#honestly in this Tubbo can either be irl or c!
rosysugarr · 3 years
married people stuff
So. This is the fic that caused me to no longer be able to use twitter! I've been really scared of reposting it as such, but... hopefully, tumblr will be kinder to me than twitter was, since yall seem to have such a much more clear understanding of. Life in general, honestly.
Basically, the backstory is this: I wrote this in around April of last year, and posted it to ao3. It got a lot of really positive feedback, and I even talked about it and shared it on twitter itself, and likewise got positive feedback. So, happy with that outcome, I moved on, and eventually forgot I'd even written it.
Aaand then six months later, someone found it, saw my age on my profile, and made a callout post with several screenshots insisting I was being creepy and breaking the ccs' boundaries. That tweet got over 500 retweets before I was forced to deactivate my account due to the harassment I was receiving... plus, I was rapidly losing followers.
This was... a massive blow to me, because I'm an aspiring streamer, and I'd finally begun slowly but regularly gaining new followers and was a hair away from being able to become an affiliate when this happened. In one fell swoop, that callout tweet, and the reaction to it, caused me to lose followers both on twitter and twitch, to lose friends, and to feel like I'd lost my chance at being even a small streamer. All of my audience had been gained from twitter, a platform which I can no longer use due to a large part of the mcyt fanbase there now believing me to be some kind of creep. I was even accused of being an irl shipper over this fic, which... is silly, given the original description on ao3 literally stated that this was about the characters, and that I do not ship ccs or condone doing so.
Anyway. All that to say, posting this is the scariest fucking thing I've done in a long time, but... I think, maybe, I'll be okay sharing it here. Maybe it'll help me feel a little less shit about the whole ordeal.
(And, by the way, if you'd like to help me start rebuilding my attempt at a streaming career, my channel can be found here; I'll be streaming from a brand new lore-based SMP in the near future, and stream other games as well. I'd appreciate it if you gave it a look!)
So, without any further ado... here is the fic, and I hope you enjoy it.
married people stuff Rating: G (there's not even any swearing, this thing is clean as a whistle.) Summary: c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo share a moment, and some shiny new feelings, while building the Bee 'n' Boo hotel.
"I think we should do more married people stuff."
That was absolutely the furthest thing from... well, anything that Ranboo was expecting to hear Tubbo say, and it made him pause, the heavy block of glossy yellow terracotta in his hands slipping just a bit as he turned to look down at him. The other boy's expression was almost comically thoughtful, dark hair in his eyes and his lips pursed as he considered... something. It was an expression that Ranboo knew all-too well, and generally couldn't help but feel a mixed surge of anxiety and amusement at the sight of-- it generally lead to either a bizarre declaration not unlike the one he just heard, or some exciting new idea.
"... what do you... mean?" Ranboo's voice was cautious, his words carefully-chosen, as he returned to his previous task of carefully fitting the block into the intricate pattern on the floor of their new hotel, shifting it to ensure the lines flowed together as intended.
"Well, y'know," began Tubbo's response, and Ranboo braced himself for whatever would come next almost instinctively. "Like, married people... there are things that married people do, right, that is like... expected of them, you know?"
"... uh-huh." Well, if he hadn't been worried about where Tubbo was going with this before, he certainly was after that remark. "Tubbo, I don't know... what you're--"
"No no no, like... erm, nice things, I think! You know? Like when they give each other flowers and stuff." Tubbo shrugged his shoulders as he went to one of the storage chests in the center of the growing hotel, and Ranboo couldn't help but chuckle as he dug into the dirt foundation, clearing space to put down another block of terracotta.
"So, you want me to give you things. Tubbo, we already do that."
"Well! No, come on--" Tubbo had to raise his voice to be heard over his husband's rasping bursts of laughter, his face flushing at being called out so bluntly. When the taller boy turned to glance at him, it only made him laugh that much harder, the sight of Tubbo's face lit up pink in offense, his round face pulled into a sharp frown and bottom lip stuck out. "Aw, come on, Big Man!"
"It's fine, Tubbo, it's fine!" Ranboo tried his best to recover his composure, though laughter still bubbled just beneath his words. He peeked into his inventory for something, quietly looking over the contents; after a moment, he pulled out a single, freshly-cut pink tulip, and he offered it to Tubbo, a smirk tugging at his odd face. "Here. Is this what you wanted?"
"... well, it's not all romantic now!" The smaller boy continued to pout, even as he reached out to accept the flower, holding it carefully in his dirty hands. Ranboo couldn't resist the urge to lean down, to slip his fingers into Tubbo's hair, petting him affecionately, and he tilted his head up to peer at Ranboo's face from beneath his bangs, dark eyes round as he considered him.
"Awww..." Ranboo did not sound sincere, not in the slightest, and it only drew a darker flush from his husband, who... despite his best attempts, couldn't resist smiling at just how silly the whole conversation was.
"I really mean it, though. We should do something romantic together."
... wait. Was... he being serious? Ranboo paused, blinking down at him in growing surprise, his own mismatched skin starting to warm up at the implications behind the words.
"Are you... I mean. Do you... want to do something... romantic, Tubbo?"
"Yeah! I mean, I did marry you!" As if it should be obvious.
Oh. Oh.
