#honestly i don’t even want a solo ch 3 release
wuwubean · 11 months
Happy 5th anniversary Deltarune! Can’t wait to wait all day for Ch 3 news knowing full well it won’t happen!
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seblos · 4 years
there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reach - ch 3/10
chapter title: tornadoes come and go, dance is forever
word count: 1,972
note: it doesn’t occur until close to the end, but italics is carlos, bold is sbe, & both is both!
[one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine (coming soon)]
read on ao3
Seb catches Carlos after rehearsal the day after his… interaction with Mr. Mazzara. They had been talking more in class and during lunch, as well as rehearsals whenever they had time to break and if Miss Jenn didn’t need anything. 
It had been their thing, now, to either drive Carlos home if they end early, or at the very least walk out the door and through the parking lot to their respective cars. It gives them a chance to catch up on whatever drama happened in rehearsal in person before they’re forced to text about it or wait until lunch the next day to talk. 
Seb had been absent the previous day though, and when he had asked Carlos about what had happened, Carlos responded vaguely about running through songs and the new Status Quo dance break with Gina. 
Truthfully, what came to mind was not either of those, but instead the conversation he had with Mr. Mazzara pre-rehearsal. Just thinking about it makes Carlos’s stomach sink as he hears the voice of the STEM teacher echoing in his head, reminding him that maybe you should spend a little less time worrying about your drama teacher and a little more time making some friends under the age 35.
He had only been trying to help, as Miss Jenn looked distressed (how was he supposed to read the conversation?) but that comment hit him like a wall of bricks. 
After Miss Jenn had shooed him away from the conversation and into the bomb shelter to practice Status Quo, Carlos’s head was pounding, only hearing those words over and over again. And of course, that had been that day that Seb was absent, which only made everything feel so much more real. He had put on a happy face for the sake of hopefully having the cast actually listen to him, but on the inside, he had felt like he was going to be sick.
“You ready to go?” Carlos asks, breaking his train of thought as he swings his backpack over his shoulders. He begins to walk towards the door, trying to focus on something else, like how Seb is wearing cute overalls today over one of his button-ups.
Speaking of Seb, though, he realizes the other boy is still planted firmly in place across the room. “Seb?”
“Are you okay, Carlos?” He asks. “You were fine on Wednesday, but I was gone yesterday and you just seem… different. If it’s something I did, please tell me because I-”
“It’s not you, Seb,” Carlos smiles slightly, although his chest feels tight. 
“Then what is it?”
Carlos sighs, walking back over to Seb and sitting down in the nearest chair. Seb follows suit, and he has to admit that Seb genuinely caring about him feels really nice. 
“Yesterday before rehearsal, I was just coming to give Miss Jenn coffee, and she was in the hall talking to Mr. Mazzara,” both Seb and Carlos cringed at the name (neither of them exactly loved him as a teacher) before Carlos continues. “She looked upset, or, like, freaked out about whatever he had said. I didn’t have any context to the conversation so I was trying to make sure she was okay, ‘cuz, like, you never really know, and um,” Carlos swallowed, picking at a fray in his jeans.
Seb, who was nodding as he talked, took Carlos’s hand comfortingly, which sent electric currents through the boy’s body. It was enough to make him continue, though.
“When I kept pushing Miss Jenn to make sure she was good, he told me that I shouldn’t be so focused on her, and I should try and actually make some friends. My own age, I mean,” it stung to repeat, even with Seb rubbing his thumb on the back of Carlos’s hand. 
Seb stopped all of a sudden, as Carlos was finally able to make eye contact with the other boy. “He said that to you?” he asked, painfully calm.
“I mean, not in those exact words, but yeah. Basically.”
