#honkai ranting
ashikarin · 1 year
i am SICK of top-heavy honkai designs!!!! i am SICK of them wearing literally nothing below the waist!! GIVE THEM PANTS OR SOMETHING TO COVER UP!!
the majority of the battlesuits have looked the same since 5.1!!!
5.1 mpe, 5.4 silverwing, 5.5 pe and spa, 5.7 aponia, 6.0 hohe, 6.1 sushang, 6.4 herrscher mei and kiana, 6.5 susannah???!?
HYV enough!!!
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tea-cat-arts · 2 years
(This is a rant. I am not going to be providing screenshots or evidence here. This is just my subjective opinion. If you’d like me to get screenshots or elaborate on anything I’ve said here, please just send me an ask)
I feel like after Shattered Samsara (and that whole Taixuan Dream arc), Mihoyo just stopped trusting their audience to understand the message of their story without it being spelled out for them. It gets frustrating because every time, I’m either left going “ya, Mihoyo, I played the arc! I got it! You do not need to tell me this again!” or I’m just left feeling gaslit by the game.
The biggest example of “ya, I get it” is Everlasting Flames and the Remaining Flames arc. I think the arc started out strong with the Seele stuff and Kiana slowly adjusting back to normal life, but it fell apart for me after that. Every major plot point and theme just felt redundant. “Himeko is dead, everyone is coping with their grief, and Kiana is moving past her survivors guilt-“ didn’t we address that back in the Arc City arc??? Why are we questioning whether or not Himeko is dead? Wasn’t that confirmed awhile ago? “Kiana is done making giving up and making sacrifices-“ bro, this arc is coming right off the heels of Taixuan Dream, I have not forgotten what happened literally one arc ago. I feel like Kiana’s entire monologue from Everlasting Flames could’ve just been cut and replaced by Bronya and Fu Hua actually getting up and being active participants in the fight (maybe have the three girls completely ignoring the Herrscher as she monologues. Have them talk over her as they check on each other or have banter mid fight), and the message of “we are fighting, together, for what’s beautiful in the world” would come across much stronger.
Imagine if during Seele, instead of giving us the scene where Seele is banging on the floor and screaming “move, you pathetic coward!” they just had her talking to the floor, or herself, going “I have been a useless coward my entire life, and I am tired of being that. I don’t want to be a coward anymore. I am going to break through this floor and save Bronya, as she is the most important person in my life and I don’t want to loose her.” That’s what the recent cutscenes have felt like to me.
On feeling gaslit by the game, the biggest example I can think of is the entire situation surrounding Dr. MEI. My god does the writing around this woman make me mad. She’s committed war crimes, highly unethical experiments, experiments on prisoners, set up multiple projects she knew were going to fail just to halt progress on anything that wasn’t project Stigma, and this game expects me to believe she’s a good person??? That she was a great leader? That everyone should love her? Nah, fuck that. Why am I supposed to celebrate the completion of project Stigma when it’s in reference to Dr. MEI (the exact quote being “MEI’s project Stigma had been completed, a worthy cause for celebration. Even though this era of human civilization had ended, they were at least able to leave embers of hope for the future generations” on a panel depicting Dr. MEI in a white dress, surrounded by white flowers), but think of it as some evil, horrible experiment that will end the world when it’s in reference to Mobius or Kevin? If Dr. MEI was supposed to a villain, I wouldn’t mind her writing, but instead they constantly flip back and forth between whether she’s just some uwu cute little nerdy girl who was too smart for everyone around her and “worse than Mobius.”
For other examples of things that mildly bugged me or I’ve seen complaints about in the fandom: Elysia becoming a Jesus figure, Otto suddenly being actually good, Raiden Mei’s very quick recovery from everything that happened in the Elysian Realm, Kiana still being referred to as a dumbass…
TLDR: God damn it Mihoyo, stop telling me what to think and just let me form my own opinions
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gwinaifen · 5 months
hoyofair was so good last year like wtf were these
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livelaughlovesubs · 1 month
Boothil has me on a chokehold
I want to fuck him so bad.Maybe install a few softwares, up his sensitivity, play with his mind.. Or maybe a lewd virus.. Make him so horny and needy, his head can literally think of you fucking him so good..Or him accidentally plugging the wrong USB, thinking it's his usual data after rebooting, but it's your USB and it messed with him.. I want to fuck his pretty hole so bad
Wait, all of those are such great ideas holy shit. This is actually so smart.
