned what was taken from the Egyptians’ land.  
 You had sketched up a proposal of showing the three layers of royal Egyptian life—the throne room, the Royal Wife’s garden, and the prince’s chambers. The only hitch in your plan was that to raise the funds for a permanent exhibit in Cairo, you had to build the exhibit at the British Museum of Natural History. If they held the first rights to display, they would fund a permanent exhibit in Cairo.
 The British Museum could also secure the rights to display Ahkmenrah because the American museum was willing to trade Ahk for the mummy of Ahmose-Meritamun; the Americans would then be able to create a female-centric display, something they had been looking to do to showcase the prominence of women during the Ancient Egyptian empire.
 The only thing left to do was to ensure that Larry and Rebecca helped to keep your surprise—when Ahkmenrah was ready to be moved, he should know only the scarcest of details.
 For the first time in a long time, everything was going according to plan.
 * * * * *
 After Omar popped the top of the champagne, the cork skittered across the floor and you and your team laughed as you held out glasses out to catch the bubbly alcohol.
 Merenkahre and Shepseheret’s exhibits were a smash hit. Your PR team had been hyping the return of Ahkmenrah next month to complete the triage of Egyptian royals and opening night had already been sold out.
 The current exhibit of Merenkahre and Shepseheret had been featured in multiple publications and the detail of each layer of royal life had cemented your place as one of the top anthropologists in the world. You never forgot that you owed it all to Ahkmenrah, and you never forgot that you were really doing all of this for him. Within the next month, he would be reunited with his parents.
 Your phone rang, its music invasive and interrupting the happy atmosphere.  
 You sipped the top of your champagne before it could overflow and checked the screen.
 Larry never called. He was a texter, and it had been a long time since you talked. He was still working as the night guard, but he started going to classes to get his teaching degree. Aunt Rebecca was proud of his initiative, and she had kept you up to date on his progress; had she been calling, you wouldn’t have thought twice about letting it go to voicemail and checking it later. But Larry calling . . . something wasn’t right.  
 “I gotta answer this—be right back!” you said as you moved away from the laughter and the even happier chatter.
 “Hey Lar—what’s up?”
 “Y/N! I’m so glad you answered. Look, I’m not sure how to tell you this, and he doesn’t even know I’m calling you because he’d probably sick those jackals on me if he did find out and we all know—”
 “Larry. You’re babbling. What’s going on?”
 “Ahk’s sick.”
 “Sick? He’s a regenerated mummy. He comes back to life in perfect health, perfectly restored. How could he be . . . sick?”
 “It’s the tablet. I think the tablet is . . . dying.”
 You had made your way to the end of the hallway where a large set of stairs led up to the display. You sat down, hard, on the top stair, your body numb, your mind whirring—you were so close to giving Ahkmenrah his parents back. He couldn’t be dying, for fuck’s sake. He just couldn’t be.
 “Tell me everything.”
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iron--spider · 5 years
My Endgame writeup or whatever
I’m gonna try to go in order of what I can remember. I might not hit on everything. Up front I will say—it played better than actually reading the spoilers did. But is that even saying much? I don’t know. I have a very strange feeling about all of it and I absolutely have not processed it yet. I just keep coming back to this thought—I just don’t know. I genuinely don’t know
- I loved the Nebula and Tony bits on the Benatar. He was such a sweet, sweet calming dad. I wanted more of all this. They rushed through it.
- Uh. How did Carol know. Why did they skip her finding out where he was? I need more lol. I also wanted the scene where she originally arrived. Don’t assume shit about us, Marvel, just don’t skip important scenes.
- Side note: the pacing in the beginning is....bad. Really bad lol.
- I liked the Tony arriving back bit. I like everything about Robert’s performance here. How he said “I lost the kid” with such emotion (though does Steve know who he’s talking about?)
- Next scene was some of the BEST work I’ve ever seen out of Robert. Seeing him so skinny like that was horrifying. The look on his face when he saw Peter on the screen. Ripping out the IV, everything he said to Steve, pulling out the housing unit and dropping it in Steve’s hand and then collapsing. Oscar reel. That’s my baby and I’m proud. Damn.
- “up until a couple minutes ago I thought you were a build a Bear” lmfao
- uhhhhh the killing Thanos.....yeah whatever. It was weird. And annoying.
- If I could rewrite this movie, the five years later is exactly where I would start :) A misstep, in my opinion. I don’t believe Tony would trust himself to have a child after losing one.
- “your mom never wears stuff I get her” lol
- kid is super super cute but not a good actress. I had no idea what she was talking about most of the time because she spoke so low.
- Paul Rudd fucking nailed every single scene he was in. He was amazing and a star player to me. His face in the Cassie scene. So good.
- Nat was great in every moment she had.
- The scene with the photo. God. Tony was so absolute in his opinion—he was not going to do this time travel heist. It was risking too much. No way. Get out of my house if you’re gonna talk that way. But then that picture. He takes one look at it, this dead kid that still holds such a big piece of his heart. And the next scene he’s cracking time travel.
- Pepper probably always knew this was a possibility. Their conversation made me cry.
- I hate professor hulk. It’s so stupid. Hate it lol.
- Thor just...made me sad. He wasn’t a joke to me. He was so obviously devastated and sad and just....not himself. He couldn’t forgive himself. It hurt to see him like that.
- Love when Tony drives up so fast and gives Steve his shield back.
- Here comes my favorite parts of the movie honestly. I love the whole team figuring shit out stuff once they were all together again. Tony and Nat laying on the table together with pillows. Everyone eating snacks and talking. This is the kind of shit I wanted ALL. ALONG.
- I felt offended when they were trying to explain the time travel to the audience. It’s so obviously bullshit. It creates massive, massive plotholes and it’s bad. Bad.
- But I enjoyed it lmao. The 2012 stuff was so wonderful. The Hulk getting mad and wanting to smash the elevator and Tony being like “stop, stop” lmao. Tony checking out Steve’s ass. Steve checking out his own ass. 2012!Steve saying “I can do this all day” and our Steve being like “yeahIKNOW”. Scott giving 2012!Tony a mini heart attack and 2012!Thor being so concerned lol.
- Steve and Tony journeying to 1970 was great and I adore them being a team a lot. But I’m not here for the redeeming Howard. Don’t like that guy. Don’t. Like him. Only glad it gives Tony a bit of closure.
- Uh Nat and Clint killed me. I was a wreck. They were my original ship and that just....I really miss her and she didn’t deserve that. My beautiful girl.
- The scene when they’re back and discussing her death was so hard. Thor particularly hurt me with how he couldn’t accept it.
- I knew the whole last bit was coming and it just felt like this sense of impending doom. I hate that it happened, I hate that that dickhead came out of nowhere right when they were fixing shit.
- Okay. The last battle was really good. Steve with the hammer was great. But I wanted Tony to do more. They didn’t let him do enough there at all. I loved the shot of the big three looking at Thanos before they started to approach.
- Everyone cheered and freaked out when the dusted started coming back. Peter got the biggest cheer.
- That little sweet angel running over to Tony and picking him up. Starting rambling on about what happened because he’s got to fill his dad in. Tony looking at him LIKE THAT, just....struck by the fact that he’s back, unchanged, right here, in front of him. His kid. The kid that made him want to have kids. The hug was gorgeous. So sweet how Peter was like “this is nice”.
- Loved the ladies bit and Peter just like :o
- Pepper in her suit. So cool. I wanted more.
- Peter protecting the gauntlet. I love you angel baby. He was so good.
- The whole fight for the gauntlet right there in the end was so tense. I thought I would hate Tony’s last line because reading that felt contrived but it worked because of the way he said it. I didn’t like how long it took Thanos and his army to dust away. I thought it took away from Tony a little bit.
- The death was. Awful. It was better than I thought it would be, because he did get to whisper “hey babe” to Pepper, hold her hand, smile a little. Peter broke my fucking heart. But I hate the whole “you can rest now”. Pepper would fight for her man to the ends of the earth. It’s clear to me that they wanted to do this for shock and to subvert our expectations. It didn’t need to happen. It really didn’t. Like someone wrote on here, he could have lost his arm and it would have been shocking but we could have still.....saved him. It was so hard to see him like that. I was crying so hard I couldn’t really see much of it honestly lol. But I saw enough. It hurt like hell. It’s one of the worst if not THE worst death I’ve ever witnessed on screen.
- I went kinda catatonic after that. I don’t remember details. I was really mad that they put those words in Tony’s mouth about happy endings and not always getting that even if you want it. Fuck u russos and writers. Was Peter in the room for the message? Idk. He should have been.
- Annoyed they tried to make Thor be funny after that goddamn memorial.
- “proof tony stark has a heart” lord they really had to......hurt me in that way again.
- Uh the Steve ending is a huge, huge disservice to him. He’d never. He’d never lol. That means he ignores all these events he could stop. Yes, Russos, it fucking does mean that. That’s what u did to captain America.
- Like I read on @jess-b-thot’s blog, this movie should have fucking ended with Tony’s face, not Steve’s. It’s Tony’s story. Not Steve’s.
Ummmm when RDJ’s title card came up the whole theater stood and clapped. I was still crying. I cried so loud it was so embarrassing. I don’t really know how I’m feeling now. @whimsicalethnographies has said the word ‘adrift’ and that feels right. It definitely had some moments I enjoyed, but it was not a worthy ending. Tony was spectacular throughout and continually reminded me of why he’s my favorite and why I’ll just MISS him so desperately. Everything he says is memorable, everything he does is important. I want to etch every expression on his face into my heart. He also looked so beautiful and I just cried whenever I saw him because I can’t imagine that beautiful, precious man being gone. It’s a horrifying thought. He’s just so important, the beating heart of this universe, and they killed him for an emotional shock. That’s why I can’t accept it or accept this movie. They shouldn’t have done it. He deserves the ending Steve got. And since this was his last movie, he should have gotten WAY more to do in that last battle. That was a Steve fest. Moral of the story, Tony deserved better. But that was always the story. Tony deserved the world but the world didnt deserve him.
And yes, Iron Dad is canon. Tony would have stayed in that life he made, but he saw that picture and he couldn’t. If there was even a chance of bringing the kid back, he had to take it. Tony’s love for Peter saved the universe. I hope Peter knows that the whole world was saved because of him. Everyone is back because of him. And Tony is gone because he loved Peter enough to change the fabric of time and space to get him back.
They deserved more time.
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hamelaisley · 5 years
prague...dedicated to becky
Chapter 1
"we could run..........you and me. we could go now and never look back"
"are you serious???"
"i have money saved up josh. i could get us new identities. create a escape route. for now just keep up appearances.........,go to berlin like were gonna shoot. well leave to go to prague from there"
"what are you saying jen?????"
"im saying i wanna be a real person again........with you. thats what you want right???? i mean this is it josh. will you run away with me????"
"aaaaaand action!!!!" yelled francis lawrence.
any other time this would have been joshs idea of heaven. working with his friend all day. but now.... it was just really awkward and he couldnt wait until the wrap.
josh started to mumble his lines but was cut off by jen.
"im really sorry francis but........i cant do this right now......." she said and then walked off to her trailer.
it had been like this ever sense....ever sense prague.......
josh walked up to the train platform trying to find jen. suddenly he saw her standing with a suitcase and wearing a red jacket with cute black heels on. she spotted him and immediately smiled at him. he walked over to her.
"hey!!!!! i was starting to think you werent coming!!!" she said.
josh looked down at his shoes. jen didnt notice or care. jen pulled a folder out of her purse.
"k so here are our new identities. for now on your name is thomas campbell and mine is elle sinclair. we can talk about there back stories or whatever on the train ride to prague" she said.
"jen........." josh said.
"oh dont worry about the ride......... its only a hour long and if your bored you have me to talk to" she said.
"jen i.......i dont think we should do this........."
jen looked kinda confused.
"what do you mean?????"
"i mean we..... we made a promise that we would make these movies. we have a responsibility to the fans and everyone in the movie to finish it.... this is our life jen. this fairytale about running away is nice but this is where we belong. in hollywood. living our real lives....."
"josh its not that simple....... you dont understand but everything here is fake.....but this" she said and grabbed josh's hand. ".....this is simple. this is our real life. we have to go josh...... are you coming????? please come with me josh....."
josh paused and let go of jen's hand.
"i cant......im sorry........"
josh walked up to jen's trailer and knocked.
"jen its me.....please let me in........"
"josh no. i dont want to talk to you now"
josh could tell she was crying.
"go away!!!!!"
josh leaned against the door and felt a single tear on his cheek.
"ok" he whispered.
Chapter 2
things were awkward on set. jen was avoiding josh and it was making him feel awful and lonely. he was always talking and laughing with her and now that he wasnt he felt empty and hurt. he hated being alone because then your forced into listening to your own thoughts instead of someone elses voice. god he couldnt wait for this to end.
but.......but what if this awkwardness never ended?? what if jen never forgave him???
he stared at the script in his hands. he was trying to memorize his lines because he had to and to distract himself from the situation with jen. it wasnt really working. he looked out the window of his trailer and saw jen in her own trailer looking straight at him. but when she saw that he saw her she looked away.
josh threw the papers on the ground frustratedly. he needed to talk to jen. even if she didnt want to talk to him. fuck, hed tie her up and force her to listen if thats what it took.
he walked out the door and to jen's trailer. he knocked and waited for her to answer nervous that she wouldnt. but she did. thank GOD thought josh.