Seb suddenly grabbed his other hand, fully tuning his body so he was facing Carlos. “You know that’s not true, right? I mean, first of all, you have friends,” he squeezed Carlos’s hands when he said that. Carlos opened his mouth to respond, but he wasn’t finished. “And not just me, I mean. Natalie, and Gina, and honestly Ricky, and Nini, and Ashlyn, and the rest of the cast. We’re all your friends. And there’s nothing wrong being friends with your teachers, as long as you aren’t friends with him. I mean, you and Miss Jenn are basically coworkers since she’s not technically a teacher anyway,” Seb rambled.
Carlos felt his chest release as Seb defended him and tried to make him feel better. For once since that conversation with Mr. Mazzara, it felt like the weight of the words had lifted a bit from his body. 
“I’m serious, Los,” Seb squeezes his hands again. “That was so mean of him, and its absolutely not true.”
Carlos smiles softly. “Yeah, I’m kinda figuring that out. Thank you, though, Seb.”
“Of course,” Seb returns with a soft smile of his own. 
They sit like that for a moment, ignoring how both of their rides are probably already at the school. Carlos tries not to overthink how casually Seb is holding his hands. 
“Mr. Mazzara did walk in while we were running Status Quo, and the look on his face was priceless when he saw us singing. I guess he assumed we weren’t actually good, but it was the best we’ve ever sounded!” Carlos says suddenly, and Seb laughs. “I wish you were here though, so he could have heard you sing. Your solo in the song is amazing.”
Seb blushes slightly, breaking eye contact for the first time and looking down at his overalls instead of Carlos as he responds. “Thank you! No thanks to your impossible choreo.”
Carlos shrugs. “I only give you what I know you can handle. Even without it, though, your voice is amazing. I love to hear you sing.”
“So, let’s sing!”
“What do you mean?” Carlos laughs as Seb stands up suddenly, still holding Carlos’s hands as he pulls him over to the piano and down onto the bench.
“You didn’t get to hear me sing yesterday, and you had a bad day, so let’s sing!”
“When you say let’s do you mean us?” Carlos asks, but Seb is already playing the beginning of What I’ve Been Looking For.
“You wanted to hear me sing, and I need to practice this song,” he tells Carlos, nodding at him to start out the song. Before Carlos can say anything, the song starts, and he sings.
“It's hard to believe that I couldn't see you were always there beside me. Thought I was alone with no one to hold but you were always right beside me”
Seb jumps in when he’s supposed to, still playing piano as he sings, and Carlos relaxes into the song. He doesn’t usually sing in front of people, but he’ll make the exception here.
“And this feeling’s like no other. I want you to know.”
Seb’s voice is amazing, of course, and Carlos is so stunned by it that he almost forgets to join back in. 
“I've never had someone that knows me like you do (the way you do!)
 I've never had someone as good for me as you (no one like you!)
So lonely before, I finally found what I've been looking for!”
As he plays the piano break before the next verse, Seb turns to Carlos with a grin. “I’m surprised you know all the words!”
“It’s what happens when you’ve been listening to the soundtrack for a decade!” Carlos replies with a laugh
“Well, it’s cute. And I like your voice!”
Carlos almost thinks he misheard Seb for a second, but they’re both blushing, so he assumes he did it. Before he can figure out how to respond, Seb starts singing again.
“So good to be seen, so good to be heard! Don't have to say a word!
For so long I was lost, so good to be found!
I'm loving having you around.”
Carlos holds a fake microphone in his clenched fist, mocking the moves of Ryan from the movie that play so clearly in his head as he sings the next lyric. “This feeling's like no other. I want you to know..”
“I've never had someone that knows me like you do (the way you do!)
 I've never had someone as good for me as you (no one like you!)
So lonely before, I finally found what I've been looking for!”
Seb is still smiling at Carlos while they sing, and for the first time, Carlos hears the lyrics. It makes him wonder why two siblings sing it in the show because seriously! Maybe it’s just him, or just the company, but this sounds like the most romantic thing in the world right now. He tries to not think about how close he and Seb are squished together on the piano bench.
They both scat dramatically, still laughing and smiling at each other as Seb finishes the song with dramatic flourish. 
“Too bad there was no jazz square in there,” Seb sighs happily when he hits the last note.