Imagine him getting an annoying virus ‘accidentally’ (totally not your work) which led to him having to sleep with you otherwise he’ll literally shortcut. Like he’s just going about his day and suddenly a tab opens that screams in red and capital letters:
That’s actually so funny oh my. Then watching him panic and search for you everywhere, cuz he refuses to do it with anyone but you~
Make it that he feels his body overheating, thinking it’s the effect of the virus. Knees going weak beneath him and head starting to get dizzy. When he finally found you, he’s just jumping at you and straddling your lap. Panting, sweating and shaking while you look at him with an amused expression. Hearing him speak with the sweetest voice ever, all confused as he describes how he’s feeling and this stupid bug in his system. After hearing you out, you’d show him how to solve his little problem~
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rninies · 1 month
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sundays-wing-piercing · 3 months
this art gave me an idea.. sick sunday hcs while their s/o cares for them. LIKE I LIVE FOR THE IDEA THAT HE USES HIS WINGS FOR FACIAL EXPRESSIONS. especially when hes embarrassed and sneezing 😭
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For anyone wondering this was the picture OMG HIS FACE AT THE END GRRRRRRRRRRRR
He's really stubborn when it comes to taking a break so you have to forcefully drag him out of his office and into bed. Sunday really doesn't want you taking care of him at that point don't worry he'll take care of himself you don't need to- SHUSH. So there he was in bed with you doting on him like you're his mom. Once he does accept your help he actually finds your scolding endearing. Sunday will take this opportunity to be clingy with you and oh gawrsh it's adorable. Pat his head, sing him lullabies, offer your lap for him to sleep on. Afterwards you'll find yourself a healthy birb and also a bad fever. And the cycle continues as he takes care of you the same way.
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zappylionlover · 4 months
Yall do realize to be as high rank, rich, and to win even somewhat consistently/be good at gambling, you can't just have great luck-
Youd have to have a *damn good* understanding of statistics, reading people (especially body language), and psychology (yes, including how to abuse it to manipulate people and get what you want)
And to do all that without a formal education? That takes some SERIOUS fucking work/skill
So stop calling aventurine stupid or "low iq"
Theres a damn good reason ratio- mister i cant stand looking at idiots- wasnt wearing his plaster head around aventurine, and it's because he isnt fucking stupid
And if aventurine is playing stupid, you should be fucking worried.
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so that quest huh.
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cosmicck · 1 year
nah cause imagine sucking off jing yuan under his desk after he already fucked you stupid
cum spilling out your ass, as he just came inside of you marks on your hips and thighs from him pounding into you and yet you still have needs for his cock and just jing yuan himself
anyway it's like 4am and im tired
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jbmar · 1 month
twitter is crazy because somebody like sunday can say plain as day “i hate the idea of ‘survival of the fittest’ because i view myself as weak and understand how other fellow weak people feel, so i want to make a paradise where the weak and strong are equal and everybody can be protected under my watchful gaze” with very clear connotations towards catholicism/orthodoxy, the sacrifice of christ, and ‘the ones who walk away from omelas’ by ursula le guin (a story about a perfect utopian world that only remains such at the expense of a small child below the surface that is left alone to suffer) and be equated to that of a fascist ableist in support of real world eugenics that wants to kill minorities to create a perfect paradise.
tldr; learn to read before you make your ‘informative threads.’
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ashikarin · 1 year
Ai-hyperion / Ai-Λ
Honestly, she's the biggest red flag in the story - and her colour palette is green. That's saying something.
A rant about Ai-Hyperion, lazy story writing, and an unneeded Deus Ex Machina.
I'm definitely not the first person to say this, but Ai-Hyperion was the worst thing they have ever introduced into the main story. She literally appeared like: "Hey! I'm Ai-chan, no I'm not the same one you know, I'm not gonna tell you where or when I came from, and the only information you're getting is that I come from this weird pseudotime crystal thing!"
And then we never get an explanation as to what this pseudotime crystal actually is beyond 'it allows me to see every possibility that could happen and therefore I am basically god!' The game itself pretty much is self-aware of the fact that Ai-hyperion's power scaling is utterly ridiculous and trivializes the problems the main cast have been facing – the problems that they fought to find an answer to – by simply going "haha fourth wall break haha captainverse haha hello captains of Honkai Impact 3rd!".
(The main cast also just... accepts it? Like with no question? I get Kiana being the Herrscher of Finality and having its authority but does that suddenly mean she's privy to the fourth wall that Ai-Hyperion broke down with a sledgehammer too? But that's a different complaint)
Her introduction was just a lazy (and literal, given the definition) deus ex machina that stemmed from the writers wanting to finish the first part of the story as quickly as possible for some reason (perhaps the release of Star Rail?) and also to connect the current story to the APHO continuity (despite its glaring flaws and plot holes). Maybe part of that was also them wanting to insert the player in as the 'captain'. But we already have Captainverse - which is canon to the Honkai continuum, as it's the captain travelling the sea of Quanta - and it's been established early on that the captain has no bearing on the story.