Well. The beginnings of a flush that had been mere pinpricks at Ranboo's face before bloomed into something much more obvious at that, and for a moment, Ranboo found himself unable to string words together to respond. Tubbo, his best friend... wanted to actually get romantic with things? Sure, they were married, but it had been for tax reasons, right? He hadn't actually planned on things being like that... right?
Or... had he just been oblivious the whole time?
The way Tubbo's face scrunched displayed very clearly that "oh" was not the response he'd been hoping for.
"What? Did you not know that marriage is somethin' people do for romance, Ranboo?"
"I-- no, I know that, I just--!" Oh, god. He straightened, hiding his face in his mismatched hands, suddenly at a loss of what to do or say. "I just didn't-- I-I thought..."
"... I mean, yeah, like... yanno, taxes and all that, but like... you've seen the movies, right, Big Man? Things happen sometimes!"
At this point, Ranboo could no longer tell if Tubbo was making his request out of genuine interest, or out of some kind of idea of "this is how things go, this is how it goes in the movies." He sighed, running his hands down his face.
"... Tubbo." His voice was lower, just a little bit more firm. "Are you asking about romance because you saw this happen in a movie once, or because you just... want... to be romantic... with me?"
"Ermm... both of them, I imagine," was the reply, marked with an innocence that sat squarely at odds with anything Ranboo knew about the former president, and he couldn't help but smile. How very Tubbo.
"... so, you do... want things to be... romantic, with us?"
Tubbo was quiet for a beat longer that time, letting the words hang in the air, his gaze drifting back down to the flower still clutched in his hands.
"... yeah, I think so!" And then his gaze was, again, lifted back to meet Ranboo's, and there was a bright grin on his face, and Ranboo could feel his face heating up all the way to the edge of his crown.
"... ah." The Enderman was quiet for a long moment, his hands nervously lacing together in front of his chest. "... so..."
"Aw, come on, what are you bein' all awkward for? We're already married!" Ah, Tubbo was clearly aware that things had turned back in his favor, the sight of his tall husband visibly flustered emboldening and endlessly amusing to him. He grinned, rocking up onto his tiptoes to be closer to his eyeline-- not that it made much difference, all told.
"I know, but..." Ah. Oh no, what should he do now? He'd never really... been very good at romance. He'd never really had much of a chance at it before. And now, here he was, with a husband standing before him, expecting to be wooed, he supposed, and how on earth do you even do that?
"Come down here!" Suddenly, Tubbo was reaching out, grabbing a handful of Ranboo's tie, and the taller boy was shocked, unable to do anything to resist being pulled down to his husband's eye level. Tubbo simply grinned at him, seemingly proud of himself.
"See? That's not so hard, now, is it?"
Ranboo couldn't help the laugh that broke loose from his tightened throat.
"-- is this what married people do, Tubbo?"
"Well, it's not my fault you're all the way up there. I had to get you down here somehow."
"You did. Well, here I am."
And then, without giving him a moment to respond, to process what was happening, Tubbo leaned in... and pressed his lips against the other's. It wasn't a good kiss, or an experienced one, or even really all that romantic... but it was indeed a kiss, and, for a second, it was enough to make Ranboo's entire mind freeze over and stop, his breath hanging in his chest.
And then it was over, and Tubbo just smiled sweetly at him, and Ranboo was certain that he had never turned that particular shade in front of anyone before.
He cleared his throat.
"... oh!"
"S'that all you've got to say, big guy?" Tubbo didn't seem hurt, although something questioning hung just beneath his smile-- was that alright? Should he have done it? Did he mess something up?
"... Tubbo..."
Ranboo sighed; he leaned down more properly, reached in with his hands to cup his husband's face, and this time, he kissed him first. And it was better. A little bit, anyway. He'd only seen them do this in movies, but... he had some idea of what to do, at least.
When he pulled away, Tubbo's eyes were closed; he hummed in his throat, and then he opened them, gazing up at Ranboo with a grin. One of his hands lifted from holding the flower to lay over one of Ranboo's own.
"You hopeless romantic, you."
As if he had any room to speak.
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ayamturd · 3 years
bisexual│mcyt hc
warnings: small mentions of hate, fluff
prompt: (requested 1 & 2) “Hello uh I saw one of your posts about the dream smp reacting to you coming out so I was wondering if you haven't already done it can you do dream smp reacting to you coming out as bisexual?” 
“Hello yamturd so I was wondering if maybe you could do tubbo, Tommy and Ranboo reacting to reader coming out as bisexual or lesbian if you haven't already done it :)” 
pairings: irl platonic! dream, ranboo, tommy and tubbo ; c!technoblade
a/n: if i offend or misinterpret anything in this hc, please feel free to message and correct me otherwise. i will always try to correct or delete this post if asked so <33
sending my love to all those who identify as bisexual <33
wc: (1.5k) - m.list
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dream - 
considering his prideful personality sometimes, you probably wanted to play with his ego and drop subtle hints
not anything too obvious, but enough to make him kick himself when he realizes
though it was admittedly difficult since he plays into the dnf ship so much that he thinks you’re also joking more than half the time 
imagine you two were in a voice call one evening and randomly discussing the recent fanon and what would be funny to turn into canon (to mess with the fandom)
you’ve been recently shipped with two other content creators, both of opposing female and male gender, separately and together
“Honestly, I wouldn’t mind hitting that.” “Which one?” “Both.”
He’d laugh, but you didn’t.