“Oh, don’t worry, there will be,” Carlos laughs. 
Seb sets his hand down on the bench, and for a moment, he glances at their hands merely centimeters apart. Carlos notices it too, and he swears Seb moves his hand ever so slightly closer so that their pinkies are touching. (Which isn't much considering Seb was literally holding his hand a minute ago, but it still makes Carlos’s heart beat rapidly.)
He’s about to suck it up and just grab Seb’s hand, but a notification goes off from Seb’s phone (it’s placed in the front pocket of his overalls. Has Carlos mentioned he’s wearing overalls?) Seb picks it up, glancing at the screen.
“My sister’s here, I should…” he trails off, standing up from the piano and going to grab his backpack.
“Yeah, I’m sure my mom was here, like, 5 minutes so me too,” Carlos grabs his backpack, and they walk out of the bomb shelter together.
They walk down the hallway in comfortable silence as Carlos reflects on the past five minutes. He had never experienced this feeling before, but Seb made him feel dizzy, in a good way. The blonde boy could put butterflies in his stomach just by looking at him, and all of their interactions made Carlos’s heart race and always made him smile.
He thought he had crushes before, but this was so much different. This was so much more real. 
When they walked out the front door of the school, the fresh air hit Carlos’s still burning face. 
Seb turned to him. “Well, this is where I go.”
Carlos nods. “Yeah, same,” he replies, and he’s definitely still blushing. “I’ll probably text you tonight about the chemistry homework.”
“Yeah. Or just text me, like, about anything,” Seb shrugs with a smile, and Carlos feels a little bit better when he notices the pink still dusting the other boy’s face. He reaches his hand out for a second, barely brushing Carlos’s shoulder as he says “See you tomorrow, Carlos!” before he turns in the direction of his sister’s car.
“Hey, Seb?” Carlos calls quickly before he can lose his confidence.
“Yeah?” the boy turns right before he can step into the parking lot.
“Cute overalls!”
Even from the distance, he can see Seb flushing an even darker shade of pink. “Thanks!” he calls back, and Carlos nods, smiling.
And even when he gets in his own car and his mom asks him a million questions about why he’s late, it’s worth it.
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justpeachyicedtea · 7 years
Anonymous said: Hello^^ I was just wondering if you’ll continue “Pinup Boy” from Michinoku Atami. No rushing or anything. I just really like it and I wanted to confirm that it didn’t get dropped. I love your work~ 😊😊
Hello! Pinup Boy was only 2 chapters so it’s been completed! I feel like I get this ask a lot lmao. But no worries, that couple shows up in other chapters in the Midnight Love Alliance universe!
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(taken from a chapter I’m currently working on)
Anonymous said: I know that some people’s pet peeve is scanlating using ebooks found wherever, but please keep in mind some of us solo scanlators buy the books and use found ebook raws simply to save time.
I… wasn’t talking about you then?😭😭 That reblog was about scanlators who don’t buy what they work on but still tell others to buy them. You said you buy them, so that’s awesome! Keep doing you, let us support the mangakas any way we can 💕
Anonymous said: I understand that you won’t translate the manga of your future list of projects. Did you find any groups that took them?
No one has contacted me to use my raws, but I’m sure there are groups that will pick them up! 
Anonymous said: Hi! This is completely unrelated to translations and you don’t need to answer but did you know there’s this makeup brand called TooFaced and they came out with this peach line and their new palette is called just peachy? I thought i’d mention it because of your cute name!!
GIRL. (or boy or however you self-identify) DON’T START THIS HERE YOU DON’T WANT TO START MY MAKEUP RANTS HERE. OF COURSE I KNOW ABOUT IT!!!!!! The moment they announced it I was ON IT. I’m sad because I bought their previous Sweet Peach palette for Nitsu but I should’ve waited for this JustPeachy one 😩 I haven’t bought it and idk if I will bc I don’t wear eyeshadow, and I’m more skincare > makeup so I’m saving up for some new essences and creams instead 😭 Thank you for this message though I got so excited!!!! 
reikicchi said: Nothing related to scanlation, I just wanted to say that I like your kakao icon XDD ♥
Thank you!!! Though I feel bad, I only chose apeach because he fits my justpeachy vibe, my favorite character is actually muzi!!!