"hey" jen said not looking at him. she was wearing a pretty white dress that would probably blow in the wind if it was windy. it reminded josh of the first time he saw jen.
he put some cologne on his wrists and pulled on the jacket he was wearing. then he looked in the mirror and fixed his hair. he felt like a girl but he wanted to look perfect before meeting his co-star jennifer lawrence. they talked on the phone a few days ago and he has instantly fell in love with her. she was so funny and comfortable with who she was. and josh knew she was gorgeous. he saw her at the oscars when she was nominated for winters bone. she was irresistible to josh even though he didnt meet her in person yet. but that was going to change in a few minutes if josh didnt die from his heart beating so fast that it fell out of his chest.
he looked at his watch and took a deep breath. if he didnt leave now he was gonna be late.
he left his house and got into his car and drove to jen's house. when he got there he couldnt help but laugh at the garden nomes in the yard of her house. they were cute just like her.
josh wiped his sweaty hands in his pants and rang the door bell. jen answered.
joshs mouth went dry when he saw her. even though she was wearing a super simple white dress she was still breathtaking stunning. her eyes were the bluest blue josh had ever seen. her lips were full. her cheeks were pink like she ran to the door or something, and she had a cute button nose. jen smiles and you could see her dimples.
"well what are you waiting for silly!!!!! come in the damn house its frickin cold outside hahah" she said.
josh did as was told and went Ito her house. suddenly he stopped and just looked at her. he didnt think it was possible to be more attracted to this girl but that was before he saw her in person. it was love at first sight for him.
oh god josh thought im inlove with a girl and i dont even know her full name.....
"thats mizz lawrence to you" she joked.
he laughed. "k so this is kinda super weird but i was wondering........ can you tell me your middle name????"
she looked at him silently for a few seconds before saying something. "shrader. my middle name is shrader" she said.
"jennifer shrader lawrence" josh said. and it was the most beautiul name hed ever heard.
"hey......can i come in????" josh asked. jen nodded her head "yes" so josh went in.
"look josh about the other day........"
"its ok jen. really its fine like dont worry about it" josh said.
"i just really miss you so much. what happened in prague......im so sorry jennifer for hurting you. i didnt mean to hurt you. and i want us to go back to the way things were. please????? i dont wanna loose you.......... i love you"
josh cut her off as he leaned forward and kissed her. to his disappointment though, she pulled away after a few seconds.
"josh..........we need to break up."
Chapter 3
"josh..........we need to break up."
out of all the things josh thought jen would say that did not even make the list. he expected that theyd need to talk some things out but.........
"....i....jen what?"
"josh its.....please dont look at me like that....i just think that were not the same people we were when we first fell in love.....i dont want to ruin our friendship"
she was right about one thing. they werent the same people they were when they first fell in love. the old jen would never do something like this to him.
"oh you can do better than that!!!" jen yelled at josh as she flew through the air. josh laughed and pushed her back harder. his arms were getting kinda sore. who knew that pushing someone on a swing could be so much work??
"jen my arms are tired." he complained. "im gonna take a break"
"well not all of us can be nicholas fucking hoult jen. maybe you should call him so that he can come push you" he said. but right after he said it he wished he didnt. it wasnt fair to jen. she didnt know how much it hurt him to see her with nick. and even if she did he didnt have a right to be mad. it wasnt her fault that she loved nick and not him.
"look jen im sorry" he shouted up to her. she ignored him.
he stepped back away from the swing and sat down. he watched her for a little while until suddenly jen let go of the swing and literally went flying through the air. he knew she did it on purpose because she was laughing like an idiot the whole way until she hit the mulch. but even then she was still laughing. josh ran over to her to make sure she was okay. her knees were scraped and her hair was messed up and had pieces of mulch stuck in it.
"i wanted to come sit with you but i didnt want to do the whole slowing down thing normal people do when there done swinging" she told him.
josh rolled his eyes and laughed.
"god dammit jen!!! you know i love you but you can be such an airhead sometimes!!!" he laughed. jen didnt. she stared up at him and met his eyes.
"you love me????"
josh started to panic. did he say that out loud???
"josh....do you???? love me????"
he couldnt tell if she was kidding or not. he could easily get himself out of this one. of course he loved jen. she was his best friend!!! but for some reason he didnt want to get out of anything. he wanted to tell her. there. in the hawaiian park under spring clouds.
"i.......jennifer how could i not??? ive loved you ever sense that very first phone call. sense i very first saw you. ive loved you every time weve laughed and every time weve fought. i loved you when you had a boyfriend and i loved you when i had a girlfriend. ive loved you during my proudest moments and my weakest moments. ive loved you during nothings and somethings and everything in between. so yes jennifer i love you. ive been hopelessly inlove with the girl in the white dress from the very beginning and will be right up until the end."
jen didnt say anything for a while. instead she just took his hands in hers and leaned into him so that there faces were pretty much touching. josh fought the desire to just lean forward and take those perfect lips into his own.
finally she said something. "so you DO remember what color dress i was wearing when we met!!!"
josh smiled. of course thats what she got from that.
"ya i guess i do"
"we broke up. me and nick"
josh tried not to look excited. not that he really was. he was just worried about jen.
"why would he break up with you??? your the most perfect girl in the world and if he doesnt see that then he doesnt deserve you!!!!"
"i broke up with him josh...."
"what???? why???"
"because i love you too"
and then like belle and her beast there lips met taking away the beast and leaving only a prince.
"jen thats bullshit and you know it....." josh said to her. "you know i hate being lied to......why dont you just tell me the real reason???"
jen sighed not looking him in the eye.
"josh after prague i.....was hurt. you hurt me when you said no. it made me feel like you didnt love me and i......called someone who i knew still loved me....."
"huh??? who???"
"josh.....i called nick"
Chapter 4
"josh.....i called nick. okay?!? i called nick and one thing led to another and we decided to give our relationship another chance. im sorry josh. i didnt mean to hurt you......."
josh felt his eyes start to sting with salty tears. how could she do this to him???
"did you screw him???"
"i said....did you screw him"
"answer me"
".....yes. but josh you need to understand that you hurt me....."
he didnt hear anything that she said after that. her lips were moving but there was no sound. he stared straight through her.
"josh........josh please say something......."
"you.....jen you *cheated* on me??" josh asked.
"it....we were on a break and i was hurting josh you need to know that please know that"
josh fell out of his daze after hearing that.
"god jennifer you are so full of shit"
"uh excuse me?????"
"and to think i actually felt bad about prague.... i called you 273 times after that jennifer. you didnt answer 273 times. and it turns out that was because you were too busy sleeping with someone else????"
"thats not fair-"
"actually i think it's perfectly fucking fair jennifer. god i worked my ASS off for this relationship. i felt guilty for those whole three months we didnt talk. i missed you. i just wanted to make things better and i was stupid enough to think that you wanted that too!! god im such a idiot!!!"
jen was mad.
"how dare you say that stuff to me??? do you think it was easy for me to not talk to you for three months??!?!" she yelled.
"well after what you just told me ya i do!!" he shouted.
"i thought we were taking a break!!!"
"you know what??? fuck our friendship. you fucking disgust me and i dont want anything to do with you. not anymore"
jen didnt say anything.
josh stormed out of the trailer taking jens silence as his time to leave.
"jennifer.....im so sorry. i was scared. scared to leave behind the life ive worked for my whole life. im a coward and im sorry. i shouldnt have left you in prague. i love you"
"i know that your mad and hurt and i know that i made you feel like that and im sorry im so fucking sorry. i love you jennifer"
"its been a week now......jen your scaring me. im worried about you.....please call me so i know that your ok??"
"jen im going crazy here.....its been a month sense i last kissed you......touched you......or fucking saw you...... i know your ignoring me but..... stop ok?? i miss you"
"jen......the decision that i made in prague. i know what it looks like. i know that it looks like i chose being an actor over.......over being with you. but thats not what happened. how i feel about you is real. very very real. and i know that you know how ive felt about you for a long time..... i told you.....we told each other and......and.........look jen i know that i probably hurt you. your probably hurt that i didnt run away with you in prague........but jen......i love you. i love you and i cant live without you. so.......please call me back"
the smell of pool water and listening to his voicemails was making jen feel dizzy. she held the phone to her ear and tried not to cry. but what she and josh had.......it was over now. she was never going to let herself get hurt like that again. she was stupid to think that josh would ever run away with her. her fairytale of running away from the fame and getting married and having kids and just living.......it was never gonna happen. and part of her knew she knew it wouldnt happen before this but that didnt make it hurt less.
she took the phone away from her head and looked at it one more time before she threw it into the pool.
"hey babe who was that???" nick asked.
"no one" she said. she leaned down and kissed nick on the ear. "absolutely no one"
Chapter 5
josh was so mad at jen he didnt even know what to do. the only thing he knew was that he had to get out of here before he exploded. so he went to the only place he could think of.
"oh hi josh" jena malone said when she saw it was josh who knocked on her trailer door.
"hi jena" josh said. jena opened the door a little bit more. he didnt move.
"well what are you waiting for silly!!!!"
josh felt like he was gonna throw up when she said that. even though jena didnt know that that was what jen had said to him when they first met didnt mean it didnt bother him a lot.
"i.....actually was wondering if i could maybe......take you out tonight??"
she smiled when he said that.
"ya id love to!! just let me get my purse and we can go k??"
"ya sounds good"
"josh??? what are you doing here??? its midnight!!!" jen said after she opened her hotel door to see josh standing there with daisies.
"tonights our last night in hawaii" he said.
"ya so we should be sleeping because getting back to LA is gonna take forever"
"no.....we should be walking to the picnic i set up on the beach for us so that we can sleep on the plane" josh said. he took a purple daisy and put it in jen's hair. after that he gave her them.
jen smiled. "alright lead me to it"
they walked down to the beach holding hands. josh loved holding her hand. it made him feel so connected to her.
"oh my god josh this is awesome!!!!!" jen said when she saw joshs picnic.
they sat down and started to eat. jen looked up at the night sky. the moon was full and reflecting on the ocean.
"this is the most beautiful thing ive ever seen" she said. she was looking at the full moon.
"sure is" josh said. he was looking at jen.
"so where are we gonna go????" asked jena. they were in joshs car.
"lou's" he said.
"whats that????"
"a club"
"oh fun"
on the drive there joshs phone started buzzing and didnt stop.
"sheesh!!! someone must really wanna talk to you!!!" jena joked.
"huh....weird" josh said.
when they got to the club josh checked his phone"
37 missed calls from Jennifer Lawrence and 37 new voicemails. his phone started buzzing again.
josh glared at his phone before turning it off. screw her josh thought.
josh went inside the club and saw that jena had already ordered them some drinks.
"just a few shots" she said. josh smiled. this was just what he needed to get his mind off jennifer shrader lawrence.
it got later and josh and jena got more drunk. they decided to go dance on the dance floor.
josh watched jena dance and realized how pretty she was. he never thought about jena like that before because he was too busy thinking about jen like that. he got close to her and started to dance with her.
"you are so gorgeous" he said. she laughed.
"your not do bad yourself handsome" she said.
josh leaned in and kiss jena. he pulled her waist closer to him and she put her hands around his neck.
"do you wanna come home with me???" josh asked.
"yeah but were gonna have to wait because were both to drunk to drive" she said. "lets see i called her like 20 minutes ago to come get us so.... oh there she is!!!!"
josh turned around to see who jena was talking about.
standing there was jen with tears on her cheeks. she looked at him and ran to the clubs bathroom.
"whats her deal....." jena laughed.
josh didnt care about jen anymore. he couldnt care about her. and besides what right does she have being hurt when she was the one who cheated on him?!?
josh smiled at jena and kissed her again.
with each second he kissed jena he could feel himself thinking less about jen.
this was just what he needed.
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rosegoldjen · 6 years
clawen: a review
me just basically typing in all caps about all the clawen moments in jw2
warning: spoiler ahead 
i read a review online that said something along the lines of “if you treat this movie like a horror romance movie, it will not disappoint.” when i got out of the theater with my sister and told her about the review, she agreed. so here is my personal clawen detailed-ish review.
i loved every second of it 
clawen was the first couple that introduced me to the otp side of tumblr, of troupes, canons, and one shots. so of course every scene that had both claire and owen in it were pure gold to me.
so first i want to talk about the two ways that stood out to me in tribute to the first jurassic world, the introduction of our two favorite slow burns:
the introduction of claire was PERFECT. the shot from her feet to her head as she descended in the elevator made the movie feel like HOME. when i first saw that scene i about died with happiness wow
claire pulling up to owen’s cabin i mean come on really?? could i have asked for a better homage to the time in the first jw where claire pulls up to owen’s bungalow and you can cut the sexual tension with a KNIFE??! no, i could not.
