buckysmischief · 4 years
they think my lover is strange
Loki x reader, soulmate au
Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: No wonder you didn’t find your soulmate sooner, he’s a damn god who lived in outer space.
Warnings: language, expected levels of angst topped with the right amount of fluff
AN: This is too late but it’s for @honeyvbarnes ‘s birthday challenge! I chose a soulmate au & this is my first attempt at one. I know she’s on a break but she knows it’s being uploaded and I REALLY HOPE YOU LOVE IT VI! // I listened to a lot of Halsey while writing this, this is a lil inspired :)
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Even in a world where soulmates exist, almost ruling out any unnecessary heartbreak, you still had to work for it. Who said it was easier, anyways? Whose bright idea was it to have your soulmates name show up on your wrist? And just to make things more complicated, it wasn’t always their first name. See, fate was a funny thing.
About a year after you’re born a name would show up on your wrist, obviously the name of your soulmate, and when you found each other the letters would change from black to a new, random color. Half would get the others' first name beautifully displayed on their skin, and while that’s still pretty difficult, it wasn’t as confusing as having your soulmate's last name on you.
It was easy to find out someone’s first name, you just introduce yourself and if that’s your person, then BOOM instant love. But if you have their last name on your wrist, it wasn’t that easy. Not many people were interested in giving out their whole name to a stranger who will most likely not be their soulmate. You, unfortunately, were among the half with a .
Odinson. What kind of a name is that anyway?
You used to think that it could be easy to find your soulmate, all you’d have to do it Google the name. But when you didn’t find anything you could actually go on, you decided it was best to just let fate do its thing. Maybe taking a year to travel the world, because that’s definitely not an american name, could have been seen as taking the wheel, but you were no closer than you were before.
After college you took a job at Stark Industries working with Tony himself as his personal lab assistant. Not only did Tony give you permission to work on whatever you wanted in your free time, but it also allowed you to meet all kinds of people without having to disrupt your routine. There was no way whoever this Odinson is is a normal person, it was something you’ve always been so sure about but never could explain it to others. It wasn’t until the day after the battle of New York did you find out just how right you were.
You got a call from Tony saying you had the rest of the week off but you elected to ignore him. No way you were turning down uninterrupted lab time. Once you got into the lab you couldn’t help but notice the alien weaponry on Tony’s side, what was he planning on doing with all of it? He’d likely ask you to assist, so you’d find out eventually. You finally got to your desk and started organizing your notes and important documents.
Hours had passed and you didn’t even realize it. So when you turned around to found a strange muscular man studying you, you freaked the fuck out. “Oh my GOD you can’t just do that! Who are you!?” you yelled at the stranger.
His demeanor never changed, “My name is Thor O-” he stopped himself. “I’m a friend of Stark.”
He wasn’t meant to bring Loki back for another day or so, Tony wanted to ask some questions and run a few tests, all which Thor agreed to. So while Tony was attempting to know Loki better, he decided he’d explore the tower. What he didn’t expect to find was to see you through the glass, reading so intently he was positive you never blinked. If anyone asked him why he originally felt compelled to talk to you, he’d tell them he was just following his gut. But when he was coming up behind you, he saw your soulmark. His name.
Only a few minutes had passed while he thought of what to do. He didn’t think for a second that he was your soulmate, he knew he wasn’t - after meeting Jane the year before both of their soulmarks turned deep red. Which could only mean one thing, you were Loki’s. He tried to recall a memory where he saw the name that belonged to his brother, but it didn’t exist. By the time Thor paid attention to those kinds of things, Loki used his magic to cover his mark.
He was just about to announce himself when you turned around and screamed. When you asked his name, he caught himself before he gave you false hope. No, he wanted you and Loki to share that moment. The moment where you told him your name and all of his walls fall, a moment that has nothing to do with being the God of Mischief or the brother of Thor. After he found out the truth behind Loki’s attack, he hoped finding you would change him into the man he was meant to be. Otherwise, why wouldn’t it read Laufeyson?
“Oh, I’m sorry.” you stood up to shake his hand. “My name is Yn, I’m Tony’s personal- wait, you fought alongside Tony right? What the hell was all that!?”
Thor thought about giving you details about his heroics against an alien army, but he had a better idea. “I have someone I want you to meet, he can explain it better.”
You followed him to the elevator and took it to the underground levels, to the floor where Tony tests some of his inventions. When the doors opened, you noticed Tony sitting in front of a man inside of a glass box, which you’d eventually learn was an Asguardian cell. If you worked anywhere else, you’d be concerned, but you trusted Tony and his process.
“Ah, Yn, you found Thor. Why am I not surprised?” he laughed, eyes never leaving the man in the chair. So when he noticed Loki’s eyes land on you after he said your name, he got curious. “Hey, Yn. This is Loki, he’s as interesting as they come. Ask him something, see if he answers for you.”