“Wait, you’re serious? You actually identify as…?” “Bisexual. Yeah, I’m pretty sure anyway.” “Y/n, that’s amazing.”
takes pride in the fact that you trust him, but would feign being upset that you messed with him for as long as you did
be jokingly offended if he found out someone knew before him
“Wait…” “Yes?” “You told Bad??” “Yeah, he was one of the first.” “W— Why??”
It was your turn to laugh while he gawked in disbelief.
“It’s Bad! Of course I told him.” “… Fair enough.”
hate is a given, and he’ll always be there to support and defend you
he’ll always ask your permission before taking any action, however, because he respects you too much and knows you can fight your own battles
dream is someone will show relentless support, whether that be through words or moral support, he’ll always be there for you 
c!technoblade - 
i honestly feel like you never officially came out to techno
as you began to recognize yourself as bisexual, you slowly expressed yourself around him more openly to the point where he unconsciously knew
it’d probably would have hit him in the most random moment after months of assuming he knew
imagine you’re in the midst of battle when techno paused entirely with wide eyes 
“Y/n!” “What!?” “Are you gay??”
you would tease him when discussing your love life in one-sided conversations with him; him basically choosing to ignore you when you talk to him
“Honestly, Techno, how could you not want to hit that?” “Please, just stop.”
(i’ve written this before but will stand by this that) he truly doesn’t care for your sexuality
you’re a friend, someone he trusts and relies on, he doesn’t need to consider who you’re attracted to since he sees you for your skills and friendship
the only, and only time he is mindful of your sexuality depends on others unnecessary comments about it
the smp is a known judgement free land, but there will always be someone with ignorant opinions that he is always quick to shut down (or kill)
nothing much can be said besides the fact that you’ll always be y/n to him: a loyal friend and someone he would fight the world for
ranboo - 
oh sweet ranboo, dear ranboo
considering how openly supportive and kind he naturally is, you didn’t question the idea of telling him
i’d like to imagine that unlike most where you planned or waited to tell, the moment you knew, he would know soon after
imagine you called him before he began his lore stream to hype him up
you both were talking about more mundane things to calm his nerves as people joined when you brought it up
“Oh actually, before you start, I wanted to tell you something.” “Sure, what is it?” “Well, I— I’m Bisexual.” “…You’re tELLING ME THIS WHEN I’M ABOUT TO START MY STREAM??” “Y/n! I’m so happy for you, that’s amazing!”
he’s incredibly patient concerning how you wanted others to know or when you were ready to be completely out
similar to c!techno with the same beliefs you’re still y/n, and nothing has changed besides you coming out as yourself
he’s your go to when days are rough, because he knows how to help you understand you’re still loved as the same y/n and nothing less
“Hey, hey, listen to me. I love you, y/n. We all do, and you’ll never be alone when things get rough, alright?” (love /p)
knows how to silently deal with hate in his chat unless it becomes evident enough to address it (doesn’t want to bring attention to meaningless words until it becomes serious)
ranboo’s your rock and makes show that he’ll never believe anything other than that you deserve love
tommyinnit - 
as someone who took pride in defending the LGBTQ+ community, you had no hesitation when coming out to tommy
if any, your reluctance would come from accepting yourself to the point to be open with other people
it’s not as if he didn’t accept you, he could never imagine doing so in the slightest, but he probably wouldn’t know what to say initially
imagine you both were in the midst of playing bedwars together in a recording for a video
he had been busy gathering emeralds while you remained at the base, and the comforting silence gave you the confidence to blindly address it
“Hey Tommy?” “What, y/n? I’m in the middle of something right now.” “Oh, um, I’m pretty sure I’m bisexual.” “…” “…Tommy?” “…” “T— Tommy?”
it’d be dead quiet for a few seconds before you heard the noise of him rustling in realization
“Wait wait wait, you’re serious? You’re bisexual?” “Haha yeah, yeah, I am.” “WHA—!”
he was happy for you, to say the least
tommy loves to joke, and one he loved to make would be your attraction to both genders
you like women? pog!
you like men? a shame, honestly
if you were publicly out, his favorite bit would be to include you in his obnoxious swooning
imagine he was streaming while talking about his love for women
“Boys, honestly, the ladies just can’t resist me.”
The ding of discord notified you entering the call, the sound of your laughter immediately coming through.
“I agree, Tommy, I definitely agree.” “Y/n! You are attracted to women, and I am also attracted to women. You can agree women are amazing, yes?” “I can, Tommy. Women are indeed amazing.” “Good lad!” “Tommy, you do realize I’m not only attracted to w—” “Shush, we don’t speak of that.”
