#honestly i fully expect the fourth book to be my favorite i love a fictional athlete
waveridden · 3 years
my brain is made of mush and soup and i can’t work but i read a whole book yesterday and half a book today so that’s. cool,
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strangedreamings · 5 years
Absent-minded professor trope - Deckerstar
Thanks! No professors in sight but I think I hit the nail on the head otherwise.
Elation, Delight, Absolute Terror (AO3)
After dating Chloe Decker for a year and beingmarried to her an additional two, Lucifer Morningstar honestly thought therewas nothing she could do that would surprise him, not anymore.
Finding his wife’s car keys in the carton ofeggs in the refrigerator and a (thankfully unbroken) egg in her purse changedhis mind. After properly dealing with both misplaced items, he went straight tothe guestroom they’d converted into her office right after she’d moved into thepenthouse.
As Lucifer expected, he found her sitting onone end of the couch, her legs stretched out along the length, the left one sportingthe knee brace that had become a semi-permanent part of Chloe’s waking hoursever since a perp decided to shoot her in the leg during a stand-off. Chloe hadtaken a desk job at the precinct for as long as she could stand it but finallydecided that her law enforcement days were over.
That’s when her next career as a novelist gotstarted. She wrote about a male detective partnering with a female devil whileshe recovered from the gunshot and picked up where she left off once she leftthe LAPD. It amused Lucifer to no end that his wife’s femme fatale character wasinspired by him and Maze. The funny, romantic, and thrilling manuscript wassnatched up by the second publishing house Chloe submitted it to.
That was three books ago, all of them best-sellers.Chloe was currently working on the fourth, typing away at her laptop while herwriting playlist accompanied through her headphones. Lucifer sat down in herlittle-used desk chair, content to watch her for a moment.
She never explained why but writing wasall-consuming for her, in a way that detective work never was. It often fell toLucifer to remind his wife to eat regularly and go to bed at a reasonable hour whileshe was in the middle of a book. Still, accidentally switching her keys and anegg was a new one.
“I could feel your eyes on me,” she saidfondly as she slipped her headphones off, grinning at him over the top of herlaptop.
Lucifer smirked. “I know better than to interrupta writer hard at work on their next masterpiece.” He got up as Chloe set thelaptop on the coffee table then moved her feet to the floor to make room forhim. Sitting down beside her, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “How ismy favorite fictional crime-fighting duo?”
“Still doing the slow-burn thing.”
“Are you ever going to tire of that?” Hesmiled a bit. “I would’ve thought you had your fill with the real-life variety.”
Chloe chuckled. “It’s kinda fun to torture myreaders.” She laid her head on his shoulder, sighing softly. “I took athree-hour nap today and I’m still not fully awake.”
“Perhaps that explains why I found your keysin the fridge and an egg in your purse.”
“Nope, that can be explained by pregnancybrain.”
Lucifer stared at the top of her head. “Pardon?”
She shifted a bit to grin up at him. “The docconfirmed it yesterday – Charlie won’t be the only half-angel in the family.”
“I … I don’t know what to say, love.”
Chloe reached over to take his hand. “Justsay what you feel,” she murmured.
“Elation. Delight. Absolute terror.”
She giggled. “You’re already on the way tobeing a great father, Lucifer.”
He gazed at her for a moment then took herface in his hands and kissed her softly. “I’ll need help,” he murmured whenthey came up for air.
“You have me, Trixie, and the rest of thefamily.”
He smiled gratefully. “All the help I need.”
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🌷,🎉,🍀,💋,🍼 ,🚿 ((PlayKinshara/Rose))
@playkinshara (Thanks for the ask!)
🌷 — taking care of living things
It depends on how focused he is, and how much time he has. It’s canon that Jūshirō has no talent whatsoever for trimming the bonsai trees he cares for, but that has to do with aesthetics, rather than his ability to keep the trees alive and healthy. Jūshirō has a natural affinity for living things, both obviously sentient (i.e., people and otherwise) and otherwise (i.e., plants, homes/work spaces, rocks and stones, even food and drink - he’s absolutely an animist, and getting in touch with the spirits of conventionally non-living things is easy for him). When Jūshirō puts an appropriate amount of effort into caring for living things, they always flourish. He intuitively knows what they need, and if it is in his power, he gives. 
He does, however, get distracted every now and then, in an absent-minded professor sort of way. He’ll be so busy making sure his squad members master their new drills that he’ll rush out excitedly to meet them in the morning, and might forget to water his plants, for example.
On the occasions when he’s too ill to care for his plants, that task usually falls to Kiyone. (She ends up transferring to the Fourth at the end of the manga, so I have no doubt that she, too, has an affinity for caring for living things. In fact, I imagine she cares for Jūshirō more often than Kubo shows us in canon. One doesn’t just casually become the lieutenant of the Fourth Division, even if one’s sister becomes the Captain; I think Kiyone has head a wealth of medical skills for a long, long time.)
More under the cut!
🎉 — hosting parties
Jūshirō is brilliant at this. He loves spending time with people, and he loves providing for others, and hosting a party gives him the perfect opportunity to do both of these things. If he has any faults when it comes to hosting parties, they lie in his need to make sure that everyone is perfectly cared for - but truly, even this isn’t a great source of stress for him. As long as he can tell that everyone is having a good time, it doesn’t bother him very much if, say, the caterer didn’t bring enough food - if everyone is game,Jūshirō is more than happy to suggest they order pizza instead. 
