#honestly gandalf will se ANYONE
sumarak · 1 year
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icharchivist · 2 years
1, Hi!! I used to come by years ago, I absolutely loved, and still do!, your blog, its a fantastic place, so many interesting stuff, it really is like an archive for me haha I don't have much to add, only some shower thoughts if you don't mind me. I never had the chance to dump them on anyone o(-(
omg, hi there!!!!
first of all, thank you for the sweet message! i'm glad you used to like this blog so long ago and still do now 🥺 i haven't really talked much about dgm those past few years so i'm really touched that you think so despite it all, and more than that i'm just really glad that you can still go back to the archives of this blog and have fun!! i'm really glad to have you here!!
Answering the rest of the asks under the cut <3
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ooh you mean this page?
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it's really too ambiguous so i guess it's mostly that there's nothing really to theorize per se, especially since in the next page Allen remembers a bit of Nea, so i would assume the "?" we all had turned into "oh it's probably one of the Campbell twins".
But mhmm i'm rereading the bit and yeah, considering Nea introduces himself in his memory on the next page it could be probably someone whom Allen knew before that time.
And as a "PastA was a Bookman apprentice" truther, i do feel like his clothes there are reminiscent of what young!Lavi used to wear as well.
Honestly i could perhaps see Bookman Senior being the one holding him like that. Like.... I feel like we can interpret everything we want about that but i feel like Bookman Senior particularly reminding Lavi to not form attachment and even being a bit cold toward him at times could be direct reactions from the reasons he lost his previous apprentice. What if he was too soft with his previous apprentice, what if it made the apprentice care too much about the people making history so much so it got him involved? As such, i could imagine it be Bookman Sr genuinely being emotional with PastA, the type of affection that doomed him, and that now Bookman Sr is less willing to give out.
Or, like you said, it could be anyone else. A parent, a friend, anything. I could imagine it being a family member of some kind though, considering how much this arc is specially about Allen getting adopted by Mana and how much Nea still haunts him. In a sense Nea is the thing that keeps getting in between Allen and his family, so to have this flashback interrupted by Nea could be an extension of that, of the family he turned his back on when Nea entered his life.
i didn't think about it much but i could see it. or. well. I can fit my theories into this single panel so LMAO.
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I don't think you're wrong, especially seeing the Alma arc. Tbh i'm still thinking and haunted by this arc specifically because well, I was there Gandalf ect, i was there when dgm was at the height of its popularity in 2008/2009, i remembered how many shounen fans were really into the saga and would be widely homophobic to the notion of any of those characters being possibly gay, and i remember very, very clearly the moment the plot point of Alma being Kanda's love interest dropped, unambiguously, and how much of an uproar it was. I remember people jumping ship THERE, before the manga even went on hiatus.
And i swear i remember Hoshino mentioning that her health really started to become worse when she had to fight her editors for what she wanted, and that the Alma arc was one of those. She had to set it up in such a way that her editors couldn't take it away from her, by having Kanda set up on finding Alma early in the story, building up the Alma arc, and only then later in the arc going ":) well Alma is the love Kanda is looking for. And i can't take it back without ruining this entire arc. so what do we do."
and it DID cost to the series at this point, it WAS something that got a lot of pushbacks.
Nowadays i feel like Hoshino is probably more free to do whatever she wants, esp since there's been more casually gay rep in shounen ever since, but at the time, i remember it causing a huge stir in the fanbase.
And hell i remember at the time the people who were translating the manga after it got out of hiatus in 2015 or so was a huge popular manga website where a lot of casual shounen readers were tuning in, and i still remember seeing hundreds of homophobic takes in the comments at the time, especially regarding Kanda. A lot of casual shounen fans have completely wrote of the series because Hoshino "let her BL lenses stain the series" and that therefore for them they can only read the newer dynamics with that lenses, especially when Kanda is involved.
(and it doesn't help Kanda was like. THE symbol of masculinity for the guys i met in the shounen fandoms at the time. The fact he was the one who got this plotline got them PISSED because they were projecting this idea on Kanda and i could still see it in the mid 10s.)
I think Hoshino is well happy writing Shounen, but she doesn't mind also talking about any sort of love into it, she did mention she wanted to show what her definition of love (in all of its form, not just romantic) was in her story, so i think it's an extension of that. But Hoshino did pretty much fight for Kanda to have his relationship with Alma. I'm honestly inclined to believe Alma had to die as a compromise to the fact she basically set up a lovestory her editors could not possibly cut.