he showed his support by normalizing your sexuality, his acceptance quick and easily integrated into your lives
(this is getting long but—) tommy was well aware he lacked some knowledge when being in the LGBTQ+ community, but openly voiced his ignorance as a sign of awareness itself
he was always quick to correct either himself or others, he refused to accept slander of any type in his streams
would probably try to keep it light heartedly, but scold nonetheless
tommy was your figurative cheerleader, always there to include and uplift you, whether that be through the smallest gestures or loudest cheers
tubbo - 
poor tubbo
since he wasn’t the most careful with secrets, you probably withheld telling him till you were ready for most to know
this isn’t to deter anything of not trusting him, he’s still supportive and loving tubbo that wouldn’t dare do anything purposeful against you
if anything, you might have forgotten that he didn’t know when you were casually taking about it within a group
imagine you and Ranboo were trying to get him to sleep one early morning but gave up
you started talking about personal stuff and the topic of your love life came up, specifically the attraction to someone of the same gender
“I don’t know, Ranboo, I mean, I think I like them but at the same time I’m not sure.” “That’s fai—” “Wait, y/n. You’re gay??” “Bisexual, actually.” “WaAA—”
his very sleep deprived state was extremely happy and emotional for you
he’s like the little duckling with a knife, like he loves you completely but will try to hurt anyone that offends you
like tommy, he has no personal knowledge when being in the LGBTQ+ community but will solely learn for your sake
whether you’re younger or not, tubbo never fails to remind you that he looks up to you
he gives his all and won’t hesitate to provide in any way he can if needed
“You matter,” he’ll always say, “you’re important and no one else’s opinion matter.”
is proud to be your friend and expresses his platonic love in full, for you’re you and are so brave to be yourself despite all
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choosing not to tag my usual taglist just cause its a headcanon with a specific request <33 (huge ty to @basilly​ and @inniterhq​ though for the advice/motivation to finish this)
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relaxxattack · 3 years
zayn i hate it here i just had to explain the difference between shipping enderbees and interpreting the dsmp c!beeduo marriage as /r because someone thought i was pulling a fucking eret and having a sussy imposter moment. youre a big respectable name here can i get a vouchers that interpreting c!beeduo as /r isnt the same thing as enderbees and also not completely disgusting
ewwwwwww what im sorry
hey guys, here’s the difference 
shipping enderbees: this is shipping REAL LIFE ranboo and tubbo, the ccs. looking into and interpreting their actions as meaning they have a secret romance or secret feelings for each other irl, and then openly shipping it. i’m not going to debate about whether shipping real people is okay (even if i dont personally like it), but no matter if it’s okay or not, ranboo and tubbo have both expressed that being shipped is against their boundaries, and therefore you should not do it. (plus they’re minors).
thinking c!bee duo marriage is /r: this is just looking at character ranboo and tubbo, who canonically: live together, have a child, are married, supposedly make out, and according to ranboo, “friendship flowers?! we’re literally married... this must be how the greeks felt,” (lmfaooo); and deciding that, in canon, c!ranboo and c!tubbo are probably romantic. as much as c!tubbo and ranboo act romantic, it’s ALSO okay to interpret them as /p since platonic people can do those things, too, but some people are gonna figure that they intend for it to be romantic. this is not against the cc’s boundaries since you are not shipping them and are also only talking about the characters.
you honestly shouldn’t really “ship” the characters either, just to be on the safe side, but saying that they are probably /r is merely making a statement about canon
i hope this helps 
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stellocchia · 3 years
/rp you can tell when someone started watching the smp based on how they portray ranboo's friendship w/ tommy and tubbo. if they act as if ranboo wouldn't care about tommy at all you know they probably started watching after exile or after tommy started living with technoblade. because anyone who watched before knows that ranboo was technically friends with tommy long before tubbo.
I suppose so, though I've never really seen people say that c!Ranboo straight up doesn't care about c!Tommy, but then again I'm also not on Twitter, home of all the Best Takes™ (/s)
That said Tommy was Ranboo's very own first friend in the Dream SMP and he stod up for him covering for him during the trial about George's house. After that Ranboo made sure to keep in touch and was one of the only 2 people (the other being Dream) either visiting or keeping in contact consistently with Tommy in exile and then with Tommy while he was at Techno's even helping him multiple times there.
Like, even now he still really likes Tommy and cares deeply about him (helping him with all his plans, taking care of him when he wa newly revived and generally always being up to spending time with him) and vice-versa is of course true as well (Tommy said so multiple times and also made it very obvious during the encounter with Wilbur).
They are friends and care about each other. So do Ranboo and Tubbo. So do Tubbo and Tommy. All of them are allowed to have more then one friend and it honestly annoys me a bit when you see people trying to argue otherwise with all those bs takes of "x is better for x", like, they're all friends, stop trying to take that from them. They lost enough already.
And I'm not even gonna get into people trying to butt in their IRL friendship because those people really gotta learn what healthy parasocial relationships are...
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angeloncewas · 3 years
Yeah honestly I never saw most of the issue with knife trick either? Idk maybe it’s because I enjoy romantic c!beeduo fics every now and then or whatever, but I feel like people try to blur the lines between it a lot in this fandom? Like I get it. They’re a bunch of streamers roleplaying and not changing their names while doing it so it can look weird, but when it is obviously written as the characters I feel like they are completely different from the ccs.
You don’t see people trying to say to stop writing c!tubbo with trauma bc he doesn’t have it irl, no one is yelling about any other traits of the character until it’s something they don’t like. And that’s fine, but for something like beeduo (where the ccs have moments themselves implying that it’s not entirely platonic) it’s a lot different than shipping the actual creators.
Also both related and unrelated; I find it so weird how people will jump on anyone who “ships” quackity with people other than the fiancé’s? I might have missed a memo or something, but technically he’s been engaged to both eret and Schlatt previously so why would that not be okay? I know eret is iffy about shipping which is fine but idk it just doesn’t make sense to me sometimes with what they’ll do in canon and then turn around and say not to do anything with it ig?
