#honestly if you were any slower you'd be the queue
icallhimjoey · 1 year
Lost & Found
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader    
Summary: You take a little break, a week away to somewhere warm to relax and calm your senses. So does Joe – same flight, same hotel, same travel plans and, worst of all, same suitcase. What was meant to be a lovely trip to the sun starts off on the wrong foot when you find expensive designer outfits belonging to a man in what you thought was your suitcase.    
CW / disclaimer: rpf, fem!reader, lots of swearing, we get a little spicy but nothing too bad, 18+ just in case though!    
Author’s note: we're going at a much slower pace for this one, apologies for the longer wait!    
Wordcount: 2.9K  
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
Not looking him in the eye, tension left your body as you snorted at the strange compliment you got.
“Looks better on you, anyway,”
He could probably tell your heart was beating a million miles a minute, the compliment clearly a joke meant to take the edge off. Which it did, so, that worked out fine.
But then tension built back up when you both started walking in the same direction, back the same way you came to get a taxi. When it dawned on you that you were both going to be headed back to the same hotel, the possibility of sharing a taxi stared at you right in the face.
You immediately started looking for excuses to play for time. A toilet. A souvenir shop. A phone call to distract you enough to stop walking. Anything.
Coffee shop.
You stopped walking and queued up, but then, so did he. Got in line right behind you.
You turned and gave an awkward smile. He returned it and then, there was silence. You just... stood there, next to your suitcases, until it was your turn.
The longer neither of you said anything, the more excruciating it became. Every second that passed made you think the same thought more pressingly: say something, say something, say something.
But... say what, exactly?
You’d already said more to each other than was normal for two strangers, hadn’t you?
You glanced behind you again as you felt your neck was still hot, probably all red, and immediately made eye-contact with him.
“So, this isn't– this is not awkward at all,” you said, huffing a nervous laugh through your nose.
He copied it and went, “Yea,” and was about to say more, was about to instinctually reach out a hand to touch your shoulder, maybe. To touch the fabric of his own T-shirt. But you were next in line and were asked for your order, and then got handed it quite quickly, making you scurry off with it immediately because the thought of waiting for a taxi together was awful and oh my God, you could not share a taxi with him. You needed to be in one by yourself before he was even out of the building because how else were you going to call your friend and tell her everything?!
Plonking down in a taxi with your coffee had you biting your nails, or what was left of those anyway, until it actually pulled up onto the road.
You sighed a breath of relief when you left the airport in your own taxi. Safe, just you in the backseat joined by the friend that you called.
"Bitch, guess what the fuck just happened?"
The nail-biting had been for no good reason. Joe'd been just as adamant about not sharing a taxi when he too realised that you'd be giving taxi drivers the same address to go to. He had hung back with his drink until he'd seen you drive off from behind the glass of the large windows that adorned the full scope of the building. Then, he had a cigarette outside just to extend the time. The space. He'd honestly just wanted a coffee and didn't get into the queue behind you to be a creep, although, he'd mentally admitted to the mistake when he'd seen you awkwardly look at him.
Best to create some distance now to not make things any weirder than they already were.
He'd seen how deep you blushed.
Thought it was all cute, but, understood you probably didn't feel all cute.
On the way back, you told your friend what had just transpired which amused her greatly.
"So he's good looking and rich?"
"I'm afraid so."
It was honestly so unfortunate.
"And staying at the same hotel?"
"I literally died. I'm dead. I am speaking to you from the afterlife."
Dramatic, sure, but it was truly how you felt.
"Oh my God, wait, I need to write all of this down for my speech,"
"Your speech?"
"For when you two get married," your friend found all of it a lot more amusing than you did. The bitch.
"Pff, piss off, my God. It was the most embarrassing thing ever," you complained.
"Well, did you survive it?" she asked pointedly.
"Ugh, stop, keep the voice of reason to yourself, I don't need it,"
She ignored you and answered her own question. "You've survived it fine, get over yourself and actually relax, will you?"
You didn't need reminding. When your boss gave you a weird stare last week and then said that you looked like you were dying, like, actively decaying, you confessed that the stress of, well, everything was really starting to get to you.
You'd been piling responsibilities on top of more responsibilities and the whole thing had become one big unsturdy mess that had started keeping you up at night.
It had started with innocent nail biting, had progressed into waking up at weird hours of the night, unable to get back to sleep and, eventually, nightmares and weird night terrors had crept in. Kept you from getting any sleep at all.
You'd gotten used to passing out from sheer exhaustion around 4 AM, sometimes 5, and then your alarm would pull you from your slumber a mere two hours later. Two and a half if you were lucky.
You'd been sent on this trip to do some mandatory relaxing. Your boss needed you back fresh-faced and well-rested next week. Something something big client, major meetings, important presentation et cetera, et cetera.
"Did you end up getting some actual sleep last night? Hotel bed okay?"