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HE’S A PICKLED RADISH IN A BUNNY COSTUME. Try and tell me that’s not cute I dare you. I’m going back to Korea next year so u kno I’ll be stopping by the kakao friends store and stocking up on some muzi merch 😭😭
Anonymous said: Hi Tea-San, 1. Did Crackster get finished translating I didn’t know if it was dropped or still ongoing either way I understand I just recently discovered this title? So good! 2. Isn’t really a question, but how did you come up with the adorable name? Love your translation keep up the good work! じゃあね
1) The translations for Crack Star has been completed, the releases are up to the anon and they will be private releases on her site! I DEFF get a lot of asks about this lmao. Oh man did you guys read the spinoff series with the idol brother?? I’m so psyched for the next chapter  👀 2) Story time! My online username has been icedtea since the beginning of time like since the og club penguin days lmao. It’s from Sugar Honey Iced Tea… My best friend was sugar honey and I was iced tea. If you know what it means I’m sorry ok if it makes you feel better it was my friend’s idea and not mine. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, don’t worry about it. And for the justpeachy part, I think this was when I was doing my internship and also worked part time? Yall og followers know when I’m talking about. It was like 10pm on a tuesday after my part time job and I’m giving my best friend a ride back and- here, let me just copy paste my response from another ask: My friends came to visit at my part time job (I worked at a Korean/Japanese restaurant and could sneak them some free food) and one of them lives close to me so I’m giving her a ride back, she says she’s craving a snapple iced tea so we stop by a store and this dumbass buys the diet lemon iced tea which who tf gets, come on step your game up. Well, on our drive back, she takes a sip and says, “this is disgusting, do you want it? I should’ve gotten the peach”. And bam. What a great and touching story, right? Aren’t you glad I told you? Though honestly… diet lemon iced tea? get out of my house… My go to iced tea flavor will always and forever be peach. Though guess who’s allergic to peaches 😂😂😂 OH! SPEAKING OF!!! LOOK AT WHAT I SAW THE OTHER DAY
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Anonymous said: May I ask why you are closing down? Thanks for all the hard work you have done! Anonymous said: Hey I was just wondering why you were closing down by the end of the year?? Anonymous said: “Code: will be the last justpeachy scanlation, it’ll be released as a volume once I’m done with all my other projects” What do you mean??? You’re closing down??? NOOOOOO T_T I LOVE YOU I DON’T WANT YOU TO GOOOOO Anonymous said: Hi !! Thanks so much as usual for translating Batsu Game <3 . As i saw from your ‘About’ , you will be closing down by end of the year. Can i know the reasons for it and will u drop those project that were on hiatus ?? Appreciate if you can reply me thankss <3
Yes, I’ll be finishing up the projects I currently have listed (Batsu Game, Koiyume Lover, Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya, Code) before I close down so no worries. If Family Affair comes back, I’m not sure if I’ll be down to work on it, I’ll have to see what my rl situation is like. The main reason I’m closing down is that I’m over this whole thing 😅 I barely read yaoi anymore, I’ve watched the groups I was in and grew up with disappear, there’s a lot more readers now which is good! But that brings more of the toxic stuff and even though I don’t read the comments on reader sites anymore, it’s a little depressing seeing that side of things 😂 This ‘scanlation group’ was just me doing my thing, but because I’m lazy and have no skill, I asked friends/strangers for help. So it’s not like I have group members to worry about. And they’re in other groups or have their own groups anyway. I guess scanlating just isn’t fun for me anymore so 
🍑 Peachy Updates 🍑 
Koiyume Lover ch 5 is completed, just waiting to be released (I’m wondering if I should do what I originally planned and wait to release the rest of the chapters all at once? Or release one by one…)
Rift extras currently being typesetted
Finished translating chapter 2 and 3 of No Color Baby for Sentimientoyaoi (shit’s wild 👀)
The new Michinoku Atami has been cleaned, waiting for me to finish translating, then will be sent off for some font magic
Lmao I haven’t touched Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya and I prob won’t for a while 
Code: has been cleaned, I’ll eventually start translating it
Is this it? I feel like I’ve been a lot more productive…
Oh, it’s bc I’m helping kr proof this one series and proofing takes a lot more work than translating…
And also bc I did half of what I listed today lmaooo
I have a friend coming to visit this weekend so no work will be done bc we’re about to hit up all you can eat sushi and study for exams
Homecoming is next weekend so no work will be done bc I’ll be out of commission. Hopefully not puking.