(if anyone wants to put together a side by side comparison of this, please do, i’m not that talented and i’d love to see it)
now lets talk about all the clawen moments that i remember (ive only seen the movie once so this is not a thorough review) 
so we already talked about claire pulling up to owen’s cabin so we’ll skip that,
and then there’s the bar scene, which we all know and love because of the trailer but THE FACT THAT THEY ACTUALLY DATED BETWEEN THE MOVIES NOW I NEED THAT FOOTAGE. and i’m pretty sure i read a fic where they were fighting over who left who and why so congrats to whoever predicted that one, it was good. 
when claire was waiting for owen at the airport, she wanted him to be there so bad and but she didnt want to act like it was all that she cared about and tried to be all chill when he didn’t show up and then popped up in the back seat! i relate to that so much
owen walking right up to claire right before he was getting ready to leave, wow that would’ve been a great time for there first kiss but then owen has to be a smart ass like come on he knew what claire wanted and didn’t give it to her.
OKAY CAN WE TALK ABOUT CLAIRE SLEEPING ON OWEN IN THE TRUCK and owen wakes up and notices and smiles and leans down and smells her hair almost like it was so familiar and it felt like home and the soft smile that he gives i’m loosing it that is my favorite part hands down.
AND THEN he notices that claire is starting to stir so he pretends to be asleep to see her reaction and i can’t remember exactly what she did but it was no where near as memorable as owen’s reaction gah it is so clear that he still has feelings for her omg
but its still so clear throughout the entire movie that claire still cares very much about owen just in the little things like making sure he’s okay and that he will always come back to her no matter what. 
them locked in the cage honestly i cannot wait to read all the fics about the alternate versions of what might have happened in that cage, i mean honestly were you not thinking that the whole time
the kiss right after she got wacked in the leg by the whatever the heck that thing was: (EDIT it was the indoraptor) honestly i was really disappointed with this kiss. it wasn't nearly as passionate and needy as i wanted it to be, but i get that this is a movie about dinosaurs and not about these two people who so obviously are NOT over eachother. but she goes in for it this time, surprising him ahhhhh!
but then she tells him to go and save the girl but he’s like not without you but goes anyways
the beach scene though can’t wait to read alternate versions of that too
then when claire was debating about pushing that button or not and then owen come and stands behind her in such a protective way is just so endearing and honestly its the little things like this that keep me going
all the stolen glances
and honestly, i know there are probably so many other clawen moments that i am missing and i cannot wait to watch this dumb dinosaur movie again and soak up every single second of it i will update you
more trash
another thing not clawen related: i thought justice smith was HILARIOUS, is he related to will smith and the rest of the smith clan??
In other words, I’m ready for the clawen content, bring it on.
so, the song that owen was singing when claire go to the cabin? do we know what that is yet? i know some people who were looking for it. i saw it again tonight and here are the lyrics that i got from it
“...light at the end of the tunnel [...] i still love you in the morning”
because damn, chris pratt can sing.
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starks-anthony · 7 years
Pairing: Emma Swan x Killian Jones
Warnings: None
Summary: It’s probably the last time they’ll get to have a sleepover before high school graduation, and Ruby’s going to make sure it’s memorable. She’s planned an only semi-legal scavenger hunt, which, much to Emma’s dismay, includes stealing a pair of Killian Jones’ boxer shorts.
“Truth or dare?” Ashley asked, popping an M&M into her mouth. Everyone was sprawled out over the worn, fluffy couches in Ruby’s basement for what would probably be their last sleepover before graduation, and they were going all-out: pizza, ice cream, movie night, and, of course, a game of truth or dare.
“Truth.” Ruby looked the blonde girl dead in the eyes.
“Alright…hmm…if you had to pick a guy?”
Ruby rolled her eyes. “At least be creative!” she thought for a minute. “August Booth.” Mulan shoved her girlfriend’s shoulder, pretending to be offended. “Hey, she said if!” Ruby planted a quick kiss on Mulan’s nose. “Okay, Emma, truth or dare?” Emma knew that look - if she didn’t say dare, there’d be hell to pay.
“Dare.” Ruby squealed as if she were surprised by her best friend’s choice.
“Alright –” Ruby pulled a sheet of paper out of her pocket and Emma groaned.
“What the hell did you do?” Regina sighed, trying to get a look at the paper.
“Okay, so this maaaaay technically be working our way out of truth or dare, but it’s way better I promise.” Mulan’s eyes widened as she started to read the page over the redhead’s shoulder, but Ruby continued. “We split into two teams. Whoever gets all of them done first wins.”
“Gets what done first?” Mary Margaret asked.
“Number one. TP Principal Mills’ house.” Ruby smirked.
“Woah, woah, wait! I live there too, it’s gonna be my job to clean it up!” Regina protested.
“Well, do you care more about winning, or…?” Resigned to her fate, Regina sat back to listen to the rest of the list. “Number two, steal something from Gold’s shop. Number three, change the time on the clock tower. Number four, steal Killian Jones’ boxer shorts.”
Emma choked on the sip of water she’d just taken. “Excuse me, WHAT?”
“Which number did you need me to repeat?” Ruby said innocently. Emma glared at her. Killian Jones had shamelessly been flirting with Emma for the past two years, to no avail (only as far as he knew). Emma didn’t intend to change that, especially this close to the end of senior year. She figured there was no point now, when they were each about to head off to colleges, presumably far, far away from each other. And stealing his boxer shorts? Definitely not helping with that.
“So, teams.” Ruby continued. “I’ll take Mulan and Ashley. Oh! And photographic evidence is necessary for all items.”
Emma sighed. There was no getting out of something once Ruby had her mind set on it, no matter how potentially social-life-threatening it was.
“Three…two…one…go!” Ruby grabbed Mulan and Ashley and headed up the stairs, presumably to Ruby’s already-prepped TP’ing materials.
“Why don’t we work our way backwards? So we don’t run into them.” Mary Margaret suggested.
“But that means–” Emma started to protest.
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Regina cut in.
“Wait!” Emma chased after Regina and Mary Margaret as they sprinted up the stairs and out the door.
IV: Steal Killian Jones’ boxer shorts
“Alright, so this isn’t going to work if all three of us try to go inside.” Regina reasoned. The three girls were, much to Emma’s dismay, standing outside Killian Jones’ house at one in the morning. Emma’s arms were crossed defiantly as she willed herself to be literally anywhere else in the world. “I vote Emma.”
“I second that.” Mary Margaret agreed quickly.
“Really, guys?” Emma grumbled. Regina shrugged indifferently.
“I mean, he’s less likely to attack you than one of us if he wakes up with you in his room.” she added with a grin.
“Less likely. That’s helpful.” Emma dropped her arms and glanced up at the house doubtfully.
“How do we even know which bedroom is his?”
“Second floor on the right.” Mary Margaret said triumphantly, holding up her phone so Emma could see a text from David, Mary Margaret’s boyfriend and one of Killian’s closest friends.
“And he says make sure to stay out of the lower left one; that’s Liam’s.”
“Lovely.” Emma turned to face the darkened house. There were just enough handholds to get to that window, she thought. Shrugging off her red leather jacket and handing it to Regina, she reached up to stretch her arms and crack her knuckles before heading towards the house.
She lifted one foot and placed it on a lower window sill, testing her weight. When it held without so much as a creak, she added another foot to the next hold. Slowly making her way up the side of the house, she got to the window that David said belonged to Killian’s room. Taking a deep breath, she peered inside, trying to gauge where his bed was so she didn’t get too close. She couldn’t see it, but the shadows created by the moonlight were doing some weird things and it was probably just in that corner of the room where she couldn’t see anything. She tugged at the bottom of the window until it opened and she swung her legs inside, losing her balance and landing with an oomph on something…soft?
Oh. Oh no. No, this could not be happening.
“Swan?” said an unmistakable British accent, albeit one foggy with sleep.
“Shit.” Emma’s head dropped into her hands as she realized she had landed right where she’d wanted to avoid: directly on top of Killian Jones.
“Sorry, you’re doing a what?” Killian asked for the fourth time. He was sitting up in his bed, black hair sticking up in about thirty different directions. His eyes were somehow still the brightest blue Emma had ever seen, even though she’d woken him up rather abruptly about five minutes before and how did someone look that cute when they got woken up at one AM?
“Okay, I know you heard me at least one of the first three times.” Emma said, refusing to meet his eyes. She was sitting in Killian’s desk chair nearby, swiveling it in semicircles mindlessly.
“Alright, alright, and one of the items on this ‘scavenger hunt’” (he did air quotes with his fingers) “was, now, stop me if I’m wrong, love, stealing my boxer shorts?” he cocked one eyebrow up.
“Yes.” she gritted her teeth.
“Ah, well, sorry to disappoint, but I’m more of a boxer briefs man.” Killian said with a crooked grin. How the hell did he have the energy to flirt right now?
“Look, Regina and Mary Margaret are counting on me to get a pair of your underwear, can you just help me out here?” Emma blurted out, exasperated.
“On one condition.” he lifted one finger.
“I’m not going on a date with you. Or making out with you. Or anything along any of those lines, period.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it. I’m a gentleman, Swan. When I win your heart, Emma, it won’t be because of any game; it will be because you want me.” Emma paused for a minute, holding her breath. Or was it that she couldn’t breathe? “Swan?”
“Then what’s the condition?” she finally asked.
“Why’s the light on?” Mary Margaret whispered to Regina.
“Well, she probably woke him up.” Regina nervously tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear and rocked back and forth on her heels.
“Okay, why is the light going off?” The window to Killian’s bedroom was sliding shut, but Emma hadn’t exited it yet. Regina shook her head, unsure. “Should I –” she nudged Mary Margaret’s shoulder, who stifled a laugh as not one but two figures came out of the Jones’ front door, Killian clutching a pair of underwear as Emma led about a foot ahead of him.
“Um, Emma…” Mary Margaret started to say.
“It’s the only way he’d give me the underwear.”
“Hello, ladies. So, where to next?” Emma groaned. She could not deal with his incessant flirting all night, but her competitiveness was winning out.
“Clock tower.” Emma said determinedly, looking anywhere but at Killian Jones. She grabbed her jacket from Regina and started walking.
III: Change the time on the clock tower
“Step one, we’ve got to get in.” Emma said, examining the doors at the library entrance. The clock tower sat on top of the library, and it was visible from everywhere in town. Everywhere. If the time was changed, every single person would notice within a day.
“No problem, love.” Killian said, reaching into the pocket of his dark jeans and pulling out a black box. He opened it and selected two thin metal tools, positioning one in his prosthetic and inserting the tools into the lock.
“Lock picks? Really?” Regina scoffed. “You just have those lying around?”
“Shhh.” Killian hissed as he put his ear close to the lock. There was a click as the lock opened, and he grinned proudly as he opened the door to allow the girls inside.
“Fine, I’m impressed. I’ll give you that.” Emma smiled. He bowed dramatically as he closed the door behind her.
“Thank you, Swan.”
“Where’d you learn that?”
“I, uh, picked it up at a foster home a few years back.”
“Oh.” Emma said softly. She knew the drill, she’d seen her fair share of foster homes as well. But she knew Killian lived with his older brother now; they must’ve been in the system together until Liam aged out. Emma didn’t have that kind of luck.
“Are you two done making eyes at each other or are Mary Margaret and I doing this one on our own?” Regina popped out from behind a bookshelf.
“I don’t make eyes.” Emma insisted as the corner of Killian’s mouth ticked upwards.
“We’re coming.” Killian said, tugging on Emma’s hand and leading her towards the stairwell. She rolled her eyes and went along with him, ignoring the flutter she felt in her stomach when his skin touched hers.
He led her through the dark stacks, each of the kids fearing that if they turned on the lights, it would be a beacon to all of Storybrooke signaling ‘hey, a bunch of teenagers are breaking into the clock tower!’
“Alright, Swan?” he said quietly.
“Yeah.” Emma answered. “Let’s, uh, let’s just go up.” he nodded and ascended the stairwell, Emma following closely behind. When they reached the top of the winding stairs, Mary Margaret and Regina were waiting for them. Moonlight cast a clock-face-shaped shadow over the four of them, creating a strange but beautiful picture. “So…how do we change it?” Regina asked, poking at the mechanism.
“I think you change it on a lower floor.” Mary Margaret suggested, glancing down the stairs. “I can go check.”
“I can come with you.” Regina replied, not wanting to be stuck with Killian and Emma.
“Ah –” Killian started to protest, knowing Emma hadn’t wanted to bring him along in the first place, but Regina and Mary Margaret were already disappearing down the steps.
“It’s fine, less work for us, right?” Emma said reassuringly, tilting her head.
“I suppose, love.” he sighed. Suddenly, the tower shook as the hands on the clock face started to turn more quickly. Emma tripped towards Killian and, instinctively, he reached out his arm to catch her. “Thanks.” she mumbled as she regained her footing and found herself far too close to those bright blue eyes.
“Of course, Emma.” he replied softly.
They could hear footsteps pounding up the stairs and Mary Margaret’s round face appeared with a bright smile. “Did it work?” her eyes fell on Killian’s arm, which was still wrapped around Emma’s back. He quickly removed it and scratched behind his ear, embarrassed.
“Um, yeah. We need photographic evidence?” he asked.
“Yep.” Regina said, snapping a photo of the clock face from behind Mary Margaret. “Ready for part three?”
II: Steal something from Gold’s shop
“Shouldn’t we lock it back up?” Mary Margaret said as the group exited the library. “You know, to throw the others off?”