I have so many thoughts on the blur between character and creator because as a writer it is genuinely, by far, my least favorite part of this fandom. I get it, I do, it's an RP with loose guidelines and every creator involved sees it differently, but I just think it causes an endless stream of problems regarding fanwork and it drives me nuts.
"You don’t see people trying to say to stop writing c!tubbo with trauma bc he doesn’t have it irl" - I didn't even think about it like that. (Like obviously we don't know about irl Tubbo's life experience - that's not the point); there's so little consistency to peoples' moral outrage. If you're gonna have an opinion so strong that you start arguing and even sending hate about it, you can't be a hypocrite. (Obviously you can, but y'know. C'mon.)
As for Quackity - interesting ! I never really thought about that but I did see a post regarding it yesterday (it was someone explaining why they're anti-romantic-TNTduo). I'm inclined to agree - Quackity himself has said he's against shipping, but he's created that distinction between him and his character (to the point where he killed his irl self off on the SMP) and c!Q can have a happy ending outside of that first relationship.
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xoxo-ren-xoxo · 4 years
Unpopular Opinion /lh /rp
Talking about dSMP character’s heights and sort of their body types? Not in a weird way just in a ‘how I imagine them’ way. Loosely based off of their irl heights, but some of them I don’t know, so it’s mostly guesswork and vibes. Also if you disagree you’re wrong. (Just kidding leave your ideas in the tags/replies)
Obviously this is all roleplay/character stuff. None of it is intended to be weird or to reflect on the irl people! I’m just having fun with headcanons :)
Tommy is 6′3 and very very lanky. This child is not short. Stop drawing him short. He’s taller than Techno. He’s not as tall as Wilbur, but he’s tall. He towers over most people. Emphasis on most because everyone is so tall on this server what the hell? 
Anyway I think the mental image of this super tall kid actively trying to make himself look shorter/smaller is heartbreaking. Like imagine him curled up into a corner trying to make himself as unnoticable as possible in Logsted. Imagine him slouching when living with Techno to try to make himself seem like less of a ‘problem’. Imagine Dream telling him that he’s a ‘big strong man’ and that he shouldn’t need help, he can defend himself, so when he goes back to Tubbo, he tries to make himself look *tiny* as a cry for help. He wants comfort.
But he’s also incedibly skinny. Back in L’manburg and Pogtopia, he developed some muscle from all the fighting. His shoulders broadened out and he looked slightly intimidating. But like most teenage boys, he was still lanky as hell. This only got worse when he was exiled to Logstedshire, with little food (and no drive to eat the food, or get up, or exersise) he became more malnourished and he just looked *small* despite being 6′3. This probably isn’t helped by the constant use of golden apples when he moves in with Techno, which give him energy and strength but no real nutritional value. Techno was just trying to get the kid to eat normally. When he finally stands at his full height, Techno is shocked that he didn’t notice all the slouching.
Anyway Techno is 6′2. He’s taller than a lot of people but not as tall as his brothers. He makes up for this with muscle and strength and a healthy body. Wow, the only healthy person on the server. Amazing. You love to see it. Good for him. He could win in a battle of raw strength against anyone else on the server. He’s quite broad, which makes him look bigger generally.
Wilbur is 6′5 and also he is a stick. Just. Straight up and down stick. Nothing there! He is just a pale sickly stick. This gets worse the further into the timeline you go. When claiming L’manburg and fighting in the war he starts to get insomnia, causing him to look like a corpse half the time. When in Pogtopia, he’s too busy to take care of himself properly, so he only looks worse and worse. His hair is a mess, his skin is far too pale, and he only eats enough to be able to hold his own in a short fight. There’s a reason he doesn’t wear armour or really try to fight at all. He’s subconciously self-destructive, then actively so when he blows the place to the ground. He’s always been too busy for self-care.
Ghostbur is a much more healthy, younger version of Wilbur. I would say he’s ‘water rising’ era Wilbur. The life returned to his body, in a morbid kind of way. He’s still tall but he prefers to make himself seem shorter just to be less threatening.
Phil is 5′11. He has an average build, with slight muscle from the years of playing in hardcore. He’s older, now, but he can still kick your ass. Also, he taught Techno how to fight smart, not hard. He doesn’t need to be super strong because he’s intelligent enough to outwit most people on the server. He has a wordly knowledge that others don’t possess. He also has wings, large and grey, clipped so he could get onto the server (there is a no flying rule after all).
Fundy is... 5′10, just a little shorter than Phil. His fox genes make him smaller, despite his father being 6′5. He’s got a healthy, svelte build. He’s sneaky and light on his feet. In the wars he built up some muscle, but it was quickly lost since he prefers to take a backseat to any fighting outside of those times (especially now) and he’s built for spying.
Schlatt is an interesting one because a lot of people are gonna fight me on this, but he’s not actually old. Everyone calls him old but honestly I think he’s younger than Wilbur (in canon, I feel like Wilbur is in his late 30s, early 40s, simply because). I think Schlatt’s around 35-ish, but he looks older due to his shitty health. People call him an old man either to demean him or because they see his actions and appearance and go ‘yeah, this guy is old’. Which is fair enough, because irl Schlatt and c!Schlatt both act like they’re from the 1950s.
This guy looks like shit by the end, but he looks alright at the start. Slicked-back hair, sharp ram horns, golden animalistic eyes. He’s intimidating. And loud. Then everything shifts, right towards the end. He’s frail and deteriorating throughout his short presidency, and by the end of it he’s practically a corpse, just like Wilbur.