But her editors causing her problems have been at the root of any clunky dgm plotpoints anyway. The Destroyer of Time's prophecy came from her editors. Allen was a transwoman in the first draft and was changed to a cisguy because her editors argued "no one would care if a female MC was to cry, so we need Allen to be a boy for it to count". her editors told her to cut down appearances of the Earl while Hoshino always wanted to have him as a main character (which is likely why now that she has more freedom thanks to her new deal, we've been getting full arcs focusing on him). Her editors pushed her to change Lenalee away from the character she wanted her to be. So long and so forth.
Honestly i still look back at the Alma arc in awe because it truly was Hoshino putting her foot down and making sure her editors would not be able to change her vision this time and i still admire it.
but man sometimes i mourn for the story DGM could have been if the editors haven't constantly been restraining her. Obviously, there's always moment an editor helps out in pacing a story or helping some focus, but with dgm you can sense on some point how some elements just. didn't really help out Hoshino's vision and it's so sad.
Nowadays it seems her editors are giving her more freedom, and it's about time. It's just so damn sad that it came when her health has become too fragile because of the constant strain that has been on her in part because of her old editors.
I for one am looking forward to see where it's going and i will be patient, but yeah. Can't wait to see how that goes either.
It's nice to hear those thoughts though so if you feel like rambling more, the inbox is opened!
Take care and thank you for the sweet message <3
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My only fear- a short horror story
I wanted to talk about something and get a bit "philosophical" about it.
So let's start by saying that I'm not afraid of many things, in fact, pretty much nothing scares me. I watch lots of horror, especially with my girlfriend, however nothing really manage to scare me. I also tend to not flinch either when there is a jumpscare of any sorts. I am entertained, sometimes I laugh during a movie, but I'm not scared.
Common things that scare me do not scare me either. Spiders? I think most of them are cute honestly. Snakes? I absolutely love them. Clowns? I don't like them 'cause they are boring but they do not scare me. The dark? It's peaceful, I like it. The heights? They might make me my head spin but I'm not afraid of the heights. I bet that when you read the word "philosophy" and then "fear" you imediately assumed this would have been about Death, right? A big ass wall of text about the dude with the hoodie that is gonna take your soul out of your body and about how mysterious and fascinating it is for many reasons, right?
Well Death may have something to do with this but it's not entirely about it. In fact, the Reaper is gonna be just a small fraction of this wall of text, and, at the same time, it will always be there, its presence will be taken for granted by you, the reader, most likely and It will always stand there. However, as I said, this is not about It. It(as I will call Death from now on, It with the capital Letter, just like the famous Clown) will just be a side actor in the show, It will not be the Main Actor, however its role will be important. It won't be Harry Potter in the homonymus series, but It will be Neville. It won't be Frodo or Gandalf in Lord Of the Rings, It will be Pippin.
Hoping you got my point, let's go back to what I was trying to tell you, dear Reader. You see, nobody really knows this but I do have one fear, one single fear that makes me shiver from head to toe every single time I even dare to think about it. Actually you are seing it right now by using the entirety of your view, it doesn't really matter what device you are using to read this. If you are using a phone, it should be on the top left, of you are using a Computer it should be on the bottom right. Perhaps you are not seing it because your brain cannot process it as a fear, but I'm sure you are looking in the right direction. You should be looking at the Clock right now, are you not? And that's it. That is my fear. Time itself.
It terrifies me to think that Time is the only thing that really we, as a race, won't most likely be able to control. You may say "well we cannot control nature either" I agree,however we are finding solutions to it. We learned how to predict many of the things that would have killed milions of people. Hell, we can even predict when a meteor will land on Earth and where! We cannot CONTROL Nature but we can FIGHT it, ya know? But Time? Absolutely not. I remember that the very first interaction I ever had with a timetravel plot was Professor Layton and the Unwound Future. I don't know if Italy, where I live, translated that line correctly but in the beginning of the game Englad's prime minister gives a speech saying
<<humanity made some great steps in its history. We managed to cross seas, sky and even the space. However there is one barrier we never managed to walk through. Time's Barrier.>>
Or something similar.