"Yea fine actually, but that was mostly thanks to the three tequila sunrises I poured into myself last night – my nails are practically gone,"
"Have an early lunch, get drunk, have a cheeky nap,"
"Yes ma'am,"
"Seriously though, I can't believe how fucking lucky you are, just, fucked off abroad to laze by a pool, boss's orders. Meanwhile I'm stuck here in this horrid fluorescent office lighting and, you know what, I think blue light glasses are a right scam, they don't fucking do anything at all,"
"Hey." you interrupted, "Have an early lunch. Get drunk. Have a cheeky nap."
"Yea, thanks," Sarcasm. "Feel how hard you're frowning right now? How clenched your jaw is? How high your shoulders are?"
Okay, time to hang up. You were keeping your friend from doing her job and her shoving your currently situation into your face wasn't actually helping.
Back at the hotel, you opened your suitcase with your code and only realised then that the good looking rich guy hadn't even been able to open it. You'd gone through every single item in his, knew what he underwear looked like, and he'd been stuck in his room with your locked one.
Unfair, but, in your favour, so fine.
There was a little trickle of guilt, but that was easy to ignore as you unpacked and changed into something more weather-appropriate.
When you dropped the black T-shirt off at the front desk, it took too long for you to explain what you were doing and what you wanted them to do. You kept hesitating on sharing more information, kept adding little bits, until you basically told them the full story.
"Can you hold onto this? Someone will pick it up later– it's, this is his T-shirt. I borrowed it, but he wants it back. Obviously. But I don't know– I don't know when he'll pick it up. I just had his suitcase for a little bit. I've got my own now. We– they got switched, so, this isn't mine. He said to leave it here so..."
Confused narrow eyes stared at you as they hesitantly took the black T-shirt from you. "Do you perhaps have a name, or a room number?"
"No, um... no, I don't– wait, yes, I do, or... I think I do. Do you have a guest here with the name J–"
There he was. Polite smile and all.
"Oh, that's him," you pointed, glad to end whatever this dumb interaction was.
"That's mine. Thanks." Joe took his own T-shirt, giving you another smile – definitely awkward still – before heading towards the lifts.
You were going to sit out by the pool, which was the other way. You hoped that he'd be busy enough with work meetings, conference calls, and whatever else people on business trips got up to that you wouldn't have to run into him again.
Except then you did.
Because of course you did.
You'd followed your friend's advice and had gone for a nap at 4 in the afternoon. It was a struggle to actually fall asleep, and perhaps you should've gotten a small coffee at the airport instead of a large one, but you'd gotten a good hour and a half in. You'd woken up all kinds of disoriented and groggy, and had silently debated getting room service for dinner instead of going down to make your reservation at the restaurant. After going back and forth between staying in bed or getting out, you'd decided to get out for fear of not being able to get to sleep later.
You'd gotten ready, decided that a strappy dress would do, and double checked if you had your hotel room key before closing the door behind you and making your way over to the lifts.
It took ages for a lift to get to you, and then when one finally did, you pressed the button for the ground floor, but the lift slowed just as quickly as it started going.
Ninth floor.
Doors opened.
Wearing the fucking jacket you'd worn to the rooftop bar the night before.
Should've gone with room service.
"Hi," he said on the back-end of an amusing chuckle. You pursed your lips together in a small smile as a response.
You were going to be in a lift together for half a minute. Very fun that every single surface inside of the lift was mirrored, your reflection inescapable.
And he was wearing the fucking burgundy jacket.
This was going to be your trip, wasn't it? This was what it was going to be like the whole time. Constant reminders of your stupid cringeworthy choices from that first evening and maybe you could just go drown yourself in the ocean later. Just for funsies.
The hum of the lift as it picked up speed wasn't enough to fill the silence.
The deafening silence.
"Nice jacket,"
As you counted down the floors, you though you might as well just lean into it now. Into this whole bit. Acknowledge the elephant in the room and make yourself feel lighter about it.
"Thanks. Nice dress."
Just a few more floors.
"I wouldn't have been able to pull that off,"
You looked at him in the mirrored surface in front of you before you turned your head to look at him from the side. Was that... was that a double entendre?
Could be though.
Was the rich good looking business man flirting?
The potential lay in wait.
"Mhm..." you mused, confidence growing when you saw he was trying to repress a grin. "I think you're selling yourself short, Joe," 
You revealed you knew his name. Thought you knew his name, anyway. His face dropped, just for a second. It could've been a reaction to the lift stopping with a slight jolt as it reached the lobby.
"I feel like you've got the legs to make this work." you joked, but didn't get a laugh in response. Just a tightlipped sort of barely there little smile. The polite kind.
Doors opened and you left whatever that moment was behind as you stepped out.
It took Joe a second to gather himself, to silently scold himself for needing to get used to this already. Be appreciative of it whilst he was at it. People knowing him ultimately was a good thing, something he'd worked so hard for and had wanted for so long. He couldn't let the bitter aftertaste it left him with affect him so much.