Occasionally, he’ll go a little overboard, but anyone who attends one of Jūshirō’s parties probably expects this, and might even find it endearing. A half-birthday party or a small book club get-together technically don’t require balloons and streamers and bright, elaborate signage, but Jūshirō wouldn’t dream of skimping on the decor. It’s all part of the fun, he thinks - and, truth be told, he isn’t wrong. 
If Jūshirō hosts parties in Soul Society, I imagine he does this at one of the Kyōraku family’s many unused houses. Ugendō is a bit small, and Shunsui definitely doesn’t mind offering his space up - especially because he knows he’ll be invited, and because he knows there’ll be free booze. It’s a win-win, the way he sees it.
🍀 — luck
…ah. Well. That depends on who you ask. If you askJūshirō himself, he’ll tell you he’s a deeply lucky man, in the colloquial sense. He has a loving family, a steady job, friends he cares for - and, most crucially to him, he has his life in the first place. 
If you ask anyone else - or frankly, if you look at Jūshirō’s life a bit more objectively - the bag appears considerably more mixed than that. In a day-to-day, mundane way,Jūshirō’s luck tends towards the poorer side. He’s not much of a gambling man, and that’s probably a good thing.  If he tries to read his fortune in his tea leaves, he’s often dismayed by what he sees. (As a result, he chooses not to engage in activities like that very often. He’s a glass-half-full kind of person, but if the glass is very obviously only one-quarter full, Jūshirō would prefer not to look at the glass to begin with.)
Jūshirō would say that luck has very little to do with anyone’s life. He believes in fate and destiny, but he’s less inclined to bother with luck. Our lives are what they are, and we are who we are. All we can do is choose to make of those things what we will. Deep down, he knows that some of his circumstances are unfortunate, but he also knows that he’s worked hard, and that he’s achieved success despite what many might call bad luck. To him, that matters much more than the nature of his luck - if, he would say, such a thing as luck exists at all.
💋 — kissing
Jūshirō is, quite possibly, one of the very best kissers who has ever lived. 
…now. Am I, as mun, a little bit biased? Do I desperately want my favorite fictional character in existence to be a brilliant kisser? I mean, maybe, but truly - think about Jūshirō’s character, and tell me honestly that he isn’t one of the most considerate and attentive romantic partners you can imagine. (You can’t can you? Hehhh. Didn’t think so.)
Jūshirō has a strong, natural aptitude for the physical. He understands without trying how bodies move and exist in space. He understands relationships, both physical and spiritual. 
And so, when Jūshirō kisses, he applies all of these things - and, best of all, there will be such love underlying it all.
Jūshirō is earnest. If he kisses someone, it is because he feels real, true love for them. He doesn’t do hookups; he doesn’t understand them. If someone makes physical advances towards them, he won’t accept unless he reciprocates the desire fully - it’s one of the few situations in which Jūshirō won’t put another person’s immediate needs before his own, because in a case like that,Jūshirō knows that the inevitable fallout and confusion will be even more harmful than the pain of being turned down. 
Jūshirō’s kisses are romantic, through and through. His instinct is always to move slowly. He takes the time to learn what his partner wants and needs, and to act accordingly. He loves small, sweet kisses on the lips and cheeks and forehead, and he also loves deep, slow, sensual kisses, especially with partners who he’s come to deeply trust. Jūshirō loves sharing intimacy, and he loves making his partner feel wanted. He uses his kisses to do both of those things - whatever that means to his partner at the time. 
🍼 — taking care of children
Perhaps predictably, Jūshirō is very, very good at taking care of children. He does his best to treat children with respect - he doesn’t talk down to them, and he believes that once they’re old enough to have opinions and ideas, those opinions and ideas are worth listening to. He loves to play with children. He doesn’t mind the messy parts - cleaning up messes from meals, cleaning up after children who are too young to manage their own toileting needs, cleaning up after children who aren’t feeling well, etc. It’s a necessary part of having children,Jūshirō feels. If you intend to sign up for the fun parts, then you’d better sign up for the messy parts, too. 
In canon, he doesn’t have children because he doesn’t believe he’d be able to devote an appropriate amount of time to them. His work keeps him busy, and besides that, he doesn’t like the idea of raising children while he’s a soldier. He doesn’t want his children to grow up believing that fighting is mundane - it’s necessary sometimes, certainly, and Jūshirō believes that all children should learn that eventually - but he would hate to raise children who might believe that fighting is a reasonable first solution to everything, and he worries that growing up so close to the military might inspire a belief like that. 
Furthermore, in canon, Jūshirō always knew about the inevitable Kamikake that he would have to invoke one day. He didn’t know when it would happen - he only knew that it would undeniably spell his death. The idea of having children, and then being called upon to engage in Kamikake two years or five years - or even ten years - after they were born always terrified him. Better, he thought, to care for his siblings’ children and grandchildren, and to leave his own dreams of fatherhood behind.
🚿 — hygiene
Hygiene is very important to Jūshirō, and he maintains it well. He’s a tidy person by nature, and keeping himself clean and appropriately groomed is part of that. Moreover, the better he takes care of himself, the lower his chances of falling ill become. He can’t prevent every episode, of course, but he knows he’s more likely to stay able and functional if he bathes regularly, cares for his teeth, keeps his living space and his work space free from dust and grime, etc. 
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