“Oh, right.” Emma reached behind the door and clicked the lock into place so it would lock behind them. She closed the door gently and went to stand next to Killian, ignoring the look of surprise on his face. “So, Gold’s shop, right?”
All three girls’ phones dinged at that moment – a picture from Ruby: Regina’s house, completely covered in toilet paper. Regina checked her phone first and groaned in dismay. Why did her mom have to be the school principal?
“We’re going to beat them.” she said, determined. Luckily, there was only one storefront in between Mr. Gold’s Pawn Shop and the library, and the four of them made it there in a matter of minutes. “I believe this is your area of expertise, Jones?” Regina gestured to the lock.
“There better not be alarms, Mills.”
“We’ll be fine.”
“Alright…” Killian didn’t look convinced but set to work at the lock, his tongue sticking out of his mouth as he concentrated. That cocky grin reappeared as the lock popped open, and, once again, he held the door open for the three girls. Regina entered first, followed by Mary Margaret, and finally Emma. Killian’s prosthetic fell to Emma’s waist as he followed her in, and she settled closer to him.
“Anything, right?” Killian mused, twirling a Mickey Mouse figurine in his hand.
“Yeah. Gold gives me the creeps, let’s just grab something and get out of here.” Mary Margaret answered.
“I’ve got it then, let’s go.” Killian pocketed the figurine.
“Wait, there’s someone coming!” Mary Margaret said, ducking down behind one of the cases.
“Bloody hell, I thought you said there were no alarms, Mills.” Killian swore as he and Emma ducked behind another.
“There aren’t, no one should know we’re here!” Regina protested, positioning herself behind a grandfather clock that just barely hid her from view.
“Okay, let’s just grab something and go. We’re way behind. You saw, they already got to the clock tower and we’ve got to get to Jones’ house before four.” Ruby’s voice drifted through the shop door before it creaked open. Emma stepped out of her hiding place first, crossing her arms.
“You know, I’m pretty sure breaking and entering is illegal.” she smirked. Ruby must’ve jumped a foot in the air.
“Dammit, Emma!” Ruby scowled as Mary Margaret and Regina emerged from behind their respective dark corners.
“Oh, love, don’t be so harsh. We did the breaking, they did the entering.” Killian popped up next to Emma and snaked his arm around her waist as Ruby’s jaw dropped to the floor. “Also, you might have a bit of a rough time with the last item on your little list, as I know to lock my bedroom window now…”
“So, we totally won, right?” Regina cut in.
“Can we decide that after we get out of here?” Ashley said, glancing around. Gold’s shop was creepy during the day, but at night it was downright terrifying.
“Yeah, alright, let’s head home.” Ruby sighed.
“Okay, so you destroyed my house. That’s one.” Regina said, still bitter about the copious amounts of toilet paper she could see draped over the house in the picture Ruby had taken.
“And you obviously got Jones’ underwear, although I definitely said boxer shorts.” Ruby noted, still clearly impressed.
“Technicalities, love.” Killian smirked. He waved the boxer-briefs in the air and Emma yanked his arm down, face turning red. His other arm was lazily wrapped around her as everyone sat in a circle in Granny’s basement, tallying up points.
“And we both stole something from Gold’s.” Mulan added, pulling out a unicorn ornament she’d snagged. Killian drew the Mickey figurine from his pocket and set it down next to the unicorn.
“Ah ha! So, we win!” Emma cried triumphantly, pointing to the picture Regina was pulling up on her phone from the inside of the clock tower.
“You win.” Ruby agreed, not looking too disappointed. “But you can’t stay here all night.” she pointed to Killian.
“It’s nearly five!” he protested.
“Granny gets up at six-thirty sharp and if you’re here she’ll kill me. And then you. And then me again.”
“I’ll walk him home.” Emma grinned.
“Well, Swan, I’m honored!” Killian put his hand to his chest.
“Cute. Let’s go before Liam finds out you’ve gone on a late-night adventure.”
“Oh, I texted him hours ago, love. Trust, and all that.” Killian said. “Wait, Swan, did you call me cute?”
“Calm down, buddy. Baby steps.”
“Will you two leave?” Regina practically shouted.
“Well, Swan, I’ll see you at school Monday?” Killian said hopefully as they stood at his front door.
“You see me every day. We have three classes together, dumbass.” Emma poked him in the side. He winced mockingly.
“Ouch, love, you know what I meant.” Killian placed his hand on Emma’s cheek, his prosthetic resting at her hip.
“Yeah, I know what you meant.” Emma said as she leaned forward and captured his lips with her own. Killian broke the kiss, his forehead resting on Emma’s. “See you Monday, Jones.”
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samwinlover-blog · 7 years
Sleep in my sweater P6
Part One Here Part Two Here Part Three Here Part Four Here Part Five Here
Pairing: Sam x reader  Characters: Sam, Dean, nurses, reader Warnings: light swearing, angst, fluff, hurt!sam, hurt!reader,  Word count: around 1,500 Summary: The reader and Sam are both taken to the hospital, and when Sam finally wakes up confessions are made  Tag list: @amanda-teaches @myplaceofthingsilove@spectaculicious@bambinovak @bambinovak @writingthingsisdifficult@padackles2010​ @mamaredd123​​ @milkymilky-cocopuff​ @iwantthedean@zeppo-in-a-trenchcoat​ @spntrista​​ @d-s-winchester​ @just-another-busy-fangirl​ @winchesterprincessbride​ @waywardjoy​@supernaturalyobsessed​ @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname​ @sandlee44​ @fangirl1802@kittenofdoomage​​​ @evyiione @winchestersmut​ @purgatoan​ ​ @mogaruke​​ @therewillbeblood​ @megansescape​ @taste-of-dean​ @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid  @scarlet-soldier-in-an-impala@deathtonormalcy56​ @wildfirewinchester @notnaturalanahi@jensen-jarpad@impalaimagining​ @fangirlextraordinaire @itseverythingilike@jesspfly@love-kittykat21@mysteriouslyme81 @mrswhozeewhatsis @aiaranradnay@supernatural-jackles@girl-next-door-writes@spnsasha@27bmm@spnfanficpond @amanda-teaches@myplaceofthingsilove@spectaculicious@bambinovak @writingthingsisdifficult@spn-imagines-to-feel@spn-ficfanatic@cleverdame @saxxxology @jensen-jarpad @keepcalmandcarryondean dancingpanda137
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy! Ps, I have a game in the town of Winchester tomorrow and I almost CRIED when I found out where it was
Masterlist Here!
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You must have passed out, because when you opened your eyes you had no idea where you were. White. Everything was white. The walls, the curtains, the bed- which you had no memory of ever getting into. The windows were shut tightly and no light seeped through, in fact the entire room was dark- save for the monitors beeping at your left. The noise hurt your head, which you noticed was pounding so hard you could barely think straight. 
Your eyes trailed down to your wrist, and you found an IV sticking out of it. Hurriedly you ripped it out, wincing a little as your arm started to bleed. The plastic tube clattered to the floor and you tried to stand up. But before you could get out of the bed, you were stopped by all of the other pieces of machinery attached to you. Tubes and wires measuring your breathing and vitals poked and prodded until you ripped those out as well. 
Finally free, you stumbled up from the bed. You didn’t know if it was from blood loss, your head, or something else entirely, but you felt so, so woozy. The room seemed to spin as you made your way towards the door, pushing past monitors that had since stopped their beeping. 
You fumbled for the door handle with shaky hands. At first you were unsuccessful, and cursed your lightheaded, disoriented self, but then- with a click- the door slid opened to reveal the hallway beyond. 
A hospital. You were in a hospital. 
A light that seemed almost blinding met your eyes, and you stumbled back, putting a hand up over your face. But after blinking and orienting yourself, you realized it was only the hallway lights- so bright in contrast to your dark room. Nurses and doctors shuffled about, pushing various trays and carts past each other- they all seemed to be in a hurry, every single one of them needing to fulfill their task on hand. 
Midst all the chaos, you couldn’t spot a single familiar face- until you saw Dean. He looked as though he hadn’t slept in days; the lines of his face drooping into a tired stare. His hair was starved of its normal sheen, unkempt and unwashed probably since he first arrived at the hospital. It took him a second to see you; but when he did, he all but sprinted towards you.  
“(Y/N), what the hell?!” He yelled and grabbed your arm to steady you. 
“Dean....wh-what happened?” You mumbled, beginning to see double. 
“Get ur ass back in bed, I’ll explain in a second.” He started leading you back towards your room, but you didn’t want to go. 
Sam, you remembered Sam. 
“What about, uh, Sam?” You pushed him off you and demanded answers. There was a gap in your memory, starting from the beginning of the crash and spanning until that moment. Sam yelling OH SHIT and the force of another car flinging you across the Impala was about all you remembered. 
Dean’s voice grew gentle and he again tried to lead you to your room, “(Y/N), come on, your head- you gotta lie down.” 
“Fine-,” You grumbled and stalked back into bed, secretly thankful that Dean’s arm was holding you up. 
Before you could finish your sentence, a brown-haired nurse came rushing over to you. “Oh my goodness, you need to get back into bed, honey.” She said, her twangy accent sounding foreign to your ears. You waved her away, insisting you were fine and continuing back to your room. But she, too, was insistent. “(Y/N), you shouldn’t be walking, here.”
You heard her click open a wheelchair and you snapped, “Listen lady, I don’t know how the hell you know my name, but I don’t need your help.” 
Eventually the brunette nurse won out, and you were wheeled back into bed with the IV stuck right back into your arm. You grumbled, but reluctantly, let her do her work- the throbbing in your head telling you you couldn’t just rub some dirt on this one. 
Once the nurse left, and Dean had locked the door behind her, you finally asked, “Where’s Sam,” 
You didn’t even try to hide the concern in your voice, and the older Winchester most definitely picked up on it. But none of it mattered to you anymore, you shouldn’t have hid how you felt about Sam in the first place. The crash, of all things, had shown you that life was too damn short. You should have seen it before, being as you risked your life everyday as a hunter, but you’d been an idiot. The whole “it isn’t worth the risk” bullshit you’d been feeding yourself was meaningless. Now your head was clear, both metaphorically and for real- whatever was in that IV was working.
“He’s fine, in the room next to this one. He work up a few hours ago wanting to see you, but you were asleep. I told him what happened and then he really wanted to see you. He’ll probably be in soon, I mean, hell, he got pretty angry when-” 
Dean was cut off by the door opening. Your head snapped up, anger flaring- if that god awful nurse came back in, you were going to kick her ass. But it wasn’t the nurse, actually it was the last person you expected. 
He was wearing a grey sweat suit, nothing like the loose hospital dress you found yourself in. The small scrapes and cuts on his face had been stitched up, with one larger bandage on his cheek. He looked tired, worn down, but also worried. 
The two of you locked eyes, and his face softened. You felt like you were in some sort of romantic movie, and half expected a slow bluesy song to play on the hospital speakers. He looked tired, just like his brother, as awkwardly stood at the edge of the bed. Dean let out a small breath, quickly realizing he was ruining a moment, and said, “Okay....I’ll be going now.” 
Sam didn’t so much as look at his brother as he left the room, his eyes remained wholly on you the entire time. You did the same, studying the worn lines of his face- memorizing every scrape and bruise. 
He moved to sit at the end of your bed as the door closed, and the two of you just sat there in silence for a moment. He looked you up and down, brow furrowing slightly more every time he spotted an injury. You took silent delight in just how worried he was about you, but also knew it was more than that. He couldn’t be that up in arms just from seeing you hurt- that was an everyday thing for hunters. There was something he wasn’t saying, it wasn’t just friendly worry keeping him so quiet. 
"(Y/N)....I, uh..” He finally broke the silence, gesturing to your head. 
You understood immediately, “Sam, I’m fine.” 
But then he surprised you, “No, no, (Y/N), I’m so sorry.”  
“Sam, it’s not your fault-” You shook your head, but he cut you off. 
“Yeah, yeah it was. I was driving, and I don’t know why but I was distracted and we crashed. (Y/N), I’m so sorry, this is all my fault, I’m so sorry.” He looked up at your head, and the giant gash recently stitched up. 
And there it was- the thing keeping him so silent, so reserved. Self blame was Sam’s MO, every time something went remotely wrong he thought it was on him. You knew words weren’t going to make him understand, so you did something you knew you were going to regret. You kissed him. 
Leaning over to the edge of your bed, you took his hand at first- just ghosting your lips in front of his. For a split second, you started to regret everything- but it was too late for that now. So you stopped thinking entirely and leaned in a little closer, your foreheads were touching now. You felt him swallow, hard, like he was holding himself back. But that was okay, because you were letting go enough for the both of you. You raised your hand up to cup his cheek, rolling a thumb over his jaw. 
And then he did something that surprised you. He grabbed your face with both hands and basically slammed his lips into your own. You were so taken aback you probably made a small noise, but that didn’t seem to matter to Sam. Only when the two of you were near suffocating did you come up for air. You stared at him, a look of surprise so clearly written across your face, but all you wanted to do was kiss him again.  
It was as much of a surprise as it was amazing- Sam kissing you was the last thing you expected out of that conversation. You weren’t sure what to say, how to even comprehend what had just happened. He’d kissed you back. But you didn’t have to speak, because he- once again- broke the silence: “(Y/N)...” 