That always made me think. I always thought how little I was compared to this huge and unstoppable clock that basically controlled the whole Universe itself. I clearly remember shivering to this thought, however this was not what scared me. As a child I believe you cannot really be scared of Time. This fear starts to come to life when you grow up, as you face many deadlines and you always run out of time. As Exams'dates start to approach you, as libera responsibility keep coming towards you, slowly and yet so fast.
It feels like you see someone approaching you walking. You are afraid of them so you start to walk too in their same direction, away from them. Their pace didn't accelerate and yet they still get closer to you.
You start running. You run, you run, you run as if your life depended on it. You keep running, looking towards you in a infinite hallway. You look around. You are going really fast and you don't hear anyone running behind you.
But you hear their step. Slow steps and they always sound closer. You turn around. They are walking and yet they are incredibly close, less than 5 meters away from you. You run as fast as your muscles allows you to, untill they burn because of the stress you are imposing over them. You keep running, running and running for as much as you like. You look behind. They are less than a meter away from you now, staring directly into your eyes as they keep walking, their steps echoing in the hallway and in your head as they keep getting closer and closer to you. Untill they catch you. It doesn't matter your phisical shape, you can be Usain Bolt as well but you cannot escape them. That's how I percieve Time.
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theserpentsadvocate · 6 years
Alrighty, pick any combination of these for the meme: Dumbledore, Grindelwald, Percival Graves, Hengist of Woodcroft, and Celeborn (I know you said you're not a big fan of his, so this one's extra optional. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on him, though, even if they're negative.)
Sorry it took so long. In my defense, this is long.
Aaaand in my defense about that… yeah, I’ve got nothing, I’m just like this.
Sorry about the lack of Tolkien ranting, it’s mostly meh-ing instead. There’s some ranting in the Grindelwald section, though. XD
What I like about them
Okay, I love red hair, and Dumbledore in his younger years (like middle age) with his loooong auburn hair and his loooong auburn beard just does it for me a purely aesthetic way. Like I would sit and stare at him for hours.
What I dislike about them
There’s the ordinary list, manipulation and self-righteousness and the Grindelwald debacle, but honestly the biggest thing is Snape. I don’t care honestly what bullshit excuse there was, YOU DON’T EMPLOY ABUSIVE TEACHERS, like if he really has to be at Hogwarts give him some administrative position or some shit.
Favourite moment
The bit after Umbridge fires Trelawney and is trying to kick her out, and Dumbledore tells her that she can fire whoever she wants but she can’t make them leave the castle.
Least favourite moment
His opening line when he meets Harry in the nebulous train station afterlife place makes me cringe a little bit. It’s probably 100% me, but it feels… trite, and uncomfortable, and honestly like something my mom would say, which is probably the real reason why I hate it.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
I’d really love to see his relationship and/or interactions with Aberforth explored more. (Not by JKR. She needs to drop HP like a hot potato and MOVE BACK.)
An interesting AU for this character
Somewhere on my computer I have half a rantfic about the premise where Regulus became Dumbledore’s spy instead of Snape, and while it’s 500% about my Regulus feels, there’s some interesting stuff in there about Dumbledore, specifically how the dynamic changes when his spy is someone who has
actually renounced
Voldemort and isn’t just out for personal gain/revenge.
A crossover
I’m really not a huge crossover person, honestly, but I guess it would be interesting to see how he’d fare in Discworld?
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
The only person I really ship him with is Grindelwald, and I’m often ambivalent about that.
Other ships?
With McGonagall, probably.
Dumbledore/Harry. Gag me.
An assortment of headcanons!
-He liked Elphias Doge, but never really considered him the kind of friend that Elphias considered him. Elphias was convenient and pleasant and somewhat in awe of him, but he never really considered them to be on the same level.
What I like about them
I imagine he was incredibly attractive.
What I dislike about them
Well, there was the part where he thought people like me were second-class citizens who needed to be ruled over by people like him for our own good, so.
Also, Johnny Depp. Ugh.
Favourite moment
When he told Voldemort off. That was epic and really poignant.
Least favourite moment
Ariana Dumbledore’s death is painful to think about.
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
What did he do in Nuremburg? What exactly led to his… I don’t know, change of heart? Greater self-knowledge? Changed perspective? that he demonstrates when he’s talking to Voldemort? I want to know what kind of introspection happened there.
An interesting AU for this character
Here’s an idea, what if he was played by literally anyone other than Johnny Depp?
A crossover
Yeah, I got nothing.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
I ship him with Dumbledore sometimes.
Other ships?
Not really.