The weekend after that I’m spending in the city for a friend’s birthday so I definitely will be out of commission and will definitely be puking.
Some angst is coming your way
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♬ Floria - Tomohisa Sako (Natsume Yuujinchou Roku OP) ♬
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cutiesaeran · 8 years
The Star in the SKY - Chapter 6
A Yoosung x Saeran College AU (You can read this on AO3 here)
CH 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 7
I'm staring at the paper in front of me, pleasantly surprised at the grade. “A Study In How Floor Patterns Can Affect How People Walk” managed to somehow garner nearly top marks, despite how sure I was that it would be a disaster.
After he stormed out on me in class, I kinda gave up on working together with Saeran. I dutifully laid out the plans, resigned myself to compiling the data alone and then had him write about half of the paper. Since the main part was split into fourths, that wasn't all too difficult to divvy up and I was impressed with how much content he'd actually returned to me. Regardless, I hadn't bothered reading through it - I just didn't have the energy or drive to fix any errors if I found them - and had simply slapped the paper together and pulled together sorry excuses for the opening and closing paragraphs. I had expected a mediocre grade at best.
It's a nice way to start out the class, especially considering the topic I have decided upon for my solo paper; I'm going to look into why identical twins can grow up in the same environment yet still be so different. There may be a little personal interest in it… fine, a lot. It'll be a good topic, though! There's tons of research out there, plus I happen to have two friends- err, one friend and one… something - that qualify as identical twins, so I can sneak in a personal interview too.
That is, assuming I can get either of them to talk to me about it. Saeran seems less closed off about the past than Seven, but he’s made it fairly clear that he has no desire whatsoever to be near me. Seven will probably agree to the interview but be irritatingly vague, as usual. Oh well, at least it’ll count as a source even if I don’t get usable material and hey, I could be surprised, right? Probably not, but I’m going to try to be optimistic about this one.
The professor claps to get our attention, starting right into the lecture. Instead of listening, I pull out my phone and set it on my lap, flipping it open to shoot a quick text to Seven.
Me [12:50] Hey Seven ^^ Got a question for you!
I’m about to put it away when it buzzes softly; I should’ve known he’d respond immediately, he pretty much always does. Even in school.
Seven [12:51] wassuuuuuuup, homie? Lolol
Me [12:52] I was wondering if you’d be willing to let me interview you for class?
Me [12:54] You and uh… Saeran.
Seven [12:55] lolol
Seven [12:55] I can’t speak for brother dearest, u know that.
Me [12:57] I know, but… he won’t tlak to me adn I figurde he might sya yes if you ask
Seven [12:58] I’m sorry, I couldn’t read that with all the typos, could you send it again?
Me [12:59] Seven;;; please be serious
Seven [12:59] I’m always serious
Seven [13:00] are u really that scared of him?
I pause; am I scared of him? No, that’s not the right word. I don’t find him frightening or anything, but I’m not really in a hurry to approach him to ask for anything, either. He obviously doesn’t like me and I get this weird… feeling in my stomach when he says that. Kind of like dread, but that doesn’t make sense. Why would I feel dread over him saying he doesn’t like me?
