ma-flowers · 2 years
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ma-flowers · 2 years
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He sure is flamboyant, isn't he? ✨
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ma-flowers · 2 years
Utahime Iori
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ma-flowers · 3 years
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Our beautiful, beautiful Makkari❤️
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ma-flowers · 3 years
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There aren’t that many people left to find out there these days. Much less good ones like [Connie].          Yeah, I know. You don’t have to be alone. Years pass, Daryl. You can’t hide out with your dog forever.
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ma-flowers · 3 years
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Lauren Ridloff As Makkari In THE ETERNALS
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ma-flowers · 3 years
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ma-flowers · 3 years
crying and throwing up at the way makkari runs to druig at normal pace instead of using her super speed after realizing he’s not dead
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ma-flowers · 3 years
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Kumail Nanjiani as Kingo and Lauren Ridloff as Makkari Eternals (2021) dir. Chloé Zhao
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ma-flowers · 3 years
Between the lines
Makkari x Druig
A/N: Was surfing through tumblr tags and saw an idea about how Druig would probably read any books that Makkari recommends, leaving little notes in between the lines and I thought that was really cute! So behold - my feeble attempt in creating more fluff? Thanks for the support in advance!!!🥺 Likes, comments & reblogs are appreciated if you can!
Genre: PG-13, Fluff/Comfort
Warnings: Taking some elements from the movie but creating my own plot. Mentions of war and death. No major spoilers. A bit long? My cheesy attempts.
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Note: Gosh when the HD version is out I’m sure it’ll be crazy! I mean just look at them!😭 (Italics = Signing)
He felt like shit.
He thought Babylon was the last of it. He truly believed that with his gift, he could stop blood from being spilled.
Maybe Ajak was right - they weren’t meant to intervene.
He saw a kid die today from a blast. And there was nothing he could do about it.
Druig drags himself back to his sanctuary, throwing his body unceremoniously onto the worn out sofa. Turning his head to the kitchen, he wonders if he should try drowning himself in good old alcohol.
Nope, that wasn’t him.
A thick blue book lying on his kitchen table catches his eye. He had been preoccupied lately, forgetting about the book that she had recommended him. He promised her that he would read it.
And he always kept his promise.
Grabbing the book by its spine, he settles back onto the sofa, jumping into another reality.
Makkari expertly weaves in and out of the crowds. Like many others, she too was trying to escape the rain that London could never be rid of.
All she wanted was to get to her favorite bookstore. Apart from the domo, the bookstore came in a close second where she could feel at peace, not having to worry about deviants. Or in modern day… judgement from people.
She sees the bell attached to the store move, signaling her entrance. Makkari greets the elderly owner who was one of the very few people she had an attachement with on this planet.
Another book today?
Yes. The book was very interesting. I couldn’t put it down the moment I started!
And there was no lie in it. The owner had recommended her a mystery book during her previous visit. Each chapter was short but concise, leaving her desperate to know what had happened next. The details were so real that she wondered if the author himself was an agent from the secret service.
Yet again, she had unlocked another portal into another world. It truly amazed her even after 7,000 years.
Oh. By the way, there’s something for you. The owner rummages through the shelves, drawing out a book that Makkari could easily recognize.
A young man dropped by, giving me this. He told me it was for you.
Druig was in London? The last time she saw him was in Qatar - passing the book to him as she believed he would enjoy it like she did.
What’s this?
A noir book that I read. I think you would like it. Matches your personality. Makkari couldn’t help but to smile looking at Druig’s confused face.
What does that mean?
You should know better than anyone else, Mister Grumpy.
Hey! He attempted to look offended but who was he kidding? He was enjoying her company every second.
Is he here? That man that passed you the book.
I think so. I went for a break in the afternoon. He may have left then.
But it was worth a shot. Makkari thanks him, walking up the spiral staircase, book clutched in her hands. She notices a red post-it sticking out from one of the many pages, piquing her interest.
Reaching the second level, she steps aside into one of the aisle, curious about the contents of the post-it. Makkari knew that cursive handwriting instantly.
The leading lady was pretty, but she would never hold a candle to your beauty.
She knew she had shut the book a little too loud as she attracted stares from the few visitors at the same aisle as her. Makkari bows her head slightly, to apologize for the sudden noise.