He’s 6′3, with broad shoulders and a silhouette that seems strong not only because he carries himself as if he can fight, but also because of the percieved power that comes along with it. In reality, Schlatt is a poor fighter, and the abuse he ends up putting his body through (working out excessively to try to fight his condition, and turning to alcoholism as an escape) completely destroys him, making him probably one of the least healthy and weakest people on the server. It doesn’t really show until his death scene, since he’s covered up the deterioration since day one. Basically, mans is dead. 
Glatt, or Ghost Schlatt, or whatever you want to call him, would be a healthier Schlatt. Again, from the ‘water rising’ era. I headcanon him to have longer hair in that era. Not sure why.
Ranboo is the same height as tommy, but is more naturally lithe than made that way by lack of food. His enderman DNA can be blamed for that. He’s healthy most of the time, but may have spirals where he doesn’t take good care of himself (perhaps he forgets) and he looks pretty bad. If he goes a few days without keeping up his self-care routine, he looks a lot worse than he actually is. Sleep tends to be his biggest issue, his mind keeping him awake all night and leaving him looking like shit in the morning. Really, he’s just a kid with a troubled soul, and it shows sometimes. Most days, though, he looks very well put together.
Tubbo. He’s 5′6. He’s more childlike than Tommy, which only makes it worse when he acts in the way he does in season 2. He has burn scars across one side of his body, from his execution, and he is partially blind in one eye because of it. He takes very good care of himself, since he has to look good while being president if he wants those sweet sweet approval ratings. But when he’s super stressed, he will pull all-nighters and forget to eat. He’s got a lot of issues, but his body is very normal and healthy, all things considered. 
Quackity is 5′8. Which is really funny because that’s his actual height. He’s less sharp (?) than a lot of people on the server, but he has some muscle because he’s constantly training to ‘take down Technoblade’ (in reality, it’s a habit he picked up in Schlatt’s era, and never had the heart to drop). He tries his best to stay healthy (again, to better kill Techno) and he’s careful with his life, knowing that it’s his last.
Niki is 5′5. She’s also able to kick so much ass. That is all.
Dream is a bitch and therefore I will not be discussing him. Also he’s a blob or whatever so I guess height is irrelevant. Or maybe he’s a mysterious figure with a mask. Who knows.
No one else is important enough to talk about /j (but really I’m tired so I will stop here). Put your own thoughts in the comments, tags, and rbs. This was all in good fun, so don’t get mad haha.
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happysarcasm · 4 years
more acting appreciation posts lets gooo
i am about to rant so much about the people’s acting who i just loves from these streams. obviously spoilers under the cut :) i’ll try to tag all warnings as well 👍
ok i’m gonna start off with who hit the hardest for me personally: tubbo. SPECIFICALLY the moment where he visits the torn up logstedshire. c!tubbo is very obviously confused and worried for tommy, not finding him anywhere among the wreckage and the whole. y’know, explosio craters.
and then he finds the pire where tommy almost jumped off of. tubbo comes to the (silent) conclusion that tommy either jumped or was killed, evidenced by the “where is tommy?”s and “surely not”s. he goes absolutely SILENT. disconcecting from the game, taking out his headphones and just. ending the stream. being able to see his facecam is a bonus, because his face immediatly falls flat and the audience is just WATCHING as c!tubbo comes to he realization that his best friend is most likely dead for good (even though we know that tommy is still very much alive and doing arguably better). that moment hits.
next i want to applaud quackity who sounded so PISSED and full of repressed rage when confronting techno at his house and then in the sewers. c!quackity’s been so afraid of techno since (apparently) minecraft mondays (because that’s canon to quackity now???) and has pushed down all of his pent up anger because of his fear. he finally got the chance to overpower techno and prove he’s better (even though his views are a little skewed).
even though he definitely cares about l’manburg and the rest of the citizens, that scene alone with techno in the sewers showed that his goal was absolutely, in some way personal. quackity said himself “if there’s one pvp fight im gonna win, it’s this one”. and the PAIN in his vomice when techno kills him again? god. i love this dude, please appreciate quackity more y’all.
and techno? oh my g od, dude was off the SHITS this stream. the speech trying to explain to the butcher army that he’s tried so hard to block out the voices demanding blood and wanted to resolve the situation peacefully. his first conversation with tommy since the beginning of his exile. showing tommy his secret bunker with “Welcome home, Theseus!” i. please this english major is too powerful someone stop him.
you can tell that techno genuinely wants to live peacefully, away from the people who cast him aside and hate his guts. he doesn’t want violence for the sake of violence anymore, he wants justic, he wants his own life without being somebody else’s weapon.
then we have tommy. jesus CHRIST where do i start with this kid.
i was watching techno’s stream the whole time but went back to see the moment he talked with ranboo and ghostbur and. someone give this kid a fucking HUG and a FAMILY dude, the raw emotion in that conversation alone hit me right in the fucking gut. the confusion, the anger, it’s all so wonderfully portrayed.
and what i think is best about his development rn and how irl tommy is portraying him is that dream’s manipulation STILL affects him, it didn’t just go away. c!tommy calls dream his friend multiple times, then retracting those statements because “oh yeah, he was only watching, he doesn’t care”. tommy says he’s confused and the more he thinks about the dream situation, the more confused he gets. that’s PERFECT, i’m honestly SO glad the effects of dream’s actions didn’t just disappear because he lives in techno’s house now.
anyway long story short i care the block men
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ashura-writes · 3 years
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About Me!