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lizardswithoutlegs · 7 years
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when i walk into a building i get to eat everybodys pencils and they cant say no
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do it 
( also thanks for asking ! ) 
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itd bother me a lot less if everybody came to my apartment and took one of these beautiful eggs
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YEAH UNFORTUNATELY IM STILL..... WORKING THROUGH THE SAME WAITLIST but im comparatively REAL CLOSE to being done with it and i should be opening up sometime later in...... the Year
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Boy Have I
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theres This messy thing from a while back and then also
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THIS, from even FURTHER back, when i didnt realize how fucking RED all the outlines on my things were because of the monitor i was using, two for the price of one
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why not both
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i do Not but it you ever see me walking on the street please throw handfuls of teeth at me theyre the only things my wretched body can digest and im always hungry
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OH MAN ok so, an art telephone game is based on, of course, the game telephone, where one person says a phrase and then whispers it to the next person, and so on and on until the person at the very end says whatever they heard and if its done right the final sentence is wildly different than what you started with
an ART telephone game is the same kind of concept, except one person draws out a scene or character, and then other artists draw THEIR interpretation of whats going on, and so forth until the last person can end up with something COMPLETELY different than what the first scene was
youd think thered be less room for error with drawings, but as each person ONLY sees what the person ahead of them has made, they can get PRETTY OUT THERE - im gonna be a part of pythosarts game, and theyve done a couple of em before - for example one round started with THESE as the first two drawings
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and then fourteen interpretations later, ended up with these as the final two
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its good its real good
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I Cant Control Where Bigfoot Goes, I Can Only Take Note Of Where Hes Been
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YEAH, sort of ! on the main, iguanamouth, i have a bunch of different tags for art depending on what they are but not really a catchall one, BUT i do have an art only blog where everything gets tossed over ! 
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HONESTLY THE ADVICE i got is basically what all art advice is gonna boil down to eventually - you gotta just. do it. you gotta DO it
absolutely nobody you know who draws things well started out at the level theyre currently at, and putting down the things youre visualizing onto paper is a combination of getting the the technical aspects down as much as getting the idea in your head
and that goes with figuring out anatomy and how bodies are put together ! ive got to use references for a Million things,. especially the dragon hoards - theres absolutely nothing wrong with using references for your drawings ! and being able to create accurate representations of things without looking is something that comes more with drawing something over and over and memorizing the body shape more than just, feeling like you should KNOW how to do something
so dont beat yourself up for needing references. if youre trying to shy away from them a little bit but still cant make something look nice without em, try using several different reference photos to put together an entirely different pose ? 
theres ALSO the SHRIMP METHOD, which is great for practicing and getting good at one particular thing - this probably isnt SUPER HELPFUL but good luck ! 
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god i tried. exactly ONCE maybe fourish years ago but it wasnt art, i was trying to stream the lion king movie and i had no idea what i was doing, i didnt realize i needed to wear headphones so the sound wouldnt snowball into a feedback loop of my own voice that never ended but i kept laughing and it kept distorting worse and worse, like the audio version of saving and resaving something as a jpeg
it was just me and my friend ronni in the stream and ONE other person who never left and never said anything and i kept addressing them out loud like WHO ARE YOU and that only compounded the noise problem and eventually i gave up
anyway i havent tried since
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i uhhhhh dont think i COULD, really - fear especially is something thats kind of subjective and one persons Big Terror could be neutral or even cute to another person
like for me i used to have a lot of childhood fears about the ocean, and how deep and dark and vast it was, to the point where i couldnt play a lot of water levels in video games, even ( but i had almost drowned several times when i was Very young which probably had, a little somethin to do with that )
maybe sometime ill try to explore things IM afraid of, but its hard to encompass a psychological response in an image !! could be a fun experiment, though ! !
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SHIT DUDE THESE ARE... SO GOOD thats the official name EVEN IF i didnt use. a daffodil as the flower base. it doesnt matter 
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i got A BUNCH of flower and plant themed suggestions and theyre all REALLY GOOD ( way more than these ) but straight up im taking a break from em for a while - if anybody is else is reading this though you should definitely tackle one of em
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Do Not Feed Animals The Paste
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i keep going back to read this ask because you could replace wasabi with my name and its the exact same. its the same. i feel like i have to hide somewhere
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this was real and this is the award they gave us
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there were other awards but the judges refused to give them out. they burned them in front of the other dogs. we won
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it depends on the age ! wasabis pretty much an adult, so her sheds are pretty infrequent ( usually once every 7-8 months ) BUT when she was still growing back like 6 years ago, she would do a full-body shed every other month !
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wasabi accepts tokens of appreciation in the form of : fruit, green beans. No Exceptions
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i would never seperate wasabi from her hands
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absolutely..... not. not even a little bit h h hh a this isnt a disney animal companion, i dont even know what “kind of like a dog” means with , a lizard who cant make any vocalizations or get up on their hind legs or NOTHIN sometimes if i hold a piece of fruit on my hand and she reaches for it she gets confused on whats what and tries to bite my fingers instead
ONCE WHEN SHE was attacking her reflection in a mirror i put my hand in front of her face to break eye contact and she SUNK HER TEETH RIGHT IN THERE but immediately let go like “oh whoops”
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lissten . . .  wasabi is so sharp, just absolutely everywhere, and these are the sharpest. the grabbers
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heres a lil battle damage from earlier today actually
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this is pretty tame BUT the long long lines are from claws, and the thinner, closer together ones are from holding her and her scales scraping against the skin. so not even just the Body is completely safe ! this is not an animal youre gonna wanna get your face real close to if theyre in a walkin mood
she doesnt even MEAN to scratch the shit outta me, its just kind of a byproduct of being a big tree lizard. her tail is absolutely the worst thing to get hit by though. the WORST. lucky me she doesnt attack anything that isnt a dog or a vacuum cleaner or her own reflection
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ahhh i got her when i was 16 ! and i dont know her exact age but she was somewhere between 3-6 months when i get her - SHES probably closer to 9 years, but ive had her for about 8
LENGTH THOUGH...... the last time i measured her she was just barely under four and a half feet, but that was a few months ago and its possible shes. Just Slightly larger. shes currently sleeping as i type this so i guess we will never know
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duel me
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too late for coats..... its all tail action now
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oh MAN i feel you . . . . . . . . . . i dont think i could actually Bear To Eat any for real but some of em. just. they. i gotta. just. bite on em a LITTLE just a little bit, a tiny bit, a nibble
when i was real young i used to tap things against my teeth to tell what kind of substance they were made of based on the feeling/hardness/density WHATEVER and i still sometimes do it when im checking stuff out and. it uhhhhh sure is interesting finding out not a lot of people did that
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a handful of these delicious raw agates, just for you
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please stop spying on me
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i DO NOT but you may eat this piece of bornite
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meet me at the airport and ill cover your bus fair
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theres a lotta different ways to figure out what kind of rocks you got but when you have absolutely no clue on where to start your best bet is to search for the biggest distinctive features of it, and try to narrow it down based on the results
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like for something like these pieces of chalcedony, you could try “waxy green translucent mineral”, and from the search results find a few candidates that might be what you have on hand, and then look into each one to see if you can get a definite answer 
ive got a handful of rock and mineral guide books that i always pick through whenever i snag something im not sure of, and if youre REAL into it those are always something you could start keeping an eye out for 
now this is a REAL superficial way to telling what something is and wont be useful for a good chunk of minerals ( as a lot of samples can look really close to something else ) and THIS is a much more in depth way of telling something apart, but its also a lot more time consuming ! so good luck. and good eating.
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Just Try And Fucking Stop Me
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im married to this one actually
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fuck. ok. heres. a secret. a In the ask Post secret. wasabi goes through a period that lasts a month every single year where she carries eggs in her gut, and spends that month not eating and digging around in everything, trying to find the right spot to lay these eggs. and. when it happens i never know what to do with them, and i dont want to just THROW THEM AWAY so i. eat them. i eat the eggs. i fuckin eat the eggs dude
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Theyre All Goddesses
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unless you plan on having your lizard roam around outside whenever they want, the outside environment doesnt really matter much for most reptiles as long as you set their habitat up right ! BUT i do know that australia has bans on certain reptiles ( iguanas are one of them ) and so youre gonna have to look up whats actually available in that area 
 bearded dragons are native and those are always a good option, but so are a lot of geckos - its really gonna depend on what youre into ( but i dont really recommend anoles if thats an option, because theyre fast as Hell and dont like being handled )
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what the fuck is a bee
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oh geez im sorry ! i remember going through this with spiders a lot when i was younger to the point where looking at photos of em used to be a fuckin, TRIAL 
you could try a really gradual exposure deal, where you start off with getting comfortable with just images, and slowly working your way to dealing with one in a controlled setting ( like a petstore, maybe ? not HANDLING em or anything, but just being near one in a way where its absolutely impossible for them to touch you )
the shitty thing about this kind of phobia is that even if you KNOW its irrational theres sometimes not a lot you can do about it, but if you can stand looking at photos of them you could try learning up about them, and finding out the types of species youre likely to encounter around your house, and seeing how many ( if any ) are ones you should avoid ?
i know some people that have major problems with snakes are because theyre unsure if the ones they find are poisonous or not, and it might go a long way to confirm that the reptiles you meet wont be able to harm you even if they TRIED ( which is gonna be the case with a lotta house geckos, they cant do SHIT youre a GIANT )
very VERY few lizards have venomous bites, and the worst most of em can do is give you a bloody finger if theyre large enough, and even then its usually not much worse than a cat scratch !
still though, if youre really serious about trying to get past this, dont force yourself too quick into what you think you SHOULD be, and take tiny steps outta your comfort level when you can
this probably isnt uhhh SUPER helpful hh hhah but good luck !  shit im going through this post and its like ALL reptile photos. im sorry
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i feel about them, with my hands
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MMM it shouldnt HURT them unless theres something Really wrong, considering its a natural procession of growth, BUT its definitely itchy as hell, to the point where reptiles trying to remove it will drag their bodies over stones or walls tryin to get it off
sometimes wasabi drags her whole hind foot over her head like a dog to get it off and it is. a Sight
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ahhh honestly there arent a lotta reptiles thatre gonna do much more than TOLERATE the touch and not really, enjoy it, like a dog or cat or bird
but speaking from experience with wasabi, youll probably want to avoid most the head and stick with the top of the back near the sides - wasabi doesnt enjoy having her tail messed with much either, but shes ok with her dewlap and feet being touched
the most important thing to keep an eye out for when youre touching one is their body language, because  THATS gonna be a dead giveaway for whether you need to back off or not
closing their eyes is a sign of stress, not enjoyment ! same with tilting the head back, but if thats ALL theyre doing then youre probably not gonna face any retaliation
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B U T if theyve got an extended dewlap with a raised body or tail off the ground, not a good idea to interact with em ! thats a defensive posture, and you risk getting hit with a tail or even bitten if your hand gets too close
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youve got more to risk with males, who are way more territorial and generally larger, but if they seem pretty chill when you approach and dont stand up and stare at you, youre probably in the clear
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COCK of the ROCK
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I HAVE im so jealous of anybody whos got to see one in person - actually handling one is a level beyond that which i could even comprehend
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no but i was bit by a pigeon once
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this is the only joke i know
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i fuckin WISH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ayy im into it - honestly i havent been following the band so much as just kinda, picking up whatever anybody else mentions and so my knowledge on Gorillaz Lore is pretty uhhhh h hh h scattered but im definitely interested in seeing where this goes
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i remember watching the first and second season and it being pretty good - some of the episodes and jokes are hit and miss but you absolutely got me with the creature and alien design
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havent seen any of the third season yet though !
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i mean the fruit ones could be pretty up there 
how bout. an abstract concept. who cares about physical forms wheres the dragon of melancholy 
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why come theres nothing to eat in my apartment but bread. im good otherwise but its all just bread
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i havent watched either of em in YEARS and YEARS but i distinctly remember. these lil dancing mushrooms
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oh wait FUCK 
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FUCK !!!!!!!!!