This view (the 'player' as an observer) is also compounded by the multiple different POVs we have. We view the story in the beginning through Kiana's eyes, then through Mei's in the Elysian Realm, Bronya's in the Sea of Quanta and the Deep, and various other characters throughout the story. Seele, the twins, the other flamechasers, and even Grey Serpent are just some examples of that. We view the story from their point of view, which makes the narrator lines themselves unreliable, as they're in the POV of another character. There was absolutely no need to integrate the player into the story in my opinion - the story has been perfectly enjoyable even without 'us'.
That brings me to the ending of HI3 pt 1. Ai's involvement with the captain breaking Kevin's shield is such a cop-out. Like the writers couldn't be fucked to end the story properly with the characters we had followed until now doing it themselves - despite Bronya saying that she could break the shield. Like maybe they wanted to demonstrate that Kevin was still stronger than the trio even after their powerup (eg. he had the power of finality and they didn't), they could have shown Finality picking Kiana and the power leaving Kevin for her. It'd be a more fitting ending than this. Or the baseball fight could have been a metaphorical battle of wills between the old generation of Kaslanas and the new. Kevin's will versus Kiana's hopes. HI3rd has always been about fighting for what's beautiful, not "hehe power of friendship deus ex machina".
It genuinely seems like they wanted to have their cake and eat it too? Like they wanted Kiana on the moon stuck with Finality radiation but also wanted her to get a happy ending? HI3rd writers, you can't have both at the same time! You were setting Honkai up for a sad ending! The previous arcs all but pointed to Kiana being sealed on the moon without a way to contact earth, but this is less of a seal and more of. a forced vacation. She can be visited in the future and she can video call with them? What did Fu Hua sacrifice herself for then? The Flamechasers? The entire PE? Even Kevin to an extent. All of them sacrificed so much just for a half-assed fourth-wall-breaking ending that invalidated all of their hard work. It's so anticlimactic no matter how you look at it. It's sweet, but it's a complete 180-whiplash difference from the tone of the chapters before.
tl;dr honkai part 1 ending writing was really fucking lazy, ai-chan was nothing more than a literal and figurative deus ex machina, and the writing in general took a nosedive in the ending. thank you for nothing, honkai writing team.
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cheruverse · 3 months
it's kinda funny that people hc dr ratio to give his s/o silent treatment after an argument. sure i can kinda see that but him giving his s/o the silent treatment for MONTHS until something bad happens to his s/o????? that's where you draw the line girl, i don't think dr ratio would do that- let alone give his s/o silent treatment in general. sure he can be immature and stubborn during at an argument but c'mon. i can only imagine that after an argument he'll talk about it to his s/o calmly like there's no way he'll leave his s/o that long cs it'll hurt him afterwards
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chosospradaboots · 1 month
this is a more serous post then what i usually make but it’s an important one.
can we stop writing and normalizing pedophilia??? a lot of people keep writing weird stuff about jing yuan being a pedophile and that’s just disgusting. it’s not ok to romanticize this stuff or find it sexually appealing. all of these people that support this content need genuine therapy. jing yuan is NOT a pedophile. jing yuan does NOT groom yanqing. speaking of yanqing people also need to stop sexualizing him. he is 14-15 years old. people that do this are disgusting.
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tojisimp993 · 1 month
hsr spoilers !!
more ranting about sunday bc i feel the need to share my thoughts with strangers on the internet but i think if sunday was truly evil he would have no room for all the selflessness and caring that he showed throughout 2.2. yes, he is manipulative and perhaps controlling in ways but any typical “evil villain” or whatever wouldn’t sacrifice themselves to eternal isolation just to ensure the happiness and safety of all these people (even if that plan didn’t end up working out) he was clearly manipulated from a young age into thinking the only way to save people was to trap them. it’s a shame that most people see someone with trauma and misguided intentions as just another evil villain for the plot :( i also think there’s a reason he was rather civil about the trailblazers and his sister not agreeing with his point of view. most villains are stubborn and stick to their ideals but the way he acts makes me think a part of him knows that trapping everyone would be wrong but didn’t know what other route to take. definitely a little morally grey but not evil :p
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livelaughlovesubs · 1 month
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Omg he looks so pathetic and like a wet birdy I can’t- he looks so subby
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gwinaifen · 6 months
i call them the mean girls
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