Learn all there is to know about me!
(as of currently)
My name is Ashura! I also go by Ash or Lunar, so take your pick! Any new nicknames are welcome as well.
I'm 18 years old.
I go by any pronouns, so again, take your pick!
I enjoy reading and writing grammatically correct fanficitions, as well as drawing!
Currently I'm really into the Dream SMP, so most (if not all) of my fics that I share here will be about that.
Probably the most important thing here! I don't have many, but I ask that you respect them nonetheless!
I will not write for things that I do not have the best understanding of, or things that I am not properly educated on. My worst fear is to portray something wrong and potentially harming or misinformation others with my stories. Please ask if you have a specific request, and I will let you know if I am comfortable with writing for that topic.
I will not write sexually explicit/NSFW stories for ANY characters. Not only is it most likely out of the comfort zones for many of the content creators to have their characters sexualized, I can personally only see these characters interacting with the Reader in friendly lights. Please do not ask for any NSFW.
SFW/Fluff/Feel-good things are completely okay! My intent is to write these characters as if they have a really close friendship with the Reader, which can include cuddles, hand-holding, and general cute things. Flirting is alright as well! This is mostly inspired by my own IRL friendships.
On the topic of flirting, I am okay with SOME romantic things. Romantic and sexual are completely different things, after all, and my expertise in romance is probably my only defining quality haha! I am okay with writing about romantic relationships between the Reader and some characters of the SMP, NOT including minors. All minor relationships are STRICTLY platonic. Do not ask for romantic relationships with minors. I will not answer. If you wish to see a story about a romantic relationship between the Reader and an adult SMP character, just ask!
As for personal boundaries, I don't have many! I'm fine with a lot of things, including cursing/swearing. The only thing I will not tolerate towards me or anyone is derogatory remarks. If you don't like something, move on.
And because I can't think of anything else to add, let's move on to questions you probably don't have!
Q.《Why did you start this blog?》
A. As mentioned above, I really enjoy writing fanfictions. They are one of my escapes from the real world, as is the Dream SMP! I started reading some fics, headcannons, and imagines here and really enjoyed it! I thought, "Why not do the same? Share your stories with like-minded people," so I did!
One of my biggest inspirations for starting this blog was the fact that there was so little fanfics for the DSMP, at least in the friendship department. I aim to write stories that center around the characters of the SMP, their friendships and hardships, and to put the story in words that the members otherwise cannot express.
Q.《What will your stories be about?》
A. The Dream SMP, and all characters included! Most, if not all of the stories I write will be 'Reader Insert's, or 'x Reader's. This totally does not stem from my desire to be friends with everyone aha nope haha definitely not-
All stories will be about the characters that the streamers portray, NOT the content creators themselves. I personally feel a bit awkward writing for real people. I may try and change things up one day, but today is not that day!
Q.《How did you get into the Dream SMP?》
A. I got into the Dream SMP a few months ago after coming across many videos and posts talking about it, and began my journey by watching Wilbur Soot's videos and the story of the rise and fall of L'manburg. Ever since, I've been hooked, and I've come to really enjoy and look forward to new streams and videos!
Q.《Will your stories be inclusive? (Gender Identity, Sexuality, Race, etc.)》
A. Absolutely! None of my stories will leave anyone out, and I will strive to accurately portray anything and everything! The Reader in my stories will never have their gender, sexuality, or appearance explicitly stated, either in walls of text or in dialogue. To make everything the most inclusive, I will be using they/them pronouns when characters refer to the Reader. I tend to avoid the use of 'insert points', as I will call them, or things like 'Y/n', 'e/c', or 'h/c' to name a few. If necessary, I will use '(Name)' for the Reader, but otherwise dodge the use of other insert points unless it is useful to the story or needs to be explicitly mentioned.
Q.《Will you write for certain things if asked?》
A. Yes, I will, as long as none of it goes out of my boundaries!
Q.《How much knowledge of Dream SMP Lore do you have?》
A. Honestly, not much. I have gotten as far as Doomsday and Dream's imprisonment, but that is about it! Not to mention, all of my knowledge comes purely from Tubbo, Ranboo, Wilbur and Tommy's streams. I don't know much about Technoblade or Philza's lore as of this moment, or any one else's, but I plan to learn! Any requests that deal with these characters lore, I will do my best. Please don't be afraid to let me know if I mess something up! Help is always welcome.
Q.《Do you have other stories not on Tumblr that I can read?》
A. That I do! I have a story up on Archive Of Our Own under the title "Hearteater"! It is an Demon Slayer OC insert featuring my character Higurashi Shion! I am very proud of it, and I think you should check it out. Look for the user 'LunarPenguinChan' to find the story!
Q.《Is there any other social media I can contact you on?》
A. Yep! Discord, at Ashura#4903, or Twitter under the handle @ashura_penguin!
More to be added as I go! Please check back here frequently for updates. I really look forward to meeting and making friends with everyone! Don't be afraid to send me a DM or ask/request anything! I'm fired up and ready to show off my horrible writing skills! :D
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sscactus5719 · 4 years
Okay wow, alright time for my silly thoughts on the new Tommy lore stream because wow that was a lot.