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no... NO.... she is not allowed to eat ANYTHING from the plan shelf, try as she MIGHT
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im a little mad that this sill isnt bigger because the only other one that gets sun is in my room and wasabi WIll... absolutely eat those. no doubt. a convenient and expensive salad, for my awful gremlin 
god im looking at these and its all jade plants isnt it
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little golden books taste the best but they can make you sick if you have too many at once. my favorite genre for snacking is sci fi fantasy but anything over 300 pages tends to get a little tough if you dont break it up with smaller chunks. non fictions always a gamble because the taste is wildly different each time but you can usually tell how ripe it is by the cover color
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ayy im already a big fan of some of their stuff, ive got a couple songs from them in my music tag - im especially into i miss you and their shut up and bring it here remix
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this is barely related but once i filled up a bathtub with water and then dumped about ten bags worth of mint tea into it and then just. soaked around in the tea. listen it was really nice. id try the cheese
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i dont have any ships but i was on one of those model pirate boats once for a school trip. our boat was named naruto and the other one was named sasuke and the captains shouted “make them kiss” and ran them into each other. everybody on board drowned
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youre trying to trick me into googling yoshi without shoes and its not going to work
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me reading this message from the safety of my apartment :
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nice try, but wrong again ! : )
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THIS IS GOOD info, thank you
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oh SHIT the other side of paradise, take a slice, life itself, and season 2 episode 3 are all my Big Faves
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the way you phrased this makes me think you already have a strong opinion on it
hey uh. coming from a person who was absolutely CONVINCED that theyd be dead in the future when they were 12, a not insignificant part of that was me feeling that there was something irreversibly wrong with me for not behaving or acting in certain ways based on what was going downstairs
and obviously im still HERE but it means i can understand how devastatingly terrible it can feel when youre that young and it seems like the way you behave and feel are flawed, or dirty, and anything that can lessen that feeling and make you comfortable in your own body is huge, can save your life
not that im saying its always a LIFE OR DEATH decision !
i guess if youre viewing it as adults forcing a child into making decisions that you dont think theyre capable of understanding its easy to be hesitant about getting behind it, but nobody is forcing a child to be trans. nobody has tricked them into feeling this way. you cant just walk in and get started on treatment on an immediate whim - some programs require 2 YEARS of concrete evidence before theyll even consider it
i feel like you should try speaking to the parents of trans children before you really put down a concrete opinion on whether this is a good or bad thing, and seeing the difference ( if any ) its made in their lives 
people whove detransitioned, or found they had ultimately a different identity than the one they were exploring could also be an avenue to look intto ! i have several acquaintances who, after a period of years, found they werent trans but wouldnt take back the time where they were figuring out if they were, and i know this doesnt invalidate the friends i have who ARE 
ultimately this is what it boils down to for me : Its Sure Gotta Beat Being Dead
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i WILL give you that ive definitely seen a lot of overreactions to seemingly innocuous topics on this website
but youve also got to keep in mind that everybody who is saying these things MEANS them, and to them theres a completely reasonable explanation to why they feel that way
im not saying you should blindly accept any criticism you get, but to instead try to get a grasp on WHY theyre responding the way they are instead of immediately dismissing it
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its because i cant drive and they wont let me sit in the front on account of the smell
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AHHHH I GOT.. a bunch of other really sweet messages to the point where id feel weird about putting em ALL UP BUT... IF YOU SENT ME SOMETHING i can promise i absolutely saw it and it made my day better and just, holy shit, thank you for taking time out of your life to say anything to me at all
because you didnt have to, even a little bit
youre all beautiful and im kissing you on the mouths all at once. no take backs
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hannibalbarker-blog · 8 years
In Praise of the Lightsaber Fight in Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
A friend posted a comment in a Facebook group praising the choreography of the fight scenes in the Star Wars prequels. I agree, and posted a tangent essay about how the Obi-Wan/Darth Vader fight in A New Hope was a realistic expression of how a lightsaber fight would end up. It’s not comprehensive and I threw it together in 20 minutes.
The prequel fights are absolutely sick. If you look at the Prequels through an action movie lens, then they're not too bad. But, I want to talk about how good the fight scene between Obi-Wan and Darth Vader from A New Hope is, though. It is, I think, the most intense and most realistic lightsaber fight. Why? Because lightsabers are fucking dangerous. You wouldn't swing around a sword like crazy if you ever had one, so why do it with something that is guaranteed to cut right through you like butter? Now imagine the stress of trying to fight somebody else that had a sword that wouldn't even need to be moving to maim you. (You can make the argument that being able to swing one of them around wildly is a testament to the immense skill of a Jedi, and their force mastery. I would agree, but I'll get to that in a bit.) Two opponents stand face to face, with incredibly deadly weapons. Like, incredibly deadly weapons. You could die just from slipping slightly, so having good discipline and control over your lightsaber is absolutely necessary. If you leave /any/ opening whatsoever that your opponent can abuse, you are dead. It's like fencing but on steroids. So, more than probably any other combat situation, you would be focusing primarily on defense. This would led to intense standoffs and trading of dashes and blows, like a combination between a pistol duel, a poker game and a chess match. The fight would be methodical and slow, constantly reading your opponent, tiring him out, tricking him. Every single calculation of your advantage is essential. You need to know your footing, and your enemy's footing. You need to know where you can move and where your enemy can move. Like in Batman Begins, where Henri Ducard is training Batman, but with laser swords. You need to cover all your weaknesses and constantly press any advantage you get. That's why things like 'the high ground' would be so important in a lightsaber fight, it's way better to risk having your feet in range than your head. I think a good analogue is the brinksmanship of Nuclear Weapons. Two sides with incredibly deadly potential, constantly trading feints and psyching each other out. The difference being that in a lightsaber battle, the weapon use is inevitable. When Richard Nixon became US President in 1968, he introduced a doctrine called Madman Theory, which is basically being enough of a crazy cunt to completely psych out your opponent. He did things like fly B-52s right over the Soviet border to make them think he was insane and to overestimate his resolve. This describes the flippy-swingy lightsaber style of prequels pretty well. If you can wield a super deadly weapon like it was a child playing with pool noodle, your opponent is going to fear you. In short, lightsaber battles are just Kenjutsu/Kendo. The fight in A New Hope resembles this more than any other fight in the series. It's also noticeably inspired by Akira Kurosawa's samurai films. The start of the scene involves Vader, the clear villain, walking toward Obi-Wan, the hero, with his sword (lightsaber) drawn, which is very aggressive posturing for a samurai. Obi-Wan draws his sword instantly in response, showing his willingness to fight. Samurai would ordinarily draw their sword in stages as warnings, and once the sword was completely out, it was kind of a 'bond' that they were going to fight you, even if you weren't ready. It's important at this point to understand Obi-Wan's motivation for fighting Vader. We learn at the end of the fight that it was mainly Obi-Wan's attempt to distract Vader from pursuing the rest of Skywalker's posse, even to the point of sacrificing himself. This changes the way Obi-Wan will fight. Another point to note is that Obi-Wan can't 'read' Vader in the conventional sense, as he doesn't have facial expressions or expressive body language. He could probably still use the Force, but I don't really know how Force reading and resisting works. After the initial monologue, which builds both characters, Obi-Wan strikes first, agressively swinging to the side of Vader's lightsaber, while Vader blocks by moving gently. The sabers cross, with both pushing against each other, and Obi-Wan relents, either a tactical move, or due to Vader's higher physical strength. Obi-Wan is pushed back, and Vader takes the opportunity to swing, missing. Obi-Wan returns to a good footing, at a distance from vader, and they cross their swords, circling each other. The first move of the chess match is over. Obi-Wan begins the next phase by swinging is sword around, trying to throw Vader off. Vader has the advantage here since he can read Obi-Wan but Obi-Wan can't read Vader. They trade words and threats. Obi-Wan lunges forward appearing to get the upper hand, but pulls back to a safer position after crossing sabers. The whole time they stare each other down, they lean back and forth, appearing ready. They swing side to side, blocking each other's blows. Obi-Wan pushes forward, sending Vader back, and gains and advantage over him. Vader then goes on the offensive, and Obi-Wan shows signs of worry. Vader then starts pushing forward while Obi-Wan circles around with his saber, but not blocking it. This part of the fight appears much more like European fencing. It's important to note here that Obi-Wan gets pushed against a wall and he knows it. In fact, I think at this point he's trying to get himself pushed in front of the window so that the Stormtroopers and Rebel squad see him. He looks over to the troopers, breaking line of sight. When Obi-Wan notices Luke, he smirks knowingly, and lets down his guard. In that brief second, Vader strikes with full force. It took only a second of having his guard down to be defeated. The entire fight was extremely tactical, with series of volleys and blows back and forth and pushing each other into positions and trading advantages. I think the art of that scene isn't immediate in a casual viewing, because every other fight scene is more memorable. But I think it's one of the most finely crafted and expository fights in the series, excepting Luke's final fight with Vader, which warrants its own analysis.
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While looking for images of anthropomorphized versions of the new pokemon with their tits out, we stumbled upon some clickbait. Not just any clickbait, metacritic showing us a definitive fact based, unbiased top 50 games of the 2010's: 1. Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Wii, 2010) 97 2. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Switch, 2017) 97 3. Red Dead Redemption 2 (PlayStation 4, 2018) 97 4. Grand Theft Auto V (PlayStation 4, 2014) 97 5. Super Mario Odyssey (Switch, 2017) 97 6. Mass Effect 2 (Xbox 360, 2010) 96 7. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (Xbox 360, 2011) 96 8. The Last of Us (PlayStation 3, 2013) 95 9. The Last of Us Remastered (PlayStation 4, 2014) 95 10. Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360, 2010) 95 11. Portal 2 (Xbox 360, 2011) 95 12. God of War (PlayStation 4, 2018) 94 13. Batman: Arkham City (Xbox 360, 2011) 94 14. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D (3DS, 2011) 94 15. BioShock Infinite (PC, 2013) 94 16. Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (Xbox 360, 2010) 93 17. Divinity: Original Sin II (PC, 2017) 93 18. Super Mario 3D World (Wii U, 2013) 93 19. Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC, 2010) 93 20. Persona 4 Golden (PlayStation Vita, 2012) 93 21. Persona 5 (PlayStation 4, 2017) 93 22. Mass Effect 3 (Xbox 360, 2012) 93 23. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PlayStation 4, 2015) 93 24. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii, 2011) 93 25. Rock Band 3 (Xbox 360, 2010) 93 26. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PlayStation 4, 2016) 93 27. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch, 2018) 93 28. INSIDE (Xbox One, 2016) 93 29. Forza Horizon 4 (Xbox One, 2018) 92 30. God of War III (PlayStation 3, 2010) 92 31. Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception (PlayStation 3, 2011) 92 32. Bloodborne (PlayStation 4, 2015) 92 33. Celeste (Switch, 2018) 92 34. Super Street Fighter IV (PlayStation 3, 2010) 92 35. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PlayStation 4, 2015) 92 36. Undertale (PC, 2015) 92 37. Fire Emblem: Awakening (3DS, 2013) 92 38. Divinity: Original Sin II - Definitive Edition (PlayStation 4, 2018) 92 39. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U (Wii U, 2014) 92 40. Journey (PlayStation 3, 2012) 92 41. Xenoblade Chronicles (Wii, 2012) 92 42. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Switch, 2017) 92 43. The ICO & Shadow of the Colossus Collection (PlayStation 3, 2011) 92 44. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood and Wine (PC, 2016) 92 45. LittleBigPlanet 2 (PlayStation 3, 2011) 91 46. Overwatch (PC, 2016) 91 47. Bayonetta 2 (Wii U, 2014) 91 48. Forza Horizon 3 (Xbox One, 2016) 91 49. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers (PC, 2019) 91 50. Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age - Definitive Edition (Switch, 2019) Richie:  I LIEK THE DUBBLE ONES! The Last of Us x2 Divinity: Original Sin II x2 Play count: 16 off that list, that's also eight twentyfifths, which is roughly how much of my massive dick your mom can take. Cunzy: Now, we all know the issues with a crowd sourced list. It's dumb. It's like putting together a list of best fruit, or favourite socks. However, every now and then it's useful to pull the wang out to measure it against the communities' wang and see just how weird and misshapen our is (we share genital appendages) by comparison. Play count: 9! What an alternative darling I am! Richie: I mean they are great, and you know they will be, but you have to draw the line somewhere, So you have to choose and say, "Nah I wont play this", better the time sink you know, right? And you choose your reasons, you skim an article, and find the thing that is slightly wrong and then activate your inner drama queen to say "OMG that is not a game I want to play I cant believe they dont have Fred Durst doing the voice of the main character" or something equally nuts. And there is plenty of them on that list that I simply refuse to play for these reasons. And I guess that's fine? Time is finite, I cant go back ten years and play all of the PS3 games I never played? Can I? Cunzy: GUILTY CONFESSIONS, A.K.A those games you know are great but just never got around to: Mario Odyssey, LoZ (the whole franchise), Red Dead (series), Mass Effect (series), Persona (series), Divinity (series), Souls (series)... where do I hand my gamer card back? Richie: Also Overwatch... Do people actually play it, or is that there just because people fiddle with their genitalia to fund cosplay camgirls? Cunzy: Yes, watch me throat this widowmaker dildo on my stream now. Richie: So do we disagree with this list? Well, to be fucking honest I'm not going to research it myself, I'm not sure I have played much more than 50 games this year, as far as i can recall, I played a lot of Diablo 3 and Fallout/Skyrim... but yeah I'm sure the above is good... Actually fuck that, Games of the decade for me are... Every iteration of pokemon that came out in the last 10 years, X/Y, Sun/Moon, Black/White, Sword/Shield, Flaps/Scrotum. Skyrim SNOW VIKING DRAGON SHOUTING Animal Crossing, Shake the tree for Nook. Lego Everything, play, collect, repeat Hyperdimensions Neptunia. Ultra Japanese anthropomorphised consoles as Anime girls. Vert is best Waifu.  