She walks briskly to the next aisle, trying to ignore the increasing temperature of the store. Makkari settles down by facing one of the shelves, pretending to be engrossed in a cookbook.
Once she had regained her composure, Makkari decides to leave, sure that he was no where to be found in the store.
She turns around, almost barreling face first into Druig.
It takes her a few seconds to recover from the collision, taking in the sight in front of her. Decked out in leather jacket and jeans that was complete with aviator sunglasses perched on his head, the man looked like he was going to attend a rock concert after this.
What, no hug? I’m disappointed princess. He smirks before being tackled by Makkari in a bear hug.
Druig visited her every now and then, definitely more than any of the other eternals. There was something calming… enjoyable about these visits.
There was something about her that balanced out the looming dark clouds in his head.
Missed me?
She rolls her eyes good-naturedly. Is that suppose to be a question?
Can’t blame a guy for checking in on his girl can you?
He had came to her, hoping to seek comfort for the horrors he saw less than a week ago. But the moment he saw her, Druig wanted to kick those thoughts out of his head. He wanted to do nothing else but to just be with her.
As fast as she was, Makkari caught onto his mannerisms quickly. The smile that he was giving her… it wasn’t the one that she was used to.
Hey… you ok?
He didn’t want to be too caught up in his emotions. Druig let’s out a deep breath, releasing the tension in his chest.
Do you want to talk about it?
He shakes his head, not wanting to relieve the terrible moments. Not now. Just be with me?
Makkari nods, gently taking his hand. That’s what he loved about her. She wasn’t like the rest - demanding to know why he was acting the way he usually did in front of them. She waited, gave him the space he needed.
Along the way, she expertly grabs a few books on the shelves, settling down at the couch that faced the busy streets of London.
You seem to know your way around here.
I’m good friends with Ed. He’s the owner here - a nice man. He let’s me stay for as long as I need, until he comes to close the store.
Placing the books on the mahogany table, Makkari passes him one.
It’s one of my favorite comfort books. The protagonist goes through a break up and decides that whatever decision he makes, it would be decided by chance.
Druig raises his eyebrows in curiosity, not sure how a breakup was considered humorous. Humans were sure strange.
Give it a try! The writing just sucks you in, makes you forget where you are.
And so Druig finds himself opening the book, ready to be throughly entertained.
Druig flips the last page, closing the book with satisfaction. Once again, Makkari had done it again.
It was only when the book had been placed on the table, he notices her dozing off at the corner of the sofa. She must have finished her book before him.
Yet again, she waited for him.
Makkari stirs as she felt the movement of the couch.
I’m sorry, did I wake you?
It’s fine, I was about to wake up anyway. How was the book?
I liked it. It was everything as you said. Thank you.
A moment of silence filled the air as they watched cars fighting to get to their destination.
I’m going to take a look around for a while. Let me know when you’re ready. And Druig disappears into one of the many aisles.
Stretching her arms, Makkari finds another note - this time in orange, slipped in between the pages of the book that she had recommended him earlier. She reaches out for it faster, eager to see what he had written this time.
The protagonist is stupid. He really left everything to chance! Including the girl that he loved!
Makkari laughs internally, imagining Druig’s exasperation at the whimsical plot.
Then, she finally sees it.
If it was me, I wouldn’t leave what I love to chance. I wouldn’t leave you to chance.
A/N: God I’m the impulsive writer that just starts randomly and sees where it takes her😂 Didn’t expect to come up with another drukkari fic this quickly but here we are! I have one more exam so things will be a bit slower but hope you enjoy this and the previous fic I wrote about them! I also have a headcanon on our lovely Gilgamesh and Thena that you can visit at my masterlist! It’s titled <Around the World> Anyways, I hope it’s alright! Yes, this is the song inspiration I had while I was writing it😬
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ma-flowers · 3 years
My beautiful, beautiful Makkari🥰
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ma-flowers · 3 years
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ma-flowers · 3 years
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Beach time🏖️
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ma-flowers · 3 years
Asagiri Gen🃏
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ma-flowers · 3 years
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ma-flowers · 3 years
The boys
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ma-flowers · 3 years
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