“Mmm,” you didn’t have to ask the obvious, he was obviously behind the attack. Asking him why would be smart, but this guys not from here, and you could ask him anything. “Why’d you do it.”
His eyes never left yours, and you didn’t know how that made you feel until he spoke for the first time. He smirked, “That’s not what you’re interested in, now is it, love? Ask me the question you really want, I promise it’ll be worth it.”
“What’s-” you cut yourself off. “If Loki is your first name… what’s, what’s your last name…?”
Thor and Tony didn’t miss the way you had begun to gravitate to the younger god, now close enough to touch the glass. He put his left arm against the glass, magic disappearing to show your name as he answered, “Odinson. My name is Loki Odinson.”
“Hi,” you whisper. “I’m Yn.”
Never did you think your soulmate would be anything like the man standing in front of you, he was beyond everything you knew to be possible. You spent the whole night down there getting to know him, and when Tony came in the next morning to find you both asleep next to each other with only the glass separating you, he wasn’t surprised. It still took Thor hours to convince him to let Loki out of the cell, but he did. Under the condition that the two of you were not to be alone.
When Thor opened the door, Loki took a second to thank him, that’s all the time he had before you were pulling him close to you. He picked you up and effortlessly wrapped you around him, only wishing to hold you close and breath in your scent. “I was beginning to believe I’d never find you, my love.”
“Well you did, and you brought an army.” you laugh into the crook of his neck. “My soulmate’s a big dummy.”
Thor didn’t expect Loki to be offended by the comment, not from you. No, he expected his brother to pretend to be offended, but instead laughter filled his ears. Genuine, heartfelt laughter he hadn’t heard from his brother since they were young.
He put you back down and cupped your face, “It seems you’re right, Yn.” Before you fully registered what he had said, his lips were on yours, kissing you like he needed you to breathe. Much to your disappointment, though, Loki pulled away, looking at you as if you hung each star in the galaxy.
“So, love, how do you feel about being a Queen?”
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Permanent tags: @sociallyeneptbarnes @rogvewitch @saturn-aka-six @stuckonjbbarnes @superavengerpotterstar @estillion14 @sleepingspacedragon @geeksareunique @infj-slytherclaw @imsoft-barnes @piper-koko-barnes-rogers @murdermornings @distractedgemini @screaming-fridge @readeity @whatinthyworld @my-drowning-in-time @valkyriesryde @sebbbystaaan @disaffectedbarnes @buggy-blogs @hey-its-grey @pinknerdpanda @brokenthelovely @sandyclaws @death-unbecomes-you @rhymesmenagerie @actualdpshuri @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @mushyjellybeans @https-bucky @also-fangirlinsweden @goalexis123 @missmeganrachel @sunflowersandcherry @miraclesoflove @matsumama
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Also artist Au with Bucky. 💖💖💖. I'm in a writing mood
THREE!!!! oh gosh YAS!!!! okay you got this one too 💕😘
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stuckonjbbarnes · 4 years
A Little Stabby {Drabble}
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A/N: This is for Vi’s B-Day Challenge! Love you girly! I’m also a whole month and some change early. But enjoy
Warnings: Cursing, A little stabby, A little chaos
Pairing: Steve x Reader
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"You know what I'd like to see." You mumble taking another shot, this time one of Thor's Asgaurdian liquors.
"Don't finish your sentence." Sam laughs.
"I'd like to see one of you fuckers try to stab me." You dare the trio, giving Steve a particularly soft smile.
"You move faster than Pietro...it wouldn't work." Bucky frowns taking a drink of his beer, having sworn off the good stuff.
"Even in this state. You're too quick." Sam agrees.
"You wann bet?" You grumble. "TAG, you're all it. Catch me!"
"Is she actually an adult?" You hear Bucky ask Steve. 
"I hear talking when we should be running." You giggle, tearing off the couch and darting down the hall, trying not to fall into the walls.
You've gone down several stories and decide to turn back, when none of the guys have made it down to find you. The common area is empty and quiet when you return. The perfect recipe for an ambush, you think, smiling to yourself for still being able to think tactically. You tiptoe to the kitchen for some water and jump only slightly, when Steve steps out of the shadows.
"Hey Cap...long time no see, slow poke." You smile but there's something different in the way your boyfriend smiles back. This is the ambush, you assess, noticing something in his hand.
"Let me see what you have!" You grin, glancing over his shoulder and out the door to the empty common area.
"Bucky's Knife!"
"NO!" You scream and sprint past him, just barely making it out the door.
"Thought you wanted to see one of us try to stab you, sweetheart?" You hear Bucky taunt and you realize this is it. Your big mouth is actually gonna get you stabbed.