Seven [13:03] Earth to Yoosungie, are you still there?
Me [13:04] I’m not scared of him, he doesn’t like me
Me [13:05] I don’t think he’d say yes if I ask. T_T
Seven [13:06] ...u think he doesn’t like you?
Me [13:07] yeah?
Me [13:10] I mean, he’s outright said that he doesn’t so why would I doubt that?
Me [13:15] Seven?
Seven [13:19] sorry, got busy
Seven [13:19] yah, I can ask for u, do u have a time you want to do this?
Me [13:21] the paper isn’t due for weeks yet, but soon?
Me [13:23] I just want to make sure I have plenty of time to get ready and then I can ask follow-up questions if needed?
Seven [13:25] ya
Seven [13:25] I’ll ask him later and let you know
Me [13:26] Thanks!
Seven [13:27] Anything for my cutie pie
Slumping in my seat in relief, I slip my phone into my pocket and smile absentmindedly at the notebook in front of me. That went pretty well, all things considered. Not that I expected Seven to turn me down, but it wasn't outside of the realm of possibility. Hopefully he'll be able to convince Saeran to talk to me, too; the interview will be useless if I can't talk to both of them. I doodle some stars on the side of the paper, not even bothering to take any notes during the remainder of the class. I’ll have to see if someone will loan me theirs later; at this point, there’s really no reason to start. I’ve missed too much already.
When it’s finally over, I take my time putting my stuff away. My next class is cancelled, so I plan to go to the library and start looking up things for my paper. It’s nice not having to rush for once, and the room in nearly empty by the time I stand up and sling my bag over my shoulder. I’m about to start heading toward the door when the sound of a throat being cleared behind me gives me pause. Turning around, I see Saeran standing there, looking at the ground and for once I’m glad that’s the case. I can tell I am doing a poor job of concealing my shock despite how much I’m wrestling with my face, and that fact is causing heat to flood my face in embarrassment.
I hate how easily I blush.
“Hi, Saeran. Um… did you need something?” Upon closer inspection, I see that he is holding his copy of our paper, clutching it with both hands tight enough that the paper is wrinkling between his fingers. Is he not happy with the grade? I shift uneasily, my arms tense at my sides as I nervously tap my fingers against my legs. Scrunching my mouth to the side, I dip my brows in concern and hope that I didn't somehow mess things up even more between us. 
He ducks his head a bit, shaking his red hair into his eyes, giving him a fringe to look through when he finally makes eye contact with me. The paper crunches a little in his grip and he leans a little to the left, placing his weight mostly on that foot. "I just wanted to say thanks. For how hard you worked on the paper, and-" A sigh and then he brings his hand up to swipe the hair aside, eyelids fluttering closed as he takes a large breath and releases it slowly. Blinking his eyes back open, he stands up straighter and seems to steel himself for whatever he's about to say. "I'm sorry for being such an asshole, Yoosung. You didn't deserve any of that, and I- I'm sorry."
Whoa, I didn't see that coming. "O-oh, it's okay!" I say, unable to help the smile crossing my face. "I forgive you." People often tell me that I'm too quick to forgive but looking at the relief that crosses his face, I don't know if I believe what they say is true. Honestly, I find the very act in itself incredibly freeing, and it helps me bounce back to my cheerful mood that I like to be in. Chewing on my lip a bit, I keep smiling at him, bouncing a bit on the balls of my feet out of excitement. If he is doing this, if he is apologizing, then maybe there is hope for a friendship between us yet?
Silence descends between us quickly, and I can sense the awkwardness emanating from him. I'm not sure how to make it more comfortable but I think maybe I can at least give it a shot. "So... how is school going for you? You're an art major, right?" The two pictures of me he's drawn immediately pop to the forefront of my mind, but I try to push them back; there's no way I'm asking about those anytime soon. Honestly, I'll probably never ask about those. For some reason I can't seem to identify, it feels like I glimpsed something meant to be private when I saw them.
