#honestly no pressure abt matching the length i just wanted to set the scene as much as i could ;-;
dollypardonne · 9 months
closed starter for @sachurisu.
longing for family was a persistent instinct for ruka. it was still hard and conversations with her mother were usually disposed to be brief. much like that day's. ruka blamed no one in particular for this nor did she feel aggrieved for the path that she had chosen for herself causing this 'existential' dilemma. not in a million years. she has once said that she would dance until she died. the same is true within the present. she's just lucky to be making money off it as an aside. though her time away from home paled in comparison to sana, the feeling of rootlessness, nostalgia, and alienation didn't wound much less. despite her matnae status in her own group, she didn't exactly feel plush with the idea of sharing her woes with the younger members. in fact, she doesn't know who to turn to in general.
"what's it like?" ruka, conscientious in how to put it into words, mused out loud, albeit with some context missing, as they pressed feet along the most happening streets of sinsa-dong. it was both a passing thought and an inquiry meant for the other but it was said so casually it almost felt like it wasn't meant to be heard. they continued to trod throughout the length of the pavement that bore the load of several dessert places without ruka elaborating on her cliffhanger of a question—attention span be damned. "there!" she stopped in her tracks upon spotting a familiar store, finger neat in pointing at the bakery with the sign that spelled 'yammy cake'.
dark red locks flew past her shoulders at the opening of the glass door. "the desserts here are soooo good. i got a cake here before. pharita dropped the box and i kid you not, it honestly was still perfectly intact. i totally vouch for this place." she gushed up until the two of them reached the counter. eyes scanned from one end to the other, finding every new thing on the display fascinating enough to send forth a string of gleeful gasps. "wow, last time i was here the menu was completely different." the two spent an unreasonable amount of time ordering drinks and desserts as if either of them could really finish all of it in one sitting, but the rush and excitement of seeing beautifully decorated desserts transfixed them into a compulsive expenditure.
"sorry, i meant to ask, what's it like to be away from family for this long? as in, not living with them and everything." finally, the long-awaited question had been concluded and it happened with ruka mindlessly dipping her fork onto multiple slices of cakes, trying each from the variety that they had purchased.
just behind the day's companion, a staff was approaching with a surprise. unbeknownst to sana, ruka had called in prior to their visit to order a customized cake intended for the older's upcoming birthday. her lips pressed down against each other, the soft palate dropping to allow air to pass through her nose, producing the mm sound. eyes swelled with anticipation and her hands meet together for a clap—going once, twice, then paving the way for a gentle applause accompanied by a muted happy birthday song. she at least wanted to make sure there were no unnecessary attention drawn to them lest they be crowded with people taking pictures. lucky for them, it wasn't that much of a busy day and extra steps to be discreet wasn't exactly demanded.
the song wrapped up and the pair was greeted with gel letterings spelling out "happy bday sana" on a generously burnished, deeply golden surface of the cake, the sides of it patchy from the absence of a crust. she wanted to specifically get a basque cheesecake because from trying it in the past, she recognized the taste. it was this distinct creme caramel flavor, the aerated, velvety custard-like texture reminiscent of the cottony, soufflé-style cheesecake back home that she figured sana might find comfort in just like herself. "try it, try it. no butter. no flour. and it still looks perfect. how cool is that? i bet it tastes amazing."
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