Fallouts So many plus expansions, Chandler as a bad guy is special.  Diablo 3, Clicky loot loot  WoW Classic, because...  FFXIII-2, Timetravel-bocolina  Tomodatchi Life, Make your friends on the DS into miis, interact with them, cry alone at night Smash Bros. Repeatedly main Peach till she becomes top tier, yaay Jackbox games, All Gems, probably the best multiplayer gaming actually this decade.  Doki Doki Literature Club, MO-NI-KA Batmanzes, grapple glide Southparkgames, play the stories you have watched and add a weak RPG element. Dragon Ages-s, Way better than mass effect Every Naruto game. Like lego, but with anime ninjas Barrel Scrape: the game, where you frantically look at your steam collection for the games you have most played, and check the dates of your 360 games to see if they fall into this category I played 18 games it seems? Cunzy: *gasps for air*, wipes synthetic jizz from Lollipop Chainsaw skirt. Ten years is a long time. Here's my top 18 games of the decade. Silent Hill Shattered Memories 2010 Silent Hill without the combat and all the more psychologically chilling because of it. Great setting, theme and story. One I regularly come back to and still brick myself.  Endless Ocean 2 2010 Expanding on the first one in every way, shame there aren't more nature lovin' games in this ilk.  Monster Hunter Tri 2010 The only one in the series to have kept my attention despite it being the 'wrong one' according to many in the MH community.  Lost Planet 2 2010 Probably one of the games with the most comprehensive couch co-op mode and ridiculous bosses to team up against. Absolutely bonkers story, giant monsters and jetpacks. What more do you need? Dead Rising 2 2010 I wasn't too bothered with DR3 and DR4 despite absolutely loving the first game. They seem to have crossed the line between goofy but po-faced and just silly apocalypse zombie killing. DR2 arguably gives you a playground more memorable than Willamette and stays on the 'serious' side.  Dead Space 2 2011 One of my favourite gaming franchises I think, excellently built world that is complemented by the tie in anime, comics and spin-off games.   Resident Evil Revelations 2012 It was a good decade for Resident Evil with almost every game seeing multiple ports, re-releases and remasters. It's a close call between Resident Evil 2 and Revelations on the Nintendo 3DS for my favourite of the decade but this one really got it's biohazardous talons-with-eyes into us especially raid mode. Revelations 2 is fantastic co-op but the raid mode side of things isn't as fluid as the original Revelations. Criminally, aside from a brief VR foray into Resident Evil 7, we errr didn't play it.  The Last Story 2012 Oh, I fell in love with this game and despite the small geography of Lazulis City it felt like a living city with many surprises tucked away. Great soundtrack to boot.  Fire Emblem Awakening 2013 Another series that had a rock solid decade starting with Awakening then the rest of the 3DS trilogy, an excellent Warriors game and even Heroes wasn't too bad. Although Fire Emblem Three Houses is the superior game, it's the cast and the support system pioneered by Awakening that has this in my top 18.  Tomb Raider 2013 Sometimes the context in which you play a game is as important as the game itself. A weekend in 2013 with fellow Tomb Raider fans blasting through this excellent and long awaited reboot is fondly remembered. Last of Us 2013 It's hard to put a finger on just one thing that makes this game phenomenal but there's not been much like it since.  LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2013 There were some great LEGO games this decade from opposites LEGO Worlds and LEGO Dimensions to movie tie-ins and a strong series of games based on the Marvel and DC comics. The Marvel trilogy in particular was outstanding.  Everyone's Gone to the Rapture 2015 With age, the more energetic games can leave me wheezing with exhaustion just thinking about playing them and EGttR is a perfect respite from the shootbang games. Honestly, I'd be keen to play more games just like this. The English countryside setting in particular made it extra special.  Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 2017 Honestly, who actually puts Mario Kart on their top games list? Well thinking about it and looking at play records it's probably the perfect couch multiplayer game but with a real challenging depth to those looking to break records and get a hold of those elusive gold kart components.  Splatoon 2 2017 Cheating slightly here by including Splatoon 2 and the Octo Expansion as one entry. I'm really not a huge fan of the central competitive gameplay of Splatoon, although I've put in the hours, but the single player side of things are a worthy first person puzzler(?) in their own right.  Into the Breach 2018 When the options paralysis sets in, which is often, I just spin up Into the Breach. Three hours and a few runs later I'll question why I don't play this game even more often. Hundreds of hours in and still challenges to do, runs to try.  Super Smash Brothers Ultimate 2018 Part game, part nerdy love letter to gaming, part video game museum.  Pokemon Sword and Shield 2019 Okay as Richie pointed above any of the pokemon mainline series could have filled this slot but the last one makes most sense. Twas also a good decade for the spinoffs. I enjoyed Pokemon Conquest a huge deal, put an embarrassing amount of time into Quest as well as Picross, Rumble, Duel, Go and mystery dungeons.  And there we have it, lists, we'll be back at some point in the future with more lists, perhaps with a list spanning the last 2 decades, to present you with our Game of the Century (spoilers, it's SSX Tricky). Also if anyone has a word to describe my above rant about the act of proactively dismissing something despite knowing it will be good to avoid committing to the time sink, please let me know. We live in a time of labels, there must be a word for this! Love and where do you even start with persona! Richie + Cunzy X
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viralhottopics · 7 years
Meet the woman who built Hollywood from the ground up in ‘Feud’
Image: fx
When it came to crafting Feud: Bette and Joans retro-perfect rendition of Hollywood circa 1962, down to the most exacting detail from Joan Crawfords plastic-covered furniture, to Bette Davis Yankee tchotchkes, to a glittering Academy Awards ceremony no one was better suited for time traveling than production designer Judy Becker.
Having worked on high-profile features like Brokeback Mountain, The Fighter, Silver Linings Playbook and Joy, Becker has become known for her spot-on recreations of very particular places and times in the 20th Century, most memorably the gritty/glam 70s-era New York City of American Hustle, the glossy 1950s backdrops of Carol, and her first jaunt into the realities and faux-realities of early 60s Tinseltown with Hitchock.
SEE ALSO: Meet the woman behind ‘Feud’s’ most fascinating character
Making her first significant foray into television, Becker had to breathe life into one of the most well-documented periods (and two of the most well-publicized lives) in Hollywood history, all under the meticulous eye of Feud producer Ryan Murphy.
Between their keen sensibilities, a mountain of reference material and a painstaking juxtaposition of the everyday glamor and banality of showbiz, Becker has been delivering an exhaustively rendered Hollywood that begs for rewinding and rewatching in each new episode.
Becker recently gave Mashable a peek inside her process and its many pleasures including, she revealed, finding a few choice, still-existing props from the fateful set of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?
Obviously youve worked in period before. When Feud came your way, what got you interested into delving into this particularly specific world?
I wanted to work with Ryan that was the primary thing. Usually when I decide to do a project that Im offered, its because I want to work with the creator. You probably know, its really my first time doing television, and I was excited about it, because I think theres so much great television happening. His world of television is amazing. I knew he was a very visual director, and his TV shows are so visual, so that was exciting to me. Then when we first met and talked about the period, and the look, and how it would be very glamorous, and a little stylized, it was a very exciting world to me.
I think every time I do period, the characters are different, and the storys different. This is pretty much the same era as Hitchcock was, and that was a Hollywood story too, but its different characters. Joan and Bette were two such famous actresses of their time, and Joan had a very glamorous life. So it was really something new for me, and it was really fun once I started doing it.
I imagine that, more so than in some other cases, you had some very specific reference material end up on your desk, because these two women had their personal and professional lives photographed to a degree that most people didnt.
Yeah, they did. There were a lot of photographs of their homes and of them with the caveat that, at that time, there wasnt as much photography as there is now. In 50 years, anyone whos a celebrity now will have every second of their life documented, and we didnt quite have that. And the other caveat of course was that most of what we got a hold of was publicity shots, so theres an element of artificiality to it, because its staged for the photographers to a degree.
But at the same time, you see whats really there. You could see the details. When I started researching Joans house, I was really confused for, like, two weeks, because I had all these pictures of this house, and I knew it was the same house, but it looked like three different houses. That was because she renovated it so much and so often, that it took a lot of piecing together to figure out what photos were from what era, and when she had changed things, and what was appropriate for us, and what wasnt.
It was almost like a giant Rubiks Cube of Joans house, so that was fascinating. In one photograph, she has this lime green gigantic ottoman in front of the fireplace, and then in another photograph, its the same gigantic lime green ottoman, but with brown fringe on it. And you dont have the exact dates of all these photographs, so there was a lot of detective work in creating a timeline for her world.
In a sense, Bette was almost easier because although Bette moved around a lot, everywhere she lived looked exactly the same, which was like a traditional American colonial house in Connecticut. She had a very, very consistent style. It never really deviated, and that was pretty easy for Bette for when we were doing Bette.
And they have such diametrically opposed environments, which is great establishing them as characters.
That was really true. It was really based on reality. It was interesting to see how true it was when we were doing the research, and Joan was really, for her time, very glamorous and very involved with her image, and the image of being the glamorous woman. Her best friend, William Haines, was the top interior designer of Hollywood of that day, and she really tried to keep up with the fashions and interior design.
I read some interesting things about her later in life. I think some pictures of one of her houses or her apartment were published, and she was criticized for having a Margaret Keane portrait of herself, and some primitive portraits that she had bought in Haiti. She said, Its my taste, and I love it, but theres also a really huge degree of defensiveness that you read in these interviews.
I think it was very important to her that people recognize that she was cultured, and that she read. She was upset when people came to photograph her house, and didnt print a photograph of her library of her books, for example. The public opinion of her, and of her degree of cultured-ness was very, very important to her.
We see great little details, like the plastic covering the furniture in Joans house, and the dominating portrait of herself, as well as similarly distinctive things in Bettes home. Tell me about choosing the details, first to reveal who these people are, and second just because it was a cool historical aesthetic that you wanted to include.
I think in Joans case, she had the same portrait of herself as a young woman over her fireplace her entire life. So that said something about, I suppose, her feelings about herself, her youth, her vanity, her stardom, what the past meant to her. So its not just a decorative item: it was really important, I think, in support of her character.
Then the plastic slip covers were something that Id heard about and I cant remember if theyre in Mommie Dearest or not; I just dont remember, even though I watched it fairly recently. I was really astounded to find how many pictures of them there were. Every place she lived, and on everything my favorite one was a publicity shot of her lying in bed, and shes got plastic on her bed, over her, over the bedspread.
Image: Kurt Iswarienko/FX
It was just really compulsive. In the last couple decades of her life, I know, because we spoke to her interior designer from that time, she was obsessed with cleanliness, and covering everything with plastic. I think in her New York apartment, she ripped out a lot of the wood and put in laminate instead because she felt it was cleaner and easier to clean. So this was a big, big part of her character. We really just refer to it mostly visually in Feud. I think that the audience can draw a lot of conclusions about Joan from it. Its a very interesting part of her.
Its very different when we approach Bettes decor and her interiors, because it was really the whole of her decor that summed up a lot about Bette, which was that Im from New England, Im a serious person, I come from this traditional Yankee background, and thats how Im going to decorate my house, even if its in Beverly Hills or Malibu.
So the things that spoke the most to that were the big brick fireplace with the copper pots, which was definitely in one of her main houses, and the braided rugs, and the tiny patterns on all of the furniture, that I would never have imagined a movie star having in her home if I hadnt seen the photos of it. So with Bette, I think its not any one particular detail, its kind of the whole big picture of how she lived.
Tell me about then moving out into the world of mid-century Hollywood, and particularly doing things like the awards shows the Academy Awards and the Golden Globes. What was the challenge and what was the fun of recreating those environments in that era?
I think its always fun to recreate something like that. The challenge is finding, really, for the Golden Globes, it was Where are we going to shoot this thats not the Beverly Hilton, and looks old, and looks period, and yet we can make it look like that? We ended up shooting it in the Palladium, which was amazingly intact from that era.
The fun part for me, with both that and the Oscars, was reproducing the stage sense. At the Golden Globes, theres like a big cutout on stage, and then all the flags of all the countries. And everything with that and with the Oscars of 1963 was executed in a really inexpensive way.
For me as a designer, one of my biggest challenges on every single project is making something fake look real. So to say, This looks fake, and Im going to make it look fake, and Im going to make it so that it looks fake on purpose, thats a fun thing that I dont usually get to do. And its a little bit of a breather from, This is a fake thing, and Ive got to make it look really real so the audience doesnt think about it for a second, because thats usually my goal.
In the case of the Oscars and the Golden Globes, its this big entertainment industry thing its very temporary. They did all of this for just one night, and thats how it looks, and thats how were going to do it.
One of the great things that you got to build just for yourself was your restaurant set, which I understand was modeled on the legendary Perinos on Wilshire Boulevard its second location, designed by architect Paul Williams. Why was that particular restaurant the right one, out of all the many legendary Hollywood watering holes you might have evoked?
That was a great set. Joan really went there, and so did Hedda [Hopper]. It was a place they actually went, and its pretty well-documented that they went there on a regular basis, and maybe not to Chasens, for example, or Musso & Frank. It was very glamorous looking.
Theres a lot of different worlds in Feud, but one of the worlds that was important was the glamorous world of Hollywood of the movie stars. The glamorous world that the public sees. Perinos was the most glamorous-looking restaurant Ive ever seen photos of from that era with the exception of the Four Seasons restaurant in New York, I just want to say that!