Erm. He doesn’t really interact with anyone in canon aside from the Dumbledores, Bathilda, and Voldemort, so I guess Dmbledore again? Only not. I’m interested in it; I don’t support it.
With Voldemort? I’ve never seen it, but I just generally assume everyone gets shipped with Voldemort. Fandom is strange.
No, wait! Grindelwald/Johnny Depp.
An assortment of headcanons!
-He’s blond.
-When he was younger he had a small trim beard.
Percival Graves
I have not actually seen FBaWtFT. I was already kind of done with the extra material by then and I’m still not at a point where I can watch movies with Johnny Depp in them without feeling sick to my stomach (although it’s improved). I will watch it at some point, though.
Hengist of Woodcroft
What I like about them
There’s a lot of room for fanon interpretations.
What I dislike about them
Even before she started This Shit ™, I was always… dubious about Rowling’s extracanonical material - fourteen-year-old Riley was firmly of the opinion that if you didn’t put it in the books, you couldn’t call it canon. (Although obviously it was optional for fans to use.) I still pretty much think that, and sometimes I feel boxed in by interview/extra material canon, which results in a… complicated relationship with characters who are optionally canon. (Full disclosure, I know who he is and that he found Hogsmeade, and I basically ignore everything else.)
Favourite moment
The founding of Hogsmeade is obviously a highlight.
Least favourite moment
???? Did he… do anything else, canonically?
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
So, how did the founding of Hogwarts and the founding of Hogsmeade coincide? (No, ignore whatever Rowling said.) Did one come first? Was Hogwarts taking advantage of an all-magical town, or did Hogsmeade originate as a sort of wizarding college town? Does one predate the other by a few generations, and how did the development of the latter influence the older institution? If they were at roughly the same time, what were his relationships like with the founders, as a group and individually? If they were more spaced out, how did the founders interact with his legacy, or vice versa?
An interesting AU for this character
Depending on your definition of canon, a bunch of what I mentioned above could be considered an AU. Off the top of my head, erm - oh, I think @iceberg-hootenanny said something about an outer space AU, I could actually go for that. Maybe he’s setting up the first real settlement on Mars or Genesis or Xenon 5 or something.
A crossover
Yeah, I dunno.
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
I have no ships for him until just now, but totally off-the-wall, what if he’s Rowena’s husband?
Other ships?
I usually ship primarily intra-founders pairings, but what the hell, let’s throw Hengist in the mix.
Idk, I feel like he could have a particularly jocular commitment to Creating New Things! and Achieving Your Goals! that I also ascribe to certain versions of Godric, so that might go over well.
I think my standard NOTP with HP characters who I’ve never heard of ships for is going to be That Person/Voldemort. :) It’s a good catch-all answer.
An assortment of headcanons!
-He had brown hair and a beard.
-Usually carried a staff or walking stick.
What I like about them
Okay, so I generally focus on the fact that he was kind of snippy to Gimli, but let’s be fair here - he apologizes. Especially given the depths of Elf-Dwarf racism (and don’t get me wrong here, in their long and complicated history it is my firm opinion that the Dwarves got the worst of it and the Elves are more at fault) and his personal unpleasant experiences, that’s not a small thing.
What I dislike about them
Honestly - and I’m fully prepared, if not resigned, to be crucified for this - I almost exclusively find the Sindar really boring.
Favourite moment
Again, probably that apology.
Least favourite moment
I’ve always found the extended goodbye scene with the swan boat kind of unnecessary and boring, tbh. *wince*
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
What the fuck was he doing during the whole Fourth Age after Galadriel left? When did he eventually go to Eressea? He did eventually go to Eressea, right?
An interesting AU for this character
It’s not an AU, per se, but it would be interesting to see his reactions to whatever was going to happen in Return of the Shadow.
A crossover
With Sesame Street. :)
OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship)
I’m boring and like canon pairings, insofar as I’m invested.
Other ships?
Are there other ships with Celeborn? I’ve actually never seen any.
I’m tempted to say Mablung, but that’s essentially because I will shoehorn Mablung into any fucking content I can manage. I guess Gandalf is the obvious choice? (Can I say Galadriel? I think the non-romantic aspects of their relationship might be interesting, insofar as I’m interested.)
Someone inform me what the non-canon Celeborn ships are; I don’t know any.
An assortment of headcanons!
-He used to hang out with Luthien. They weren’t super close, but they were low-key buddies.
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