"Yeah." The answer is short, but it's lacking the coldness that I've become used to hearing from him. He narrows his eyes at me a moment before sliding his bag off of his shoulder and unzipping it, shoving the paper in and pulling out a folder. Mint eyes linger on the black cover for a few moments before he offers it to me, his gaze back on the floor. "Here. I, um. I thought of you when-well. You'll see. Anyway, h-have a good rest of your day." As soon as I accept it, he shuts the bag and turns to leave, one hand going up to ruffle his hair. Confused, I blink down at the folder a moment before realizing something.
"W-wait!" I call out, hurrying forward to try to catch him, but he's already almost out the door. When he turns back, I falter a bit in my steps when his eyes meet mine; there's an intensity and warmness to them that I've never seen there before, and is that the beginning of a blush on his cheeks? "I-I, uhm. I sorta zoned out today and missed most of the lecture," I start, running my hand over the back of my neck and smiling at him sheepishly. Eyebrows furrowing, he tilts his head to the side as he waits for me to continue. "Is there any chance that I can, uh, borrow your notes to copy?"
The air between us is suddenly heavy, and I can't help but feel like this is a crossroads in our relationship, that the answer he gives me is going to be indicative of the path we travel on from here. I'm clasping my hands together in front of me, one of my thumbs rubbing over the other as I wait for what seems like eons for an answer. The ghost of a smile flickers across his face suddenly and he nods, one again grabbing his bag and reaching in, this time pulling out a notebook and opening it to rip out a couple of pages. My grin stretches to the point of taking up most of my lower face and I reach out to take them, shivering when my fingers brush against his. Retracting his hand as though the touch burned, his face turns a little pinker than before and he mumbles something about returning them at the next class before rushing away, disappearing down the hallway.
Shrugging off my own bag so that I can put both the notes and the folder in it, I wonder for a moment what it was about that small touch that caused my heart to start racing. It makes no sense to me, unless it's just because we've never really touched before? Whatever. I stare for a moment at the folder before quickly exiting the room completely, leaning against the hallway wall. He'd said he'd thought of me in some way in connection to what is inside; there's no way I can't look, I'm too curious. So I open it, my eyes widening and letting out an awed breath at what I see.
It's a painting of the night sky, vivid in its use of color and absolutely breathtaking to see. There's a gorgeous shooting star crossing in the middle, and I run a finger over it, marveling at the contrast it casts against the dark background and the other stars. It's just so beautiful, and he thought of me when he saw it? Or wait... there's some initials on the bottom, I think. I peer at them, gasping when I make out what I think is "S.C."; can it be? Flipping it over, I see a short note on the back:
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spreadplaylist · 7 years
Hi SPREAD listeners! For those of u that don't know, the SPREAD blog will feature a monthly Artist Spotlight, an interview I have with an up and coming artist featured in that month's playlist. A core value of SPREAD is sharing music that u may not have heard, hopefully increasing artists' exposure and fanbase. The SPF 30 featured artist, LeyeT, is a dear friend of mine, and I can't wait for u to get a closer look into her music and her artistry. HERE WE GO!
LeyeT: Hi! I’m LeyeT, pronounced "light." (: I’m from Orange County, California – reside in LA, and LOVE all things music. I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember and songwriting since I first picked up the guitar about 12 years ago. I recently began my new artist project as LeyeT and released my first single on 2.28. Can’t wait to bring you more music in the coming months
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justpeachyicedtea · 7 years
these days
Anonymous said:  Just dropping by to say thank you for all your hardwork for Conro series!! Thank you!! :D Anonymous said:  Thank you for translating Family Affair!