SEE ALSO: ‘Feud: Bette and Joan’ is about so much more than Hollywood’s most infamous catfight
Most of the other restaurants had a lot of wood, and they had the red leather banquettes. I reproduced Chasens and Musso & Frank for Hitchcock, so that was a whole other thing. But Perinos was really different looking. It was round, it was huge, it was white, it had mirrors on all the walls. It had these peach colored banquettes. It was gorgeous.
That was something that I think was really worth building, because it made such a statement about that era, and the glamour of that time, and in a way that you really couldnt with any place that still exists.
I imagine you had a lot of fun redoing the What Ever Happened to Baby Jane environments.
Yes, that was one of the first things I started working on. It was a very low budget movie. Im not sure what the budget was. The set was definitely a low budget set, and was built in the cheapest way imaginable. In black and white, you can get away with more than in color, especially now with high definition. Still, when you look at the stills of Baby Jane, some things that they got away with are amazing.
Theres gaps between the flats that are creating the wall they didnt fill them in; they didnt tape them; they just stuck flats next to each other, and you can see the gaps between them. The floors that were supposed to be wood were made of linoleum. Everything was done in such a kind of heavy-handed and very unsubtle way.
It was a challenge to get the craftspeople that were working on the set to do things sort of badly enough, because everyone wants to do a good job, and make it look real, and make it look well done, and thats not how the Baby Jane set looked. For me, again, its really fun to not have to worry about it being convincing reality, and instead to get to play with it and say, This is fake, and were going to really go with it, because thats how it really was.
You found some genuine talismans from the original film, I understand.
A lot! Thats the great thing about working in Los Angeles: almost the whole history of Hollywood is here. Surprisingly little gets thrown away. So we found the original sofa, and the birdcage, and the piano. The piano was a really unusual looking piano. It really looked more like a harpsichord. I wouldnt have believed it would have been used if I didnt know that it really was the real piano. So there were all of these surprises with that.
Another thing about Baby Jane that was really interesting for me, and particularly because when I did Hitchcock, we reproduced some of the sets from Psycho and I was unable to find any color stills of Psycho, so I never knew how that black and white movie looked in color in reality when it was being shot. But for Baby Jane, we did find color stills, I think at the USC library.
I could see that they had done the sets in a really interesting way. They were really monochromatic. There was a lot of beige, and white, and a kind of very light pink, then super-saturated bright accent colors. We did that in our show. When you see the sets in color, you can see that everythings very faded and monochromatic looking, and then theres these intensely blue curtains, a bright blue pillow on Joan’s bed, and Joan is wearing this vibrant red dressing gown. That is all based on what we saw in the color stills of the sets.
I loved it because there are so many different levels of glamour and heightened reality in Feud. You go from this really beautiful, colorful, glamorous world with Joan Crawford, and then you get to stage, and its pretty boring looking, like most film stages are. Its a lot of equipment, and its a lot of brown wood. But then you walk on to the set, and its almost even more glamorous than Joans house, because these super-bright colors are contrasted with this monochromatic background so that they pop out even more. That was a really interesting way to me, as a designer, to express the degrees of glamour and artificiality through the use of color.
What did you end up falling in love with about this particular period and this moment in time?
I think that for me whether it was falling in love or just [being] really excited and stimulated by, and I mean that in a creative sense it was that play between reality and artificiality, and how to express that, and how to execute it. So that was definitely something about the moment in time. It was something about the world that we were creating, the world of Hollywood.
What I love about that moment in time in general is that it was a fairly minimal, even in a very fancy interior. For the most part, things are fairly minimal compared to today. Those kinds of people have very good interior designers. So the amount of stuff that people had was just more limited. Its harder to do than when you can layer a lot of mess on top of mess, or a lot of objects in a room, or just really clutter things up. Its almost easier to create a set that way, because it disguises any possible flaws, and the audience just sees all this stuff and says, Oh, that looks great. But when youre doing things that are as stylized, and clean, and simple as Joans house, it almost demands more perfection.
Image: fx
Getting to do that, and execute it, and working with the great team members that I had, and working with Ryan, and then seeing the results, its a very, very rewarding feeling, and I think that that was the true love of the whole project for me.
Given how excited you were to work with Ryan, what was your takeaway from the experience?
Huge respect, for one thing. Thats the first thing I would say because Ryan really knows when to push things in a slightly stylized direction, and when to pull back and go very gritty. Theres not a lot of grittiness in Feud, but theres a little bit. He definitely is willing to go in that direction when it calls for it. I love that about working with him, and I really respected his choices, and the way that he wants to shoot things.
One thing Ryan loves is the use of negative space. Hes one of the first directors Ive ever worked with to whom thats a really important concept in the design of the sets. Its something that I really enjoy working with. As I was just saying before, I dont like every surface to be cluttered, I dont like things on every single wall, and neither does he. So in that sense, I think we were extremely well-suited for each other, and to find someone who swears by that use of all or nothing was really inspiring for me, and it was unexpected too.
Now that youve spent so much time in this particular moment in Hollywood, is there another era in Hollywood that youre dying to get a chance to dive into?
Absolutely. The golden era of cinema: the 1970s. Anybody reading this, I want to do that!
WATCH: Tidal’s red carpet stars tell us who they’d rather face in a Twitter feud
Read more: http://on.mash.to/2nxSMYH
from Meet the woman who built Hollywood from the ground up in ‘Feud’
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idolapps · 8 years
Oh My Girl "Windy Day" [ at least for 2016 tbh ]
MEMBER PROFILE FACECLAIM: Kim Chungha NAME/STAGENAME: Kim Myeongeun/”Amy” BIRTHDATE/AGE: February 9, 1996. 20 years-old. COMPANY/POSITION: J-Soul Music, Lady, Main dancer, sub-vocalist, sub-rapper
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 161cm/44kg TRAINING PERIOD/JOINING YEAR: Three years at Galaxy, final three years at J-Soul
[ ☆ ] Previously trained under Galaxy before moving to J-Soul.
[ ☆ ] She speaks fluent Korean, English and Japanese. Excels in Korean tongue twisters.
[ ☆ ] She lost her shoes once or twice during performances even though it wasn’t during the more difficult parts.
[ ☆ ] Chose the stage name “Amy” because she found it easier to pronounce for non-Koreans and considered it more memorable. STRENGTHS/WEAKNESSES: 
  [ - ]  workaholic, bold, guarded
Even though she’s determined to work to the point of being stubborn, it often lands her in a state of exhaustion, needing medical assistance. It is few and far between that she needs an IV drip, but it was enough of a reminder to get proper rest, or at least try to during non-promotional schedules. But back on the promotional cycle, she goes right back to it, willingly exhausting her body and mind. Once she almost fainted during a recording for a weekly music show, but she bounced back long enough to finish out before seeking treatment. Amy tends to be guarded and vague when answering questions about her home life. Sometimes this can come off as rude to sensitive MCs, but the last thing she needs is a scandal involving her estranged, bully sister. Fans are good enough to cover up her past. Even though it’s another member of her family, the comparisons and assumptions would be endless. On an opposite note, Amy can also be bold, sometimes too bold, at least according to conservative citizens. Since South Korea’s government wants the nation to remain in a conservative mindset, some of the things that have come from Amy’s mouth have been “out of line,” but most of the younger crowd finds it refreshing and charming. Amy would rather be someone the young people have a connection and identify with. Concerning talents, Amy can’t belt out high notes like most idols, but it something she’s constantly working on.
[ + ] determined, optimistic, helpful, respectful
Determination laced with high hopes and optimism runs through her veins, driving her to best that she can be while also improving. The last thing she wants is to fail and have to crawl back home, licking her wounds with her tail between her legs or head hanging in shame. Even though she realizes embarrassing moments are inevitable since she is always in the public eye, she doesn’t let herself get down over it, allowing to laugh over it later. Sunbaes and elders during broadcasts and behind the scenes often describe Amy as caring, helpful and respectful for anyone, including the crew, even if she was met with downcasting tones or rudeness. Everyone is trying to be successful, and even if there are rivalries, Amy does not feel a need to be rude, even though sometimes she feels a miniscule pang of jealousy from time to time despite her own group rising to fame faster than anticipated. She excels in dancing and is known for her clear but powerful rapping lyrics, even if they are short. BIO/PERSONALITY:      Myeongeun considered herself pretty lucky to grow up on the beautiful island of Jeju alongside her grandparents on her mother’s side, her parents, twin sister and younger brother. For generations, The Kim family ran sharehouses catered to foreigners visiting for an extended stay, so their financial situation was pretty steady as Jeju had flocks of tourists all year round, but that seemed to be the only stable thing in Myeongeun’s life.      Like something out of a movie, Myeongeun’s twin was a polar opposite of Myeongeun, including looks and attitude. Myungeun and Haeun weren’t identical twins, only sharing the same nose and lips. Myeongeun was shorter, kept on weight easily and had wider eyes, while Haeun was taller, thinner and eyes that were easily pressed together when smiling.  Haeun was determined to be different in any way, finding Myungeun to be the “good twin,” which Myungeun didn’t think so at all. Myungeun wasn’t prettier than her twin, wasn’t good at studying or cooking or making friends. Haeun got caught up in being a bully, but maybe more like a ringleader of bullies, in her early teen years, so by then in comparison Myungeun ended up being the “good twin.” Myungeun never understood why Haeun wanted to be so different, so difficult, so… detrimental. Myungeun always joked that Haeun got it from their father, saying he was a mob boss in a former life, since they both seemed to enjoy power over people. Since it was bound to happen eventually, Haeun’s bullying landed her straight into trouble and expulsion from school. Like a whirlwind, Haeun’s bags were packed and she was sent to the mainland of South Korea, somewhere in the countryside with their father’s parents. Haeun didn’t bother to take a last glance at Myungeun before slamming their bedroom door in her face. Calls went unanswered. Messages went unread. Years went by without a word.      Soon Myungeun’s parents birthed a baby boy named Kyujin. She always believed that her mother decided to have another child just before Myungeun took off to do her own thing in life in her final years of school to fill the void, and maybe then she realized what her twin might have experienced. Maybe their parents favored Myungeun a little more than Haeun. Maybe they thought Myungeun was smarter, prettier, more likely to succeed in life, despite Myungeun’s lackluster grades. Instead of becoming bitter and jealous over the time not spent with her parents due to her new baby brother, she took it upon herself to take it easy. She wasn’t nagged as often about studies, her future in some amazing college that eventually would lead into a high paying corporate job, playing too many games or singing karaoke downtown. Freedom was at its best when Myungeun and her friend, accompanied by her friend’s parents, took a trip to NYC for two weeks before Myungeun’s second year of middle school. The Big Apple. Good pizza, breathtaking sights and more than enough fun for the two of them despite having parental chaperones.      Then, her friend broke the real reason as to why they were in New York. An idol company was holding their global auditions. Companies had auditions nearly every weekend in Seoul, so why come across the ocean? “Seoul isn’t exactly a vacation destination, plus you’re always great at karaoke, so you should audition with me,” her friend repeated every day their first week there. It wore Myungeun down and she gave in. If she was going to be faithful and wait with her friend in line for hours with the hundred other applicants, she might as well try even though karaoke isn’t any comparison to the idol life. Myungeun spent most of her time comforting her dear friend, trying to calm her down while practicing her lines from a script on her phone. Unbiasedly, Myungeun believed her friend would make a stunning rapper, and not just the kind of idol that is assigned to rap. Nervous hands clutched shirt hems behind their backs as each gave their best performance to the judges. Seals of approval were smeared across their audition papers. Despite the disapproval of Myungeun’s parents, she moved to Seoul for her last year of middle school to be a trainee at Galaxy. Was it illogical for her to pack up her life and move away for a dream that wasn’t her own? Probably. Did Myungeun have anything to lose? No. She already knew that the cubicle life wasn’t for her, so end of the year exams weren’t crucial. She wasn’t in the top 10 ranking for grades, but somewhere in the middle, in an “acceptable” range, even during her trainee years for this company. Blood, sweat and tears, all for a very distant goal that she might never reach. Not much in life ever captured Myungeun’s passionate side before. Her main goal was just success in any form. She was already in too deep to give up, but she was getting “too old” to debut. Idols debut younger and younger nowadays and the clock was ticking. Galaxy went years without debuting a second group, and at the time no girl group in sight, plus the undeniable fact that the CEO couldn’t seem to get all the finances right. It was time to go. At the end of the coming third year of being a trainee, Myungeun went to an open audition for J-Soul Music despite still being under Galaxy. Even though she presented a slight shaking singing voice out of nervousness, her impromptu dancing skills were enough to get into a trainee program. Shaking hands were brought to her face, covering her rosy cheeks, and also trying to hold back her tears. Of course she did not want to abandon her best friend or the several other trainees and seniors at Galaxy that she grew fond of, but the light at the end of her path was through a different tunnel. Purposefully Myungeun failed her end of the period trainee evaluation, packed her bags and moved onto the J-Soul Music life.
     Not to Myungeun’s surprise, training was harder in every sense, but she tried her best not to complain. Noone got anywhere in life by just breezing by without it catching up to them eventually. “It would all be worth it in the end,” was something she would tell herself every single day to get through it all, even though she knew deep down inside that being a trainee was just the tip of the iceberg in entertainment. Two more years passed and eventually she was chosen for a slot in a new girl group, eight years after the company’s first. The light was getting brighter and brighter.
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