He was fine.
So, you knew who he was? Big deal. Lots of people knew who he was.
He was fine.
Except, he wasn't fine.
He wasn't fine as he sat through his dinner at his table for one, tucked away in one of the corners of the restaurant with perfect view of you.
Perfect view of you sinking teeth into your starter, main and dessert.
Perfect view of fingers wrapping around glassware of every drink you had.
Of the flirting the waiter seemed to entertain you with, getting warm smiles and sometimes cute giggles in return.
Of how you filled the quiet with your phone that was laid down face up next to your plate, just using a middle finger to swipe and tap at the screen.
Of how you declined a coffee and told the waiter you were going to go upstairs for a drink, smiling as you pointed a small finger up.
Of how your body swayed as you walked away in a dress that looked great, but you know what looked better?
You know when you'd looked better to him?
Joe wasn't allowing himself to think it.
He thought it, but didn't let his inner monologue sound the words out.
Joe had watched you all throughout dinner and then, after finishing his own meal, had followed you upstairs and then watched you as you sat at the bar with a cocktail.
He watched as you buried yourself into your phone even more.
Watched as you ordered another drink with a charming smile that told him you were probably not going to have to pay for any of the drinks you were getting.
Watched as your leg started bouncing.
Watched as you used a hand to rub at your arm, picking up then that the breeze he felt was getting colder.
Watched as your shoulders hunched up more, full attention with your phone still.
What were you even doing on that phone? Work? In a place like this?
Well, sort of.
You were working through e-mails. Slowly. Very slowly. You'd get distracted by Instagram and group chats. Tidied your gallery a little. Added whatever you wanted to the notes app: little to do lists, silly thoughts, creative ideas, things you couldn't forget to do before you'd go back home – like, "get a manicure" and then right below that, "mani pedi if possible".
You felt how the alcohol started warming your blood a little, and it had been enough to keep you warm until suddenly, it wasn't anymore. Temperatures dropped fast at night, and when you'd ordered your third cocktail, you contemplated maybe also getting a warm drink.
You shivered and checked the time.
You could also not order a fourth drink and maybe ask if you could take this one back to your room. Have a hot bath and drink it there.
Before deciding on anything, you typed, "get a jacket" in your notes app, and then added "or get the one long sleeved thing you wore cleaned". It was stupid how making lists like this made you feel productive. Calmed your nerves almost instantly. You looked at your finger nails and realised you hadn't bitten at any of them since that morning.
"Hi, can I just ask– is it okay for me to take this back to my room?"
As an answer, the bartender reached and held up a plastic cup before looking at you questioningly. Did you want whatever was in front of you poured into a to-go cup?
Before you could answer, you jolted a little at a sudden touch to your body from behind.
A jacket got draped over your shoulders.
You took a shaky breath of cold air, ribs tightening around your lungs.
You recognised the scent before you did anything else which made you bite your lips into your mouth in an attempt to ignore that thought completely.
You turned to look.
Other side.
Joe smiled, already walking away from you, back towards the lifts. All polite and warm and charming. Rich business man smile. Ugh.
Before he got out of earshot, you managed to ask, "Do I leave this at the front desk again?"
"Sure," Joe shrugged one shoulder, triggering the glass sliding doors in front of him. "Or drop it off at room 907, either one's fine."
Was there any point in trying to hide your smile?
"907. Got it. Thank you."
With a last glance that lasted just a fraction of a second too long, Joe headed inside and you turned back to the bartender who was still waiting for an answer.
"Um," you frowned, shook your head and closed your eyes a second to think.
"Did you want your drink to go, ma'am?" 
"No, thank you." you moved to slide your arms into the sleeves of Joe's jacket.
"I'll have it here."
The Taglisted
@adoreyouusugar, @alana4610, @ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @barfightzanddiscolightz, @bettyfrommars, @cancankiki, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @dylanmunson, @eddies-puppet, @electricmunson, @emma77645, @emmamooney, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @frogers, @frootvelvet, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @harringtonfan4, @haylaansmi, @jasminearondottir, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @kellyxo1, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @miserybeans, @nadixq, @ohmeg, @paola-carter, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @roosterisdaddy36, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @thebellenouvelle, @thefemininemystiquee, @thewondernanazombie, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @yelyahcardella
taglist currently full, sorry
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I'm trying to sleep but I can't because I can't figure out how the fuck they made Buckbeak enter 12 Grimmauld Place without anyone noticing. And now I just can't stop laughing as I imagine Sirius and Lupin trying to push him inside with Dumbledore supervising everything from the inside but not doing anything to help (obviously), then making him go up the stairs to go in Sirius's bedroom -yet, another door to pass- (and of course he probably made everything fall and break on his way in the hallway) with the portrait of Sirius's mother screaming at them.
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if you do not think the lyrics of Dear Theodosia applies perfectly to Lucius and Draco’s relationship well guess what you’re fucking wRONG
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