Spoilers for Tommy's lore stream on 3/12/2021. Know that at this point I have only really seen his perspective and heard about others so I'll only be talking on his character and his reactions.
This is going to be long so prepare yourself, and know I am talking solely about characters the entire time, not the cc's.
(I am also very open for discussion because I am so curious to hear others opinions :) )
My thoughts on Tommy & Dream
TW//Manipulation & Abuse
To start off, Tommy is free now. He got out of prison and is now physically free of Dream.
But he really isn't.
Dream still looms over everything he does, every action he takes paved in fear and trauma that he knows is there. I like to believe the theory that Dream is attached to Tommy, and in doing what he did and traumatizing him to this extent he has made himself irreplaceable in Tommy's mind. Even if that is in the way Tommy wants him dead(whether for the good of the server or just a personal vendetta).
Also this is shown in the trident scene once again.
The first time was in exile, Tommy whispering how he is "all Alone"
The second after Dream is put away, screaming "I'm Free!"
The third after he leaves Prison, trying to fly again and feel free, but only receiving pain as he lands hard.
This kid wont ever be free of Dreams influence until the man is dead, and probably not even that will stop him. Because the effects of trauma dont end after the abuser is dead.
I could go on for hours about their relationship now, but I'm going to stop before I get too rambly.
My thoughts on Tommy and Tubbo/Ranboo
Dear lord the children have just received more trauma.
To start this one, I don't feel as if Tommy's character feeling replaced is out of bounds or a bad storyline. Tommy has always been a bit possessive of Tubbo, his loyalty and devotion to him only escalated due to the end of the disc war.
He no longer had to choose between the peices of a past life he missed so dearly and his best friend standing in front of him.
But now he feels replaced, and that is totally valid response, especially for someone who has felt like people move on or forget him so quickly. Even though it felt like months to Tommy, it had only been about 3/4 days he was thought dead if we are going with irl time.
Also, while I wish the flower was more cared for, that is the result of being trapped with an abuser for a long period of time, dying and being brought back to life shattered. He probably didn't even realize the sentimental value, or incorrectly guessed the value in a moment of panic.
Because you put flowers on a grave, a casket, and everyone was exclaiming Tommy's death.
(Ranboo also has everything Tommy could have wanted at this point[Tubbo's friendship, respect and acknowledgment beyond anger, a decent relationship with Techno.] To Tommy's knowledge, Ranboo is happy.
Miscommunication is the big thing here, and truely talking it out will probably solve a lot of issues with how Tommy feels, so HOPEFULLY Tommy(well basically everybody) gets some therapy and can take those steps.
My thoughts on c!Tommy and c!Jack Manifold's.
But I don't see either side of the party in the right or wrong here. We're in that gray area most of the SMP sits in of, both characters acting out or not because of emotions unregulated.
Jack was angry Tommy was alive, saying he grieved even after all Tommy had done to him. He tried to visit in exile and Tommy forgot about him. He even brings up the nukes to kill him. He said Tommy should have stayed dead, and shouted about how the hotel should have been his. That Tommy is selfish and did nothing to deserve this.
Tommy shoots back with anger and frustration and desperation for Jack to see he has changed and bigger things are happening that he doesn't see. That he has changed in drastic ways because he DIED, but he interrupts and Jack takes it badly.
He says Tommy is making it all about him, "thinking he is all that" because he died. As if the server hadn't crafted him into the perfect soldier and perfect hero long ago and as if it isn't forcing him to play the role like a good little puppet.
Tommy is forced into the main characters role, but with all the consequences of a real leader. No plot armor can protect him, and Jack is a perfect example of that.
Anyways, this entire interaction was filled with terrible miscommunication and anger that hasn't been processed properly. Two parties that are hurting but not being heard out.
Therapy is definitely a must.
My thoughts on Tommy's character now.
Honestly this child just needs to catch a break. He keeps setting higher goals for himself to reach to distract him from what he has faced, but he can't do it anymore.
Tommy cannot be a child anymore, he is being forced into the adult role, the hero role, so aggressively that he was forced to continue his life to continue it.
Tommy has experienced Trauma after Trauma, and been made to keep walking.
It's never his time to die if you remember.
Tommy has suffered, and while he isn't a perfect character, while he is flawed, he hasn't deserved the lot his has been thrown. The cards he has been given.
Maybe that's why they play solitaire in the afterlife. You don't get to pick your cards there, only where you play them.
But he honestly just needs someone to help him, he needs a support system he can rely upon. He needs someone there to help him keep going.
At this point, it'll probably be Puffy.
My little thoughts for the continuing of Tommy
Just let him leave. Let him leave the main portion of the Dream SMP, alone or with Puffy(preferred). Let him just leave everything, forcibly taking himself from the story. Let him breath and not have to worry about the server's well being, or Dream or Wilbur.
Let him be the kid who has been traumatized but is getting help.
Therapy arc please??
Also I really hope Tommy and Techno become friends again. Or at least they dont hate each other(more Techno hating Tommy, because I dont think the sentiment is returned). I think I've included this in every post I've made, but their relationship makes me sad and I miss it :(
TLDR; Everyone needs therapy, even the therapist, and Dream is a terrible person.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading my thoughts! I have had a lot bottled up and this was a nice outlet. The Dream SMP is really fun to talk about, so I hope it keeps going like this. Please have a wonderful day!
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