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Anonymous said:  First of all i woul like to say: Thank you so much for all your efforts, i love your scanlations!!!! I'm now obsessed Kurahashi Tomo and your scanlations allowed me to know of her work!! Thank you so much!! Really, if you ever need help cleaning, redrawing or proofreading let me know at XXXXXXXX i have no expirience with manga but i'm a textile design major so i think i can handle it. I just want to help you guys spread the love!! Hehehe ok i'll stop being a creep now. Thanks
I crossed out your email so I could respond here, I hope you don’t mind! Thank you for your message and offering to help! Sadly, I won’t be working on any new projects so I doubt I’ll need to bring anyone in. Give your thanks to the anon! She’s the one who brought Kurahashi Tomo to me, I’m glad you enjoy her works! And lmaoo you can’t say the word “creep” in front of me without following it up with-
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Anonymous said:  Hey, may I ask what the progress is about scanlating Code? Really wanna read the sequel Anonymous said:  Pleasem will you guys give us update about Code's progress? I'm dying to know 😣
I wasn’t planning on working on it, but I reached out to Tranquil Melancholy and we’ve decided to do a joint. Give me a bit to get all the raws together then I’ll start translating.
The plot is literally:
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Anonymous said:  Do your friends actually call yu daddy??? That’s so funny
My dude. I’m telling you... 
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these are the people i call friends...
Anonymous said:  Happy father’s day daddy!😂😂😂
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Anonymous said:  Hello Peachyicedtea. My name is Hien Mai and I'm from Vietnam. Can you give me the permission to translate your "Ai ni dekinai koi wa iya" project into Vietnamese? I will certainly put your credit on the Vietnamese translation. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to read that marvelous translated manga. I hope you will answer me soon and have a nice day! Regards. Anonymous said:  Hello, Be With You Scans.I am Vietnamese and I am writing for you in order to ask for permission to translate your scans/ translations into my language - Vietnamese.I hope you allow us to translate: Bokura ga Koi wo Ushinau Riyuu by ITZ. And in the future, if you allow us, we hope that we can translate some more projects of yours. Of course we will announce your Group first when we do that and put your credit With You Scans. I am looking forward to your answer. Please, reply me soon!
I don’t accept rescanlation/retranslation requests.
Anonymous said:  Hello! I was wondering if you could ask hoshi kuzu scanlations to join their scanlation spread sheet so you can uppdate us on your series with all the other groups?
Actually! Hoshi was kind enough to reach out to me and invite me to join, which I graciously accepted, but since I’m currently only working on 3 series, 2 of which I plan to complete by the end of next month, I didn’t wanna go through the trouble of just adding one manga on there orzzz.
Anonymous said:  I'm not sure if you noticed, but it was your one year anniversary a couple weeks ago! I just wanted to say congratulations and thank you for your year of hard work! 
!!!!!! I didn’t know! Thank you for telling me!! Oh damn isn’t the anniversary a big thing? I know a lot of groups release a bunch of stuff on their anniversaries... IN MY DEFENSE I’ve been translating BL for a while and my first solo work was Batsu Game c.1 which was released on my personal tumblr, before justpeachyicedtea even became a thing... So.... Yeah...
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Anonymous said:  Hi! Can we get an update on basu game chapter 3?
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Anonymous said:  hi u are so great so amazing I am so thankful so grateful for your entire existence and being u are too good for me too good for this world thank u sm for doing bokura ga koi wo ushinau riyuu honestly u are just wonderful thank u sm i feel alive thanks to u and ofc to chrima scans as well !!!!! what a wonderful bunch of people u guys are seriously too good for this world
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Lmao but in all honesty, Batsu Game ch3 is currently being typesetted by my love, but she’s enjoying her stress free vacay at the beach so let’s let her have some fun, yeah? Oh, I got the raws for ch4 (currently being cleaned) and yall.... 
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But don’t let this page trick you. Ch 4 is pain. 
As for Koiyume Lover and Ai ni Dekinai Koi wa Iya.... Well, I’m currently back home and it’s been months since I last ate decent food so let me enjoy my mother’s cooking and just chill around before I go back down to hell. Though my best friend finally turned 21 so give us some time to go out legally before I come back to this old thing. Jk, I’ll work on Ai ni ch 2 soon and release it by the end of next week. It’s 3am now so b y e.
Mood: These Days - Mike Stud
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