"Yeah...what's wrong, Y/N?" Sam laughs, taking a swig of beer. "Think Steve can actually catch you?"
"Fat chance." You smile, ready to bolt. "Bring it on, babe!"
Lunging over the couch you prepare to race to your room and bolt the door behind you. But your foot catches the end of the couch...no. Sam is tugging on your ankle, causing you to just barely clear the couch and scramble on all fours. As you stand, the air is knocked out of you and you look up to see Steve crushing you, blade plunged just under your clavicle.
"STEVE WHAT THE FUCK?!" You scream and then pause...because it doesn't hurt? and the other 3 are just watching you. 
Are you in shock? Is this shock? Should you be headed to the med bay to get the dagger removed? Why isn't anyone saying anything? Ever so slowly, Steve pulls the blade back and pushes it back in...in a stabby stabby motion.
"A FUCKING SPRING BLADE?!" You yell, realization finally dawning on you. "YOU STABBED ME WITH A FAKE–
You try to continue but Steve's hand is covering your mouth. The other two are rolling on the ground laughing with tears streaming down their faces. He keeps hold of your mouth, helping you sit up and then stand.
"I would never actually stab my best girl." He winks.
"Shoulda bet money on it." Sam shakes his head, as the four of you go back to drinking and talking what ifs.
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Permanent Taglist: @bitchassbucky​ @mermaidxatxheart @sebbbystaaan @valkyriesryde​ @stibbsx​ @donnaintx​ @geeksareunique @mypassionsarenysins @buckysmischief​ @my-drowning-in-time​ @mushyjellybeans​ @honeyvbarnes​ @stateoflovinged​ @captain-kelli​ @babblingbonky​ @pinknerdpanda​ @supernaturaldean67​
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Hey babe since theres only one day left and you still have some prompts. I thought I'd snatch up I love you 3000 (tony) and I'll love you for eternity (Bucky) 💖💖
TWO?!?! omg thank you so much Jay 🥺♥️ I’ll put you on the list! I love youuuuu 💕✨
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Hey Vi, how are ya? Do you by any chance still got quote 4. “I cAn Do tHis aLL dAy” for your Birthday Writing challenge? If you do can I do it with Steve please? If not no worries 💖💖💖
Omg yes of course Mel!! Thank you so much💕♥️ you’re all signed up! And don’t worry about the deadline lol
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
I'm totally selfishly stealing some of your birthday prompts for some shots. They won't be done in time for your challenge but I'll still tag them back to your page so people can check out your work and the work of the other participants if that's alright with you.
OMG YES!!!! Honestly I’m not to strict on the deadline so 🤷🏻‍♀️ but yes please tag me in them all!!😍♥️
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Hi love! For your challenge, can I have sugar daddy AU?
YES MY FAVORITE PROMPT!! Hehe of course! With Bucky!♥️
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Hey! Can I sign up for your challenge?! I would love to try 2. Somebody to Love- Queen with Steve Rogers? ☺️
OMG! Yes of course! 💕😊
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Could I have College AU for your writing challenge if it’s not already been taken, lovely?
Of course!! Thank you for participating 🥰♥️
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
hi there! I was hoping to enter in your birthday challenge (happy early birthday! 🥳) could i have the prompt Toxic - Britney Spears with Steve? :)
OMG!! HI! Yes of course!! I’ll go ahead and add you to the list! 
Thank you for participating! :) xo!  
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
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Hold Me a While by @sebbbystaaan
A little stabby by @stuckonjbbarnes​
Pouting and days off by @mypassionsarenysins​
Toxic by @iced-capsicle​
Ticket to my heart by @cxptain​
Much More by @softpeachbarnes​ 
Roses by @corneliabarnes​
To The Stars by @piper-koko-barnes-rogers​
Somebody to Love by @wintersoldierissucharide​
Happy Birthday Dork by @tenderlybarnes​ 
The Artist by @imma-new-soul​
Another Bad Day by @mushyjellybeans​
Bonita by @xbuchananbarnes​
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
My story for your challenge is literally turning into a chaotic finnpoe x reader like what-
I fucking love finnpoe 🥺♥️
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Hey bb! Can I have “Let me see what you have!” “A KNIFE!” “NO!” w/ Stevie
AHH YES!! Of course! thank you 💕
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Can I have the mythology au with Bucky please? 😊
Omg yes of course! 😍♥️
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
Hi Vi! Can I have “Decade AU” from your writing challenge? I’m not sure who I’m writing for yet but I’ll let you know! And happy birthday 💛
Oooh of course!! And thank you!♥️💕
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honeyvbarnes · 4 years
TWINNIE!!! for your challenge could I have quote #6 with Bucky please? 💜
OF COURSE MY TWIN😍♥️ you got it!!
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